





但我们没能够像他一样获得既有成功后放弃一切,into the wild。











克里斯的孤独--《Into the wild》主题阐释

克里斯的孤独--《Into the wild》主题阐释

他 生命 的最 后一 刻 。 现实 生 活 中的不 幸与 苦 是 人 类情 感 中 的一切 快 乐所 无 法 比拟 的 , 更
痛 , 他 觉得 自己 的存 在是 茫 茫 宇宙 中~ 个 让 没 有根 据的偶 然 性 , 的存 在 已然成 为~ 个 , 他 罪恶、 虚妄 的 事 实, 即使 优异 的成绩 、 父母 的 新 车, 也无 法掩 盖 这个 事 实 , 竟 , 不 是 “ 毕 这 真 实” , 无 法获 得 “ 实 ”从 某种 意义 上讲 , 他也 真 。 在 现世 中, 里斯 的 情 感世 界具 有 一种 纯 真 克 高 蹈 的 生命 底 色 , 本不 为父 母 、 人 所理 根 他 解 , 而他 逃离 了现代 “ 明” 择 了离开 , 故 文 , 选 去
是 无法 替代 的 , 基于 这种 向往 , 婉 言拒 正是 他 于“ 自我 ” 个主 体 之 中, 自我 ” 这 当“ 拥有 一 绝 TJ n an y 挚 的友 谊 、 rc 投 怀送 颗孤独 的灵 魂的 时候 , 也 是孤 独的 。 a 和R i 真 e Ta y “ 死” 由于 抱 的的 爱情 以及晚 景凄 凉 的R nFa z 给 误食 毒 草 , 斯 必 然地 结束 了 自 己的朝 圣 o rn 所 克里 予他 的 亲情, 而孤 身前往 阿拉斯 加 。 皑皑 的 白 连 绵万 里 的森林 彩鲜 艳的 满地 野花 , 色 以及 路 上漫 游 的驯鹿等 等 , 有这 些镜 头 的交叠 , l 所 给 观者 营 造 出~ 幅幅 唯 美的 画 面 , 他 音 在吉 之旅 , 种孤 独 延续到 了生命 的最后 一刻 , 将这 苦与快 乐的 交媾 中孕 育 了永恒 }
【 关键词】 克里斯 孤独 灵魂
自 由
影片 揭 幕, “ 以 母亲 ” 噩梦 中惊 醒 这一 从 倒 叙 性 的镜 头语 言展 开 电 影叙 事 , 融入 同时 淡雅 哀情 的 背景 音 乐 , 整部 影 片彰 示 了一 给 种婉 致 悲 情 的 基 调 。 切 源 于 家 庭 的 谎言 , 一


They walk away quietly into empty spaces,
Trying to close the gaps to the past.
有些人会问 为什么现在行动 为什么不等等呢
In your eyes there are cold fห้องสมุดไป่ตู้res burning
Tongues of flame that can never be tamed
Are you running from Man's delusion
Majestic madness and your exclusion
Happiness only real when shared.
When you forgive, You love. And when you love, God's light shines on you.
You needn't to be strong, but you have to feel strong.
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is socity, where none intrudes,
Where the lamb lies down with the lion
Where the wolf is one with the wild
Run, wolf warrior, through kingdoms' chaos



排名评分英文片名中文片名投票数1/ 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 肖申克的救赎;月黑高飞;刺激1995 489,0482/ 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 教父392,1263/ 9.0 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 教父2;教父续集232,1614/ 8.9 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. (1966) 独行侠决斗地狱门;好人/坏人和小丑;黄昏三镖客地狱大决斗148,9695/ 8.9 Pulp Fiction (1994) 低俗小说;黑色追缉令;危险人物396,7496/ 8.8 Schindler's List (1993) 辛德勒名单;舒特拉的名单262,5517/ 8.8 12 Angry Men (1957) 十二怒汉109,8618/ 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 飞越杜鹃窝;飞越疯人院202,6899/ 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 帝国反击战;帝国大反击265,556 10/ 8.8 The Dark Knight (2008) 蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士;蝙蝠侠6:黑暗骑士;蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士436,12011/ 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 魔戒3:王者无敌;指环王III:国王归来347,06612/ 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 星球大战309,46513/ 8.7 Casablanca (1942) 卡萨布兰卡;北非谍影161,29114/ 8.7 Shichinin no samurai (1954) 七武士92,27415/ 8.7 Goodfellas (1990) 盗亦有道;四海好家伙;好家伙217,80016/ 8.7 Fight Club (1999) 搏击会;斗阵俱乐部361,77817/ 8.7 Cidade de Deus (2002) 上帝之城;上帝城市156,76918/ 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 指环王;魔戒首部曲371,482 19/ 8.7 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 夺宝奇兵;法柜奇兵233,43620/ 8.7 Rear Window (1954) 后窗113,32421/ 8.7 The Usual Suspects (1995) 非常嫌疑犯;普通嫌疑犯;刺激惊爆点255,59622/ 8.7 Psycho (1960) 精神病患者;惊魂记;触目惊心136,46323/ 8.7 C'era una volta il West (1968) 狂沙十万里;万里狂沙万里愁;西部往事69,61024/ 8.6 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 沉默的羔羊233,19725/ 8.6 The Matrix (1999) 黑客帝国;二十二世纪杀人网络;骇客任务362,97526/ 8.6 Se7en (1995) 七宗罪;火线追缉令263,70227/ 8.6 Memento (2000) 纪念品;失忆257,08428/ 8.6 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 奇妙的生活;风云人物;莫负少年头97,69629/ 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 指环王2:双塔;魔戒二部曲: 双城奇谋312,75730/ 8.6 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 日落大道;夕照林荫道;红楼金粉51,80931/ 8.6 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 奇爱博士;密码114 150,40632/ 8.6 North by Northwest (1959) 西北偏北;谍影疑云;谍影风云;夺魄惊魂89,20333/ 8.6 Citizen Kane (1941) 公民凯恩;大国民133,51834/ 8.6 Léon (1994) 这个杀手不大冷;杀手里昂;终极追杀令188,95335/ 8.6 Apocalypse Now (1979) 现代启示录166,24536/ 8.6 Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正传284,16537/ 8.5 American Beauty (1999) 美国丽人;美国心,玫瑰情;美丽有罪280,43738/ 8.5 American History X (1998) 野兽良民;美国X历史212,76939/ 8.5 Taxi Driver (1976) 出租车司机;的士司机;计程车司机147,78240/ 8.5 Vertigo (1958) 迷魂记;眩晕87,47841/ 8.5 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 终极者2;未来战士2;魔鬼终结者2 225,76842/ 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 阿拉伯的劳伦斯;沙漠枭雄76,41443/ 8.5 Alien (1979) 异形;异形杀手172,22944/ 8.5 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001) 天使爱美丽;艾蜜莉的异想世界171,756 45/ 8.5 WALL·E (2008) 机器人总动员;瓦力;星际总动员168,69046/ 8.5 Saving Private Ryan (1998) 拯救大兵瑞恩;雷霆救兵;抢救雷恩大兵258,94047/ 8.5 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 发条橙184,96348/ 8.5 The Shining (1980) 闪灵;鬼店168,80049/ 8.4 Paths of Glory (1957) 光辉的历程;光荣之路;突击42,54650/ 8.4 The Departed (2006) 无间道风云;无间行者249,04251/ 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 钢琴家;战地琴人;钢琴师;钢琴战曲126,60852/ 8.4 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 杀死一只知更鸟;梅岗城的故事; 怪屋疑云79,24153/ 8.4 Aliens (1986) 异形2;异形续集163,24754/ 8.4 Das Leben der Anderen (2006) 窃听风暴69,93855/ 8.4 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 千与千寻;神隐少女94,84556/ 8.4 M (1931) M就是凶手;可诅咒的人37,91057/ 8.4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 王牌冤家;美丽心灵的永恒阳光;美丽心灵的永恒阳光209,00258/ 8.4 Double Indemnity (1944) 双重保险;双重赔偿;双重生活35,20159/ 8.4 Chinatown (1974) 唐人街75,33060/ 8.4 Requiem for a Dream (2000) 梦之安魂曲;迷上瘾;梦的挽歌175,89161/ 8.4 The Third Man (1949) 第三者48,90762/ 8.4 L.A. Confidential (1997) 洛城机密;幕后嫌疑犯;铁面特警队159,04263/ 8.4 Reservoir Dogs (1992) 落水狗;水库狗;霸道横行203,21864/ 8.4 Das Boot (1981) 从海底出击;特种任务;潜航大风暴67,62165/ 8.4 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 碧血金沙;宝石岭;浴血金沙31,63966/ 8.4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 巨蟒与圣杯;圣杯传奇;蒙迪佩登与圣杯149,53067/ 8.4 City Lights (1931) 城市之光25,75068/ 8.4 El laberinto del fauno (2006) 潘恩的迷宫;潘神的迷宫;羊男的迷宫144,50169/ 8.4 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 桂河大桥56,42970/ 8.3 Raging Bull (1980) 愤怒的公牛;蛮牛;狂牛85,96071/ 8.3 Inglourious Basterds (2009) 无耻混蛋;恶棍特工;无良杂种;希魔撞正杀人狂155,965 72/ 8.3 The stige (2006) 致命魔术;魔高一丈;死亡魔法190,78973/ 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 2001漫游太空153,90274/ 8.3 Back to the Future (1985) 回到未来191,07075/ 8.3 La vita è bella (1997) 美丽人生;一个快乐的传说102,70476/ 8.3 Singin' in the Rain (1952) 雨中曲;万花嬉春53,04977/ 8.3 Up (2009) 飞屋环游记;天外奇迹;冲天救兵;冲天奇兵94,09078/ 8.3 Avatar (2009) 阿凡达;化身;异次元战神;天神下凡;神之化身226,75379/ 8.3 Modern Times (1936) 摩登时代33,73380/ 8.3 Some Like It Hot (1959) 热情如火64,26081/ 8.3 Der Untergang (2004) 帝国的毁灭;帝国陷落78,05882/ 8.3 Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特传;阿玛迪斯92,72483/ 8.3 Full Metal Jacket (1987) 全金属外壳;金甲部队144,32184/ 8.3 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) 天堂影院;星光伴我心;新天堂乐园43,00385/ 8.3 The Maltese Falcon (1941) 马耳他雄鹰;枭巢喋血记;群雄夺宝鹰49,45086/ 8.3 Braveheart (1995) 惊世未了缘;勇敢的心;梅尔吉勃逊之英雄本色230,30187/ 8.3 Rashômon (1950) 罗生门37,08888/ 8.3 Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 美国往事;义薄云天;四海兄弟68,63089/ 8.3 All About Eve (1950) 慧星美人33,63590/ 8.3 Gran Torino (2008) 老爷车116,11191/ 8.3 Metropolis (1927) 大都会37,46392/ 8.3 The Green Mile (1999) 绿色奇迹;绿里188,02193/ 8.3 The Elephant Man (1980) 象人55,25094/ 8.3 The Great Dictator (1940) 大独裁者35,03995/ 8.3 Sin City (2005) 罪恶之城244,18696/ 8.3 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 贫民窟的百万富翁;贫民富翁164,10497/ 8.3 Rebecca (1940) 蝴蝶梦33,92698/ 8.3 The Apartment (1960) 公寓春光;桃色公寓34,63699/ 8.3 The Sting (1973) 骗中骗;老千记状元才;刺激63,008100/ 8.3 Gladiator (2000) 角斗士;帝国骄雄;神鬼战士265,438101/ 8.3 The Great Escape (1963) 龙虎榜;第三集中营;大逃亡59,099102/ 8.3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 印地安那.琼斯和最后的十字军;圣战奇兵164,794103/ 8.3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 杰迪武士;绝地大反攻;武士复仇202,527104/ 8.3 Unforgiven (1992) 杀无赦;豪情盖天93,325105/ 8.3 Ladri di biciclette (1948) 偷自行车的人;单车失窃记25,865106/ 8.3 Jaws (1975) 大白鲨131,634107/ 8.3 Batman Begins (2005) 蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜;蝙蝠侠5;蝙蝠侠:开战时刻256,766108/ 8.2 Blade Runner (1982) 银翼杀手;叛狱追杀令178,350109/ 8.2 Die Hard (1988) 虎胆龙威;终极警探172,943110/ 8.2 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 卢旺达饭店87,302111/ 8.2 On the Waterfront (1954) 码头风云;岸上风云;在江边39,356112/ 8.2 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 史密斯先生到华盛顿;史密斯到美京;华府风云; 民主万岁31,938113/ 8.2 No Country for Old Men (2007) 老无所依;老人无国度187,917114/ 8.2 Oldboy (2003) 老男孩91,240115/ 8.2 Touch of Evil (1958) 历劫佳人;人海奇花31,274116/ 8.2 Det sjunde inseglet (1957) 第七封印;第七印章34,964117/ 8.2 Fargo (1996) 雪花高离奇谋杀案;冰血暴158,936118/ 8.2 District 9 (2009) 第九区134,452119/ 8.2 Mononoke-hime (1997) 幽灵公主;魔法公主62,290120/ 8.2 The Wizard of Oz (1939) 绿野仙踪;梦游仙宫98,624121/ 8.2 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 黄昏双镖客; 独行侠江湖伏霸;赏金杀手40,668122/ 8.2 Heat (1995) 盗火线;烈火悍将138,106123/ 8.2 Kick-Ass (2010) 海扁王;特攻联盟;超屌侠;劲揪侠28,282124/ 8.2 Strangers on a Train (1951) 火车怪客;列车上的陌生人32,560125/ 8.2 Donnie Darko (2001) 死亡幻觉;唐尼·达可200,859126/ 8.2 Cool Hand Luke (1967) 铁窗喋血;逃狱金刚;铁手卢克43,296127/ 8.2 High Noon (1952) 正午;龙城歼霸战32,690128/ 8.2 The Sixth Sense (1999) 灵异第六感;鬼眼228,507129/ 8.2 Notorious (1946) 美人计30,019130/ 8.2 There Will Be Blood (2007) 未血绸缪;血色将至;血色黑金124,036131/ 8.2 The Deer Hunter (1978) 猎鹿者;越战猎鹿人84,299132/ 8.2 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 满洲候选人;谍影迷魂33,494133/ 8.2 Annie Hall (1977) 安妮霍尔62,485134/ 8.2 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 杀死比尔;标杀令220,659135/ 8.2 The Wrestler (2008) 摔角王;摔跤王;摔跤手85,521136/ 8.2 Snatch. (2000) 偷拐抢骗;贪得无厌164,501137/ 8.2 Platoon (1986) 野战排;杀戮战场;前进高棉103,831138/ 8.2 The Big Lebowski (1998) 大保龄离奇绑架;谋杀绿脚趾169,024139/ 8.2 The General (1926) 将军号18,924140/ 8.1 Ben-Hur (1959) 宾虚;宾汉55,965141/ 8.1 Into the Wild (2007) 荒野生存;荒野伴我心91,348142/ 8.1 Yojimbo (1961) 用心棒;大镖客27,814143/ 8.1 Ran (1985) 乱33,085144/ 8.1 The Big Sleep (1946) 沉睡;夜长梦多27,758145/ 8.1 Million Dollar Baby (2004) 百万宝贝;登峰造击;百万美元宝贝133,375146/ 8.1 The Lion King (1994) 狮子王127,693147/ 8.1 It Happened One Night (1934) 一夜风流23,919148/ 8.1 Life of Brian (1979) 布莱恩的一生;万世魔星89,864149/ 8.1 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 虎豹小霸王;神枪手与智多星54,971150/ 8.1 Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 控方证人;雄才伟略17,026151/ 8.1 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 谍影重重3;伯恩的最后通谍;叛谍追击3:最后通牒137,527152/ 8.1 Smultronstället (1957) 野草莓20,189153/ 8.1 Finding Nemo (2003) 海底总动员155,786154/ 8.1 Trainspotting (1996) 猜火车;迷幻列车144,013155/ 8.1 Stand by Me (1986) 伴我同行;站在我这边85,860156/ 8.1 The Graduate (1967) 毕业生74,569157/ 8.1 Toy Story (1995) 玩具总动员;反斗奇兵137,740158/ 8.1 Gone with the Wind (1939) 乱世佳人75,494159/ 8.1 The Terminator (1984) 终极者;未来战士;魔鬼终结者171,114160/ 8.1 Star Trek (2009) 星舰迷航;星际旅行;星际旅行11;星际争霸战123,421161/ 8.1 Groundhog Day (1993) 偷天情缘;今天暂时停止128,508162/ 8.1 Scarface (1983) 疤面煞星144,394163/ 8.1 Amores perros (2000) 爱情是狗娘;人/爱/狗;狗男女的爱58,202164/ 8.1 The Thing (1982) 突变第三型;怪形74,264165/ 8.1 Ratatouille (2007) 料理鼠王;小鼠大厨;蔬菜杂烩123,987166/ 8.1 Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 黄金万两;炎热的下午56,492167/ 8.1 Gandhi (1982) 甘地传48,305168/ 8.1 V for Vendetta (2005) V字仇杀队;复仇记;V煞212,314169/ 8.1 Le salaire de la peur (1953) 恐惧的报酬;恐惧的代价13,408170/ 8.1 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 两杆老烟枪;够姜四小强119,465171/ 8.1 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 怒火之花;愤怒的葡萄22,308172/ 8.1 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 12猴子;未来总动员162,325173/ 8.1 8½ (1963) 八部半;八又二分之一28,076174/ 8.1 The Gold Rush (1925) 淘金记19,788175/ 8.1 Casino (1995) 赌城风云;赌国风云;赌场103,249176/ 8.1 The Night of the Hunter (1955) 猎人的夜晚;雾夜惊魂24,459177/ 8.1 Les diaboliques (1955) 浴室情杀案;恶魔13,683178/ 8.1 Hotaru no haka (1988) 再见萤火虫;萤火虫之墓32,423179/ 8.0 The Princess Bride (1987) 公主新娘;海盗勇士;魔域传说119,880180/ 8.0 The Incredibles (2004) 超人特攻队150,769181/ 8.0 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 纽伦堡大审;纽伦堡的审判13,312182/ 8.0 The Killing (1956) 杀手;谋杀23,531183/ 8.0 The Wild Bunch (1969) 流寇志;日落黄沙29,696184/ 8.0 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 仁心与冠冕;仁心和头饰;好心肠与王冠;爱心与小帽12,411185/ 8.0 Children of Men (2006) 人类之子149,516186/ 8.0 In Bruges (2008) 杀手没有假期90,155187/ 8.0 The Exorcist (1973) 驱魔人;大法师97,971188/ 8.0 How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 驯龙高手;驯龙记;驯龙15,866189/ 8.0 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 日出10,694190/ 8.0 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 我们生活中最美好的年代;黄金时代16,575191/ 8.0 The Kid (1921) 寻子遇仙记;弃儿的故事13,015192/ 8.0 Le notti di Cabiria (1957) 卡比利亚之夜10,364193/ 8.0 The Hustler (1961) 江湖浪子;骗子24,286194/ 8.0 Dial M for Murder (1954) 电话情杀案;电话谋杀案28,133195/ 8.0 El secreto de sus ojos (2009) 谜一样的双眼;他们眼中的秘密9,364196/ 8.0 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 魔鬼圣婴;失婴记;魔鬼怪婴47,877197/ 8.0 Ed Wood (1994) 艾德伍德;艾活传70,931198/ 8.0 Good Will Hunting (1997) 心灵捕手;骄阳似我142,566199/ 8.0 Harvey (1950) 迷离世界;哈维22,271200/ 8.0 Big Fish (2003) 大鱼;大鱼奇缘;大鱼老爸134,363201/ 8.0 King Kong (1933) 大金刚;金刚37,006202/ 8.0 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 欲望号街车;欲望街车32,201203/ 8.0 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) 硫磺岛家书;硫磺岛来信;来自硫磺岛的信53,350204/ 8.0 Låt den rätte komma in (2008) 生人勿进;血色入侵;正义必胜49,701205/ 8.0 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 杀死比尔2;标杀令2 173,666206/ 8.0 Le scaphandre et le papillon (2007) 潜水钟与蝴蝶28,725207/ 8.0 Magnolia (1999) 木兰花;心灵角落;人生交叉剔117,324208/ 8.0 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 辣手摧花;疑影20,336209/ 8.0 Rocky (1976) 洛奇;洛基;龙拳虎威90,677210/ 8.0 Sleuth (1972) 足迹;侦探16,461211/ 8.0 Mystic River (2003) 神秘之河;神秘河113,055212/ 8.0 Stalag 17 (1953) 17号囚房;战地军魂19,871213/ 8.0 Crash (2004/I) 撞车163,717214/ 8.0 The African Queen (1951) 非洲皇后;非洲女王号;非洲抗暴记32,575215/ 8.0 Brief Encounter (1945) 短暂的恋情;相见恨晚12,724216/ 8.0 Network (1976) 电视台风云;荧光幕後31,803217/ 8.0 Rope (1948) 夺魂索;绳索29,728218/ 8.0 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 雌雄大盗;我俩没有明天39,385219/ 8.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 加勒比海盗;神鬼奇航:鬼盗船魔咒222,051220/ 8.0 Duck Soup (1933) 鸭汤;鸭羹;轻易之举25,337221/ 8.0 Shutter Island (2010) 禁闭岛;关门岛;孤岛;艾什克里夫;隔离岛;不赦岛;孤岛恐慌;荒岛追凶63,578222/ 8.0 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) 本杰明·巴顿奇事;返老还童;班杰明的奇幻旅程;奇幻逆缘127,401223/ 8.0 Manhattan (1979) 曼哈顿36,856224/ 8.0 La strada (1954) 大路;街道16,855225/ 8.0 Changeling (2008) 换子疑云;调包婴儿;换婴记;陌生的孩子;换命谎言59,293226/ 8.0 Patton (1970) 巴顿将军37,902227/ 8.0 Wo hu cang long (2000) 卧虎藏龙104,980228/ 8.0 Planet of the Apes (1968) 猿人星球;人间浩劫54,837229/ 8.0 La battaglia di Algeri (1966) 阿尔及尔战役;阿尔及尔之战13,004230/ 8.0 The Conversation (1974) 对话;窃听31,318231/ 8.0 Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 阳光小美女;选美小小姐143,359232/ 8.0 The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) 圣诞夜惊魂;怪诞城之夜74,544233/ 7.9 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) 谁怕弗吉尼亚.沃尔夫;灵欲毒宵18,554 234/ 7.9 Les quatre cents coups (1959) 四百下;四百击22,506235/ 7.9 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 侠盗罗宾汉;罗宾汉历险记;罗宾汉22,254 236/ 7.9 Mulholland Dr. (2001) 穆赫兰道;失忆大盗96,873237/ 7.9 Barry Lyndon (1975) 乱世儿女;巴里·林登37,942238/ 7.9 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 西线无战事20,340239/ 7.9 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 桃色血案;桃色杀机15,751240/ 7.9 Spartacus (1960) 斯巴达克斯;万夫莫敌48,366241/ 7.9 The Truman Show (1998) 楚门世界;真人SHOW 146,360242/ 7.9 Shaun of the Dead (2004) 僵尸肖恩;杠上活死人;活死人情缘124,980243/ 7.9 Tonari no Totoro (1988) 龙猫27,951244/ 7.9 Glory (1989) 光荣;光荣战役54,916245/ 7.9 Monsters, Inc. (2001) 怪兽公园;怪兽电力公司106,805246/ 7.9 The Lady Vanishes (1938) 贵妇失踪记;贵妇失踪案;失踪的女人17,175247/ 7.9 Toy Story 2 (1999) 玩具总动员2;反斗奇兵2 107,317248/ 7.9 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 毒药与老妇;砒霜与烈酒28,651249/ 7.9 The Philadelphia Story (1940) 费城故事;旧欢新宠26,749 250/ 7.9 Edward Scissorhands (1990) 剪刀手爱德华;幻海奇缘98,255。



100部经典户外探险影片NO.001垂直极限Vertical Limit美国/德国2000它告诉我们:生命是坚韧而顽强的,生命是伟大而无价的。

这是一部登山者的电影,凡是登过雪山的人,经历过那种极度恶劣的气候条件,知道连呼吸都几乎已经无法自我控制情况的人可能会爱上这部影片NO.002下半生赛跑者Downhill Racer美国1969一个追逐滑雪梦想的故事,影片海报非常著名。



NO.003触及巅峰Touching the Void英国2003遵守游戏规则人与人的规则人与自然的规则,做最正确的事。



NO.004勇闯雷霆峰The Eiger Sanction美国1975雪山上实行的暗杀计划。


NO.005挑战巅峰Into Thin Air:Death on Everest捷克/美国1997作为世界最高山峰,珠穆朗玛峰的神秘莫测从来都吸引着世界各地的人们一探究竟。



NO.006赤焰顶峰Les Aiguilles rouges法国2006人总要经历一些事情才会长大,一次远足旅行是成长的催化剂。



荒野生存INTO THE WILD里所有歌曲的歌词

荒野生存INTO THE WILD里所有歌曲的歌词

Hard SunWhen I walk beside herI am the better manwhen i look to leave herI always stagger back againOnce I built an ivory towerso I could worship from above when I climb down to be set free she took me in againCHORUSThere’s a biga big hard sunbeating on the big peoplein the big hard worldWhen she comes to greet me she is mercy at my feetI see her inner charmshe just throws it back at meOnce I dug an early graveto find a better landshe just smiled and laughed at meand took her rules back againCHORUSOnce I stood to lose herand I saw what i had donebowed down and threw away the hoursof her garden and her sunSo I tried to want herI turned to see her weep40 days and 40 nightsand its still coming down on meThe Ring"The Ring Into The Wild lyrics"I am the chosen to find and lead you i was sent here by the old andgreyWe’re running out of time i won’t deceive you, trust meI know the evil that is on your trail now, are you afraid? not enough!What you fear is what will never stop hunting you, you know i speak the truthInto the wild, no one must know we are heading through peril land Into the wild, danger might show we must slip through these groping handsKeep up, stay close we must move out of sight now, change direction, lead them all astray. mind the flashes in the night from the distant mountain topThree more days and still no sign of rescue, i feel the enemy is drawing nearSo light a fire gather ‘round we’re expecting company, let’s face our enemyFive out of nine here in the wild, no retreat now we cannot failFive out of nine here in the wild, i know that danger is on our tailMy only protection- a flaming brand of woodI put on my ring, i feel i shouldWith helmets of silver and steely knivesThe pale king in lead he claims my lifeEscape in the wild, fly to the ford no retreat now we cannot failEscape in the wild, from the black riders′ swords , they’re right behind my backEscape in the wild, fly to the ford, we are heading through peril land Escape in the wild, from the black riders′ swords, so close to rescue but still so farNo CeilingComes the morningWhen I can feelThat there's nothing left to be concealedMoving on a scene surrealNo, my heart will neverWill never be far from hereSure as I am breathingSure as I'm sadI'll keep this wisdom in my fleshI leave here believing more than I had And there's a reason I'll beA reason I'll be backAs I walkThe HemisphereGot my wishTo up and disappearI been woundedI been healedNow for landing I beenLanding I been clearedSure as I'm breathingSure as I'm sadI'll keep this wisdomIn my fleshI leave here believingMore than I hadThis Love has gotNo CeilingSocietyhmmm ooh hooo hoooIt's a mystery to mewe have a greedwith which we have agreedYou think you have to wantmore than you needuntil you have it all you won't be freesociety, you're a crazy breedI hope you're not lonely without meWhen you want more than you have you think you needand when you think more than you wantyour thoughts begin to bleedI think I need to find a bigger place'cos when you have more than you thinkyou need more spacesociety, you're a crazy breedI hope you're not lonely without mesociety, crazy *indeed*I hope you're not lonely without methere's those thinking more or less less is more but if less is more how you keeping score? Means for every point you makeyour level dropskinda like its starting from the topyou can't do that...society, you're a crazy breedI hope you're not lonely without mesociety, crazy *indeed*I hope you're not lonely without mesociety, have mercy on meI hope you're not angry if I disagree society, crazy *indeed*I hope you're not lonely without meLong NightsHave no fearFor when I'm aloneI'll be better off than I was beforeI've got this lightI'll be around to growWho I was beforeI cannot recallLong nights allow me to feel...I'm falling...I am fallingThe lights go outLet me feelI'm fallingI am falling safely to the ground Ah...I'll take this soul that's inside me now Like a brand new friendI'll forever knowI've got this lightAnd the will to showI will always be better than beforeLong nights allow me to feel...I'm falling...I am fallingThe lights go outLet me feelI'm fallingI am falling safely to the groundBroken Hearteddon't mind me, just let me bemy eyes so far awayi don't need no sympathythe word seems overplayedi'm alright, it's just tonighti can't play the parti'm alright, it's alrightit's just a broken heartdon't have eyes for the world outside they're closed and turned within trying to find the light insideit's lit, but growing dimi'm alright, it's just tonighti can't play the parti'm alright, it's alrightit's just a broken heartEnd Of The RoadI won't be the lastI won't be the firstFind a way to where the sky meets the earth It's all right and all wrongFor me it begins at the end of the roadWe come and go...Far BehindTake Leavethe conscious mindFound myselfto be so inclinedWhy sleepin discontent?Oh the priceof companionshipMy shadow runs with me underneath the Big Wide Sun My shadow comes with me as we leave it allwe leave it all Far BehindEmpty pockets willAllow a greaterSense of wealthWhy contain yourselfLike any otherBook on the shelfMy shadow lays with me underneath the Big Wide Sun My shadow stays with meas we leave it allwe leave it all Far BehindSubtle voices in the wind, Hear the truth they're tellingA world begins where the road endsWatch me leave it all behindFar BehindFar BehindGoodbyei've got our love to rememberthat will never changei have you in my headand no, i'll never hold youand i'm still asking whyi guess that this is goodbyemy dreams suddenly seem so emptyi could go on my own, but i feel like playin' dead and for what feels like the first timei don't know where you are tonighti guess that this is goodbyewe lived half our lives togethera hundred years is a lot of weight to bearand the sun, it may be shiningthere's an ocean in my eyescause i know that this is goodbyecause i know that this.. is goodbyeGuaranteedOn bended knee is no way to be freelifting up an empty cup I ask silentlythat all my destinations will accept the one that's meso I can breatheCircles they grow and they swallow people wholehalf their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soulso it goes...Don't come closer or I'll have to goHolding me like gravity are places that pullIf ever there was someone to keep me at homeIt would be you...Everyone I come across in cages they boughtthey think of me and my wanderingbut I'm never what they thoughtgot my indignation but I'm pure in all my thoughts I'm alive...Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere underneath my being is a road that disappeared late at night I hear the treesthey're singing with the deadoverhead...Leave it to me as I find a way to beconsider me a satellite for ever orbitingI knew all the rules but the rules did not know me guaranteed...Longing To Belongi'm falling harder than i've ever fell beforei'm fallin faster, hopingi'll land in your armscause all my time is spent here longing to belongto youi dream of circles perfecteyes within your facemy heart's an open wound that only you replaceand though the moon is rising can't put your picture down love, it's a frightning way to falland when the time is right, i hope that you'll respondlike when the wind gets tired and the ocean becomes calmi may be dreaming but i'mlonging to belongto youRiseSuch is the way of the worldYou can never knowJust where to put all your faithAnd how will it growGonna rise upBurning black holes in dark memories Gonna rise upTurning mistakes into goldSuch is the passage of timeToo fast to foldSuddenly swallowed by signsLow and beholdGonna rise upFind my direction magnetically Gonna rise upThrow down my ace in the hole。



Into the Wild《荒野生存(20__)》完整中英文对照剧本Mom! 妈妈! Mom! Help me.妈妈!救我 What is it? 怎么了? I wasn"t dreaming, Walt.I didn"t imagine it.那不是梦沃特我没有做梦 I heard him.I heard him. 我听到他的声音了我听到了I heard him.I heard Chris.我听到了是克里斯 I heard him!I know.我听到了!我知道 No.I wasn"t imagining it, Walt.不我没有做梦 No, I did.He"s...He"s...不他... 他...I heard him!Billie.我听到了!比莉 That"s about as far as I can get you.我只能送你到这里了 All right.Thank you.好的谢谢 You left all your shit on my dash. Keep it.你还有堆垃圾在我的仪表盘上你留着吧 Suit yourself.随便你吧 Thanks again.谢啦Hey, hold on a minute.嘿等一下 Here, take these.They"ll keep your feet dry.拿着这个穿着脚不容易湿 If you make it out alive, give me a call. 如果你活着回来给我打个电&;;hearts;话&;;hearts;My number"s inside the boots.我的号&;;hearts;码就在靴子里 Thanks.谢谢 Hello?你好? Is there anybody here? 这儿有人吗? Guess not! 大概没有! Two years he walks the earth.两年来他行走在这片土地上 No phone, no pool, no pets, 没有电&;;hearts;话&;;hearts;没有泳池没有宠物 no cigarettes.没有香烟 Ultimate freedom.无拘无束 An e____tremist.An aesthetic voyager 一个极端主义者一个追逐美的旅人 whose home is the road.脚下的路就是他的家 Hey, listen, old man.Now, don"t psychoanalyze me, all right? 嘿听着老头不要对我做精神分&;;hearts;析&;;hearts;好吗? Shut up.I"m taking you out to where we"re going.闭嘴我正带你去目的地呢 Where you going? 你们去哪里? I told you.We"re going nowhere! 我告诉你我们哪里也不去! So now, after two rambling years es the final and greatest adventure.现在在两年的流浪之后最后也是最大的冒险来临了 The climactic battle to kill 消灭虚伪的存在 the false being within 胜利实现灵魂革命 and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.的终极一役 No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees, 不再受俗世文明毒蚀他遁世而逸 and walks alone upon the land to bee 独自行走在陆上 lost in the wild.隐没在荒野中 hard workand manifold contributions to our munity during their time here, 他们在校期间勤奋努力做出了多方面的贡献we salute you and offer all of you 我们向你们致敬并致与你们 one more round of applause and congratulations.再一次掌声与祝贺 Nina Lynn Lockwynn.尼娜·琳恩·洛克维恩 Vanessa Denise Lowery.瓦内萨·丹尼斯·洛维里 Christopher Johnson McCandless.克里斯多夫·强森·麦坎得勒斯Regina Victoria McNabb.瑞吉娜·维多利亚·麦克奈布 I see them standing at the formal gates of their colleges.我能看见他们毕业时站在校门的模样 I see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch, 我看见父亲徘徊在赭色的砂岩拱门下 the red tilesglinting like bent plates of blood behind his head.在他脑后闪烁的红色瓷砖就像弯曲的血板 I see my mother with a few light books at her hip, 我看见母亲拿着几本书依在臀边standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks...站在小砖砌成的柱子旁with the wrought-iron gates 身后的铸铁大门依然敞开still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the May air.门上的剑尖在五月的天空划出一道黑色 They are about to graduate.他们即将毕业 They are about to get married. 他们即将结婚They are kids.They are dumb.他们是孩子涉世未深 All they know is they are innocent,他们只知道彼此纯洁无辜they would never hurt anybody.绝不会伤害任何人 I want to go up to them and say, &;;Stop, don"t do it.我想上前对他们说停不要这么做 She"s the wrong woman, he"s the wrong man.她不是适合你的女人他不是适合你的男人 You are going to do things you cannot imagine you would ever do.你们会做出一些你们意想不到的事 You are going to do bad things to children.你们会对孩子造成伤害 You are going to suffer in ways you never heard of.你们会经受不曾听闻的痛苦 You are going to want to die.你们会痛不欲生 I want to go up to them there in the late May sunlight and say it.我想在五月末的阳光下走上前告诉他们 But I don"t do it.I want to live.但是我没这么做说了也就没有我的出现了 I take them up like the male and female paper dolls,我想拿起他俩像两个纸人and bang them together 然后把他俩狠狠撞在一起 at the hips like chips of flint, as if to strike sparks from them.I say, 让他们像撞火石一样撞出火花然后说 Do what you are going to do and I will tell about it.你们想怎么做就怎么做吧我会告诉你们结果的 Here they are, Walt.Okay? 他们来了沃特好吗? Who wrote that? 谁写的? Well, could have been either one of us, couldn"t it? 应该是我们中的一人是不是? Why is he letting Carine drive his car? 为什么让卡琳开车? There"s a lot of great poems in here.书里有很多好诗 I have to speak to her about it.我必须和她谈谈 Sit down.你坐着吧 E____cuse me.I"m going to get my son.对不起我要去迎接我儿子 He just graduated today from Emory College.他刚从埃默里大学毕业 I"ll get it.I"ll get it.我来吧我来吧 Chris, hi! We"ve been waiting and waiting.克里斯嗨!我们等好久了You scared me half to death jumping up there on that stage like that.你刚那样跳到台上把我吓了个半死 Hi, Dad. Congratulations, Son.嗨爸爸恭喜你儿子 This is a big step. Thank you, Dad.这是重大的一步啊谢谢你爸爸 All right.好吧 You"re not supposed to be driving in Georgia.你不应该在乔治亚州开车 Why? I have my permit.为什么?我有驾照 "Cause it"s against the law for a learner"s permit 因为拿新手驾照在其它州开车 to drive in another state from one"s home state.That"s why.是违法的这就是原因 I didn"t know that.I thought 我不知道啊我以为 that if I was with a legal driver that it"d be okay.有一个合法的司机在一起就可以了 Well, let"s...好我们...Are they going to continue?No.他们还一直这样吗?不会 I guess everybody"s celebrating today.我猜今天每个人都在庆祝 They"re going to stay in the bar, right?That"s right.他们只会待在吧台那里对吗?是的 My grades are good enough, I think, to get into Harvard Law.我的成绩很好我觉得足以进哈佛法学院了 Chris, that"s wonderful.克里斯太棒了 That is a big deal.这可是件大事 How much do you have left in the college fund? 你的大学基金还剩多少? E____actly $24,500.68.确切地说是 24500.68 美元Well, that"s specific.真够精确的了 I had to go to the bank this morning, Mom.我上午去了趟银行妈妈 Your mother and I will be glad to contribute the balance for Harvard.你妈和我很高兴再支援点钱供你上哈佛 That"s right.对 I"ve got to figure out what I"m going to do.我要想一下我要做什么I"ve got a lot of things to pack and organize here first.我还有很多东西要先打包整理 Your father and I, we want to make a present to you.你&;;hearts;爸&;;hearts;和我想送你份礼物 We want to get you out of that junker.我们想让你摆脱那个垃圾 What junker? 什么垃圾? That.那个 We want to buy you a new car. That"s right.我们想给你买&;;hearts;&;;hearts;辆新车对 A new car? 新车? Why would I want a new car? 为什么我要新车? Datsun runs great.达特桑运行良好 Do you think I want some fancy boat? 你们以为我想要那些招摇过市的东西? Are you worried what the neighbors might think? 你们是在担心邻居们怎么想吗? Well, we weren"t gonna get you a brand new Cadillac, Chris.行了我们又不打算给你买&;;hearts;&;;hearts;凯迪拉克克里斯 We just want to get you a nice new car that"s safe to drive.我们只是想给你一辆完好的新车开起来安全一些 And you never know when that thing out there just might blow up.那辆破玩意儿随时可能会爆&;;hearts;炸&;;hearts; Blow up.Blow up? Are you guys crazy? It"s a great car.爆&;;hearts;炸&;;hearts;爆&;;hearts;炸&;;hearts;?你们疯了吗?那是辆好车 I don"t need a new car.I don"t want a new car.我不需要一辆新车我不想要一辆新车 I don"t want anything. Okay.我什么都不想要好的These things, things, things, things. Okay.这东西那东西这东西那东西好吧 Everything has to be difficult. Thank you.任何事都会是麻烦谢谢 Thank you. Maybe that"s not what he means.谢谢也许他不是这个意思 Maybe he just wants his old car.It"s not such a big deal.也许他只是想保留自己的旧车这没什么关系 Thank you.I just don"t want anything.谢谢我只是不想要什么东西 Chris measured himself and those around him 克里斯以一种异常严苛的道德准则 by a fiercely rigorous moral code.审视自己和身边的一切 Bye, Chris! 再见克里斯! He risked what could have been a relentlessly lonely path 他冒险踏上一条残酷孤独的道路but found pany in the characters of the books he loved 却在他钟爱的书籍中找到同路知己 from writers like Tolstoy, Jack London and Thoreau.他喜爱托尔斯泰杰克·伦敦和梭罗 He could summon their words to suit any occasion, 他可以在任何情况下引用出适合的文句 and he often would.他也经常会这么做 I forgot to ask what e he"d have picked for his graduation dinner, 我忘了问他在毕业晚宴上引用了什么but I had a good idea of who the primary target would be.但是我知道最有可能是谁的话 It was inevitable that Chris would break away.克里斯出走是不可避免的 And when he did, he would do it with characteristic immoderation.他一旦选择出走他会按他特有的极端方式来进行 It should not be denied that being footloose has always e____hilarated us.不可否认无疆行走总是让人振奋 It is associated in our minds with escape 在我们心中它意味着 from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations.忘记过去摆脱压力逃离法律与繁琐义务 Absolute freedom.绝对的自&;;hearts;由&;;hearts; And the road has always led west.道路总是向西延伸 I need a name.我需要一个名字 Toward the end of June, 将近六月末 Emory had mailed our parents Chris" final grade report.埃默里大学给我的父母寄来了克里斯的最后一份成绩单 Almost all A"s.几乎是全 A A in Apartheid in South African Society.南非社会的种族隔离A A-minus in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa.当代非洲政&;;hearts;治&;;hearts;和非洲粮食危机A 减 And on it went.Clever boy, my brother.学得不错老哥你真聪明 But by the end of July, we hadn"t heard anything from him 但是到了七月末我们没有一点他的消息 and my parents were being unsettled.我的父母开始坐立不安 Chris had never had a phone, 克里斯从来没有电&;;hearts;话&;;hearts; so they decided to drive down to Atlanta and surprise him.所以他们决定开车到亚特兰大给他一个惊喜 When they arrived at the apartment, there was a &;;For Rent&;; sign up 当他们到达他的公&;;hearts;寓&;;hearts;时只看到一个&;;招租&;;标志 and the manager said that Chris had moved out at the end of May.管&;;hearts;理&;;hearts;员&;;hearts;说克里斯五月底就搬出去了 Oh, yes.He left two months ago.哦对他两个月前就走了 So when they got home, 所以他们回家时 I had to hand them all the letters that they had sent Chris that summer, 我不得不把他们在那个夏天寄给克里斯的信都给他们 which had been returned in a bundle.一整包的信都被退了回来 Chris had arranged for the post office to hold them until August 1st, 克里斯去通知了邮局告诉他们等到 8 月 1 日再退信 to buy himself some time.为自己争取了一些时间Did you know about this? 你知道这事吗? He didn"t say anything.他什么也没说过 I understood what he was doing.That he had spent four years 我理解他在做什么他花了四年 fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from college, 履行荒诞乏味的责任完成大学学业 and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, 现在他终于解放了离开了那个充满幻象 false security, parents and material e____cess, 脆弱不堪父母管教物欲横流的世界 the things that cut Chris off from the truth of his e____istence.离开那些阻碍他体验真实存在的东西 Hey, man.Step around.Jump in. Okay, great.伙计绕到那边上车好的太好了 We barely saw you there underneath that crazy hat of yours.你戴这么顶夸张的帽子我们差点没看到你 This door"s a little tricky.There you go.Hop in.车门有点问题来吧进去吧 That"s Rainey.这是雷尼 Hi, Rainey. Yeah, I"m Rainey.雷尼你好我叫雷尼 I"m Jan. Hi.I"m Ale____.我叫简我叫亚历克斯 Ale____ with the hat on.带帽子的亚历克斯 Yeah, I know.You said it, man. Yeah.对我知道你说过伙计对 So you"re a leather now.你现在是个皮鞋 I"m a leather? 我是个皮鞋? Yeah, a leather tr.That"s whatthey call the ones that hoof it, go on foot.对皮鞋流浪者现在都这样称呼徒步行走的人 Technically we"rerubber trs.事实上我们是轮胎流浪者 Because we have a vehicle.因为我们有辆车 You don"t have to push me away. e on, please?你不必推开我别这样? Yeah, Ale____ could have a vehicle as well, 是啊亚历克斯可能也有辆车 but he decided to burn all of his money.但是他决定烧了他所有钱 And why did you do that? 你为什么要这么做? I don"t need money.Makespeople cautious.我不需要钱钱让人畏手畏脚 e on, Ale____.You gotta be a little cautious.得了亚历克斯你多少也得小心一点 I mean, that book of yours is cool and everything, 我是说你的书啊那些都很酷 but you can"t depend entirelyon leaves and berries.但是你不能完全靠树叶浆果维生 I don"t know if you want to depend on much more than that.如果你要有别的需要怎么办? Where are your mom and dad? 你的爸妈在哪里? Living their lies somewhere.在某处生活在他们的谎言里 You look like a loved kid.Be fair.你像一个被宠爱的孩子说实话 Fair? 实话? You know what I mean.你知道我说的意思 I"ll paraphrase Thoreau here.我要借用梭罗的话来解释 Rather than love, than money, than faith, 不是爱情不是金钱不是信仰 than fame, than fairness, 不是名誉不是公平 give me truth.给我真&;;hearts;相&;;hearts; From as long ago as Chris and I could remember, 从克里斯和我开始记事起 there have been daily bouts of ragein our house.每天我们的家里都有几回激烈的争执 Violence that we were forced to witness.It was very real.我们被迫目睹的那些暴&;;hearts;力&;;hearts;非常真实But it was also like theater.但也像一出戏 They cast us as both judges and the accused.他们既当我们是法官又当是被告 And I got you this token, thise____pensive token.我送你一个纪念品一个非常贵重的纪念品 Dad had been the young genius 爸爸曾是年轻的天才 that NASA enlisted to do crucial designs 曾被美国航&;;hearts;天&;;hearts;航&;;hearts;空&;;hearts;局征召去 for the American satellite radar systems 为美国卫星雷达系统做关键设计 that would be our answer to the Russian Sputnik.以回应苏联卫星 And Mom and he later started up a consulting firm 而妈妈和他后来开了一家咨&;;hearts;询&;;hearts;公&;;hearts;司&;;hearts; bining her get-up-and-go resourcefulness 结合了她的足智多谋 with his wealth of knowledge.和他丰富的知识 Look at this.看这个 But by the time the pany actually made its first million, 但是当公&;;hearts;司&;;hearts;挣了第一个一百万时 the careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness.利欲熏心与金钱看上去仅仅加重了他们的盲目愚昧 Thank you very, very much.非常非常感谢 I remember the first family meeting 我记得第一次家庭会议 to let us in on their plans for getting a divorce.让我们加入到他们离婚的计划中 They wanted us to choose which of them we"d live with.他们让我们选择要和谁生活在一起 We cried our eyes out.我们抱头痛哭 The divorce never happened, 他们从未离婚 but the battles and the meetings never stopped.但是争执和会议也从未停歇 It wasn"t very long before Chris and I shut off.不多久克里斯和我不搭理他们 We"d say Go ahead.我们说去吧 Get the divorce.去离婚吧 Jeez.If I struck a match to you I"d have dinner and warmth at the same time.如果燃根火柴扔过去我就又有火烤又有烤肉吃了 Where"s Jan going? 简去哪里? Well, my friend, 好吧我的朋友 all is not well on the hippie front.你别看我嬉皮日子不好过啊 You"re an industrious little fucker, aren"t you? 你是个勤劳的小傻瓜是吗? Little bit.有点 It"s funny how things happen at particular times.造化弄人凡事都在特定的时间发生 I"ve loved that woman for a lot of years, bro.我爱上那个女人很多年了兄弟 But, you know, she"s got a story.但是她有一段故事 We"ve been going through this thing, real quiet.我们一直静静地对这件事保持沉默 So when we ran into you yesterday, 当我们昨天遇到你时 this thing that we"ve been going through real quiet, 那件我们一直静静地埋藏的事情 she"s talking about it.You know what I mean? 她提起了你知道我的意思吗? I think I do. You think what? 我想是的你知道什么? Well...这个...Some people feel like they don"t deserve love.有些人觉得他们不值得爱 They walk away quietly into empty spaces, 他们悄然走开遁入空无 trying to close the gaps to the past.试着消除过往的罅隙That"s a hell of an insight.Jesus! 真有见地耶稣啊! You"re not Jesus, are you?Look who"s talking.你不是耶稣对吗?你看谁在说话 You gonna walk across the water and get her back for me, pal? 你想涉水去帮我带她回来吗老兄? No.I"m afraid of water.不我怕水 Always have been.一直是这样的 Something I"ve gotta get over sometime though, huh? So I will swim in it 不过这是迟早要克服的问题 if you"ll carry the firewood back to c.如果你把柴火拿回营地我就跳下水去游泳 Shit, yeah. Yeah? 好的好的? Call it carried. All right.我来拿好的 The sea"s only gifts are harsh blows, 大海唯一的礼物就是汹涌的浪击 and, occasionally, the chance to feel strong.有时还有使人感受坚强的机会 Now, I don"t know much about the sea, 现在我对大海知之甚少 but I do know that that"s the way it is here.但是我知道这一道理在这里也适用 And I also know how important it is in life 我也明白它在生命中何等重要 not necessarily to be strong, but to feel strong, 不必变得强大但是去感受强大 to measure yourself at least once, 至少来估量自己一次 to find yourself at least once inthe most ancient of human conditions, 在人类最古老的环境中去找寻一次自我 facing the blind, deaf stone alone 独自面对着无声无息的岩石 with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head.不借助任何外界帮助只依靠你的双手和你自己的头脑 There"s a big wave ing! 大浪来了! Rainey, I"m freezing!雷尼我冻死了! Could you put your arms around me? 你能抱着我吗? The Navy bulldozed and abandoned this base down there, 海军破坏并废弃了那边的基地 and all that"s left is this huge grid of concrete foundations, 只剩下些巨大的钢筋混凝土地基or slabs.我们管那叫石板 Man, you would dig the Slabs. 伙计你一定得去看看You would like it.You would like it.你会喜欢的你会喜欢的 If you"re on the road still.You"d love it.如果你喜欢流浪你会喜欢的 Fellow travelers.有一群同路人 Just living on the cheap under the sun.Can"t beat it.在阳光下简单地生活没有比这更好的了 Sounds good.听起来不错 If you e, I"ll make you a proper hat.如果你过来我会给你做一顶合适的帽子 Promise?I swear to God.你保证?我向上帝发誓 Oh, baby.Baby.宝贝宝贝 Stop it.Wait. Yeah.停下等等好 Oh, yes. Okay.对好的 Let me turn off the light.让我关了灯 He reminded me of... I know.他让我想起... 我知道 Just where to put all your faith And how will it grow? 何处放下你全部信仰且看它如何生长? Gonna rise up 太阳冉冉升 Burning back holes in dark memories 燃尽尘封记忆中黑洞Gonna rise up 太阳冉冉升 Turning mistakes into gold 给错误映上金光 I mean, you"re really good.I mean, you"re like...我想说你真的很棒我是说你就像...100,000 times better than, like, any apple I"ve ever had.十万倍的好吃于我吃过的所有苹果 I"m not Superman, I"m Supertr.我不是超人是超级流浪者 You"re Superapple.你是超级苹果 You"re so tasty.You"re so organic, so natural.你太美味了你是那么新鲜那么自然 You"re the apple of my eye.你是我眼中的唯一 Hey! Such is the passage of time Too fast to fold 时光流逝如白驹过隙 And suddenly swallowed by signs Lo and behold 你瞧倏然间被痕迹吞噬 Gonna rise up 太阳冉冉升 Find my direction magically 找到我的方向有如磁石指引 Gonnarise up 太阳冉冉升 Throw down my ace in the hole 甩下我手中的王牌 In early September,九月初Mom and Dad got a call from the Annandale police 爸妈接到了安纳达尔警方打来的电&;;hearts;话&;;hearts; notifying them that Chris" abandoned car 说亚利桑那州公路巡警 had been identified by the Arizona Highway Patrol.找到了克里斯遗弃的车子 A group of rare flowerhunters stumbled upon it in the desert.一群探寻稀有花种的人偶然在沙漠里发现了它 There were no signs thatChris had intended to return to it.没有迹象表明克里斯试图回到那里 But there wasn"t any evidence of struggle, either.但也没有他挣扎抵抗的证据 The police thought Chris had chosen to leave it behind 警方认为克里斯是自愿抛弃的 and not that it was taken from him.而不是被人抢走的The initial fort that gave Mom and Dad quickly turned 这个消息一开始还能安慰爸妈 to the realization that Chris was actually trying not to be found.但他们很快意识到克里斯根本不想被人找到 Strong.坚强 You can do anything.You can go anywhere.你可以做任何事你可以去任何地方 Money, power is an illusion.It"s up here.金钱权力只是幻象仅此而已 You can be here.你可以做到 Me and you.我和你 One, two.No, no, no.一二不不不 Two, 二 three...三...Don"t be shy withit.Get it moving there.That"s good.不要畏缩继续前进太棒了 That"s your speed right here. Right.你就按这个速度好的 You go too fast, you won"t get all the wheat.开太快就不能割到全部小麦 That"s it, straight line, straight line, little straighter.就这样走直线走直线直一点 See how you"re bearing? Just a little straighter. 看你怎么开的?再直一点Now you"re a biner.现在你是收割机驾驶员了 Wow,look at this view! 看这个景色 But keep your eye on the wheat, here.Make sure you"re cutting it.但是这里你要盯着小麦确保你在割麦You can look back here and see how much is ing out, all right.你可以从这里往后看看看完成了多少 How do you feel?I feel great.感觉怎么样?我觉得很好 Okay, keep it straight.God bless you.好的保持直线前进上帝保佑你 Make yourself some money, myfriend.I"ll see you in a little bit.给自己赚点钱朋友晚点见 Okay.好 Wayne.Where you going? 韦恩你要去哪里? Kevin, you know I love you. 凯文你知道我爱你I"m joking with you.I"m joking.Stop it.我跟你开玩笑开玩笑的得了 I"m joking with you. Mind your own business, Wayne! 我跟你开玩笑少管闲事韦恩! What are you getting so hostile for?I don"t know.你怎么这么凶?我不知道 Me and you are on the same side.We"re on the same side.我和你是一伙的我们是一伙的 I"m just tired of the teasing a lot. 我讨厌总是被嘲笑Kevin, we"re on the same side.凯文我们是一伙的 Let me get some...If I want some vagina, let me get it.让我... 如果我想要个婊&;;hearts;子&;;hearts;给我一个 Whoa.He"s serious about this. Let"s just play cards.他是当真的我们打牌吧 Can we just play cards?Let"s go, then.我们就打牌好吗?那么来吧 $2, $4, $6, just put all the money in.2元4 元6 元把钱都放上来 I just wanna see everybody going for broke.我想看到每个人全力以赴 You want to play?No.你想玩吗?不 Kevin, what have you got for the week?I got 260.凯文这个星期你有多少?我有 260 We"re at 260.我们有 260 We"re gonna stay right at 260, that"s our number.我们就要 260那是我们的数字 We"ve got 20,000 pounds.我们有20________00 磅 We"ve got 20,000 pounds we need to get rid of.我们有 20________00 磅得赶紧处理掉 Maybe just do all that after lunch before...我们也许就在午饭后动手we get back into everything else.在所有事情变回原样之前 Can we do the $500 reserves...我们可以储备 500 美金吗...What do you think about all this? 你觉得这一切怎么样? I like all this.我喜欢这一切 I don"t think he can do it.我不觉得他能做这事 Is there a library or bookstore around here 这儿有图书馆或是书店吗? where I can get books on hunting and preserving? 我从哪里可以弄到打猎和防腐的书? Anything at all to do with hunting or preserving the meat, 任何关于打猎或是保存肉类的问题smoking it, whatever the hell it is, 或是烟熏不管什么 talk to Kevin over there.That"s your man.和那边的凯文谈谈他很在行 Outdoorsman.What"s your fascination with all that stuff? 出门在外的人你做的那些都是为了什么梦想? I"m going to Alaska.我要去阿&;;hearts;拉&;;hearts;斯加 Alaska, Alaska? Or city Alaska? 阿&;;hearts;拉&;;hearts;斯加野外?还是阿&;;hearts;拉&;;hearts;斯加城? Because they do have markets in Alaska.因为阿&;;hearts;拉&;;hearts;斯加应该有商店的 The city of Alaska.Not in Alaska.In the city of Alaska, they have markets.阿&;;hearts;拉&;;hearts;斯加城而不是野外城里有商店可以买&;;hearts;&;;hearts;东西 No, man.Alaska, Alaska.不是城里伙计是野外I"m gonna be all the way out there, all the way fucking out there.我要一直走到那里一直一直走到那里 Just on my own.就靠我自己 You know, no fucking watch, no map,没有该死的手表没有地图no a____, no nothing.No nothing.没有斧子没有任何东西 Just be out there.Just be out there in it.就在荒野之中就在荒野之中 You know, big mountains, rivers, sky, game.你知道高山河流天空猎物 Just be out there in it, you know? In the wild.在那其中生活你知道吗?在荒野中 In the wild. Just wild.在荒野中只有荒野 Yeah. Just...对就...What are you doing when we"re there? 你在那里做什么? Now you"re in the wild, what are we doing? 现在你在荒野中我们做什么? You"re just living, man.你们仅仅是活着伙计 You"re just there, in that moment, in that special place and time.你就是在那里在那个时刻在特定的地点和时间 Yeah.对 Maybe when I get back, I can write a book about my travels.也许我回来的时候我能写一本关于我旅行的书 Why not? 为什么不呢? You know, about getting out of this sick society.你知道就写逃离这个病态的社会 Society!Society! 社会!社会! Society, man!Society! 社会伙计!社会! Society! Society!Society! 社会!社会!社会! Society, you know! Society!社会你知道!社会! "Cause you know what I don"t understand? 因为你知道我不明白什么吗? I don"t understand why people, why every fucking person 我不明白为什么人们为什么他妈的每个人 is so bad to each other so fucking often.彼此总他妈的恶言相向 It doesn"t make。



野外生存电影简概NO.1 《荒野生存》◎简介影片改编自真实的故事,展现了一个理想主义者的传奇,一个流浪的故事。






但怀着旅游心情的几人还是欢快的玩耍了起来,夜幕降临之后他们才意识到这个小岛条件极其恶劣,没有淡水没有食物,也没有可以住的地方,大家只好躲在没有门的草棚里,在大家打瞌睡的时候突然怪兽出现,一番搏斗怪兽撕裂了小凯的手臂离开,在泰山的救助下小凯保住了性命,姚圆为了寻求保护勾引泰山,跟着找水的泰山走到树林,泰山拒绝姚圆的示好却被从地底冒出的催情剂影响,两人开始亲热,两人的画面出现在屏幕里,屏幕前方的人不爽走到显示草棚画面的台子下推动操作杆晴朗的天空下草棚里开始漏雨,剩余几人被迫走到丛林,遇到干柴烈火姚圆和泰山,姚圆被在气头上的丈夫小凯推倒在地脑袋磕在石头上血流了一地,姚圆被血腥味引来的妖怪拖走,几人合力重伤怪物但是怪物还是带着姚圆离开,大家意识到事态严重决定自救……NO.3《垂直极限》Vertical Limit ◎简介彼得(克里斯.奥唐纳饰)本是一名登山好手,不过由于父亲在一次登山事故中意外丧生,所以彼得下定决心放弃登山,而彼得的妹妹安妮(罗宾.特妮饰)却不愿就此放弃,兄妹俩人因此不欢而散。



IMDB250部最佳影片!1. The Dark Knight 蝙蝠侠之暗夜之神(2008) 推荐指数:9.12. The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎(1994) 推荐指数:9.13. The Godfather 教父(1972) 推荐指数:9.14. The Godfather: Part II 教父II(1974)推荐指数:9.05. Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il 黄金三镖客(1966)推荐指数:8.96. Pulp Fiction 低俗小说(1994)推荐指数:8.97. Schindler's List 辛德勒的名单(1993)推荐指数:8.88. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 飞越疯人院(1975)推荐指数:8.89. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 星球大战5:帝国反击战(1980)推荐指数:8.810. 12 Angry Men 十二怒汉(1957)推荐指数:8.811. Casablanca 北非谍影(1942)推荐指数:8.812. Shichinin no samurai 七武士(1954)推荐指数:8.813. Star Wars 星球大战(1977)推荐指数:8.814. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 魔戒3:王者归来(2003)推荐指数:8.815. Goodfellas 好家伙(1990)推荐指数:8.716. Rear Window 后窗(1954)推荐指数:8.717. Raiders of the Lost Ark 夺宝奇(1981)推荐指数:8.718. Cidade de Deus 上帝之城(2002)推荐指数:8.719. C'era una volta il West 西部往事(1968)推荐指数:8.720. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 魔戒1:魔戒现身(2001)推荐指数:8.721. The Usual Suspects 嫌疑惯犯(1995)推荐指数:8.722. Psycho 惊魂记(1960)推荐指数:8.723. Fight Club 搏击俱乐部(1999)推荐指数:8.624. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 奇爱博士(1964)推荐指数:8.625. The Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔羊(1991)推荐指数:8.626. WALL·E 机器人总动员(2008)推荐指数:8.627. North by Northwest 西北偏北(1959)推荐指数:8.628. Memento 记忆碎片(2000)推荐指数:8.629. Citizen Kane 公民凯恩(1941)推荐指数:8.630. Sunset Blvd. 日落大道(1950)推荐指数:8.631. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 魔戒2:双塔奇兵(2002)推荐指数:8.632. The Matrix 黑客帝国(1999)推荐指数:8.633. It's a Wonderful Life 美好生活(1946)推荐指数:8.634. Se7en 七宗罪(1995)推荐指数:8.635. Lawrence of Arabia 阿拉伯的劳伦斯(1962)推荐指数:8.536. Apocalypse Now 现代启示录(1979)推荐指数:8.537. Taxi Driver 出租车司机(1976)推荐指数:8.538. American Beauty 美国丽人(1999)推荐指数:8.539. Léon 这个杀手不太冷(1994)推荐指数:8.540. American History X 美国X档案(1998)推荐指数:8.541. Vertigo 迷魂记(1958)推荐指数:8.542. Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le 天使爱美丽(2001)推荐指数:8.543. Paths of Glory 光荣之路(1957)推荐指数:8.544. The Departed 无间行者(2006)推荐指数:8.545. M 就是凶手(1931)推荐指数:8.546. To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟(1962)推荐指数:8.447. Chinatown 唐人街(1974)推荐指数:8.448. The Third Man 第三个人(1949)推荐指数:8.449. A Clockwork Orange 发条橙(1971)推荐指数:8.450. Alien 异形1(1979)推荐指数:8.452. Forrest Gump 阿甘正传(1994)推荐指数:8.453. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 碧血金沙(1948)推荐指数:8.454. Double Indemnity 双重保险(1944)推荐指数:8.455. The Shining 闪灵(1980)推荐指数:8.456. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 美丽心灵的永恒阳光(2004)推荐指数:8.457. The Pianist 钢琴家(2002)推荐指数:8.458. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi 千与千寻(2001)推荐指数:8.459. Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩(1998)推荐指数:8.460. Laberinto del fauno, El 潘神的迷宫(2006)推荐指数:8.461. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 巨蟒和圣杯(1975)推荐指数:8.462. Requiem for a Dream 梦之安魂曲(2000)推荐指数:8.463. L.A. Confidential 洛城机密(1997)推荐指数:8.464. The Bridge on the River Kwai 桂河大桥(1957)推荐指数:8.465. Boot, Das 从海底出击(1981)推荐指数:8.467. Reservoir Dogs 落水狗(1992)推荐指数:8.468. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 终结者2 审判日(1991)推荐指数:8.469. Rashômon 罗生门(1950)推荐指数:8.470. The Maltese Falcon 马耳他雄鹰(1941)推荐指数:8.471. Raging Bull 愤怒的公牛(1980)推荐指数:8.472. Untergang, Der 帝国陷落(2004)推荐指数:8.473. Metropolis 大都会(1927)推荐指数:8.474. No Country for Old Men 老无所依(2007)推荐指数:8.375. Modern Times 摩登时代(1936)推荐指数:8.376. Rebecca 蝴蝶梦(1940)推荐指数:8.377. City Lights 城市之光(1931)推荐指数:8.378. Singin' in the Rain 雨中曲(1952)推荐指数:8.381. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001:太空漫游(1968)推荐指数:8.382. The Prestige 致命魔术(2006)推荐指数:8.383. Amadeus 莫扎特传(1984)推荐指数:8.384. Sin City 罪恶之城(2005)推荐指数:8.385. Vita è bella, La 美丽人生(1997)推荐指数:8.386. Some Like It Hot 热情似火(1959)推荐指数:8.387. Hotel Rwanda 卢旺达饭店(2004)推荐指数:8.388. Sjunde inseglet, Det 第七封印(1957)推荐指数:8.389. The Great Escape 大逃亡(1963)推荐指数:8.390. The Elephant Man 象人(1980)推荐指数:8.391. On the Waterfront 码头风云(1954)推荐指数:8.392. Touch of Evil 历劫佳人(1958)推荐指数:8.393. Nuovo cinema Paradiso 天堂电影院(1988)推荐指数:8.394. Full Metal Jacket 全金属外壳(1987)推荐指数:8.395. The Sting 骗中骗(1973)推荐指数:8.396. The Apartment 公寓春光(1960)推荐指数:8.397. Batman Begins 蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜(2005)推荐指数:8.398. Jaws 大白鲨(1975)推荐指数:8.399. Once Upon a Time in America 美国往事(1984)推荐指数:8.3100. The Great Dictator 大独裁者(1940)推荐指数:8.3101. Braveheart 勇敢的心(1995)推荐指数:8.3103. Blade Runner 银翼杀手(1982)推荐指数:8.3104. Strangers on a Train 列车上的陌生人(1951)推荐指数:8.3105. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 夺宝奇兵3:战奇兵(1989)推荐指数:8.3 106. Back to the Future 回到未来(1985)推荐指数:8.3108. The Manchurian Candidate 谍网迷魂(1962)推荐指数:8.2109. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 星球大战6:绝地大反击(1983)推荐指数:8.2110. High Noon 正午(1952)推荐指数:8.2111. Notorious 美人计(1946)推荐指数:8.2112. The Big Sleep 夜长梦多(1946)推荐指数:8.2114. Unforgiven 不可饶恕(1992)推荐指数:8.2115. Fargo 冰血暴(1996)推荐指数:8.2116. The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪(1939)推荐指数:8.2117. Yojimbo 大镖客/用心棒/保镖(1961)推荐指数:8.2118. Ran 乱(1985)推荐指数:8.2119. Cool Hand Luke (1967)推荐指数:8.2120. The Green Mile 绿色奇迹(1999)推荐指数:8.2121. Mononoke-hime 幽灵公主(1997)推荐指数:8.2122. Per qualche dollaro in più 黄昏双镖客(1965)推荐指数:8.2123. Donnie Darko 死亡幻觉(2001)推荐指数:8.2124. Salaire de la peur, Le 恐惧的代价(1953)推荐指数:8.2125. Gladiator 角斗士(2000)推荐指数:8.2126. Die Hard 虎胆龙威(1988)推荐指数:8.2127. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 杀死比尔(2003)推荐指数:8.2128. Annie Hall 安妮·霍尔(1977)推荐指数:8.2129. Into the Wild 荒野生存(2007)推荐指数:8.2130. The Bourne Ultimatum 谍影重重3 (2007)推荐指数:8.2131. It Happened One Night 一夜风流(1934)推荐指数:8.2132. The General 将军号(1927)推荐指数:8.2133. Million Dollar Baby 百万宝贝(2004)推荐指数:8.2135. Ratatouille 料理鼠王(2007)推荐指数:8.2136. Ben-Hur 宾虚(1959)推荐指数:8.2137. The Deer Hunter 猎鹿人(1978)推荐指数:8.2138. The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感(1999)推荐指数:8.1139. Platoon 野战排(1986)推荐指数:8.1142. Heat 盗火线(1995)推荐指数:8.1143. Diaboliques, Les 浴室情杀案(1955)推荐指数:8.1144. Life of Brian 布莱恩的一生(1979)推荐指数:8.1145. The Killing 杀手(1956)推荐指数:8.1147. Finding Nemo 海底总动员(2003)推荐指数:8.1148. Brief Encounter 相见恨晚(1945)推荐指数:8.1149. Battaglia di Algeri, La 阿尔及尔之战(1966)推荐指数:8.1150. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 虎豹小霸王(1969)推荐指数:8.1 151. Judgment at Nuremberg 纽伦堡审判(1961)推荐指数:8.1153. The Big Lebowski 谋杀绿脚趾(1998)推荐指数:8.1154. The Wild Bunch 日落黄沙(1969)推荐指数:8.1155. V for Vendetta V字仇杀队(2005)推荐指数:8.1156. The Graduate 毕业生(1967)推荐指数:8.1157. The Incredibles 超人特工队(2004)推荐指数:8.1158. The Night of the Hunter 猎人的夜晚(1955)推荐指数:8.1160. The Princess Bride 公主新娘(1987)推荐指数:8.1161. Stand by Me 伴我同行(1986)推荐指数:8.1163. Gandhi 甘地传(1982)推荐指数:8.1164. Children of Men 人类之子(2006)推荐指数:8.1166. Iron Man 钢铁侠(2008)推荐指数:8.1169. The Gold Rush 淘金记(1925)推荐指数:8.1170. Letters from Iwo Jima 硫磺岛家书(2006)推荐指数:8.1172. Gone with the Wind 乱世佳人(1939)推荐指数:8.1173. Harvey 迷离世界(1950)推荐指数:8.1174. The Thing 怪形(1982)推荐指数:8.1176. Groundhog Day 偷天情缘(1993)推荐指数:8.0178. Toy Story 玩具总动员(1995)推荐指数:8.0179. The African Queen 非洲女王号(1951)推荐指数:8.0180. The Adventures of Robin Hood 罗宾汉历险记(1938)推荐指数:8.0 182. Sleuth 侦察(1972)推荐指数:8.0183. The Terminator 魔鬼终结者(1984)推荐指数:8.0184. The Lion King 狮子王(1994)推荐指数:8.0186. The Best Years of Our Lives 黄金时代(1946)推荐指数:8.0187. Twelve Monkeys 12猴子(1995)推荐指数:8.0189. The Hustler 江湖浪子(1961)推荐指数:8.0190. Belle et la bête, La 美女与野兽(1946)推荐指数:8.0191. The Lady Vanishes 贵妇失踪记(1938)推荐指数:8.0192. Wo hu cang long 卧虎藏龙(2000)推荐指数:8.0193. Patton 巴顿将军(1970)推荐指数:8.0195. Hotaru no haka 再见萤火虫(1988)推荐指数:8.0198. The Ox-Bow Incident 龙城风云(1943)推荐指数:8.0199. King Kong 金刚(1933)推荐指数:8.0200. The Day the Earth Stood Still 地球停转之日(1951)推荐指数:8.0201. Ed Wood 艾得伍德(1994)推荐指数:8.0202. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens 吸血僵尸(1922)推荐指数:8.0203. Scaphandre et le papillon, Le 潜水钟与蝴蝶(2007)推荐指数:8.0204. Stalag 17 17号囚房(1953)推荐指数:8.0206. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 日出(1927)推荐指数:8.0207. The Exorcist 驱魔人(1973)推荐指数:8.0209. Spartacus 斯巴达克斯(1960)推荐指数:8.0211. Casino 赌城风云(1995)推荐指数:8.0213. Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦(1931)推荐指数:8.0214. All Quiet on the Western Front 西线无战事(1930)推荐指数:8.0215. Bonnie and Clyde 邦妮和克莱德(1967)推荐指数:8.0217. Anatomy of a Murder 桃色血案(1959)推荐指数:8.0218. Dial M for Murder 电话情杀案(1954)推荐指数:8.0219. Rosemary's Baby 魔鬼圣婴(1968)推荐指数:8.0221. Bride of Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦的新娘(1935)推荐指数:8.0223. In the Heat of the Night 炎热的夜晚(1967)推荐指数:8.0224. Big Fish 大鱼老爸(2003)推荐指数:8.0226. Mystic River 神秘河(2003)推荐指数:8.0230. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 双虎屠龙(1962)推荐指数:8.0234. The Searchers 搜索者(1956)推荐指数:8.0239. Young Frankenstein 年轻的弗兰肯斯坦(1974)推荐指数:8.0240. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒(2003)推荐指数:7.9244. Shaun of the Dead 僵尸肖恩(2004)推荐指数:7.9246. Planet of the Apes 人猿星球(1968)推荐指数:7.9247. Ace in the Hole 盛大的狂欢节(1951)推荐指数:7.9250. Toy Story 2 玩具总动员2(1999)推荐指数:7.9。



9.1分Top001.肖申克的救赎(国英双语).The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-WOFEITop002.教父.The.Godfather.1972.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-WOFEI9.0分Top003.教父2.The.Godfather.Part.II.1974.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-WOFEI8.9分Top004.黄金三镖客.The.Good.The.Bad.And.The.Ugly.1966.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-WOFEITop005.低俗小说.Pulp.Fiction.19948.8分Top006.辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993Top007.十二怒汉.12.Angry.Men.1957Top008.飞越疯人院.One.Flew.Over.The.Cuckoos.Nest.1975Top009.星球大战5-帝国反击战.Star.Wars.V-The.Empire.Strikes.Back.1980Top010.蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士.The.Dark.Knight.2008Top011.魔戒3:王者归来.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Return.of.the.King.2003Top012.星球大战4-新的希望.Star.Wars.A.New.Hope.19778.7分Top013.卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca.1942Top014.盗亦有道.Goodfellas.1990Top015.七武士.Seven.Samurai.1954Top016.搏击俱乐部.Fight.Club.1999Top017.上帝之城.City.Of.God.2002Top018.夺宝奇兵.Indiana.Jones.And.The.Raiders.Of.The.Lost.Ark.1981Top019.魔戒1:魔戒现身.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001 Top020.后窗.Rear.Window.1954Top021.非常嫌疑犯ual.Suspects.1995Top022.惊魂记.Psycho.1960Top023.西部往事.Once.Upon.a.Time.in.the.West.19688.6分Top024.沉默的羔羊mbs.1991Top025.黑客帝国1.The.Matrix.1999Top026.七宗罪.Se7en.1995Top027.记忆碎片.Memento.2000Top028.魔戒2:双塔奇兵.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Two.Towers.2002Top029.生活多美好.Its.A.Wonderful.Life.1946Top030.奇爱博士.Dr.Strangelove.1964Top031.日落大道.Sunset.Boulevard.1950Top032.西北偏北.North.By.Northwest.1959Top033.公民凯恩.Citizen.Kane.1941Top034.这个杀手不太冷.Leon.The.Professional.1994Top035.现代启示录.Apocalypse.Now.Redux.19798.5分Top036.美国丽人.American.Beauty.1999Top037.美国X档案.American.History.X.1998Top038.阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994Top039.出租车司机.Taxi.Driver.1976Top040.迷魂记.Vertigo.1958Top041.阿凡达..Avatar.2009Top041.阿凡达..Avatar.2009.1080PTop042.阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962Top043.终结者2审判日.Terminator.2.Judgment.Day.1991 Top044.机器人总动员.WALL-E.2008Top045.天使爱美丽.Amelie.2001Top046.异形.Alien.DC.1979Top047.拯救大兵瑞恩.Saving.Private.Ryan.1998Top048.发条橙.A.Clockwork.Orange.1971Top049.闪灵.The.Shining.19808.4分Top050.光荣之路.Paths.of.Glory.1957Top051.无间道风云.The.Departed.2006Top052.杀死一只知更鸟.To.Kill.A.Mockingbird.1962Top053.钢琴师.The.Pianist.2002Top054.异形2.Aliens.II.1986Top055.千与千寻.Spirited.Away.2001Top056.窃听风暴.The.Lives.of.Others.2006Top057.M就是凶手.M.1931Top058.双重保险.Double.Indemnity.1944Top059.美丽心灵的永恒阳光.Eternal.Sunshine.of.the.Spotless.Mind.2004 Top060.唐人街.Chinatown.1974Top061.梦之安魂曲.Requiem.for.a.Dream.2000Top062.第三个人.The.Third.Man.1949Top063.洛城机密.L.A.Confidential.1997Top064.落水狗.Reservoir.Dogs.1992Top065.碧血金沙.The.Treasure.Of.The.Sierra.Madre.1948Top066.从海底出击.Das.Boot.1981Top067.巨蟒与圣杯.Monty.Python.and.the.Holy.Grail.1975Top068.潘神的迷宫.Pan'byrinth.2006Top069.城市之光.City.Lights.1931Top070.无耻混蛋.Inglourious.Basterds.2009Top071.桂河大桥.The.Bridge.On.The.River.Kwai.1957Top072.飞屋环游记.Up.20098.3分Top073.愤怒的公牛.Raging.Bull.1980Top074.致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006Top075.雨中曲.Singin'.in.the.Rain.1952Top076.2001太空漫游.2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968Top077.美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997Top078.回到未来.Back.to.the.Future.1985Top079.帝国的毁灭.Der.Untergang.2004Top080.热情似火.Some.Like.It.Hot.1959Top081.摩登时代.Modern.Times.1936Top082.马耳他之鹰.The.Maltese.Falcon.1941Top083.莫扎特传.Amadeus.1984Top084.老爷车.Gran.Torino.2008Top085.全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987Top086.罗生门.Rashomon.1950Top087.贫民窟的百万富翁lionaire.2008Top088.天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1988Top089.勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995Top090.美国往事.Once.Upon.A.Time.In.America.1984Top091.彗星美人.All.About.Eve.1950Top092.象人.The.Elephant.Man.1980Top093.罪恶城市.Sin.City.2005Top094.绿里奇迹e.1999Top095.大都会.Metropolis.1927Top096.蝴蝶梦.Rebecca.1940Top097.大独裁者.The.Great.Dictator.1940Top098.桃色公寓.The.Apartment.1960Top099.骗中骗.The.Sting.1973Top100.夺宝奇兵st.Crusade.1989Top101.大逃亡.The.Great.Escape.1963Top102.角斗士.Gladiator.2000Top103.星球大战6.绝地大反击.Star.Wars.VI-Return.of.the.Jedi.1983 Top104.蝙蝠侠诞生.Batman.Begins.2005Top105.偷自行车的人.Bicycle.Thieves.1948Top106.不可饶恕.Unforgiven.1992Top107.大白鲨.jaws.1975Top108.第九区.District.9.20098.2分Top109.银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1982Top110.卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004Top111.史密斯先生到华盛顿.Mr.Smith.Goes.To.Washington.1939 Top112.老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007Top113.虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988Top114.码头风云.On.the.Waterfront.1954Top115.历劫佳人.Touch.of.Evil.1958Top116.老男孩.Oldboy .2003Top117.第七封印.The.Seventh.Seal.1957Top118.冰血暴.Fargo.1996Top119.幽灵公主.Princess.Mononoke.1997Top120.绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz.1939Top121.镖客三部曲之二-黄昏双镖客.For.a.Few.Dollars.More.1965Top122.火车怪客.Strangers.on.a.Train.1951Top123.盗火线.Heat.1995Top124.死亡幻觉.Donnie.Darko.D.C.2001Top125.铁窗喋血.Cool.Hand.Luke.1967Top126.摔角王.The.Wrestler.2008Top127.正午.High.Noon.1952Top128.美人计.Notorious.1946Top129.血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood.2007Top130.满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate.1962 Top131.灵异第六感.The.Sixth.Sense.1999Top132.安妮霍尔.Annie.Hall.1977Top133.猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978Top134.杀死比尔.Kill.Bill.Vol1.20038.1分Top135.野战排.Platoon.1986Top136.偷拐抢骗.Snatch.2000Top137.将军号.the.general.1926Top138.宾虚.Ben.Hur.1959Top139.夜长梦多.The.Big.Sleep.DC.1946Top140.荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007Top141.谋杀绿脚趾.The.Big.Lebowski.1998Top142.百万宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby.2004Top143.用心棒.Yojimbo.1961Top144.乱.Ran.1985Top145.一夜风流.It.Happened.One.Night.1934Top146.星际迷航11.Star.Trek.2009Top147.谍影重重3.最后通牒.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007Top148.布莱恩的一生.Life.of.Brian.1979Top149.狮子王.The.Lion.King.SP.1994Top150.神枪手与智多星.Butch.Cassidy.and.the.Sundance.Kid.1969 Top151.海底总动员.Finding.Nemo.2003Top152.野草莓.Wild.Strawberries.1957Top153.控方证人.Witness.for.the.Prosecution.1957Top154.猜火车.Trainspotting.1996Top155.伴我同行.Stand.By.Me.1986Top156.毕业生.The.Graduate.1967Top157.乱世佳人.Gone.with.the.Wind.1939Top158.玩具总动员.Toy.Story.1995Top159.终结者.Terminator.1984Top160.偷天情缘.Groundhog.Day.1993Top161.疤面煞星.Scarface.1983Top162.料理鼠王.Ratatouille.2007Top163.爱情是狗娘.Amores.perros.2000Top164.突变第三型.The.Thing.1982Top165.热天午后.Dog.Day.Afternoon.1975Top166.甘地传.Gandhi.1982Top167.V字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta.2005Top168.八部半.Eight.And.A.Half.1963Top169.愤怒的葡萄.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940Top170.淘金记.The.Gold.Rush.1925Top171.十二猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995Top172.两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.And.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998 Top173.恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953Top174.恶魔.Les.diaboliques.1955Top175.猎人的夜晚.The.Night.of.the.Hunter.1955Top176.公主新娘.The.Princess.Bride.1987Top177.超人特工队.Incredibles.20048.0分Top178.赌城风云.Casino.1995Top179.纽伦堡大审判.Judgment.at.Nuremberg.1961Top180.杀手.The.Killing.1956Top181.仁心与冠冕.Kind.Hearts.And.Coronets.1949Top182.日落黄沙.The.Wild.Bunch.DC.1969Top183.人类之子.Children.of.Men.2006Top184.萤火虫之墓.Hotaru.No.Haka.1988Top185.杀手没有假期.In.Bruges.2008Top186.驱魔人.The.Exorcist.DC.1973Top187.花街春梦.Nights.of.Cabiria.1957Top188.黄金时代.The.Best.Years.Of.Our.Lives.1946Top189.江湖浪子.The.Hustler.1961Top190.日出.Sunrise.A.Song.Of.Two.Humans.1927Top191.迷离世界.Harvey.1950Top192.寻子遇仙记.The.Kid.1921Top193.艾得伍德.Ed.Wood.1994Top194.金刚.King.Kong.1933Top195.心灵捕手.Good.Will.Hunting.1997Top196.失婴记.Rosemary's.Baby.1968Top197.电话谋杀案.Dial.M.for.Murder.1954Top198.硫磺岛来信.Letters.From.Iwo.Jima.2006Top199.血色入侵.Let.The.Right.One.In.2008Top200.大鱼奇缘.Big.Fish.2003Top201.辣手摧花.Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943Top202.杀死比尔2.Kill.Bill.Vol.2.2004Top203.本杰明-巴顿奇事.The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.2008 Top204.欲望号街车d.Desire.1951Top205.足迹.Sleuth.1972Top206.战地军魂.Stalag.17.1953Top207.相见恨晚.Brief.Encounter.1945Top208.撞车.Crash.2004Top209.木兰花.Magnolia.1999Top210.潜水钟与蝴蝶.The.Diving.Bell.and.the.Butterfly.2007Top211.非洲女王号.The.African.Queen.1951Top212.鸭羹.Duck.Soup.1933Top213.洛奇.Rocky.1976Top214.神秘河.Mystic.River.2003Top215.雌雄大盗.Bonnie.And.Clyde.1967Top216.电视台风云.Network.1976Top217.夺魂索.Rope.1948Top218.曼哈顿.Manhattan.1979Top219.加勒比海盗.黑珍珠号的诅咒.Pirates.of.the.Caribbean.The.Curseof.the.Black.Pearl.2003Top220.卧虎藏龙.Crouching.Tiger.Hidden.Dragon.2000Top221.阳光小美女.Little.Miss.Sunshine.2006Top222.大路.La.Strada.1954Top223.换子疑云.Changeling.2008Top224.巴顿将军.Patton.1970Top225.侠盗罗宾汉.The.Adventures.Of.Robin.Hood.1938Top226.和莎莫的500天.500.Days.of.Summer.2009Top227.对话.The.Conversation.1974Top228.人猿星球.Planet.of.the.Apes.1968Top229.圣诞夜惊魂.The.Nightmare.Before.Christmas.1993Top230.阿尔及尔之战.The.Battle.of.Algiers.19657.9分Top231.西线无战事.All.Quiet.On.The.Western.Front.1930 Top232.僵尸肖恩.Shaun.of.the.Dead.2004Top233.光荣战役.Glory.1989Top234.贵妇失踪案dy.Vanishes.1938Top235.费城故事.The.Philadelphia.Story.1940Top236.穆赫兰道.Mulholland.Dr.2001Top237.乱世儿女.Barry.Lyndon.1975Top238.斯巴达克斯.Spartacus.1960Top239.龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988Top240.灵欲春宵.Whos.Afraid.of.Virginia.Woolf.1966 Top241.怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001Top242.桃色案件.Anatomy.of.a.Murder.1959Top243.玩具总动员2.Toy.Story.II.1999Top244.四百击.The.400.Blows.1959Top245.星期五女郎.His.Girl.Friday.1940Top246.妙想天开.Brazil.1984Top247.毒药与老妇ce.1944Top248.无间道.Infernal.Affairs.2002Top249.哈尔的移动城堡.Howls.Moving.Castle.2004 Top250.007皇家赌场.Casino.Royale.2006扩展,TOP250新进榜影片禁闭岛.Shutter.Island.2010楚门的世界.The.Truman.Show.1998雨人.Rain.Man.1988谜一样的双眼.The.Secret.In.Their.Eyes.2009留芳颂.Living.1952海扁王.Kick.Ass.2010驯龙高手How.To.Train.Your.Dragon.2010玩具总动员3 Toy.Story.3.2010盗梦空间Inception.2010部分IMDBTOP250榜外高分片(投票人数不足或其他原因暂未进榜,且论坛已发720PMKV)忠犬八公的故事.Hachiko.A.Dog's.Story.2009预言者.A.Prophet.2009冲出宁静号.Serenity.2005海豚湾.The.Cove.2009玛丽和马克思.Mary.And.Max.2009了不起的狐狸爸爸.Fantastic.Mr.Fox.2009白丝带.The.White.Ribbon.2009叶问.Ip.Man.2008这个男人来自地球.The.Man.From.Earth.2007。



经典句子-高考必备-英语作文-2021备战高考:2021-10-161、It matters not what you are thought to be, but what you are.重要的不是别人怎么看你,而是你是怎样的人。

(Publilius Syrus)2、If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee.伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。

3、You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it.要接受生活本来的样子,而后尽力而为。

4、The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发令我惊叹。

5、The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.挑战愈艰巨,胜利愈辉煌。

(励志演说家,尼克‧胡哲)----------------------------------------------------------------------6、It's not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.不必变得强壮,而是让内心强大。

《荒野生存》(Into the Wild)7、There are many more people trying to meet the right person than to b ecome t...很多人想遇到对的人,而不是让自己成为对的人。

(Gloria Steinem)8、In my heart, accompany and understand, is more important than love. 在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。

Into The Wild电影分析

Into The Wild电影分析

secluded 与世隔绝的 controversial 有争议的 rigorous 严格的 relentlessly 严酷的 irksome 令人厌烦的 exhilarate 使兴奋 bastard 私生子 voyager 旅行者 rapture 极度兴奋
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods; There is a rapture on the lonely shore; There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature more... -Lord Byron
His magic bus:
↓The hippie couple:
← Ron Franz
the Colorado River→
Reason: The year Chris graduated from high school ,he discovered that his parents’ stories of how they fell in love and got married were calculated lies masking an ugly truth . In fact, he was a bastard (私生子).
有些人觉得他们不值得爱。他们悄然走开,遁入空无,试着消除 与过往的联系。
Two years he walks the earth, no phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes, ultimate freedom, an extremist, an aesthetic voyager. Whose home is the road, no longer to be poisoned by civilization. He flees, and walks alone upon the land of to become, lost in the wild.






1.《荒岛余生》(Cast Away,2000)- 这部由汤姆·汉克斯主演的电影讲述了一名快递员在飞机坠毁后被困在一个无人居住的岛上的故事。


2.《荒岛求生》(The Shallows,2016)- 这部惊悚片中,布蕾克·莱芒饰演的女性登上了一座荒岛,在那里她必须与身旁的鲨鱼进行斗争,同时寻找食物和水。

3.《无人区》(The Edge,1997)- 这部电影由安东尼·霍普金斯和阿瑟·巴卡斯联袂主演,讲述了两个男人在阿拉斯加的荒岛上与野生动物作斗争的故事。


4.《荒野猎人》(Into the Wild,2007)- 这部电影改编自真实故事,讲述了年轻的克里斯托弗·麦坎德勒斯离开城市生活,独自一人前往阿拉斯加的旅程。



Into The Wild 1 荒野生存 全台词1

Into The Wild 1 荒野生存 全台词1

A new car?
Why would I want a new car?
Datsun runs great.
Do you think I want some fancy boat?
Are you worried
what the neighbors might think?
Excuse me. I'm going to get my son.
He just graduated today
from Emory College.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
Chris, hi!
We've been waiting and waiting.
Mom! Help me.
What is it?
I wasn't dreaming, Wait.
I didn't imagine it.
I heard him. I heard him. I heard him.
I heard Chris.
- I heard him!
My grades are good enough, I think,
to get into Harvard Law.
Chris, that's wonderful.
That is a big deal.





一、『不一样的天空』What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)影片的开始和结束都是Airstream车队驶过的场景,隐喻了兄弟两人对自由生活的向往,Airstream房车创始于1931年,至今长盛不衰,标志性的亮瞎双眼的裸金属颜色和圆咕隆咚的造型,在十年间征服了无数的房车爱好者!二、『冒牌家庭』We're the Millers (2013)这个临时家庭打算开着房车去墨西哥倒腾点大麻,剧中的场景都有这辆Coachmen Encounter房车的身影,这款Class A大概有34英尺长,目测是2012年的新款,二手售价大概是80000美元。

三、『房车之旅』RV (2006)没错!这部电影的名字就叫做 RV!这一家四口(怎么又是四个!)租了辆Class A出门旅行,一路上状况不断笑料百出,看这车的涂装就像是超市买菜的免费班车!四、『关于施密特』关于施密特 About Schmidt (2002)电影里尼克尔森退休后开着这辆Class A来了一次Road Trip,这辆2000年左右的Winnebago Adventurer,长度大概在35英尺,售价约40000美元。

五、『拜见岳父大人2 』Meet the Fockers (2004)其实这部明星云集的电影中,最大的亮点就是罗伯特德尼罗大爷的这辆超酷的房车,一辆35英尺长的Fleetwood,这货绝对是退休老干部的最爱,真是居家旅行走亲访友必备神器!六、『阳光小美女』Little Miss Sunshine (2006)严格的来说,影片中出现的并不是一辆房车,这辆大众T2面包车并没有改装成Camper Van,在所有Class B级别的房车中,这款可是绝对的明星!七、『不见不散』不见不散 (1998)这部在1998年上映的贺岁片里,房车公园的场景和二十年后的今天几乎完全一致,也许当年的那张餐桌依然还在原来的位置。

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Nina Lynn Lockwynn.
00:14:25,830 --> 00:14:29,027
00:07:28,946 --> 00:07:31,946
00:07:41,947 --> 00:07:44,947
00:09:04,242 --> 00:09:05,368
亚历山大 超级流浪者
Alexander Supertramp
00:13:33,767 --> 00:13:36,567
00:13:41,768 --> 00:13:46,768
埃默里大学,亚特兰大,乔治亚州 入住“神奇巴士”两年前
00:00:28,811 --> 00:00:31,411
无径之林 常有情趣
00:00:31,812 --> 00:00:34,412
无人之岸 几多惊喜
00:00:34,813 --> 00:00:37,413
岸畔崖间 鼓涛为乐
00:00:37,814 --> 00:00:40,814
00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:07,800
<b>-=Ernest Liu倾情制作=-
00:00:11,810 --> 00:00:25,810
00:01:13,838 --> 00:01:16,033
- I heard him! - Billie.
00:01:33,017 --> 00:01:38,017
00:01:39,818 --> 00:01:41,918
亚历山大 超级流浪者 1992年4月
00:01:00,925 --> 00:01:04,053
我听到他的声音了 我听到了,我听到了,是克里斯
I heard him. I heard him. I heard him.I heard Chris.
00:01:04,329 --> 00:01:06,923
-我听到了! -我知道
我储够了食物和必需品 准备在荒野待上几个月
00:02:45,019 --> 00:02:48,019
00:02:55,020 --> 00:02:59,020
00:02:59,918 --> 00:03:01,018
Suit yourself.
00:04:07,145 --> 00:04:08,578
Thanks again.
00:04:10,582 --> 00:04:12,413
Hey, hold on a minute.
00:04:16,688 --> 00:04:19,589
到达费尔班克斯 穿越大河
00:10:52,717 --> 00:10:56,617
德纳里峰日 神奇巴士日
00:11:27,618 --> 00:11:29,779
Two years he walks the earth.
00:11:37,028 --> 00:11:39,360
00:12:34,652 --> 00:12:37,883
The climactic battle to kill
00:12:39,323 --> 00:12:41,188
the false being within
00:12:42,393 --> 00:12:46,261
and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.
00:13:15,960 --> 00:13:20,556
不再受世俗文明毒蚀 他遁世而逸
No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees,
00:02:23,016 --> 00:02:25,016
00:02:26,517 --> 00:02:32,017
00:02:34,018 --> 00:02:43,018
Mom! Help me.
00:00:56,921 --> 00:00:57,888
What is it?
00:00:57,989 --> 00:01:00,822
那不是梦,沃特 我没有做梦
I wasn't dreaming, Walt.I didn't imagine it.
"Shut up.I'm taking you out to where we're going."
00:12:20,471 --> 00:12:22,029
"Where you going?"
00:12:22,239 --> 00:12:24,833
我们向你们致敬 ,并致与你们
we salute you and offer all of you
00:14:08,245 --> 00:14:11,305
one more round of applause and congratulations.
00:14:18,122 --> 00:14:20,886
"I told you. We're going nowhere!"
00:12:27,445 --> 00:12:33,042
So now, after two rambling years
comes the final and greatest adventure.
All right. Thank you.
00:04:00,705 --> 00:04:04,038
-你还有堆垃圾在我的仪表盘上 -你留着吧
- You left all your shit on my dash. - Keep it.
00:04:05,043 --> 00:04:06,510
00:01:48,019 --> 00:01:49,019
00:01:50,020 --> 00:01:58,020
00:01:59,014 --> 00:02:06,014
00:02:07,015 --> 00:02:12,715
00:06:50,943 --> 00:06:53,943
00:06:56,944 --> 00:06:58,944
00:07:14,025 --> 00:07:20,945
无人驻足 是为桃源
00:00:41,813 --> 00:00:44,413
吾爱世人 自然甚之
00:00:44,913 --> 00:00:47,413
00:00:49,814 --> 00:00:50,881
00:00:52,916 --> 00:00:53,713
00:04:25,230 --> 00:04:26,390
00:04:54,740 --> 00:04:59,240