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★Haliday—child language. Macrofunctions: ideational, interpersonal, textual.

★what are major branches of linguistics? what does each study?

Phonetics----the study of the phonic medium of language, it’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.

Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall.

Morphology---It’s a branch of a grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

Syntax-------it's a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of a language. Semantics---It’s simply defined as the study of meaning in abstraction.

Pragmatics---the study of meaning in context of words. The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.

Sociolinguistics—the study of language with reference to society.

Psycholinguistics---the study of language with reference to the working of the mind. Applied linguistics---the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning.

Chapter2 Phonology

★three branches of phonetics:①Articulatory —describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ. ②Auditory-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds, reaches the important conclusion that phonetic identity is only a theoretical ideal. ③Acoustic-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds ,the way sound travel from the speaker to the hearer.

★Organs of Speech : Pharyngeal cavity–咽腔Oral cavity–口腔greatest source of modification of air stream found here Nasal cavity–鼻腔

★Broad transcription: The transcription of speech sounds with letter symbols only. (leaf /l/) ★Narrow transcription: The transcription of speech sound with letters symbols and the diacritics.(dark /l/~)

★Phonetics and Phonology区别: are concerned with the same aspect of language- the speech sounds. ①Phonetics: it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages; phonetic features they possess; how they can be classified, etc. ②Phonology: it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.

★rules in Phonology:①Sequential rules: Rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. ②Assimilation rules: The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by’ copying ’a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.

③Deletion rule: It’s a phonological rule which tells us when a sound is to be deleted although its orthographically represented.

★Suprasegmental超切分特征: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called suprasegmental features. the main suprasegmental features include stress ,intonation and tone.(intonation: when pitch, stress and sound lenth are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation. //tone: Tone are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Tone is a suprasegmental feature.)

Chapter3 Morphology

★open class words: new words can be added to these classes regularly. Such as nouns, verbs,
