辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语(德语)考试 (1)
![辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语(德语)考试 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51e6477858fb770bf68a5500.png)
辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语(德语)考试一、第一部分:词汇(15分) (总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.der K?se? a.宫殿(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:d)2.der Eindruck b.教堂(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:h)3.der Dieb c.圣诞节(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:f)4.die Kirche d.奶酪(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:b)5.das Schloss e.规则(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a)6.der Tiger f.小偷(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:i)7.die Vorlesung g.许可(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:j)8.das Weihnachten h.印象(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:c)9.die Regel i.老虎(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:e)10.die Erlaubnis j.讲座(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:g)二、写出下列形容词的反义词(10×0.5=5分)(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.früh(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:sp?t)12.schwarz(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:weiss)13.dunkel(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:hell)14.still(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:laut)15.gut 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:schlecht)16.klug(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:dumm)17.link 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:recht)18.falsch(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:richtig)19.klein(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:gross)20.viel 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:wenig)三、写出下列动词的名词形式(包括定冠词)(10×0.5=5分)(总题数:10,分数:5.00)21.reisn_ 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:die Reise)22.studieren__ 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:das Studium)23.fahren__ 1(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:die Fahrt)24.spielen__(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:das Spiel)25.besuchen(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:der Besuch)26.schenken__(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:das Geschenk)27.wohnen(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:die Wohnung)28.antworten__(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:die Antwort)29.essen(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:das Essen)30.entschuldigen _(分数:0.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:die Entschuldigung)四、第二部分:语法(40分) (总题数:30,分数:30.00)31.Wir fahren am Wochenende oft……See.A.in dieB.an die √C.nach derD.zu der32...... bitte eure Tante zum Bahnhof!A.Begleiten SieB.Begleitet √C.Begleitest duD.Begleitet ihr33.Ein Mann aus Deutschland ist…… .A.ein DeutscheB.ein Deutscher √C.eine DeutscheD.einer Deutschen34...... Gr?sse m?chten Sie haben?A.Welche √B.Was fürC.Was für einD.Welch35.Die Schüler hier haben nur am Vormittag Unterricht, ...... wir bei uns zu Hause immer bis15.30 Uhr in der Schule bleiben müssen.A.wennB.solangeC.w?hrend √D.als36.Vor drei Monaten……Herr Baumann schon aus dieser Wohnung ausgezogen.A.mussteB.hatC.wurdeD.ist √37.Zum Kochen braucht man hier……Holz noch Gas,sondern nur Sonnenlicht.A..nichtB.weder √C.keinD.nie38.Kannst du dich noch……seine Worte eninnern?A.an √B.überC.aufD.für39....... wir rechtzeitig ans Ziel kommen k?nnen,h?ngt wom Wetter ab.A.Ob √B.WennC.DamitD..So da40.ch fand eine Stelle in einer Computerfirma, ……in der Abteilung für Forschung und Entwicklung.A.zum BeispielB.unter anderemC.je nachdemD.und zwar √41.Sie k?nnen die Maschine zum Stehen bringen, …… Sie auf diesen Knopf drücken.A.dadurchB.indemC.wobei √D.wenn auch42.Inge,der Kaffee ist fertig.?Danke, ich m?chte jetzt…… .A.keinB.keineC.keinen √D.keins43.)Er ist stark an ausl?ndischer Literatur…… .A.interessierendB.interessiert √C.interessantD.interessiert worden44.Ich sah,wie ihr……Schmerz die Tr?nen kamen.A..ausB..anC.inD.vor √45.Wenn der letzte an der Haltestelle……Fahrgast eingestiegen ist,fuhr der Bus weiter.A.stehende √B.gestandeneC.sich stehendeD.zu stehende46.Wir haben den Eindruck, ...... er ein erfahrener Ingenieur ist.A.obB.wieC.da? √D.dass47.Die Gegenst?nde......auf ihre Qualit?t zu prüfen.A.habenB.scheinenC.sind √D.brauchen48.Wenn es nicht so regnete, ...... .A.kam ich gerneB.komme ich gerneC.k?me ich gerne √D.w?re ich gerne gekommen49.Was sagt Herr Kohl denn zu meinem Plan??Er scheint...... .A.damit einverstanden seinB.damit einverstanden zu sein √C.dass? er damit einverstanden istD.er ist damit einverstanden?50.Wissen Sie vielleicht, ......sich Frau Müller interessiert?A.wofür √B.wasC..dafürD.für das51.Der Arzt sagte, ich müsse auch noch meinen Magen...... .A.untersuchen lassen √B.untersuchenC.untersucht werdenD.untersucht haben52.Woher ich das weiss? Aber das hat doch in allen Zeitungen...... .?A.gesagtB.geschriebenC.gestanden √D.berichtet53.Die Mittelschule ist in der……secksklassig.geB.M?glichkeitC..Regel √D.Ordnung54.Er wollte sich selbst?ndig....... .A.machenB.schaffenC.leisten √D.tun55.……,dass?ich diese gute Gelegenheit verpasst habe.A.LeiderB..TrotzdemC.VergebensD.Schade √56.Meinst du,dass ich einen solchen Job annehmen soll?Das kommt gar nicht in…… .A.OrdnungB.BegriffC..Frage √D.überlegung57.Der Zug……langsam in Bewegung.A.stellte sichB.setzte sich √C.steckte sichD.legte sich?58.Die Vorbereitungen……ich für ebenso wichtig wie die eigentliche Arbeit.A.bezeichneB.nenneC.halte √D.betrachte59.…...warten meine Eltern schon lange auf einen Brief von mir.A.Sicher √B.BeinaheC.BereitsD.Unbedingt60.Sie wurde in ihrer Gastfamilie wie eine Tochter...... .A.mitgenommenB.aufgenommen √C.eingenommenD.angenommen?五、从所给的单词当中选择一个合适的词填入下列句子的空白处(10×1=10分)(总题数:1,分数:10.00)a.denb.werc.damitd.liebere.Rollef.ing.sichh.umi.unterj.je)(1). Er hat ……vorgenommen,in Deutschland weiter zu studieren.A.B.C.D.E.F.G. √(2).Im Urlaub fahre ich gern ins Gebirge,aber noch……war ich in einem richtigen Wald.A.B.C.D. √(3).Ich will von einem Mann berichten,…… ich seit vielen Jahren kenne.A. √B.C.D.(4).Zwei Tage sind notwendig,…… Reparaturen zu machen.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. √(5).…… mehr die Firma verkauft,desto besser wird ihr Gesch?ft.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J. √(6).…… gegen die Vorschriften handelt,wird bestraft.A.B. √C.D.(7). Er besch?ftigt sich gerade……,ein neues Gesch?ft aufzumachen.??A.B.C. √D.(8).Das Fernsehen spielt heute eine wichtige…...im Leben der Menschen.??A.B.C.D.E. √(9). Es ist 6 Uhr abends ,die Sonne geht langsam ...... .A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I. √(10).Warten Sie bitte einen Moment,ich bin……wenigen Minuten wieder da.A.B.C.D.E.F. √六、第三部分:阅读理解(20分)(总题数:2,分数:20.00)Text 1 Herr Lustig arbeitet bei der Firma Raffke in München . Sein Chef hat ihn am Montag nach Augsburg geschickt. Herr Lustig sollte dort mit Herrn Gierig von der Firma Schwindl ein dringendes Problem besprechen. Der Chef hat den ganzen Tag auf Herrn Lustig gewartet, aber Herr Lustig ist nicht gekommen. Am Dienstagmorgen war der Chef sehr ?rgerlich. Er hat Herrn Lustig gefragt:“ Was haben Sie denn gestern den ganzen Tag gemacht ?Ich habe auf Sie gewartet.”“Es tut mir sehr leid”,hat Herr Lustig gesagt. “Ich bin gestern früh um sieben losgefahren,aber es war viel Verkehr auf der Strasse und ich bin erst um neun in Augsburg angekommen . Ich bin sofort zu Herrn Gierig gegangen,aber er war sehr besch?ftigt und hatte keinen Termin mehr am Vormittag frei.Ich habe kurz zu Mittag gegessen und habe um zwei mit Herrn Gierig gesprochen.Das Gespr?ch war sehr schwierig und hat bis vier Uhr gedauert.Ich war um halb sechs wieder in München.”选择正确答案:(5x2=10分)(1).Mit wem sollte Herr Lustig in Augsburg sprechen?A.Mit seinem Chef.B.Mit Herrn Gierig von der Firma Schwindl. √C.Mit Herrn Gierig von der Firma Raffke.D.Mit dem Chef von der Firma Schwindl.(2).Warum war der Chef sehr ?rgerlich?A.Herr Lustig arbeitet nicht fleissig.B.Herr Lustig ist nicht nach Augsburg gefahren.C.Der Chef hat den ganzen Tag auf Herrn Lustig gewartet,aber er ist nicht gekommen. √D.Herr Lustig wollte nicht nach Augsburg fahren.(3).Warum ist Herr Lustig erst um neun in Augsburg angekommen?A.Es war viel Verkehr auf der Strasse. √B.Er ist zu sp?t losgefahren.C.Ein Unfall passierte.D.Er kannte den Weg nicht.(4).Wann hat Herr Lustig mit Herrn Gierig gesprochen?A.Zu Mittag.B.Am Vormittag.C.Beim Mittagessen.D.Am Nachmittag um zwei. √(5).Wie war das Gespr?ch?A.Es war ganz gut.B.Es war sehr schwierig. √C.Es dauerte 4 Stunden.D.Es war schlecht.Text 2 Der Apfel im Papierkorb Dr. Wailand ist ein bekannter Arzt. Er hat eine grosse Geldsumme in seinem Arbeitszimmer vergessen, die dann gestohlen wurde. Der Dieb hat aber keine Spuren hinterlassen. Inspektor Brandler übernahm den Fall und untersuchte das Zimmer. Er fragte den Arzt:“Haben Sie hier im Zimmer etwas ver?ndert, bevor Sie uns heute Morgen angerufen haben?”“Nein, ich habe alles gelassen,wie es war.” Der Inspektor untersuchte weiter. Da bemerkte er einen Apfel im Papierkorb. Der Apfel war angebissen. Er fragte:“Werfen Sie Ihren Apfel in den Papierkorb, Herr Doktor, wenn Sie ein Stück davon gegessen haben?”“Nein, bevor ich wegging, lag der Apfel auf dem Schreibtisch”, antwortet der Arzt. Dann sagte Brandler:“Der Kerl hat doch Spuren hinterlassen. Ihn zu finden, ist nicht schwer.” Am n?chsten Tag lauteten die Berichte in allen Zeitungen: Dr. Wailand, dem eine grosse Geldsumme gestohlen wurde, besch?ftigte sich seit Jahren mit Krebsbehandlung. Er hat einen Apfel mit Krebserregungen auf den Tisch gelegt. Der Dieb hat ein grosses Stück davon gegessen. Wenn der Dieb nicht sofort behandelt wird, kann er nur noch einen Monat leben. Am n?chsten Tag kommt ein Mann ins Krankenhaus zur Untersuchung auf Krebs. stehlen (stahl, gestohlen) 偷 die Spur,_en 痕迹 bevor 在...之前 angebissen 咬了一口der Krebs 癌根据文章内容,判断下列陈述是正确的(R)还是错误的(F)? (5x2=10分)(1).Bei Dr. Wailand wurde wenig gestohlen.( )A.正确B.错误√(2).Dr. Wailand hat im Zimmer etwas ver?ndert, bevor er bei der Polizei angerufen hat. Deshalb ist es schwer , den Dieb zu finden.( )A.正确B.错误√(3).Der Apfel war von Dr. Wailand angebissen.( )A.正确B.错误√(4).Dr. Wailand hat einen Apfel mit Krebserregungen auf den Tisch gelegt.( )A.正确B.错误√(5).Am n?chsten Tag kommt ein Mann ins Krankenhaus zur Untersuchung auf Krebs. Dieser Mann ist der Dieb.( )A.正确√B.错误七、第四部分:翻译(25分) (总题数:5,分数:10.00)61.A:请问现在几点钟? B:差6分11点。
第⼀部分:词汇(15分)⼀、找出下列单词的汉语意思(10 × 0.5 = 5)1. das Studium a. 柜⼦2. die Bibliothek b. 时间3. der Fernseher c. 天空4. der Freund d. ⼤学学习5. der Himmel e. 事故6. der Schrank f. 图书馆7. die Zeit g. 电视机8. die Prüfung h. ⽜奶9. der Unfall i. 朋友10. die Milch j. 考试⼆、写出下列形容词的反义词(10 × 0.5 = 5)1. jung___2. kurz____3. hell____4. ruhig____5. billig____6. recht_____7. flüssig___8. fließend_____9. fremd_____10. gut____三、写出下列动词的名词形式(包括定冠词)(10 × 0.5=5)1. antworten______2. grüßen______3. beschäftigen______4. arbeiten______5. bedeuten______6. wählen_______7.spazierengehen_______8.kämpfen______9.danken_____ 10. beginnen______第⼆部分:语法(40分)⼀、如未注明,则从每题中的四个选项中选出⼀个正确答案(30 × 1=30)1. Der Lehrer ist sehr streng zu _______.a. die Schülerb. der Schülernc. den Schülernd. die Schülern2. …Guten Tag! Wie geht es Ihnen?“ ? …____.“a. Danke, ich bin gut.b. Danke, gut. Und Sie?c. Ich gehe zu Fuß.d. Danke, gut. Und Ihnen?3. Was ist falsch?Heute ist Montag, ... .a. vorgestern war Samstag.b. gestern war Sonntag.c. morgen ist Donnerstag.d. übermorgen ist Mittwoch.4. Hans gehört ______ den besten Schülern seiner Klasse.a. beib. vonc. zud. an5. …Wo arbeiten Sie?“ ? …Ich arbeite _____ Siemens in Hamburg.“a. beib. inc. fürd. an6. …Was wollte er denn von dir?“ ? …Ach, er hat mich nur um einen Rat ______.“a. gebittetb. gebetenc. gebotend. gebetet7. Was ist falsch?a. vorgestern ? gestern ? heute ? morgen ? übermorgenb. Montag ? Dienstag ? Mittwoch ? Donnerstag ? Freitag ? Samstag ? Sonntagc. Morgen ? Vormittag ? Mittag ? Nachmittag ? Abend ? Nachtd. Januar ? Februar ? Mai ? April ? März ? Juni ? Juli ? August ? September ? Oktober ? November - Dezember8. Verlassen Sie sofort das Haus, ______ rufe ich die Polizei!a. sogarb. oderc. sonstd. sondern9. Die Stadt, _____ ich komme, befindet sich in Südchina.a. wob. woherc. von dortd. aus dort10. Was ist falsch?a. wahr ? die Wahrheitb. gesund ? die Gesundheitc. frei ? die Freiheitd. sauber ? die Sauberheit11. Monika ist glücklich. Sie bekommt zu Hause alles, ______ .a. das sie sich wünschtb. dass sie sich wünschtc. die sie sich wünschtd. was sie sich wünscht12. …Wohin soll ich ___ setzen?“ ? …Zwischen deine Mutter und mich.“a. mirb. michc. sichd. meiner13. Was ist falsch?a. sechzehnb. einsundsiebzigc. vierundachtzigd. hundert14. Ich _____ sehr zufrieden, wenn es mir so gut ginge wie dir.a. binb. wärec. würded. sei15. …Wohin fahren Sie denn?“ ? …Ich fahre _____.“a.in Hamburgb.zu Hamburgc.auf Hamburgd.nach Hamburg16. Die ______ Freunde sitzen im Café.a. beideb. beiderc. beidesd. beiden17. Ich danke _____ Hilfe. Alleine wäre ich noch nicht fertig.a. Ihnen von Ihrerb. zu Ihnen für Ihrec. Sie für Ihred. Ihnen für Ihre18. Meine Damen und Herren, bitte _____ nicht mehr. Das Flugzeug landet in wenigen Minuten.a. raucheb. rauchtc. rauchend. rauchen Sie19. München ist noch ______, als ich vorher gedacht habe.a. schönb. schönerc. am schönstend. mehr schön20. Er musste zurück. Denn an der Grenze hatte er ____ Pass _____ Ausweis bei sich gehabt.a. entweder, oderb. weder, nochc. sowohl, als auchd.nicht, sondern21. Er wartete _____ Baum, bis der Regen aufhörte.a. unter einb. unter einerc. unter einemd. unter einen22. _____ des Plastikbeutels sollte man eine Tasche zum Einkaufen mitnehmen.a. Trotzb. Stattc. Wegend. Ohne23. Das neue Semester hat ____ 1. September begonnen.a. imb. amc. zumd. auf dem24. Ihre Eltern wohnen jetzt in Beijing! Wie gefällt ______ denn dort?a. esb. es ihnenc. es sied. es Ihnen25. Die Gäste, ______ Herr Rau antwortet, interessieren sich für deutsche Sitten und Gebräuche.a. deren Fragenb. auf ihre Fragenc. auf deren Fragend. auf dessen Fragen26. Ich komme bestimmt, aber ____ nach 9 Uhr.a. fastb. erstc. ganzd. nur27. Er hat vor, ______ in sein Heimatland zurückzukehren.a. beim Studiumb. mit seinem Studiumc. nach seinem Studiumd. seit seinem Studium28. …Sind Sie mit unserem Vorschlag _____?“ ? …Nein, ich stimme nicht zu.“a. einverstandenb. vertrautc. strengd. zufrieden29. Ich habe _____ noch keinen Hunger, ____ ich esse trotzdem eine Kleinigkeit.a. und, aberb. entweder, nochc. weder, nochd. zwar, aber30. Aki ist in die Bundesrepublik gekommen, _____.a. um mehr Geld für seine Familie zu verdienenb. weil seine Familie gut lebtc. um seine Familie besser zu lebend. weil um Geld zu verdienen⼆、从所给的单词当中选择⼀个合适的词填⼊答题纸相对应题号后(10 × 1=10)(a.über nge c.zwar d.hat e.zu f.scheint g.mir h.mich i.ist j.du)1. Kannst ......... mir helfen?2. Gestern hat es geregnet, aber heute ......... die Sonne.3. Sie ........ mit dem Zug gefahren.4. Der Lehrer ärgerte sich sehr ........ meine Verspätung.5. Er ist ........ reich, aber sehr sparsam.6. Josef ......... Kopfschmerzen.7. Er hat ........ verstanden.8. …Wie ....... bleiben Sie in China?“ ? …Zwei Jahre.“9. Jetzt gehe ich ........ meinem Onkel.10.Ich habe ......... eine schöne Bluse gekauft.第三部分:阅读理解(20分)Text 1Wien ? die Stadt der MusikWien ist die Bundeshauptstadt Österreichs. Sie ist auch ein Bundesland. Die Stadt liegt im Osten des Landes, nur etwa 60 Kilometer von den Grenzen zu Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik und der Slowakei. Mit etwa 1,56 Millionen ist Wien die größte Stadt in Österreich. Sie hat eine wichtige verkehrsgeographische Lage in Europa.Die Stadt ist Verwaltungs- und kulturelles Staatszentrum, Sitz von Hochschulen und der dritte Sitz der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen. Sie ist auch ein Wirtschaftszentrum. Hier gibt es viele Industriebetriebe. Die meisten der größtenösterreichischen Firmen haben ihren Hauptsitz in Wien. Jährlich finden hier viele internationale Messen und Fachmessen statt.Die Stadt …an der blauen Donau“ ist die Welthauptstadt der Musik. Wichtige Komponisten von Haydn bis Schubert, von Mozart bis Beethoven haben hier gearbeitet.die Grenze 边界die Lage 位置Verwaltung ⾏政,管理der Sitz 所在地die Vereinten Nationen 联合国der Komponist 作曲家⼀、请在答题纸上相对应的题号的括号⾥填写“正确”或“错误”(5×2=10分)1. Wien ist die Bundeshauptstadt und ein Bundesland zugleich.( )2. Wien befindet sich im Westen Österreichs, und nur ca. 60 km von den Grenzen.( )3. Wien ist der dritte Sitz der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen. ( )4. In Österreich spielt Wien nur bei der Kultur eine wichtige Rolle. ( )5. Viele bekannte Musiker wie z. B. Mozart und Beethoven usw. haben in Wien gelebt.( )Text 2Autodieb verurteiltFranfurt, 16. September:In der Nacht zum 19. Mai wurde ein blauer Personenwagen, Marke Mercedes 200, gestohlen. Der Dieb war beobachtet worden. Eine genaue Beschreibung des Täters lag vor. Wenige Tage später verhaftete ihn der Polizei. Der Dieb wurde ins Gefängnis geworfen. Der gestohlene Wagen wurde gefunden und dem Besitzer zurückgegeben. Ber der Gerichtsverhandlung leugnete der Täter zuerst seine Tat. Dann wurden aber die Zeugen geholt, sie erkannten sofort den Dieb. Außerdem waren Fingerabdrücke des Täters im Wagen gefunden worden. Jetzt konnte der Täter nicht mehr leugnen, und er gestand den Diebstahl. Der vierunddreißigjährige Max Klemm wurde gestern zu einer Gefängnisstrafe von zwei Jahren und vier Monaten verurteilt.der Autodieb 偷车贼verurteilen 审判stehlen, stahl, gestohlen 偷窃der Täter 案犯verhaften 逮捕das Gefängnis 监狱leugnen 狡辩,不承认der Fingerabdruck 指纹⼆、请在答题纸上相对应的题号的括号⾥填写“正确”或“错误”(5 × 2=10分)1. Ein Auto wurde in der Nacht gestohlen. ( )2. Niemand wusste, wer den Wagen gestohlen hatte. ( )3. Man hatte den Wagen schon wieder gefunden und dessen Besitzer zurückgegeben. ( )4. Bei der Gerichtsverhandlung gestand der Täter sofort seinen Diebstahl. ( )5. Der Täter hieß Max Klemm, er war 35 Jahre alt und wurde zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt.( )第四部分:翻译(25分)⼀、下列的句⼦译成德语(5 × 2=10)1. A:你怎么了?B:我⼜饿⼜渴。
2007-3辽宁省成人本科生学士学位日语(二外) 真题
![2007-3辽宁省成人本科生学士学位日语(二外) 真题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b7985cea1c7aa00b52acb0d.png)
2024年辽宁省英语学位考试真题2024 Liaoning Province English Degree Exam PaperSection A: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passages and answer the questions that follow.Passage 1:The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It was built over 2,000 years ago and stretches over 13,000 miles. The main purpose of the wall was to protect the Chinese empire from attacks by nomadic tribes to the north. Today, it is a popular tourist destination and a symbol of China's rich history.Questions:1. When was the Great Wall of China built?2. What was the main purpose of the wall?3. How long is the Great Wall of China?4. Why is the Great Wall of China considered a symbol of China's history?Passage 2:Climate change is a major issue facing the world today. The Earth's temperature is rising due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This has led to more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity. It is important for us to take action now to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations.Questions:1. What is causing the Earth's temperature to rise?2. What are some of the consequences of climate change?3. What can individuals do to help reduce their carbon footprint?4. Why is it important to protect the environment for future generations?Section B: WritingWrite an essay on one of the following topics:1. The importance of learning a second language.2. The impact of social media on society.3. The benefits of traveling.Section C: Listening ComprehensionListen to the audio recordings and answer the questions that follow.Recording 1:You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend. Answer the following questions:1. What are the friends planning to do on Saturday?2. How do the friends feel about going to the concert?Recording 2:You will hear a news report about a new technology that is being developed to help reduce plastic waste. Answer the following questions:1. What is the new technology aimed at doing?2. How does the new technology work?This is just a sample exam paper for the 2024 Liaoning Province English Degree Exam. Good luck to all the participants!。
辽宁省成人本科生学士学位英语课程考试Part I Vocabulary and Structure *30=15points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. If you want to start a business, you must have some______.A. incomeB. wealthC. capitalD. treasure2. The beef used to cost three dollars, but now the price ______ 50 cents.A. goes upB. went upC. has gone upD. had gone up3. Your answers on these tests are too much ______. You must have cheated.A. likeB. likingC. alikeD. likely4. All the other rooms are occupied. May I use this ______roomA. bareB. blankC. vacantD. hollow5. The picnic was _______ because of the rain.A. called forB. called outC. called onD. called off6. Those people once had fame and fortune; now ____is left to them is utter poverty.A. all whatB. all whichC. that allD. all that7. We were ______ for half an hour in the traffic jam and so we missed the train.A. held outB. held onC. held upD. held down8. If he can ______ the speed, he will win the race.A. maintainB. containC. makeD. take9. They ______ that the library be kept open during the holidays.A. convincedB. persuadedC. impressedD. urged10. With her children _______, she is now taking on more work responsibilities.A. growing upB. to grow upC. have grown upD. grown up11. Seven years old _______,Tom likes all kinds of _____ games.A. as he is …puzzlingB. as is he… puzzlingC. as he is …puzzledD. as is he…puzzled12. ______ enter university one day, I would work hard.A. Would I everB. Ever would IC. Ever should ID. Should I ever13. If only he _______what I tell him, but he won’t.A. had doneB. would doC. would have doneD. has done14. The doctor insisted that the patient_____ for three months.A. not to work too hardB. to take some vacationsC. took it easyD. should take it easy15. ______ what to do, the man telephoned the police.A. Not knownB. Not knowingC. Don’t knowD. Knowing not16. It’s no use _______with him over the matter. He will not change his mind.A. you argueB. your arguingC. of you arguingD. you to argue17. The early pioneers had to _____ many hardships to settle in the new land.A. go intoB. go throughC. go back onD. go along with18. Some members of the committee were opposed______ the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall.A. to useB. to usingC. to have useD. to be used19. ______, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.A. When well fittedB. When fitting wellC. When being well fittedD. If to be fitted20. Through the window______.A. did the fresh air comeB. came the fresh airC. did come the fresh airD. the fresh air came21. I’d rather the money went to a______cause.A. worthwhileB. valueC. worthD. worthy of22. Law and medicine are _____ professions in most countries.A. respectiveB. respectedC. respectableD. respectfulthe size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedB. CompareC. While comparingD. Comparing24. The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question: who says ______ through what channelto whomA. howB. whenC. whatD. suchother quality is more important for a scientist to acquire_______ to observe carefully.A. asB. thanC. andD. but26. When______, this building will be the highest in Asia.A. completingB. it completesC. completedD. it completed27. _______, he failed to find a solution to the problem.A. Whatever he tried hardB. Whatever hard he triedC. However he tried hardD. However hard he tried28. This problem is very difficult to deal with. It’s really_______.A. convincingB. seriousC. toughD. impossible29. Unless you do something really bad, ______.A. your job here will be quite safeB. you’ll soon find a new jobC. you’ll be in big troubleD. you’ll be fired30. You are so lazy. The work _______ days ago.A. should have been finishedB. must have finishedC. must be finishedD. should be finishedPart II Reading Comprehension (2*20=40 points)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.IThe college operates on a quarter system, with three 11-week terms in the regular academic year(学年). A fourth quarter is offered in the summer and is divided into shorter sessions(学期)during which only one course at a time may be taken.A full quarter may be earned if a student enrolls for all of the summer sessions.In the three 11-week term, classes for five quarter hours of credit meet four full hours per week, and laboratory coursesmeet five full hours per week. Classes meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays for one hour total time scheduled for laboratories. Courses for less than five-quarter hours meet for fewer hours per week.Scheduled physical education activities and fine arts participation activities meet for one hour twice weekly or theequivalent time once a week.In order not to interfere with class schedules at other times, Wednesdays are used for off-campus field trips, educationparticipation assignments in public schools, off-campus physical education activities, faculty meetings, committee and council meeting and other special activities.31. According to the passage, the regular academic year consists of_______.A. three 11-week terms and the summer sessionsB. three 11-week termsC. summer sessionsD. the four quarter of the year32. In the summer quarter, a student can_______.A. have more than one courseB. take only one courseC. undoubtedly get a full quarter of creditD. take all the courses offered during the summer sessions at a time33. Classes for five-quarter hours of credit can meet on_______.A. Monday and Wednesday for two hours each dayB. Mondays and Tuesdays for two hours each dayC. Thursday or Friday for two hoursD. Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays or Friday for one hour34. Scheduled physical education activities meet for_______.A. two hours once a weekB. half an hour once a weekC. one hour twice two weekD. one hour once a week35. The most suitable title of the passage should be_______.A. Academic ProgramsB. the College Calendar (日历)C. College Participation (参与)D. College Administration (管理)IIv1.0 可编辑可修改Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes(集合体) for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dumps would bemade into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant waste would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go intoit and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling wastewere built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only mental such as steel, lead and copper, but also paperand rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this projectis complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will pass through sharp mental bars which will tear openthe plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solid; after that founders and rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish willpass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.The first full-scale(全面的)giant recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost oftransporting rubbish to move distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.phrase “should be well on with” most probably means______.A. get ready to startB. have achieved a great deal inC. have completed what was startedD. put an end to37. What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in Para. 3A. Sharpening mental barsB. Breaking up whatever is breakableC. Sorting out small pieces of mentalD. Separating light elements from the heavy ones38. What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plantsA. To deal with wastes in a better wayB. To get raw materials locallyC. To get big profits from those plantsD. To protect the environment from pollution39. The first full-scale huge recycling plants______.A. will probably be in operation in fifteen yearsB. will probably take less than fifteen years to buildC. began to operate fifteen years agoD. will be built fifteen years later40. The passage is mainly about______.A. the location of recycling plantsB. new ways of recycling wastesC. a cheap way to get energyD. the probability of city environmentIIIPlay is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in thedevelopment of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, andthe main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they mustbe good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development.In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the rangeof his inherited(继承的) abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated (刺激), talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully.In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made a vailable to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws(七巧板)and construction toys; painting, scribbling(涂鸦) find making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative andpretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others.By the third stage of play development—from five to seven or eight years—the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the child most enjoys.Until the age of seven or eight, play and work mean much the same to a child. But once reading has been mastered, thenbooks and school become the main source of learning. Toys are still interesting and valuable, they lead on to new hobbies,but their significance has changed—to a child of nine or ten years, toys and games mean, as to adults, relaxation and fun.41. The passage tells us that as a child grows up, _______.A. he should be allowed to choose his own toysB. he should be given identical (同样的) toysC. he should be given different toysD. he should be given fewer and fewer toys42. According to the passage, the abilities a child has inherited from his parents______.A. determine his characterB. will not change after the age of threeC. partly determine the standard he is likely to reachD. to a large extent determine the choice of toys43. Who have the best chance of growing up successfullyA. Those who tend to overeatB. Those who are given a lot of toysC. Those who are given toys, talked to and played withD. Those who can share their toys with their playmates44. We learn from the passage that a child has boundless curiosity(好奇心)______.A. when he is twoB. when he is around fourC. when he is sixD. when he is eight45. The passage is mainly about_______.A. the importance of pre-school educationB. the importance of schoolingC. the role of play in a child’s developmentD. the choice of toys for adolescentsIVWhen television was first introduced into American society thirty years ago, writers and social scientists thought thatthis new invention would better American life. Television is going to bring American families closer together, predictedpsychologist Joel Gold in 1949. Pictures which advertised television in the 1950s invariably showed a happy family gatheredtogether in the living room, sharing the TV viewing experience. Who could have guessed that a quarter of a century laterMother would be in the kitchen watching a daytime drama, Dad would be in the living room watching a ball game, and the children would be watching cartoons in their bedroomTelevision has certainly changed American life, but not the way the first critics predicted. The first televisions wereenormously expensive, so most families owned only one. By 1975, however, 60% of American families owned two televisions ormore; some middle class families had as many as five television sets under one roof. Such multi-set families may keep familymembers in the same house, but that hardly brings them together. In fact, family outings — hiking, going to the movies,going out to dinner —are often limited by TV because one or more family members d on’t want to go: “I’ll miss my program.” is the common complaint.Perhaps more important than the lack of family outings is the destruction of family time together at home. Social scientistsin the 1950s could not have realized how much television Americans would watch in the 1980s; the average American watches6 hours of TV a day. That leaves little time for the special family characteristics and traditions that used to be formedduring long evenings together. The time devoted to games, songs, and hobbies — all shared activities — in the years beforeTV is now dominated by “the tube”. And especially damaging to fam ily relationships is the elimination of the opportunitiesfor talking: chatting, arguing, discussing. Without such communication, family life disintegrates.Domination is the key word. Families in America today schedule their lives around the television. Children rush home fromschool to watch their programs while they do their homework. Mother shops between her special programs. The ski slopes arenearly empty on Sunday; football on TV takes precedence. The family may even eat meals in front of the television. Moreover,television is used as a baby-sitter; small children nationwide spend countless hours in front of the TV, passively ingesting whatever flashes before their eyes. Parents use the television as a resource of reward and punishment: “If you mowthe lawn, you can watch TV an extra hour tonight,” or “No TV for you. You didn’t do your homework”. Ultimately, life-styles revolve around a regular schedule of eating, sleeping, and watching television.Isn’t there a better family life than this dismal, mechanized arrangement According to social scientist Mary Helen Thuente, the quality of life is diminished as family ties grow weaker, as children’s lives grow more and more separate from their parents, as the opportunities for living and sharing within a family are eliminated. Indeed, if the family does not accumulate shared experiences, it is not likely to survive. Consequently, if parents and children alike do not change their priorities, television will continue to exert its influence on American family life as baby-sitter, pacifier, teacher, role model, andsupplier of morals, thus supplanting the place of the family in society.46. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that______.A. thirty years ago, television was introduced into American societyB. TV can get the families closer togetherC. instead of bringing American families closer together, television causes families ties to grow weakerD. mother, father and children all like to watch TV47. In paragraph 2, the phrase multi-set families means______.A. families with several televisionsB. families with two televisionsC. families with two radiosD. families with several radios48. Which of the following is NOT trueA. Television has brought great changes to American life.B. On Sunday most people watch football matches on TV instead of skiing.C. Small children spent a lot of time in front of the TV watching any program they can.D. It is easy for families with more than one television to bring their members together.49. In paragraph 3, the word “tube” refers to______.A. the televisionB. the radioC. the underground railwayD. the tooth tube50. Which statement is trueA. Children run to school for watching their TV programs.B. Eating, sleeping and watching television are now the life patterns for very few American people.C. The quality of life has nothing to do with family ties.D. The family will disappear if parents and children continue to spend too much time watching TV.Part III Cloze *20=10points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Youshould choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Human language is a system of symbols (符号). No other animal has a complex symbolic language that must be learned. Animallanguage is largely instinctive, 51_the basic human language is learned speech, composed 52 sounds that symbolize things, ideas, actions, and the like. The word “table”, for 53_, means a raised slab (平板) because we have agreed thatit will be the symbol for 54 we know a table to be. Otherwise, there is 55_ at all “tablish” about the sound of the word. Written language uses letters or other 56 to stand for the sounds of speech.We learn to read, often 57_considerable effort, by noticing or 58_ taught that groups of letters stand for the sounds thatwe already know 59 to speak. We l earn to write, with even 60_effort, by learning to form the letters, 61_are symbols of sounds, and to put them together on 62_so that others can read what we “say”.Since human language is a form of human behavior, 63 is nothing absolute (绝对的) about it. It has 64_ slowly throughouthuman history and will 65_to develop.66 the English language there are perhaps 600,000 _67_, possibly more, but most of them are 68_only to specialists andare rarely 69_. The average mature person has a use vocabulary of about 10,000 words and a recognition vocabulary of 30,00070 40,000 words.51. A. while B. because C. since D. so52. A. on B. of C. by D. in53. A. one B. sure C. example D. ever54. A. why B. which C. when D. what55. A. something B. none C. anything D. nothing56. A. words B. sounds C. signs D. letters57. A. with B. for C. under D. from58. A. having B. being C. are D. been59. A. what B. how C. which D. why60. A. larger B. fewer C. greater D. less61. A. they B. those C. which D. that62. A. magazines B. books C. desk D. paper63. A. there B. it C. which D. one64. A. developed B. reverted C. survived D. functioned65. A. remain B. continue C. go D. keep66. A. By B. At C. In D. On67. A. sounds B. words C. letters D. signs68. A. given B. seen C. felt D. known69. A. used B. asked C. talked D. pronounced70. A. from B. for C. of D. toPart IV Proof reading (1*5=5points)Directions: There is one error in each line of the passage. Proofread the passage and choose the errors. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Where there were not natural gardens, the JapaneseA B C Dhas made their own. Because the islands are so hilly,A B C Dthere is a great shortage of the soil, so every little bitA B C Dis used. No matter how tiny it may is, every home has its 74. _____A B C Down little garden. It is a country worth of a visit.A B C DPart V Translation (3*5=15points)Directions: Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.76. A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in the developing world.77. In fact, there is no scientific basis for theories pushing the genetic superiority of any one population over another.78. The mind, we now know, is not confined to the brain but is distributed throughout the body’s universe of cells.79. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs andearthquake-related research projects.80. Officially, the . Navy does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone and i s convinced that “the majority of disappearances(in the triangle) can be attributed to the unique features of the area’s environment.”Part VI Writing (15points)Directions: Write a composition with the entitle “The Advantages of Keeping Pets ” in about 100 words based on the following words and expressions given below.Points that should be covered:1.宠物是好的伴侣,尤其是对于老人和小孩。
辽宁省成考英语学位考试真题及答案Liaoning Province Adult College Degree Examination - English TestPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Do you know what the world's biggest fish is? Here's a clue: it's not a whale! It's the whale shark. The whale shark is also the world's biggest fish by far. The scienitists have proven that the whale shark can grow up to 12 meters long and weigh as much as 12, 500 kilos. That's even bigger than most of the dinosaurs that went extinct 65 million years ago.Whale sharks are unique because they have many unusual characteristics. For example, the whale shark is a filter-feeder.This means that it eats tiny shrimp-like creatures which it filters from the water as it swims. Whale sharks move slowly but continuously through the water, scooping up plankton as small fish scatter around them.Whale sharks are spotted with white or pale yellow spots, and young whale sharks have bright yellow stripes running along their bodies. It is believed that whale sharks have existed for more than 60 million years, which makes them one of the oldest creatures on Earth. Another interesting fact about whale sharks is their ability to live for a long time. Some whale sharks have been known to live as long as 100 years.1. How long can whale sharks grow A.Up to 25 meters B.Up to 12 meters B.Up to 65 meters D.Up to 36 meters2. What does the writer imply when he says "that's even bigger than most of the dinosaurs that went extinct 65 million years ago?" A. They are like dinosaurs. B. They are bigger than dinosaurs. B. They are not as big as dinosaurs. D. They are the biggest fish in the world.3. Why are whale sharks unique? A. They move quickly. B.They are not filter-feeders. C. They eat only plankton. D. They are filter-feeders.4. What do whale sharks eat? A. Whales. B.Tinyshrimp-like creatures. C. Plankton D. Fish.5. According to the passage, how long can a whale shark survive?A. 12 years. B.100 years. C. 50 years. D. 65 years.Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Example: Much as I enjoyed it, I would like to take a week away from the office. A. Appreciated B. Examined C) Deserved D) Relished6. Beijing, ______ capital of China, is a beautiful city.A. aB. anC. theD. no article7. ______ pleasure it is to have a good time on a rainy day!A. WhatB. HowC. ThatD. Such8. You can't expect ________ with you if you continue to behave so terribly.A. anybody to agreeB. someone agreeingC. anybody will agreeD. anyone agreeing9. There are altogether 350 students in this school, _________ are girls.A. two-thirdB. two-thirdsC. two-thirds of whomD. all of them two-thirds10. He suggested that they _______ the project according to the plan.A. proceedB. would proceedC. proceededD. proceedPart III: Error Correction (10 points)Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases. You need to determine if there is error in them. If there is an error, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET; if not, mark 11Example: Although he is intelligent, but he is very lazy. A. Intelligent B. but C. is D. very12. Clean water is a very problem in this region.A. CleanB. isC. veryD. problem13. It is interesting how some people can be raised in a completely different culture adapt to a new one.A. howB. someC. raisedD. adapt14. Neither John nor Peter have come to the party.A. NeitherB. norC. haveD. come15. The students were asked to write the essay in such small space that it was impossible to read them.A. askedB. inC. spaceD. themPart IV: Writing (30 points)Directions: Write a composition on the topic of "My Dream School" in about 200 words.参考答案及评分标准Part IPassage 11. B2. D3. D4. B5. BPart II6. C7. A8. A9. B10. DPart III12. C 13. D 14. C 15. DPart IV: WritingThe composition should be well-organized and coherent, with clear and logical development of ideas. The content should be relevant to the topic, and the language used should be appropriate to the task. There should be minimal errors in grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. An effective composition will demonstrate a strong command of English language and convey the writer's ideas clearly and accurately.以上是辽宁省成人高考英语学位考试真题及答案,希望对备战考试的同学们有所帮助。
让我们一起来看看吧!阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)问题1:根据短文,下列哪个是正确的?A. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试是国际考试。
B. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试只有一部分。
C. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试的时间是2个小时。
D. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试只有选择题。
答案:C. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试的时间是2个小时。
问题2:根据短文,辽宁成人本科英语学位考试包括以下哪些部分?(可以选择多个答案)A. 听力(Listening)B. 口语(Speaking)C. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)D. 写作(Writing)答案:A. 听力(Listening)、C. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、D. 写作(Writing)听力理解(Listening Comprehension)问题3:根据听力内容,选择正确的答案。
问题:What is the girl's favorite subject?A. MathB. EnglishC. Science答案:B. English问题4:根据听力内容,选择正确的答案。
问题:Where is the woman going this weekend?A. The parkB. The beachC. The museum答案:A. The park口语表达(Speaking)问题5:请根据图片描述下面的场景。
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2006年5月辽宁省成人学士学位法语(二外) 真题
![2006年5月辽宁省成人学士学位法语(二外) 真题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72bf220b79563c1ec5da7103.png)
2006年5月辽宁省成人学士学位法语(艺、体二外类)试题编辑:2007-03-26 13:19:03浏览:476次第1部分:词汇选项(第1?15题,每题1分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中有1处空白。
1.Ce frit est très ____ ,il n‟est pas grand.A. bonneB. bonC. gentilD.jeune2. Vous apprenez____le français.A. bienB.bonC. bonneD. très3. En Occident, la couleur du deuil est_____.A.le rougeB.le blancC.le noirD. le bleu4. Les trois couleurs du drapeau français sont _____, le blanc et le rouge.A.le bleuB.le jauneC.le vertD.le noir5. Il pense toujours à _____ est partie.A. celle quiB. celui quiC.elleD. ce qui6. Tous ses collègues l‟apprécient, car il a ______de qualités.A.peuB.plusieursC. bienD. beaucoup7. ____ la pluie, on a eu une bonne récolte.A. A cause deB.SansC. D‟aprèsD.Grâce à8. La qualité de ce travail est due à _____ de vos collaborateurs.A. l‟intelligenceB. la concurrenceC. l‟impatienceD. l‟influence9.Pendant la fête, cette place était _____ de monde.A.pleineB.videC.déserteD.riche10.Nous ne pourrons _____ ces difficultés qu‟en faisant tous nos efforts.A.vaincreB.monterC.franchirD.passer11.C‟est un homme _____. Il n‟est jamais d‟accord avec personne.A.distraitB.facileC.passionnéD.difficile mère a puni son peti t garçon qui n‟était pas _____.A. distraitB.difficileC.paresseuxD.sage13.As-tu encore _____ d‟acheter un café pour moi ?A.d‟argentB.l‟argentC.un argentD.de l‟argent14. _____ tout le monde puisse entendre, le professeur lui demande de parler plus fort.A.PourB.Afin deC.Pour queD.Pourvu que15.Il n‟est pas venu à la soirée, _____ il a une chose urgente à faire.meB.puisqueC.parce qu‟D.car第2部分:综合选择(第16?35题,每题1分)下面共有20个句子,每个句子中有1处空白。
辽宁省成考英语学位考试真题及答案Liaoning Province Adult Higher Education English Degree Exam Questions and AnswersIntroduction:The Liaoning Province Adult Higher Education English Degree Exam is an important assessment for individuals seeking to obtain an English degree through the adult education system in Liaoning Province, China. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and writing skills. In this document, we will provide a selection of exam questions and answers to help candidates prepare for this challenging test.Reading Comprehension:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:Technology plays a critical role in our daily lives, from the way we communicate with each other to how we work and play. While technology has brought many benefits, it also presents challenges, such as privacy concerns and the potential for jobdisplacement. It is important for individuals to be aware of these issues and to adapt to the changing technological landscape.Question 1: What are some of the benefits of technology?Question 2: What are some of the challenges associated with technology?Answers:Question 1: Some benefits of technology include improved communication, increased efficiency, and access to information.Question 2: Challenges associated with technology include privacy concerns, job displacement, and the need to adapt to new technologies.Vocabulary:Choose the word that best completes each sentence.1. She was _____ to hear that she had been accepted to her dream university.a. thrilledb. terrifyingc. embarrassing2. The company's _____ performance has led to a significant increase in profits.a. mediocreb. exceptionalc. satisfactory3. It is important to ____ your goals in order to achieve success.a. forgetb. visualizec. neglectAnswers:1. a. thrilled2. b. exceptional3. b. visualizeListening Comprehension:Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions that follow.Audio clip: A conversation between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.Question 1: What are the friends planning to do on Saturday?Question 2: Why can't they go hiking on Sunday?Answers:Question 1: The friends are planning to go to the movies on Saturday.Question 2: They can't go hiking on Sunday because it is supposed to rain.Writing Skills:Write an essay on the following topic:"Discuss the impact of social media on society, including both positive and negative effects."Sample answer:Social media has had a profound impact on society in recent years, both positive and negative. On the positive side, it has allowed people to connect and communicate with others from around the world, leading to greater understanding and collaboration. However, social media also has negative effects, such as the spread of misinformation, cyberbullying, and addiction. It is important for individuals to use social mediaresponsibly and critically evaluate the information they encounter.Conclusion:The Liaoning Province Adult Higher Education English Degree Exam is a challenging assessment that covers a wide range of topics. By practicing with sample questions and answers like the ones provided in this document, candidates can better prepare themselves for the exam and improve their chances of success. Good luck to all candidates taking the exam!。
辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语(法语)第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分)下面共有15 个句子,每个句子中有1处空白,请从所给的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
1. En général,après le travail,il rentre à ______ à 5 heures et demie de l'après-midi.A. la maisonB. la familleC. la villeD. la chambre2. On vous entend mal,voulez-vous parler ______ fort?A. moinsB. aussiC. plusD. si3. Dimanche est le jour de ________,on ne travaille pas.A. travailB. réunionC. réflexionD. repos4. La France est ________ où il y a beaucoup de musées.A. une villeB. un paysC. un gouvernementD. un centre5. Pardon,monsieur,_______ faire pour aller à la gare du Nord?A. combienB. commentC. pourquoiD. quelque6. ——Est-ce que vous ne fumez pas?—— _____,je fume quand je lis.A. NonB. JamaisC. SiD. Oui7. Mon cousin est un technicien,il peut ________ cette machine en panne.A. répondreB. répéterC. réciterD. réparer8. Il a mis toute une ________ à écrire cet article.A. jourB. journéeC. journalD. journaliste9. J'aime beaucoup voir le lever du soleil __________ la mer.A. au bord deB. à c?té deC. au lieu deD. au sommet de10. J'ai acheté une rose au marché de __________.A. vêtementsB. poissonsC. livresD. fleurs11. Le chinois et le japonais sont des langues __________.A. orientalB. orientaleC. orientauxD. orientales12. Je suis très heureux de faire votre __________.A. conna?treB. connaissantC. connaissanceD. connu13. Je n'aime pas le rouge,je _________ le bleu.A. prépareB. préciseC. prévoisD. préfère14. Dans cette région,il pleut beaucoup,le climat est _______.A. huitièmeB. humaineC. humainD. humide15. Les musulmans ne mangent pas __________.A. de porcB. de chienC. de b?uf C. de cochon第2部分:综合选择(第16-35题,每题1分)下面共有20个句子,每个句子中有1处空白,请从所给的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
辽宁省成人本科生学士学位英语课程统一考试大纲做重大调整辽宁省成人本科生学士学位英语课程统一考试大纲做重大调整2006-03-06 13:36:32根据国务院学位委员会关于授予学士学位的有关规定,结合我省实际情况,省学位办修订下发了《辽宁省学士学位课程外国语(英语)水平统一考试大纲(试行)》,对考试内容和考试的题型、题量做了不同程度的调整,从2006年上半年考试起试行。
1. 已修完本科阶段英语课程(外语专业为第二外语)并取得合格成绩的在籍高等学历继续教育考生,以及2024年1月份已办理毕业证书的高等学历继续教育考生。
2. 已取得本科阶段外语课程合格成绩的湖北省高等教育自学考试本科考生,以及2023年12月已经申请办理毕业证书的考生。
1. 考试违规处理参照《国家教育考试违规处理办法》执行,有考试违纪或作弊行为的考生,取消其考试成绩;凡有替考行为的考生,一律取消学士学位外语考试成绩,停考3年。
2. 请考生做好考前复习,不要听信有关成人学士学位外语考试承诺包过或考试虚假宣传信息,避免上当受骗。
2024年辽宁学士学位证英语考试时间Title: 2024 Liaoning Bachelor Degree Certificate English Exam ScheduleIntroduction:In 2024, the Liaoning province will conduct English exams for Bachelor's degree certificate holders. This exam is essential for students who wish to obtain their Bachelor's degree certificate. The English exam tests the students' proficiency in the English language and their ability to communicate effectively in English. In this article, we will discuss the exam schedule, preparation tips, and the importance of the English exam for Bachelor's degree certificate holders in Liaoning.Exam Schedule:The English exam for Bachelor's degree certificate holders in Liaoning will be held on [date]. The exam will consist of four sections - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading section will test the students' comprehension skills, the writing section will test their ability to write clear and coherent essays, the listening section will test their ability to understand English spoken at a normal speed, and the speaking section will test their ability to communicate effectively in English.Preparation Tips:To prepare for the English exam, students should start by reviewing their English grammar and vocabulary. They should also practice reading English texts, writing essays, listening to English podcasts or videos, and speaking English with native speakers or classmates. It is essential to set aside dedicated time for studying English each day and to take regular practice tests to assess their progress.Importance of the English Exam:The English exam for Bachelor's degree certificate holders in Liaoning is essential because it demonstrates the students' proficiency in the English language, a crucial skill for success in today's globalized world. A good score on the English exam can also open up opportunities for further study or employment abroad. Additionally, employers in Liaoning often require candidates to have a certain level of English proficiency, so a good score on the English exam can increase the students' job prospects.Conclusion:In conclusion, the English exam for Bachelor's degree certificate holders in Liaoning is an important milestone in thestudents' academic and professional careers. By preparing diligently for the exam and demonstrating their English proficiency, students can enhance their prospects for further study or employment. The English exam serves as a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their language skills and set themselves apart in an increasingly competitive job market. With dedication and practice, students can succeed in the English exam and achieve their academic and career goals.。
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辽宁省成人本科毕业生学士学位考试第二外语(法语)第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分)下面共有15 个句子,每个句子中有1处空白,请从所给的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
1. En général,après le travail,il rentre à ______ à 5 heures et demie de l'après-midi.A. la maisonB. la familleC. la villeD. la chambre2. On vous entend mal,voulez-vous parler ______ fort?A. moinsB. aussiC. plusD. si3. Dimanche est le jour de ________,on ne travaille pas.A. travailB. réunionC. réflexionD. repos4. La France est ________ où il y a beaucoup de musées.A. une villeB. un paysC. un gouvernementD. un centre5. Pardon,monsieur,_______ faire pour aller à la gare du Nord?A. combienB. commentC. pourquoiD. quelque6. ——Est-ce que vous ne fumez pas?—— _____,je fume quand je lis.A. NonB. JamaisC. SiD. Oui7. Mon cousin est un technicien,il peut ________ cette machine en panne.A. répondreB. répéterC. réciterD. réparer8. Il a mis toute une ________ à écrire cet article.A. jourB. journéeC. journalD. journaliste9. J'aime beaucoup voir le lever du soleil __________ la mer.A. au bord deB. à côté deC. au lieu deD. au sommet de10. J'ai acheté une rose au marché de __________.A. vêtementsB. poissonsC. livresD. fleurs11. Le chinois et le japonais sont des langues __________.A. orientalB. orientaleC. orientauxD. orientales12. Je suis très heureux de faire votre __________.A. connaîtreB. connaissantC. connaissanceD. connu13. Je n'aime pas le rouge,je _________ le bleu.A. prépareB. préciseC. prévoisD. préfère14. Dans cette région,il pleut beaucoup,le climat est _______.A. huitièmeB. humaineC. humainD. humide15. Les musulmans ne mangent pas __________.A. de porcB. de chienC. de bœuf C. de cochon第2部分:综合选择(第16-35题,每题1分)下面共有20个句子,每个句子中有1处空白,请从所给的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
16. ____ jour,il faisait beau,nous sommes allés pique-niquer en banlieue.A. UnB. UneC. LeD. La17. Je n'aime pas _____ café,je prends toujours du thé。
A. unB. duC. leD. la18. Il prend toujours le bus pour aller _____ travail.A. dansB. duC. surD. au19. La cousine de Michel est ______ professeur de mon fils.A. unB. leC. uneD. la20. Monsieur Durant,_______ directeur du service après-vente,a démissionné.A. leB. unC. uneD. les21. Quand il y a un match de football,on voit peu de monde ______ les rues.A. enB. dansC. pourD. sur22. Le train de Paris va arriver _______ Marseille dans 10 minutes.A. dansB. deC. pourD. à23. J'aime beaucoup les tableaux ______ Picasso.A. pourB. deC. avecD. devant24. Les enfants écoutent cette histoire ______ attention.A. àB. surC. entreD. avec25. Ce roman est écrit ________ anglais.A. enB. dansC. avecD. sur26. Maman,j'ai faim,il y a _______ àmanger?A. rienB. quelque choseC. toutD. personne27. ——Avez-vous des pommes?——Oui,combien ______ voulez-vous?A. yB. leC. enD. vous28. Hier,je t'ai téléphoné,mais ______ n’as pas répondu.A. vousB. meC. tuD. te29. ——Avez-vous donné cette lettre àMarie?——Oui,je _______ ai donnée.A. le luiB. la luiC. lui leD. lui la30. Philippe et moi,_______ allons partir dans un mois.A. nousB. ilsC. vousD. elles31. Écoutez- ______,je ne dis pas que je suis d'accord.A. vousB. toiC. lesD. moi32. Le voisin ______ habite en face a eu un accident.A. ilB. quiC. queD. où33. Avec de la patience,on arrive à_______.A. tousB. rienC. toutD. aucun34. Elle est la sœur de Pierre,tu ne ______ connais pas.A. laB. elleC. leD. te35. Demain,c'est dimanche. Je vais _____ reposer.A. seB. jeC. meD. moi第3部分:动词语式和时态(第36?45题,每题1分)下面共有10个句子,每个句子中有1处空白,请从所给的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
36. Il (travailler)_________ dans cette usine pendant deux ans.A. travailleB. travaillaitC. a travailléD. travaillera37. D'habitude,je (se lever)_________ t??t le matin.A. me suis levéB. me lèveC. se lèveD. me lèverai38. Quand nous (arriver)_______ au stade,il y avait beaucoup de monde.A. avons arrivéB. allons arriverC. arrivonsD. sommes arrivés39. Hier,je (voir)______ un film américain très intéressant.A. voisB. ai vuC. voyaisD. verrai40. Il (nommer)_______ le chef du groupe par la direction.A. nommeB. a nomméC. est nomméD. va nommer41. Un matin oùil (faire)_______ beau,je suis arrivé dans cette ville inconnue.A. faisaientB. faisionsC. faisiezD. faisait42. Paul me demande de (donner)_________ cette lettre àMichel.A. donneB. a donnéC. donnerD. est donnée43. Ils (partir)_________ sans me dire au revoir.A. sont partisB. sont partiesC. sont partiD. partis44. Mon frère me dit qu'il (revenir)________ lundi prochain.A. revientB. reviendraC. reviendraitD. est revenu45. Sophie m'a téléphoné qu’elle (avoir)______ un bébéle mois dernier.A. avaitB. a euC. avait eu C. a第4部分:阅读理解(第46-55题,每题2分)请阅读下面2段短文。