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of the time you''''''''''''''''''''''''re going to have to meet halfway. I a
m an early bird and an incredibly light sleeper. My roommate likes to sit up unt
one else - you should make every effort to chat and get to know them. The mo
re you know each other and find points in common, the easier it'''''''''''''''''
orld, it is much more common for students living on campus to have their own bed
rooms; but in the U.S., one of the most common tropes of college life is the exp
il 3 a.m. on her laptop and then sleep until the middle of the day. We compr
omised, and she dims the screen light on her computer after 1 a.m., while I boug
share a room with a person from your own country. I think this rule is a great
one - and whether you end up sharing with a fellow international student or an A
e campus, one of the first questions she asked was, "How expensive is a single r
oom?" At home in the United Kingdom, and in many other countries around the w
erience of having a roommate. Roommate culture is so distinctly American that, w
hile people see it in the movies, it simultaneously seems a totally alien practi
问题是往往这些房间不大,这有时会让人感到很 恼火。
对于许多人来说,一下子被安排与其他人住进一 个十几平米的空间就像是一场噩梦般难受。所以 这里的一
些提示可以帮你了解如何与室友相处以及营造一 个和谐的宿舍生活。
1.交流:没有什么事是比两个人共用生活和休息 空间却不彼此不交流更尴尬了。室友或其
他任何人都是一样的,你应该尽一切努力和他们 交谈,了解他们。
你越是了解对方,找到共同点,就越容易同他人 分享自己的空间。如果你的室友有让人恼火的
习惯,比如总是忘记清空垃圾箱或出席凌晨4点 自发组织的舞蹈聚会,你最好早点处理这个问题, 而不是咬牙等待问题自己解决。
2. 妥协:两个人奇迹般地有相同的生
活习惯,这种概率几乎为零,所以很多的时候你 必须折中,做出妥协。
深圳SAT培训 www.ez-learning.cn
间。 当然,有学生不愿合住,很多校园为他们提供单 间,但我还是建议体验一下室友生活。运气好的 话,你会交到一个非常棒的朋友。
Prepare for an American College Roommate
International students should be prepared to set boundaries and compromise to m
ake sharing a dorm enjoyable. There is a new girl from my home university wh
o will arrive at the University of California—Berkeley in the fall. I'''''''''''
s dance parties at 4 a.m., it'''''''''''''''' far better to (politely) attempt t
o deal with it early on, instead of just gritting your teeth and hoping it event
我是一个早起的鸟儿, 睡觉非常容易惊醒。可是 我的室友喜欢坐起来盯着笔记本电脑,一直到凌 晨
我们互相作了妥协,她凌晨1点后要将电脑屏幕 灯调暗,而我买了个睡眠眼罩,并且同意上午11 点后再打开百叶窗。你的某些生
活方式,可能在家里很舒服,但不适于室友环境。 你要学会适应。
merican, living together is a wonderful opportunity to learn a lot about a new a
nd a different culture. Throughout my year in the International House, most
4.相互学习:在加州大学伯克利分校的国际学 生宿舍,有条规则是,不
要和来自自己国家的人共用一个房间。我认为这 条规则很伟大,无论你最终和国际学生还是 美 国学生住在一起,共同生活是一个学习新的不同 文化的极好机会。我在国际学生宿舍度
Fra Baidu bibliotek
过的那年,大多数人已经与他们的室友彼此熟知, 相处得很棒。
我在美国有两个短暂停留,两段经历非常不同, 但都很美妙,我很高兴当时决定同别人合住一个 房
'''''''s going to be to learn to share your space. If your roommate has an irrit
ating habit, be it constantly forgetting to empty the bins or staging spontaneou
ht a sleeping mask and agreed to only raise the blinds after 11 a.m. Some aspect
s of your lifestyle, while delightful at home, won''''''''''''''''t apply when y
ce. The reality is that if you end up living in campus housing, you will pro
bably have a roommate - perhaps more than one. The adjustment to having to accom
eeping space with someone you don''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''
'''''''''''''''''t ever speak to. With the roommate - perhaps more than with any
各地的许多国家,学生在校园里拥有自己的独立 卧室比在美国更常见;在美国,大学生活常被比 喻为拥有室友的生活。这里的室友文化如此的有 美国特色,人们常在电影中看到它,但
事实上,如果你只能住进校园宿舍,你很可能有 一个室友,也许不止一个。你要适应别人进入你 的私密空间,但
y to stress each other out. 4. Learn from each other: At UC— Berkeley''''''''
''''''''s International House, the rule is that you can''''''''''''''''''''''''t
such a small place can start to feel oppressive - treat your room as a place for
sleep and occasional studying. If you give each other space, you are less likel
way to be relaxed both in your room and around your roommate is to minimize the
amount of time you spend inside those four walls. Spending too much time in
ually stops. 2. Compromise: It''''''''''''''''''''''''s highly unlikely that
the two of you are going to miraculously have the same living habits, and a lot
here are some hints on roommate politics and how to make the living situation wo
rk. 1. Communicate: Nothing can be more awkward than sharing a living and sl
,国际学生应准备拿捏好自己与室友的相处方式, 让双方有个愉快的大学同宿生涯。
这个秋季,家乡有个女孩要来加州大学伯克利分 校上学,在她来到美国之前我
一直给她发去一些我在这个国家的生活经验和体 会。当她向我咨询一些关于住校的建议时,她的 第一个问题是 “学校一个单间是什么价钱?”
3.多待在宿舍外:每个人都有那么几天啥也不 想干,只想坐在床上,吃比萨。但不管是在自己
的独立房间,还是和室友住在一起, 放松的最 好方法是尽量减少你呆在那些四面墙里面的时间。
花太多时间在这么个小地方,让人感觉压抑,所 以最好只把宿
舍当做睡眠和偶尔学习的地方。如果你们互相给 予空间,就不会抓狂地想把对方赶出去。
ou have a roommate. You need to be willing to adapt. 3. Spend time outside:
Everyone has days when they just want to sit in bed and eat pizza, but the best
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''ve been sending her tips on
life out here, and when she came to me for advice about where to live around th
modate another person in your space is exacerbated by the fact that these rooms
aren'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''t all that b
ig. For many, the idea of suddenly being expected to share 3 by 4 meters of
space – about 10 by 13 feet – with another human being is a total nightmare. So