



语文高级词汇替换表1. 替换“说”:言谈、陈述、论述、述说、宣称、声称、宣布、宣示、表达、阐述、透露、揭示、吐露、述及、谈及、提及、呼吁、劝诫、建议、指出、表明、说明、告诉、告知、讲述、讲解、讲明、解释、解读、阐释、评述、评论、批评、表扬、赞扬、赞美、称赞、夸奖、恭维、祝贺。

2. 替换“美丽”:优美、绝美、迷人、妩媚、娇美、娇艳、婉约、秀丽、秀美、典雅、高雅、清新、清丽、清秀、清幽、清纯、清爽、清澈、清晰、明亮、明澈、晶莹、晶莹剔透、灵动、灵巧、灵气、灵秀、灵动、灵活、灿烂、璀璨、绚丽、绚烂、艳丽、艳冠群芳、艳若桃李、花团锦簇、锦绣前程、锦绣山河。

3. 替换“好”:良好、优秀、卓越、出色、精湛、熟练、纯熟、娴熟、高超、精通、擅长、独具匠心、精品、佳品、上乘、不俗、不凡、不凡之作、非凡、非同凡响、超凡、出类拔萃、锋芒毕露、无出其右、业界翘楚、一流、顶级、至臻、极致、无可挑剔、完美无缺、完美呈现、完美展现。

4. 替换“难看”:丑陋、丑恶、鄙陋、鄙俗、不堪入目、难看透、难看极了、难看至极、难看之极、难看不堪、难看无比、难看得要命、难看之至、难看至极、难看又难闻、难看得令人发指、难看得想吐、难看得胆战心惊、难看如鬼怪、难看如鬼影、难看如魔鬼、难看如妖怪、难看如恶魔、难看如毒瘤、难看如脓疮、难看如瘤子、难看如炸药包。

5. 替换“高兴”:欣喜、欢喜、喜悦、喜出望外、喜不自胜、高高兴兴、欣欣向荣、踏实快乐、无比欣喜、欣喜若狂、乐不可支、开心快乐、心花怒放、神采奕奕、愉悦、心旷神怡、神清气爽、喜上眉梢、雀跃欢腾、欣喜若狂、欣喜万分、欢天喜地、大喜过望、大快人心、大饱眼福、快乐无穷。

6. 替换“快乐”:愉快、欢快、欢乐、欣快、欣喜、欣悦、乐意、乐趣、快意、快慰、快活、快乐无比、快乐至极、美好、美妙、美满、美好无比、幸福、幸福美满、幸福无比、幸福至极、畅快、畅爽、畅享、畅想、畅游、畅谈、畅所欲言、畅快淋漓、畅快无比、畅怀大笑、畅泳、畅逛、畅通无阻、畅行无阻、畅快淋漓地、心旷神怡。



高考英语高分同义替换(一)1.解决solve vt.tackle vt.adderss vt.e.g.~ the problem/issue 解决问题2.处理;应对handle vt.deal withcope withe.g.~ the crisis 处理危机3.培养cultivate vt.develop vt.foster vt.e.g.help children ~ a sense of responsibility 帮助孩子培养责任感4.依赖rely ondepend one.g.~ your own efforts靠你自己的努力5.保护protect vt.conserve vt.preserve vt.e.g.~ natural resources保护自然资源6.破坏damage vt.(轻微)destroy vt.(严重)devastate vt.(严重)e.g.~ the environment 破坏环境7.损害;伤害damage vt.impair vt.harm vt.e.g.~ health 损害健康8.改变change vt.alter vt.modify vt.(修改)e.g.change/alter the nature ofscience 改变科学的本质modify the design 修改设计9.确保guarantee vt.ensure vt.e.g.~ the quality 确保质量10.导致cause vt.(后面多跟消极内容)result in(后面多跟消极内容)lead to(后面多跟积极内容;但也可消极)contribute to(后面多跟积极内容;但也可消极)e.g.~ poor health 造成不良健康cause / result in diabetes导致了糖尿病lead to / contribute to prosperity 通向繁荣(二)11.强调highlight vt.emphasize vt.underline vt.put emphasis on somethinge.g.~ the importance of culture 强调文化的重要性12.促进promote vt.boost vt.improve vt. enhance vt.e.g.~ the development of economy促进经济发展13.声称claim vt.assert vt.declare vt.e.g.some people ~ that … 一些人声称14.否定deny vt.negate vt.(还有抵消的含义)e.g.~ the fact 否定事实Alcohol negates the effects of thedrug.酒精能使药物失效。


con-sequ-ence con-所有,-sequ后来所有(事情)后来(的进展)
cir-cum-st-ance circ圆圈,周围um后缀,表场所,地点st站ance抽象名词后缀,站在四周的抽象物→环境,条件
in-decent in-不decent-像样的,得体的,合宜的,正派的,规矩的不得体的,下流的
dis-cip-line dis-不,消失,分开cip拿、抓住line界线不抓住界线要受到(惩罚)
pun-ish-ment pun惩罚(词源:pennalty)-ish形容词或动词后缀-ment名词后缀
Roughly,,in the neighborhood of
Appro-xim-ate-ly appro接近(approch)xim相似(same)ate形容词后缀ly副词后缀
e+vent+ual+ly e-出去vent-走ual-...的-ly副词后缀最后,终于
fix conception
stereo-type stereo(s)-固体-type模式固定模式
fix conception fix固定,安装concept概念,观点


揭示:reveal、demonstrate 展示:disclose、display 揭露:unveil 31、政客:politician、statesman 32、不满:dissatisfied、discontent 33、焦虑:depression、anxiety 34、特点:feature、characteristic、trait 35、相互:inter、mutually 36、事情:stuff
争辩:contest 环境、上下文:context 43、心情:mood、emotion、atmosphere 焦虑:anxiety(anxious)、depression(depressed)、gloomy、frustration(frustrated) 愤怒:rage、outrage、grievance、indignation 高兴:happy、light-hearted、joy、relived 44、限制:limit、restrict、constrict、discipline、confine、hold back、scale back、curb on 45、利用:usable、available、applicable、leisure use→utilize、adopt、take、employ、apply 46、地位:status、rank 47、偏见:bias、prejudice、discrimination、inequality 48、组成:consist of、constitute、be made from/of 49、发行:issue、release、distribute、launch 授予:grant、award 50、会议:conference、meeting、convention 51、合适:suitable、fit、appropriate 52、引用:cite、illustrate(举例说明=exemplify)、quote 53、挑出:single out、sort out、pick out 54、导致:result in、cause、lead to 原因:result from 55、结束:fulfill、finish、accomplish、carry out、achieve、complete 56、手术:operation、surgery(外科手术) 57、语言:verbally、language、words、lingual 58、能力:ability、capability、potential 59、几乎不:hardly、scarcely、barely 60、交易:deal、trade、exchange、transaction 61、精确:accuracy、precision 62、以前:previous、former、latter、prior to(priority 优先→primary 初级的、重要的→primitive 原始的) 63、加强:promote、facilitate、enhance、strengthen、reinforce 64、前景:prospect、future、expectation、outlook 65、保守:conservative(conservation 保存)、traditional、custom,激进:radical 66、顾客:customer、client、consumer、guest 67、暂停、延期:suspend、phase back、put off、stop、postpone、delayed 68、信息:information、message、data、figure、statistics 69、密码:code,decode(解密),encode(加密) 70、公司:enterprise、firm、company、corporation(区别:cooperation 合作) 71、困惑:puzzle、confuse、perplex 72、故意:deliberately、intentionally、purposely、on/in purpose 73、冷漠:indifferent、neutral(中立的)、carefree(区别:careless 粗心)



高频同义词100个雅思写作高频同义词100个1.people=individuals 人们(Those who)2. many people=a majority of people 大多数人3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词)4. a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of很多(可数名词)5. plentiful-abundant 丰富的,大量的6. expensive=pricy 贵的7. thing=item 东西,物品8. humans=human beings=human race 人类9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to 有助于(动词)10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词)11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding) 有好处的(形容词)12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词)13. education=schooling 教育14. think=believe=hold 认为15. oppose=object to=be against 反对16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持17. as for me=as far as I am concerned 对我来说18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=personally 我的观点是19. as …develops=with the development of...=with the progress of…=as…advances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词)20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副词)21. in addition=besides=furthermore=moreover 此外(提出新信息)22. because=as=for=since 因为(加句子)23. because of=due to=owing to 因为(加名词)24. reasons=factors 原因(名词)前面可以与(for)搭配25. so=thus=as a result=therefore=consequently=accordingly 因此26. however=nevertheless然而27. first=in the first place 第一28. on the one hand=in one aspect另外一方面29. in view of=considering=in the respect of=in light of 考虑到(介词短语,加名词后加逗号)30. replace=substitute 取代(动词)31. like=enjoy=be fond of=be fascinated with=prefer 喜欢(注意词性)32. pleasure=enjoyment 欢乐,享受(名词)33. hate=dislike不喜欢=be fed up with=be bored with 厌烦34. monotonous=dull and boring=tedious 无聊的,枯燥的35. pleasant=enjoyable 令人愉快的,享受的36. fast=efficient(efficiently) 快捷的,效率高的37. advantage=merit=strength=pros 优点38. disadvantage=demerit=weakness=cons=drawback 缺点39. if=on condition that=under the circumstance that 如果,在。





/财产:property = real estate = estate = asset/精确:precision = accuracy/创新:thinking ability = critical thinking = creative = innovation/认为合理:think proper = logical thinking/推理:reasoning = logical thought = thought/大众文化:popular culture = common culture/文化力:cultural power = assimilating power/阻止:prevent = hinder = refrain = deter/法官:judge = Justice/忧虑:apprehension = worry = anxiety = depression = gloomy = frustration/人:mind(有才智的人;精英) = people = individual/信心:faith = confidence = assertiveness/斥责:dismiss = rebuke = criticize/tap(开发):tap the market = explore the market = expand the market/处理:resolve = handle = tackle = deal with = cope with = dispose = address/繁荣:prosperous = flourish = boom/合并:merger and acquisition = consolidation = concentration/转变,转换:alter = change = transform = shift = switch = modify = convert = vary/替换:replace = substitute = displace = change/首位:predominance = primary = primitive = primacy/参加:attendance = join in = take part in = participate(participant 参与者) = be present at/强调:stress = highlight = emphasize = underline/增加:increase = rise = raise = boost = skyrocket = advance = progresmprove = grows = i = enhance = soar = develop/数据:data = statistics = figure/复杂:complicated = mixed = complex = perplex = intricate = sophisticated = confused/影响:impact = affect = influence/压力:stress = pressure = press = strain/政客:politician = statesman/特点:feature = characteristic = trait/改革:reform = revolution/心情:mood = emotion = atmosphere/愤怒:rage = outrage = grievance = indignation/限制:limit = restrict = constrict = discipline = confine= hold back = scale back = curb on(遏制)/地位:status = rank/可用的:usable = available = applicable = leisure(空闲的)/偏见:bias = prejudice = discrimination = inequality/授予:grant = award/语言:verbally = language = words = lingual/交易:deal = trade = exchange = transaction/加强:promote = facilitate = enhance = strengthen = reinforce/保守:conservative(conservation 保存) = traditional = custom/顾客:customer = client = consumer = guest/暂停,延期:suspend = phase back = put off = postpone = delayed/信息:information = message = data = figure = statistics/故意:deliberately = intentionally = purposely = on/in purpose/冷漠:indifferent = neutral(中立的) = carefree/吸引:appeal = attract = fascinate = tempt/作为:serve as = function as/对手:rival = equal = comparative = competitor = opponent = adversary /谨慎:prudent = cautious = discreet = scrupulous = wary = alert/标准:standard = level = criteria/地区:regions = scope = range = sphere(势力范围)/观察:perceive = observe公平,公正:fair(fairness) = impartial = just = unbiased = disinterested/保护:protect = guard = safeguard = defend(defendant 辩护,被告) = shield/生产:yield = manufacturer = generate/脆弱:vulnerable = weak = feeble = fragile = susceptible/关于:concerning = in terms of = with respect to/主张:claim = proclaim = remark = advocate = allegation = comment/ 部分, 成分:component = portion = element = proportion = percentage = ingredient = constituent = part/意识:aware = conscious/承认:admit = acknowledge/永恒:eternal = permanent = everlasting = perpetual = invariable/谋生:earn one's living = make one's living = live off/值得尊敬:worthy = respectable(区别:respective 分别的)/尊敬:worship = esteem = admire/遵守:comply with = conform to/水流:currency = stream/获得:gain = acquire = achieve = fetch = obtain = derive/培养:nurture = foster = cultivate/学术:academic = scholastic = scholarly/奇怪:weird = odd = peculiar = strange/模糊:dim = vague = obscure = loom/薪水:salary = pay = wage = emolument/津贴:subsidy = pension = allowance/告示:announcement = notice = poster = bulletin/需要:require = need = take = want = call for = cry for = entail(需要,使必要) = demand/痛苦:misery(miserable) = suffering = pain = unpleasant = grief = grievance(还有“不满,愤怒”之意)/权力:power = authority = control = dominance = rule(统治) = influence(影响力)/迷惑的,欺骗的:misleading = confusing = deceptive = unrealistic = misrepresentative = false /不清楚的, 不确定的:unclear = uncertain = doubtful = undecided = unsure = in doubt = vague = ambiguous/经常,通常:often = more often than not(往往,多半) = every so often = frequently = usually = over and over again = time and again = repeatedly = habitually = regularly/认为:argue = maintain = allege = insist = affirm = hold = think = suppose/表明:show = prove = illustrate = demonstrate = confirm = indicate = establish = suggest = reveal = uncover = disclose = make known/ 批评:critical(criticism) = disapproving = disagreeing = disapproval = blame =censure = disparage/大众:the masses = the general public = consumers(消费者) = ordinary people = rank andfile(普通成员) = populace(百姓,平民)/ 重要的:important = significant = vital = imperative = central = chief = key = main = essential = principal = critical = crucial = weighty = indispensable(不可或缺)/招收:enroll = employ = take on = enlist = draft(征募) = engage(聘用) = conscript = sign up = enroll = hire = recruit = select(选拔)/感觉,意识到:sense = feel = understand = realize/供给:supply = stock = provide = furnish = feed = provision/愚笨的:clumsy = awkward = unskillful/怀疑的:doubtful = suspicious = questionable = suspect = uncertain = dubious = skeptical/难以置信地:incredibly = unbelievably = unlikely/保护:protect = defend = guard = shelter = shield = preserve/例外:exception = exclusion/自然地:naturally = certainly = surely = indeed注:反义是artificially(人工地)/全体人员:personnel = staff = faculty(全体教员) = crew = workers/适当地,正确地:properly = appropriately = suitably = correctly/适度的:moderate = modest = proper/扩大:widen = broaden = enlarge = extend = expand = stretch/源于:derive from = originate from = stem from = come from/多样性:diversity = variety = multiplicity = difference/狭窄的,缩小:narrow = limited = restricted = tighten = narrow down/交流:communicate = convey = transmit = inform/ 完全地, 彻底地:completely = entirely = utterly = fully = altogether = thoroughly = absolutely = perfectly = totally/方面,外观:aspect = appearance = look = view/性格,品质:character = quality = personality = nature/无意识的:unconscious = unaware = absent-minded = unintentional/分析,研究:analyze = evaluate = study/贡献:contribute = donate = provide = give/描述:describe = portray = represent = picture/职业,行业:profession = occupation = career = trade/任务:mission = assignment = duty = task/业绩,执行:performance = act = achievement = accomplishment/尤其,特别:especially = particularly = primarily = chiefly/显著地,非凡地:remarkably = extraordinarily = unusually = surprisingly/ 巨大的:enormous = huge = vast = massive = giant = mammoth = gigantic = colossal = gargantuan = titanic = immense/考虑:contemplate = meditate = ponder = speculate/一致的:consensus = consistent = unanimous = coherent/商品:commodity = merchandise = purchase(购置物)/小册子:brochure = booklet = pamphlet/充足的:ample = affluent = plentiful = sufficient = superfluous = abundant = adequate/假冒,模仿:simulate = imitate = disguise = mock = forge = hypocrisy = pattern/小屋:hut = shed = cottage/渗透:permeate = penetrate = saturate/租:lease = rent = tenant = hire/暂时的,临时的:temporary = transient = interim = tentative = briefly/气味:scent = odor = fragrant = perfume/腐败,侵蚀:corrode = rot = decay = corrupt = stale = degenerate/退:repel = recede = retreat = retire/鄙视:contempt = despise = scorn = disdain = look down upon /波动:swing = sway = vibrate = fluctuate/微不不不不: negligible不 trivial不 insignificant/不不不不不不: fragile不 brittle不 crisp不 delicate/不不不: prominent不 eminent不 renowned/不不不不不: reclaim不 refund不 retrieve不 withdraw/不不: affiliate不 appendix不 auxiliary/不不不: energetic不 robust不 Vigorous不 brisk不 dynamic/不不: satire不 sarcastic/不不: reputation不 celebrity不fame不 prestige/不不不: underlying不 implicit不 latent不loom不 potential/不不: vocation不 occupation不 pursuit/不不: remedy不 therapy不 medication/不不: commence不 outset不 threshold/管理: supervise=administrate=manage= regulate/不不不: tedious不 monotonous/不不不: swift不 prompt不 Instant/不:heap不 stack不pile/不不: nourish不 nurture不rear不 foster/不不: likelihood不 possibility不 potentiality/不不不: authentic不 engine不real/不不不: inherent不 Intrinsic不 Innate不 inborn/不不不: primitive不 primeval不 Incipient/不不不: remainder不 surplus不 redundant不 remnant不 excess/不不不不不: inherit不 heritage不 legacy不 successor/不不不: conventional-不 traditional不 orthodox不 used to do/不不: impair不 damage不ruin不harm/不不不: conspicuous不 obvious不 evident/不不: refute不 retort不 contradict/不不: solemn不 sacred不 males/不不不不不: renovate不 revive不 refresh不 rejuvenate不 regain不 restore。




大学英语四级常考同义替换 120 组

大学英语四级常考同义替换 120 组

大学英语四级常考同义替换120 组1.精准性accuracy — precision2.没有偏见的unbiased--unprejudiced/just/fair3. 提高raise--nurture/rear/foster4.增强enhance--improve/promote/facilitate/boost5.下降decline--fall/drop/decrease/slump/recede/regress/ depress/reduce/plummet6.增加increase--rise/more/mount/add7.繁荣prosper--thrive/flourish/boom8.悲观的gloomy — pessimistic9.容忍的tolerant — indulgent10.愤怒的outraged — indignant/raged/enraged11.残忍的cruel — inhuman12.未来future — prospect13. 道路road — track14.好奇心wonder — curiosity15. 创新innovation — creative mind16.阻止prevent--hinder/barrier/hamper/in the way17.产生cause--give rise to/lead to/result in/trigger/bring about/fuel/contribute to/ignite/inspire/motivate18.吸引attract--fascinate/appeal to/compelling19.改变vary--change/alter/transform/modify/reshape/remake/remo ld20.指控,控告accuse -- blame/ charge/ criticize/sue/ condemn/ prosecute/denounce21.认为maintain -- argue/assert/assume/believe/contend/hold/insist/imagine22.解决address -- approach/ cope with/handle with/ deal with/resolve/solve/settle/tackle23.减少decrease -- decline/descend/drop/fall/diminish/ reduce/go down24.增加increase -- climb/soar/surge/augment/go up25.缓解,减轻relieve -- alleviate/moderate/ease/lighten/mitigate26.夸张exaggerate--overstate/overrate/ overvalue/ overestimate27.承认acknowledge-- admit/ recognize/confess28.遵守conform -- comply/abide/ obey/observe29.把...认为成see…as… -- view…as…/ regard …as…/ reckon …as…/ elect…as…/count…as…/deem …as…/accept...as.../dis miss...as... 30.把...归因于owe …to…--attribute…to/ascribe…to/accredit …to…/ put …down to…31.好处benefit--good/profit/improvement/increase/help32.问题problem--difficulties/challenges33.担心concern--worry/risk/fail to/not34. 人们people--public/individuals/commonlywisdom/persons/ folk35.重要的important--of importance/significant/essential/ vital/crucial/critical/indispensable/big matter/value36.普遍的common -- ordinary/general/universal37.传统的stereotype--traditional/conventional/old/unchanged/ prevailing view/for a long time/used to do38.有问题的difficult--hard/tough39.理解understand--grasp/catch40.一直all the time-- continually/continuously/constantly 因此as a result--so/as a consequence/consequently41. 在...之前before--prior to/first42.开始begin--commence/start/initiate/outset/threshold43.比...更好better--superior/greater44.拥有have--possess/own/be equipped with45.最后in the end-- eventually/finally/ultimately46. 意识到know-- be aware of/be familiar with/realize47.越来越more and more--increasing/growing/mounting48.钱money--fund/resources/rewarding/revenue49.需要need--demand/require/ask50.现在now--at present/at this moment/currently/recently51.经常often--frequently/usually/repeatedly52.很快地quick(ly)--rapid(ly)/prompt(ly)53.合适的right--appropriate/correct/proper/reasonable54.突然的sharp--abrupt/drastic/dramatic55.显示show--demonstrate/reveal/indicate/manifest56.小的small--minor/insignificant/marginal/trivial57.太多too many-- much/excessive/disproportionate58.关于about--concerning/involving/relating to/with respect to/with regard to/with reference to/regarding59.著名的famous--well-known/noted/renowned/reputation/ Outstanding/eminent/prominent60.贫穷的poor--needy/impoverished/poverty61.好的good--positive/favorable/rosy/promising/excellent 坏的bad--unfavorable/undesirable/poor/adverse/ill/ Harmful62.事情thing--affair/business/matter63.共同的shared--common/collective/joint64. 几乎不,很少little--hardly/barely/rarely65. 有帮助的,有回报的helpful-- beneficial/rewarding66.有希望的hopeful--optimistic67.改变change--vary/alter/shift/switch/modify/transform/turn/conve rt68.精确的precise--accurate/exact69.恢复revive--refresh/regain/restore70.依靠,依赖,取决于depend on … -- rely on …/lean on …/count on…/ reckonon…/rest on …71.源自,因为originate from… -- stem from …/ arise from /derive from …/resultfrom …/come from72.大会,会议convention--meeting/conference/summit/congress/ assembly73.缺点,不足disadvantage--weakness/shortcoming/defect/flaw/lamenes s74.优点advantage -- merit/virtue/strength/strong point75.环境context--environment/surroundings/circumstance/settings76.重要的crucial--critical/ vital/fateful/important/significant/essential77.难以置信的incredible--unbelievable/inconceivable/implausible/ fabulous78.同化homogenize — assimilate79.有希望的hopeful — optimistic80.担心的worried — apprehensive81.苦涩的bitter — distasteful82.不良行为drinking, drugs, casual sex — undesirable behaviors83.广告预算advertising budget — operational cost84.客观的objective -- impartial/detached/neutral/unbiased/ unprejudiced85.怀疑的questionable --doubtful/ skeptical/suspicious/incredulous/ dubious86. 创新innovation — creative mind87.精准性accuracy — precision88. 疯狂的mad — craze89. 滋养practice — nurture90.后退recession —depression/regression/stagnation/slide91. 处于危险中on the cliff — be in risk/to be dangerous/on the rock92.景色view — natural scenes93.可利用的be available to — be accessible to94.易受伤害的be susceptible to — be vulnerable to95.向...学习take a page from — learn from96.不遵守某人的誓言break one’s promise — dishonor one’s promise97.受到...的限制be limited by — be conditioned by98.源自于derive from — stem from, arise from99.以...为中心focus on — center on/concentrate on 100.受到...批评be under fire for — be criticized for101.责备scorn — criticize102. 探索explore — probe103.购买buy — purchase104.扩大enlarge — augment105.引导direct — guide106.支付cover — pay for107.重构reshape — remold108.足够的enough — adequate/sufficient109. 没有意识地unconsciously — without realizing 110.质疑的uncertain — questionable, doubtful, skeptical 111.直接的straight up — frank112.机械的mindless — mechanical113. 不系统的unsystematic — disorganized114.脆弱的fragile — delicate115.不确定的ambiguous — uncertain116.复杂的complicated — complex117.长期的chronic — durable118.重复的repeated — frequent119.赞成的favorable — acclaimed120.谦虚的unpretentious — modest。



写作基础要点之同义替换基础50组1. 重要的 - crucial, vital, important, significant, essential2. 增长 - increase, grow, expand, rise, boost3. 减少 - decrease, reduce, shrink, diminish, lower4. 影响 - impact, influence, effect, affect, result in5. 优点 - advantage, benefit, merit, asset, strength6. 缺点 - disadvantage, drawback, downside, weakness, flaw7. 原因 - reason, cause, factor, motive, explanation9. 改善 - improve, enhance, upgrade, refine, ameliorate10. 问题 - problem, issue, challenge, difficulty, obstacle12. 支持 - support, assist, back, uphold, endorse13. 反对 - oppose, object, resist, contradict, challenge14. 必要 - necessary, essential, required, needed, vital16. 区别 - difference, distinction, contrast, disparity17. 解释 - explain, clarify, elucidate, illustrate, interpret18. 重要性 - importance, significance, weight, value, importance19. 增加 - add, include, incorporate, supplement, append20. 有效的 - effective, efficient, productive, successful, constructive21. 无效的 - ineffective, inefficient, unproductive, unsuccessful22. 难题 - challenge, difficulty, puzzle, problem, obstacle23. 要求 - requirement, demand, prerequisite, necessity, condition24. 必须 - must, have to, need to, be required to, be obligated to25. 提供 - provide, offer, supply, furnish, give27. 重视 - value, appreciate, esteem, cherish, treasure28. 忽视 - ignore, neglect, overlook, disregard, underestimate29. 合适的 - suitable, appropriate, fitting, proper, apt30. 不合适的 - unsuitable, inappropriate, unfitting, improper, wrong31. 重复 - repeat, replicate, duplicate, echo, reiterate33. 贡献 - contribute, provide, give, donate, yield34. 担心 - worry, be concerned, be anxious, be troubled, fret35. 责任 - responsibility, duty, obligation, accountability37. 神秘的 - mysterious, enigmatic, arcane, puzzling, baffling38. 值得 - worth, deserving, deserving of, merit, value39. 运气 - luck, fortune, chance, fate, destiny40. 优秀 - excellent, outstanding, exceptional, superb, remarkable41. 糟糕 - terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, disastrous42. 快速 - fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift43. 懒惰 - lazy, indolent, idle, inactive, slothful44. 健康的 - healthy, fit, well, robust, in good health45. 不健康的 - unhealthy, sickly, unwell, ailing, poor health46. 准确 - accurate, precise, exact, correct, right47. 错误 - wrong, incorrect, mistaken, erroneous, flawed48. 明显 - obvious, evident, clear, apparent, manifest49. 非常 - very, extremely, highly, greatly, exceedingly50. 终止 - end, terminate, conclude, finish, cease这只是一些常用的同义替换表达,希望对您的写作有所帮助。



高考英语写作高分同义替换(一)1 好处/优点(benefit)除了benefit/advantage之外,还有下面这些词可以表示好处/优点:merit、virtue、blessing、boon、good①merit常用作复数merits。


Economists reconsider the merits of industrial policy, but some flaws are hard to fix.经济学家重新考虑了产业政策的优点,但有些缺陷很难修复。

This report will explore the merits and demerits of remote working.这篇报告将探讨远程工作的优缺点。

②virtue可以用于短语have the virture of有着...的优点。

One of the virtues of this job is the flexible hours.这份工作的一个优点就是工作时间灵活。

This means of transport has the virtue of convenience.这种交通方式有便利这一优点。


由于是对事物的描述,因此经常作为表语:be ablessing/boon。

Autonomous vehicles are a blessing/boon to humanity.自动驾驶汽车对人类来说是福音。



We must work together for the good of the community.我们必须为了社区的利益而共同努力。

【for the good of sb/sth为了...的利益】For employers, remote working may do more harm than good.对于雇主来说,远程工作可能弊大于利。






100个同义词替换精髓词汇1.important=crucial =significant=vital=essential=critic al= fatal=concernful=necessary2. common=universal=ubiquitous= general=widely3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people's needs and wants) =sufficient4.stick=adhere=cling(hold on something tightly) =insi st=persist5.neglect=ignore=overlook=elide=lose sight of sth.(dif ference: neglect means someone has not paid enough a ttention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(two things next to each other)=adjoin( the same as adjacent) =close to7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it.) =chase=aspire 8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9.vague=obscur e=dim=indistinct=fuzzy10.top=peak=summit=acmepetitor=rival=opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you s ay it is very bad and unacceptable) =make illegal=abus e=censure=denounce=curse= imprecate13.opinion=perspective=standpoint=idea=viewpoint=p oint of view14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), re putation=distinction 15.build=erect=establish=found h umble pie16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something w hich makes people feel ashamed or stupid) =put sb. to shameplain=grumble (complain something in a bad-t empered way) =murmur at 18.primary=radical (very i mportant and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe) =lighten=ease=remit20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something he does not want to),compel=enforce= impel 21.enlarge=magnify(magnifymeansmakesomething larger thanitreally is) =expansion=amplify=broadenplex=intricate(if something isintricate, itoften hasmany smallpartsanddetails)=complicated=sophisticated23. lonely=solitary=lonesome=single24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment=co mmend26.hard-working=industry=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly) 27.difficult=tough=bump=rub=arduous (if something i s arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren=infertile(used to describe the soi l is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle=vulnerable(someone who is vulnera ble is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.30.show=demonstrate=illustrate=prove= indicate=discover=find(to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent)=colo ssal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous=giant=huge=enormous= gigantic 32.avoid=shun=escape=prevent=hide from 33.fair=im partial=just=equitable= detached34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail ( attack violently)=offend35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)disagreeable=disgusting=hate36.ruin=damage=break=devastate= destroy=wreck=de cay=ravage37.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often)38.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)39.always=invariably=often=usually= frequently40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), asto und(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (si ncere and enthusiasm)43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)=silent=calm44.expensive=high price=can’t be affordable=exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)=sensele ss=uninteresting= disappointed47.respect=esteem=honor48.worry=fret=apprehensive(if you fret about somethi ng, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold) =freeze50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dan gerous, especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are t he parts that it is made of)56.result=consequence(the results or effects of someth ing)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived from(can see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disap pointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activitie s or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)65.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid (very damp and hot)!66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid dan ger), prudent(careful and sensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he beh aves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different fr om most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about somet hing, you have doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemera l, it lasts a short time) 78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugl y or unattractive)#82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absor bing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal ) 83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups co nsists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who b ehaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only us ed to describe someone achieves success quickly) 87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interest ing or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level someth ing can achieve)/90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^ 92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does n ot understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-f ashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make somethi ng look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved) 98.so=consequently, accordi ngly。



2025届高考英语素材积累之高分同义词组替换清单一、词汇替换1. 许多:a lot of / lots of →numerous / a great number of / a large quantity of2. 非常:very →extremely / highly / quite / rather3. 重要的:important →crucial / essential / significant / vital4. 美丽的:beautiful →pretty / handsome / lovely / attractive5. 好的:good →excellent / wonderful / fantastic / great6. 困难的:difficult →hard / tough / challenging7.有趣的:interesting →amusing / entertaining / fascinating8. 高兴的:happy →joyful / delighted / pleased9. 伤心的:sad →unhappy / sorrowful / heartbroken10. 经常:often →frequently / regularly / usually11. 立即:immediately →at once / right away / instantly12. 最后:finally →in the end / eventually13.因为:because →since / as / due to14. 所以:so →therefore / thus / consequently15. 然而:however →nevertheless / yet / but16. 例如:for example →such as / for instance17. 实际上:in fact →actually / really18. 首先:first →firstly / at first / in the first place19. 其次:second →secondly / next20. 此外:besides / in addition →moreover / furthermore21. 相反:on the contrary →instead / rather than22. 总之:in conclusion / in summary →to sum up / all in all23. 喜欢:like →love / enjoy / be fond of24.讨厌:hate →dislike / be tired of25. 认为:think →believe / consider / regard26. 解决:solve →resolve / deal with / handle27. 帮助:help →assist / aid28. 显示:show →demonstrate / display / illustrate29. 得到:get →obtain / acquire / gain30. 给予:give →offer / provide / supply31. 增加:increase →raise / grow / expand32. 减少:decrease →reduce / lower / diminish33. 提高:improve →enhance / boost / develop34. 降低:lower →reduce / decrease / drop35. 保持:keep →maintain / retain / hold36. 停止:stop →cease / halt / quit37. 开始:start →begin / commence38. 继续:continue →go on / carry on / proceed39. 完成:finish →complete / accomplish / achieve40. 努力:try →attempt / endeavor / strive一、词汇替换1. good →excellent / wonderful / fantastic / great / superb / marvelous2. bad →terrible / awful / horrible / poor / lousy3. happy →joyful / delighted / pleased / content / cheerful4. sad →unhappy / sorrowful / depressed / heartbroken / miserable5. big →large / huge / enormous / massive / gigantic6. small →little / tiny / petite / minute / microscopic7. beautiful →pretty / handsome / lovely / attractive / gorgeous8. ugly →hideous / frightful / repulsive / unsightly9. fast →quick / rapid / swift / speedy10. slow →slowly / leisurely / sluggish / tardy11. easy →simple / effortless / straightforward / uncomplicated12. difficult →hard / tough / challenging / arduous13. old →ancient / old-fashioned / outdated / elderly14. new →brand new / fresh / novel / up-to-date15. rich →wealthy / affluent / prosperous / well-off16. poor →impoverished / needy / destitute / penniless17. many →numerous / a lot of / lots of / plenty of18. few →a few / several / some / a little19. important →vital / crucial / essential / significant20. unimportant →trivial / insignificant / unessential / minor二、词组替换1. a lot of →lots of / a great deal of / a large number of / a multitude of2. in the morning →early in the morning / at dawn / in the early hours3. in the afternoon →in the late afternoon / in the evening / at dusk4. like doing sth. →enjoy doing sth. / be fond of doing sth. / be keen on doing sth.5. want to do sth. →would like to do sth. / feel like doing sth. / intend to do sth.6. be good at →do well in / be proficient in / have a good command of7. thank you →thanks / many thanks / thanks a lot / thank you very much8. you're welcome →don't mention it / it's my pleasure / no problem9. very much →a lot / very well / extremely / highly10. of course →certainly / surely / definitely / without doubt11. in fact →actually / really / in reality / as a matter of fact12. for example →such as / for instance / like13. and →as well as / in addition to / besides / moreover14. but →however / yet / nevertheless / on the contrary15. because →since / as / due to / because of16. so →therefore / thus / consequently / as a result17. first →firstly / at first / in the first place18. second →secondly / next / then19. finally →in the end / eventually / at last20. now →at present / currently / nowadays三、词句替换1. It is important to do sth. →It is of great importance to do sth. / Doing sth. is of vital importance.2. I like reading books. →I am fond of reading books. / Reading books is my favorite activity.3. She is a beautiful girl. →She is a pretty / lovely / attractive girl.4. He runs very fast. →He runs at a great speed. / He is a very fast runner.5. The weather is nice today. →The weather is fine / pleasant / lovely today.6. I am very tired. →I am extremely exhausted / worn out / fatigued.7. This book is very interesting. →This book is extremely fascinating / absorbing / engaging.8. He is a good student. →He is an excellent / outstanding / top student.9. I often go to school by bus. →I usually take the bus to school.10. She speaks English very well. →She is fluent in English. / She has a good command of English.。

















比如,“be good at”可以替换为“do well in”;“lots of”可以替换为“a lot of”“plenty of”;“in the morning”可以替换为“in the early part of the day”等。





141. tie=connection 连接,关系
142. transformation=conversion =change =changing 转化,转换 143. trend=tendency 趋势,走向 144. undertaking=enterprise 事业, 企业 145. vehicle=way 手段,工具 146. vehicle=means 手段,工具 147. vehicle=method 手段,工具 148. vibrant=vivid 生气勃勃的人 149. vigor=energy 生气勃勃的 150. volume=quantity 数额
31. complaint=protest 抗议 32. complement=supplement 补充物 33. complement=add to 补充 34. composition=mixture 合成物 35. consequence=importance 结果,重 要性
36. constitution=component 构造 37. constraint=restriction 限制 38. conviction=belief 相信,信念 39. conviction=strong belief 坚定的信念 40. core=center 核心,要点
91.wander 徘徊,漫步=stroll 徘徊,漫步 92. link=put together 连接,结合 93. mask=disguise 遮蔽;掩护;伪装 94. mastery=control 控制 95. matter=issue 问题,事件 96. mean=average 平均值 97. milestone=significant events 里程碑

介绍了 同等替换的词语

介绍了 同等替换的词语


1. 首先/第一:起初、起先、一开始
2. 他/她:其、其人、该人
3. 但是:然而、可是、不过
4. 对于:对付、关于、就……而言
5. 非常:十分、极其、异常
6. 很多:众多、大量、许多
7. 有:具备、具有、拥有
8. 因为:由于、由于……的原因、鉴于
9. 重要:关键、要紧、重要的是
10. 经常:常常、往往、经常性地
11. 难以:难以置信、几乎无法、几乎不可能
12. 改变:变化、转变、调整
13. 结果:结果是、这导致了、因此
14. 觉得:认为、以为、感觉到
15. 帮助:协助、援助、支持




一、同义/近义类替换通过同义词、近义词或者反义词的否定形式来进行替换(一)人物类高频替换词1. exceptional=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable=excellent 优秀;出色2. poor=bad=not very good=weak 差劲;弱;不擅长3. unsurpassed=top=greatest=finest=best 最好的;无人能超越的4. astounded=startled=be taken aback=astonished=amazed=surprised 惊讶的5. earnings=salary=income=pay=wage 工资;收入6. rage=indignation=wrath=anger 愤怒;愤慨7. celebrated=renowned=eminent=prestigious=well-known=famous 著名的(二)文化类高频替换词1. destruction=loss 损失;损坏2. play a part in=contribute to 对...有作用;促进3. vital=crucial=essential=important 重要4. mating=courtship 交配5. intensify=expand=widen 加强;扩大6. unfashionable=old-fashioned=outmoded=outdated=traditional 过时的;传统的7. enchanting=intriguing=appealing=attractive=interesting 有趣的;吸引的(三)教育类高频替换词1. syllabus=curriculum=course 课程2. rudimentary=degenerated=underdeveloped 不发达的3. confront=face=encounter=meet 面对;遇到4. instruct=coach=train=teach 指导;教导5. shield=safeguard=guard=protect 保护6. accountability=liability=responsibility=obligation=duty 责任;义务7. modify=alter=change 改变(四)科普类高频替换词1. impetus=stimulus=root=origin=factor=reason 动力;原因2. pinpoint=diagnose=identify 查明;判断;鉴定3. prolonged=enduring=abiding=lingering 持久的4. chronic=lasting=long-standing=long-running=long-term 长期的5. link to=be connected to=be linked to 联系6. stalk=track=tail=follow 跟踪;跟随7. optimum=ideal 最合适的;理想的8. resemble=similar=alike 相似的9. escalate=climb=grow=increase==rise=go up 上升10. varied=wide-ranging=diverse=mixed 多样的二、解释类替换通过用更简单但更篇幅更长的文字来解释其意思,从而达到同义替换的目的。






一、名词替换1. 单词的不同形式:比如将形容词转化为相应的名词形式,如将"important"替换为"importance"。

2. 同义词替换:找到与原词意义相近的词汇替代,如用"knowledge"替换"information"。

二、动词替换1. 动词的不同形式:通过变换时态、人称等形式来替换动词,如将"start"替换为"begin"。

2. 同义词替换:找到与原动词意义相近的词汇替代,如用"achieve"替换"attain"。

三、形容词和副词替换1. 同义词替换:找到与原形容词或副词意义相近的词汇替代,如用"beautiful"替换"gorgeous"。

2. 比较级和最高级:通过变换形容词的级别来替换,如将"good"替换为"better"或"best"。

四、连词和介词替换1. 同义词替换:找到与原连词或介词意义相近的词汇替代,如用"in addition"替换" furthermore"。

2. 连词和介词的词组替换:将连词或介词与相关的词汇组成固定的短语替代原词,如将"due to"替换为"because of"。

五、短语和句子替换1. 强调句子:通过改变句子成分或结构来强调重点,如将"John loves Mary"改为"It is John who loves Mary"。

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