
2022年上海海事大学单招英语题库及答案解析学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、单选题1.____with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice ?A.To faceB.Having facedC.Faced答案:C2.Mary ______ a very shy girl. She didn’t like talking to strangers.A.is used toed to beC.is used to beed to being答案:B3.— I really like the record you lent me last week. — ________. — And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.A.I’m glad you like itB.That’s all rightC.Don’t mention itD.I hope you like it答案:A4.— You ought to have come to see Alice yesterday — Yes, I know I________.A.must haveB.could haveC.ought toD.should have答案:D5.A bridge was built _____ the river.A.onB.atC.overD.above答案:6.We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it ________ easy.A.turnedB.cameC.appearedD.proved答案:D7.I have five color pencils. One is red, ____ is blue and _____ are green.A.another, otherB.the other, othersC.anther, the othersD.the others, other答案:C8.It ____ five years since he ____ to study French.A.was, beganB.is, has begunC.will be, beginsD.is, beganD9.No human being can change ____ law of ___ natureA.the, theB.a, theC.any, theD.the, /答案:D10.Please don’t touch that fish.It smells ________.A.badB.badlyC.goodD.well答案:A11.---Will you drive to the party?---No,I am having my car().A.repairB.to repairC.repairingD12.Let’s ________ a song for you.A.singB.singingC.giveD.like答案:A13.When doing experiments,one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make________observation.A.accurateB.casualC.eventualD.potential答案:A14.It is necessary () us to have plenty of exercise to keep our hair healthy.A.ofB.forD.to答案:B15.There is no doubt()John will come by bus.A.ifB.whyC.thatD.how答案:C二、完形填空1.Sometimes it is better not to know the ______ of a country that you are visiting _______ it is to know just a little of it. The ________ is this: the natives of your host country will often rush to _____ if you seem completely lost and helpless. But they will usually misunderstand your small attempts to speak their language. They will think that you know ____ more than you do. For example, I once asked three people in carefully memorized phrasebook Spanish how to get to a bus station in Mexico City. In reply each of them poured out a flood of (大量) complicated Spanish. The result was ______ I didn’t understand a word and wandered (徘徊) around for an hour before I found the station. ______ I had missed the bus. Thenext time I met a situation like this in another city, I was a lot smarter,so I acted dumbly(哑). Trying to look very pitiful, I _____ a stranger and asked simply, “Bus station?” He not only told m e how to get there. He showed me the ______, walking three blocks out of his way to help a poor, dumb and helpless ______.1)( )A.habitB.customsC.peoplenguage答案:D2)( )A.ifB.unlessC.thanD.when答案:C3)( )A.causeC.explanationD.memory答案:B4)( )A.helpB.showC.tellD.direct答案:A5)( )A.a littleB.noC.a lotD.many答案:CB.whatC.soD.that答案:D7)( )A.Before longB.Soon afterC.By thenD.Just then 答案:C8)( )A metA.stoppedB.caughtC.grasped答案:BB.roadC.streetD.place答案:A10)( )A.loserB.strangerC.workerer答案:B三、阅读理解1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger ,but we also affect our water supply in less obviosways .You may wonder how paving(砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water.A major part of the water we use every day isunderground.The more roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.Human activity is not responsible(负责任的) for all water shortages(短缺).Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall, but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs . Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too.In the United States, a family of four can use 1.5 tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live, but there’s a lot we can do to lower the number. You can take steps to save water in your home.T o start with, use the same glass for your drinking water all day.Wash it only once a day.Run your dishwasher only when it is full.Help your parents fix any leaks in your home.You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.1)Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater?A.Paving parking lots.ing river water.C.Throwing batteries away.答案:A2)What can be inferred from the text ?A.All water shortages are due to human behavior.B.It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs.C.There is much we can do to reduce family size. 答案:B3)The last paragraph is intended to .A.show us how to fix leaks at homeB.tell us how to run a dishwasherC.suggest what we do to save water at home答案:C4)The text is mainly about____.A.Why paving roads reduces our waterB.how much we depend on water to liveC.how human activity affects our water supply 答案:C四、翻译1.In fact, the test was quite easy.答案:事实上,这次考试十分简单。
上海海事大学 大学英语(二) 复习资料

Unit 11 Alas was always in trouble with the police when he was young but he`s now a respectable married man.2 The people who had been hurt in the car accident lay screaming in agony.3 Because his condition`s not serious they`ve put his name down on the hospital waiting list.4 The second part of the book describes the strange sequence of events that lead to King`s fall from power.5 When l saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet do, I could hardly hold back my tears.6 They are going to distribute those clothes and blankets among the flood victims.7 Linda managed to support herself by working off and on as a waitress.8 Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of yesterday.9 People often associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.10 Andrew finally decided, after much thought, to leave his job.11 Jane`s worried she won`t be able to turn in her paper on time.12 The President came under attack from all sides for his inability to tackle the country`s severe social problems.Unit 21 There was no wind and oak tree behind the house was standing absolutely still.2 If you don`t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions available in books at your local library.3 The girl walked steadily north, pausing every now and then to check her direction.4 The trade unions urged employers to invested more money in staff training.5 As a sailing ship has a destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life.6 Before people knew how to make and use metals, engineering constructions were mostly built of wood or stone,7 You`ll probably find Dave at school disco—he often hangs out there.8 If your house has been broken into, don`t touch anything, Call the police right away.9 We has a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn`t seen for 20 years.10 I guess Henry has been busy writing an article or something recently. That`s why he couldn`t accept the invitation.11 Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.12 Although it is unlikely that everyone will be able to come, they are still going ahead with the plan to hold a class reunion.Unit31 It is only be a brief visit because we recently haven`t much time.2 The job is great in terms of advancement but the starting salary is rather low.3 We`d better pay that electricity bill before they cut us off.4 As pace of life quickens things tend to change fast in the city.5 Why don`t we get rid of these old chairs, since we don`t use them anyway.6 The earth`s atmosphere makes precise observation of distant stars difficult.7 The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure 8.8 I shouldn`t always have to tell you what to do, use your own initiative.9 Words cannot convey how grateful we are for his timely help.10 It seems to me that the board of directors is in two minds over the opening of a branch office in South Africa.11 I find it difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.12 Philip presented a complex argument that was completely beyond my grasp.Unit 41 It was already a wreck when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.2 With great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the balance in her bank account on an ATM3 If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, you`ll see that we`re now approaching the Tower of London4 There will certainly be some problems, but nothing that you can`t handle.5 People who discard litter in the streets should be fined heavily.6 Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive, and well-educated. Above all, they are willing to take risks to achieve success.7 During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a diet of cabbages.8 What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?9 We checked on Tom`s age by getting his birth record.10 We`ll go out as soon as l have cleaned up the kitchen.11 For women lawyers in the United States, their weekly earnings are on the average much less that those of male lawyers.12 I won`t get involved in a deal like this—it`s against all my principles.Unit 61 The former lake bed is now a fertile plain producing good crops of wheat2 Aunt Pat`s rough, red hands reflected a life of hard physical labor.3 If you are living overseas, you may not have to pay tax in your own country.4 Helen is pretty, of slim build, with blue eyes.5 We split the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.6 Only the hope that rescuers were getting nearer sustained the trapped miners.7 The glow of the setting sun reddened the stream.8 The kidnappers thrust the boy into the car and drove off9 It is common knowledge that dogs have a keen sense of smell.10 The unusually cold winter caused may plants to bud late this year.11 Training is provided, so no previous experience is required for the job.12 We can go to the seven o`clock performance or the eight—whichever suits you best. Unit 71 The financial help they got from the local government didn`t go (very) far toward solving the problem.2 Their retail business in Asia has expanded rapidly since the early 1990s.3 In the interests of world peace, we must promote mutual understanding among nations with different social systems.4 I thought it was still early, yet l got to the library only to find it closed.5 On the train l encountered an old lady who happened to be a neighbor of my daughter`swhen she lived in Los Angeles.6 Our company has cooperated with several American companies for the past few years in joint ventures.7 Phil looked around at other competitors and assessed his chances of winning.8 The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything suspicious in that guy`s bag was that members of the gang (had switched) bags at the airport.9 Our visit to the Far East has certainly broadened our horizons.10 Emily felt increasingly uncomfortable under the women`s steady gaze.11 Everything was going smoothly until suddenly the disaster struck.12 Smallpox, which used to be a severe epidemic disease, has been completely wiped out. Unit 11那是个正规宴会,我按照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。

上海海事大学试卷2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试《国际航运业务英语》(A卷)ⅠSingle Choice (1’X10=10)1 According to UCP 600, the “beginning”of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as (D).A the 1st to the 10thB the 1st to the 5thC the 1st to the 15thD the 1st to the 3rd2 The is the party who concludes a contract with the carrier for carriage of goods by sea or deliver the goods to the carrier involved in the contract. (A)A shipperB receiverC surveyorD adjuster3 Regular services between/among fixed seaports are (B).A tramp servicesB liner servicesC supply chain servicesD multimodal transport services4 To the individual shippers, the NVOCC serves as a (B) while to the actual carrier,he acts as a ( ).A shipper/shipperB carrier/shipperC shipper/carrierD carrier/actual carrier5 According to (D), FOB means that the seller delivers the goods on board thevessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or producers thegoods already so delivered.A INCOTERMS 1980B INCOTERMS 1990C INCOTERMS 2000D INCOTERMS 20106 (C) usually means that that the vessel is put at the disposal of the charterer for a long period of employment without any crew.A Voyage charteringB Non-seaman charteringC Bareboat charteringD Time chartering7 If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date, it means that(D).A two dates are not the sameB expiry date is earlier than shipmentdateC two dates are the sameD shipment date is earlier than expiry date8 When one of the original bills of lading is surrendered to the carrier for taking delivery of goods, the others become (C).A validB wrongC invalidD effect9 The follow abbreviations are usually used to represent certain types of freight containers except (D).A DCB HQC BCD MR10 (B) is an important standard charter party for time chartering.A GENCONB NYPEC SCANCOND BARECON“T”for Ⅱ Decided whether the following statements are true of false, write true and “F”for false (1’X10=10)1 In terms of dry bulkers, a 120000 DWT ship is usually deemed as an Aframax one. F2 According to INCOTERMS 2000, DAT means that the seller deliver the goods to the buyer at any nominated cargo terminal such as quay, warehouse, containeryard etc. F3 A notice of arrival is issued by the carrier or his agent to enable the shipper or his agent to deliver the cargo. T4 Demurrage shall mean an agreed amount payable by the owner if the vessel completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired. F5 Usually, tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. T6 An insurance policy is a bill issued by the insurer to the underwriter and can serve as the evidence of the insurance contract between them. T7 Notify party is the person that the carrier must notify when his goods arrive at the port of discharge. F8 A foul bill of lading means that the information on the bill of lading is wrong. F9 Pen containers are containers specially designed to carry pens. F10 One of the advantages of multimodal transport for the shipper is to use only one mode of transport to perform the whole carriage of goods. FⅢ Multiple-choice (2’X8=16)1 (ABCD) are usually deemed as special cargoes.A Dangerous cargoesB Fragile cargoesC Sensitive cargoesD Awkward cargoes2 Dry cargoes carried in shipping industry are usually grouped into certain typical families, such as (ABD).A grain familyB mineral familyC container familyD coal family3 Under a voyage charter party, the shipowner usually pays (AB).A canal tollB fuel costC loading costsD discharging costs4 (ABCD) are typical unfavorable remarks for broken and damaged cargo incases/crates.A Battens splitB ChafedC Bundles offD Nails off5 A time charter party shall mainly contain the names of the parties, the name and nationality of the ship, (ACD) and other relevant matters.A delivery/redelivery of vesselB payment of freightC off-hireD withdrawal of vessel6 In most cases, INCOTERMS are or used to regulate (ABCD).A the applicable lawB the jurisdictionC the transfer of risksD the transfer of ownership7 Under PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clause, if All Risks is procured, (ABCD) are simultaneously covered.A war risksB leakage risksC rust risksD taint of odor risks8 (ABCD) are carriers’exemptions stipulated in Hague Rules.A Act of GodB FireC Act of public enemiesD Quarantine restrictionsⅣ Translation (1’X20+3’X2=26’)1 Terminologies (红色的为答案)品名stowage factor 积载因素description ofgoodsnon-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒COA 包运租船合同call sign 呼号LAYCAN 受载期与解约日bale capacity 包装舱容ship’s rail 船舷utmost good faith 最大诚信原则free board 装运港船上交货首要条款paramount clause船期表liner schedule清关customs clearance 表面状况良好apparent goodorder and condition船级社classification society平安险FPA易自燃物质substances liable to检验当局inspection authorityspontaneouscombustion船舶规范ship’s paritucular滚装船Ro-Ro ship2 Sentences(1) 货物由承运人接受或者装船后,应托运人的要求,承运人应当签发提单。

上海海事大学试卷2013-2014 学年第二学期期末考察《航运代理实务与法例》( A 卷)注意:以下答案仅为自己所做,并不是标准答案,正确率不保证,仅供参照。
本次考试为开卷考试一、单项选择:(每个 1 分,共 40 分)1 货运代理公司为客户供给的产品是(A)A 货物运输服务B 货物运输能力C 舱位D 货运总量2 在我国,代表国际货运代理人的组织是(C)A FIATAB IATAC CIFAD JIFFA3 依照当前我国货代业的管理规定,从事海上货运代理业务的货代公司,其注册资本起码应达到( C)A 200 万人民币B 300 万人民币C 500 万人民币D 1000 万人民币4 代理人越权并且未获得拜托人的追认,其行为造成第三方损失,应由(A)A 代理人补偿B 拜托人补偿C 第三方自行肩负D AB 参半分担E ABC各方分担5 代理人和第三人串联,伤害被代理人的利益,由代理人和(A)负连带责任。
A 第三人B 托运人C 承运人D 拜托人6 国际货运代理人与货主之间的关系是(D)A 运输合同关系B 买卖合同关系C 承托关系D 拜托代理关系7 托运人在截单日马上到临之际向承运人装港代理进行的订舱称为(C)A 预定订舱B 确认订舱C 异地订舱D 中期订舱8 装箱不妥造成货损,应由(C)肩负责任。
A 承运人B 发货人C 货运代理人D 装箱人9( A)是办理出口报关的必需单证。
A 装货单B 收货单C 提货单D 提单10 入口货物应在运输工具进境之日起(B)内报关,超期申报海关将按规定收取滞报金。
A24小时B14天C 60天D3个月11 入口货物的收货人自运输工具申报进境之日起,超出( C)未向海关申报的,入口货物由海关提取依法变卖办理。
A 1 年B 6个月C 3个月D1个月12 国际货运代理人签发自己的提单时,身份是(A)A 无船承运人B 托运人代理C 收货人代理D 承运人代理13 班轮公司所请的船舶代理一般不是(C)A 长久代理B 订舱代理C 签单代理D 航次代理14 备用金的结算以( A)为原则。

上海海事大学试卷2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试《国际航运管理》(A卷)一、选择题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1 船舶总吨位反映的是船舶(D)的大小。
A 排水量B 总载重吨C 总载货量D 容积2 从价运费以“Ad. Val”表示,意思是(A)。
A 按货物FOB价格的一定百分比计算运费B 按货物CIF价格的一定百分比计算运费C 先按毛重计算运费,再加上货物价格的一定百分比D 先按体积计算运费,再加上货物价格的一定百分比3 确定班轮航线基本港的主要依据是(D)。
A 港口吃水B 港口费率C 港口装卸效率D 港口货源4 下列不属于干散货运价指数的是(D)。
A BCIB BPIC BSID BDTI5 历期内平均每天实有船舶吨位¯D定=(B)。
A(∑D定T册)/T历 B (∑D定T营)/T历C(∑D定T营)/T册 D ∑D定/T历6 以下费用中,不属于固定费用的是(A)。
A 船员工资及附加费B 企业管理分摊C 船舶吨税D 船舶保险费7 一艘船舶在一定历期内,货物周转量的算式可表示成多种形式,下面几个表达式中(B)是错误的。
A ∑Q*l=μ*D定*T营B ∑Q*l=Z*D定*T历C ∑Q*l=μ*D定*T册*ἐ营D ∑Q*l=Z*¯D定8 某船载货定额吨位为7000吨,在上海装4000吨货起运,驶往厦门港加载3000吨,再运往广州港,上海港至厦门港546海里,上海港至广州港912海里,厦门港至广州港389海里。
A 3648000B 1167000C 4979000D 66710009 假如地中海和波斯湾之间造一条巨型输油管,那么对世界油轮船队的需求会(B)。
A 扩大B 缩小C 不变D 难以确定10 当船舶由使用较高载重线的海区航行至使用较低载重线的海区时,其排水量应取(D)。
A 较高载重线时的排水量B 较低载重线时的排水量C 较低载重线时的排水量加使用较高载重线航段的油水消耗量D A或C11 以下哪项不属于营业收入的是(D)。

答:Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from a ct, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship.(2)Any clause, covenant, or agreement in a contract of carriage relieving the carrier or the ship from liability for loss or damage to, or in connection with, goods arising from negligence, fault, or failur e in the duties and obligations provided in this Article or lessening such liability otherwise then as provided in this Convention, shall be null and void and of no effect. A benefit of insurance in favo r of the carrier or similar clause shall be deemed to be a clause relieving the carrier from liability. 答:运输合同中的任何条款、约定或协议,凡是解除承运人或船舶对由于疏忽、过失或未履行本条规定的责任和义务,因而引起货物或关于货物灭失或损害责任的,或以下同于本公约的规定减轻这种责任的,则一律无效。
上海海事大学《大学英语 2 》A卷-参考

大学英语2A卷一、单选题(共15题,30分)1、Luckily,the fire fighters arrived and_______the terrible fire.(2.0)A、put onB、put outC、put downD、put away正确答案:B解析:2、For miles and miles,I could see nothing_______a great fire and lots of smoke.(2.0)A、besideB、besidesC、exceptD、without正确答案:C解析:3、The shop assistant didn’t give me the right________.(2.0)A、changeB、moneyC、serveD、note正确答案:A解析:4、The prices of fridges have been______recently.(2.0)A、pressedB、brought outC、cut offD、brought down正确答案:D解析:5、This means the boy may be out of job for some time.In this sentence“be out of job”means_______.(2.0)A、be on their days offB、go outsideC、lose his jobD、finish his work正确答案:C解析:6、The TV play we watched last night was very________.(2.0)A、frighteningB、afraidC、frightD、frightened正确答案:A解析:7、We took soft drinks to the_______and our friends took beer there.(2.0)A、benchB、beachC、bankD、bend正确答案:B解析:8、Who will________the bill?(2.0)A、payB、pay forC、pay offD、pay out正确答案:A解析:9、Their debts_______700.(2.0)A、added toB、adds upC、add toD、add up to正确答案:D解析:11、—Would you please go out for a walk with us?—______,but I’m very busy now.(2.0)A、Of course notB、I’d like toC、That’s all rightD、That’s right正确答案:B解析:12、—Can I get you a cup of tea?—______.(2.0)A、That’s very nice of youB、With pleasureC、You can,pleaseD、Thank you for the tea正确答案:A解析:14、—Has anyone seen my glasses?—________.(2.0)A、Here it isB、It is hereC、Here are theyD、Here they are解析:15、He is much more_______a German(2.0)A、like to beB、liking to beC、likely to beD、likely正确答案:C解析:二、判断题(共5题,20分)2、The more people who appear in your dreams,the______(happy)you are on awakening.括号中的各词应变为“happier”形式填入空格。

1. What is the main purpose of dunnage __B______.垫舱料的作用是()A.To act as ballast for light vessels 作为空船的压载水B.To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo 为货物提供通风及排水C.To secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布D.To support weakened bulkheads 支撑强度减轻的舱壁2 The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is __A__扑灭木材火灾最有效的灭火材料是A.Water 水B.Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳C.Foam 泡沫D.Dry chemical 干粉3. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?什么会影响回声探测仪的精度?A.Sea bottomB.Ship's speedC.Speed of currentD.Water temperature and density答案:D4 Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?关于GPS的使用,下列哪一项是不正确的?A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defence's controlC.DGPS is more accurate than GPSD.GPS can provide a real-time position under any conditionA.GPS是今天最精确的全球系统。

一、填空题(共20题,40分)1、请给出下面单词的英文翻译舷墙 ____________正确答案:第1空:Bulwark解析:2、请给出下面单词的英文翻译甲板实习生 ____________正确答案:第1空:deck cadet解析:3、请给出下面单词的英文翻译车钟 ____________正确答案:第1空:engine telegraph4、请给出下面单词的英文翻译垃圾 ____________正确答案:第1空:garbage解析:5、请给出下面单词的英文翻译生活污水____________正确答案:第1空:sewage解析:6、请给出下面单词的英文翻译恒向线____________正确答案:第1空:rhumb line7、请给出下面单词的英文翻译杂货船____________正确答案:第1空:General cargo ship解析:8、请给出下面单词的英文翻译托运人____________正确答案:第1空:Shipper解析:9、请给出下面单词的英文翻译垫舱物料____________正确答案:第1空:Dunnage解析:10、请给出下面单词的英文翻译扭锁____________正确答案:第1空:twist locker解析:11、请给出下面单词的中文翻译collision bulkhead____________正确答案:第1空:防撞舱壁解析:12、请给出下面单词的中文翻译chain locker____________正确答案:第1空:锚链舱解析:13、请给出下面单词的中文翻译loadline____________正确答案:第1空:载重线解析:14、请给出下面单词的中文翻译shifting boards____________正确答案:第1空:止移板解析:15、请给出下面单词的中文翻译lien____________正确答案:第1空:留置权解析:16、请给出下面单词的中文翻译laytime____________正确答案:第1空:装货时间解析:17、请给出下面单词的中文翻译charter party____________正确答案:第1空:租船合同解析:18、请给出下面单词的中文翻译bill of lading____________正确答案:第1空:提单解析:19、请给出下面单词的中文翻译BWE____________正确答案:第1空:防波堤入口解析:20、请给出下面单词的中文翻译FWE____________正确答案:第1空:完车解析:二、单选题(共10题,20分)1、The {said} accident was caused by your ship.A、 sailingB、 damagedC、soundedD、 above-mentioned正确答案: D解析:2、 A vessel in ocean service that does not have an approved means of processing oily bilge slops or oily ballast must have ______.A、a fixed piping system for ballast discharge to a reception facilityB、a discharge outlet for the ballast system on each side of the weather deckC、one portable adapter for a shore connection to the ballast lineD、 All of the above正确答案: A解析:3、SBT is an abbreviation of ______________________ in MARPOL 73/78.A、Segregated Ballast TankersB、Segregated Bottom TankersC、Single bottom TankerD、 Single Bottom Tanker正确答案: A解析:4、A security level, for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as ______.A、 Security level 1B、Security level 2C、 Security level 3D、Security level 4正确答案: B解析:5、Angular motion about the vertical axis of a vessel is called_______.A、yawB、 surgeC、 swayD、 roll正确答案: A解析:6、The device to control the slanting, capsizing and sliding of containers should be ________.A、 cellguideB、twistlockC、 steel wireD、 stopper正确答案: A解析:7、Please have the damaged derrick______________A、repairB、 repairedC、repairingD、to repair正确答案: B解析:8、Roll-on/roll-off ships are equipped with________________.A、cargo elevatorsB、 conveyor beltsC、rampsD、 derricks and winches for cargo handling正确答案: C解析:9、My propeller was hit by a steel barge lying______________A、 aheadB、asternC、alongside my port bowD、alongside my starboard bow正确答案: B解析:10、A seaman assaults the Second Mate and injures him with a beer bottle while the ship is at sea. The incident is logged in the Official Logbook. In subsequent suspension and revocation proceedings against the seaman,according to the regulations,______A、the Second Mate and the Master must testify as to the facts of the assaultB、the case will be dismissed if the logbook entries are improperly madeC、the logbook entry is prima facie evidence of the facts if it complies with the lawD、the logbook is inadmissible if the logbook entries do not conform to the law正确答案: C解析:三、简答题(共4题,20分)1、请将下面句子翻译成英文0830物料和食品按定单供船,1200首尖舱加200吨淡水正确答案:0830 got stores and provisions as ordered.1200 Took fresh water 200t in fore peak tank解析:2、请将下面句子翻译成英文(尽量用缩写)船长命令改航电罗经084度, 计程仪416海里,主机减速至100转/分.正确答案:A/C G/C 084 under captain’s order.Log 416, reduced main engine speed to 100 RPM.解析:3、请将下面句子翻译成中文On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a Notice of Readiness.正确答案:在航次租船的时候,当船舶准备好装货时,船长应该给租船人发一份装货就绪通知书解析:4、请将下面句子翻译成中文Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and/or discharging the goods thereat, the Carrier is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place and terminate the contract of carriage.正确答案:如果很明显战争或封锁会阻碍船舶安全抵达目的港并/或在那卸货,承运人有权把货物卸在装货港或者其他安全且方便的任何地点并中止运输合同。

C.Take part in---参与,参加
0018You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must ______.
0013You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist. You must ______.
A.Begin a radar plot.
0027Which vessel, when anchored at night, is not required to show anchor lights?
A.A power-driven vessel.
A.As far as---远到,直到,至于尽;就;至于
B.As well as---也,又既…又都
C.As soon as---一...就
D.So long as---只要,在…之时;当…时
0012 You may rely ______ our company.

航海英语考试题库和答案一、单项选择题1. The term "Dead in the water" refers to a situation where a ship is:A. SinkingB. AgroundC. Stationary in the waterD. Drifting答案:C2. What does the abbreviation "SOLAS" stand for?A. Society of Legal and Administrative StudiesB. Safety of Life at SeaC. Standard Operating and Legal SystemsD. Special Operations Liaison and Security答案:B3. In navigation, what does "ETA" mean?A. Estimated Time of ArrivalB. Estimated Time of DepartureC. Estimated Time of AnchoringD. Estimated Time of Berthing答案:A4. Which of the following is a type of maritime distress signal?A. MaydayB. Pan-panC. SecuriteD. All of the above答案:D5. What is the International Maritime Organization (IMO) responsible for?A. Setting global standards for ship design, construction, equipment, operation, and crew certificationB. Regulating international tradeC. Providing maritime weather forecastsD. Coordinating naval operations答案:A6. What is the term for the angle between the ship's head and the direction of the wind?A. HeadingB. CourseC. BearingD. Wind angle答案:D7. What does the term "GMDSS" refer to in maritime communication?A. Global Maritime Data Sharing SystemB. Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemC. Global Maritime Development SystemD. Global Maritime Digital Signaling System答案:B8. In navigation, what is the term for the distance a ship travels in a given time?A. SpeedB. DistanceC. RateD. Voyage答案:A9. What is the term used to describe the condition of a ship that is listing to one side?A. HeelingB. RollingC. PitchingD. Yawing答案:A10. What is the term for the vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest point of the ship's hull?A. DraftB. DepthC. HeightD. Keel depth答案:A二、多项选择题1. Which of the following are considered navigational aids?A. BuoysB. LighthousesC. RadarD. AIS (Automatic Identification System)答案:A, B, C, D2. What are some common causes of maritime accidents?A. Human errorB. Mechanical failureC. Adverse weather conditionsD. All of the above答案:D3. What are some responsibilities of a ship's captain?A. Ensuring the safety of the crew and passengersB. Navigating the shipC. Maintaining the ship's logD. All of the above答案:D4. What are some types of maritime pollution?A. Oil spillsB. Chemical leaksC. Garbage dumpingD. All of the above答案:D5. What are some functions of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)?A. Providing global mobile satellite communicationsB. Facilitating distress and safety communicationsC. Offering weather updates and navigational warningsD. All of the above答案:D三、判断题1. The term "Port" refers to the left side of a ship when facing forward. (True/False)答案:True2. The International Code of Signals (ICS) is a collection of flag signals used by ships to communicate. (True/False)答案:True3. The term "lee shore" refers to a shore that is sheltered from the wind. (True/False)答案:False4. The term "clearing port" refers to the last port a ship visits before leaving a country. (True/False)答案:False5. The term "sea trial" refers to a test of a ship's performance and seaworthiness. (True/False)答案:True四、填空题1. The term "_______" is used to describe a ship that is sailing directly into the wind.答案:Beating2. The "_______" is a set of regulations that govern the construction, equipment, and operation of ships to ensure safety at sea.答案:SOLAS3. "_______" is a system that allows ships to be tracked and identified automatically.答案:AIS4. "_______" is the term used to describe the condition of a ship that is sailing with the wind coming from astern.答案:Running5. "_______" is a term used to describe a ship that is sailing with the wind on the beam.答案:Reaching五、简答题1. Explain the difference between "port" and "starboard" in navigation.答案:In navigation, "port" refers to the left side of a ship when facing forward, while "starboard" refers to the right side. These terms are used to indicate directions relative to the ship's orientation.2. What is the purpose of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)?答案:The purpose of the GMDSS is to provide a global system for search and rescue operations, as well as to enhance the safety of life at sea by improving the means of communication between ships and rescue coordination centers.3. Describe the role of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in maritime safety.答案:The IMO plays a crucial role in maritime safety by setting global standards for ship design, construction, equipment, operation, and crew certification. It also develops and promotes the implementation of international maritime regulations and guidelines to prevent accidents, reduce pollution, and ensure the safety of maritime navigation.以上是的一部分,涵盖了单选题、多选题、判断题、填空题和简答题等多种题型,旨在帮助考生复习和掌握航海英语的基本知识和技能。

三、问答(40分)1、班轮货运有哪些主要单证?2、班轮运输与租船运输有何区别?3、定期租船方式下,船东的责任和免责是怎样规定的?4、定期租船的交船与还船如何进行?5、集装箱进出口货运有哪些主要单证?四、货运业务排序(10分)排列以下集装箱运输CY-DOOR的运作程序(可直接写序号):1)收货人负责内陆运输; 2)发货人将FCL交堆场; 3)堆场交付; 4)堆场接受并装船; 5)卸船; 6)海上运输; 7)D/R换B/L;8)重箱进港; 9)签D/R; 10)签B/L五、计算(15分)某轮从黄埔港装运285M3羽绒制品(计算标准M)到欧洲,卸货港“选择伦敦/利物浦”为基本港口,费率为113.4USD/T,燃油附加费为25%,选卸费为1.3USD/T。

1.What did Jane think of the movie? A. Exciting. B.Boring. C. Interesting.2.How much should the man pay? A. $12. B. $9. C. $6.3.What does the man mean? A. He will borrow a book.B. He will buy a book.C. He will lend a book.4.What are they talking about? A. A dinner invitation.B. A meeting.C. A birthday party.5.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a hospital.B. In a restaurant.C. In a hotel.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What is the problem with the man’s sweater? A. Ithas a hole. B. It has a stain. C. It doesn’t fit.7.When will the man pick up his sweater? A. OnThursday. B. On Monday. C. On Friday.8.How long will it take to fix the sweater? A. Threedays. B. Five days. C. Seven days.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

UNIT 4II. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and g ravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulati ng students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him,Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The Wor ld Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity an d the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly importan t essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievemen ts can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, an d not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest s cientist in the 20th centuryUnit5II. Translation1. 1) Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice.2) I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science.3) The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China.4) Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.5) Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.2.Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving, rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday, George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. George's father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted. Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying "Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.Unit 61).The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied.3).The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4).We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7II. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of footsteps echoing round thehallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation into disorder.4.I’ve been suffering a lot of stress from work lately, I feel like taking avacation at the seaside.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has its limitations--- for example,you don’t have your own gardens.6. Tom was born a cripple, with one of his lower limbs useless. Early in his childhood, he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned down, before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sales representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else would want. Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.。

A 定期船市场;B 不定期船市场;C滚装船市场;D 集装箱船市场2、新造船市场船舶订造量的增减要()航运市场的变化。
A 早于;B 迟于;C 等同于;D 没有可比性3、新造船与二手船就资金成本占总成本比重而言,前者比后者()。
A 高;B 相同;C 低;D 不可比4、以下费用项目中,属于资金成本的是()。
A 折旧费;B 保险费;C 货物装卸费;D 润料5、航运需求是国际贸易的()。
A 本源需求;B 直接需求;C 派生需求;D 原始需求6、运价占货物最终价格的比重是()。
A 货物的运价负担能力;B 运价弹性;C 货运弹性;D 运价补贴7、航运供给运价弹性与期限有关,长期的弹性()短期的弹性。
A 大于;B 等于;C 小于;D 不可比8、运价的主要影响因素不包括()。
海事局答案(货运, 英语)

船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第二套01-10C C C B A B A A B B11-20C B C D C D B A DD21-30B D C C D B A A A C31-40A B A D C D B D C D41-50A D A D D A D A B B51-60D A C D D A A A B D61-70C A C C B A B B C A71-80C C B D C D B C A C81-90A B C B C C C C B B91-100B C B B C C B D CA101-110D C C D B B A A A C111-120A B D D B D D C B C121-130A D A A B A A A B A131-140B B C D C D B C C C141-150B B D C C C D D B D151-160D B B D D C A B B B船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第四套01-10C D A C B C A B A D11-20C C C B A D B A C D21-30C D A B D B A B C C31-40B C A B C B A C A D41-50B A A C C A C D A C51-60B C B A D C A C C C61-70B B B D B B B C D C71-80A D B B B D C D C A81-90C A A C D A C D A C91-100C A D C C C B B DA101-110A B C B B A A B D C111-120A A B C A D D CB D121-130A C C C C B D B D C131-140A C A D B A D B A D141-150B B D B A C C A B B151-160B D B A B B B A C B船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第五套01-10B D D A C A D D A D11-20A B B A D C A A D A21-30B C B C A B A B D A31-40A D D A B D A D DA41-50C A D B D D B D A A 51-60D A D A C C B C DB61-70B D C C D B A B D D71-80C C D B C C A D C B81-90C B D C A A A A D A91-100A A C D A D A D B B101-110A B A B C A C A D A111-120B A B A C A A B C C121-130D D C A C A D CD B131-140D A A D A C B C A D141-150D B B D B C C B D C151-160D D D A C A C C D B船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第六套01-10D C A D B B D A C A11-20C A D D C C B C A C21-30A B C C A C D B D A31-40B A B C A B C D B A41-50A C D B C C C B A D51-60B D C D A A A B C C61-70A D D A A B A D C D71-80B A D B C C C A D B81-90B D D A B B A D DD91-100C C B B D B C A A A101-110B D C A B B A B A C111-120B B D D B B C D A D121-130D D A A B B C A C B131-140A/C B D D B D D A141-150C D A C A B A DB C151-160D B A C A A B A D A船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第七套01-10A D A C C A A D B C11-20A D B B C D B D C A21-30B C C A D A D C A A31-40D C D D D D C A A D41-50D A B D D D B A B C51-60A A B B B D D A A B61-70C A A B A A A A B A71-80C B B B A B B C B C81-90C B D B C B B A D B91-100C B A A C C A A A D101-110A A C B D A B C B D111-120A A C B C D A C B C121-130A D C B A A B C A D131-140B A C C B D C A C D141-150D C C C A B D B B B151-160C D D B B B B A C D船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第八套01-10D A D C D B C A C A11-20D B C B D D D C B B21-30B B D B B D A A D A31-40D D D D A D A A C C41-50C A A B D C C D DB51-60B A A B A A D C A B61-70B D C A A B A C D B71-80B A A B A C B D C C81-90B D D A D C B D DA91-100C A C A A D A B C B101-110C C D C D B C B B D111-120A B D D C D D B B C121-130B A A B D D D B C B131-140C B A C A A C A B C141-150C C B C A D A A B D151-160C C D D B C D A B C船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第九套01-10A A C D C A C D A C11-20B D D B A D A D B A21-30D A C C D D B B CD31-40C A A C D C C B DC41-50D C C A A B B D C B51-60A D A A D B D B A C61-70B D C D B D B C B B71-80B A D C D B D B D C81-90B C A A C D A B A D91-100D D A D C D C D D C101-110D D B C B B A B C B111-120B C D B D B A B B B121-130D C B D A B A C A D131-140D B D B B D D A A D141-150B C B A B A D A A A151-160D D D A C A A A C D船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第十套01-10A C A A C B A A B B11-20D B D B A C D D DB21-30C D D B A D D B A B 31-40A A D A A B C C B A41-50B A A B A C B D D D51-60A A B C D C C B C B61-70D D D C C D C A D B71-80B D B C B D B A D B81-90D B C D C A A C DA91-100A B C C A B D B DD101-110A A A A C A A D D A111-120D C B C A D C DC B121-130C B D C A B D C D C131-140B C A B C D A C A B141-150A D A B B C A C A B151-160A C C D B A C D C D船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第十一套01-10A C A D A C C A D B11-20C D B D A B B D A A21-30C D C D D D C C B A31-40C D D D A C A A A C41-50D D C C B D A D B B51-60C D D D D A D C C D61-70B B C C A B B A D C71-80C C D B C C A D A D81-90D C A B B C D D B B91-100A D A C C C D A C D101-110C D C C D D B C D C111-120A A B D B C A D B A121-130C B D D D D C A C D131-140C D C D D A C D D D141-150B D D A A C C D C D151-160B B B C B B D A B C船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第十二套01-10A C A D A C C A D B11-20C D B D A B B D A A21-30C D C D D D C C B A31-40C D D D A C A A A C41-50D D C C B D A D B B51-60C D D D D A D C C D61-70B B C C A B B A D C71-80C C D B C C A D A D81-90D C A B B C D D B B91-100A D A C C C D A C D101-110C D C C D D B C D C111-120A A B D B C A D B A121-130C B D D D D C A C D131-140C D C D D A C D D D141-150B D D A A C C D C D151-160B B B C B B D A B C船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副第十三套01-10B D D C C D A B C B11-20C C D C D D C A D B21-30C A D A A B D C C A31-40C C C A D D C C DA41-50B B B C B C A C B D51-60B B B D B C B C C A61-70A C D C D A B A A A71-80A A D D D D D A B D81-90D A B A B D D D C D91-100C A C D D B B D B D101-110A B A C D D C D B A111-120B D A D C B A C B C121-130A B B C B B D B A C131-140B B B B B C A D C A141-150D A B A C B A A D C151-160C B D B D D C B D D船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第十四套01-10D A C B B B D D A B11-20D C B D B D D A B B21-30C B A B C B C B C C31-40B A C D D D D C D A41-50A C C C B A B D B C51-60A B A D D A D D A D61-70A D B D A A D B B A71-80B D D A D A C C D D81-90B D D C C C B B B A91-100B C C C A B C B A C101-110A C D B B C B D D D111-120C C C D C B B B B A121-130A A C D D D DC B D131-140C A B B B D B DD B141-150A B D B D D D D A A151-160D C B D D D C D D B船舶结构与货运(500总吨及以上船舶二/三副)第十五套01-10C D A D A B B C B D 11-20A B C B D A D B A C21-30B C C C A B A D D A31-40A D B D C D B B A A41-50C A C A D B B D D D51-60D A D D D A A C D D 61-70B B C B B A C A C A71-80B A A C D B C C D D81-90C D D A A B D D B D 91-100B B B A B C D C D B 101-110C A B D D B A A B C 111-120C C C A A D A D B B 121-130A B D D B C D A C B 131-140C D A A D B D A B B 141-150D A A C A C D A D D 151-160A C D A D B B B A C航海英语500总吨以上二三副第二套1-10D C C B C A D A A A11-20C D B D D B C B A A21-30D C D B C B C C C A31D32)错题,无正选选项)D C A33-40A C D D B C C B41-50D A B B C C C C C B51-60B C A C D D C A D A61-64A A C B651)-4)B D C D66-70C D D C B71-78C A C C D C D A791)-4)C D B D801)-4)D A B B航海英语500总吨以上二三副第三套1-3D C C41)-4)A D D C5-10A A C D B C11-20B D C B A D C D CC21-30A C D B A A D C D C31-40A C D D B D D D D B41-50C D D A C D A C A B51D21)-4)B B B C53-60B A C B D A C A61-70C C C A D D C A A A71-74C B D C751)-4)C D B A76-79A D B A801)-4)B B B D航海英语500总吨以上二三副第四套1-10C D A D A B B C B D11-20C D A A C C A C A B21-27A A B B B A B281)-4)C C D C29B301)-4)C A C C31-40D B A B A C B D A C41-42C C431)-4)B D D D44-50A C C B B C C51-60B D C C D D B C D C61-68B D A D B B A D691)-4)B C C C70A71-80A B B C B A B B A A 航海英语500总吨以上二三副第五套6,9,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,27,28,29, 30,31,34,43,47,5152,53,57,58,60,61,62.63,64,65,66,67,73,75,77,78未做过的阅读理解:37,39参考答案1-10 B D C B B B D B A C11-20C D C D C A B A B B21-24A C C A25C D A C26-30D A C C B31-36B D A C B A37B C B C38D39D D B C40A41-50B C D D B A C C A D51-60C B D A D A A D A A61-69B A B A B D C C A70C D B A71-80C B A C C B B A B B航海英语500总吨以上二三副第七套1.B2.D3.C4.C5.D6.B D B B7.D8.B9.A10.A11.B12.D13.D14.C15.C16.C17.D18 .D19.B20.C21.D22.C23.D24.A25.C26.C27.D28 .A29.D30.A31.B32.D33.C34.A35.A36.A37.A38. A39.C40.B41.C42.C43.D44.D45.A46.D47.D48 .C49.C D D A50.C C A B51.B52.D53.B54.B55.B56.B57.B58. A59.D60.C61.D62.B63.D C B B64.D65.C66.B67. D68.C69.C70.B71.B72.B73.C74.D75.C76.B77. B78.B79.D80.C航海英语500总吨以上二三副第八套1-10 A B C B B A B B B D11-18A A D C C D C C191)-4)B B D C20C21D221)-4)A C B D23-25C D B26-30A D A C D31-40B C A A A B B D A A41-42B C431)-4)B C B A44-50A A A B B B C51-60A B C B D D D C A B611)-4)B A C A62-70B D C B D A D D B71-80D C A C A B A B A B航海英语500总吨以上二三副第九套1-10C C D C D D A A C D11-14D B C D151)-4)A B B C16-19B A A A20.1)-4)D B C A21-30B B B A C C B B C B31-40C B D D D B C A CA41-44A C A A451)-4)B A D A46-50B B A B B51-55A C D D C56-58D B D591)-4)A D A A60C61-70C C D C D A A D D C71-80B C A A A C D B B C航海英语500总吨以上二三副第十套1-10D A A B B B C B A C11-20D C A B C A B A D B21-26C C C A D D271)-4)B C A A28-30B A A31-40D A C D D D C C CD41-50C C D C D A A A C B51-53B A B541)-4)C B B A551)-4)B D B A56-60D B A C C B C631)-4)A B A D64-70B B C B B A C71-80A D D B B B B A C D。

上海海事⼤学租船运输实务与法规2012-2013B上海海事⼤学试卷2012-2013学年第⼆学期期末考试《租船运输实务与法规》(B卷)⼀、单项选择题(共5题,每题2分,共10分)1 以下为定期租船合同的主要条款的是(C)A 装卸费⽤条款B LaycanC 航⾏区域条款D 以上均是2 下列解决货物驶往第⼆卸货港⽽发⽣的倒舱、起卸和重装的费⽤等问题的条款是(C)。
A Off HireB General Ice ClauseC Seaworthy Trim ClauseD War Risks3 以下通常不是定期租船合同的主要条款的是(D)。
A 船舶说明条款B 期租条款C 航速及燃油条款D 运费⽀付条款4 下列选项中是航次租船合同的标准格式有(B)。
A NYPEB GENCONC 两项均是D 两项均不是5 定期租约规定,“货物为所有货物”、“航⾏区域:中国⼤陆沿海,以及⽇、韩港⼝”、“租期为3个⽉”。
A 装运危险品B 开往韩国釜⼭刚C 指定装、卸港代理D 以上均不是⼆、多项选择题(共5题,每题2分,共10分)1下列属于常⽤的定期租船合同格式的是(BC)。
A 《⾦康合同》(GENCON)B 《波尔的姆》(BALTIME)C 《纽约⼟产合同》(NYPE)D 《贝尔康格式光租合同》(BARECON)2 下列属于常见的停租事项有(ABD)A ⼈员不⾜B ⾮由于承租⼈的原因造成的船壳、机器或设备的故障或损害C 冰冻D ⼊⼲坞3 NYPE 93格式较之NYPE 46格式有以下⼏项特点(ABCD)。
A 条理清楚,⽤词准确,更便于阅读及查阅。
B 为适合航运实践,增加新的内容或条款,⽐如反毒品条款、偷渡者条款,⾛私条款等。
C 将实践中常见的附加条款说明以条款⽅式规定下来,⽐如“Inter-Club Agreement”。
D ⽐较合理地平衡了船、货双⽅的利益。
4以下是航次租船合同的主要条款有(ABC)A 运费⽀付条款B LaycanC 预备航次条款D 以上均不是5 实际上,安全港⼝体现在(AB)。
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上海海事大学试卷2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试《国际航运业务英语》(A卷)ⅠSingle Choice (1’X10=10)1 According to UCP 600, the “beginning”of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as (D).A the 1st to the 10thB the 1st to the 5thC the 1st to the 15thD the 1st to the 3rd2 The is the party who concludes a contract with the carrier for carriage of goods by sea or deliver the goods to the carrier involved in the contract. (A)A shipperB receiverC surveyorD adjuster3 Regular services between/among fixed seaports are (B).A tramp servicesB liner servicesC supply chain servicesD multimodal transport services4 To the individual shippers, the NVOCC serves as a (B) while to the actual carrier, he acts as a ( ).A shipper/shipperB carrier/shipperC shipper/carrierD carrier/actual carrier5 According to (D), FOB means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or producers the goods already so delivered.A INCOTERMS 1980B INCOTERMS 1990C INCOTERMS 2000D INCOTERMS 20106 (C) usually means that that the vessel is put at the disposal of the charterer for a long period of employment without any crew.A Voyage charteringB Non-seaman charteringC Bareboat charteringD Time chartering7 If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date, it means that(D).A two dates are not the sameB expiry date is earlier than shipment dateC two dates are the sameD shipment date is earlier than expiry date8 When one of the original bills of lading is surrendered to the carrier for taking delivery of goods, the others become (C).A validB wrongC invalidD effect9 The follow abbreviations are usually used to represent certain types of freight containers except (D).A DCB HQC BCD MR10 (B) is an important standard charter party for time chartering.A GENCONB NYPEC SCANCOND BARECONⅡ Decided whether the following statements are true of false, write “T”for true and “F”for false (1’X10=10)1 In terms of dry bulkers, a 120000 DWT ship is usually deemed as an Aframax one. F2 According to INCOTERMS 2000, DAT means that the seller deliver the goods to the buyer at any nominated cargo terminal such as quay, warehouse, container yard etc. F3 A notice of arrival is issued by the carrier or his agent to enable the shipper or his agent to deliver the cargo. T4 Demurrage shall mean an agreed amount payable by the owner if the vessel completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired. F5 Usually, tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. T6 An insurance policy is a bill issued by the insurer to the underwriter and can serve as the evidence of the insurance contract between them. T7 Notify party is the person that the carrier must notify when his goods arrive at the port of discharge. F8 A foul bill of lading means that the information on the bill of lading is wrong. F9 Pen containers are containers specially designed to carry pens. F10 One of the advantages of multimodal transport for the shipper is to use only one mode of transport to perform the whole carriage of goods. FⅢ Multiple-choice (2’X8=16)1 (ABCD) are usually deemed as special cargoes.A Dangerous cargoesB Fragile cargoesC Sensitive cargoesD Awkward cargoes2 Dry cargoes carried in shipping industry are usually grouped into certain typical families, such as (ABD).A grain familyB mineral familyC container familyD coal family3 Under a voyage charter party, the shipowner usually pays (AB).A canal tollB fuel costC loading costsD discharging costs4 (ABCD) are typical unfavorable remarks for broken and damaged cargo in cases/crates.A Battens splitB ChafedC Bundles offD Nails off5 A time charter party shall mainly contain the names of the parties, the name and nationality of the ship, (ACD) and other relevant matters.A delivery/redelivery of vesselB payment of freightC off-hireD withdrawal of vessel6 In most cases, INCOTERMS are or used to regulate (ABCD).A the applicable lawB the jurisdictionC the transfer of risksD the transfer of ownership7 Under PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clause, if All Risks is procured, (ABCD) are simultaneously covered.A war risksB leakage risksC rust risksD taint of odor risks8 (ABCD) are carriers’exemptions stipulated in Hague Rules.A Act of GodB FireC Act of public enemiesD Quarantine restrictions2 Sentences(1) 货物由承运人接受或者装船后,应托运人的要求,承运人应当签发提单。
答:After receiving the goods into his charge the carrier or the master or agent of the carrier shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading showing among other things.(2) If the Vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglect or default of the Master, Mariner, Pilot or the servants of the Owners in the navigation or in the management of the Vessel, the owners of the cargo carried hereunder will indemnity the Owners against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of, or damage to, or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners to the owners of said cargo and set-off, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying Vessel or the Owners. The foregoing provision shall also apply where the owners, operators or those in charge of any vessel or vessels or objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision or contact.答:如果本船由于他船的疏忽和本船船长、船员、引航员或本船承运人的雇佣人员在驾驶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或过失而与他船碰撞,则本船货主应补偿本船承运人对他船即非载货船舶或其他所有人所承担的一切损害或一切责任,但此项补偿的损害或责任,仅限于他船或非载货船舶或其所有人已付或应付本船货主蒙受的损失、损害或提出的任何索赔,并由他船或非载货船舶将此作为向载货船舶或声韵人所提索赔的一部分,或冲抵载货船舶或承运人提出的索赔、或取得补偿,或要求收回。