


All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligiblesource counties, as defined in clause 2.2 above, and all expenditures made under the contract willInstructions to Biddersbe limited to such goods and services.
The content of the bidding documents will be separated into8 Sectionstwo volumes as follows:
Section IInstructions to Bidders
The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and theTendering Agent and the Tenderer, named in the Bid Data Sheet, will in no case be responsibleor liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bid process.



[Company/Organization Name][Address Line 1][Address Line 2][City, State, Zip/Postal Code][Country][Contact Information: Phone, Email, Fax][Date]TO:[Prospective Tenderers’ Name/Company/Organization Name][Address Line 1][Address Line 2][City, State, Zip/Postal Code][Country]SUBJECT:Invitation to Tender for [Project/Service/Supply Name]1. Introduction[Company/Organization Name] hereby invites tenders from eligible suppliers, contractors, or service providers for the supply, installation, and maintenance of [Project/Service/Supply Name]. This tender document outlines the scope of work, requirements, procedures, and evaluation criteria for the tender process.2. Project/Service/Supply Description[Provide a detailed description of the project, service, or supply including the following information:]- Objective: Clearly state the objective of the project, service, or supply.- Scope of Work: Define the specific tasks, activities, or services required.- Deliverables: List all the deliverables, including quantities, specifications, and any required documentation.- Project Duration: Specify the estimated duration for completion of the project, service, or supply.- Location: Indicate the location(s) where the work will be performed or the supply will be delivered.3. Eligibility CriteriaTo be eligible to submit a tender, the prospective tenderer must meet the following criteria:- Legal Status: Be a legally registered entity in [Country].- Financial Stability: Demonstrate financial stability and ability to fulfill the contract.- Technical Qualifications: Possess the necessary technical expertise and experience to complete the work.- Insurance: Have appropriate insurance coverage for the duration of the contract.- References: Provide references from previous clients or projects.4. Tender Submission Requirements- Tender Document: Submit a complete and signed tender document as per the format provided in this invitation.- Technical Proposal: Include a detailed technical proposal outlining how the work will be performed, including methodologies, schedules, and resources required.- Financial Proposal: Provide a detailed financial proposal including all costs associated with the project, service, or supply.- Supporting Documents: Attach any additional documents required to support the eligibility and capability of the tenderer, such as certificates, licenses, and insurance policies.5. Tender Evaluation CriteriaThe evaluation of tenders will be based on the following criteria:- Technical Proposal: 50%- Compliance with the scope of work and technical requirements.- Proposed methodology and approach.- Quality of the deliverables.- Proposed project schedule and milestones.- Experience and expertise of the team.- Financial Proposal: 30%- Cost-effectiveness and value for money.- Reasonableness of pricing.- Compliance with the financial requirements.- Eligibility and Capability: 20%- Compliance with the eligibility criteria.- Previous experience and references.6. Tender Submission Procedure- Submission Deadline: [Specify the date and time by which tenders must be submitted].- Submission Method: Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Tender for [Project/Service/Supply Name]” and delivered to[Company/Organization Name] at [Address Line 1], [City, State,Zip/Postal Code], [Country].- Late Submissions: Tenders received after the deadline will not be considered.- Confidentiality: Tenders and all associated information will be kept confidential.7. Tender Opening- Opening Date: [Specify the date and time when the tenders will be opened].- Opening Procedure: Tenders will be opened in the presence of the prospective tenderers or their authorized representatives.- Award of Contract: The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to[Company/Organization Name], based on the evaluation criteria outlined in this document.8. Contract Terms and Conditions- Contract Duration: [Specify the duration of the contract].- Payment Terms: [Outline the payment terms, including schedules and conditions].- Performance Bond: A performance bond may be required to secure the contract.- Termination: Conditions for termination of the contract will be outlined in the contract document.- Intellectual Property: Any intellectual property developed during the project will be owned by [Company/Organization Name].9. Additional Information- For any clarification or further information, please contact [Contact Name], [Company/Organization Name], at [Phone Number], [Email Address].- Any changes to the tender document will be communicated to all prospective tenderers in writing.10. DeclarationI/We, [Tenderer’s Name/Company/Organization Name], hereby confirm that the information provided in this tender is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.[Tenderer’s Signature][Date][Note: This is a template and should be customized to meet the specific requirements of the project, service, or supply. It is also recommended to consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.]。


Table of Contents 1
F. Awarቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ of Contract ...................................................................................................... 28
30. Examination on Performance Capability.......................................................28 31. Determination of Successful Bidder..............................................................28 32. Right to Reject any or All Bids......................................................................28 33. Notification of Award .................................................................................... 29 34. Signing of Contract........................................................................................29 35. Performance Security .................................................................................... 29 36. Service Charge for Bidding ........................................................................... 29

投 标 书 Bid Form

投 标 书 Bid Form

投标书Bid Form (中英对照)热4奴伊2011-04-26 10:50Stamp Auction NetworkGoogle提供的广告Hosting Internet Stamp Auctions since 1994.出自:机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)(下)致:(招标机构)To: (name of Tendering Agent)根据贵方为(项目名称)项目招标采购货物及服务的投标邀请(招标编号),签字代表(姓名、职务)经正式授权并代表投标人(投标人名称、地址)提交下述文件正本一份份:及副本In compliance with your IFB No._______ for (Goods to be supplied) for the Project, the undersigned representative (full name and title) duly authorized to act in the name and for the account of the Bidder (name and address of the Bidder) hereby submit the following in one original and___copies:1.开标一览表1. Summary Sheet for Bid Opening;2.投标分项报价表2. Bid Schedule of Prices;3.货物说明一览表3. Brief Descriptions of the Goods;4.技术规格响应/偏离表4. Responsiveness/Deviation Form for Technical Specifications;5.商务条款响应/偏离表5. Responsiveness/Deviation Form for Commercial Terms6.按招标文件投标人须知和技术规格要求提供的其它有关文件6. All other documents required in response to Instructions To Bidders and TechnicalSpecifications;7.资格证明文件7. Qualification Documents;8.由(银行名称)出具的投标保证金保函,金额为(金额数和币种)。



国际工程招标说明书格式(英文)invitation to tenderwhole doc.date:tender no.1. the people's republic of china has-applied for a loan and creditfrom the world bank towards the cost of ________________project. itisintended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be appliedto eli giblepayment under various contracts for ____________ , __________,_____ _____. tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible sourcecountries as definedunder the "guidelines for procurement" of the worldbank.2. ___________ company now invites sealed tenders frompre-qualifiedtenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equip ment andservices for the construction and completion of the project.3. pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further information from, andinspect the tender documents at the office of: ________.4. a complete set of tender documents may be obtained by anypre-qualified tenderer for the cost of rmb _________ or us$___________on the submission of a written application to the above.5. all tenders must be accompanied by a tender securityin anacceptable form and must be delivered to________ company attheabove-mentioned address (refer to item 3) on or before ___________.6. tenders will be opened in the presence of those tenderers'representatives who choose to attend at ____________ (time).7. if a prequalified foreign tenderer wishes to form joint venturewith a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered if receivedwithin ______ days before the closing date for submission of tenders. theselected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the employer.8. the pre-tender meeting will be held on __________ at the followingaddress: _________.instructions to tenderersgeneral1. description of works (sketch)all tenderers shall have equal access for supply of domestic labourandmaterial.the contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement oflocal labour, materials, transportation and other services.the employer will assist contractor in locating potential number ofsuppliers for local labour, materials. the employer will also assist thecontractor in making his own arrangement for supply offuel andexplosives.2. source of funds2.1 the people's republic of china has applied for a loan and creditfrom the world bank (hereinafter referred to as the ifi) towards the costof ____________ project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds ofthe loan and credit to eligible payments under the contract for whichthese documentsare issued. payment by the ifi will be made only at therequest of the chinese government and upon approval by the ifi and will b esubject in all respectsto the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.no p arty other than the people's republic of china shall derive any rightsfrom the l oan agreement or haveany claim to the loan proceeds.2.2 payment from the proceeds of the world bank loan will belimitedto goods produced in, and services supplied from,switzerland and themember countries of the world bank which have commercial relations withchina.2.3 all costs not met by the ifi loan will be paid by the employerfrom funds allocated by the government of china.3. eligibility and qu alification requirements3.1 this tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligiblesource countries as defined under the "guidelines for procurement" of theworld bank.3.2 all goods and services to be supplied under this contract shallhave their origin in eligible source countries, and all expenditures madeunder the contract will be limited to such goods and services.3.3 the origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationalityof the tenderer.3.4 to be eligible for award of contract,tenderers shall haveprovided evidence satisfactory to the employer of their eligibility underclause 3.1 above, and of their capability and adequacy of resources toeffectivelycarry out the contract.to this end,the employer and____________ company may, at any time prior to award of contract, requesttenderers to amplifyor update previously submitted prequalification da ta.all tenders submitted sha【正文】include the following information:(a) copies of original documents defining the constitution or legalstatus, place of registration and principal place of business of thecompany, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party theretoco nstituting the tenderer;(b) the qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed foradministration and execution of the contract, both on and off site, in thefor mat prescribed in schedule v;(c) major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for us ein carrying out the contract in the format prescribed in schedule iv;(d) a list of proposed sub-contractors in the format prescribed inschedule vi;(e) information regarding any current litigation in which the tendereris involved;(f) the details of the construction methods proposed.3.5 for the purposes of sub-clause 3.4,tenderers who have beenpre-qualified may update and augment the information supplied with theirapplication for pre-qualification,and,inparticular, shall giveparticularsof work in hand at the date of tendering.3.6 tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms aspartners shall comply with the following requirements:(a) the tender, and in case of a successful tender the form ofagreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;(b) one of the joint venture members shall be nominated as sponsor;andthis authorisation shall be evidenced by submitting a power ofattorneysigned by legally authorised signatories of all the members ofthe joint venture;(c) the joint venture sponsor shall be authorised to incur liabilitiesandr eceive instructions for and on behalf of any and all members ofthejoint venture and the entire execution of the contract including paymentshall be done exclusively with the joint venture sponsor;(d) all members of the joint venture shall be liable jointly andseverally for the execution of the contract in accordance with thecontract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be includedin the authorisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in the formoftender and the form of agreement (in case of a successful tender); and(e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the tender.3.7 domestic tenderers or combinations or joint ventures of domesticandforeign tenderers applying for eligibility for the application of a_____% margin of preference in the comparison of their tender with othertenders shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteria foreligibility as described in clause 29 of these instructions.4. cost of tenderingthe tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation andsubmission of his tender and neither the employer norhis agent___________ company will in any way be responsible or liable forthosecosts, regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.5. site visit5.1 the tenderer is advised to visit and examine the site of the worksa ndthe surroundings and to obtain for himself on his ownresponsibility,all information that may be necessary for preparing the tender andentering into a contract. the costs of visiting the site shall be at thetenderer's own expense.5.2 arrangements for a visit to site,including transportation andaccommodation. will be made by the employer or his agent _________ co mpanyand will be advised to tenderers at the pre- tender meeting,details ofwhich are given in clause 16 of these instructions to tenderers.,5.3 the tenderer and any of his representatives will be grantedpermission by the employer or his agent ___________ company to en ter uponits premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection bypriorarrangement, but only upon the express condition that the tenderer and hisrepresentatives, will release and indemnify the employer or his agent___________ companyand its personnel from and against all liabilityinrespect thereof and willbe responsible for personal injury (whether fatalor ot herwise), loss of or damage to property and any other loss,damage,costs and expenses however caused, which, but for the exercise of suchpermission, would not have arisen.tender documents6. content of tender documents6.1 the set of documents issued to pre-qualified tenderers for thepurpose of tendering will cost rmb_______ or us $ ______ and will includethe stated number of copies of the following:number of copies description1 volume 1 instructions to tenderersconditions of contract:part i--generalpart ii--conditions of particularapplication1 volume 2 specification(incl. list of drawings)3 volume 3 form of tender andappendix theretoform of tender securitybill of quantitiesschedules of supplementary information1 volume 4 drawings6.2 tender documents shall include any addenda issued prior to theclosing date of tenders in accordance with clause 8and any minutes ofpre-tender meetings issued in accordance with clause16of theseinstructions to tenderers.6.3 further copies of the documents may be purchased bypre-qualifiedtenderers for a non-refundable fee as follows: (sketch)6.4 sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and others who requirecopies of the documents shall not request them directly from _______ ______but shall obtain them only from pre-qualified tenderers.6.5 on return of the documents in an undamaged and useable condition,either as part of a tender or otherwise, within the specified time limi ts,the tenderer's pre-qualification fee will be refunded, as follows:(a) tender submitted: _________________% refund of fee(b) tender not submitted but ________________% refund of feedocuments returned prior to closing date of tender6.6 the tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions,conditions, forms,terms,specifications and drawings in thetenderdocuments. failure to comply with the requirements of the instructions totenderers wi【正文】be at the tenderer's own risk.tenders which are notsubstantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents maybe rejected.6.7 the four volumes of the tender documents have been collated andbound by mechanical means and tenderers should check to ensure that theycontaina【正文】pages(which are numbered consecutively)and that allsupplementsreferred to are also included.7. clarification of tender document s7.1 a prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tenderdocuments may notify ___________ in writing or by telex at the followingaddress: __________.the employer or his agent _____________ will respond in writing to a nyrequest for clarification which is received more than _____ days prior tothe deadline for submission of tenders. written copies of the response(inclu ding an explanation of the query, but without identifying the sourceof the inq uiry) will be sent to all prequalified tenderers who havebeenissued with tender documents.8. amendment of tender documents8.1 prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the employer may, forany reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to aclarification requested by a prospective tenderer,modify the tenderdocuments bythe issue of an addendum.8.2 the addendum will be sent in writing or by telex or telegram toallpre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tender documents andwill bebinding upon them.prospective tenderers shall promptlyacknowledgereceipt thereof by tele x or telegram to ____________.8.3 in order to afford prospective tenderers reasonable time in whichto take an addendum into account in preparing their tenders, the employeror his agent _________ may, at their discretion, extend the deadline forthe submission of tenders in accordance with clause 19 hereof.preparation of tenders9. language of tender9.1 the tender and all correspondence relating to the tender exchange dby the tenderer and the employer or his agent__________shall be inenglish. supporting documents and printed literature furnished by thetenderer with the tender may be in another language provided they areaccompanied by an appropriate english translation of pertinentpassages.for the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the english version s hallprevail.10. documents comprising the tender10.1 the tender to be prepared by the tenderer shall contain thefollowing:the form of tender and appendix thereto;the tender security;the priced bill of quantities;the schedules of supplementary information;the information on eligibility and qualifications;alternative offers, if any; andany other information required to be submitted in accordance withthese instructions.the forms, bill of quantities and schedules provided in volume3 ofthese documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions ofthe schedules in the same format, and to the provisions of clause 14.2hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security).10.2 all documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described in clause 6.1 and addenda issued in accordance with clause 8 shall be deemedincorporated in the tender. tender documents not required to be signe d andsubmitted in accordance with clauses 17 and 18 shall be returned to theoffice of issuebefore the expiry of the tender validity period, butmustnot be enclosed withthe tender.10.3 tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminary programmein the format required by clause 14 of the conditions of contract.10.4 the successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment hisp rogramme as set out in the contract.11. tender prices11.1 unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tender documents, thecontract shall be for the whole of the works ______ as described in clause 1 hereof, based on the schedules of unit rates and amounts submittedbythe tenderer.11.2 the tenderer shall fill in rates and amounts for all items ofwork described in the bill of quantities, whether quantities are stated ornot. items against which no rate or amount is entered by the tenderer willnot be p aidfor by the employer when executed and shall be deemedcoveredby the other rates and amounts entered in the bill of quantities.11.3 all duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractorunder the contract, or for any other cause, as at the date________daysprior to the date for submission of tenders shall be included in the ratesa nd amountsand total tender sum submitted by the tenderer,and theevaluation and comparison of tenders by the employer shall be madeaccordingly.11.4 the rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject t oadjustment during the performance of the contract in accordance with theprovisions of the conditions of contract.the tenderer shall completeschedule iii-price adjustment provisions and shall submit with his tendersuch other supporting information as is required under clause70of theconditions of contract.12. currencies of tender and payment12.1 the unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tender entirelyin rmb. a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies forinputs to the works supplied from outside china(referred to as "theforeign currency requirements") shall indicate in schedule i of "foreigncurrency requirements" the percentage of the tender price (excludingprovisional sums) needed by him for the payment of such foreign currencyrequirements either (i)entirely in the currency of the tenderer's homecountry or, at the tenderer's option, (ii) entirely in us dollars, alwaysprovided that a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in a currency orcurrencies other than those stated in (i) and (ii) above for a portionofthe foreign currency requirements, and wishing to be paid accordingly,shall so indicate the percentage portion in his tender.the percentageportion indicated shall remain fixed for the duration of the contract . theamounts in various currencies calculated on the basisof the percentagesindicated in the tender and by use of the exchange rates indicated insubclause 12.2 hereinafter, shall be used for the purposeofconversionand comparison of tenders pursuant to clause 70.12.2 the rates of exchange to be used by the tenderer for currencyconversion shall be the governing selling rates published by the bank ofchina on the date ______ day prior to the latest date for the submissionof tenders.if exchange rages are not so published for certain curre ncies,the tenderer sha【正文】state the rates used and the source. for the purpose ofpayments, the exchang e rates used in tender preparation shall applyforthe duration of the contract.12.3 the total amount of foreign and local currencies expected to berequired by tenderers shall be substantiated in schedules i and i(a)-foreign currency and local currency requirements,and the annexthereto, tenderers shall describe the manner in which such foreign andlocal currencies are expected to be used, relating specifically,but notlimited to:foreign currency(a) expatriate staff directly employed on the works:(b) social charges, insurance premiums and medical care related tosuch staff, and travel expenses between china and the country of origin;(c) a list of the imported materials, both temporary and permanent,required for the works;(d) depreciation and usage of plant and equipment,includingspareparts, required for the works;(e) insurance and freight charges for imported materials,plant andequipment, including spare parts; and(f) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges incurred outsidechina.local currency(g) local labour;(h) local materials;(i) other services, and;(j) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges within china.12.4 tenderers may be required by the employer to clarify theirforeign currency requirements, and to provide satisfactory proof that theamountsincluded in the unit rates and in schedule i are reasonable andresponsive to sub-clause 12.1 hereof.12.5 the tender shall complete schedule ii-estimated contractpayments and shall substantiate the tabulation of this schedule byattaching a table indicating anticipated major quantities of workperformed over the duration of the works.13. tender validity13.1 the tender shall remain valid and open for acceptance for aperiod of six calendar months from the specified date of tender closing.13.2 in exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the originaltender validity period, the employer or his agent ____________ may r equestthe tenderers for a specified extension to the period of validity. therequest andthe responses thereto shall be made in writing or by telex ortelegram. a tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his tendersecurity. a tendereragreeing to the extension will not be required norpermitted to alter his tender, but will be required to extend the validityof h is tender security correspondingly. the provisions of clause 14 hereofregarding discharge and forfeiture of tender security shall continuetoapply during the extended period.14.tender security14.1 the tenderer shall furnish, as part of his tender,a tendersecurity in rmb yuan in an amount of not less than _____ % of the ten dersum.14.2 the tender security shall, at the tenderer's option,be in theform of a certified cheque, a bank draft, an irrevocable letter ofcreditor a guarantee from either:(a) bank of china;(b) any of its correspondent bank abroad through bank of china;(c) any other chinese or foreign bank operating in china;(d) any other foreign bank determined by the tenderer in advance ofsubmission of bids to be acceptable to ___________.or a bond issued by an insurance company or bonding company likewiselocated. the format of the bank guarantee or bond shall be in accordancewith one of the sample forms included in these documents; other formatsmay be permitted subject to the prior approval of the employer or hisagent __________. letters of credit,bank guarantees and tenderbondsshall be valid for one calendar month beyond the validity of the tender.14.3 in the event of a tenderer agreeing to a specified extension oftender validity in accordance with clause13of the instructions totenderers, the tenderer shall provide an extension in the validity of thetender security of one calendar month beyond the validity of the extendedtender.14.4 any tender not accompanied by an acceptable tender security willbe rejected by _________ as non-responsive.律师36514.5the tender securities of unsuccessful tendererswill bedischarged or returned as promptly as possible, but not later than______days after the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed.14.6 the tender security of the successful tenderer will be dischargedo r returned upon the tenderer executing the contract and furnishing therequired performance security.14.7 the tender security may be forfeited:(a) if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tendervalidity; or(b) in the case of the successful tenderer, if he fails to:(i) sign the agreement; or(ii) furnish the necessary performance security.15. alternative offers15.1 the tenderer shall submit a basic tender which complies fullywith the requirements of the tender documents. the tenderer may,at hisoption,and in addition to the basic tender, offer tenders incorporatingalternativesto any of the following items now specified:(a) advance loan for mobilisationan interest free advance loan will be made available to assist thecontractor before commencing construction of the works. offers may be m adefor such a loan of up to ________% of the tender sum. evaluation will bemade of theassociated costs or savings accruing to the employer inaccordance withclause 28.(b) (written as specific conditions).15.2 alternatives may be submitted in addition to basic tender. inorder for alternatives to be considered in the process of tenderevaluation, each alternative shall be accompanied by a detailed pricebreakdown indicating the tenderer's estimate of the additional orreducedcost in presentvalue to the employer (refer to subclause28.3 hereof)compared to the basic tender sum. comparison and evaluation willbedonefor the basic offer andalternatives of the lowest evaluated tenderer willbe given due consideration.ifthe alternative offers were to beacceptedby the employer, these will be incorporated into the contract. alterna tiveoffers which are not priced, or which are not substantiated in sufficientdetail, will be rejected.15.3 offers of technical alternatives shall be accompanied by allinformation necessary for a completeevaluation, including designcalculations, drawings, method statements an d specifications for materialsand workmanship where the alternative is not co vered by the specification,together with a breakdown of the alternative prices and the totalalternative contract sum.15.4 only those alternative offers which appear to provide additionalfinancial, economic or technical benefits over the basic offer will beconsidered by the employer in tender evaluation (refer to clause 28).16. pr e-tender meeting16.1 the tenderer or his official representative is advised toattenda pre-tender meeting which will convene on ______________at ______ _____ atthe ___________.16.2 the purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and toanswer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage and toallow tenderers to inspect the site and to examine conditions.16.3 tenderers are requested to submit any questions in writing or bytelex or telegram, to reach__________ not later than one week before themeeting.16.4 minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questions raisedandresponses given,will be furnished expeditiously to allthoseattendingthe meeting, and subsequently to all pre-qualified tenderers w hohave pickedupthe tender documents.any modification of the tenderdocuments listed in sub-clause 6.1 which may become necessary as a resultof the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the employer or his agent___________ exclusivelythrough the issue of an addendum pursuanttoclause 8, and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.17. format and signing of tenders17.1 the tenderer shall prepare one original and two duplicate copiesof the documents comprising the tender as described in clause 10.1 her eof,bound within the volume 3, and clearly marked "original tender" and"dupli cate tender"as appropriate. in the event of any discrepancy betweenthem, the original shall prevail.17.2 the original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall betyped or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person orpersonsduly authorised to bind the tenderer to the contract.proof ofauthorisation shall be furnished in the form of a written power ofattorney which shall accompany the tender. all pages of the tender whereentries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the perso n orpersons signing the tender.17.3 the complete tender shall be without alterations, interlineationsor erasures, except those to accord with the instructions of any agendaissued,or as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer,in whichcase such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the tender.17.4 only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer, not includingalternative offers submitted pursuant to clause 15 hereof. no tendere r mayparticipate in the tender of another for the same contract in any relation whatsoever.18. sealing and marking of tenders18.1 the tenderer shall seal the original and two duplicate tenderseach in an inner and an outer envelope, duly marking the envelopes a s"original" and "duplicate".18.2 the inner and outer envelopes shall:(a) be addressed to _________. (address of employer's agent)(b) bear the following details:(i) tender for construction of contract _________;(ii) _________ project;(iii) "do not open before __________."18.3 the inner envelopes shall bear the name and address of thetenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it isdeclared late. the outer envelope shall not bear any identification of thetend erer.18.4 if the outer envelope is not marked as instructed above,_________ company will assume no responsibility for the misplacement orpremature opening of the tender. a tender opened prematurely for thiscause will be rejected by the employer or his agent___________andreturned to thetenderer.19. deadline for submission of tenders19.1 tenders must be received by______________at the addressspecified above no later than _________.19.2 the employer or his agent__________company may,attheirdiscretion, on giving not less than ________ calendar days notice by tele xor telegram to all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tenderdocuments, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders by issuin g anaddendum in accordance with clause8,in which case all rights andobligations of the employer and the tenderers previously subject to thedeadline shall thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.20. late tendersany tender received by___________company after the prescribeddeadline for submission of tenders will be returned unopened.21. m odification andwithdrawal of tenders21.1 the tenderer may modify or withdraw his tender after submission,provided that the modification or notice of withdrawal is received inwritingby__________company prior to the prescribed deadline forsubmission of tenders.21.2 the tenderer's modification or notice of withdrawal shall beprepared, sealed, marked and despatched in accordance with the provisionsfor thesubmission of tenders. a notice of withdrawal may also be se nt bytelex or telegram, but shall be followed by a signed confirmation copy,postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders.21.3 subject to clause 24 hereof, no tender may be modified subseque ntto the deadline for submission of tenders.21.4 withdrawal of a tender during the interval between the deadlineforsubmission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tendervaliditymay result in the forfeiture of tender security pursuant toclause 14.tender opening and evaluation22. tender opening22.1 the employer or his agent __________ will open the tenders, inthepresence of tenderers'representatives who choose to attend, at___________ on _______________ at the offices of__________. tenderers'representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing theirattendance.22.2 tenders for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has beensubmitted pursuant to clause 21 hereof shall not be opened.the employeror his agent ___________ will examine the tenders to。



Title: Project X Construction ProjectDate of Issue: [Insert Date]Closing Date for Submission of Bids: [Insert Date]Pre-bid Meeting: [Insert Date, Time, and Venue]Opening Date for Bids: [Insert Date and Time]Contact Information:- Name: [Insert Name]- Position: [Insert Position]- Company: [Insert Company Name]- Address: [Insert Address]- Email: [Insert Email]- Phone: [Insert Phone Number]I. IntroductionThis document serves as the official invitation for bids for the construction of Project X. The project is located at [Insert Project Location]. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the construction of [Insert Specific Details of the Project, e.g., a building, road, bridge, etc.].The owner of the project, [Insert Owner's Name/Company], invites all eligible contractors to submit their bids for the construction of Project X. This invitation is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document.II. Scope of WorkThe scope of work for Project X is as follows:1. [List all the specific tasks and activities to be performed, e.g.]- Site preparation and clearing- Foundation construction- Structural steel fabrication and erection- Concrete work- Masonry work- Roofing and waterproofing- Interior and exterior finishing works- Electrical and mechanical installations- Landscape and hardscape works- Final inspection and handover2. [Include any special requirements or conditions, e.g.]- Compliance with local building codes and regulations- Use of eco-friendly materials and practices- Provision of health and safety plansIII. Bid DocumentsThe bid documents include the following:1. General Instructions:- This section contains general information about the bidding process, including the closing date, opening date, and the procedure for submitting bids.2. Technical Specifications:- Detailed technical specifications for the construction work, including materials, methods, and standards to be followed.3. Drawings and Plans:- Complete set of drawings and plans for the project, including architectural, structural, and engineering plans.4. Bill of Quantities:- Detailed list of materials, labor, and equipment required for the project, along with their quantities.5. Contract Conditions:- Terms and conditions of the contract, including payment terms, performance bond requirements, insurance, and dispute resolution procedures.IV. Bidding Requirements1. Eligibility:- Bidders must be registered and licensed to perform constructionwork in the relevant jurisdiction.2. Pre-bid Meeting:- Bidders are required to attend the pre-bid meeting, where any questions regarding the bid documents will be addressed.3. Bid Security:- Bidders must submit a bid security of [Insert Amount] in the formof a bank guarantee or cash deposit.4. Bid Format:- Bids must be submitted in the format specified in the bid documents, including the bid price, terms of payment, and other relevant information.5. Submission of Bids:- Bids must be submitted to the designated address by the closingdate and time mentioned in the bid documents.V. Evaluation CriteriaBids will be evaluated based on the following criteria:1. Price:- The bid with the lowest price will be considered, provided it meets all technical requirements.2. Technical Qualifications:- The bidder's experience, technical expertise, and relevant project references will be evaluated.3. Financial Stability:- The bidder's financial statements and track record will be reviewed to ensure financial stability.4. Quality of Work:- The bidder's reputation for quality work and adherence to specifications will be considered.VI. Contract AwardThe contract will be awarded to the bidder whose bid is deemed to be the most advantageous to the owner, considering price, technical qualifications, financial stability, and quality of work.VII. Closing RemarksThe owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to cancel the bidding process at any time without giving any reason. All bidders are responsible for ensuring that they receive all addenda and amendments to the bid documents.By submitting a bid, the bidder acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions set forth in this invitation for bids.VIII. Appendices- Appendix A: List of Pre-bid Meeting Attendees- Appendix B: List of Questions and Answers from Pre-bid Meeting- Appendix C: Bid Security FormPlease ensure that all documents are completed accurately and submitted by the closing date. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this invitation for bids may result in disqualification.Thank you for your interest in Project X Construction Project.[Company Seal][Owner's Name/Company][Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email][Phone Number]。



Certificate of Tender for Mechanical Equipment SupplyDate of Issue: [Insert Date]Tender Reference Number: [Insert Tender Reference Number]Issuer: [Insert Name of Issuing Authority or Company]To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that [Insert Company Name], a reputable and experienced supplier of mechanical equipment, has successfully submitted a tender for the supply of [Insert Type of Mechanical Equipment] as specified in the [Insert Project/Contract Name] Project. The tender was submitted in response to the [Insert Tender Advertisement Reference or Source] dated [Insert Date of Advertisement or Source].Tender Details:1. Project Name: [Insert Project/Contract Name]2. Location: [Insert Project/Contract Location]3. Scope of Work: [Insert Brief Description of the Scope of Work]4. Tender Documents Received: [Insert Date of Receipt of Tender Documents]5. Tender Submission Date: [Insert Date of Tender Submission]6. Tender Opening Date: [Insert Date of Tender Opening]7. Tender Evaluation Committee: [List Members of the Evaluation Committee]8. Evaluation Criteria: [List Evaluation Criteria Used]9. Tender Amount: [Insert Tender Amount in Local Currency and USD]10. Payment Terms: [Insert Payment Terms]11. Delivery Schedule: [Insert Delivery Schedule]12. Warranty Period: [Insert Warranty Period]Tender Submission Process:The tender submission process was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the [Insert Tendering Regulations or Standard Contract Conditions]. The following steps were adhered to:1. Advertisement of Tender: The tender was publicly advertised in [Insert Media Source] on [Insert Date].2. Distribution of Tender Documents: Tender documents were distributed to potential bidders on [Insert Date].3. Tender Submission: Bidders were required to submit their tenders in sealed envelopes to [Insert Tender Submission Address] by [Insert Tender Submission Deadline].4. Tender Opening: The tender was opened in the presence of all interested parties on [Insert Tender Opening Date].5. Evaluation Process: The tender evaluation committee reviewed and evaluated all submitted tenders based on the established criteria.Tender Evaluation Results:After a thorough evaluation process, the tender submitted by [Insert Company Name] was deemed to be the most responsive and compliant with the requirements of the [Insert Project/Contract Name] Project. The tender was found to be:- In full compliance with the technical specifications and requirements of the project.- Economically competitive and reasonable.- Financially viable and sustainable.- Technically sound and feasible.Certification of Tender Validity:The tender submitted by [Insert Company Name] is hereby certified to be valid, genuine, and in full compliance with the tendering process. Thetender has been evaluated and determined to be the most advantageous to the [Insert Project/Contract Name] Project.Authority of Certification:The undersigned, being authorized by [Insert Name of Issuing Authority or Company], hereby certifies the authenticity and validity of the above-mentioned tender.Signature of Authorized Representative:_________________________[Signature][Name of Authorized Representative]Title of Authorized Representative:[Title of Authorized Representative]Date of Certification:[Insert Date]Contact Information:[Insert Company Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Fax Number][Email Address]This certificate is issued solely for informational purposes and does not constitute a legally binding contract. It is the responsibility of the [Insert Project/Contract Name] Project management to make the final decision on the award of the contract based on the tender evaluation results.[End of Certificate]。



机电产品采购国际竞争性招标投标文件YUKI was compiled on the morning of December 16, 2020机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部机电产品进出口司编机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件第一册第一章投标人须知第二章合同条款第三章合同格式第四章附件第二册第五章投标邀请第六章投标资料表第七章合同条款资料表第八章货物需求一览表及技术规格目录第一章投标人须知6一、说明 71. 资金来源 72. 机电产品国际招标代理机构及合格的投标人 73. 合格的货物和服务 74. 投标费用 8二、招标文件 85. 招标文件构成 86. 招标文件的澄清 87. 招标文件的修改 9三、投标文件的编制 98. 投标的语言 99. 投标文件构成 910. 投标书 911. 投标报价 1012. 投标货币 1113. 证明投标人合格和资格的文件 1114. 证明货物的合格性和符合招标文件规定的文件 1115. 投标保证金 1216. 投标有效期 1317. 投标书的式样和签署 13四、投标文件的递交 1418. 投标文件的密封和标记 1419. 投标截止期 1420. 迟交的投标文件 1421. 投标文件的修改与撤回 14五、开标与评标 1522. 开标 1523. 投标文件的澄清 1524. 投标文件的初审 1525. 转换为单一货币 1626. 投标的评价 1627. 最终评标价的确定 1928. 与招标机构和买方的接触 19六、授予合同 2029. 资格后审 2030. 合同授予标准 2031. 授标时更改采购货物数量的权力 2032. 接收和拒绝任何或所有投标的权力 2033. 中标通知书 2034. 签订合同 2135. 履约保证金 21第二章合同条款221. 定义 232. 适用性 233. 原产地 234. 标准 245. 使用合同文件和资料 246. 专利权 247. 履约保证金 248. 检验和测试 259. 包装 2610. 装运标记 2611. 装运条件 2612. 装运通知 2713. 交货和单据 2714. 保险 2815. 运输 2816. 伴随服务 2917. 备件 2918. 保证 3019. 索赔 3020. 付款 3121. 价格 3122. 变更指令 3123. 合同修改 3224. 转让 3225. 分包 3226. 卖方履约延误 3227. 误期赔偿费 3228. 违约终止合同 3329. 不可抗力 3330. 因破产而终止合同 3331. 因买方的便利而终止合同 3432. 争端的解决 3433. 合同语言 3434. 适用法律 3435. 通知 3436. 税和关税 3537. 合同生效及其他 35第三章合同格式36第四章附件381. 投标书 392. 投标一览表 413. 投标分项报价表 424. 货物说明一览表 445. 技术规格偏离表 456. 商务条款偏离表 467. 投标保证金保函格式 478. 法人代表授权格式 489. 资格证明文件 49格式9-1资格证明50格式9-2制造商资格声明51格式9-3作为代理的贸易公司资格声明54格式9-4制造商授权书格式56格式9-5证书5710. 履约保证金保函格式 5811. 预付款银行保函格式 5912. 信用证样本 60第一章投标人须知投标人须知一、说明1. 资金来源“投标资料表”中所述的业主已获得一笔资金/贷款。



1. IntroductionThis tender document is issued by [Company Name], located at [Company Address], for the procurement of [Goods/Services/Works]. The purpose of this document is to invite interested suppliers to submit their tenders for the supply of the required goods, services, or works. All interested parties are required to carefully read and comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this document.2. Scope of Work[Company Name] requires the supply of [describe the goods/services/works in detail]. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to:- [List of specific goods/services/works]- Quality assurance- Delivery schedule- Technical support- After-sales service3. Eligibility CriteriaTo be eligible to submit a tender, the supplier must meet the following criteria:- Be a legally registered entity in [Country/City]- Have a minimum of [number] years of experience in the relevantindustry- Possess valid trade licenses and insurance policies- Be financially stable and able to provide a bank reference letter- Have a good reputation in the market4. Tender Submission4.1 Tender DocumentsThe tender documents shall include the following:- A completed tender form (Annex A)- A detailed company profile (Annex B)- Technical specifications and drawings (if applicable)- Detailed description of the proposed solution or approach- Proposed delivery schedule and timelines- Proposed pricing structure and terms of payment- Any additional information that may be required by [Company Name]4.2 Submission DeadlineAll tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Tender for [Goods/Services/Works]” to the address below by [specific date and time]. Tenders received after the deadline will not be considered.[Company Address][City, Postal Code][Country]4.3 Tender OpeningThe tender will be opened in the presence of the interested parties at [specific date and time] at [location]. The opening will be conducted by [name of the person conducting the opening].5. Evaluation CriteriaThe evaluation of the tenders will be based on the following criteria:- Technical compliance: [weightage]- Price competitiveness: [weightage]- Company reputation and experience: [weightage]- Delivery schedule: [weightage]- After-sales service: [weightage]6. Tender Evaluation6.1 The evaluation committee will assess each tender based on thecriteria outlined in Section 5.6.2 The evaluation process will be conducted in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner.6.3 The evaluation committee reserves the right to request additional information from any tenderer if deemed necessary.7. Award of Contract7.1 The contract will be awarded to the supplier whose tender is deemed to be the most advantageous to [Company Name], considering the evaluation criteria.7.2 [Company Name] reserves the right to negotiate with the selected supplier to finalize the terms and conditions of the contract.8. Tender WithdrawalA tender may be withdrawn by the supplier at any time before the tender opening, provided that a written notice is submitted to [Company Name].9. ConfidentialityAll information submitted in the tender process will be keptconfidential and will not be disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of the tenderer.10. Governing LawThis tender document and any resulting contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/City].11. Contact InformationFor any queries or clarifications regarding this tender, please contact:[Name][Designation][Company Name][Email Address][Phone Number]Annexes- Annex A: Tender Form- Annex B: Company Profile[Company Name] reserves the right to make amendments to this tender document at any time. All interested parties will be notified of any changes.。



1.1 PREAMBLE1.2 UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS1.3 BILL OF QUANTITIESSERIES 1000 GeneralSERIES 2000 DrainageSERIES 3000 Earthworks and Pavement Layers of Gravel or Crushed Stone SERIES 4000 Bituminous Layers and Seals and Concrete Paving SurfaceSERIES 5000 Ancillary RoadworksSERIES 6000 StructuresSERIES 8000 DayworksSERIES 9000 Street LightingA. Preamble1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings. The item number and Specification number refer to the relevant sections of the Standard and/or Special Specifications2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer and valued at the rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the Engineer may fix within the terms of the Contract.3. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except insofar as it is otherwise provided under the Contract, include all Constructional Plant, labour, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes, and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.4. A rate or price shall be entered against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities, whether quantities are stated or not. The cost of Items against which the Contractor has failed to enter a rate or price shall be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities.5. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the Items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no Items are provided, the cost shall be deemed to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related Items of Work.6. Without affecting the generality of the foregoing provisions, the rates and prices entered by the Contractor in the Bill of Quantities shall include the cost and expense of the following: -i.The provision, storage, transport, use and maintenance of all materials, equipment,machinery and tools.ii.The provision, maintenance and welfare of all staff and labour and their accommodation, transport etc, and the supply of all immigration permits and otherrequirements.iii.Setting out, measuring, inspection, supervision and any topographical survey and drawing necessary for the execution or measurement of the work.iv.The provision, transport, use and maintenance of all consumable stores, fuel, water, drainage, electricity and telephones.v.Sampling, testing and trials, including checking information given by the Engineer.vi.Injury caused to the works under construction, equipment, materials and consumable stores by weather conditions.vii.The provision, erection and removal of al l Contractors’ Offices, equipment yard, stores and temporary works, including fencing and all site restrictions.viii.Restoration of services disrupted during implementation of the works.ix.Repairs to the Works during the Defects Liability Period.7. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated nor summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the Contractdocumentation shall be made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities.8. Provisional Sums included and so designated in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of the Engineer in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.5 and Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions.9. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be as specified in relevant sections of Part 2 – Works Requirements (Specifications) of the Bid document and in accordance with the following:9.1All work completed under the contract will be measured by the Engineer, using theInternational System of Units.9.2The method of measurement and computations to be used in the determination ofquantities of material furnished and work performed under the contract will be those methods generally recognized as conforming to good engineering practice. The quantities will be computed net with no allowance for bulking, shrinkage or waste.9.3Unless otherwise specified, longitudinal measurements for area computations will be madehorizontally, and no deductions will be made for individual fixtures (or leave–outs) having an area of one square metre or less. Unless otherwise specified, transverse measurements for area computations will be the net dimensions shown on the drawings or ordered in writing by the Engineer.9.4Unless otherwise specified, all contract items which are measured by the linear metre suchas pipe culverts, under drains and similar items shall be measured parallel to the base or foundation upon which such items are placed.9.5In computing volumes of excavation the average end area method or other acceptablemethods will be used.9.6Rental of equipment will be measured by time in hours of actual working time andnecessary traveling time of the equipment within the limits of the work.9.7When standard manufactured items are specified such as fence, wire, plates, rolledshapes, pipe etc, and these items are identified by gauge, unit weight, section dimensions, etc, such identification will be considered to be nominal weights or dimensions. Unless more stringently controlled by tolerances in cited specifications, manufacturing tolerances established by the industries involved will be accepted.9.8When the estimated quantities for a specific portion of the work are designated as the payquantities in the contract, they shall be the final quantities for which payment for such specific portion of the work will be made, unless the dimensions of said portions of the work shown on the plans are revised by the Engineer. If revised dimensions result in an increase or decrease in the quantities of such work, the final quantities for payment will be revised in the amount by the authorized changes in the dimensions.10. Any arithmetic errors in computation or summation will be corrected by the Employer as follows:(a) where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amountin words will govern; and(b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derivedfrom the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted willgovern, unless in the opinion of the Employer, there is an obviously grossmisplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which event the total amountas quoted will govern and the unit rate will be corrected.11. Rock is defined as all materials that, in the opinion of the Engineer, require blasting, orthe use of metal wedges and sledgehammers, or the use of compressed air drilling for their removal, and that cannot be extracted by ripping with a tractor of at least 150 brake hp with a single, rear-mounted, heavy-duty ripper.12.Dayworks Schedules12.1GeneralReference should be made to Sub-Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions. Work shall not be executed on a Dayworks basis except by written order of the Engineer. Bidders shall enter basic rates for Dayworks items in the Schedules, which rates shall apply to any quantity of Dayworks ordered by the Engineer. Nominal quantities have been indicated against each item of Dayworks, and the extended total for Dayworks shall be carried forward as a Provisional Sum to the Summary Total Bid Amount. Unless otherwise adjusted, payments for Dayworks shall be subject to price adjustment in accordance with the provisions in the Conditions of Contract.12.2Dayworks – LabourIn calculating payments due to the Contractor for the execution of Dayworks, the hours for labour will be reckoned from the time of arrival of the labour at the job site to execute the particular item of Dayworks to the time of return to the original place of departure, but excluding meal breaks and rest periods. Only the time of classes of labour directly doing work ordered by the Engineer and for which they are competent to perform will be measured. The time of gangers (charge hands) actually doing work with the gangs will also be measured but not the time of foremen or other supervisory personnelThe Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labour is employed on Dayworks, calculated at the rates entered by him in SERIES 8000, section 8100, DAYWORKS: LABOUR.The said rates shall be deemed to include due and complete allowance for wages and allowances paid to such labour, transportation time, overtime, subsistence allowance, sums paid to or on behalf of such labour for social benefits in accordance with the Tanzania Law; Contractor’s profits, overheads, superintendence, liabilities and insurances, timekeeping, clerical and office work, the use of consumable stores, water, lighting and power; use and repair of staging, scaffolding, workshops and stores, portable power tools, manual plant and tools; supervision by the Contractor’s staff, foreman and other supervisory personnel; and all charges incidentals to the foregoing.Payment will be in local and foreign currencies as applicable.12.3Dayworks MaterialsThe Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of materials used for Dayworks, at the basic rates entered by him in SERIES 8000, section 8200 DAYWORKS: MATERIALS, together with an additional percentage payment on the basic rates to cover overhead charges and profits, as follows:(a)The basic rates for materials shall be calculated on the basis of the invoiced price,freight, insurance, handling expenses, damage, losses, etc, and shall provide fordelivery to store or stockpiling at the Site. The basic rates shall be stated in localcurrency but payment will be made in the currency or currencies expended uponpresentation of supporting documentation.(b)The additional percentage payment to be quoted by the Bidder and applied to theequivalent local currency payments made under (a) above shall be deemed to coverthe Contractor’s profit, overhead, superintendence, liabilities and insurances andcharges incidental to the foregoing. Payment under this item will be in local andforeign currencies as applicable.(c)Unless specifically scheduled the cost of hauling materials for use on work ordered tobe carried out as Dayworks from the store or stockpile on the Site to the placewhere it is to be used will be paid in accordance with the terms of labour andEquipment in this Bill.12.4Dayworks – EquipmentThe Contractor shall be entitled to payments in respect of Contractor’s Equipment already at Site and employed on Dayworks at the basic rental rates entered by him SERIES 8000, section 8300 DAYWORKS: EQUIPMENT.The said rates shall be deemed to include, due and complete allowance for depreciation, interest, indemnity and insurance, drivers, operators and assistants, repairs, maintenance supplies, fuel, lubricants, and other consumables and all overheads, profits, supervision and administration costs related to use of such equipment.In calculating the payment due to the Contractor for Equipment employed on Dayworks, only the actual number of working hours as determined by the Engineer will be eligible for payment, except that where applicable and agreed with the Engineer, the traveling time from the part of the Site where the Equipment was located when ordered by the Engineer to be employed on Dayworks and the time for return journey shall be included for payment.Payment for this item will be in local and foreign currencies as applicable.B. Work Items1. The Bill of Quantities usually contains the following part Bills, which have been grouped according to the nature or timing of the work:SERIES 1000: General Items;SERIES 2000: Drainage;SERIES 3000: Earthworks and Pavement Layers of Gravel or Crushed RockSERIES 4000: Bituminous Layers and Seals;SERIES 5000: Ancillary Roadworks;SERIES 6000: Structures;SERIES 8000: DayworksSERIES 9000 Street Lighting2. Bidders shall price the Bill of Quantities in local currency only and shall indicate in the Appendix to Bid the percentage expected for payment in foreign currency or currenciesThe tables in BOQ must be prepared in accordance with the currency alternative retained in BDS – ITB 15.1.6 1.2 UNITS OF MEASUREMENTThe units of measurement used herein and their abbreviations are as follows:UNIT ABBREVIATIONMillimetre mmMetre mKilometre kmSquare Millimetre Sq.mm ormm2Square Metre sq.m or m2Hectare haCubic Meter cu.m or m3 Gramme gKilogramme kgTonne (1000 Kg) tonneLitres litre or lNumber No. or nrHour hrVehicle Month veh.month Percentage %Provisional Sum PSLump Sum LS。

2019机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)(doc 7页)英文版

2019机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)(doc 7页)英文版

The Bidding Documents ForICB Procurement of Mechanic & Electronic Products(Volume One)The Bidding Documents ForICB Procurement of Mechanic & Electronic Products(Volume One)Mechanic & Electronic ProductsImport & Export DepartmentMinistry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation P.R.C2002Total Table of Contents Volume OneSection l. Instructions to BiddersSection 2. Terms and Conditions of ContractSection 3. Contract FormSection 4. AttachmentsVolume TwoSection 5. Invitation for BidsSection 6. Bid Data SheetSection 7. Contract Data SheetSection 8. Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specif1cationsTable of ContentsS e c t i o n 1.I n s t r u c t i o n s T o B i d d e r s6A. lntroduction 71. Source of Funds 72. Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Productsand Eligible Bidders 73. Eligible Goods and Services 74. Cost of Bid 8B. The Bidding Documents 85. Content of Bidding Documents 86. Clarification of Bidding Documents 97. Amendment of Bidding Documents 9C. Preparation of Bids 98. Language of Bid 99. Documents Comprising the Bid 910. Bid Form 1011. Bid Prices 1012. Bid Currencies 1113. Doc uments Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Q11aliacations 1114. Documents Establishing Goods’ Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents 1215. Bid Security 1316. Period of Validity of Bids 13 l7. Format and Signing of Bids 14D. Submission of Bids 1418. Sealing and Marking of Bids 1419. Deadline for Submission of Bids 1520. Late Bids 1521. Modif1cation and Withdrawal of Bids 15E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids 1522. Opening of Bids 1623. Clarification of Bids 1624. Preliminary Examination 1625. Conversion to Single Currency 1726. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 1727. Determination of Final Evaluated Bid Prices 2128. Contacting the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer 21F. Award of Contract 2129. Post qualification 2130. Award Criteria 2131. Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award 2232. Publication of Evaluation Result 2233. Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 2234. Notification of Award 2235. Signing of Contract 2236. Performance Security 23S e c t i o n 2.Te r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s o f C o n t r a c t241. Definitions 252. Application 253. Country of Origin 254. Standards 265. Use of Contract Documents and Information 266. Patent Rights 267. Performance Sec urity 268. Inspections and Tests 279. Packing 2810. Marking for Shipment 2811. Terms of Shipment 2912. Shipping Advice 3013. Delivery and Documents 3114. Insurance 3215. Transportation 3216. Incidental Services 3217. Spare Parts 3218. Warranty 3319. Claims 3320. Payment 3421. Prices 3522. Change Orders 3523. Contract Amendments 3624. Assignment 3625. Subcontracts 3626. Delays in Supplier’s Performance 3627. Liquidated Damages 3628. Termination for Default 3729. Force Majeure 3730. Termination for Insolvency 3831. Termination for Convenience 3832. Resolution of Disputes 3833. Governing Language 3934. Applicable Law 3935. Notices 3936. Taxes and Duties 3937. Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous 40 Section 3. Contract For m 41Section 4. Attachments 44 1. Bid Form 452. Summary Sheet for Bid Opening 473. Bid Schedule of Prices 484. Brief Description of the Goods 505. Deviation Form for Technical Specifications 516. Deviation Form for Commercial Terms 527. Form for Bid Security 538. Form for Power of Attorney 549. Qualification Documents 55 Fom9-1 Statement Concerning Qualification 56 Fom9-2 Manufacturer’s Quaiif1cation Statement 57 Form9-3 Trading Company’s or Agent’s Qualification Statement 60 Fom9-4 Letter of Authority from Manufacturer 62 Fom9-5 certificate 6310. Form for Performance seCllr1ty 6411. Bank Guarantee Form for Advance Payment 6512. Specimen of Letter of Credit 66Section 1 Instructions To BiddersInstructions to BiddersA. Introduction1. Source of Funds1.1 The Tenderer named in the Bid Data Sheet has received a loan/fund as identified in the Bid DataSheet. The Tenderer intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan/fund to the paymentsunder the contract for which this Invitation for Bids is issued.2.Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products and Eligible Bidders2.1 The Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products(hereinafter called“Tender1ngAgent”) in this ITB means the qualified Legal Person approved and authorised by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to handle the procurement of mechanic and electronic products by way of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) on behalf of the Tenderer.2.2 Eligible Bidders1) This Invitation for Bids is open to all suppliers from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as“PRC”) and al1countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries”), except as provided hereinafter.2) Bidders should not be associated, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affi1iates which have ken engagedby the Tenderer to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specif1cations, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation for Bids.3) The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous,if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer.3. Eligible Goods and Services3.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligiblesource counties, as denned in clause 2.2 above, and all expenditures made under the contract willbe limited to such goods and services.3.2 For purposes of this clause,“origin” means the place where the goods are mined, grown or produced, or the plac efrom which the related services are supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly of components, a commercially recognised product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the Bidder.4. Cost of Bid4.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and theTendering Agent and the Tenderer, named in the Bid Data Sheet, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bid process.B. The Bidding Documents5. Content of Bidding Documents5.1 The goods required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the bidding documents.The content of the bidding documents will be separated into two volumes as follows:V olume One:Section I Instructions to BiddersSectionⅡTerms and Conditions of ContractSection III Contract FormSection IV AttachmentsV olume Two:Section V Invitation for BidsSection VI Bid Data SheetSection VII Contract Data SheetSection VIII Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications5.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the biddingdocuments. Failure to furnish a11 information required by the bidding documents or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in e very respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid.6. Cladf1cation of Bidding Documents6.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify the Tendering Agent and theTenderer in writing. The Tendering Agent will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the bidding documents which it receives no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids prescribed in the Bid Data Sheet. Written copies o f the Tender1ng Agent’s response (without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective bidders who have purchased the bidding documents.7. Amendment of Bidding Documents7.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Tendering Agent, for any reason,whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder,may modify the bidding documents by amendment.7.2 All prospective bidders who have purchased the bidding documents will be notified of the amendment in writing, andwill be binding on them. Prospective Bidders shall promptly acknow1edge the receipt thereof by cable or fax to the Tendering Agent.7.3 In order to afford prospective bidden reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing theirbids, the Tendering Agent, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids.C. Preparation of Bids8. Language of Bid8.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bidexchanged by the Bidder and the Tender1ng Agent/the Tenderer, shall be written in the language specified in the Bid Data Sheet. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the Bid Data Sheet, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the translation shall govern.9. Documents Comprising the Bid9.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components:1) A Bid Form, Bid Schedule of Prices and a Summary Sheet for Bid Opening which shall be submitted in aseparate envelope completed in accordance with ITB Clauses 10,1l and 12;2) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITB Clause 13 that the Bidder is eligible to bid and isqualified to perform the contract if its bid is accepted;3) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITB Clause 14 that the goods and ancillary services to besupplied by the Bidder are eligib1e goods and services and conform to the bidding documents;4) Bid security furnished in accordance with ITB Clause 15.10. Bid Form10.l The Bidder shall complete the Bid Form, Summary Sheet for Bid Opening and Price Schedule furnished in thebidding documents.11. Bid Prices11.1 The Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Bid Schedule of Prices the unit prices (where applicable) and total bidprice of the goods it proposes to supply under the contract.11.2 Prices indicated on the Bid Schedule of Prices shall be entered separately in the following manner:11.2.1 For goods offered from within PRC:1) The price of the goods quoted EXW (ex-works, ex-factory, ex-warehouse, ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf, asapplicable), including Value Added Taxes (V AT) and other taxes already paid or payable to the government of PRC, as well as all customs duties, V AT and other taxes paid or payable:a) on the components and raw material used in the manufacture or assembly or goods of foreign origin quotedex-works or ex-factory; orb) on the previously imported goods of foreign origin quoted ex-warehouse, ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf.2) The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to theirfinal destination, if specified in the Bid Data Sheet.3) The price of other (incidental) services, if any, listed in the Bid Data Sheet.11.2.2 For goods offered from abroad:1) The price of the goods shall be quoted CIF named port of destination, or CIP named place of destination inPRC, as specified in the Bid Data Sheet. In quoting the price, the Bidder shall use transportation through carriers registered in PRC or other carriers registered in my eligible countries with the Tender er’s prior approval. Similarly, the Bidder may obtain insurance services from PRC or any eligible source country upon the prior approval of the Tenderer.2) The price of goods quoted FOB port of shipment (or FCA, as the case may be), if specified in the Bid DataSheet.3) The price of goods quoted CFR port of destination (or CPT, as the case may be), if specified in the Bid DataSheet.4) The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods from theport of entry to their final destination, if specified in the Bid Data Sheet.5) The price of (incidental) services, If any, listed in the Bid Data Sheet.11.3 The terms EXW, CIF, CIP, etc., shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incotermspublished by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.11.4 The Bidder’s separation of price components in accordance with ITB Clause 11.2 above will be solely for thepurpose of facilitating the comparison of bids by the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer and will not in my way limit the Tenderer’s right to contract on any of the terms offered.11.5 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and not subject tovariation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected, pursuant to ITB Clause 24.12. Bid Currenciesl2.1 The prices shall be quoted in RMB for goods and services that the Bidder will supply from within PRC, unless specified or permitted otherwise;12.2 The prices shall be quoted in any of the currencies defined in the Bid Data Sheet for goods and services that theBidder will supply from outside PRC.13. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications13.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as pad of its bid, documents estab1ishing the Bidder’s eligibility to bid and itsqualifications to perform contract if its bid is accepted. If the Bidder is a Joint V enture, each member of the Joint Venture shall submit the Qualification Documents respectively together with the Joint Venture Agreement while indicating the leading member of the Joint Venture.13.2 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility to bid shall establish to the Tendering Agent and theTen derer’s satisfaction that the Bidder, at the time of submission of its bid, is from an eligible country as defined under ITB Clause 2.13.3 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract if its bid is accepted shall establi shto the Tendering Agent and the Tendeer’s satisfaction:1) that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods under the contract which the Bidder does not manufactureor otherwise produce, the Bidder has been duly authorised by the goods’ Manufacture r or Producer to supply the goods in this bidding project, format as per Section 4 Attachments 9-4.2) that, the Bidder has the financial, technical and production capability necessary to perform the contract;3) that, the Bidder meets the qualification criteria listed in the Bid Data Sheet.4) that, the Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid openingin original or its copy;14. Documents Establishing Goods, Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents14.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, documents establishing the e1igibility and conformity to the biddingdocuments of all goods and services which the Bidder proposes to supply under the contract.14.2 The documentary evidence of the eligibility of the goods and services shall consist of a statement in the BidSchedule of Prices of the country of origin of the goods and services offered which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment.14.3 The documentary evidence of conformity of the goods and services to the bidding documents may be in the form ofliterature, drawings and data, and shall consist of:1) a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the goods; and2) a list, giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc.,necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a period to be specified in the Bid Data Sheet, following commencement of the use of the goods by the Tenderer; and3) an item-by-item commentary on the Tenderer’s Technical Specifications demonstrating substantialresponsiveness of the goods and services to those specifications,or a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications. Particularly, to those specifications with specific parameters, the bidder shall furnish specif1c parameter value of offered goods.14.4 For purposes of the commentary to be furnished pursuant to ITB Clause l4.3) above, the Bidder shall note thatstandards for workmanship, material and equipment, as we11 as references to brand names or catalogue numbers designated by the Tenderer in its Technical Specifications. are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive.The Bidder may substitute alternative standards, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Tenderer’s satisfaction that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence to those designated in the Technical Specifications.15. Bid Security15.l The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security in the amount specified in the Bid Data Sheet.15.2 The bid security is required to protect the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer against the risk o f Bidder’s conductwhich would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to ITB Clause The bid security shall be denominated in the currency of the bid or in another currency acceptable to the TenderingAgent, and Shan be in one of the following forms:1) A bank guarantee or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable bank located in PRC or abroad, in theform provided in the bidding documents or another form acceptable to the Tenderer and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity of the bid; or2) A cashier’s check, certified check, or cash.15.4 Any bid not secured in accordance with ITB Clauses 15.l and 15.3m will be rejected as non-responsive, pursuant toITB Clause 24.15.5 Unsuccessful bidders’bid security will be discharged or returned in its or1girlal amount as promptly as possible butnot later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of bid validity pursuant to ITB Clause 16.15.6 The successful Bidder’s bid security wi11 be discharged upon the Bidder sign ing the contract, pursuant to ITBClause 35,and furnishing the performance security, pursuant to ITB Clause 36.15.7 The bid security may be forfeited:1) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified in the bidding documents; or2) if the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract in accordance with ITB Clause 35;or3) if the successful Bidder fails to furnish performance security in accordance with ITB Clause 36.16. Period of Validity of Bids16.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the Bid Data Sheet from the date of bid opening, pursuant to ITBClause 22.1.A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive.16.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the original bid validity period, the Tendering Agent mayrequest the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its bid, but will be required to extend the validity of its Bid security correspondingly. The provisions of Clause 15 regarding discharge and forfeiture of Bid Security shall continue to apply during the extended period of bid validity.17. Format and Signing of Bidsl7.1 The Bidder shall prepare an original and the number of copies of the bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, clearly marking each “ORIGINAL”, or “COPY” of bid, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern.17.2 The original bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or personsduly authorised to bind the Bidder to the contract. The latter authorisation shall be indicated by written power of attorney accompanying the bid. A11 pages of the bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. The copies of bid can be the duplicated copies of the original bid.17.3 Any interlineation, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialed by the person or personssigning the bid.D. Submtssion of Bids18. Sealing and Marking of Bids18.1 For the convenience of Bid Opening, the Bidder is required to submit the Summary Sheet for Bid Opening, togetherwith the Bid Security, in a separate envelope and duly marking the envelope as “Summary Sheet for Bid Opening”.The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and“COPY”. All these envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope.18.2 The inner and outer envelope shall be:1) addressed to the address given in the Bid Data Sheet; and2) bear the Project name indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, the Invitation for Bids(IFB)title and number indicated inthe Bid Data Sheet, and the word“DO NOT OPEN BEFORE”, followed by the time and date for bid opening specif1din the Bid Dam Sheet, pursuant to ITB Clause 22.18.3 The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the bid to be returnedunopened in case it is declared “late”.18.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by ITB Clause 18.2, the Tendering Agent will assume noresponsib11ity for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening.19. Deadline for Submission of Bids19.1 Bids must be received by the Tendering Agent at the address specified under ITB Clause 18.2 no later than the timeand date specif1ed in the Bid Data Sheet.19.2 The Tendering Agent may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of bids by amending the biddingdocuments in accordance with ITB C1ause7, in which case all rights and obligations of the Tendering Agent/the Tenderer and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.20. Late Bids20.1 Any bid received by the Tendering Agent after the deadline for submission of bids, pursuant to ITB Clause 19, willbe rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.21. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids21.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid’s submission, provided that written notice of themodification, including substitution or withdrawal of the bids, is received by the Tendering Agent prior to the deadline for submission of bids.21.2 The Bidder’s rnodif1cation or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordancewith the provisions of ITB Clause l8.21.3 No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.21.4 No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of theperiod of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its bid security, pursuant to ITB Clause 15.7.E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids22. Opening of Bids22.1 The Tendering Agent will open all bids in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, in th e placeand at the date and time specified in the Bid Data Sheet. The bidders, representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.22.2 The bidders’ names, bid Inodif1cations or withdrawals, bid pr1ces, discounts, and the pre sence or absence of therequisite bid security and such other details as the Tendering Agent, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, willbe announced at the bid opening. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening, except for late bids, which shall be returned unopened to the Bidder pursuant to ITB Clause 20.22.3 Bids (and modifications sent pursuant to ITB Clause 21.2) that are not opened and read out at the bid opening shallnot be considered further for evaluation. Such bids will be returned unopened to the bidders.22.4 The Tender1ng Agent wi1i prepare minutes of the bid opening.23. Clarification of Bids23.1 During evaluation of the bids, the Tendering Agent may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid.The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.24. Preliminary Examination24.1 The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether thebids are generally in order, whether required securities have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether any computational errors have been made.24.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and thetotal price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. If the bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, its bid will be rejected.24.3 The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a bidwhich does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder.24.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to ITB Clause 26, the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer will determine thesubstantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. For purposes of these Clauses, a substantially responsive bid is one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the bidding documents without material deviations. Deviation from, or objections or reservations to critical provisions, such as those concerning Bid Security, Applicable Law, and Taxes and Duties, will be deemed to be a material deviation. The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence.24.5 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected and may not subsequently be made responsive by theBidder having corrected or withdrawn the non-conforming deviation or reservation. The bid will be rejected as non-responsiveness, if it is found having any of the following:1) The bid is not accompanied with a bid security, or, in the case the submitted bid security is of less amount thanrequired, or of shorter validity than required, or not conforming with the requirements of Bidding Documents in its form and issuing bank.2) The Bidder’s participation in the bid is out of his licensed business scope;3) Submission of Qualification Documents is not in completion.4) The bid has not been signed by the Bidder’s Legal Person, or by the person or persons with a Power of Attorneyissued by the said Legal Person.5) The experience of the Bidder does not meet the requirements of the Bidding Documents;6) The bid validity offered by the Bidder is shorter than that stipulated in the Bidding Document; and7) The bid does not meet, in technical aspects, the main specifications specified, or the deviations have exceeded theacceptable range.25. Conversion to Single Currency25.1 To facilitate evaluation and comparison, the Tendering Agent will convert all bid prices expressed in the amounts indifferent currencies in which the bid prices are payable to U.S. Dollars at the selling exchange rate published by Bank of China on the date of bid opening.26. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids26.1 The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer will evaluate and compare the bids which have been determined to besubstantially responsive, pursuant to ITB Clause 24.26.2 The total Evaluated Bid Price (EBP) will be calculated on the basis that the goods be delivered to the designatederect site.For goods offered outside PRC, the total EBP shall be: CIF Price, plus Customs Duties, Import Taxes, and the cost of Inland Transportation and Insurance.For goods offered from within PRC, the total EBP shall be: EXW Price (including Value Added Tax and other taxes), plus the cost of Inland Transportation and Insurance.26.3 The Tender1ng Agent and the Tenderer’s evaluation of a bid will take into account, in addi tion to the bid pricequoted in accordance with ITB Clause 11.2, one or more of the following factors:1) Cost of inland transportation, insurance and other costs within PRC incidental to delivery of the goods to theiranal destination.2) Delivery schedule offered in the bid;3) Deviations in payment schedule from that specified in the Terms and Conditions of Contract;4) The cost of components, spare parts and services;5) The availability in PRC of spare parts and after-sales services for the equipment offered in the bid;。



机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件第一册英文版HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】The Bidding Documents ForICB Procurement of Mechanic & Electronic Products(Volume One)The Bidding Documents ForICB Procurement ofMechanic & Electronic Products(Volume One)Mechanic & Electronic ProductsImport & Export DepartmentMinistry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation P.R.C2002Total Table of ContentsVolume OneSection l. Instructions to BiddersSection 2. Terms and Conditions of ContractSection 3. Contract FormSection 4. AttachmentsVolume TwoSection 5. Invitation for BidsSection 6. Bid Data SheetSection 7. Contract Data SheetSection 8. Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specif1cationsTable of ContentsS e c t i o n 1.I n s t r u c t i o n s T o B i d d e r s6A.l n t r o d u c t i o n71.S o u r c e o f F u n d s72. Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and ElectronicProductsa n d E l i g ib l e B i d d e r s73.E l i g i b l e G o o d s a n d S e r v i c e s74.C o s t o f B i d8B.T h e B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s85.C o n t e n t o f B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s86.C l a r i f i c a t i o n o f B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s97.A m e n d m e n t o f B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s9C.P r e p a r a t i o n o f B i d s98.L a n g u a g e o f B i d99.D o c u m e n t s C o m p r i s i n g t h e B i d910.B i d F o r m 1011.B i d P r i c e s 1012.B i d C u r r e n c i e s 1113. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Q11aliacations 1114. Documents Establi shing Goods’ Eligibility and Conformity toB i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s1215.B i d S e c u r i t y 1316.P e r i o d o f V a l i d i t y o f B i d s 13l7.F o r m a t a n d S i g n i n g o f B i d s 14D.S u b m i s s i o n o f B i d s 1418.S e a l i n g a n d M a r k i n g o f B i d s 1419.D e a d l i n e f o r S u b m i s s i o n o f B i d s 1520.L a t e B i d s 1521.M o d i f1c a t i o n a n d W i t h d r a w a l o f B i d s 15E.O p e n i n g a n d E v a l u a t i o n o f B i d s 1522.O p e n i n g o f B i d s 1623.C l a r i f i c a t i o n o f B i d s 1624.P r e l i m i n a r y E x a m i n a t i o n 1625.C o n v e r s i o n t o S i n g l e C u r r e n c y 1726.E v a l u a t i o n a n d C o m p a r i s o n o f B i d s 1727.D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f F i n a l E v a l u a t e d B i d P r i c e s 2128.C o n t a c t i n g t h e T e n d e r i n g A g e n t a n d t h e T e n d e r e r 21F.A w a r d o f C o n t r a c t 2129.P o s t q u a l i f i c a t i o n 2130.A w a r d C r i t e r i a 2131.R i g h t t o V a r y Q u a n t i t i e s a t T i m e o f A w a r d 2232.P u b l i c a t i o n o f E v a l u a t i o n R e s u l t 2233. Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 2234.N o t i f i c a t i o n o f A w a r d 2235.S i g n i n g o f C o n t r a c t 2236.P e r f o r m a n c e S e c u r i t y 23S e c t i o n 2.T e r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s o f C o n t r a c t241.D e f i n i t i o n s 252.A p p l i c a t i o n 253.C o u n t r y o f O r i g i n 254.S t a n d a r d s 265.U s e o f C o n t r a c t D o c u m e n t s a n d I n f o r m a t i o n 266.P a t e n t R i g h t s 267.P e r f o r m a n c e S e c u r i t y 268.I n s p e c t i o n s a n d T e s t s 279.P a c k i n g 2810.M a r k i n g f o r S h i p m e n t 2811.T e r m s o f S h i p m e n t 2912.S h i p p i n g A d v i c e 3013.D e l i v e r y a n d D o c u m e n t s 3114.I n s u r a n c e 3215.T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 3216.I n c i d e n t a l S e r v i c e s 3217.S p a r e P a r t s 3218.W a r r a n t y 3319.C l a i m s 3320.P a y m e n t 3421.P r i c e s 3522.C h a n g e O r d e r s 3523.C o n t r a c t A m e n d m e n t s 3624.A s s i g n m e n t 3625.S u b c o n t r a c t s 3626.D e l a y s i n S u p p l i e r’s P e r f o r m a n c e 3627.L i q u i d a t e d D a m a g e s 3628.T e r m i n a t i o n f o r D e f a u l t 3729.F o r c e M a j e u r e 3730.T e r m i n a t i o n f o r I n s o l v e n c y 3831.T e r m i n a t i o n f o r C o n v e n i e n c e 3832.R e s o l u t i o n o f D i s p u t e s 3833.G o v e r n i n g L a n g u a g e 3934.A p p l i c a b l e L a w 3935.N o t i c e s 3936.T a x e s a n d D u t i e s 3937.E f f e c t i v e n e s s o f t h e C o n t r a c t a n d M i s c e l l a n e o u s 40Section 3. Contract Form 41Section 4. Attachments 441.B i d F o r m 452.S u m m a r y S h e e t f o r B i d O p e n i n g 473.B i d S c h e d u l e o f P r i c e s 484.B r i e f D e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e G o o d s 505.D e v i a t i o n F o r m f o r T e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s 516.D e v i a t i o n F o r m f o r C o m m e r c i a l T e r m s 527.F o r m f o r B i d S e c u r i t y 538.F o r m f o r P o w e r o f A t t o r n e y 549.Q u a l i f i c a t i o n D o c u m e n t s 55F o m9-1S t a t e m e n t C o n c e r n i n g Q u a l i f i c a t i o n 56F o m9-2M a n u f a c t u r e r’s Q u a i i f1c a t i o n S t a t e m e n t 57Form9-3 Trading Company’s or Agent’s Qualification Statement 60F o m9-4L e t t e r o f A u t h o r i t y f r o m M a n u f a c t u r e r 62F o m9-5c e r t i f i c a t e 6310.F o r m f o r P e r f o r m a n c e s e C l l r1t y 6411.B a n k G u a r a n t e e F o r m f o r A d v a n c e P a y m e n t 6512.S p e c i m e n o f L e t t e r o f C r e d i t 66Section 1 Instructions To BiddersInstructions to BiddersA. Introduction1. Source of Funds1.1 The Tenderer named in the Bid Data Sheet has received a loan/fund as identified in the Bid DataSheet. The Tenderer intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan/fund to the paymentsunder the contract for which this Invitation for Bids is issued.2.Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products and Eligible Bidders2.1 The Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and ElectronicProducts(hereinafter called“Tender1ng Agent”) in this ITB means the qualified Legal Person approved and authorised by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to handle theprocurement of mechanic and electronic products by way ofInternational Competitive Bidding (ICB) on behalf of the Tenderer.2.2 Eligible Bidders1) This Invitation for Bids is open to all suppliers from withinthe People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) and al1countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC(hereinafter called “the eligible source countries”), except as provided hereinafter.2) Bidders should not be associated, directly or indirectly, with afirm or any of its affi1iates which have ken engaged by theTenderer to provide consulting services for the preparation ofthe design, specif1cations, and other documents to be used forthe procurement of the goods to be purchased under thisInvitation for Bids.3) The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they arelegally and financially autonomous,if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not adependent agency of the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer.3. Eligible Goods and Services3.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contractshall have their origin in eligiblesource counties, as denned in clause 2.2 above, and allexpenditures made under the contract willbe limited to such goods and services.3.2 For purposes of this clause,“origin” means the place where thegoods are mined, grown or produced, or the place from which the related services are supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly of components, a commercially recognised product results that issubstantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the Bidder.4. Cost of Bid4.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparationand submission of its bid, and theTendering Agent and the Tenderer, named in the Bid Data Sheet, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bid process.B. The Bidding Documents5. Content of Bidding Documents5.1 The goods required, bidding procedures and contract terms areprescribed in the bidding documents.The content of the bidding documents will be separated into two volumes as follows:Volume One:Section I Instructions to BiddersSectionⅡ Terms and Conditions of ContractSection III Contract FormSection IV AttachmentsVolume Two:Section V Invitation for BidsSection VI Bid Data SheetSection VII Contract Data SheetSection VIII Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications5.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, termsand specifications in the biddingdocuments. Failure to furnish a11 information required by the bidding documents or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid.6. Cladf1cation of Bidding Documents6.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the biddingdocuments may notify the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer inwriting. The Tendering Agent will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarification of the bidding documents which itreceives no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids prescribed in the Bid Data Sheet. Written copies of the Tender1ng Agent’s response (without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective bidders whohave purchased the bidding documents.7. Amendment of Bidding Documents7.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Tendering Agent, for any reason,whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder,may modify the bidding documents by amendment.7.2 All prospective bidders who have purchased the bidding documentswill be notified of the amendment in writing, and will be binding on them. Prospective Bidders shall promptly acknow1edge thereceipt thereof by cable or fax to the Tendering Agent.7.3 In order to afford prospective bidden reasonable time in which totake the amendment into account in preparing their bids, theTendering Agent, at its discretion, may extend the deadline forthe submission of bids.C. Preparation of Bids8. Language of Bid8.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bidexchanged by the Bidder and the Tender1ng Agent/the Tenderer, shall be written in the language specified in the Bid Data Sheet.Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by anaccurate translation of the relevant passages in the languagespecified in the Bid Data Sheet, in which case, for purposes ofinterpretation of the Bid, the translation shall govern.9. Documents Comprising the Bid9.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components:1) A Bid Form, Bid Schedule of Prices and a Summary Sheet for BidOpening which shall be submitted in a separate envelopecompleted in accordance with ITB Clauses 10,1l and 12;2) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITB Clause13 that the Bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified toperform the contract if its bid is accepted;3) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITB Clause14 that the goods and ancillary services to be supplied by theBidder are eligib1e goods and services and conform to thebidding documents;4) Bid security furnished in accordance with ITB Clause 15.10. Bid Form10.l The Bidder shall complete the Bid Form, Summary Sheet for BidOpening and Price Schedule furnished in the bidding documents.11. Bid Prices11.1 The Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Bid Schedule ofPrices the unit prices (where applicable) and total bid price of the goods it proposes to supply under the contract.11.2 Prices indicated on the Bid Schedule of Prices shall be enteredseparately in the following manner:11.2.1 For goods offered from within PRC:1) The price of the goods quoted EXW (ex-works, ex-factory, ex-warehouse, ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf, as applicable),including Value Added Taxes (VAT) and other taxes already paidor payable to the government of PRC, as well as all customsduties, VAT and other taxes paid or payable:a) on the components and raw material used in the manufacture orassembly or goods of foreign origin quoted ex-works or ex-factory; orb) on the previously imported goods of foreign origin quoted ex-warehouse, ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf.2) The price for inland transportation, insurance, and otherlocal costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their finaldestination, if specified in the Bid Data Sheet.3) The price of other (incidental) services, if any, listed inthe Bid Data Sheet.11.2.2 For goods offered from abroad:1) The price of the goods shall be quoted CIF named port ofdestination, or CIP named place of destination in PRC, asspecified in the Bid Data Sheet. In quoting the price, theBidder shall use transportation through carriers registered inPRC or other carriers registered in my eligible countries withthe Tenderer’s prior approval. Similarly, the Bidder mayobtain insurance services from PRC or any eligible sourcecountry upon the prior approval of the Tenderer.2) The price of goods quoted FOB port of shipment (or FCA, as thecase may be), if specified in the Bid Data Sheet.3) The price of goods quoted CFR port of destination (or CPT, asthe case may be), if specified in the Bid Data Sheet.4) The price for inland transportation, insurance, and otherlocal costs incidental to delivery of the goods from the portof entry to their final destination, if specified in the BidData Sheet.5) The price of (incidental) services, If any, listed in the Bid Data Sheet.11.3 The terms EXW, CIF, CIP, etc., shall be governed by the rulesprescribed in the current edition of Incoterms published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.11.4 The Bidder’s separation of price components in accordance withITB Clause 11.2 above will be solely for the purpose offacilitating the comparison of bids by the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer and will not in my way limit the Tenderer’s right tocontract on any of the terms offered.11.5 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’sperformance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected, pursuant to ITB Clause 24.12. Bid Currenciesl2.1 The prices shall be quoted in RMB for goods and services that the Bidder will supply from within PRC, unless specified or permitted otherwise;12.2 The prices shall be quoted in any of the currencies defined inthe Bid Data Sheet for goods and services that the Bidder willsupply from outside PRC.13. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications13.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as pad of its bid, documentsestab1ishing the Bidder’s eligibility to bid and itsqualifications to perform contract if its bid is accepted. If the Bidder is a Joint Venture, each member of the Joint Venture shall submit the Qualification Documents respectively together with the Joint Venture Agreement while indicating the leading member of the Joint Venture.13.2 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility to bidshall establish to the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer’ssatisfaction that the Bidder, at the time of submission of its bid, is from an eligible country as defined under ITB Clause 2.13.3 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s quali fications toperform the contract if its bid is accepted shall establish to the Tendering Agent and the Tendeer’s satisfaction:1) that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods underthe contract which the Bidder does not manufacture or otherwiseproduce, the Bidder has been duly authorised by the goods’Manufacturer or Producer to supply the goods in this biddingproject, format as per Section 4 Attachments 9-4.2) that, the Bidder has the financial, technical and productioncapability necessary to perform the contract;3) that, the Bidder meets the qualification criteria listed in theBid Data Sheet.4) that, the Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issuedwithin three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy;14. Documents Establishing Goods, Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents14.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, documentsestablishing the e1igibility and conformity to the biddingdocuments of all goods and services which the Bidder proposes to supply under the contract.14.2 The documentary evidence of the eligibility of the goods andservices shall consist of a statement in the Bid Schedule ofPrices of the country of origin of the goods and services offered which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment.14.3 The documentary evidence of conformity of the goods and servicesto the bidding documents may be in the form of literature,drawings and data, and shall consist of:1) a detailed description of the essential technical andperformance characteristics of the goods; and2) a list, giving full particulars, including available sourcesand current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc.,necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a period to be specified in the Bid Data Sheet, followingcommencement of the use of the goods by the Tenderer; and3) an item-by-item commentary on the Tenderer’s TechnicalSpecifications demonstrating substantial responsiveness of thegoods and services to those specifications,or a statement ofdeviations and exceptions to the provisions of the TechnicalSpecifications. Particularly, to those specifications withspecific parameters, the bidder shall furnish specif1c parameter value of offered goods.14.4 For purposes of the commentary to be furnished pursuant to ITBClause l4.3) above, the Bidder shall note that standards forworkmanship, material and equipment, as we11 as references tobrand names or catalogue numbers designated by the Tenderer in its Technical Specifications. are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may substitute alternative standards, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Tenderer’s satisfaction that thesubstitutions ensure substantial equivalence to those designated in the Technical Specifications.15. Bid Security15.l The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security inthe amount specified in the Bid Data Sheet.15.2 The bid security is required to protect the Tendering Agent andthe Tenderer against the risk of Bidder’s conduct which wouldwarrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to ITB Clause The bid security shall be denominated in the currency of the bidor in another currency acceptable to the Tendering Agent, and Shan be in one of the following forms:1) A bank guarantee or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by areputable bank located in PRC or abroad, in the form provided in the bidding documents or another form acceptable to the Tenderer and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity of the bid;or2) A cashier’s check, certified check, or cash.15.4 Any bid not secured in accordance with ITB Clauses 15.l and 15.3mwill be rejected as non-responsive, pursuant to ITB Clause 24.15.5 Unsuccessful bidders’bid security will be discharged or returnedin its or1girlal amount as promptly as possible but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of bidvalidity pursuant to ITB Clause 16.15.6 The su ccessful Bidder’s bid security wi11 be discharged upon theBidder signing the contract, pursuant to ITB Clause 35,andfurnishing the performance security, pursuant to ITB Clause 36.15.7 The bid security may be forfeited:1) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validityspecified in the bidding documents; or2) if the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract in accordance with ITB Clause 35;or3) if the successful Bidder fails to furnish performance securityin accordance with ITB Clause 36.16. Period of Validity of Bids16.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the Bid DataSheet from the date of bid opening, pursuant to ITB Clause 22.1.A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive.16.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the originalbid validity period, the Tendering Agent may request the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. A Bidder mayrefuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required nor permitted tomodify its bid, but will be required to extend the validity of its Bid security correspondingly. The provisions of Clause 15regarding discharge and forfeiture of Bid Security shall continue to apply during the extended period of bid validity.17. Format and Signing of Bidsl7.1 The Bidder shall prepare an original and the number of copies of the bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, clearly marking each“ORIGINAL”, or “COPY” of bid, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern.17.2 The original bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink andshall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons dulyauthorised to bind the Bidder to the contract. The latterauthorisation shall be indicated by written power of attorneyaccompanying the bid. A11 pages of the bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or personssigning the bid. The copies of bid can be the duplicated copies of the original bid.17.3 Any interlineation, erasures or overwriting shall be valid onlyif they are initialed by the person or persons signing the bid.D. Submtssion of Bids18. Sealing and Marking of Bids18.1 For the convenience of Bid Opening, the Bidder is required tosubmit the Summary Sheet for Bid Opening, together with the Bid Security, in a separate envelope and duly marking the envelope as “Summary Sheet for Bid Opening”. The Bidder shall seal theoriginal and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes, dulymarking the envelopes as“ORIGINAL” and“COPY”. All theseenvelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope.18.2 The inner and outer envelope shall be:1) addressed to the address given in the Bid Data Sheet; and2) bear the Project name indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, theInvitation for Bids(IFB)title and number indicated in the BidData Sheet, and the word“DO NOT OPEN BEFORE”, followed by the time and date for bid opening specif1din the Bid Dam Sheet,pursuant to ITB Clause 22.18.3 The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address ofthe Bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”.18.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by ITBClause 18.2, the Tendering Agent will assume no responsib11ity for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening.19. Deadline for Submission of Bids19.1 Bids must be received by the Tendering Agent at the addressspecified under ITB Clause 18.2 no later than the time and date specif1ed in the Bid Data Sheet.19.2 The Tendering Agent may, at its discretion, extend this deadlinefor the submission of bids by amending the bidding documents in accordance with ITB C1ause7, in which case all rights andobligations of the Tendering Agent/the Tenderer and Bidderspreviously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.20. Late Bids20.1 Any bid received by the Tendering Agent after the deadline forsubmission of bids, pursuant to ITB Clause 19, will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.21. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids21.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid’ssubmission, provided that written notice of the modification,including substitution or withdrawal of the bids, is received by the Tendering Agent prior to the deadline for submission of bids.21.2 The Bidder’s rnodif1cation or withdrawal notice shall beprepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with theprovisions of ITB Clause l8.21.3 No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.21.4 No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline forsubmission of bids and the expiration of the period of bidvalidity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its bid security, pursuant to ITB Clause 15.7.E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids22. Opening of Bids22.1 The Tendering Agent will open all bids in the presence ofbidders’ representatives who choose to attend, in the place and at the date and time specified in the Bid Data Sheet. The bidders, representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.22.2 The bidders’ names, bid Inodif1cations or withdrawals, bidpr1ces, discounts, and the presence or absence of the requisite bid security and such other details as the Tendering Agent, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the bid opening. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening, except for late bids, which shall be returned unopened to the Bidder pursuant to ITB Clause 20.22.3 Bids (and modifications sent pursuant to ITB Clause 21.2) thatare not opened and read out at the bid opening shall not beconsidered further for evaluation. Such bids will be returnedunopened to the bidders.22.4 The Tender1ng Agent wi1i prepare minutes of the bid opening.23. Clarification of Bids23.1 During evaluation of the bids, the Tendering Agent may, at itsdiscretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. Therequest for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the prices or substance of the bid shall besought, offered or permitted.24. Preliminary Examination24.1 The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer will examine the bids todetermine whether they are complete, whether the bids aregenerally in order, whether required securities have beenfurnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether any computational errors have been made.24.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. Ifthere is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected.If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. If the bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, its bid will be rejected.24.3 The Tendering Agent and the Tenderer may waive any minorinformality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder.24.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to ITB Clause 26, theTendering Agent and the Tenderer will determine the substantial。



精心整理2008年版《机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件》汉英对照机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)The Bidding Documents For ICB Procurement of Mechanic & Electronic Products (Volume One)9.投标文件构成9. Documents Comprising the Bid10.投标文件的编写10. Compilation of Bid11.投标报价11. Bid Prices12.投标货币12. Bid Currencies13.证明投标人合格和资格的文件13. Documents Establishing Bidder's Eligibility and Qualifications14.证明货物的合格性和符合招标文件规定的文件14. Documents Establishing Goods' Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents15.投标保证金15. Bid Security16.投标有效期16. Period of Validity of Bids17.投标文件的式样和签署17. Format and Signing of Bids30.合同授予标准30. Award Criteria31.网上注册、公示与质疑31. Registration on Website and Publication, Query of Evaluation Result32.拒绝任何或所有投标的权力32. Right to Reject Any or All Bids33.中标通知书33. Registration on website and Notificationof Award34.签订合同34. Signing of Contract35.履约保证金35. Performance Security36.招标服务费36. Service Charge for Bidding第二章合同通用条款Section 2. General Conditions of Contract19.索赔19. Claims20.付款20. Payment21.价格21. Prices22.变更指令22. Change Orders23.合同修改23. Contract Amendments24.转让24. Assignment25.分包25. Subcontracts26.卖方履约延误26. Delays in Supplier's Performance27.误期赔偿费27. Liquidated Damages28.违约终止合同28. Termination for Default29.不可抗力29. Force Majeure30.因破产而终止合同30. Termination for Insolvency格式Ⅳ-1.投标书格式Form Ⅳ-1 Bid Form格式Ⅳ-2.开标一览表格式Form Ⅳ-2 Summary Sheet for Bid Opening格式Ⅳ-3.投标分项报价表格式Form Ⅳ-3 Bid Schedules of Prices格式Ⅳ-4.货物说明一览表格式Form Ⅳ-4 Brief Descriptionof the Goods格式Ⅳ-5.技术规格响应/偏离表格式Form Ⅳ-5 Responsiveness/Deviation Form for Technical Specifications格式Ⅳ-6.商务条款响应/偏离表格式Form Ⅳ-6 Responsiveness/Deviation Form for Commercial TermsContract第八章货物需求一览表及技术规格Section 8. Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications第一章Section 1投标人须知Instructions to Bidders一、说明 A. Introduction1. 资金来源 1. Source of Funds1.1本招标文件第二册第六章投标资料表中所述的招标人已拥有一笔资金/贷款。

机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)(doc 66页)

机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)(doc 66页)
6. 招标文件的澄清
7. 招标文件的修改
8. 投标的语言



[Address][City, Postal Code][Country][Date]Subject: International Tender for [Project Name][Project Description][Company Name] hereby invites tenders from eligible contractors for the supply, installation, and commissioning of [Project Name] as described in this tender document. This project is a [brief project description, e.g., construction of a new factory, renovation of an existing building, etc.]. The project is located at [Project Location].1. IntroductionThe [Company Name] is a [brief de scription of the company’s business and industry], with a strong commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. We are seeking reputable contractors to partner with us in this project. The successful bidder will be responsible for the execution of the project in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tender document.2. Scope of WorkThe scope of work for this tender includes, but is not limited to, the following:a. Detailed design and engineering of the project, including all necessary drawings, specifications, and calculations.b. Procurement of all materials, equipment, and services required for the project, in accordance with the specifications provided.c. Construction, installation, and testing of all systems and equipment as per the approved design.d. Compliance with all applicable local, national, and international laws, regulations, and standards.e. Provision of all labor, equipment, materials, and services necessary for the successful completion of the project.f. Preparation and submission of all necessary documentation, including, but not limited to, construction plans, technical specifications, and progress reports.3. Tender Requirements3.1 EligibilityApplicants must be registered and in good standing with their respective national authorities. They must have a minimum of [X] years of experience in the relevant field and a proven track record of successfully completing similar projects.3.2 Financial and Technical QualificationsApplicants must provide the following documents to demonstrate their financial and technical qualifications:a. Company profile, including a brief history, list of directors, and information on key personnel involved in the project.b. Financial statements for the last three years, including balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements.c. List of completed projects with details on the scope of work, value of the contract, and client references.d. Technical qualifications, including qualifications of key personnel, list of technical equipment, and certifications.3.3 Tender DocumentsThe tender documents can be obtained by contacting [Contact Person’s Name], [Contact Person’s Position], [Company Name], at [Contact Email], or [Contact Phone Number]. A non-refundable fee of [Amount] must be paid upon request for the complete set of tender documents.4. Tender Submission4.1 Tender Submission DeadlineTenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Tender for [Project Name]" to the address below by [Deadline Date] at [Time].[Company Name][Address][City, Postal Code][Country]4.2 Tender FormatTenders must be submitted in the following format:a. Cover Letter: A brief cover letter outlining the company’s interest in the project, its qualifications, and a summary of the proposed approach.b. Technical Proposal: A detailed technical proposal including the methodology, project schedule, and key personnel involved.c. Financial Proposal: A detailed financial proposal including the total cost of the project, payment terms, and warranty periods.d. Supporting Documents: All required supporting documents as specified in Section 3.2.5. Evaluation CriteriaThe evaluation of tenders will be based on the following criteria:a. Technical Proposal: 50%b. Financial Proposal: 30%c. Company Qualifications: 20%6. Contract AwardThe contract will be awarded to the bidder whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous to [Company Name], considering the evaluation criteria and the following additional factors:a. Compliance with the terms and conditions of this tender document.b. The quality, reliability, and experience of the bidder.c. The proposed project schedule and budget.7. Tender WithdrawalBidders may withdraw their tenders at any time before the closing date, provided written notice is given to [Company Name].8. Miscellaneous8.1 LanguageThe working language of this tender and the contract will be [Language].8.2 ConfidentialityAll information provided in the tender document is confidential and must not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of [Company Name].8.3 Tender Amendments[Company Name] reserves the right to amend or cancel this tender at any time before the closing date.8.4 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this tender process or the subsequent contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution].[Company Name] reserves the right to make decisions regarding the tender process and the selection of the successful bidder.[Company Name][Signature][Name][Position]End of Tender Document。



对外经济贸易合作部令[1999]第1号1999年2月25日(命令略)Decree [1999] No.1 of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic CooperationFebruary 25, 1999(The order is omitted here.附件:Attachment:机电产品国际招标管理办法Measures on the Administration of International Bidding for Mechanical and Electrical Products第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为了规范机电产品国际招标行为,建立公开、公平的国际招标竞争机制和公正的评标准则,根据国务院批准发布的《机电产品进口管理暂行办法》、《国务院关于加强利用国外贷款项目进口机电设备管理的通知》(国发[1990]64号)和《国务院办公厅关于印发对外贸易经济合作部职能配置内设机构和人员编制规定的通知》(国办发[1998]122号),特制定本办法。

Article 1 With a view to standardizing the behavior of international bidding of mechanical and electrical products and establishing an open and fair competition mechanism for international bidding and equitable tender evaluation criteria, these Measures are hereby formulated pursuant to the Provisional Measures on Managing the Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products, the Circular of the State Council on Strengthening the Management of Importing Mechanical and Electrical Equipment by Utilizing International Lending Projects (GuoFa [1990] No.64) and the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Concerning the Institution Setting up Under the Function and Staffing (GuoBanFa [1998] No.122).第二条本办法所称“国际招标”系指国际公开竞争性招标。



一、项目名称(中文)XXX项目国际招标(英文)International Bid for XXX Project二、招标人(中文)XXX公司(英文)XXX Corporation地址:(中文)XXX市XXX路XXX号(英文)XXX Road, XXX City联系人:(中文)张先生(英文)Mr. Zhang电话:(中文)+86-XXX-XXXX-XXXX(英文)+86-XXX-XXXX-XXXX三、项目概况(中文)本项目位于XXX市,占地面积约XXX平方米,总建筑面积约XXX平方米,主要包括XXX建筑、XXX设备等。


(英文)This project is located in XXX City, covering an area of approximately XXX square meters with a total floor area of about XXX square meters. It mainly includes XXX building and XXX equipment, etc. The total investment of the project is approximately XXX million yuan, and the funding source is self-financed.四、招标范围(中文)本次招标范围为XXX项目的施工、监理、设计等全过程服务。

(英文)The bidding scope includes the whole process services of construction, supervision, and design for the XXX project.五、招标文件组成(中文)1.招标公告;(英文)1. Bid Announcement;2.招标文件;(英文)2. Bidding Documents;3.投标须知;(英文)3. Instructions to Bidders;4.合同条款;(英文)4. Contract Terms;5.技术规范;(英文)5. Technical Specifications;6.图纸;(英文)6. Drawings;7.其他相关文件。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
8. Language of Bid 9
9. Documents Comprising the Bid 9
10. Bid Form 10
11. Bid Prices 10
12. Bid Currencies 11
13. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Q11aliacations 11
29. Post qualification 21
30. Award Criteria 21
31. Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award 22
32. Publication of Evaluation Result 22
33. Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 22
34. Notification of Award 22
35. Signing of Contract 22
36. Performance Security 23
Section 2. Terms and Conditions of Contract24
1. Definitions 25
2. Application 25
1. Source of Funds 7
2. Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products
and Eligible Bidders 7
3. Eligible Goods and Services 7
4. Cost of Bid 8
(Volume One)
Mechanic & Electronic Products
Import & Export Department
Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Table of Contents
Volume One
Section l. Instructions to Bidders
The Bidding Documents For
ICB Procurement of Mechanic
& Electronic Products
(Volume One)
The Bidding Documents For
ICB Procurement of
Mechanic & Electronic Products
D. Submission of Bids14
18. Sealing and Marking of Bids 14
19. Deadline for Submission of Bids 15
20. Late Bids 15
21. Modif1cation and Withdrawal of Bids 15
B. The Bidding Documents 8
5. Content of Bidding Documents 8
6. Clarification of Bidding Documents 9
7. Amendment of Bidding Documents 9. Country of Origin 25
4. Standards 26
5. Use of Contract Documents and Information 26
6. Patent Rights 26
7. Performance Security 26
8. Inspections and Tests 27
26. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 17
27. Determination of Final Evaluated Bid Prices 21
28. Contacting the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer 21
F. Award of Contract 21
16. Incidental Services 32
17. Spare Parts 32
18. Warranty 33
9. Packing 28
10. Marking for Shipment 28
11. Terms of Shipment 29
12. Shipping Advice 30
13. Delivery and Documents 31
14. Insurance 32
15. Transportation 32
Section 2. Terms and Conditions of Contract
Section 3. Contract Form
Section 4. Attachments
Volume Two
Section 5. Invitation for Bids
Section 6. Bid Data Sheet
14. Documents Establishing Goods’ Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents 12
15. Bid Security 13
16. Period of Validity of Bids 13
l7. Format and Signing of Bids 14
E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids 15
22. Opening of Bids 16
23. Clarification of Bids 16
24. Preliminary Examination 16
25. Conversion to Single Currency 17
Section 7. Contract Data Sheet
Section 8. Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specif1cations
Table of Contents
Section 1. Instructions To Bidders 6
A. lntroduction 7