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The application analysis of equity incentive

mechanism in vanke of China

Abstract:Equity incentive is more than the demand of society, it is the demand of the times. If an enterprise wants to develop for a long time, it requires not only a masterful leader but also a loyal team full of combative, which is inestimable wealth for the enterprise. With the development of the times, the traditional management method and incentive means have fallen behind. The company and employees are simple employment relationship, so a sense of community and responsibility is not strong enough for the employees. Under the premise of equity incentive mechanism, we can turn the simple employment relationship into equal relationship, and establish a sharing mechanism between owners and employees to form an interest community between owners, companies and employees, which is of great significance in preventing talent turnover and keeping the loyalty of core staff, stimulating the employees' initiative and strengthening group cohesiveness.

Firstly, the paper expounds the research background, research significance, the overall structure of the thesis. Secondly, it introduces the related theories and conceptions of equity incentive mechanism. The main research part is the present situation of the equity incentive mechanism of Vanke Group. With the detailed analysis from the background, content and result, understand the existing problems, analyzes its reasons, and put forward the related suggestions and countermeasures. Vanke enterprise Limited by Share Ltd, as the first listed company whose equity incentive plan was passed by regulators, its equity incentive produced a lot of active and passive effects. There are many redeeming features in the plan’s operation an d design, which can provide a lot of reference for listed companies.

Key words: Equity incentive mechanism; Vanke; Analysis


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究意义 (2)

1.2.1 理论意义 (2)

1.2.2 现实意义 (2)

2 股权激励机制概述 (3)

2.1 股权激励机制的概念界定 (3)

2.2 股权激励的主要模式 (3)

2.3 股权激励机制的理论基础 (4)

2.3.1 激励理论 (4)

2.3.2 委托代理理论 (4)

2.3.3 人力资本理论 (4)

3 万科集团股权激励机制现状分析 (5)

3.1 万科集团背景 (5)

3.1.1 万科基本背景介绍 (5)

3.1.2 万科实行股权激励机制的动因 (5)

3.2 万科股权激励机制内容 (6)

3.2.1 第一次股权激励 (6)

3.2.2 第二次股权激励 (6)

3.2.3 第三次股权激励 (8)

3.3 万科股权激励机制实施的结果 (9)

3.3.1 第一次股权激励实施的结果 (9)

3.3.2 第二次股权激励实施的结果 (9)

3.3.3 第三次股权激励实施的结果 (10)

4 万科股权激励机制的综合评价 (10)

4.1 万科集团股权激励机制存在的不足 (10)

4.2 万科集团股权激励机制存在问题的原因分析 (11)

4.2.1 万科第一次股权激励存在问题的原因分析 (11)

4.2.2 万科第二次股权激励存在问题的原因分析 (11)

4.2.3 万科第三次股权激励存在问题的原因分析 (11)

4.3 启示 (12)

5 完善万科集团股权激励机制的建议与对策 (13)

5.1 设计科学合理的股权激励机制 (13)

5.2 改革现有的分配制度与人事制度 (13)

5.3 健全资本市场的约束机制 (13)

5.4 建立公平的产品和服务市场 (14)

5.5 建立适宜的内外部环境 (14)

6 总结 (14)

参考文献 (16)

致谢 (18)
