
Mission: A heart for the teams, A head for the growth 中国人民大学 赛扶(国际大学生企业家联盟)团队 SIFE(Students in Free Enterprises) Renmin University of China 地址:北京市海淀区中关村大街59号Add : No.59 Zhongguancun Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing邮编:100872 Post :100872 /Youth Economic Summit (YES )青年经济峰会案例材料SIFE RUC赛扶(国际大学生企业家联盟)中国人民大学团队韩国烧酒案例第一部分背景材料一、案情简介(一)关于欧盟首先向日韩提出质疑的背景韩国对国内国外烧酒征税的税率不同,对国内征税的国内税率低于对国外征税的税率。


GATT国民待遇原则中“同类产品”理论类别分析——以韩国酒税案为切入牛杨扬发布时间:2021-09-02T01:21:56.861Z 来源:《中国科技人才》2021年第14期作者:牛杨扬[导读]河北科技大学文法学院韩国酒税案发生的导火索是韩国1949年修订了酒税法和教育税法。
于是欧共体和美国认为韩国对其传统的韩国烧酒提供了贸易保护,因为韩国的酒税法对进口蒸馏酒征收的税率高于对韩国本土烧酒征收的税率,不符合 GATT1994第3条第2款的规定;给予国产酒的待遇大于比给予某些进口蒸馏酒的待遇优惠,不符合GATT1994第3条第2款的规定。
WTO争端解决日本饮料酒类案 ppt课件

The end Thank you
在日本销售的酒精含量超过1度的酒都必须缴 纳酒税 酒被分成10类:清酒、清酒混合酒、烧酒、 啤酒、葡萄酒等;对各类酒按每公升含酒精 浓度,规定不同的税率。国产酒在出厂时纳 税,进口酒在提货时纳税。本案中涉及的是 其中的烧酒、威士忌和白兰地、烈性酒的税 率。
欧共体要求专家组裁定vodka,gin,(white) rum,genever andshochu是相同产品,日本通过 对其他四类征收超过shochu的税收,违反了GATT 第3条第2款第一句。如果专家组不裁定上述产品是 相同产品,欧共体要求专家组裁定他们是直接竞争 或替代产品,日本通过对其他四类征收超过清酒的 税收,没有履行第3条第2款第二句的义务。 欧共体进一步要求专家组裁定whiscky,brandy, liqueurs和shochu是直接竞争或替代产品,日本对 前三类的征税高于第四类,违反了据GATT第3条第
Байду номын сангаас
三.对外国相同产品的征税是否超过对国 内相同产品的征税
即使超过最小的数量也是超过,不受最 小标准的限制,第三条第二款禁止歧视 性征税不以贸易效果为条件 因此违反GATT第三条第1款

• 第四个程序问题:是提交材料的时间问题。韩国在第一次会晤 时提交了一份研究报告,作为对此研究报告的回应,欧共体在 第二次会晤时提交了一份市场研究。专家组给韩国一周时间对 此市场研究作出评论和答复。韩国认为给它的时间太短,侵犯 了它答辩的权利。专家组认为韩国的权利没有被侵犯。市场研 究并不复杂,韩国答辩的时间足够,而且研究报告不是申诉方 的关键证据,是对已经提交材料的补充。如果这份材料真的是 关键证据,专家组是会同意韩国延长时间的请求的。各方都希 望给自己的答辩时间越长越好,但专家组从实际出发必须规定 期限。专家组认为,根据该证据的重要性和给予韩国的时间, 其权利没有被侵犯。
• 第二个程序问题:是磋商是否符合DSU规定。韩国提出,申诉 方磋商时并没有想通过磋商达成解决纠纷的一致意见,缺乏诚 意,把磋商程序变成了提问,这违反了DSU第3条第3款第 7款和第4条第5款。专家组注意到,截止专家组作出报告时, WTO 没有任何一个案件讨论磋商是否充分的问题。只要申诉 方提出了磋商的要求,从要求磋商之日到提出成立专家组的请 求间隔了60天以上,就符合DSU在这方面的要求。至于磋 商期间发生的具体情况,专家组是不需要了解的。专家组指出, 磋商是解决争端的重要步骤,但专家组无权调查磋商是否充分, 因为磋商完全是争议双方的事,DSB、专家组或秘书处都不 介入。
方提出进口产品指所有蒸馏酒。专家组认为,对产品作比 较在本案是重要的,但这是需要根据证据来确定的问题, 不宜在程序阶段决定。在日本酒税案中,上诉庭认为受到 歧视的是所有进口产品。虽然该案的决定对本案没有任何 效力,但申诉方参照该案的决定提出本案的请求也未尝不 可。在某些情况下,申诉方的诉请太笼统、太含糊,被申 诉方确实无法了解争议涉及的产品范围,但在本案中申诉 方明确提出了税目号,考虑到上诉庭在最近审结的欧共体 电脑设备关税税目案件中确认,指明一组产品就满足了D SU第6条第2款的要求,专家组确认,欧共体和美国请 求的具体程度满足了第6条第2

Ke r s ain l r am n ; k r d cs d rcl o ei v rs b t ua l rd cs y wo d :n t a t t e t l e p u t; i t c mp t ie o u si tb e p o u t o e i o e y t t
3条第 2款第 1 句的同类产 品应从严解释 , 2句的直接 竞争或替代产品包括同类产 品, 4款 的同类产品应 第 第 从 宽解释。 由此 , 同类产品的认定没有统一标准 , T W O争端 解决机构 享有 相 当的 自由裁量 权 , 国民待遇原 则
正 确 适 用 的 争 议 解 决 具 有 一 定 的 不 确 定性 。
Z a g S u in h n h da
(a colfSez nU irt,Seze ,Gag og5 86 ,C / ) Lw Sho hnh nvsy hnhn undn 100 h a o e ei n
Ab t a t sr c :Deilin o ie po u t st e k y wod o ep n i l fn t n lte t n .Wh t — f t fl r d csi h e r ft r cpe o ai Za rame t n o k h i o eh e r d c s“ i e h u d b a e n id vd a a e o o rd f rn ef co 8u d rte Re o ft e rap o u ti lk ”s o l eb d o n iiu lc ffu i e e c a tr n e h p r o h s s f t



专家组的报告于1998年3月31日分发,DSB 于1998年4月22日通过了专家组报告。
日本对胶卷的约束关税和适用税率的历史情况如下:胶卷相纸黑白彩色黑白彩色肯尼迪回合前(1964)30%* 40%* 25%* 40%*肯尼迪回合(1967)15.0% 40%* 12.5% 40%*东京回合(1979)7.2% 4.0% 6.6% 4.0%乌拉圭回合(1994)免税免税免税免税直到1970年至1972年,黑白胶卷一直是日本使用的主导产品。

1977 年到1981年,美国汽车产量下降三分之一,进口汽车比例从18%提高到25% 。



wto案例分析在世界贸易组织(WTO)的案例分析中,我们通常会关注贸易争端解决机制(Dispute Settlement Body, DSB)所处理的案件。
上诉阶段如果国家B对专家组的裁决不满意,它可以向WTO的上诉机构(Appellate Body)提起上诉。
上诉机构的裁决是最终的,对所有WTO 成员国都具有约束力。
如果国家B 未能在规定时间内执行裁决,国家A可以要求WTO授权采取报复性措施,如对国家B的商品征收额外关税。

Dispute Settlement Commentary (DSC)Appellate Body ReportJapan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages(WT/DS8,10,11/AB/R) / DSR 1996:I, 97Timeline of Dispute ParticipantsAppellant/Appellee: Japan Appellant/Appellee: U.S. Appellees: Canada, ECThird Participants: None Appellate Body Division Lacarte-Muró (Presiding Member), Bacchus, El-NaggarPanel Request (EC): September 14, 1995Panel Request (Canada): September 14, 1995Panel Request (U.S.): September 14, 1995Panel Established: September 27, 1995Panel Composed: October 30, 1995Interim Report Issued: May 20, 1996Final Report Circulated: July 11, 1996Notice of Appeal: August 8, 1996AB Report Circulated: October 4, 1996Adoption: November 1, 1996 Table of ContentsBACKGROUND (2)SUMMARY OF APPELLATE BODY'S FINDINGS (4)P ROCEDURAL AND S YSTEMIC I SSUES (4)Treaty Interpretation (4)Status of Prior Panel Reports (4)Terms of Reference (5)S UBSTANTIVE I SSUES (5)GATT Article III - General (5)GATT Article III:1 (6)GATT Article III:2, first sentence (6)GATT Article III:2, second sentence (7)COMMENTARY (8)Status of Prior Panel Reports (8)GATT Article III:2 (9)Key Findings•Reversed Panel's conclusion that adopted panel reports constitute "subsequent practice" or "other decisions" that "must" be taken into account. Instead, found that adopted panel reports, while not binding on future panels, create "legitimate expectations" among WTO Members, and therefore "should" be taken into account where they are relevant to a dispute.•Upheld Panel's finding that Article III:2, first sentence requires an examination of the conformity of an internal tax measure by determining, first, whether the taxed imported and domestic products are "like" and, second, whether the taxes applied to the imported products are "in excess of" those applied to the like domestic products. Upheld Panel's finding that vodka is taxed in excess of shochu, in violation of Article III:2, first sentence.•Article III:2, second sentence requires an examination of whether: (1) the imported products and the domestic products are "directly competitive or substitutable products" which are in competition with each other; (2) the directly competitive or substitutable imported and domestic products are "not similarly taxed";and (3) the dissimilar taxation of the directly competitive or substitutable imported products is "applied …so as to afford protection to domestic production."•Upheld the Panel's finding that shochu and certain "directly competitive or substitutable" products are not similarly taxed so as to afford protection to domestic production in violation of Article III:2, second sentence.BACKGROUNDThis dispute concerns the Japanese Liquor Tax Law (Shuzeiho), Law No. 6 of 1953, as amended. This law established a system of internal taxes applicable to all liquors, defined as domestically produced or imported beverages having an alcohol content of not less than one degree and intended for consumption in Japan. The Liquor Tax Law classifies the various types of alcoholic beverages into ten categories (as well as additional sub-categories): sake, sake compound, shochu (group A, group B), mirin, beer, wine (wine, sweet wine), whisky/brandy, spirits, liqueurs and miscellaneous (various sub-categories).Different tax rates are applied at the wholesale level to each of the various categories and sub-categories defined by the Liquor Tax Law. The rates are expressed as a specific amount in Japanese Yen ("¥") per litre of beverage. For each category or sub-category, the Liquor Tax Law sets out a specific alcohol content per litre for that beverage and the corresponding tax rate. Under this methodology, the liquors covered by the dispute are subject to the following tax rates:Shochu A (shochu distilled with a continuous still)Alcohol Strength Tax Rate (per 1 kilolitre)(1) 25 to 26 degrees ¥155,700(2) 26 to 31 degrees ¥155,700 plus ¥9,540 for each degree above 25(3) 31 degrees and above ¥203,400 plus ¥26,230 for each degree above 30(4) 21 to 25 degrees ¥155,700 minus ¥9,540 for each degree below 25 (fractionsare rounded up to 1 degree)(5) below 21 degrees ¥108,000Shochu B (other shochu)Alcohol Strength Tax Rate (per 1 kilolitre)(1) 25 to 26 degrees ¥102,100(2) 26 to 31 degrees ¥102,100 plus ¥6,580 for each degree above 25(3) 31 degrees and above ¥135,000 plus ¥14,910 for each degree above 30(4) 21 to 25 degrees ¥102,100 minus ¥6,580 for each degree less than 25(fractions are rounded up to 1 degree)(5) below 21 degrees ¥69,200WhiskyAlcohol Strength Tax Rate (per 1 kilolitre)(1) 40 to 41 degrees ¥982,300(2) 41 degrees and above ¥982,300 plus ¥24,560 for every degree above 40(3) 38 to 40 degrees ¥982,300 minus ¥24,560 for each degree below 40(fractions are rounded up to 1 degree)(4) below 38 degrees ¥908,620SpiritsAlcohol Strength Tax Rate (per 1 kilolitre)(1) below 38 degrees ¥367,300(2) 38 degrees and above ¥367,300 plus ¥9,930 for each degree above 37LiqueursAlcohol Strength Tax Rate (per 1 kilolitre)(1) below 13 degrees ¥98,600(2) 13 degrees and above ¥98,600 plus ¥8,220 for each degree over 12A special formula is applied to determine the tax rate for beverages having an alcohol strength below 13 degrees or, in the case of "liqueurs," below 12 degrees.(Panel Report, paras. 2.1-4)The complaining parties claimed that this system violates GATT Article III:2, first sentence and Article III:2, second sentence because it taxes shochu at a lower rate than the other products. The Panel found violations of both of these provisions.On appeal, Japan argued that the Panel erred in finding violations of these provisions. The United States, although it agreed with the Panel's ultimate conclusions with regard to these provisions, cross-appealed certain aspects of the Panel's legal reasoning, relating to both the interpretation of Article III:2 and the Panel's statements on the status of adopted panel reports.SUMMARY OF APPELLATE BODY'S FINDINGSP ROCEDURAL AND S YSTEMIC I SSUESTreaty InterpretationThe Appellate Body first addressed the issue of "Treaty Interpretation." It noted that DSU Article 3.2 directs the Appellate Body to clarify the provisions of GATT and the other "covered agreements" of the WTO Agreement "in accordance with customary rules of interpretation of public international law." Further, the Appellate Body recalled that in U.S. - Gasoline it had stressed the need to achieve such clarification by reference to the fundamental rule of treaty interpretation set out in Article 31(1) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties ("VCLT"), as this general rule of interpretation "has attained the status of a rule of customary or general international law." Article 31(1) provides:A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinarymeaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in thelight of its object and purpose.The Appellate Body stated that Article 32 of the VCLT, dealing with the role of supplementary means of interpretation, has also attained the same status. (Pages 10-12)Status of Prior Panel ReportsIn response to an appeal by the United States, the Appellate Body next examined the issue of the "Status of Adopted Panel Reports." The Panel had found that "panel reports adopted by the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES and the WTO Dispute Settlement Body constitute subsequent practice in a specific case" under VCLT Article 31(3)(b), and that adopted panel reports in themselves constitute "other decisions of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947" for the purposes of "Article 1(b)(iv) of GATT 1994."The Appellate Body reversed the Panel's findings. According to the Appellate Body, the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT, when adopting a panel report, did not intend that their decision would constitute a "definitive interpretation" of the GATT provision at issue, nor is this contemplated under the WTO Agreement. The Appellate Body noted that WTO Agreement Article IX:2 provides: "The Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall have the exclusive authority to adopt interpretations of this Agreement and of the Multilateral Trade Agreements." In the Appellate Body's view, the fact that such an "exclusive authority" in interpreting the treaty has been established so specifically in the WTO Agreement is reason to conclude that such authority does not exist. (Page 13)However, the Appellate Body made clear that it does not view prior adopted panel reports as having no relevance whatsoever. The Appellate Body stated that WTO Agreement Article XVI:1 and paragraph 1(b)(iv) of the language of Annex 1A incorporating the GATT 1994 into the WTO Agreement affirm the importance of the experience acquired by the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT. According to the Appellate Body:Adopted panel reports are an important part of the GATT acquis. They areoften considered by subsequent panels. They create legitimateexpectations among WTO Members, and, therefore, should be taken intoaccount where they are relevant to any dispute. However, they are notbinding, except with respect to resolving the particular dispute between theparties to that dispute.(Page 14) Then, in a footnote, the Appellate Body said, "[i]t is worth noting that the Statute of the International Court of Justice has an explicit provision, Article 59, to the same effect. This has not inhibited the development by that Court (and its predecessor) of a body of case law in which considerable reliance on the value of previous decisions is readily discernible." (Page 14) On this basis, the Appellate Body considered the Panel's conclusion that adopted panel reports constitute "subsequent practice" and "other decisions" to be in error, but at the same time found that such reports create "legitimate expectations" which should be taken into account.Finally, the Appellate Body agreed with the Panel's conclusion that unadopted panel reports "have no legal status in the GATT or WTO system since they have not been endorsed through decisions by the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT or WTO Members." Likewise, the Appellate Body agreed that "a panel could nevertheless find useful guidance in the reasoning of an unadopted panel report that it considered to be relevant." (Pages 14-15)Terms of ReferenceIn the context of its findings related to "directly competitive or substitutable products," the Appellate Body noted that the Panel's conclusions on "like products" and on "directly competitive or substitutable products" "fail to address the full range of alcoholic beverages included in the Panel's Terms of Reference." The Appellate Body "consider[ed] this failure to incorporate into its conclusions all the products referred to in the Terms of Reference … to be an error of law by the Panel." (Page 26)S UBSTANTIVE I SSUESGATT Article III - GeneralIn its appeal, Japan claimed that the Panel's findings that the Liquor Tax Law violates GATT Article III:2, first sentence and second sentence, were in error.The Appellate Body began with a general examination of Article III, which is titled "National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation," and provides:1. The contracting parties recognize that internal taxes and otherinternal charges, and laws, regulations and requirements affecting theinternal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or useof products, and internal quantitative regulations requiring the mixture,processing or use of products in specified amounts or proportions, shouldnot be applied to imported or domestic products so as to afford protectionto domestic production.2. The products of the territory of any contracting party importedinto the territory of any other contracting party shall not be subject,directly or indirectly, to internal taxes or other internal charges of any kindin excess of those applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products.Moreover, no contracting party shall otherwise apply internal taxes orother internal charges to imported or domestic products in a mannercontrary to the principles set forth in paragraph 1.*The asterisk to paragraph 2 refers to a note, which provides:A tax conforming to the requirements of the first sentence of paragraph 2would be considered to be inconsistent with the provisions of the secondsentence only in cases where competition was involved between, on theone hand, the taxed product and, on the other hand, a directly competitiveor substitutable product which was not similarly taxed.(Pages 15-16) The Appellate Body first discussed GATT Article III and the National Treatment obligation generally. It asserted that: "The broad and fundamental purpose of Article III is to avoid protectionism in the application of internal tax and regulatory measures." (Page 16) In this regard, the Appellate Body made clear that the scope of Article III is not limited to products that are the subject of tariff concessions under Article II.GATT Article III:1The Appellate Body examined the first paragraph of Article III. It agreed with the Panel that Article III:1 articulates a general principle that internal measures should not be applied so as to afford protection to domestic production, and considered that this general principle informs the rest of Article III. The Appellate Body also agreed with the Panel that there is a distinction between Article III:1, which "contains general principles," and Article III:2, which "provides for specific obligations regarding internal taxes and internal charges." (Pages 17-18)The Appellate Body added that Article III:1 constitutes part of the context of Article III:2, in the same way that it constitutes part of the context of each of the other paragraphs in Article III. However, the Appellate Body concluded that because of the textual differences in the two sentences, Article III:1 informs the first sentence and the second sentence of Article III:2 in different ways. (Page 18)GATT Article III:2, first sentenceThe Appellate Body first interpreted Article III:2, first sentence. It began its analysis by noting that while Article III:1 informs Article III:2 as a whole, Article III:2, first sentence does not specifically refer to Article III:1. Based on this omission, the Appellate Body concluded that the presence of a "protective application" need not be established as a separate element under the first sentence. The Appellate Body stated that the first sentence of Article III:2 is, in effect, an "expression of" the general principle set forth in Article III:1. (Page 18) In this regard, the Appellate Body observed that the text of Article III:2, first sentence confirms this interpretation. That sentence requires a determination of only two elements: (1) whether the taxed imported and domestic products are "like"; and (2) whether the taxes applied to the imported products are "in excess of" those applied to the like domestic products. If both of these conditions are met, then the measure is inconsistent with Article III:2, first sentence. (Pages 18-19) The Appellate Body therefore turned to an examination of whether the products at issue in this case are "like." Here, the Appellate Body affirmed the Panel's finding that shochu and vodka are "like" products for the purpose of Article III:2, first sentence. The Appellate Body noted that this analysis should be carried out on a "case-by-case" basis, and referred to the GATT working party report on Border Tax Adjustments, in which various criteria were suggested: the product's end-uses in a given market; consumers' tastes and habits, which change from country to country; the product's properties, nature and quality. (Pages 20-21) Moreover, the Appellate Body noted that the concept of "likeness" is "a relative one that evokes the image of an accordion." The accordion of "likeness" "stretches and squeezes" in different places as different provisions of the WTO Agreement are applied. The Appellate Body stated that "[w]e believe that, in ArticleIII:2, first sentence of the GATT 1994, the accordion of 'likeness' is meant to be narrowly squeezed." (Page 21) The Appellate Body also noted the relevance of tariff classifications. (Page 23) For these reasons, the Appellate Body affirmed the Panel's finding that vodka and shochu are "like." (Page 23)With regard to whether taxes on imported products are "in excess of" those on "like" domestic products, the Appellate Body agreed with the Panel's legal reasoning and with its conclusion on this issue that shochu is taxed in excess of vodka. The Appellate Body noted that even the "smallest amount" of excess is too much, and there is no de minimis qualification to the standard. (Page 23)Thus, the Appellate Body found that both required elements under Article III:2, first sentence are present, and therefore upheld the Panel's finding of violation of this provision. (Pages 22-23) GATT Article III:2, second sentenceIn its examination of Article III:2, second sentence, the Appellate Body asserted that Article III:1 plays a more important role here than for Article III:2, first sentence. The Appellate Body noted that unlike Article III:2, first sentence, the text of Article III:2, second sentence specifically invokes Article III:1. Applying Article III:1 along with Article III:2, second sentence, the Appellate Body found that three separate issues must be addressed to determine whether an internal tax measure is inconsistent with Article III:2, second sentence:(1) the imported products and the domestic products are "directlycompetitive or substitutable products" which are in competition with eachother;(2) the directly competitive or substitutable imported and domesticproducts are "not similarly taxed;" and(3) the dissimilar taxation of the directly competitive or substitutableimported domestic products is "applied ... so as to afford protection todomestic production."(Page 24) The Appellate Body looked at each of these issues in turn.The Appellate Body first looked at whether the imported and domestic products at issue are "directly competitive or substitutable". The Appellate Body noted that this category is broader than the category of "like" products, but exactly how broad can only be determined on a "case-by-case" basis. The Appellate Body agreed with the Panel's emphasis on the need to look not only at such matters as physical characteristics, common end-uses, and tariff classifications, but also at the "market place," including the elasticity of substitution between products. (Page 25) Finally, the Appellate Body agreed with the Panel's application of this legal standard to the facts of this case, and therefore upheld the Panel's conclusion that "shochu, whisky, brandy, rum, gin, genever, and liqueurs" are "directly competitive or substitutable." The Appellate Body did add, however, that the Panel erred by failing to address all the products specified in its terms of reference. (Page 26)The Appellate Body then examined whether imported and domestic "directly competitive or substitutable products" are "not similarly taxed." The Appellate Body concluded that the "not similarly taxed" standard is less strict than the "in excess of" standard contained in Article III:2, first sentence. Under the "in excess of" standard, imported and domestic goods must be taxed identically. By contrast, under the "not similarly taxed" standard, the tax burden on imported products must not be heavier, by a more than de minimis amount, than on domestic "directly competitive or substitutable" products. The Appellate Bodyagreed with the Panel's legal conclusion on this issue, but emphasized that the "not similarly taxed" element is separate from the "so as to afford protection" element, and the Panel's blurring of this distinction was in error. (Pages 26-27)Finally, the Appellate Body considered whether the "directly competitive or substitutable" products at issue are taxed "so as to afford protection" to domestic products. The Appellate Body stated first that "[t]his is not an issue of intent." Thus, in deciding this issue, the Appellate Body said, it is not necessary to look at the reasons legislators and regulators have for what they do. (Page 27) However, the Appellate Body noted that "[a]lthough it is true that the aim of a measure may not be easily ascertained, nevertheless its protective application can most often be discerned from the design, the architecture, and the revealing structure of a measure." It emphasized that this is an issue of how a measure is applied. Further, the Appellate Body stated, "[t]he very magnitude of the dissimilar taxation may be evidence of its protective application." (Page 29)Then, although the Appellate Body considered that the Panel erred by blurring the distinction between the "not similarly taxed" element and the "so as to afford protection" element, the Appellate Body upheld the Panel's finding that the Liquor Tax Law had been applied "so as to afford protection." In reaching this conclusion, the Appellate Body quoted with approval the following statement from paragraph 6.35 of the Panel Report:...the combination of customs duties and internal taxation in Japan hasthe following impact: on the one hand, it makes it difficult for foreignproduced shochu to penetrate the Japanese market and, on the other, itdoes not guarantee equality of competitive conditions between shochuand the rest of "white" and "brown" spirits. Thus, through a combinationof high import duties and differentiated internal taxes, Japan manages to"isolate" domestically produced shochu from foreign competition, be itforeign produced shochu or any other of the mentioned white and brownspirits.(Page 31)Based on the analysis above, the Appellate Body upheld the Panel's finding that the Liquor Tax Law violates GATT Article III:2, second sentence.COMMENTARYFor further reading on this case, see:Steve Charnovitz, "The WTO's Alcoholic Beverages Decision," Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 198-203 (July 1997).Status of Prior Panel ReportsThe Appellate Body's findings on the status of prior panel reports provide useful guidance, but left some questions unanswered. First, in its reasoning on this issue, the Appellate Body did not distinguish between panel reports adopted under the GATT and panel reports adopted under the WTO. Presumably, such reports have the same status. However, it could be argued that different weight should be given to reports adopted before and after the creation of the WTO because of the difference in theadoption process, with adopted GATT panel reports, unlike adopted WTO reports, having been explicitly endorsed by each of the Contracting Parties.Second, the Appellate Body mentioned adopted panel reports, but made no reference to adopted Appellate Body reports. However, in U.S. - Shrimp, Article 21.5, the Appellate Body made clear that its reasoning applied to adopted Appellate Body reports as well. See DSC for U.S. - Shrimp, Article 21.5 (AB).For further reading on this issue, see:Raj Bhala, The Myth about Stare Decisis and International Trade Law, 14 Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 4 (1999); Raj Bhala, The Precedent Setters: De Facto Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication, 9 Florida State U. J. Transnational L. & Policy 1 (1999); Raj Bhala, The Power of the Past: Towards De Jure Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication, 33 G.W. Int'l L. Rev (3 & 4) (2001).Adrian Chua, The Precedential Effect of WTO Panel and Appellate Body Reports, 11 Leiden Journal of International Law 1 (1998).David Palmeter and Petros Mavroidis, Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization (Kluwer Law International, 1999), at 47 (citing Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Precedent in the World Court (Grotius, 1996), at 238).GATT Article III:2It is often said that GATT Article III is one of the core "non-discrimination" provisions of the GATT. But what exactly is meant by "discrimination"? Because most people have an intuitive understanding of the concept, there is rarely a discussion of its specific elements. However, the approach chosen is of fundamental importance for the application of the principle of non-discrimination, particularly when the measure does not on its face discriminate against imports (note that the measure in this case simply established higher taxes for certain products, and did not refer explicitly to the origin of the products).In general terms, there are two elements that can be used to identify discrimination: (1) the intent to discriminate (also referred to as "aim" or "purpose"), and (2) the effect of discriminating (also referred to as "differential impact"). A finding of discrimination could be based on the existence of either one of these two elements, or on the existence of both elements. The so-called "aim-and-effects" test applied by the GATT panels in U.S. - Malt Beverages and U.S. - Auto Taxes reflects an approach under which discrimination, in the sense of GATT Article III, will be found only when the existence of both discriminatory intent and effect is demonstrated.In the context of GATT Article III:2, the easier of the two elements to understand is intent. In the case at hand, the Panel clearly rejected the use of "aim" under Article III:2, first sentence, and the Appellate Body upheld the Panel's finding. In the context of Article III:2, second sentence, though, it appears that the Appellate Body has relied on "aim" in a limited way. Specifically, the Appellate Body said that the "protective application" of a measure (through its "design," "architecture," and "revealing structure") can be examined, although the subjective intent of the measure (for example, statements of legislators in passing the law) may not. This issue was further clarified by the Appellate Body in Chile – Alcohol, where the "objective" intent, or "statutory purpose," of the measure was examined under this provision. See DSC for Chile - Alcohol (AB). The Appellate Body's insistence on an examination of only "objective" intent -- as evidenced by the words of the measure -- has made the rules on this issue fairly clear, although it is likely that evidence regarding statements made by government officials will still be submitted,。

DSB 的建议或裁决不能增加或减少适用协定所规定的权利和义务。
专家组在遵循维也纳公约第31条对GATT第3条进行解释的时候,认为“GATT全体成员方和DSB通过的专家组报告是维也纳公约第31条所说的嗣后的惯例(suBsequent prACtiCe)”(维也纳条约法公约第31条第3款规定:“应与上下文一并考虑的有“1、当事国嗣后关于条约之解释或其规劝之适用的任何协定;2、嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当事国对条约节制之协定之任何惯例;……”),主张在对条约进行解释时应将以往专家组报告作一并考虑。
美国对此提出上诉,认为,专家组把其他案件的专家组报告作为维也纳公约第31条第3款(B)所说的“嗣后的惯例(suBsequent prACtiCe)”是错误的。
美国认为,专家组报告仅仅起到澄清具体纠纷中各方权利义务的作用,DSB通过专家组报告的决议是GATT 协议第1段(B)(iv)所说的“决议”,但专家组报告本身并非“决议”。

案例1 欧盟、美国诉韩国酒精饮料税案
案件基本事实: 本案涉及的是韩国1949年酒税法和1982年教育税法。 根据此法令,韩国把酒分为11类,根据酒精饮料的酒精含 量不同征收不同的附加税。其中烧酒征收的税率是35%到 50%,而其他酒的税率一般是80%到100%。对于酒精 税率在80%以上的酒,还要加征30%的教育附加税,税 率在80%以下的教育附加税为10%。在韩国的进口酒中, 除了日本烧酒外,其他进口酒的实际税率都在80%以上, 也都需要加征30%的教育附加税。 据此,欧盟和美国认为,韩国的酒税法对其他酒的税 率高于韩国产的烧酒的税率,不符合GATT第3条第2款 (国民待遇条款)的规定,你支持欧盟和美国的主张吗? 为什么 ?
案例3 美国 欧盟和加拿大诉中国汽车零 部件进口管理措施案
案件基本事实: 本案涉及的是中国汽车进口零部件按整车征税,我国2005年出 台的汽车零部件进口管理办法(简称办法)将进口零部件的价格总和 达到该车型整车总价60%以上的按整车征税。公开资料显示,我国 对进口整车征收25%的关税,对单纯维修用的进口零部件征收 10%的关税。也就是说,对于构成“整车特征”的进口汽车零部件, 我国将征收25%的高关税,比一般关税整整高了15%。自《办法》 制订以来,这一产业政策引发纠纷不断,在欧美一些豪华车生产企 业的游说和推动下,2006年3月,欧盟、美国就此问题诉诸WTO, 与中方开始在WTO争端解决机制下进行磋商,之后加拿大也加入进 来,但磋商没有达成共识。在磋商期间,中国政府曾经于2006年7 月5日作出让步,原定于2005年10月实施的《办法》被推迟到 2006年7月1日起实施,同时,进口零部件价格总和不能超过该车 总价格60%的规定,延期至2008年7月1日实施。 中方的让步并没 有使美国、欧盟和加拿大满意。其对于中国汽车进出口产业政策不 断质疑,要求中方改变零部件关税的“区别性对待”。 试分析中国的汽车进口零部件的价格总和达到该车型整车总价 60%以上的按整车征税的贸易做法是否违背GATT的贸易基本规则? 为什么?

National treatment
※ The national treatment means that imported and locally produced goods should be treated equally.
Refer to the case: GATT第三条:国内税与国内法规的待遇 ※※ Generally prohibits protectionism(一般禁止保护主义) Exceptions: Government Procurement Domestic Subsidies GATT Article XVIII
1995年6月21日,欧盟要求与日本就日本烈酒税法征收的酒精国 内税进行磋商,美国、加拿大7月加入。
事源该法案将烈酒分为十个大类分别征税,争议涉及日本烧酒、 威士忌、白兰地、烈酒和甜烈酒。欧盟认为包括伏特加酒、杜松子 酒和白朗姆酒在内的烈酒与两种类别的日本烧酒是同类产品或直接 竞争和可替代产品,威士忌、白兰地和甜烈酒则与两种日本烧酒是 直接竞争和可替代产品,该法按对前者征收更高税率违反第3条。 美国和加拿大提出类似诉求,只是列举的具体酒种不同。
European Communities’ claims:
the essential criterion for a "like product" determination is physical characteristics
shochu is also produced in other countries and, therefore, is not an "inherently domestic product"

▪ 案由 ▪ 海龟是被70年代《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》列入最高
级别保护的濒危珍稀动物。以往,海洋拖网捕虾作业中对海龟的误杀 是这一珍稀动物生存的最大威胁。为了保护珍稀的海龟,美国国会在 1973年通过的《濒危物种法案》中将各种占有、加工、加害为海洋 拖网捕虾所误害的海龟视为非法。1989年美国在这一法案的修正中 又增加了推动其他国家使用既能够提升海虾捕获量,又能使误入捕虾 网的海龟得以逃生(逃生率97%)的海龟排离器(TED)的条款 (609条款)。该条款的含义是,推动其他国家使用TED提高海龟的 保护程度。在一定的海域内,如果某国的捕虾网上没有使用海龟排离 器,或没有达到美国保护海龟的标准,美国将禁止从该国进口捕获的 野生虾及虾类制品。1996年美国又将这一禁止扩大到一切国家,由 此引发了贸易争议,20多个国家向世贸组织提出申诉或作为第三方 介入。申诉方认为,美国立法保护海龟值得肯定、支持,但若其他国 家没有类似立法,美国便禁止从这些国家进口捕获的野生虾类产品, 属于国内法律域外适用的单边行为,危害了多边自由贸易的原则,并 给其他国家造成了损失。
Article XXIII Nullification or Impairment
General Most-Favoured-Nation
▪ 1. With respect to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and with respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation and exportation, and with respect to all matters referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article III,* any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties.
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W T O案例分析日本酒类
Last revision on 21 December 2020
专家组在遵循维也纳公约第31条对GATT第3条进行解释的时候,认为“GATT全体成员方和DSB通过的专家组报告是维也纳公约第31条所说的嗣后的惯例(suBsequent prACtiCe)”(维也纳条约法公约第31条第3款规定:“应与上下文一并考虑的有“1、当事国嗣后关于条约之解释或其规劝之适用的任何协定;2、嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当事国对条约节制之协定之任何惯例;……”),主张在对条约进行解释时应将以往专家组报告作一并考虑。
美国对此提出上诉,认为,专家组把其他案件的专家组报告作为维也纳公约第31条第3款(B)所说的“嗣后的惯例(suBsequent prACtiCe)”是错误的。
在GATT 普遍接受的看法是,专家组报告只针对一个案件的具体问题,因而只对当事方有约束力,其他案件的专家组并没有义务根据其分析来决定其他案件。