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1.Being a soldier, he has a strong sense of ________.

A.desire B.discipline C.force D.privacy

2.He stood at the water’s ____________ and looked across the lake.

A.edge B.course C.exit

3.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law-breaking. A.command B.control C.charge D.possession 4.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________. A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value

5.Tony put on soft music and turned down the lights in order to give a more relaxed ____ at home.

A.view B.attitude C.style D.atmosphere

6.Be sure to read the ______ in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer. A.instructions B.solution C.descriptions D.message

7.The practice of hanging flags is a common _______ in many parts of the country on National Day.

A.sight B.scenery C.sign D.signal

8.I practiced a lot in the training center so that I could pass the driving test at my first


A.attempt B.experiment

C.flight D.glance

9.---What's new?

---The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival travel ____ , also known as chunyun, will ___ on Jan 10 and end on Feb 18.

A.dash; kick out B.rush; kick off C.flow; kick in D.jam; kick up

10.If you feel any_____ in your neck, put a towel under your head for support when sleeping. A.tension B.abortion C.submission D.dimension

11.To those of you who received honors, awards, and ____, I say, well done. And to the average students, I say, you, too, can be President of the United States.

A.distinctions B.contributions C.solutions D.attractions 12.Lulu grew up in the ____________ of her high-performing sister, Sophia.

A.protection B.gesture C.shadow

13.Childhood ________ often play a big part in shaping one’s character .

A.courses B.experiences C.effects D.records

14.He wins the Nobel Prize for his outstanding _________to physics.

A.contribution B.conclusion C.addition D.explanation 15.Charles Darwin explained the ________ of species on earth in his book that came out in1859. A.ancestor B.origin C.belief D.custom

16.Our natural ________ are limited. This means that they will not________forever. A.energies; occur B.materials ; erupt

C.resources ; last D.sources; bury

17.He gained ______ to this university

A.permission B.accommodation C.scholarship D.admission 18.Jane is nice but she has a ______ to talk too much.

A.trend B.tendency C.tension D.threat

19.This book gives a brief _______ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.

A.outline B.output C.operation D.organ 20.Festival celebrations provide a(n) ____ to celebrate together, sharing warmth and good times. A.pipe B.patent C.avenue D.antique

21.In the________of further evidence,the police were unable to solve the murder in a short term. A.presence B.charge C.control D.absence

22.A U.S. company has developed facial _______ software that can help police. A.recognition B.recommendation C.representation D.reality

23.Last month L.A.declared a________of emergency as protests over killing of Geroge Floyd a black man turned violent.

A.state B.condition C.situation D.circumstance 24.—Any ________ to how long I can keep the book?

—Yes. You must return it by next Tuesday.

A.limit B.time C.number D.length 25.Finding the ________ to this problem is no easy task .

A.relaxation B.imagination C.invention D.solution








考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一名战士,他有很强的纪律性。A. desire欲望;B. discipline纪律;C. force力量;D. privacy隐私。结合上文Being a soldier可知形容士兵应当是有很强的“纪律性”,故选B。




