地道英文俚语A-Z #64
地道英文俚语A-Z #64古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*近来他的(中饱私囊交易)1的(丑闻)2而(股东的)3(大爆发/ditto)4(愤怒/ditto)5(之中)6(总裁)7(辞职/ditto)8: The CEO7 (stepped down/resigned)8 amid6 (a firestorm/an outburst/an upheaval)4 of shareholders’3 (fury/anger/rage)5 over his recent self-dealing1 scandal2.*公司(管理人员)1在(年度大会)2因对(履行)3(盈利预期)4 (失败)5(受到)6(股东)7(愤怒爆发的全部力量)8: Management1 of the company received6 (the full blast of anger)8 from shareholders7 in the (annual meeting)2 for their failure5 to (deliver on)3 (earnings expectations)4.*他的女朋友看到他穿着她的(浴衣)1是(他多么滑稽样子)2 (跌在地上)3(爆发/ditto)4({咯咯地笑}5a/{大笑/ditto}5b): His girlfriend (fell to the floor)3 in a (fit/outburst)4 of ({giggles}5a/ {hysterics [note: to mean “laughter” - not “hysteric”]/ laughter}5b) at seeing (how ridiculous he looked)2 in her bathrobe1.*他们的(经理)1(偶然)2(向自己爆发情绪)3来(发泄)4({怒气/ditto}5a/{挫折下的烦恼}5b)但(过后)6他(很快)7会(冷静下来)8: Their manager1 occasionally2 (blows up at himself)3 to (let off)4 ({steam/ anger}5a/{frustration}5b), but he would quickly7 (calm down)8 afterwards6.*那(不愉快的)1(前度员工)2(恐吓)3如果他不(给于)4(满意的遣散一套报酬)5他要把那(回扣丑闻)6(故事)7(轰动地)8(爆发)9: The disgruntled1 ex-employee2 threatened3 to blow9 the (kickback scandal)6 story7 sky-high8 if he was not provided4 with a (satisfactory severance package)5.*这个有(压抑着愤怒)1的(精神病)2(独身者)3是({一个内心渐增的火山等待喷发}4a/{一个滴答走着的计时炸弹等待爆发}4b): This psycho2 loner3 with (pent-up anger)1 is ({a simmering volcano within waiting to erupt}4a/{a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode}4b).备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #241-250古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*那(候选人的)1(成功机会全部丧失)2一旦他还是结婚时(跟一个妓女有恋情)3的(丑闻)4 (上了头条新闻)5: The candidate’s1 (goose was cooked)2 once the scandal4 (hit the headlines)5 that he was (romantically involved with a prostitute)3 while still married.*他对他的儿子说: “(营运饭店)1是个(高度竞争性)2的(生意)3但我们将会(合作来做)4 (使它成功/ditto)5.”: He said to his son: “(Operating a restaurant)1 is a (highly competitive)2 business3, but we will (work together)4 to (make it fly/make it work/make it a success)5.”*一件(度身定做/ditto)1的(西装)2应该比较一件(现成/ditto)3的西装(更合身)4, 但它一般也会(更昂贵)5: A (custom-made/tailored)1 suit2 should (fit better)4 than a (ready-made/off-the-shelf)3 suit, but generally it would also (cost more)5.*他对他的(百万富翁朋友)1说: “(我真的不能够相信)2, 像你的(成功人士)3不能够(借仅不过的一千块钱给我)4: He said to his (millionaire friend)1: “(I don’t believe it)2. A (big timer)3 like you cannot (loan me a mere thousand dollars)4.”*他(在互联网上)1(销售)2(缺乏趣味笑话T-恤)3的(致富计划)4(不能成功)5, 现在他要回去 ({他的九至五写字台职位}6a/{为办公室的人}6b): His (get-rich scheme)4 of marketing2 (bad-joke T-shirts)3 (over the internet)1 (did not pan out)5, and now he has to go back to ({his 9 to 5 desk job}6a/{be an office cubicle dweller}6b).*那有(本地)1(身处要职的人)2和(名人)3(出席)4的(筹款盛宴派对)5是(巨大的成功/ditto)6 (筹到)7两百万块钱给(儿童医院)8: The (fundraising gala)5 that was attended4 by local1 dignitaries2 and celebrities3 was a (runaway success/roaring success/howling success)6 in raising7 $2 million for the (Children’s Hospital)8.*那(发展蓬勃/ditto)1的(网球明星)2在事业(正在成功/ditto)3之际(突然退休)4他并(引述)5 (工作过分导致倦怠)6是(主要原因)7: The (blossoming/blooming)1 (tennis star)2 (abruptly retired)4 just as his career was (taking off/doing well/flourishing)3, and he cited5 burnout6 as the (main reason)7.*在这(未开发的小国家)1(做生意)2(采取)3(碰运气的手法)4, 成功(最多)5是({零星}6a/{没有定规}6b/{不一致}6c): (Doing business)2 in this (undeveloped little country)1 takes3 a (hit-and-miss approach)4, and success is ({spotty}6a/{random}6b/ {inconsistent}6c) (at best)5.*他(安慰)1他的儿子在(奥林匹克)2(输掉)3一个(紧凑赛跑)4之后: “(不要垂头丧气)5, 儿子, 在奥运(赢取银牌)6是(很好的成就/ditto)7.”: He consoled1 his son who had just lost3 a (close race)4 in the Olympics2: “(Cheer up)5, son. (Winning a silver medal)6 in the Olympics is (nothing to sneeze at/no small feat/a great accomplishment)7.”*在 (讨论)1什么(使他最高兴)2关于他的(教书职业)3, 那(教授)4说: “我(目击)5我的学生(在我照顾下/ditto)6(灿烂地成长)7是(有满意感觉)8.”: In discussing1 what (pleased him the most)2 in his (teaching career)3, the professor4said: “It’s gratifying8 towitness5 my students blossom7 (under my wing/under my wings)6.”*这(没有排名为种子球员的)1 (意料之外的连续成功[意])2继续在法国网球公开赛以(打败)3另一个(种子球员)4下(前进去)5(总决赛)6: This (unseeded player’s)1 (Cinderella run)2 continues in the French Open by (knocking off)3 another (seeded player)4 to (advance to)5 the final6.*他说: “我(有直觉)1这(不会失败/ditto)2的(计划)3将会({成功/ditto}4a/{无疑的成功}4b)我将会(富有)5(超越我最离奇的)6({梦想}7a/{幻想}7b).”: He said: “I (have a gut feeling)1 this (foolproof/sure-fire)2 project3 is going to ({work/click/fly/be successful}4a/{be a slam dunk}4b) and I’ll be rich5 (beyond my wildest)6 ({dream}7a/{imagination}7b).”*他说: “(聘请员工决定)1不应该是(听由侥幸)2, 我们({有超卓成功率}3a/{有证实了成功记录}3b)的(人力资源/ditto)4({专家/ditto)5可以协助.”: He said: “(Hiring decisions)1shouldn’t be (left to chance)2, and our (HR/Human Resources)4 (specialists/ professionals/experts)5 with ({a remarkably high batting average [note: “batting average” is baseball slang] of success}3a/{a proven track record of success}3b) can help.”*他说: “因为他永远没有(尽努力/ditto)1去(成为成功)2我可以(很极大可能准确地)3({说}4a/ {断定}4b)他是({无药可救}5a/ {注定失败/ditto}5b).”: He said: “It’s safe3 for me to ({say}4a/ {conclude}4b) he ({is a hopeless case}5a/{is a lost cause/is doomed to failure/is destined to failure/will never amount to anything}5b) because he never (works at it/puts in the efforts)1 to (be a success)2.”*(多年前)1我很多(同事)2(选择/ditto)3(放弃)4他们(安稳的银行职位)5(转到/ditto)6有(巨大成功潜力/非常成功)7的(互联网/ditto)8(社会组合部分)9: (Years ago)1 many of my colleagues2 (chose/elected/ opted)3 to (give up)4 their (secure jobs in banks)5 and (switched/changed)6 to the (high-flying/ditto)7 (dot-com/ internet)8 sector9.*(有决心)1, ({有信心}2a/{镇定自信}2b), ({有推动力/ditto}3a/ {有成功野心}3b), 这个(有成就)4的(总裁)5(经过很多困难)6来达到(今天她的成就)7: Determined1, ({confident}2a/ {poised}2b) and ({motivated/ driven}3a/{ambitious}3b), this accomplished4 CEO5 (has come a long way)6 to become (who she is today)7.*这(倾向支持顾客)1, (具创造性)2, 和({有远见}3a/{有远见和想象力}3b)的(无名运作)4 (具备)5(所有标志)6成为(行业)7下一个(环球强大有效者)8: This customer-oriented1, innovative2, and ({farsighted}3a/{visionary}3b) (no-name operation)4 bears5 (all the hallmarks)6 of the next (global powerhouse)8 of the industry7.*我的(侄儿)1(叹息)2地说: “我已经找了六个月我(甚至)3一个(面试)4也没有. 我永远不会找到一份工作的了.”我说: “不要(放弃)5, (有志者事竟成)6.”: My little nephew1 sighed2and said: “I’ve been looking for six months and I can’t even3 get an interview4. I’ll never find a job” I said: “Don’t (give up)5. (Where there’s a will, there’s a way)6.”*她对那个(快将退休的人)1说: “你的孩子(现在/ditto)2一定是(完全长大成人)3了, 是吗?” 他回答道: “我是(晚年开花的人)4我那(三个孩子是二, 四和六岁)5.”: She said to the (soon-to-be retiree)1: “Your kids must be (all grown up)3 (now/by now)2, isn’t it?” He replied: “I’m a (late bloomer)4 and my (three kids are two, four and six)5.”*我说: “他的公司({发生了什么}1a/{怎么样}1b)?”他说: “(上一次我听到)2它({还在营业/ditto}3a/{生意蓬勃成功/ditto}3b/{已经倒闭了/ditto}3c).”: I said: “({What happened to}1a/{How is}1b) his company?” H e said: “(Last time I heard)2 it ({was very much a going concern/was very much alive and kicking}3a/ {was doing bumper business/ was doing booming business}3b /{had gone belly up/had bankrupted/had gone bankrupt/ was out of business/had gone bust/had gone under/had gone tits-up[犯]}3c).*他的朋友说: “(私下的意见)1我(认为)2你的(生意主意)3是(不实际)4永远不会({有任何成就}5a/{成功/ditto}5b/{有渴求的效果}5c/{受到广泛接纳}5d).”: His friend said: “Personally1 I think2 your (business idea)3 is impractical4 and would never ({amount to anything}5a/{take off/fly high/succeed}5b/{work}5c/ {catch on}5d).”*(赢取)1(诺贝尔奖)2(增加)3(另一个)4({值得骄傲}5a/{给与他人深刻印象}5b)({光荣的成就在他的记录[意]/ditto}6a/{奖品在他的壁炉架}6b/{杰出事业的里程碑}6c): Winning1 (the Nobel Prize)2 added3 another4 ({proud}5a/{impressive}5b) ({feather in his cap/gold star in his résumé}6a/{trophy to his mantel}6b/{milestone to his illustrious career}6c).*(投资)1在(购买一岁纯种马)2 (像赛马本身一样是赌博)3, 因为很多这些(充满希望)4有(极好血统)5的(年轻动物)6会({不能成功}7a/{永远不会成功去真正的比赛}7b): Investing1 in the (purchase of thoroughbred yearlings)2 is (as much a gamble as horseracing itself)3, because many of these promising4 younglings6 with (magnificent pedigree)5 will ({fall by thewayside}7a/{never make it to a real race}7b).*(第一种籽)1的(网球球员)2在西班牙(公开赛)3(做出)4(又一个)5(占尽优势)6的(表现成绩)7(在过程中)8(没有输过一盘赛事)9下(全胜)10来(夺取)11(锦标/ditto)12: The (#1 seeded)1 (tennis player)2 delivered4 another5 dominant6 performance7 in the Spanish Open3, and swept10 to take11 the (Cup/championship)12 (without losing a set)9 (on the way)8.*他说: “我们新的(总裁)1({有优秀的表现记录}2a/{有成功的事业}2b/{曾经非常成功[意]}2c)我们有({绝对的}3a/{毫不动摇的}3b)(信心)4他一定会(领导)5我们(上兴旺的道路)6.”: He said: “Our new CEO1 ({has a sterling track record}2a/{has a successful career}2b/{has been to the top of the mountain}2c), and we have ({every}3a/ {unwavering}3b) confidence4 he will lead5 us (to the road of prosperity)6.”*(教授)1(建议)2他的(学生)3: “(像你们)4(富天才)5的(年轻人)6应该(不论需要怎么做)7 (尽最大努力/ditto)8去({在你选择的专业创做出成就}9a/{在这世界留下足迹}9b/{在这世界做出有影响的转变}9c).”: The professor1 advised2 his students3: “Talented5 (young men)6 (like you)4 should (do your best/do your utmost)8 to ({make your mark [note: not “mark s”] in your chosen field}9a/{leave your footprint in this world}9b/{make a difference in this world}9c), (no matter what it takes)7.”*他说: “这(石油)1(有财有势者/ditto)2因在(油泵)3({操纵}4a/ {串通}4b)(价格)5与(政府监管官)6({有麻烦}7a/{被调查}7b).” 他的朋友说: “这男士(有权势)8(政治)9的(关系)10, 时常能够(设法成功脱离)11(麻烦/ditto)12.”: He said: “This oil1(mogul/tycoon/magnate)2 is ({in trouble with}7a/{under investigation by}7b) the regulators6 for price5 ({manipulation}4a/ {collusion }4b) at the (gas pump)3.” His friend said: “This guy has powerful8 political9 connections10 and always been able to (negotiate his way out of)11 (trouble/a bind)12.”*他说: “在(建立那生意)1(多年之中)2我的(伙伴)3跟我有很多(充满难堪的吵闹)4, 但当我们(手持着被收购的巨大丰厚支票)5(露齿开怀而笑)6时({一旦成功其间怨恨都烟消云散}7a/{成功有特殊方法治愈旧伤}7b): He said: “My partner3 and I had many (bitter fights)4 (over the years)2 in (building the business)1, but ({all’s well that ends well}7a/{success has a way of healing old wounds}7b) when we (held our big fat buyout checks in our hands)5 and (grinned from ear to ear)6.”*很多(国际公司)1(已经采取步骤)2来(发展)3印度的({增长蓬勃/ditto}4a/{增长迅速/ditto}4b)(市场)5, 但只有(很少/ditto)6能够(涉水般艰辛走过)7(法律)8, (管制)9和(实践)10 (挑战)11的(迷宫)12(在本地)13 (成功/ditto)14: Many (international companies)1 (have taken steps)2 to develop3 the ({booming/thriving}4a/ {burgeoning/fast-growing}4b) markets5 of India, but only (a few/a handful of them)6 are able to (wade through)7 the maze12 of legal8, regulatory9 and practical10 challenges11 and (make it big/be successful/ succeed)14 locally13.*他说: “我(达到成功出人头地)1的(达到目的策略)2是({引人注目}3a/{推销自己/ditto}3b), 所以如果我({为公司做到一些好事}4a/{从满意的顾客得到赞扬}4b/{在处理生意中得到赞美的评语}4c)我会(在人们得知下做出)5(让管理层知道关于它)6.”: He said: “My (game plan)2 to (get ahead)1 is ({to be visible}3a/{to sell myself/to promote myself}3b), and therefore if I ({do something right for the company}4a/{get kudos from satisfied customers}4b/{receive laudatory comments anywhere in conducting business}4c) I (make a point of)5 (letting management know about them)6.”*他说: “我(永远不能够了解)1为什么我的老板(做到那么有钱)2, (鉴于)3他的(生意决定)4是那么(愚蠢)5(甚至我可能做得更好)6.”我说: “({你不能够跟成功有异议}7a/{成功响亮地表达}7b), 如果你比较他(更精明)8(为什么/ditto)9(他是亿万富翁而你不是)10?”: He said: “I (can never understand)1 why my boss (gets to be so rich)2, considering3 his (business decisions)4 are so dumb5 (even I could have done better)6.” I said: “({You cannot argue with success}7a/{Success speaks volumes [note: not “volume”]}7b), and if you’re smarter8 than him, (how come[口]/how comes)9 (he’s a billionaire and you’re not)10?”城: (~市) city; (~堡) castle*我们住在一个(炎热)1, (潮湿)2, (邋遢/ditto)3, 和(污染)4的(城市)5: We live in a city5 that is hot1, humid2, (dirty/filthy)3 and polluted4.*(游客)1(形容)2这的城市为一个(罪案控制)3, (流浪汉出没)4, (垃圾散布)5和(不好客)6的(可怖地方)7: Tourists1 describe2 this city as a crime-ridden3, homeless-infested4, garbage-strewn5 and inhospitable6 hellhole7.呈: (~献) to present; (~现) to exhibit*这个({宗教}1a/{极端宗教}1b) (狂热者)2是那么(沉迷于)3他的(信仰)4他({拒绝考虑}5a/{拒绝接受}5b)任何(呈献的)6 (证据)7(支持/ditto)8(进化论)9: This ({religious}1a/{devout}1b) fanatic2 is so (deep into)3 his belief4 that he ({shuts hismind}5a/{refuses to accept}5b) any evidence7 presented6 (supporting/in support of)8 evolution9.程: (规~) established rules; (~序) process; (~度) degree; (路~) route*(新选的政府)1有一套(改革)2和(繁荣)3的(议程)4: The (newly elected government)1 has an agenda4 for reform2 and prosperity3.*(他极爱她)1, (那程度/ditto)2 (只要她点头)3便(准备)4去(跟她结婚)5: (He loves her dearly)1, (so much so/to such an extent that)2 he is prepared4 (to marry her)5 (if only she gives him the nod)3.*(工厂)1(同意)2(实施)3几个(程序)4(针对)5(防止)6(将来)7的(性骚扰)8: The factory1 agreed2 to implement3 a number of programs4 (aimed at)5 preventing6 (sexual harassment)8 (in the future)7.*这(以牙还牙)1的(过程)2(恶化/ditto)3为两个国家(全力以赴的)4(贸易争斗)5: This tit-for-tat1 process2 (worsened/ deteriorated/degenerated)3 into an (all out)4 (trade war)5 between the two countries.*一张去香港 ({来回旅程}1a/{单程}1b)(飞机票)2(要花费)3 (接近)4两千块钱: A ({round-trip}1a/{one-way}1b) (plane ticket)2 to Hong Kong costs3 (close to)4 $2,000.*这(建筑工程)1应(头三年)2(付清开办的投资)3, 以后什么都(将全部会是得益)4: This (construction project)1 should (pay for the initial investment)3 in the (first three year)2 and anything after that (would be all gravy)4.*孩子们有(很长的记忆力)1, (确定)2你(大大程度地)3(递交)4 (你所承诺他们的)5: Children have (long memories)1, and (make sure)2 you deliver4 (what you promise them)5 (in spades)3.*他说: “我将(会坐飞机飞)1(直达/ditto)2北京, 但在我的(回程/ditto)3将会(经过)4香港.”: He said: “I’m flying1 (straight/ directly/nonstop)2 to Beijing, but will (pass through)4 Hong Kong on my (way back/return trip)3.”*他说: “年轻时我会为({赢取/ditto}1a/ {感动}1b/{讨好}1c) (我所爱女孩子)2(做到任何程度的事)3.”: He said: “When I was young I would (go to any length)3 to ({win/get}1a/ {impress}1b/{please}1c) (the girl I loved)2.”*那公司的(规范运作程序)1是(好好地记录写在)2一本(手册)3给它的(员工)4来(跟随)5: The company’s (standard operating procedures)1 are well-documented2 in a manual3 for its staff4 to follow5.*他说: “这里所有的(员工)1都(很乐意/ditto)2(引导)3(新员工/ditto)4 (这里周围)5(做事的适当程序/ditto)6.”: He said: “All the staff1 here are (too happy/ pleased)2 to show3 our (recruits/new employees)4 the (ropes [note: not “rope”]/proper procedures)6 (around here)5.”*那(律师)1(忠告)2(当事人)3: “那(诉讼程序)4({演变直到结束}5a/{要经历适当过程}5b)那很(可能)6(需要两三年)7.”: The lawyer1 advised2 his client3: “It probably6 (takes two to three years)7 for the (litigation process)4 to ({play it out}5a/ {take its due course}5b).”*他对她说: “我每天上班时都开车(经过/ditto)1你的屋子, 明天早晨你需要我可以({送你一程/ditto}2a/{载你上车}2b).”: He said to her: “I drive (past/by)1 your house everyday on my way to work, and I can ({give you a ride/give you a lift}2a/ {pick you up}2b) tomorrow morning if you want.”*他说: “我们可以(尽我们所能)1(推理)2和(辩论)3但都(不能代替)4(真正)5(经过过程)6来(制造出一个模型)7去看那(创新构想怎么样运作)8.”: He s aid: “We can theorize2 and debate3 (all we want)1 but (there’s no substitute)4 for actually5 (going through the process)6 of (producing a prototype)7 to see how the (innovative idea works)8.”*(在某程度/ditto)1上(周末)2(因雨取消)3的(棒球联赛)4不是完全(损失/ditto)5因为我们有机会去(喝些啤酒)6和({互相补充关于对方的新消息}7a/{闲谈一下/ditto}7b): (In a sense/ In a way/In a sort of way)1 the rained-out3 (baseball tournament)4 last weekend2 was not a complete (washout/ loss)5 because we got a chance to (drink some beer)6 and ({catch up with one another}7a/ {shoot the breeze with one another/shoot the bull with one another/pass the time of day with one another/chat a little with one another}7b).丞: (~) deputy [古](China official)承: (~担) to shoulder; (继~) inherit*我们的(城市)1对(提议)2 (重建)3(市中心)4的(工程)5的 (保持)6(没有作出承诺)7: Our city1 remains6 non-committal7 to the proposed2 project5 of rebuilding3 the (downtown core)4.*从他(近来)1(乱花钱作风)2来(判断)3, 他一定({承继了很多钱/ditto}4a/{发财了}4b): Juding3 from (the way he has been throwing money around)2 recently1, he must ({have come into a lot of money/have inherited a great deal of money}4a/{be in the money}4b).*他说: “(生活的)1(其他要承担的责任)2(制止我/ditto)3(追随)4(成为音乐家)5我的(梦想)6.”: He said: “Life’s1 (other commitments)2 (have stopped me from/have kept me from)3 pursuing4 my dream6 (as a musician)5.”*他说: “关于(新员工)1(不可靠的工作习惯)2你是对的, (我承认你指出我的错误是对的/ditto)3.”: He said: “You’re right about the (unreliable work habits)2 of (new recruits)1. (I stand corrected/I admit what you said is right and I am wrong)3.”*我们(未来的世世代代)1要在(将来多年)2(承受)3我们今天(破坏自然环境)4的(不负责任错误)5: For (years to come)2, our (future generations)1 will be (paying for)3 our (irresponsible mistakes)5 today in (ruining the environment)4.*她对她的男朋友说: “(我要承认你的)1, (你做的菜)2是(非常出色)3但我甚至不知道(你懂做菜)4”: She said to her boyfriend: “(I have to hand it to you)1. (Your cooking)2 is sensational3, but I don’t even know (you can cook)4.”*有些公司(在困境时)1给员工(莫大的/ditto)2(承诺)3, 但(好转时/ditto)4很快就(食言/ditto)5: Some companies promise3 employees (the sky/the world)2 when (times are tough)1, but are quick to (renege/go back on their words/break their promises/ crap out)5 when they (turn the corner/are over the hump)4.*他对他的哥哥说: “你说我永远不会(戒酒)1, 告诉你什么, 我将会在(接着的六个月)2(一滴的)3(酒/ditto)4也(将不会沾)5(令你低声下气地承应你是错的)6.”: He said to his brother: “You said I would never (quit drinking)1. Tell you what. I (will not touch)5 (a drop of)3 (alcohol/liquor)4 for the (next six months)2 and (make you eat your words)6.”*在(市长竞逐/ditto)1中(现任者)2在百分之八十五(选票点过)3后(挑战者)4以({宽阔}5a/ {不能克服}5b)的(幅度)6(领先)7下(承认失败)8: In the (mayoral race/mayor’s race)1 the incumbent2 (conceded defeat)8 after 85% of the (votes were counted)3 and the challenger4 was leading7 by a ({wide}5a/{prohibitive}5b) margin6.澄: (~清) crystal clear (water) or to clarify matters*那公司(举行)1(记者招待会)2来对(没有根据的)3(收购)4(谣言)5(澄清误会)6: The company held1 a (news conference)2 to (clear the air)6 on an unsubstantiated3 takeover4 rumor5.*那(著名优越女歌手)1对关于她(即将)2(跟中学爱人结婚)3的(谣言)4(走出来)5(澄清错误)6: The diva1 (came out)5 to dispel6 a rumor4 that she (was about to)2 (marry her high-school sweetheart)3.*可能一个完全的({调查}1a/{公开调查}1b)会(澄清/ditto)2什么是(损害)3我们的({保健}4a/ {教育}4b)(制度)5: Maybe a full ({investigation}1a /{public enquiry}1b) would (shed light on/clarify)2 what ails3 our ({health}4a/{education}4b) system5.*一个(政府财务部门)1的(代言人)2说: “(政府)3(希望)4(澄清)5一些(媒体)6(提供/ditto)7关于(税制改革)8(详情)9之(迷惑)10 (错误消息)11.”: A spokesperson2 from the (Finance Ministry)1 said: “The Government3 wishes4 to clarify5 confusing10 misinformation11 (put out/ provided)7 by some media6 on the details9 of the (tax reform)8.”橙: (~) orange tree; (~) orange color♦橙色: orange color♦橙子: orange惩[懲]: (~罚) punish♦青年惩教中心: Youth (Correctional/Rehabilitation) Center*(辩论)1父母的(权利)2以(体罚/ditto)3来(惩戒孩子)4是(永无结论的议题)5: The debate1 over parents’ right2 to (discipline children)4 by (physical punishment/corporal punishment)3 is an (endless issue)5.*他的姐姐对他说: “当你的妈妈发现你把她的(厨房)1(弄得一团糟)2她(将会)3把你(严惩/ditto)4.”: His sister said to him: “You mother (is going to)3 (rip you apart/take your head off)4 when she finds out you (made a mess)2 of her kitchen1.”*我们公司(选择/ditto)1采取几个(非惩罚性)2的({行动}3a/{步骤}3b)去(处理)4公司内(非故意)5(旷工)6: Our company (chooses/opts)1 to take a number of non-disciplinary2 ({actions}3a/{steps}3b) to (deal with)4 casual5 absenteeism6.*他(重犯的)1(开车超速)2(罪行)3被(严惩巨大的罚款)4和(令他的驾驶执照)5({废止有效}6a/{暂停有效}6b): He was (slapped with a hefty fine)4 and (had his driver’s license)5 ({revoked}6a/{suspended}6b) for repeated1 speeding2 offenses3.*她说: “我的儿子是(太天真)1, 他(继续被他人利用)2.”她的朋友说: “你需要(惩戒/ditto)3他一下(使他醒目过来)4.”: She said: “My son is too naïve1 and (keeps getting taken advantage of by others)2.” Her friend said: “You need to (slap/smack)3 him around a little (to smarten him up)4.”*(法庭)1对他({丑恶得文字难以形容的儿童色情刊物罪行}2a/{公然蔑视法律命令回返工作}2b)({严惩}3a/{进行惩罚行动}3b): The court1 ({threw the book at}3a/{lowered the boom on}3b) him for ({the unspeakable crime of child pornography}2a/{blatantdefiance of the court order to return to work}2b).*通常当一个(员工)1做(细小的/ditto)2(错误)3(主管)4(很快)5会对他(严重)6(惩罚/责骂)7, 但是很(宽恕)8当他或他的(好朋友)9(做错了一些事)10: Usually the supervisor4 is quick5 to (comes down/get down)7 hard6 on a staff1 when he makes a(little/small/slight/minor/tiny)2 mistake3, but is very forgiving8 if he or his cronies9 (do something wrong)10.*来(打击)1(过度)2的( 旷工)3和(误点上班)4, (管理)5(增加)6({惩罚}7a/{惩罚行动}7b)包括(警告)8, (谴责)9, (扣薪水)10, (停职)11, (降级)12, 和(解雇)13: To combat1 excessive2 absenteeism3 and tardiness4, management5 has (stepped up)6({discipline}7a/{disciplinary actions}7b) that include warnings8, reprimands9, (docking of pay)10, suspension11, demotion12, and dismissal13.*他的朋友说: “为何你(继续)1 (承受责备)2为了(不是你过错)3的(错误)4?”他说: “我要为(无能)5(经理)6犯的过错(承担)7(惩罚/ditto)8不然我会(失业)9.”: His friend said: “Why do you keep1 (taking blame)2 for mistakes4 that are (not your fault)3?” He said: “I’ve to take7 the (lumps [note: not “lump”]/punishment)8 for the mistakes of my incompetent5 manager6 or I’ll be (out of a job)9.”*母亲说: “作为第五次, 为什么你带给我那么(差劣的成绩报告表)1?” 父亲说: “我们(停止骚扰/ditto)2我们儿子吧, 他在一天内的(惩罚/ditto)3(已受够了)4.”: The mother said: “For the fifth times, why did you b ring me such a (bad report card)1?” The father said: “Let’s (lay off/stop bothering)2 our son. I think he (has enough)4 (chastising/punishment)3for the day.”*两个(年轻人)1({被发现死去从服用过量海洛因}2a/{从服用过量海洛因死去}2b)之后(官方)3以(飞快速度/ditto)4(采取行动)5来(严惩/ditto)6(非法毒品交易)7: The authority3 moved5 with (lightning speed/blinding speed)4 to (crack down/clamp down)6on (drug trafficking)7 after two teenagers1 ({were found dead from heroin overdose}2a/{died from heroin overdose}2b).*这个(跟显贵有密切关系)1和(有权势)2的({生意人}3a/{企业家}3b)(以前惯性)4(以为)5他是(不受法律管制)6, 但现在(官方当局)7将会因({逃税}8a/ {内幕交易}8b/{诈骗财务报告}8c)(把他严加惩罚/ditto)9: This well-connected1 and powerful2 ({businessman}3a/ {entrepreneur}3b) (used to)4 think5 he was (above the law)6, but now the authority7 is going to (nail him to the wall/nail him to the cross)9 for ({tax evasion}8a/{insider trading}8b/{fraudulent financial reporting}8c).乘: (~) ride (on horse); (~) driven (in vehicles); (~) multiplied*他四岁已经能够(背诵)1(乘数表)2: He could recite1 the (multiplication table)2 when he was four.*由于(高升)1的(汽油价格)2和(市中心交通壅塞)3, ({增加数量的}4a/{越来越多的}4b)(往来地方公交乘客)5({利用}6a/{依靠}6b)(公交)7去(到达上班地方)8: With rising1 (gasoline prices)2 and (downtown traffic gridlocks)3, ({an increasing number of}4a/{more and more }4b) commuters5 are ({embracing}6a/{relying on}6b) (public transit)7 to (get to work)8.chěng:逞: (~强) flaunt; (~凶) terrorizing*(偶然)1(巨型零售商)2(逞强)3(开始/ditto)4(深深的折扣)5来(驱走竞争)6: Occasionally1 (giant retailers)2 (flex their muscles)3by (starting/initiating)4 (deep price cuts)5 to (drive out competition)6.骋[騁]: (驰~) gallop*那(油画)1(描述)2(一群)3(野马)4在(一大堆悬浮半空沙尘)5中(驰骋)6(横过)7({平原}8a/{开阔的草原}8b)对照着(日落的背景)9: The painting1 pictures2 (a herd of)3 (wild horses)4 galloping6 in a (cloud of dust)5 across7 ({a plain}8a/ {open grassland}8b) against a (sunset backdrop)9.chèng:秤: (~) weight scale*(中国草药医生)1还用(草药秤)2来(量度)3一(药剂)4(正确分量)5的(草药)6: (Chinese herbal doctors)1 still use (herbal scales)2 to measure3 the (correct proportions)5 of herbs6 in a dosage4.chī:痴: (~子) retarded (person); (~迷) obsessed白痴: (idiot/twit/retard)*他说: “不要问我任何关于(安装程序)1的问题, 我(绝对/ditto)2是(电脑白痴)3:He said: “Don’t ask me any question about (installing a program)1. I’m (a downright/an absolute/a complete)2 (computer retard)3.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英文俚语A-Z #65
地道英文俚语A-Z #65古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*(高层管理的)1(漠视)2在办公室(近乎/ditto)3(性骚扰)4(行为)5的(惯例/ditto)6可能会(有一天)7(在他们面前爆发成为严重事故)8: (Upper management’s)1 (practice/habit)6 of condoning2 behaviors5 in the office (akin/ similar)3 to (sexual harassment)4 would likely (blow up in their faces)8 (one of these days)7.*那(技师)1说: “你现在可以用(补缀的方法)2来(修理)3(落后的)4(生产系统)5但(有一天)6 (大问题爆发/ditto)7那时(你怎么办啦)8?”: The technician1 said: “You can use patchwork2 to fix3 the antiquated4 (production system)5 for now, but (one day)6 when (shit [犯] hits the fan/things blow up)7 then (what are you going to do)8?”*他说: “我的(主管)1是一个(火爆脾气的人)2, 他对每一件(不如他意)3的(小事)4都({愤然大怒}5a/{变得激动}5b), 我怎么能够(跟一个那么的人)6(理论)7呢?”: He said: “Our supervisor1 is a hothead2 who ({blows up at}5a/{gets agitated with}5b) every (small thing)4 that (doesn’t go his way)3, and how can I reason7 (with a person like that)6?”*(在完场哨子一响)1希腊(马上)2(爆发狂欢)3, 它的(球迷)4在(欢呼)5, (拍掌)6, (尖叫)7, (友好表示地拍背)8, (跳舞)9, (唱歌)10和(庆祝地击掌)11来(庆祝赢取)12欧洲杯: Greece immediately2 (erupted in jubilation)3 (at the sound of the game-ending whistle)1, and its fans4 were cheering5, clapping6, screaming7, backslapping8, dancing9, singing10, and high-fiving11 to (celebrate winning)12 the European Cup.豹: (~)leopard♦豹子: leopard♦黑豹: panther♦猎豹: cheetah♦美洲豹: jaguar♦(海豹/海狗): sealbēi:卑: (~下) humble; (~劣) inferior quality; (~鄙) despicable*(被虐待)1的(童年)2会(导致)3 (人生迟些)4的({自卑}5a/{深深地缺乏安全感}5b): An abusive1 childhood2 can (lead to)3 ({low self-esteem}5a/{a deep sense of insecurity}5b) (later in life)4.*他在(卑微/贫穷)1的(长大经历)2(也许)3(解释)4为什么他({经历人生常感觉被人欺负下对凡事过分敏感}5a/{对批评过分敏感}5b): His (humble/poor)1 upbringing2 may3 explain4 why he ({is going through life with a chip on his shoulder}5a/{is oversensitive to criticism}5b).备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #221-230古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*他说: “乘1哪({公交}2a/{路车}2b)去到达(市中心)3呢?”: He asked: “Which ({bus}2a/ {bus route}2b) should I take1 to get downtown3?”*两个(疑犯)1(当场)2被(逮捕)3被一辆(囚犯箱型货车)4(带走)5: Two suspects1 were apprehended3 (at the scene)2 and (hauled away)5 in a (paddy wagon)4.*那新(法例)1(禁止/ditto)2当(开车时候)3(使用)4(手持着的)5 (手机)6: The new law1 (bans/prohibits)2 the use4 of hand-held5 (mobile phones)6 while driving3.*在一条(两道)1(高速公路)2(超车越过)3(拖车货车)4是(很危险的)5: It is dangerous5 to pass3 a (trailer truck)4 on a (two lane)1 highway2.*以现今的(汽油价格)1(骑自行车/ditto)2上班是一个(明智)3的(选择)4: With the (price of gasoline)1 nowadays,(bicycling/cycling/riding a bicyle)2 to work seems like a sensible3 alternative4.*这(快线公交)1只是在(某车站)2(停车)3(让乘客上车和下车/ditto)4: This (express bus)1 only stops3 at (certain bus stops)2 to (let passengers on and off/let passengers get on and get off)4.*以一辆(高重心)1的(越野车)2 (全速/ditto)3(转急弯)4是(极度)5(危险)6: (Turning sharp corners)4 at (full speed/full throttle)3 with a high-center-of-gravity1 SUV2 is extremely5 dangerous6.*他以(驾驶)1(带拖车的大货车/ditto)2(运输)3(木材)4(横跨)5 (全国)6(为生)7: He (makes a living)7 by driving1 a (eighteen-wheeler/rig/tractor-trailer truck)2 that transports3 lumber4 across5 the country6.*他说: “(对不起)1我(迟到了)2, 那是(困难)3去(找一个位子)4去(停我的车)5.”: He said: “Sorry1 I’m late2. It was hard3 to (find a spot)4 to (park my car)5.”*我问道: “你的车在那里?”他说: “一个(偷车贼)1把它(驳线点火)2(开走它)3.”: I asked: “Where’s your car?” H e said: “A (car thief)1 hot-wired2 it and (drove it away)3.”*他的车在(十字路口)1(之前)2 (被从后面碰撞)3(推出)4至(迎面而来的交通)5: His car was rear-ended3 (in front of)2 an intersection1 and (pushed out)4 into (the oncoming traffic)5.*他说: “我听说你去(市中心)1, (如是那样的话)2我可以跟你(搭便车/ditto)3吗?”: He said: “I heard you’re going downtown1, and (if so)2, can I (bum a ride/hitch a ride)3 from you?”*他说: “在路上(行驶你的自行车)1要(留意小心)2不要被({交通}3a/ {一辆车}3b)(撞倒)4.”: He said: “(Watch carefully)2 whenyou are (riding your bicyle)1 on the road, and don’t get (run over)4 by ({traffic}3a/{a car}3b).”*({晚上我把汽车停在(家里)车房.}1a/{昨天我把汽车拖到修理车房来修整}1b): ({I park my car in the garage at night.}1a/{I towed my car to a garage for repair yesterday.}1b)*他的朋友说: “(哇/ditto)1, 那是(醒目好看)2的(汽车/ditto)3, (你付多少钱买它)4?”: His friend said: “(Wow/Man/Neat)1, that’s a slick-looking2 (set of wheels/car)3. (How much you paid for it)4?”*这辆(跑车)1是一部(极好的机器)2能够(少于八秒)3(从零增速至每小时六十英里)4: This (sports car)1 is (one mean machine)2 that can (accelerate from 0 to 60 mph)4 in (less than 8 seconds)3.*每天早晨(那需要我一小时)1 在我的车(挣扎经过)2(城市交通)3(达到)4(工作地方)5: Every morning (it takes me an hour)1 in my car (fighting through)2 (city traffic)3 (to get to)4 work5.*这(图书馆)1有({特别停车处}2a/{指定停车处}2b)给(残障人士)3和(怀孕母亲)4: The library1 has ({special parkingspots}2a/{designated parking spots}2b) for (handicapped individuals)3 and (expected mothers)4.*他(把车急速扭转方向)1去(回避)2(突然转进)3他({车道}4a/ {路线}4b)的(另一辆车)5: He (swerved his car)1 in trying to avoid2 (another vehicle)5 that (cut into)3 his ({lane}4a/{path}4b).*一个(乘客)1对(公车司机)2说: “请在(下一站)4({你让我下车}3a/{我下车}3b)可以吗?”: A passenger1 said to the (bus driver)2: “Can ({you let me off}3a/{I get off}3b) at the (next stop)4, please?”*(外交官)1被(见到)2以(响着刺耳警号)3(带着头)4(警车)5 (护送车队/ditto)6(驾驶去机场)7: The diplomat1 was seen2 (drivenoff to the airport)7 in a (convoy/motorcade)6 (led by)4 siren-blaring3 (police cars)5.*每天早晨(正正在)1(上午)2八点十五分在这个(公车停车站)3我(上/ditto)4同一辆公车: I (board/get on/catch)4 the same bus every morning at exactly1 8:15 (a.m.)2 at this (bus stop)3.*当交通(突然)1(缓慢下来)2一辆(紧跟着前面车辆的)3车子(转向)4并(旋转)5(失去控制)6: When the traffic (slowed down)2 abruptly1, a tailgating3 vehicle swerved4 and spun5 (out of control)6.*在这个省1大多数(比较旧的汽车)2一定要(通过)3(废气排放试验)4才能够把它们的(许可证)5(延续限期)6: In this province1, most (older cars)2 must pass3 the (exhaust emission test)4 before their permits5 can be renewed6.*在日本, 一个(维持秩序服务员的)1 (责任)2包括在(交通高峰期)3把(乘客推进去)4(地铁车厢)5: In Japan, a conductor’s1 duties2 include (pushing passengers onto)4 the (subway trains)5 during (peak traffic hours)3.*时常一个驾驶者(倒[daò]车去)1一个(停车地点)2是(比较安全)3因为当他(离去)4时他(能够看到)5( 他去哪)6: Often it is safer3 for a driver to (back into)1 a (parking spot)2, because he (can see)5 (where he is going)6 when he leaves4.*我(属于)1有五个人的(合伙搭车团)2在(周日)3(轮流)4(开车)5({往返工作}6a/{来往家庭和工作}6b): I belong1 to a carpool2 of five people that (take turns [note: not “turn”])4driving5 ({to and from work}6a/{between home and work}6b) during weekdays3.*他说: “(惯例)1我不(承载搭便车的陌生人/ditto)2但像你一个(漂亮女孩子)3的(事例)4我可以(例外)5: He said: “(As a rule)1, I don’t (pick up any hitchhiker/give any hitchhiker a ride)2, but in the case4 of a (pretty girl)3 like you I can (make an exception)5.”*母亲对她的儿子说: “(时间快速过变得短缺)1, 你应该(开始走)2不然你将会(错过)3你的({乘坐车}4a/{公交}4b/{火车}4c): The mother said to her son: “(Time is running short)1. You should (get going)2 or you’re going to miss3 your ({ride}4a/ {bus}4b/{train}4c).”*如果你没有对(股票市场)1(过山车般起落)2的(忍受能耐)3把你的钱放在(固定收入的)4 ({证券}5a/ {投资}5b): If you don’t have the stomach3 for the (roller-coaster ride)2 of (stock markets)1, put your money into fixed-income4 ({securities}5a/ {investments}5b).*当他(刹车)1来(避免)2(前面)3 (撞去突然停下)4的(交通)5他的车被(紧随前面车辆的车)6(从后面碰撞/ditto)7: His car was (reared-ended/hit from the back)7 by a tailgater6 when he braked1 to avoid2 (smashing into the abruptly stopped)4 traffic5 (in front)3.*那(地铁服务员)1说: “你(往西走过三个站)2, (换车/倒[dǎo]车)3去(往南线)4, 那会(载你去)5(市区中心)6.”: The (subway conductor)1 said: “You (go west three stops)2. Then you (switch/transfer)3 to the (southbound line)4 and that will (take you)5 downtown6.”*在这个(城市)1你能够(在街上任何地方)2({召唤}3a/{召停}3b/{抓得}3c/{得到}3d)(计程车/的士/ditto)4: In this city1, you can ({hail}3a/{flag down}3b/{grab}3c/{get}3d) a (cab/taxi/taxicab)4 (anywhere on the street)2.*他说: “让我在(外卖饭店)1前面(给你下车)2我将会({双行停车来等候你}3a/{我会绕圈子来找一个停车位子}3b).”: He said: “Let me (drop you off)2 at the front of the (take-out restaurant)1and I’ll ({double-park to wait for you}3a/{circle around the block to find a parking spot}3b).”*我说: “如果你这个(周末)1(开车去纽约)2, (或许)3我能够跟你(坐在你驾驶位子旁边)4(当你累时)5可以(分担你的驾驶)6: I said: “If you are (driving to New York)2 this weekend1, maybe3 I can (ride shotgun)4 with you and (share the driving)6 (when you get tired)5.”*他(驾驶)1一架({宝马/ditto}2a/ {甲虫车/ditto}2b/{卡迪拉克/ditto}2c/{美洲豹/ditto}2d/{迷你车/ditto}2e/{劳斯莱斯/ditto}2f): He drives1 a ({beemer/BMW}2a/{benz/Mercedes Benz}2b/{Bug/Beetle}2c/{Caddy/Cadillac}2d/{Jag/Jaguar}2e/{Mini/Minicooper}2f/ {Rolls/ Rolls Royce }2g).*这({大型}1a/{中型}1b/{小型}1c)(房车)2(产生)3(全世界各地)4({汽车爱好者}5a/{汽车热爱者}5b)(寻求)6的(性能)7和(舒适)8: This ({full-sized}1a/{mid-sized}1b/{economy-sized}1c) sedan2 delivers3 the performance7 and comfort8 (sought after)6 by ({car lovers}5a/{car enthusiasts}5b) (all over the world)4.*他的朋友在(乘客座位)1对他说: “({慢一点服从速度限制}2a/{放松车子油门一点/ditto}2b). (沿着这条路)3有(监视超速的警察岗位)4.”: His friend on the (passenger seat)1 said to him: “({Slow down and obey the speed limit}2a/{Ease up on the gas pedal/Let off the gas pedal}2b). There’s a (speed trap)4 (along this road)3.”*她说: “若是你不(载我一程)1我(怎能/ditto)2(在晚上这时间)3(回家)4?”他回答道: “你可以({召唤一辆计程车}5a/{在街上召停一辆计程车}5b).”: She said: “If you don’t (give me a ride)1, how (am I supposed/can I manage)2 to (get home)4 (at this time of the night)3?” H e replied: “You can ({call a cab}5a/{flag down a cab on the street}5b).”*他的朋友说: “你还开那(丑陋)1的(粉红色)2(拉皮条者开的车)3吗?”他回答道: “(笨蛋)4, 那是1969年卡迪拉克(敞篷车)5(优质保持价值的东西)6”: His friend said: “Do you still drive that ugly1 pink2 pimpmobile3 [犯]?” He replied: “That’s a 1969 Cadillac convertible5 classic6, idiot4!”*他的(公寓单位)1({附带有}2a/ {提供有}2b)一个({从天气力量有保护的地下停车车房里面的}3a/{在一个多层停车车房里面的}3b/{在一个灯光照亮的露天停车一块地里面的}3c) (停车地点)4: His (apartment unit)1 ({comes with}2a/{is provided with}2b) a (parking spot)4 ({in an underground parking garage that is protected from the elements [note: not “element”]}3a/{in a multi-level parking garage}3b/{in an illuminated outdoor parking lot}3c).*他问道: “我的车应该(停在)1哪?”她说: “你可以把它停({在私人车道}2a/{在我的车房}2b/ {在隔邻收费公众停车场}2c/{在街道过一段的露天停车场}2d/{在街道上}2e/{在我屋子前面有收费计的停车地点之一}2f): He asked: “Where should I park1 my car?” She said: “You can park it ({on the driveway}2a/{in my garage}2b/ {in the paid public parking garage next door}2c/{in the parking lot down the street}2d/{on the street}2e/{on one of the metered parking spots in front of my house}2f).”*那(超速)1的车(失控地)2({左右摇摆}3a/{旋转}3b)({突然转向}4a/{越过}4b)去({其他的}5a/{反方向的}5b)(车道)6, 被一辆(迎头而来)7的(车辆)8 ({直角地撞}9a/{击撞/ditto}9b/ {猛力击撞/ditto}9c/{侧面击撞}9d/{轻微在侧面撞到}9e): The speeding1 car ({fishtailed}3a/{spun}3b) (out of control)2, ({swerved}4a/ {crossed}4b) into the ({other}5a/{opposite}5b) lane6, and was ({T-boned}9a/ {struck/hit}9b/{slammed/ smashed}9c/{broadsided}9d/ {sideswiped/clipped}9e) by an oncoming7 vehicle8.ché: XXXXXchě:扯: (拉~) tug; (~断) yank (apart) ; (~谎) lie*在公司(办公时间)1(瞎扯/ditto)2对其他(同事)3是(分心)4: (Chitchatting/Gabbing)2 (during office hours)1 is distracting4 to other coworkers3.* (收紧银根政策)1 (受影响)2人士(恳求/ditto)3(当局)4不要对(商业)5(扯后腿/ditto)6(引致经济衰退)7: People affected2 by the (tight money policy)1 (pleaded/begged)3 the authority4 not to be (a millstone/an albatross/a burden/a ball and chain)6 for business5 and (trigger a recession)7.*这个(电台访谈胡扯节目)1(主持人)2昨天又再(陷入麻烦)3在(广播)4(说一些)5(他不应该说的话)6: This (trash radio talk show)1 (host)2 (got into trouble)3 again yesterday in (saying something)5 (he shouldn’t have said)6 (on the air)4.chè:彻[徹]: (~) thorough*(彻底/ditto)1(了解)2你的(顾客)3是(算出)4他们(所需要)5的(诀要)6: (An in-depth/A thorough)1 knowledge2 of your customers3 is key6 in (figuring out)4 (what they need)5.*他宁愿(彻底破坏/ditto)1他的(财产)2也不跟他(离异的妻子)3(均分)4: He rather (lays waste to [i.e., a subtle way of saying “shit on”]/craps on [犯]/demolishes)1 his property2 than to share4 it with his (estranged wife)3.*他一个月前(被送住院治疗)1但({自从那时彻底康复}2a/{还没有完全康复}2b): He was hospitalized1 a month ago but ({has since been fully recovered}2a/{has not been fully recovered}2b).*我们昨晚({在主场}1a/{在主场观众前}1b)({打出最好的球赛/ditto}2a/{全力全力打球}2b) (彻底打败/ditto)3(客队)4(以最终12:0的赛果)5: We ({played our A-game/played our top game}2a/{played our hearts out}2b) last night ({at home}1a/{in front our home crowd}1b) and (creamed/walloped/demolished/utterly defeated/decisively defeated)3 the visiting team4 (by a final score of 12:0)5.*在(前所没有)1(大量涌出)2的(企业合并)3(之中)4, 这公司(仓促去做)5并(没有审慎调查)6(模仿别人)7的(收购公司)8(极有可能)9(彻底失败)10: In the midst4 of an unprecedented1 wave2 of (corporate mergers)3, this company’s me-too7 acquisition8 (done in haste)5 and (without due diligence)6 is likely9 to (come a cropper)10.澈: (清~) clear (esp. water)*这湖1有(清澈/ditto)2水, (平静/ditto)3(环境/ditto)4, 和({壮观}5a/{极好}5b/{令人惊叹}5c/ {四面视野无阻}5d)的(景色)6: The lake1 has (crystal-clear/limpid)2 water, (serene/ peaceful/placid/tranquil)3 (surroundings/surrounds)4, and ({spectacular}5a/ {fantastic}5b/{breathtaking}5c/{panoramic}5d) views6.撤: (~销) rid of; (~退) to retreat; (~职) fired*由于(炸弹惊恐)1警察(命令)2那幢大楼(撤空/ditto)3: The police ordered2 the building (vacated/evacuated)3 due to a (bomb scare)1.*两个(投资者)1(撤回)2他们(投资)3后(市中心公寓大厦工程)4被(阻滞)5: The (downtown condominium project)4 was short-circuited5 after a couple of investors1 (pulled out)2 their investments3.*(有关当局)1(撤回/ditto)2(早前)3(公开抗议)4的(准许)5(举出)6(确保安全)7(忧虑)8: The authority1 (cancelled/revoked/ repealed)2 an earlier3 permission5 for a (public demonstration)4 citing6 security7 concerns8.*(业主)1(要求/ditto)2(租户)3(撤离)4 (租的)5(房宅/ditto)6随着它(拖欠)7三个月的(租金付款)8: The landlord1 (asked/ requested/demanded)2 the tenant3 to (clear out)4 of the leased5 (premises [note: not “premise”]/property/ building)6 after it defaulted7 on its (rental payment)8 for three months.*(业务)1(似乎)2(变坏)3, 我们(决定)4(撤销/ditto)5(扩张)6(一阵子)7把(事情保持不变/ditto)8: Business1 (seems to be)2 (turning south)3, and we have decided4 to (pull back on/back away from/back off from/retreat from/withdraw from)5 expansion6 and (let things ride/leave things alone/maintain the status quo/leave things unchanged)8 (for a while)7.*去年(政府)1(撤出/ditto)2(建筑)3(低收入房子)4, 而(私营发展商)5(参与/ditto)6来(填补)7 (空缺/ditto)8: Last year the government1 (vacated/pulled out from)2 building3 (low-income housing)4, and (private developers)5 (stepped in/got involved)6 to fill7 the (void/gap)8.*(被告)1(撤消)2(早一阵子)3({有罪的供认}4a/{供认}4b)(声称)5那是当(在警察拘留时)6 (强迫做出来的)7: The defendant1 retracted2 an earlier3 ({admission of guilt}4a/ {confession}4b) claiming5 it was (made under duress)7 while (in police custody)6.*那(部长)1被(突然撤职/ditto)2来(平息/ditto)3对她(导致公愤)4的(花费)5和(聘用人手实践方法)6之(公众强烈抗议)7: The (department head)1 (got the hook/was given the hook/was unceremoniously let go/was abruptly removed)2 to (quell/calm)3 (public outcry)7 over her scandalous4 spending5 and (hiring practices)6.*如果一个(顾客)1(全个月)2在一个(户口)3(维持)4(最少)5一千块钱({结存}6a/{余额}6b)银行会(撤掉)7那个月(户口)8所有的(服务费用)9: If a customer1 maintains4 a minimum5 ({deposit}6a/ {balance}6b) of $1,000 (throughout a month)2 in an account3, the bank would waive7 all (service charges)9 during the month for that account8.*那(部长)1因(先发出后撤销)2一些(公开声明)3(招引了)4(大爆发性的)5(指责)6: The Minister1 has drawn4 a firestorm5 of criticism6 for (first making and then recanting)2 certain (statements publicly)3.*今天的(市场)1(令人战战兢兢)2(证券交易者)3把(投资)4 (撤出)5(高科技股票)6来(寻找)7({短期政府债券}8a/{黄金}8b)的(安全避难所)9: Today’s market1 was jittery2 and traders3 (pulled back)5 their investments4 in (high-tech stocks)6 to seek7 the (safe haven)9 of ({treasury bills}8a/{gold}8b).chēn:嗔: (~) angry; (~怪) irk*他的朋友说: “当你跟其他女人(鬼混)1你的女朋友(舍你而去)2, 你(只有自己)3而(没有人/ditto)4去(嗔怪)5.”: His friend said: “When you (fooled around)1 with other women and your girlfriend (walked out on you)2, you have (nobody/no one)4 to blame5 (but yourself)3.”*经理说: “你可以是一个(甜心)1替我(递送/ditto)2(干洗东西)3, 请你.”她对他(嗔目而视/ditto)4说: “我不(做你的私人差事)5, (你自己来做吧)6.”: The manager said: “Would you be a sweetheart1 and (drop off/deliver)2 the (dry cleaning)3 for me, please.”She (glared at him angrily/stared at him in anger)4 and said: “I don’t (run your personal errands)5. (Do it yourself)6.”chén:尘[塵]: (灰~) dust; (~世) worldly(灰尘/尘土): dust*父亲(鼓励)1对她说: “如果你(跌倒)2, 仅仅(扫去尘埃)3(继续前进)4.”: Her father encouragd1 her and said: “If you fall2, just (dust it off)3 and (keep going)4.”*她样子有点儿({风尘仆仆}1a/ {疲倦/ditto}1b/{饱受折磨}1c)于(生命多年困苦)2后: She looks a bit ({weathered}1a/{worn-down/worn-out/ exhausted}1b/{battered}1c) after (years of hardship in life)2.*我问道: “你那些在大学(那么骄傲地)1(赢得)2的(美丽)3(田径)4(奖杯)5(发生什么事)6?”他说: “它们(坐在地窖)7(收集尘埃/ditto)8.”: I asked: “(What happens)6 to those beautiful3 track-and-field4 trophies5 you (so proudly)1 won2 at college?” H e said: “They are (sitting in the basement)7 (collecting dust/gathering dust)8.”*当(尘埃落定)1(发觉)2很多(职业运动)3(响亮名字)4(牵连在)5那(增加功能)6(非法药物)7(丑闻)8: Many (big names)4 in (professional sports)3 were found2 to be implicated5 in the performance-enhancing6 drug7 scandal8 when (the dust was settled)1.*他的朋友说: “我听说你(承继了)1你(婶母的)2(所有的财富)3.”他说: “(实际上)4她全部(尘世所有物)5(命运属于)6({垃圾运输车}7a/{垃圾填埋之地}7b).”: His friend said: “I heard you inherited1 your aunt’s2 (entire fortune)3.” He said: “Practically4 all her (worldly belongings)5 are destined6 for the ({dumpster}7a /{landfill}7b).”*他们(雇用)1一个({同住}2a/{兼职}2b/{全职}2c)的({女仆}3a/{女管家}3b)来(照顾)4一些(轻易的家务/ditto)5包括(真空吸尘)6, (清理尘埃)7, (整理床铺)8, 和(洗烫衣服/ditto)9: They hire1 a ({live-in}2a/{part-time}2b/{full-time}2c) ({maid}3a/ {housekeeper}3b) to (take care of)4 some (light housework/light household chores)5 for them including vacuuming6, dusting7, (making beds)8, and (doing laundry/washing and ironing)9.臣: (~子) minister [古]*在我们的公司有(新主意的新员工)1和(不容易改变的老臣子)2(直率地)3(不能够和睦相处)4(当他们有机会)5(暗箭互伤)6: In our company, (new bloods)1 and (old guards)2 simply3 (don’t mix)4, and they (stab one another at the back)6 (when they have a chance)5.晨: (~) dawn*他时常(强记硬背)1到({凌晨时分/ditto}2a/{清晨/ditto}2b/{早晨时分}2c)去(准备考试)3: He usually crams1 until ({the wee hours of the morning/the small hours of the morning}2a/ {dawn/daybreak/the crack of dawn/sunrise}2b/{early hours in the morning}2c) to (prepare for exams)3.辰: (~) cosmic objects of sun, moon, stars, as a group; (生~) birthday; (时~) time陈[陳]: (~列) display; (~设) arrangements; (~述) narrate; (~旧) aged; (~) p. noun*(去说)1这个(经济有麻烦)2是(陈述明显的)3: (To say)1 this (economy is in trouble)2 is (stating the obvious)3.*(功夫电影)1的(故事情节)2已经变得太(预料得到)3和(陈腐/缺乏新意)4: Storylines2 of (kung fu movies)1 have become too predictable3 and (canned/ditto)4.*(陈规化)1(少数团体)2的(情景喜剧)3会做成对这些(团体)4的(负面)5(社会)6(结果)7: Sitcoms3 that stereotype1 (minority groups)2 can create negative5 social6 repercussions7 against such groups4.*那(陈腐的说法)1(“没有痛苦没有收获”)2对那些(懂得摆弄)3({吸取}4a/{认领}4b)(他人的)5(劳力/ditto)6的(行政人员)7是(不准确的)8: The (worn-out cliché)1 (“no pain no gain”)2 (does not hold true)8 for those manipulative3 executives7 who ({feed off}4a/{take credit for}4b) others’5 (hard work/sweat)6.沉: (~下) sink (esp. in water or from ground surface); (~着气) stay calm; (~迷) hooked; (~闷) dreary; (~思) (in deep thoughts/muse)*香港的(文化)1是(沉于)2(着迷)3(名人)4: Hong Kong’s culture1 is (deep into)2 celebrity4 obsession3.*自从这国家(没有履行偿还债务)1, (外来投资)2(保持)3(一沉不振)4: Since the country’s (loan default)1, (foreign investments)2 remain3 (dead in the water)4.*他说: “我(状态消沉)1(有多月)2没有(胜过一场)3({麻将}4a/{网球连串晋级赛}4b).”: He said: “I am (in a slump)1 and haven’t (won a game)3 ({in mahjong}4a/{in any of the tennis tournaments}4b) (for weeks)2.”*他说: “有时我(沉思)1如果我以(现在好待遇的工作)2(交换)3那一份我(喜爱)4的工作(会有什么发生呢)5.”: He said: “Sometimes I (muse over)1 (what would happen)5 if I trade3 the (present job that pays)2 for the job that I love4.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #401-410地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*这个(行政人员)1是个(创造奇迹工作者)2(每一次)3他能够去(进行/ditto)4(困难到不可能做到的)5(计划)6于(没有援助独立行动)7下(回来有)8(极好/ditto)9的(结果)10: This executive1 is a (miracle worker)2 who can (go on a limb)7 to (conduct/carry out)4 impossible5 projects6 and (come back with)8 (brilliant/ excellent)9 results10 (every time)3.*(经理)1对一个(埋怨)2她在店子(被粗鲁对待)3的({不愉快}4a/{不满意}4b)的(顾客)5说: “我们的公司(维持)6(最高顾客服务标准)7我能够(保证)8(你的不敬经验)9只是(单独事件)10而不是(基准)11.”: The manager1 said to ({an unhappy}4a/{a dissatisfied}4b) customer5 who complained2 she (was mistreated)3in the store: “Our company maintains6 the (highest standard of customer service)7, and I can assure8 you that (your experience of disrespect)9 is an (isolated incident)10 and not the norm11.”*他说: “你需要于你的(高档产品)1(创造出)2({与众不同}3a/{独特}3b)的(价值)4来(支持溢价的合理性)5, 不然({没有独特特征的}6a/{一般的/ditto}6b)这类产品(冒风险)7成为(仅是)8 (一般商品/ditto)9 (单是)10在({价钱上}11a/{价钱的准则上}11b)(竞争)12.”: He said: “You need to create2 ({discernible}3a/ {distinctive}3b) values4 in your (high-end products)1 to (justify price premiums)5, or ({indistinctive}6a/{ordinary/ undistinguished}6b) products risk7 becoming mere8 (commodities/commodity products)9 and compete12 on ({price}11a/{the basis of price}11b) alone10.”*她说: “(留意一下)1, 你的儿子是(好看/ditto)2, (教育好)3, (有经济独立能力)4, 他(肯定)5是({结婚的好人选}6a/{极端好的结婚料子}6b), 但(为什么)7他(还是独身)8?” 那母亲说: “他是个(无忧无虑)9(类型)10的孩子, 不想(被一个关系束缚)11, 我希望(很快)12那(将会)13(改变)14.”: She said: “Look1, your son is (good-looking/handsome)2, well-educated3, and (financially independent)4. He’s definitely5 ({very eligible}6a/{excellent marriage material}6b), but (how come [口] [note: not “comes”])7 he’s (still single)8.” The mother said: “He is a carefree9 type10of boy and doesn’t want to (get tied down to a relat ionship)11. I hope that (is going to)13 change14 (very soon)12.”读[讀]: (阅~) read; (~大学) study (at university)*他的(演讲)1是({从稿本读出来}2a/{从提示卡读出来}2b/{自发的}2c): His speech1 was ({read off from a script}2a/ {read off from cue cards}2b/ {spontaneous}2c).*(时常)1是(一个好主意)2(小心阅读一份合同/ditto)3(在签署它之前/ditto)4: It’s always1 (a good idea)2 to (peruse an agreement/read over an agreement carefully)3 (before you sign it/before signing it)4.*她说: “我跟这国家(最大的银行)1明天有个(职位面试)2今晚我(需要)3(详细阅读)4它的(业务)5(来作准备)6.”: She said: “I have a (job interview)2 with the (largest bank)1 in the country tomorrow, and tonight I (need to)3 (read up on)4 its business5 (to get ready)6.”*他(阅读)1不是为了(资料)2, (知识)3也不是(刺激)4, 而是(逃离现实)5进去(不知道束缚)6的(幻想)7(领域)8: He reads1 not for information2, knowledge3 nor stimulation4, but to (escape from reality)5 into the realm8 of imagination7 which (knows nobound)6.*那个(专栏编辑)1写给那个(提供给)2他的(专栏)3(一篇文章)4的(读者)5: “我们(采取)6 (某些自由度)7来(编辑)8(原文)9来(增加)10(可读性)11.”: The columnist1 wrote to the reader5 who contributed2 (an article)4 to his column3: “We have taken6 (certain liberties)7 in editing8 the (original text)9 to enhance10 readability11.”*(现今)1你不能够({约略阅读/ditto}2a/{快速翻过}2b)一张(报纸)3而没有({看到}4a/{碰到}4b)(一张照片)5或是(一篇文章)6(关于)7这个(最受欢迎)8的香港(女明星)9: Nowadays1you can’t ({thumb through/browse through/glance through}2a/{flip through}2b) a newspaper3 without ({spotting}4a/{coming across}4b) (a picture)5 or (an article)6 about7 this hottest8 actress9 in Hong Kong.渎[瀆]: (~) impertinence; (亵~神灵) blaspheme to deity*在(昔日)1(某些宗教)2, (亵渎神灵)3是一个(可被处罚)4(死刑)5的(罪行)6: In the (old days)1 under (certain religions)2, blaspheming3 was a crime6 punishable4 by death5.犊[犢]: (~)calf毒: (~)poisonous; (阳光很~) torching (sunlight); (狠~) ruthless♦毒贩: (drug pusher/drug dealer)♦解毒药: antidote♦携带毒品的信差: a drug mule♦(瘾君子/沉迷毒品者): (drug addict/junkie)*(中午太阳)1(很毒[很猛] /ditto)2: The (noon-hour sun)1 was (scorching/searing/a real scorcher)2.*她(依赖)1(卖淫)2来取得(毒品注射)3: She resorts1 to prostitution2 to get her fix3.*(卫生局)1(相信)2(这一批鱼)3 (有毒素)4(含有污染物品)5: The (Health Department)1 believes2 (this batch of fish)3 is toxic4 (with pollutants)5.*(当局)1(发觉)2(谋杀遇难者)3 (所吃)4的面包(加上了小量)5的(毒药)6: The authority1 found2 the bread consumed4 by the (murder victim)3 was (laced with)5 poison6.*很多(吸毒者)1(不明白)2他们对(他们挚爱者)3(导致磨折的)4(痛苦)5: Many (drug addicts)1 (do not understand)2 the pain5 that they have afflicted4 on (their love ones)3.*现今很多(年轻人)1({食用/ditto}2a/{上瘾于}2b)(非法/ditto)3(毒品)4: Many youngsters1 nowadays ({do/ take}2a/{are hooked on}2b) (illicit/illegal)3 drugs4.*用({酒精}1a/{碘酒}1b/{任何大家已知的抗菌剂}1c)来对(细菌侵染的伤口)2来(消毒)3: Use ({alcohol}1a/{iodine}1b/ {any known antiseptic}1c) to sterilize3 an (infected wound)2.*在(厨房)1使用(没有消毒的/ditto)2 (器皿)3是(归咎于)4(导致)5这饭店的(顾客)6(食物中毒)7: Using (unsanitized/ unsterilized)2 utensils3 in the kitchen1 is blamed4 to have caused5 food-poisoning7 to customers6 of this restaurant.*有(酒精)1或(毒品)2(上瘾)3的(囚犯)4时常(被强迫)5(突然不用药物或治疗法)6(戒除酒和毒瘾)7: Inmates4 on alcohol1 or drug2 addictions3 often (are forced to)5 (dry out)7 (cold turkey)6.*(本地的)1 (毒品非法集团)2(招募)3(失业单身女人)4于(国际)5做它们的(携带毒品信差)6(偷运)7(可卡因)8: Local1 (drug rings)2 recruit3 (unemployed single women)4 as their (drug mules)6 to smuggle7 cocaine8 internationally5.*一当(入黑)1, 这个(社区公园)2成为(在毒品影响下/长期用毒品下孱弱)3的(妓女)4, (拉皮条者)5, 和(贩卖毒品者/ditto)6(喜爱)7(聚集的地方)8: When it (gets dark)1, this (community park)2 becomes the favorite7 hangout8 for (strung-out/ditto)3 prostitutes4, pimps5 and (drug pushers/drug dealers)6.*没有(缺乏)1(批评家)2对(现有的)3(制度)4(猛烈抨击)5和(说出恶毒的话)6, 但没有人有一个({可实行的}7a/{具体的}7b) (计划)8来(修理好它)9: There is no shortage1 of critics2 that (lash out)5 and (spit venom)6 at the (status quo)3 system4, but no one has a ({viable}7a/ {concrete}7b) plan8 to (fix it)9.*昨天我({不小心地/ditto}1a/{意外地}1b/{非故意地}1c)(打开)2的(电子邮件附件)3(释放出)4一个(匿藏来偷袭的病毒)5({瘫痪我的电脑}6a/{使我当机}6b): An (email attachment)3 that I ({inadvertently/carelessly}1a/ {accidentally}1b/ {unintentionally}1c) opened2 yesterday released4 a (Trojan-horse virus)5 and ({crippled my computer}6a/{crashed my computer}6b).dǔ:堵: (~) block*他从(手机)1(打电话给)2他的朋友说: “我的车({堵在}3a/{被耽误在}3b)(交通挤塞)4, 我(还有四十分钟)5(将不会到那里)6.”: He (called up)2 his friend over the mobile1and said: “My car is ({stuck}3a/ {held up}3b) in a (traffic jam)4, and I (won’t be there)6 (for another forty minutes)5.”赌[賭]: (~)gamble赌迷: (gambling addict/casino junkie)*(赌博上瘾)1(毁坏了)2他的(一生)3和(家庭)4: (Gambling addiction)1 has ruined2 his life3 and his family4.*他(迷上/ditto)1(赌博)2的(借口)3是那是(他的本性)4: His excuse3 for (being hooked on/being addicted to/his addiction to)1 gambling2 is that it is (in his blood)4.*在(赌场)1若果你是个(豪赌客)2你会得到(贵宾对待)3: In casinos1, you get the (red carpet treatment)3 if you are a (high roller)2.*不要(赌香港股票下跌)1因为它们(预期)2(很快)3(上升)4: Don’t (bet against Hong Kong stocks)1 because they are slated2 to rise3 (very soon)4.*他说: “我(跟你打赌十块钱/ditto)1你一个星期内不能(减掉十磅)2.”: He said: “I’ll (make a ten-dollar wager with you/bet you ten dollars)1 that you cannot (lose ten pounds)2 in a week.”*这(富翁)1是个(今天有酒今天醉的)2(豪赌客)3和(寻找刺激者)4: This (rich man)1 is a high-roller3 and thrill-seeker4 that (just lives for the day)2.*他说: “在你现在(健康情况/ditto)1我不会(下我的赌注在)2你(去赢取那赛跑)3.”: He said: “In your present (shape/condition)1 I wouldn’t (lay my bet on)2 you (to win the race)3.”*他的(舅舅)1(营运/ditto)2一间(非法)3的(赌窟/ditto)4在他(屋子)5的(地窖)6: His uncle1 (runs/operates)2 an illegal3 (gambling den/gambling parlor/gaming house/gambling joint)4 in the basement6 of his house5.*他(应在选举胜出)1但我不会对那({打赌}2a/{把全副身家去打赌/ditto}2b): He (should win the election)1, but I wouldn’t ({bet}2a/{bet the house/bet the farm}2b) on it.*他是一个({小角色}1a/{有高度成功}1b)的(赌徒)2(职业化)3地在(赌场)4(赌博)5(维生)6: He is a ({small time}1a/{big time}1b) gambler2 that (makes a living)6 from playing5 professionally3 in casinos4.*两块钱(赌注)1在这(第一场赛事)2(冷门胜出者)3({回报}4a/{报偿}4b)两百块钱(的相当大数目)5: A $2 bet1 on this (long-shot winner)3 in the (first race)2 ({returned}4a/{paid}4b) a (handsome sum)5 of $200.*他(赢了)1一个(四场赛事的过关打赌)2他的十块钱(赌注)3 (回报)4一百五十块钱: He won1 a (4-game parlay bet)2 and his $10 wager3 returned4 $150.*我说: “在(这场赛事)1英国人将会打败法国人.” 他说: “(我认为不是)2, (你要打赌吗/ditto)3?”: I said: “The English is going to beat the French in (this game)1.” He said: “(I don’t think so)2. (You want to bet/Wanna [口] bet)3?”*赌场(挤满了)1({目光不露表情}2a/{目无表情}2b)的(扑克牌赌徒)3像(僵尸)4在(无目的地漫游)5: The casino was (packed with)1 ({glassy-eyed}2a/{expressionless}2b) poker-players3 (roaming around)5 like zombies4.*(赌场)1(聘请)2的(“黑气石”)3来把(一阵子连续的赢家)4(转变)5为(输家)6只是(没有根据的虚构)7: A “cooler”3 that a casino1 hires2 to turn5 (a winner on a hot streak)4 into a loser6 is only a (baseless myth)7.*他的(固定女朋友)1(对他施压力)2去跟她结婚, 问题是他应该(取稳当的东西)3还是(等候和赌博冒险)4: His (steady girlfriend)1 is (pressuring him)2 to marry her, and the question is should he (take the sure thing)3 or (wait and gamble)4.*他(开玩笑地说)1(可能)2他(中国血液)3中的(赌博精神)4(使他成为)5一个(成功的)6({资本家}7a/{企业家}7b): He (jokingly said)1 maybe2 the (gambling spirit)4 in his (Chinese blood)3 (made him)5 a successful6 ({entrepreneur}7a/{capitalist}7b).*这里(不顾负面后果)1(业务)2的(惯常运作)3是把(公司的前途)4和(员工的生计)5({来赌博/ditto}6a/{危害}6b): Reckless1 business2 practice3 here is ({playing dice with/gambling with}6a/{endangering}6b) (the future of the company)4 and (the livelihood of its employees)5.*(赌博)1({在这个国家的文化是根深蒂固}2a/{在这个国家是根深蒂固}2b)(已经时常是)3个(严重的社会问题)4: Gambling1 is ({deeply rooted in the culture of this nation}2a/ {in the blood of this nation}2b) and (has always been)3 a (serious social problem)4.*在(扑克晋级比赛)1(接着一手牌)2他决定(根据冲动的感觉来赌博)3(在一手)4({边沿强度}5a/{中等}5b)的牌6(下一大注)7: In the (next hand)2 of the (poker tournament)1 he decided to (play his rush)3 and (laid a big bet)7 (on a hand)4 of ({marginal}5a/ {mediocre}5b) cards6.*他对他的朋友说: “我(愿意)1 ({打赌}2a/{以我的生命打赌}2b)你们每一个人(曾经)3 (在某成度上)4对你的女朋友(不忠)5: He said to his friends: “I am willing1 to ({bet on it}2a/{bet my life on it}2b) that each of you guys cheated5 on your girlfriend (to some extent)4 at (one time or another)3”.*这个(悔改了的)1(不能自制赌徒)2现在(主持)3一个(电台节目)4和(主办/ditto)5一个(热线电话)6来(协助)7其他(沉迷的赌徒)8: This reformed1 (compulsive gambler)2 now hosts3 a (radio show)4 and (runs/operates)5 a hotline6 to help7 other (addicted gamblers)8.*十年前这个(亿万富翁)1({接受赛马非法赌注}2a/{接受非法赌注/ditto}2b)(赚了第一桶金)3(其他的)4(是人所共知的历史)5: Ten years ago this billionaire1 (made his first pot of gold)3 by ({making books on horse races}2a/{taking illegal bets/accepting illegal bets}2b), and (the rest)4 (is history)5.*(一打)1({寻求收买公司者}2a/ {有可能成为买家者}2b)之间的(角逐出价斗争)3(所关乎赌注)4是(在这国家)5(最大的航空公司)6: (What is at stake)4 in the (bidding war)3 between (a dozen of)1 ({suitors}2a/ {potential buyers}2b) is the (largest airline)6 (in the country)5.*我问: “你最近在(赌场)1成绩怎么样?” 他说: “有时我(有一阵子幸运)2(赢几百块钱)3, 其他时间一旦我输掉一百块钱便(起身离开)4.”: I asked: “How have you been doing in the Casino1lately?” He said: “Sometimes I (hit a streak)2 and (won a few hundred bucks)3. Other times I would (stand up and leave)4once I had lost $100,.”*他说: “英国(肯定赢取这场赛事/ditto)1.” 他的朋友说: “我将会({跟你打赌二比一的赔率他们不会}2a/{跟你打赌如果你给我二比一的赔率}2b).”: He said: “England (has this game in the bag/is going to win this game for sure)1.” His friend said: “I’ll ({bet you two-to-one that they won’t}2a/{bet with you if you give me two-to-one odds}2b).”*他对他的(抱怨)1朋友: “(你有自立主见)2不可以因为我们(久不久)3跟你打麻将就(责备)4我们把你变为(不能抑制的)5({赌徒}6a/{赌博堕落者}6b).”: He said to his grumbling1friend: “(You have a mind of your own)2and you can’t blame4 us for turning you into a compulsive5 ({gambler}6a/{gambling degenerate}6b) just because we play mahjong with you (every so often)3.”*我问道: “你(下注赌博于)1({赛马(骑马或马车)}2a/{跑狗}2b/{球赛}2c/{骑着的赛马}2d/{职业运动}2e)吗?” 他说道: “我只是下3(幻想/ditto)4的(投注)5.” : I asked: “Do you (bet on)1 ({ponies}2a/ {greyhounds}2b/{ball-games}2c/{thoroughbreds}2d/ {professional sports}2e)?” He said: “I only place3 (imaginary/phantom)4 bets5.”*(毫无疑问)1(生意)2是个(赌博)3但如果你(知道/ditto)4(你在做什么)5那么你成为(庄家)6({决断}7a/{极端}7b)地(把输赢的成分倾斜/ditto)8到(有利于你)9: (Without a question)1 business2 is a gamble3, but if you (know/are knowledgeable in)4 (what you are doing)5 then you become the house6 and (tip the odds/tip the scales [note: not “scale”])8 ({decisively}7a/ {prohibitively}7b) (in your favor)9.*我问: “(世界杯)1你捧2哪(足球/ditto)3(队伍)4?” 他回答道: “我(投下/ditto)5(十块钱赌注/ditto)6在({意大利人}7a/{意大利队}7b/{意大利}7c)去(获得全胜)8, (那是我的球队)9.”:I asked: “Which (soccer/ football)3 team4 are you (rooting for)2 in the (World Cup)1?” He replied: “I (put/lay)5 (a ten-dollar bet/a bet of ten dollars)6 on ({the Italians}7a/{the Italian Team}7b/{Italy}7c) to (win it all)8, and (that’s my team)9.”*市长(评论)1他在城市里对(赌博合法化)2的(支持)3说: “(一般)4我们对(赌场赌博活动)5不是(感到自在)6但我们也对任何我们能够(从事)7来(牢牢取得)8这城市(长期经济健全)9的(行动)10会({愿意考虑/ditto}11a/{作出承诺}11b).”: The mayor commented1 on his support3 for (legalizing gambling)2in the city by saying: “(In general)4 we are not comfortable6 with (casino gambling activities)5, but we are also ({open/receptive}11a/ {committed}11b) to any measure10 that we can undertake7 to secure8 the (long-term economic health)9of this city.”*在一个(家庭聚餐)1中(讨论)2他弟弟(意料不到的婚礼)3, 他说: “让我们({任由他自己自己拿主意/ditto}4a/{不要给他压力/ditto}4b/{停止麻烦他}4c), 我(不认为)5他会(两次作出同样的错误)6(跟一个掘金女郎结婚)5.” 那姐姐说: “({你要打赌吗/ditto}6a/{我认为不是}6b).”: In discussing2his brother’s (unexpected wedding)3 in a (family dinner)1, he said: “Let’s ({leave him alone/leave him on his own}4a/{get off his back/get off his case}4b/{stop bothering him}4c). I (don’t think)5he’s going to (make the same mistake twice)6 and (marry a gold digger)5.” The sister said: “({You want to bet/You want to bet on it}6a/{I don’t think so}6b).”睹: (~)see*去(体会)1这女明星是多么(真正的美丽)2(目睹是会相信)3, 照片是(对她不公平)4: (Seeing is believing)3 to appreciate1 how (truly beautiful)2this actress is, and photos (don’t do her justice)4.肚: (~)tripe of cow or sheep笃[篤]: (~实) honest and sincere; (~信) wholeheartedly (believe)*这(修女)1(笃诚)2(信奉)3(宗教)4为她(生命)5的(中心部分)6: This nun1 wholeheartedly2 embraces3 religion4 as the (core part)6of her life5.dù:度: (~)to measure; (~)degree (e.g., temperature, moisture, hardness, electricity, angle); (法~) rules; (~日) passing(time); (再~) (one more) time; (气~) forbearance♦经度: longitude degree♦纬度: latitude degree♦度数: degree*这些(天才学生)1(学习进度)2(神速)3: The (learning curve)2 of these (gifted students)1 (points straight up)3.*我问道: “你今早走路现在(还累)1吗?” 她回答道: “({到某个程度}2a/{还有点儿}2b): I said: “Are you (still tired)1 from all the walking this morning?” She replied: “({Kind of [口]}2a/{To a certain extent [口]}2b)!”*这城市(街上罪恶)1变成(频频发生)2和(凶暴)3, (达到的程度)4人们(害怕晚上外出)5: (Street crimes)1 in this city have become frequent2 and violent3, (so much so)4 people are (afraid to go out at night)5.*好莱坞(度身制造)1(电影角色)2给这个(没有天分)3但有(莫名奇妙)4(票房)5(招引力)6的(演员)7: Hollywood tailors1 (movie roles)2 for this untalented3 actor7 who has inexplicable4 box-office5 (drawing power)6.*这公司有(操作上的政策)1(备用)2但时常(执行)3它们的(程度不是一视同仁)4有(高级职员)5(享受)6(特别的)7({例外}8a/{特权}8b): This company has (operational policies)1 (in place)2, but they are not always enforced3 to the (same degree across-the-board)4 with executives5 enjoying6 special7 ({exceptions}8a/{privileges}8b).*他问道: “你的(经理)1是否你(部门)2(激励他人)3的(首领)4?” 她说: “他是, ({到某个程度/ditto}5a/{到很大程度/ditto}5b), (但不完全是)6.”: He asked: “Is your manager1 an inspiring3 leader4 of your department2?” She said: “He is, ({to a degree/to a certain degree}5a/{to a large extent/to a great extent}5b), (but not entirely)6.”*那公司的(季度)1({结果}2a/{财务结果}2b/{盈利结果}2c/{营业结果}2d)以({很大幅度/ditto}3a/{很小幅度}3b)(达不到)4(分析家的)5(一致)6(盈利估计)7: The company’s quarterly1 ({results}2a/ {financial results}2b/{earnings results}2c/{operating results}2d) missed4analysts’5 consensus6 (earnings estimate)7 ({by a wide margin/by a long shot/by a mile}3a/{narrowly/slightly/ marginally/by a small margin}3b).镀[鍍]: (~)to plate (metal surface)*那(奖章)1是以(镀金金属)2制造而不是(纯金)3: The medal1 is made of (gold-gilt metal)2, and not (pure gold)3.渡: (~)cross over water; (~过难关) pull through (difficult times)*他(安全渡过)1(心脏移植)2(手术)3但(完全康复)4还有(长路程/ditto)5: He (pulled through)1 the (heart transplant)2 surgery3 but it is still a (long road/long way)5 to (full recovery)4.*那(派对)1是(很沉闷/ditto)2, 当(晚上)3(缓慢地渡过)4(群众)5 (很快地减少)6: The party1 was (a bore/boring)2, and as the night3 (wore on)4 the crowd5 (thinned out very quickly)6.*在孩子们(成熟为)1(成年)2的(过渡)3(时期/ditto)4(父母引导)5是(特别地)6 (重要)7: (Parental guidance)5 is particularly6 important7in children’s transitional3 (period/stage)4 of maturing1 into adulthood2.*经理对他的员工说: “(一旦)1我们(安全渡过)2这些(困难时期)3, (事情一定会转好)4.”: The manager said to his staff: “Once1 we (ride out)2 these (hard times)3, (things will get better)4.”*他对他弟弟说: “你可以(借给/ditto)1我一万块钱两个月来(渡过/ditto)2一个({现金危机}3a/{紧急现金情况}3b).”: He said to his brother: “Can you (lend/loan)1 me $10,000 for a couple of months to (tie over/get past)2 a ({cash crunch}3a/{emergency cash situation}3b).”*(总裁)1说: “(有一组)2可以(在逆境挑战下振奋)3的(行政人员)4下我们(有充分能力)5于(经济衰退)6(安全渡过难关)7.”: The CEO1said: “(With a team)2 of executives4 who (thrives on challenges)3 we are well-equipped5 to weather7 the (economic downturn)6.”*他说: “我的(退休投资组合)1是(下跌)2百分之三十, 我将要({没有太大损失下幸存困难}3a/{在困难时间坚强和迅速反弹}3b/{幸存下渡过困难}3c)(希望)4(市场复苏)5.”: He said: “My (retirement investm ent portfolio)1 is down2 30%, and I will have to ({ride it out}3a/{tough it out}3b/ {brave it out}3c) and hope4 for a (recovery of the market)5.”肚: (~) belly♦肚子[肚]: belly♦(泻肚/拉肚子): diarrhea♦(肚脐/肚眼儿): (navel/belly-button)♦肚子疼: bellyache*他是(带有点儿大肚子/ditto)1 (戴着眼镜)2(渐发秃的中年人/ditto)3: He’s a bespectacled2 (balding middle-aged man/ middle-aged man with a receding hairline)3 who (carries a bit of a potbelly/has a beer belly/is a bit paunchy)1.杜: (~)refuse; (~鵑) cuckoo bird*那新(总理)1(保证)2(杜绝)3政府里的(委任党派支持者)4和(腐败)5: The new (Prime Minister)1 pledges2 to (put an end to)3 (partisan appointments)4 and corruption5 in the government.妒: (嫉~) jealous*一个丈夫(给别的女人的赞赏)1通常(拨动妻子的妒火)2: A husband’s (compliments to other women)1usually (fan his wife’s flame of jealousy)2.*他对他的(侄女)1说: “你能够(书写那么好)2我(妒嫉死了)3.”: He said to his niece1: “You can (write so well)2I’m (envious to death)3.”*在这(办公室)1若果(太多注意)2(大量落下)3(在一个女同事)4, 其他女人(很容易变得妒嫉)5: In this office1, if (too much attention)2 (is showered)3 (on one female colleague)4, other women (get jealous very easily)5.*他在(公司等级)1(迅速/ditto)2 (上升)3(只是)4对比他更(高级)5(同僚/ditto)6(加剧妒火/ditto)7: His (meteoric/rapid)2 (rise up)3 the (corporate ladder)1 only (fanned the flames [note: not “flame”] of jealousy in/exacerbated jealousy among)7 his more senior5 (colleagues/fellow workers)6.*他说: “(看一下那/ditto)1, (帅小子)2有一个新的(漂亮)3女朋友.” 他的朋友说: “(控制自己/ditto)4, (空妒嫉是没有用处的)5.”: He said: “(Get a load of that/Look at that)1! (Pretty boy)2 has a new foxy3girlfriend.” His friend said: “(Get a grip on yourself/ Control yourself)4. (Jealousy will get you nowhere)5.”*她的姐姐对她说: “你是不是(妒嫉)1你的(最好朋友)2(得到男孩子所有的注意)3?” 她回答道: “({废话/ditto}4a/{不要再提及那些话}4b)! (我一点儿妒嫉本质也没有)5.”: Her sister said to her: “Are you jealous1 your (best friend)2 is (getting all the attention from boys)3?” She replied: “({Nonsense/ Garbage/Baloney/Humbug/Malarkey/Hooey/Rubbish/ Hogwash}4a/{Get off it}4b)! (I don’t have a jealous bone in my body)5.”duān:端: (尖~) (sharp) tip; (开~) beginning; (多~) (many) aspects; (~由) reasons; (~正) straight (personality or body posture); (~茶) to hand (tea)*在(社交活动)1(大量地给与)2每一个人(无端/无根据)3的({评语}4a/{赞赏}4b)似乎是(必需的/ditto)5: Showering2 everyone with (gratuitous/ditto)3 ({comments}4a/ {praises}4b) seems (necessary/obligatory)5 in (social functions)1.*他说: “我(结婚)1时只有(跟密切)2(家人/ditto)3和(朋友)4的(简单晚饭)5但我的妹妹(去另一个极端)6({花费/ditto}7a/{浪费}7b)(十万块钱/ditto)8在一个(极尽豪华的)9(婚礼宴会)10.”: He said: “I only had a (simple dinner)5 (with close)2(family/family members)3 and friends4 when I got married1, but my sister (went to the other extreme)6 and ({spent/ dropped}7a/{blew/squandered away/threw away/wasted}7b) ($100,000/a hundred-grand [note: not “grands”])8 for an (all-out luxurious)9 (wedding reception)10.”duán: XXXXXduǎn:短: (~)short; (~缺) deficient in*由于(美丽/ditto)1她(在工作地方的短处)2常常(被忽略)3: Her (shortcomings at work)2 are often overlooked3 because of her (good looks/pretty face/beauty)1.*(他还没有结婚前)1他对他的(表妹)2有(短暂/ditto)3的(兴趣)4: He had a (passing/brief)3 interest4 in his (younger cousin)2 (before he got married)1.*这个(过去了的夏天)1他有一段(短暂的/ditto)2(逗留)3在福州(跟他婶母)4: This (past summer)1 he had (a short/a brief/an abbreviated)2 stay3 (with his aunt)4 in Fuzhou.*那公司上年({做到}1a/{公布}1b)(新纪录的)2(盈利)3但(短缺于)4(分析家的估计)5, 那股票(那天)6(下跌)7百分之五: The company ({registered}1a/ {posted}1b) record2 earnings3 last year but (fell short of)4(analysts’ estimates)5, and the stock plummeted7 by 5% (for the day)6.*他说: “我的(理解)1是在这个(延长的)2(熊市)3任何(复原/ditto)4很可能是({短暂}5a/{短暂的复原}5b), (最少)6在(接着的一会儿)7.”: He said: “My read1 is in this prolonged2 (bear market)3, any (rally/recovery)4 would likely be ({brief}5a/{a dead cat bounce}5b), (at least)6 for (the next little while)7.”*他说: “({在现在}1a/{在短期}1b/{接着的短暂时间}1c)我会(逗留在)2这(侍应生)3工作, 但我(时常)4(留意)5(更有挑战性)6的(事业)7.”: He said: “I’ll (stay on)2 this waiter3 job ({for now}1a/{in the short haul}1b/ {in the next little while}1c), but I always4 (keep my eyes open)5 for a (more challenging)6 career7.”*很多(批评家)1(预测)2这间(只有一种产品公司)3的(最初)4({广泛}5a/{非常/ditto}5b)(受欢迎的)6(创新发明)7({只是显著但不长久}8a/{将会很短暂}8b): Many critics1 predict2 this initially4 ({widely}5a/{wildly/ very}5b) popular6 innovation7 of the (one-product company)3 ({is only a flash in the pan}8a/ {will be short-lived}8b).duàn断[斷]: (~)broken; (~绝) cut off; (判~) decide*(离婚)1后他跟(前妻)2(了断地分手)3: He (made a clean break)3 from his (former wife)2 after the divorce1.*我们(昨晚的败仗)1(中断)2(五场连胜纪录)3: Our (loss last night)1 snapped2 a (five-game winning streak)3.*(中断)1像(吸烟)2或(喝酒)3的(老习惯)4是(很困难)5: It’s hard5 to break1 an (old habit)4 like smoking2 or drinking3.*她(断然)1(拒绝/ditto)2她(主管的)3(邀请)4(晚饭约会)5: She flatly1 (turned down/rejected)2her supervisor’s3 invitation4 for a (dinner date)5.*(终止)1(世界饥荒)2的(解决方法)3是(复杂/ditto)4和(难以断定/ditto)5: A solution3 to end1 (world hunger)2 is (complex/ complicated)4 and (elusive/hard to pin down)5.*一个(偶然的)1(假期)2是(需要)3来(中断)4(平淡沉闷)5的(每天惯性程序)6: An occasional1 vacation2 is needed3 to (break up)4 the monotony5 of the (daily routine)6.*为({保持/ditto}1a/{变得}1b) (健康良好)2我每天(忠诚没有间断地)3(跑步)4一小时: To ({keep/stay}1a/{get}1b) (in shape)2, I faithfully3 jog4 an hour a day.*在(扑克牌淘汰赛)1(上一手牌)2, (他的加码)3(碰到)4(反加码)5他(处于要当机立断的困境)6: In the (last hand)2 of the (elimination poker game)1, he was (put on the spot)6 when (his raise)3 (was met with)4 a counter-raise5.*她从一个(害羞)1及(缺乏自信)2的(十来岁少女)3(逐渐发育为)4一个(果断/ditto)5及(自信)6的(行政人员)7: She evolved4 from a shy1 and unsure2 teenager3 to a (brash/self-assertive)5 and confident6 executive7.*他说: “我告诉我的儿子若是我(在任何时候)1(发觉)2他在(服用毒品)3我(一定会)4跟他(断绝关系/ditto)5.”: He said: “I have told my son if I ever1 (find out)2 he (takes drugs)3, I will4 (disown/renounce my relationship with)5him.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英文俚语A-Z #141-150古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*这(本地)1的(全部关于商业形式)2的(广播电台)3(遇到)4(财政问题)5六个月前(永远/ditto)6(停止播放)7: This local1 (all-business format)2 (radio station)3 (ran into)4 (financial problems)5, and was (permanently/indefinitely)6 (off the air)7 six month ago.*在(选举运动)1中所有的(政治候选人)2在(全国性)3的(电台)4和(电视)5被(提供)6(均等的)7(播放时间)8: All the (political candidates)2 in their (election campaign)1 are given6 equal7 airtime8 on national3 radios4 and televisions5.*这(销售员)1有(高度)2(生产能力)3, 但他的(恶劣工作操守)4像({冬天流感}5a/{野火}5b)般(传播)6到(公司到处)7(其他员工)8一直是个(负担)9: This salesman1 is highly2 productive3, but his (poor work ethics)4, spreading6 to (other employees)8 (throughout the company)7 like ({winter flu}5a/{wild fire}5b), have been a liability9.剥[剝]: (~削) exploit; (~去) peel off*(贫穷)1(引致)2(被剥削)3的(感觉)4: Poverty1 causes2 the feeling4 of deprivation3.*把(土豆)1(剥去外皮)2并把它们(切成小方块)3: Peel2 the potatoes1 and dice3 them.*他被(化验)1使用(禁止的)2(增强能量药物)3(呈阳性结果)4后被(剥夺金牌)5: He was (stripped of his gold medal)5 after tested1 positive4 for using banned2 (performance enhancing drugs)3.*这(市政会议员)1把自己({扮演}2a/{出示}2b)为({普通人}3a/{小人物}3b)的(捍卫者/ditto)4, 要把(巨大部分)5的(房地产税增加)6(剥削地加于企业)7: This (city councilor)1 ({poses}2a/{presents}2b) himself as a (champion/defender)4 of ({ordinary people}3a/{little guys}3b), and wants to (stick it to businesses)7 for (the lion share)5 of (property tax increases)6.*他说: “今天我要没有({雨伞}1a/{雨衣}1b/{雨具}1c)从(公车站)2跑({半里}3a/{三个街区}3b)回家, (一旦到达家里)4我(只想做的)5是(剥掉/ditto)6我(湿透)7的(衣服)8(跳进淋浴间)9.”: He said: “Today I had to run ({half-a-mile}3a/ {three blocks}3b) home from the (bus stop)2 without ({an umbrella}1a/{a raincoat}1b/ {any rain gear}1c), and (all I wanted to do)5 (once I got home)4 was to (peel off/take off)6 my soaking-wet7 clothes8 and (jump into the shower)9.”菠: (~萝)pineapple; (~菜)spinach波: (~纹) ripple; (~折) wrinkles; (~) waves, e.g., (~涛) ocean-waves, (电磁~) magnetic-waves, (音~) sound-waves*({波动}1a/{不稳定}1b)的(股票市场)2(使投资者气馁)3: ({Volatility}1a/{Instability}1b) in the (stock market)2 (unnerves investors)3.*(亚洲金融风暴)1(不良余波)2 (虽然/ditto)3比较上星期是({减小幅度}4a/{较少幅度}4b)但(继续)5(烦扰股票市场)6: Fallout2 from the (Asian currency crisis)1 continues5 to (haunt the stock market)6, (albeit/even though)3 to a ({lessened degree}4a/{lesser degree}4b) compared to last week.*在(球队的)1 (旅程)2去今年的(冠军地位)3(沿途)4有(波涛和困难/波折)5但(最后)6他们(优胜过其余)7并(赢取一切)8: In the team’s1 journey2 to championship3 this year, there were (bumps and grinds/ditto)5 (along the way)4 but (in the end)6 they prevailed7 and (won it all)8.*在过去两年股市({忍受}1a/{经历}1b/{目击}1c)(没有控制的)2(波动/ditto)3这(反复无常)4在(短期内不会完结)5: The stock market ({endured}1a /{experienced}1b/ {witnessed}1c) wild2 (swings/ fluctuations)3 in the last couple of years and (there is no end in sight)5 of the volatility4.*(丈夫母亲)1(意外)2(特别长的)3(探访)4对(新婚夫妇的)5 (关系)6(导致波折/ditto)7几乎(结果造成)8({分手}9a/{分居}9b/{离婚}9c): An unexpected2 extended3 visit4 of the (husband’s mother)1 (threw a wrench in/threw a monkey wrench in/put a spoke in the wheel of)7 the newlyweds’5 relationship6 that almost (ended in)8 a ({breakup}9a/ {separation}9b/{divorce}9c).玻: (~璃)glass玻璃纸: plastic wrap/ cellophane钵[鉢/缽]: (~)large bowlbó:博: (~大) vast; (~学) broad knowledge; (~一笑) to earn (a laughter); (赌~) gamble*二十年前她跟那个(男人)1和(他的博爱主义理想)2(结合)3: Twenty years ago she married3 the man1 and (his humanitarian cause)2.*一个(谨慎)1的(投资者)2应该(分散)3(投资组合)4, 并不要把(全副身家赌博)5在(单独一项投资)6上: A prudent1 investor2 should diversify3 his portfolio4 and not (bet his house)5 on (a single investment)6.*她说: “我认为(股市)1(预期将会)2(大跌/ditto)3.”她回答道: “你的(资料)4从哪里来的? 是一些在(互联网)5的(疯狂博客)6吗?”: He said: “I think the market1 (is due for)2 a (crash/correction)3.” She replied: “Where did you get your information4 from? Is it from some (crazy bloggers)6 on the Internet5?”*他说: “十五年前我们(下一注赌博)1在中国(开始一盘生意)2正当其他人(畏惧/ditto)3 (对那么做)4, 现在那(投资回报)5是({超越我们最荒唐的幻想}6a/{巨大地}6b)).”: He said: “We (took a gamble)1 fifteen years ago in (starting a business)2 in China when others were (apprehensive/nervous)3 (about doing so)4, and now the (investment pays off)5 ({beyond our wildest imagination}6a/{handsomely}6b).”膊: (胳~) arm搏: (~击) to tussle; (脉~) pulse; (~动) throbbing*(投资者)1需要(把着经济的脉搏)2因为(在它循环不同阶段)3(不同的投资)4(有不同表现)5: Investors1 need to (put their fingers on the pulse of the economy)2 because (different investments)4 (behave differently)5 (at various stages of their cycles)3.*那({医生/ditto}1a/{非专科医生/ditto}1b)开始她的(身体检验)2以(检查)3她的(体温)4, (脉搏速度)5和(血压)6: The ({doctor/medical doctor/physician}1a/{GP/general practitioner}1b) started the (physical examination)2 on her by checking3 her (body temperature)4, (pulse rate)5 and (blood pressure)6.薄: (微~) small in quantity; (~待) to slight; (轻~) condescending in a sexist manner*(售卖电脑)1是(毛利微薄)2的(无情地竞争的生意)3: (Selling computer)1 is a (cutthroat business)3 with (razor-thin profit margins)2.*他(奴隶般苦干)1(十二到十六小时一天)2为了(微薄/ditto)3的(工资)4来(抚养他的家人)5: He slaves1 (twelve- to sixteen-hour days)2 for (low/meager/ paltry/measly)3 wages4 to (support his family)5.礴: (磅~) stateliness*(游客)1对(中国的长城)2的(磅礴/ditto)3(不能自已)4(惊讶觉得渺小地)5(受其感动)6: Tourists1 (can’t help)4 but marvel6 (in awe)5 at the (stateliness/grandeur/ grandness)3 of (China’s Great Wall)2.帛: (布~) silk-knit fabric驳[駁]: (~斥) rebut; (一段~一段) interconnecting (sections); (~杂) impure color; (~运) transport through connecting small-boats*他因对(老师)1({不礼貌地反驳/ditto}2a/ {不礼貌地说话}2b)和(欺负其他学生)3被(停学)4: He was (suspended from school)4 for ({mouthing off/ talking back/back-talking}2a/ {lipping off}2b) to teachers1 and (bullying other students)3.*这个(霸道)1的(企业总裁)2对一个(做坏事)3的(指控)4以(充满)5(傲慢)6, (侵犯)7, (咆哮)8, (转移目标)9, (逃避)10, 和(谎言)11(内容)12的(反驳)13来(还击)14: This bullying1 (corporate president)2 countered14 an accusation4 of wrongdoing3 with a rebuttal13 that was (filled with)5 arrogance6, aggression7, bluster8, deflection9, evasiveness10 and lies11.伯: (~父) uncle; (老~) an aged male♦伯母: aunt (wife of older brother of father)♦ (伯父/伯伯): uncle (older brother of father)泊: (~车) to park (a car); (~岸) to anchor (ashore); (淡~) serene*这(旅游轮船)1将会在中国几个(景色美丽)2的(海港)3({泊岸}4a/{停留/ditto}4b)4 : This (cruise liner/cruise ship)1 will ({dock}4a/{stop over/make stopovers}4b) at several scenic2 seaports3 of China.*他是一个(泊车员)1在一间(本地)2(迪斯科/ditto)3(替顾客泊车)4(赚取小费)5(为生)6: He is a (car jockey)1 that (makes a living)6 by (earning tips)5 (for parking patrons’ cars)4 in a local2 (disco/discotheque)3.*这个(亿万富翁)1(淡泊于/ditto)2(名声)3(选择)4({保持低调}5a/{避免公众注意}5b): This billionaire1 (doesn’t care much about/is indifferent to)2 fame3 and chooses4 to ({keep a low profile}5a/{stay away from the limelight}5b).舶: (船~) vessel铂[鉑]: (~) platinum脖: (~子) neck; (~) neck-shaped part of object (e.g. bottle)♦围脖儿[頸巾]: scarf♦(脖儿/脖子)[頸]: neck♦后脖梗子[後頸]: back of neck勃: (~~) invigorated; (~发) blooming suddenly*(希望)1你的(假日)2(兴致勃勃地溢出)3(欢乐)4, (爱意)5和(愉快)6: May1 your holidays2 (bubble over)3 with joy4, love5 and happiness6!*他在找寻一个(有吸引力)1, (朝气勃勃)2, (爱寻乐)3, (思想开放)4, 和(富同情心)5的女人: He’s looking for a woman that is attractive1, vivacious2, fun-loving3, open-minded4, and compassionate5.*从那(致富速成)1(研讨会)2出来的(参加者)3(兴致勃勃地溢出热情)4在他们(新发现)5(怎么赚百万块钱)6的(念头)7: Participants3 came out of the get-rich-quick1 seminar2 (bubbling with enthusiasm)4 on their newfound5 ideas7 of (how to make millions)6.*在二零零零年四月(科技股崩溃)1前(格林斯藩)2 (杜撰措辞)3(“不合理的蓬勃”)4(适当地/ditto)5(形容)6(股票市场)7 (影响态度的信念)8: Greenspan1 (coined the phrase)3 (“irrational exuberance”)4 that (aptly/fittingly/appropriately/suitably/properly)5 described6 the (stock market)7 mindset8 preceding the April 2000 (tech stock meltdown)1.*这些(几十亿块钱身家的富翁)1还在(兴致勃勃地进行)2 (赚钱)3, 你真的需要(深入研究)4来(明白)5({导致他们这样行为的原因}6a/{什么使他们神奇力量继续运行的原因}6b): These multi-billionaires1 are still (going gangbusters on)2 (making money)3, and you really have to (dig deep)4 to understand5 ({what makes them tick}6a/{what get their mojos going}6b).bǒ:跛: (~脚) crippledbò:薄: (~荷)mint擘: (~) thumb♦巨擘: an authoritative person in a particular field簸: (~箕)a sieve; (颠~) bumpybo:卜[蔔]: (萝~)carrot♦萝卜: white radish♦胡萝卜: a carrot♦糖萝卜: sugar beet♦ (青萝卜/蔓菁): turnipbū: XXXXXbú: XXXXXbǔ:捕: (~捉) to capture*(唯物主义)1的(单身)2女人中一个(共有的梦想)3是去(捕捉/ditto)4一个(富有的丈夫)5: A (common dream)3 among materialistic1 single2 women is to (lasso/rope/catch)4 a (rich husband)5.*他因为(在受酒精影响/ditto)1在(四十里时速的地带)2(超过限制五十里时速)3被(逮捕/ditto)4并且他的汽车被(扣押)5: He was (arrested/taken into custody)4 and his car was impounded5 for (speeding 50 miles an hour over the limit)3 in (a 40-mile-an-hour zone)2 while (under the influence of alcohol/DUI/driving under the influence)1.补[補]: (修~) mend; (~给) replenish deficiency; (滋~) revitalize health; (~救) rectify♦补钉: patch♦补考: makeup exam*今天的(冠军争夺战补赛)1(本来安排)2在上星期二但在那天(因雨取消/ditto)3: Today’s (makeup championship game)1 was (originally scheduled)2 for last Tuesday but was (rained out/washed out by rain)3 on that day.*(离婚)1后他(尝试)2(重新开始)3({把他的人生修补}4a/{把他的人生收拾好}4b): After the divorce1, he tried2 to (start all over again)3 and ({piece his life back together}4a/{put his life back together}4b).*在(保证)1(延续)2这公司每一个(关键)3的(高级职员位子)4都有(在训练的替补者)5: To ensure1 continuity2, this company has an understudy5 for every key3 (executive position)4.*这个(工作狂)1(尝试)2(补偿/ditto)3跟孩子(失去的时光)4以给所有他们要的(物质东西)5: This workaholic1 tries2 to (makeup/make amends/compensate)3 for the (lost time)4 with his children by giving them all the (material things)5 they want.*他说: “我将会(私下)1(补偿/ditto)2(对你汽车毁坏)3不去({经过保险}4a/{涉及保险索赔}4b).”: He said: “I’ll (make upfor/compensate for)2 the (damage to your car)3 privately1 without ({going through insurance}4a/ {involving insurance claims}4b).”*这两个({前度心腹挚友}1a/{童年朋友}1b)(修补他们的分歧/ditto)2(重回良好关系)3将会(需要一些时间)4: It’s going to (take some time)4 for these two ({former bosom buddies}1a/{childhood friends}1b) to (mend their rifts/ patch up their differences)2and (get back on good terms again)3.*他的朋友说: “我们知道(什么也不能)1(补偿/ditto)2你在那(悲剧意外)3(丧失父母)4, (如果你需要我们下)5(我们在这里)6({不论怎样/ditto}7a/{每一样}7b)(形式)8(我们能力所及)9来(协助)10: His friend said: “We know (nothing can)1 (makeup/compensate)2 for the (loss of your parents)4 in the (tragic accident)3, and (we are here)6 to help10 in ({whichever/ whatever}7a/{every}7b) way8 (we can)9 (if you need us)5.”*那以前被(卷入/ditto)1丑闻({曾被很敬仰/ditto}2a/{曾被很推崇}2b)的行政人员有(很多/ditto)3要做的来(修补/ditto)4他的({名誉/ditto}5a/{事业}5b/{形象}5c): The ({once-revered/once-respected}2a/{once highly-touted}2b) executive that was (embroiled/mixed up/muddled/caught up/entangled/implicated)1 in a scandal has (a lot/plenty/much)3 to do to (repair/mend/ patch)4 his ({name/ reputation}5a/{career}5b/{image}5c).*那(巨型)1(肉类加工制造者)2对(突发)3(跟他们产品有关连)4的(熟食肉类)5(污染)6(伤亡)7(表示抱歉)8并(承诺/ditto)9会(采取适当行动)10来(补救/ ditto)11(情况)12: The giant1 (meat processor)2 apologized8 for the outbreak3 of (deli meat)5 contamination6 casualties7 (linked to their products)4 and (undertook/pledged/promised)9 to (take the proper course of action)10to (remedy/rectify)11 the situation12.哺: (~) infant-feeding*她的(婴儿)1还在(哺乳年龄)2她不能够(远游)3: Her baby1 is still at (breast-feeding age)2 and she cannot (travel far)3.卜: (占~)fortune-telling*(相信与否)1(相当数量)2(成功)3的中国商人(依靠)4(求签问卜)5来(解决)6他们(每天的难题)7: (Believe it or not)1 (quite a few)2 successful3 Chinese businessmen resort4 to fortune-telling5 to solve6 their (daily problems)7.bù:簿: (帐~) (accounting) journal book♦地址簿: address book♦电话簿: telephone directory♦登记簿: registry♦写生簿: sketchbook♦ (笔记簿/练习本儿): notebook部: (~分) part; (~门) division; (一~电视机) a unit (of television)♦美容部门: Beauty Department♦童装部门: Children’s Wear Department♦乳品部门: Dairy Products Department♦熟食部门: Deli Products Department♦鲜花部门: Floral Department♦园艺部门: Gardening Department♦美发部门: Hairstyling Department♦女装部门: Ladies’ wear Department♦鞋类部门: (Footwear Department/Shoe Department♦男装部门: Menswear Department♦童装部门: Children’s Wear Department♦肉类部门: Meat Department♦海鲜部门: Seafood Product Department♦游泳衣部门: Swimwear Department♦冷藏食品部门: Frozen Foods Department♦杂货食品部门: Grocery Department♦婴儿用品部门: Baby Products Department♦婴儿时装部门: Baby Wear Department♦电器用品部门: Electrical Appliances Department♦五金器具部门: Hardware Department♦家用器具部门: Household Appliances Department♦家庭用品部门: Household Goods Department♦进口食品部门: Import Foods Department♦天然食品部门: Natural Foods Department♦宠物用品部门: Pet Supplies Department♦熟食膳用部门: Prepared Meals Department♦蔬菜水果部门: Produce Department♦学校用品部门: School Supplies Department♦运动用品部门: Sporting Goods Department♦面包和糕点部门: Bakery and Sweet Goods Department♦办公室用品部门: Office Supplies Department♦女性内衣睡袍部门: Lingerie Department♦健康美容用品部门: Health & Beauty Supplies Department♦俱乐部(例如: 高尔夫球): clubhouse (e.g. golf)♦啤酒, 葡萄酒和烈酒部门: Beer, Wine and Liquor Department*在这个城市(公立学校)1是(全然或是一部分/ditto)2为(政府)3(资助)4: In this city, (public schools)1 are funded4 (wholly or partially/in whole or in part)2 by the government3.*他在(公司的成功)1是({占很大的部分}2a/{扮演一个很重要的角色/ditto}2b): He ({is a big part}2a/{plays a big role/ plays a pivotal role}2b) in the (company’s success)1.*那(抵押贷款)1 (支付)2每个月减去那(一对夫妇的)3(薪酬)4 (一大部分/ditto)5: The mort gage1 payment2 takes (a big bite/a big chunk)5out of the couple’s3 paychecks4 every month.*把(球队)1的一(部分/ditto)2(售卖)3给(篮球的有史以来最伟大的人物)4被视为是(推广策略)5: Selling3 a (piece/share)2 of the team1 to (basketball’s all-time great)4 is seen as a (marketing ploy)5.*(互联网销售)1是我们的(中心/最重要/ditto)2(部门)3, 它(产生)4超过百分之八十(总收入)5: (Internet sales)1 is our(core/essential/main)2 division3 and it generates4 over 80% of the (total revenue)5.*他对他朋友说: “你(埋怨)1女人是(过分地)2(情绪化)3, (在那部分)4上我(有些日子)5(会同意)6.”: He said to his friend: “You gripe1 that women are excessively2 moody3, and (on that much)4 (there are days)5 which I (would agree)6.”*他(丢下/ditto)1(相当大部分/ditto)2(他省下的钱)3去(提供资金/ditto)4给他的(网络)5(风险投资)6: He (plunked down)1 (a good chunk/a good portion)2 of his savings3 to (bankroll/finance)4 his web5 venture6.不: (~) no; (~) don’t; (~) not; (你若~是唱, 就跳舞) (if you do) not (sing, then dance)*上个周末(天气)1(不好/ditto)2: It was (lousy/terrible)2 weather1 last weekend.*那两(兄弟)1(互相很不同)2: The two brothers1 are (very different from each other)2.*他说: “我在昨晚那个(派对)1有(不愉快/ditto)1的时光.”: He said: “I had a (lousy/terrible)2 time at the party1 last night.”*这个孩子(可能不是爱恩斯坦)1但(他肯定不是愚蠢)2: This kid (may not be Einstein)1 but (he is anything but dumb)2.*她说: “你(喜欢)1有(一杯咖啡)2吗?”他说: “不了, 谢谢.”: She said: “Would you like1 to have (a cup of coffee)2?” He said: “No thanks!”*所有的(出版商)1对这(现今闻名的小说家)2第一本书(说不)3: The first book of this (legendary novelist)2 was nixed3 by all the publishers1.*(董事们)1对(确定)2公司(策略)3(前进)4(方向)5(意见不同/ditto)6: The Directors1 are (not on the same page/not dancing to the same tune/dancing to a different tune/not singing the same tune/not whistling the same tune)6 in setting2 the strategic3 direction5 of the company (going forward)4.*他问道: “那新的女孩子是(没有结婚)1的吗?”她说: “我(不知道/ditto)2.”: He asked: “Is the new girl single1?” She said: “I (don’t know/wouldn’t know/have no clue/have no idea)2.”*他问道: “(跟我约会)1好吗?” 她回答道: “({不好}2a/{绝对不好/ditto}2b)”: He asked: “Would you (go out with me)1?” She said: “({No/Nope}2a/ {Absolutely not/Certainly not/ Definitely not/No way/Forget it/No bloody way/Not in your lifetime/Nothing doing/Not a chance/Not by a long shot/Not at all}2b)!”*(似乎)1父母给(成年儿女)2的(好意)3(忠告)4常常({不会被接受[意]/ditto}5a/{没有效果}5b): It seems1 parents’ well-intended3 advice4 to (adult children)2 always ({falls on deaf ears/goes in one ear and out the other}5a/{is like water off a duck’sback[意]}5b).备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英文俚语A-Z #59
地道英文俚语A-Z #59古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*当(选民)1把(导致国家负荷)2({高筑}3a/{沉重}3b/{瘫痪性}3c)(债务)4的(当权政党)5(撵走)6时是(报应的一天)7: It was (a day of reckoning)7 when the (ruling party)5, which (saddled the country with)2 ({mounting}3a/ {crushing}3b/{crippling}3c) debts4, was (thrown out)6 by voters1.*那(受欢迎的杂志)1最近(刊登)2关于(大学/ditto)3(以性爱换取好成绩/ditto)4(可鄙/ditto)5(惯常做法)6的(丑闻报道)7: The (popular magazine)1 recently published2 an exposé7 on the (despicable/dirty)5 practice6 of (an “A” for a lay/ promising high marks in exchange for sexual favors)4 in (colleges/universities)3.*(赛事后)1我走上他前面说: “(做得好/ditto)2, (兄弟/ditto)3! 今天(你打败我)4, (下一次)5我会({跟你报复/ditto}6a/{报复/ditto}6b).”: (After the match)1, I walked up to him and said: “(Nice going/Nicely done)2, (bro/brother)3! (You beat me)4 today, but I’ll ({get you/get back at you/get you back}6a/ {even up the score/get even}6b) (next time)5.”*一些(投资者)1({认为}2a/{意见是}2b)(上市公司/ditto)3(财务年度报告)4是(一篇)5(说很多废话)6的(自我为上)7和(特意忽略坏消息)8的(精巧写作)9: Some investors1 ({regard}2a/{are of the view that}2b) an (annual financial report)4 of a (public company/ listed company)3 is a self-serving7 and (glossed over)8 piece5 of (fancy writing)9 that (says a lot of nothing)6.*他(意外)1(打碎)2(校长车子的挡风玻璃)3以(颤抖的声音)4说: “我(这次)5(一定)6(有大麻烦了/ditto)7.”她说: “(不用担忧)8! 我不会(举报/ditto)9你的.”: He accidentally1 broke2 the (windshield of the principal’s car)3 and said in a (shaky voice)4: “I’m (dead meat/in deep trouble)7 (for sure)6 (this time)5.” She said: “(Don’t worry)8! I wouldn’t (tell on/rat on)9 you.”*这(组人)1(需两星期)2来(做出/ditto)3那({专业样子的}4a/{广泛包括一切的}4b/{详细的}4c/{提供有用消息的}4d/{机密的}4e/{差劣地准备的/ditto}4f)(报告)5: It (took two weeks)2 for the group1 to (come up with/produce)3 the ({professional looking}4a/ {comprehensive}4b/{detailed }4c/{informative}4d/ {confidential}4e/{poorly prepared/ill-prepared}4f) report5.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #191-200古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*他把(一服/ditto)1(药草大夫)2 (开的)3(药草茶)4放在(陶土锅子)5(熬了)6两小时来(医治)7他的 (喉咙疼)8: He simmered6 a ( a dosage/a dose)1 of (herb tea)4 prescribed3 by a (herb doctor)2 in a (clay pot)5 for a couple of hours to treat7 his (sore throat)8.搽: (~) spread (e.g., ointment)*他问道: “你能够(做午饭)1吗?”她回答道: “我能够(把花生酱搽在)2(面包片)3上. 那可以(算是)4吗?”: He asked: “Can you (make lunch)1?” She answered: “I can (spread peanut butter on)2 (bread slices)3. Does that count4?”chǎ: XXXXXchà:诧[詫]: (~) startled*他说: “我们的(帅哥)1(朋友)2约翰又再(转女朋友)3了.”他的朋友说: “(诧异是否永远不会停止呢[讽])4?”: He said: “Our lover-boy1 buddy2 John (has changed girlfriend)3 again.” His friend said: “(Will wonder never cease [note: sarcastic remark])4?”*这个(相对地)1(无名)2的(球员)3跟(排名第一的高尔夫球员)4(搏斗)5(全部十八个洞)6来赢取这(一组赛事)7的(成功)8(使很多人感到诧异)9: The success8 of this relatively1 unknown2 player3 that battled5 the (number one ranked golfer)4 through the (entire eighteen holes)6 to win the tournament7 has (raised many eyebrows)9.姹: (~) pretty刹: (古~) (ancient) temple; (~那) a jiffy*(生命)1可以(一刹那)2就(转变)3, 你(永远不知道)4明天什么({在等待你}5a/{对你将会发生}5b): Life1 can change3 (in a heartbeat)2, and you (never know)4what’s ({waiting for you}5a/{in store for you}5b) tomorrow.*在(高速)1(交通意外)2({一刹那的决定是导致生死之分别}3a/{生死的分别是以几寸数量来量度}3b): In a high-speed1 (traffic accident)2, ({a split-second decision means the difference between life and death}3a/{the difference between life and death is measured in inches}3b).*(主人)1问: “你的(男朋友)2在哪? 我以为(他跟你一起来)3?”她说: “他来了但(然后)4(一刹那/ditto)5(不见了)6.”: The host1 asked: “Where’s your boyfriend2? I thought (he came with you)3.” She said: “He came but then4 disappeared6 (in the blink of an eye/in a flash)5.”差: (~别) difference; (太~) (too) unsatisfactory; (还~一块钱) short by (1dollar); (~错) err*她问: “那套电影(怎么样)1?”他回答: “(差透了/ditto)2!”: She asked: “How’s1 the movie?” H e replied: “It (really sucks/stinks/is stinko/is a real stinker/ is lousy/is terrible/is horrible/is plain awful/is dreadful/is appalling/is really bad/is a joke/ is crappy [犯]/is a piece of crap [犯]/is strictly for the birds)2!”*那(经理)1说: “我的(部门)2(任何东西)3(有差错)4我(全部负责)5.”: The manager1 said: “I take (full responsibility)5 on anything3 that (goes wrong)4 in my department2.”*这(前锋)1(中断)2他(差劲的一段时期)3在(上一场比赛)4(射入三球)5: The striker1 (snapped out of)2 his slump3 and (scored three goals)5 in (the last game)4.*在六十五岁(较高发展阶段)1 (年纪)2有(严重健康忧虑)3下他的(事业)4(差不多/ditto)5是(完蛋/ditto)6了: At an advanced1 age2 of 65 with (significant health concerns)3, his career4 is (pretty much/almost/nearly/pretty well)5 (written off/over)6.*她问道: “(生意怎么样)1?”他的朋友回答道: “({那是很差/ditto}2a/{差极了你不用问了/ditto}2b)”: He asked: “(How’s business)1?” H is friend answered: “({It’s doing poorly/ It’s terrible/It has seen better days}2a/{Don’t’ ask/Don’t even ask}2b).”*(秘书)1(愤怒地)2说: “你(完结/ditto)3了没有告诉我是多么(不能胜任工作)4吗?”经理说: “(差不多就是了)5.”: The secretary1 said angrily2: “Are you (through/finished with)3 telling me how incompetent4 I am?” T he manager replied: “(That’s just about it)5.”*他打电话给弟弟: “({我的租金已经过期}1a/{我没有付租金}1b), 我(还差)2五百块钱. (你可以帮我一把吗)3?”: He called up his brother: “({My rent is past due}1a/{I haven’t paid my rent}1b) and I’m $500 short2. (Can you help me)3?”*她的姐姐对她说: “我知道在香港超过四十岁(有适当好条件成为配偶)1的(独身汉/ditto)2(很少/ditto)3但你是否要(刮桶底/达到最后最差的)4去找出这个又(丑陋/ditto)5又(令人反感)6的({癞蛤蟆}7a/{笨驴}7b/{流氓}7c/{笨蛋}7b/{畸形人}7e)成为你的(男朋友)8?”: Her sister said to her: “I know there are (not too many/very few)3 (eligible)1 (single men/bachelors)2 past the age of 40 in Hong Kong, but do you have to (scrape the bottom of the barrel/ditto)4 to find this (ugly/homely)5 and (obnoxious)6 ({toad}7a/ {jackass}7b/{punk}7c/{idiot}7d/{freak}7e) to be your boyfriend8?”岔: (~路) diverged (road); (~子) trouble*(酒类管制局)1(最后一刻)2给我们(意料不到的岔子)3在我们(慈善烤肉野餐)4(禁止售卖酒精)5: The (Liquor Control Board)1 (threw us a curve ball [note: baseball slang meaning unexpected pitch])3 at the (last minute)2 by (banning the sale of alcohol)5in our (charity barbecue)4.*他说: “我不是(意图/ditto)1(岔开话题/ditto)2但我们可以(首先)3(决定/ditto)4(圣诞节聚午餐)5的(时间和地点)6才(转回去)7(公事)8.”: He said: “I don’t (mean to/intend to)1 (digress/get off the topic/change the topic)2, but can we (settle/decide)4 on (when and where to go)6 for our (Christmas luncheon)5 first3 before we (move back to)7 business8?”chāi:差: (~使) dispatch; (出~) on business trip*他对(主管)1说: “我(一旦把事情做完)2便会(向你交差)3.”: He said to the supervisor1: “I’ll (give you a report)3 (once I get the job done)2.”*他说: “真是(烦恼)1了, 我(花费)2我整个星期天(替妻子)3({办理}4a/{照顾}4b)(差事)5.”: He said: “What a bummer1 [口]! I spent2 my entire Sunday ({running}4a/{taking care of}4b) errands5 (for my wife)3.”*他说: “(这两天)1我没有见到你, 你(开小差/躲懒)2吗?”她说: “(绝对没有)3! 我(离去出差了/ditto)4.”: He said: “I didn’t see you (in the last couple of days)1. Did you (goof off /ditto)2?” She said: “(No way)3! I was (away on a business trip/away on business)4.”*在(工作地方)1的朋友对他说: “你(太时常)2从工作(开小差/ditto)3(我恐怕)4(将来某时间)5跟(管理层)6有(严重麻烦)7.”: His friend at work1 said to him: “You have (gone AWOL/AWOL/gone absent without leave)3 from work (too many times)2, and (I’m afraid)4 (sooner or later)5 you’re going to get into (serious trouble)7 with management6.”*他说: “老板有一个(杀信差)1的({难受}2a/{可怕}2b)({习惯}3a/{倾向}3b), 所以如果有一个人(一定要)4去告诉他我们失去了这个(大客户)5, 那(将不会是我)6.”: He said: “The boss has a ({nasty}2a/ {terrible}2b) ({habit}3a/ {tendency}3b) of (killing the messenger)1, and so if someone (has to)4 tell him that we lost this (big account)5, it’s (not going to be me)6.”拆: (~开) tear open; (~散) dismantle; (~台) sabotage; (~伙) dissolve (a partnership)*(时代)1(艰巨)2很多公司(财政)3要(拆东墙补西墙地)4来(平衡)5: Times1 are tough2, and many companies have to juggle4 their finances3 (to make ends meet)5.*除非有一个(体制存在)1把(党羽)2跟(主流社会)3(溶合)4不然把(黑社会)5(拆散/ditto)6的(要求)7是(没有意义/ditto)8的: A call7 to (dismantle/take down)6 (organized crime)5 is (senseless/pointless/ meaningless)8 unless there is a (system in place)1 to merge4 (gang members)2 into (mainstream society)3.*(收购公司)1的(总裁)2说: “我们把这公司(取得控制权)3的(目的)4不是(如传媒暗示)5去(把它拆开/ditto)6(卖掉那些部分)7, 而是为我们的(员工)8, (顾客)9和(其他有利益关系的各方)10(建筑长线的价值)11: The CEO2 of the acquirer1 company said: “Our goal4 to (take over)3 this company is not to (dismantle it/take it apart)6 and (sell off the pieces)7 (as the media has suggested)5, but to (build long-term value)11 for our employees8, customers9 and (other stakeholders)10.”钗[釵]: (~) precious hairpinchái:柴: (~) firewood一根火柴: a stick of match*这公司(没有前途)1(直至)2它(清除)3所有(废柴/ditto)4(花费更多时间)5在({玩办公室政治}6a/{交际}6b)比较(做工作)7: The company is (going nowhere)1 until2 it (gets rid of)3 all the (deadwoods/useless bums)4 who (spend more time)5 ({playing office politics}6a/{socializing}6b) than (doing work)7.豺: (~) jackalchǎi: XXXXXchài: XXXXXchān:掺[摻]: (~和) blend (similar to “搀”)*女士应该(提防)1从(陌生人)2来的(饮料)3可能(掺混上)4了(迷奸药)5: Women should (watch out)1 for drinks3 from strangers2 that may be spiked4 with (date rape drug)5.搀[攙]: (~扶) prop (esp.by arm); (~和) add an ingredient as mixture to another (similar to “掺”)*他的母亲是一个(孱弱)1的(老妇人)2(走路时)3(需要)4(被搀扶/ditto)5: His mother is a frail1 (old lady)2 who (has to)4 (be held by the arm/lean on someone’s arm)5 (when she walks)3.chán:孱: (~弱) fragile*在(中学同班旧生聚会)1她(不能够)2(相信)3(在她面前)4(粗犷地英俊)5的男人是(以前)6 (被人欺负的)7(孱弱小子)8: In the (high school class reunion)1, she couldn’t2 believe3 the (ruggedly handsome)5 man (in front of her)4 was the weakling8 who (got sand kicked in his face [note: this insinuation of being pushed around came from a corny TV commercial])7 (from the old days)6.*他对他的朋友说: “(你能够相信吗)1? 那(女孩子般的男人)2向我(挑战)3(拳斗)4.”他朋友说: “像你这样的(硬汉子 /ditto)5(肯定能够)6(应付)7像他那个({娘娘腔的小子}8a/{孱弱小子}8b): He said to his friend: “(Can you believe it)1? That sissy2 challenged3 me to a (fist fight)4.” His friend said: “A (tough guy/tough-as-nails [note: not “nail”] guy)5 like you (can certainly)6 handle7 a ({cream puff}8a/{weakling}8b) like him.”潺: (~~) flowing water noise*他说: “在我第一次的(大自然)1(野外远足)2, 我(发觉)3(流着潺潺声的温柔溪水)4(宁静/ditto)5和({令人抚慰}6a/{令人松弛}6b).”: He said: “In my first nature1 hike2, I found3 (the sound of the gently flowing stream)4 (tranquil/serene)5 and ({soothing}6a/ {relaxing}6b).”馋[饞]: (~嘴) glutton*那(电视连续剧集)1(描写/ditto)2那个(法国皇帝)3为一个(英俊的魁梧美男)4, 那是(远远不接近实情)5因为(事实上)6他只是个(馋嘴的)7(邋遢人)8: The (TV series)1 (portrays/depicts)2 that (king of France)3 as a (handsome hunk)4, which is (nothing further from the truth)5 because (in reality)6 he was only a gluttonous7 slob8.谗[讒]: (~言) malign*(卑鄙政治手段)1(在选举时期)2(谗言中伤)3(对手)4(信誉)5已经成为(现代民主制度)6的(典型)7: (Dirty politics)1 to slander3 credibility5 of opponents4 (at election time)2 has become a norm7 in the (modern day democratic system)6.婵[嬋]: (~) graceful (esp. female)禅[禪]: (~) Buddhistic*(典型)1(失败者的)2(口头禅)3是(“今朝有酒今朝醉”)4: A typical1loser’s2 (catch phrase)3 is: (“Live for today and don’t worry about tomorrow”)4.蝉[蟬]: (~) cicada(蝉/知了): cicada缠[纏]: (~绕) entangled (esp. different objects)*这公司的(表现)1被(缺乏)2(战略方向)3所(缠扰/ditto)4: This company’s performance1 has been (doggedly troubled/ persistently afflicted/incessantly plagued)4 by (a lack of)2 (strategic direction)3.*他(胜了)1那(像乌云般)2(缠绕着他事业)3过去三年的(性骚扰案件)4: He won1 the (sexual harassment case)4 that (had been hanging over his career)3 for the last three years (like a dark cloud)2.*他有({长时期}1a/{缠绕不退}1b/{间歇性剧烈}1c)的(背疼)2从(一足球旧患)3: He has a ({chronic}1a/{nagging}1b/{intermittent sharp}1c) backache2 from (an old football injury)3.*那(电影明星的)1 (隐私)2被(不停追踪的)3(狗仔队)4和(缠扰不休)5的(拥墩)6(严重地)7(危害)8 : The (movie star’s)1 privacy2 is severely7 compromised8 by hounding3 paparazzi4 and pestering5 fans6.*那两个年轻人被(撞见)1在(公众停车场)2一辆汽车中在({接吻爱抚}3a/{接吻拥抱}3b/{缠绵爱抚}3c): The two teenagers were caught1 ({making out}3a/ {necking}3b/{caressing}3c) inside a car (in a public parking lot)2.*这个(高级行政职员)1说她的(工作)2跟她的(私人生活)3(非常缠绕在一起)4她(还没有准备好养孩子)5: This (top executive)1 said her work2 was (very much entwined with)4 her (private life)3 and she (was not ready for a family)5.*他对他的母亲说: “(停止纠缠)1着我去(取得一份工作)2, 你不可以(辨别出)3(外面)4有一个(真正)5的(经济衰退)6吗?: He said to his mother: “(Stop pestering)1 me on (getting a job)2. Can’t you tell3 there’s a real5 recession6 outside4?”*(工会员工)1的高(底薪)2和(津贴)3(继续)4是这(制造商的缠绕不去问题/ditto)5使它的(制造成本)6在(世界市场)7(竞争力较少)8: High (base wage)2 and benefits3 of (unionized workers)1 continue4 to be (a monkey on this manufacturer’s back/this manufacturer’s nagging problem)5 that makes its (production costs)6 (less competitive)8 in the (world market)7.*那好莱坞(超级巨星)1(现今)2跟(异离妻子)3({纠缠}4a/{把注意力占据}4b)在一个(怨怒/ditto)5和(一团糟)6的(离婚法庭)7(斗争)8: This Hollywood megastar1 is presently2 ({entangled}4a/{caught up}4b) in an (acrimonious/rancorous/spiteful)5 and messy6 (divorce court)7 battle8 with his (estranged wife)3.chǎn:谄[諂]: (~媚) fawn*(时势艰难)1他(仅是)2(保持他的职位)3要对(所有类别的人)4(谄媚)5: (Times are tough)1, and he has to (kiss up to)5 (all kinds of people)4 (just to)2 (keep his job)3.*(秘书)1以(去做)2她(老板)3(私人)4(别人小事情)5来(赢取)6(谄媚印象分)7: The secretary1 scores7 (brownie points)6 with her boss3 by running2 his personal4 errands5.*很多员工(批评)1这个(外资公司)2的(经理)3是个(对外国人谄媚的人)4只是(对自己种族的人卑鄙)5: Many employees criticizes1 the manager3 of the (foreign-owned corporation)2 as a (foreigner-ass kisser [犯])4that is (mean to his own kind)5.*他说: “我是(觉得骄傲是)1个({谄媚之人/ditto}2a/{唯命是从之人}2b)(如果这样做才可以)3去(赚钱养家)4.”: He said: “I’m (proud to be)1 ({a butt-kisser [犯]/an ass-kisser [犯]/a kiss ass [犯]/a toady/an apple-polisher/a suck-up/a brownnoser [犯]/a lapdog/a lackey/a bootlicker/a sycophant}2a/{a yes man}2b) (if that’s what it takes)3 to (bring home the bread)4.”*秘书说: “(你今天对自己做了什么)1? 你样子(非常帅)2.”他说: “(谄媚对你是没有用处的)3, (无论如何)4, 今天({你要从我要什么}5a/{我可以替你做什么}5b): The secretary said: “(What did you do to yourself today)1? You look (very handsome)2.” He said: “(Flattery will get you nowhere)3. Anyway4, what ({do you want from me}5a/ {can I do for you}5b) today?”*她说: “你不知道(你有一切所需要的条件/ditto)1成为(香港先生)2吗?”他说: “({你是不是乱讲来谄媚我吗}3a/{你以为我昨天才出生吗}3b)? 何时({啤酒肚子}4a/{大肚子}4b)成为({流行}5a/{受欢迎}5b/{性感象征}5c)?”: She said: “Don’t you know (you have what it takes/you have everything that is required)1 to become (Mr. Hong Kong)2.” He said: “({Are you jivingme}3a/{Do you think I was born yesterday}3b?) When did ({beer belly}4a/ {potbelly}4b) become ({fashionable}5a/{popular}5b/{a sex symbol}5c)?”产[産]: (~儿) giving birth (to a son); (~生) produce; (财~) property不动产: real estate*(大概半年前)1她(怀孕)2但(不幸)3她(流产了)4: She was pregnant2 (about half a year ago)1, but sadly3 she (had a miscarriage)4.*昨天她(产下/ditto)1一个(八磅重的)2(健康婴儿)3: She (delivered/gave birth to)1 an eight-pound2 (healthy baby)3 yesterday.*(顾客满意)1(产生/ditto)2(忠心)3, (信任)4, 和(回头光顾)5: (Customer satisfaction)1 (engenders/produces)2 loyalty3, trust4, and (repeat business)5.*那是(很容易了解)1(所有雇主)2需要他们员工(极限的)3({生产力}4a/{效用}4b): It’s understandable1 that (all employers)2 want maximum3 ({productivity}4a/{mileage}4b) from their employees.*公司的总裁说:我们有(健全)1的(资产负债表)2并是一个(繁荣行业)3的(主要参与者)4: The company’s president said: “We have a strong1 (balance sheet)2 and is a (major player)4 in a (thriving business)3.”*他说: “我们的(生产线)1(有能力)2(迅速规律化地出产/ditto)3一万个(单位)4一个月.”: He said: “Our (production line)1 is (capable of)2 (cranking out/whipping out)3 10,000 units4a month.”*跟(钢铁)1(传统)2(最终用途)3 (应用)4上(竞争)5的(新合金)6已经(投入生产/ditto)7: (New alloys)6 have (come on-stream/come into production)7 that (compete with)5 steel1 in its traditional2 end-use3 applications4.*(办公室权术玩弄)1和(狡猾操纵)2(不单是)3(没有生产)4, 而是(对生产有负面作用)5: (Office politics)1 and manipulations2 are (not only)3 unproductive4, but are counterproductive5.*他说: “我们的公司(继续)1(以快速度)2({制造/ditto}3a/{投入市场}3b) (经由我们发展供应线出来)4的(创新产品)5.”: He said: “Our company continues1 to ({turn out/make}3a/ {launch}3b) (innovated products)5 that (come through our development pipeline)4 (at a fast pace)2.”*一个(顾问)1说他(相信)2(过度)3(生产)4(停顿时间)5(根由是)6对(机器)7(选择差劣)8, (疏忽)9和(不小心对待)10: A consultant1 said he believed2 excessive3 production4 downtime5 (was caused by)6 (poor selection)8, neglect9 and abuse10 of equipment7.*新的总裁说: “要(有竞争能力)1我们不能够(继续)2(多年来每一年)3(生产)4({同样老式}5a/{完全相同}5b)的(代表性产品)6.”: The new president said: “To be competitive1, we cannot continue2 to produce4 ({the same old}5a/{identical}5b) widgets6 (year in, year out)3.”*在(家用电器)1的(饱和)2, (成熟)3和(分散)4的(市场)5, 如果一个(参与者)6想有(竞争优势)7它需要(出产/ditto)8(更好的产品/ditto)9: In the saturated2, mature3 and fragmented4 market5 of (household appliances)1, a player6 has to (come up with/ produce)8 (a better mousetrap [意]/a better product)9 if it wants to have a (competitive edge)7.*一间公司有({确立的}1a/{强劲的}1b/{能够识别的}1c)(品牌产值)2能够(得到)3(溢价)4超过(竞争的)5({产品}6a/{提供的货品}6b): A company with ({established}1a/{strong}1b/ {recognizable}1c) (brand equity)2 can command3 a (price premium)4 over competitive5 ({products}6a/{offerings}6b).*这个(技术时代)1(产生/ditto)2了一(品种)3的(电脑奇才孩子)4(在很年轻)5(没有接触到一页指引书)6便能够(在电脑找到途径到处走)7: This (Technology Age)1 has (produced/created/engendered)2 a breed3 of (computer-whiz kids)4 that can (find their way around computers)7 (at a very young age)5 (without touching a page of the how-to books)6.铲[鏟]: (~) shovel; (锅~) spatula; (~除) to eliminate; (~平) to level(铲子/锅铲儿[鑊鏟]): spatula*那新的(警察首长)1(宣布)2(计划)3在(进行/ditto)4来(铲除)5 (街头罪行)6: The new (Police Commissioner)1 announced2 plans3 were (under way/ proceeding/in progress)4 to eradicate5 (street crimes)6.阐[闡]: (~明) illustrate; (~述) explain*(暴发公司)1(突然大幅度)2的(起落)3(阐明)4(明智)5(营业)6(计划模型)7的(重要性)8: The dramatic2 (rise and fall)3 of (upstart companies)1 illustrate4 the importance8 of a sound5 business6 model7.chàn:颤[顫]: (~抖) quiver*他说: “(尽管)1他的(势力)2和(财富)3, 我(肯定)4对(在进行中)5(政府的调查)6那(亿万富翁)7在(颤抖/ditto)8.”: He said: “Despite1 his power2 and richness3, I bet4 the billionaire7 is (shaking in his boots/quivering/trembling)8 at the ongoing5 (government investigation)6.”忏[懺]: (~悔) confess*那 ({啜泣悔罪}1a/{流着泪的忏悔}1b/{衷心的恳求}1c)父亲在从那二十年前(遗弃)2的女儿(寻找宽恕)3: The father, in ({sobbing contrition}1a/ {tearful repentance}1b/ {heartfelt pleading}1c), was (seeking forgiveness)3 from the daughter whom he abandoned2 twenty years ago.chāng:昌: (~盛) prosperous*在(附近地区)1(丰富于黄金)2的(矿石)3(矿体)4的(发现)5把这(小镇)6(带来)7(昌盛)8: The discovery5 of a gold-rich2 ore3 body4 in the vicinity1 has brought7 prosperity8 to this (small town)6.猖: (~狂) wanton*她说(所开始为)1一个({细小}2a/{温柔}2b/{无害意图/ditto}2c)(跟她约会伴侣的晚安接吻)3({转变成}4a/{发展成}4b)一个({猖狂的}5a/{全然激烈的}5b/{性爱欲望的}5c/{毫无节制的}5d)(接吻抚摸)6 (一段时光)7(在街道当中)8: She said (what started out as)1 a ({little}2a/{gentle}2b/ {harmless/innocent}2c) (goodnight kiss with her date)3 ({turned into}4a/{developed into}4b) a ({wanton}5a/{full-blown}5b/{lustful}5c/ {uninhibited}5d) (making out)6 session7 (in the middle of the street)8.娼: (~妓) prostitutecháng:常: (~~) frequently; (~人) ordinary (person); (~识) common (sense); (青春~驻) remain always young; (~年) throughout (the year)*(炸臭豆腐/ditto)1(气味难堪)2但(味道)3(非常)4吃: (Deep-fried fermented tofu/Deep-fried fermented bean curd)1 stinks2 but tastes3 damn4 good.*这(时装小店)1是(密切留意时尚)2(女士)3(常去的)4: This boutique1 is frequented4 by fashion-conscious2 women3.*他说: “这个(滑稽演员)1(的有趣不是常规方式的)2但(我喜欢那么样)3.”: He said: “This comedian1 (is funny in an off-key sort of way)2, but (I like it)3.”*他说: “(时常/常常/ditto)1我(需要)2 (整个周末工作)3来(在限期之前达成任务)4.”: He said: “(Oftentimes/Often/Frequently)1 I (have to)2 (work through the weekend)3 (to meet a deadline)4.”*他穿着(一条破烂的牛仔裤)1 (出现)2在一个(盛装/ditto)3(晚宴)4(异常地怪诞)5: He (showed up)2 in a (black-tie/formal)3 dinner4 in (a pair of torn-up jeans)1 and (stuck out liked a sore thumb)5.*从(非典)1(爆发)2的(灾害)3是这(区域的)4(经济增长)5一个(不归常规现象/ditto)6: The damage3 from the SARS1 outbreak2 is (an anomaly/a blip)6 in this region’s4 (economic growth)5.*({过度/ditto}1a/{不合理/ditto}1b)(汽油价格)2的(议题)3(最近)4(时常/ditto)5在(新闻)6: The issue3 of ({exorbitant/extortionate/excessive}1a/{ridiculous/unreasonable}1b) (gasoline prices)2 has been (much/often)5 in the news6 lately4.*那(群十来岁女孩子)1(那一刻)2见到她们的(偶像)3(走上台)4时(变得)5(失掉常性地疯狂)6: The (group of teenage girls)1 went5 crazy6 (the moment)2 they saw their idol3 (come on stage)4.*他被(负上)1(责任)2({做所必需的来应付}3a/{肯定}3b)公司的(生产设备)4会(恢复)5(正常运作)6: He was (charged with)1 the responsibility2 to ({see to it}3a/{make sure}3b) that the company’s (production system)4 is restored5 to (normal operation)6.*在(谋杀和自杀事故)1之前一个(社工)2(曾经探访)3(有关的家庭)4但(发觉)5(完全没有任何不寻常)6: Prior to the (murder-suicide incident)1, a (social worker)2 (had visited)3 the (family involved)4 but found5 (nothing out of the ordinary at all)6.*经理说: “(通常/ditto)1他是很(可靠)2, (我肯定)3这(错误)4只是一个(不寻常的情况/ditto)5那(不大可能会再发生的)6.”: Themanager said: “(Normally/G enerally/In General/Usually)1 he is very reliable2. (I’m sure)3 this mistake4 is only an (anomaly/aberration)5 and it (is unlikely to happen again)6.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #171-180古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*那(爽脆)1和(嫩滑)2的中国(青菜/ditto)3(菜肴)4是在一个(生铁)5(中国锅子)6({炽热火焰}7a/{高火焰}7b)上炒8: The crunchy1 and tender2 Chinese (vegetable/greens [note: not “green”])3 dish4 was stir-fried8 in a (cast iron)5 wok6 over a ({fieryflame}7a/{towering flame}7b).*他说: “我的婶母是一个(好厨师)1, 她时常({做几道菜}2a/{创新做出几道菜}2b)使你的(味蕾)3({挑逗}4a/{逗乐}4b/{惊讶的好感觉}4c).”: He said: “My aunt is a (great cook)1, and she always ({prepares dishes}2a/{comes up with dishes}2b) that ({tantalize}4a/ {tickle/titillate}4b/{wow}4c) your (taste buds)3.”*那小孩子对妈妈给他(沙律)1 (咆哮)2说: “我是个(正在成长的孩子)3我需要(蛋白质)4, 我怎么能够靠像那样(蔬菜素食[意])5(来生存)6: The little boy growled2 at the mother for giving him the salad1, saying: “I’m a (growing boy)3 and I need protein4. How can I (live on)6 (rabbit food)5 like this?”*(服务员)1说: “我(可以/ditto)2 (写下)3(你要点的菜)4吗?”他说: “({我可以有多两分钟吗?}5a/{今天有什么好的?}5b/ {你有什么介绍?}5c/{今天的特式菜是什么}5d/{我已经点了, 谢谢!}5e)”: The waiter1said: “(May/Can)2 I take3 (your order)4?” He said: “({Can we have a couple of more minutes?}5a/{What’s good today?}5b/{What do you recommend?}5c/{What are the specials today?}5d/{I have ordered already, thank you!}5e).”蔡: (~)(p. noun)cān:参[參]: (~加) join; (~考) reference; (~见) meet with superior参与者: participant*(经理)1对(新员工)2说: “(欢迎)3(参加组织/ditto)4!”: The manager1 said to the (new employee)2: “Welcome3 (aboard/on board)4!”*世界杯被视为一个巨大的(推广事项)1很多公司想(参与/ditto)2: The World Cup is seen as a huge (marketing event)1 and many companies want to (get on board/take part)2.*孩子(成长)1在(双亲)2(积极参与)3的家庭(一般)4在学校(成绩很好)5: Children that are (brought up)1 in families with participatory3 parents2 generally4 (do well)5 in schools.*总裁({清晰绝对地}1a/{强调地}1b)(否认)2他是(会计丑闻)3的(参与者)4: The CEO ({categorically}1a/ {emphatically}1b) denied2 that he was (a party to)4 the (accounting scandal)3.*那({被告/ditto}1a/{疑犯}1b) (否认)2(于暗杀企图)3有任何的(参与/ditto)4: The ({accused/defendant}1a/ {suspect}1b) denied2 any (involvement/part)4 in the (assassination attempt)3.*他对(秘书)1说: “我们去(隔邻)2(饭店)3吃(午饭)4, 你喜欢(参与我们)5吗?”: He said to the secretary1: “We’re having lunch4 at the restaurant3 (next door)2. Would you like to (join us)5?”*这(高度成就)1的球员以很(高度警觉)2和(意志集中)3来(参与)4每一场(赛事)5: This (highly accomplished)1 player (shows up)4 every game5 sharp2 and focused3.*使员工(参与)1(决策定夺)2是(赢取/ditto)3他们在(运作)4上(合作)5的(好方法)6: Engaging1 your employees in decision-making2 is a (good way)6 to (enlist/gain)3 their support5 in the operation4.*(电信行业)1(迅速转变)2对(竞争者)3要对(市场趋势)4(维持知道最新消息/ditto)5(做成挑战)5: (Rapid changes)2 in the (telecom industry)1 (pose challenges)6 for competitors3 to (stay abreast/stay well-informed)5 of (market trends)4.*老师说: “作为(全班的计划)1, (所有的孩子)2将会(被要求)3 (参与/ditto)4(学校戏剧)5.”: The teacher said: “As a (class project)1, (all the children)2 will (be asked)3 to (partake/take part)4 in the (school play)5.”*(有控股权的股东)1(只是名义上)2(退休)3他仍然在(业务)4 (日常运作)5上(参与/ditto)6: The (controlling shareholder)1 has retired3 (in name only)2 and he still (has a hand/takes part/partakes/involves/gets involved)6 in the (day-to-day operation/daily operation/routine operation)5 of the business4.*老师问道: “谁人要(角逐成为一分子)1(学校篮球队伍)2?”小约翰说: “(我参与/ditto)3.”: The teacher asked: “Who wants to (try out)1 for the (school basketball team)2?” Little John said: “(I’m in/Count me in/I’ll take part in it)3.”*(办公室员工)1每个人(参与/ditto)2十块钱来给(将退休)3的(主管)4买一份(告别礼物)5: The (office staff)1 (pitched in/chipped in)2 ten dollars each to buy the retiring3 supervisor4 a (farewell present)5.*这个(最佳球员/ditto)1今年是(没有合约缚束者)2最少六(球队)3将会(参与)4(出价争投)5他的(服务)6: This (MVP/Most Valuable Player)1 is a (free agent)2 this year, and at least six teams3 will be (in the mix)4 bidding5 for his service6.*与其(帮助他人)1只是(仅仅)2做一个(旁观者/ditto)3他(参与/ditto)4(义工计划)5因为他要做一个(参与者)6: He (joined/ joined up with/signed up with/enrolled in)4 the (volunteer program)5 because he wanted to be a participant6 instead of a mere2 (observer/ spectator)3 in (helping people)1.*在(大学)1他要(花费)2(永无休止)3的(夜间)4(详细检查)5(巨大数量的/ditto)6(参考资料)7 (准备)8(不同科目)9的(学期研究报告)10: At college1, he had to spend2 endless3 nights4 (going through)5 (reams [note” not “ream”]/tons)6 of (reference materials)7 to prepare8 (term papers)10 of (various subjects)9.*他打电话给他的(经纪)1说: “我听说这间(日益成功)2的公司(发起)3(初次发行股票/ditto)4, 你可以(使我参与那赚钱机会)5吗?”: He called up his broker1 and said: “I heard this up-and-coming2 company is launching3 an (IPO/Initial Public Offering)4. Can you (get me in on the action)5?”*她(在工作地方)1的两个朋友说: “我们今晚将会去(夜总会/ditto)2, (你愿意)3(跟我们一起去吗)4?”她说: “我将会(不参与这个/ditto)5. ({也许下一次吧}6a/{你们女孩子们尽管有乐趣享受你们}6b).”: A couple of her friends (at work)1 said: “We’re going to the (club/night club)2 tonight. (Would you)3 like to (join us)4?” S he said: “I’ll (sit this one out/pass on this one/take a rain check on this one)5. ({Maybe next time [口]}6a/{You girls have fun though and enjoy yourselves [口]}6b).”*他(询问)1舅舅: “在我的(职位)2我只是想要(工作勤奋)3 (有正面影响)4, 但那里的人只是要({玩办公室弄权政治}5a/ {互相欺诈}5b), 我应该怎么办呢?”舅舅说: “我(不认为)6你是(在一个改变事情的地位)7, 那么(除了/ditto)8(辞去你的职位)9你可能(考虑)10如果你不能够({打败/ditto }11a/{抵抗}11b)他们, (参与)12他们吧.”: He asked1 his uncle: “All I want at my job2 is to (work hard)3 and (make a difference)4, but people there just want to ({play office politics}5a/{play games with one another}5b). What should I do?” H is uncle said: “I (don’t believe)6 you are (in a position to change things around)7, and so (barring/ except for)8 (quitting your job)9, you may consider10 that if you can’t ({lick/beat}11a/{fight}11b) them, join12 them.”餐: (~) meals♦自助餐: buffet♦外卖餐馆: take-out restaurant♦快餐连锁店: fast food chain♦ (餐馆老板/餐馆经理): restaurateur*他说: “(今天晚餐我们吃火鸡/ditto)1.”: He said: “(We’re having turkey for supper tonight/We have turkey on the menu at tonight’s supper)1.”*他说: “只需要(每天温饱的三餐)1和(有瓦遮头)2来使我快乐.”: He said: “(Three square meals a day)1 and (a roof over my head)2 are all it takes to make me happy.”*他说: “在我们(举世闻名)1的餐厅你可以(享受)2(出色)3的(晚餐)4和(纯朴)5的(海景)6.”: He said: “You can enjoy2 fine3 dining4 and pristine5 (ocean views)6 in our world-renowned1 restaurant.”*他说: “跟(套餐)1有(面包卷)2, (头盘小吃/ditto)3, (是日例汤)4, (主菜/ ditto)5, (饮料)6和(甜品)7.”: He said: “The (set meal)1 comes with a (dinner roll)2, (an appetizer/a starter)3, (soup of the day)4, (a main course/an entrée)5, a beverage6, and a dessert7.”*(谣传)1(正在炽烈地)2(商议合并)3的两公司(顶尖高级行政人员)4被见到在一间(本地饭馆)5(共聚有谈判用意的午餐)6: The (top executives)4 of the two companies that are rumored1 to be (in the heat of)2 a (merger talk)3 were seen (having a power lunch)6 in a (local restaurant)5.*夏天她在餐室工作为一个({带位小姐}1a/{杂役}1b/{经理}1c/{助理经理}1d/{厨师/ditto }1e/{收银员}1f/{服务生}1g/{洗碗者}1h/{酒吧侍者}1i/{柜台侍者}1j): In the summer, she worked in a restaurant as a ({hostess/maî·tre d'}1a/{bus person}1b/ {manager}1c/{assistant manager}1d/{chef/cook}1e/ {cashier}1f/{waitress}1g/{dishwasher}1h/{bartender }1i/ {counter attendant}1j).*她说: “我们有一(小组)1(很密切的朋友)2(每个月一次)3(聚集一起)4 (各自带菜肴来共享)5的({晚餐}6a/{派对}6b)在那里我们以(细心准备)7({国籍文化的}8a/ {精美炮制的}8b/{美味的}8c) (菜肴)9来(使别方)10({兴奋}11a/{极度高兴}11b).”: She said: “We have a (small group)1 of (very close friends)2 that (gather together)4 (once a month)3 for a potluck5 ({dinner}6a/{party}6b) where we ({thrill}11a/{wow}11b) (each other)10 with (carefully prepared)7 ({cultural}8a/ {gourmet}8b/{delicious}8c) dishes9.”cán:惭[慚]: (~愧) ashamed*他七岁儿子(想也不想)1就跟(闯进的匪徒)2(对抗)3的(勇敢)4使他(自形惭愧)5: He was humbled5 by his seven-year-old son’s bravery4 to confront3 the (break-in robber)2 (without a second thought)1.*没有人能够(辨别他的书写)1, (比较下)2就算一个儿童的({笔迹}3a/{书法}3b)(使他的惭愧)4: No one can (read his writing)1, and (in comparison)2, even a kid’s ({handwriting}3a/ {penmanship}3b) (puts his to shame)4.*母亲, 在发觉她(错误地)1(指控)2她儿子(偷窃她的钱)3, (重复长篇地)4(道歉)5说: “我(对你所做的弄错了)6, 我(对自己非常惭愧)7, 请(接受我的道歉)8.”: The mother, in finding out that she wrongfully1 accused2 her son of (stealing her money)3, apologized5 profusely4and said: “I was (wrong about what you did)6 and I am (very ashamed of myself)7. Please (accept my apology)8.”残[殘]: (~忍) brutal; (~余) residual; (~害) mayhem; (~缺) mutilated*这(聚集的)1(照片)2(说出)3(战争)4的(血腥和残暴)5: This collection1 of pictures2 tells3 the (mayhem and atrocities)5 of war4.*他(驾驶)1一辆(二十年)2(残旧)3和(破烂)4的(福特汽车)5: He drives1 a twenty-year-old2 beat-up3 and broke-down4 Ford5.*那学校是(装配了)1给(有特别需要)2的(残疾儿童)3的(设施)4: The school is equipped1 with facilities4 for (handicapped children)3 with (special needs)2.*儿子把公司(败坏得支离破碎)1后(老头儿)2回来(收拾残局)3: The (old man)2 returned to (salvage what was left)3 of the company after his son (ran it to the ground)1.*很多(图书馆书本)1被(没有良心)2的(借用者)3所(残缺)4, (多页遗失了)5(在很多情况下)6: Many (library books)1 are mutilated4 by unconscionable2 borrowers3 and (pages are missing)5 (in many cases)6.*那(夜总会)1(保镖)2(给于)3(暴徒的头部)4(凶残的一踢)5(使他飞起来)6: The nightclub1 bouncer2 delivered3 (a ferocious kick)5 (to the head of the thug)4 and (sent him flying)6.*经过(漫长住医院)1后(前度的超级明星)2在(心理上)3和(体能上)4只是(以前自己)5(残余部分/ditto)6: After a (lengthy hospitalization)1, the (former football superstar)2 is only a (remnant/shadow)6 of his (former self)5, both mentally3 andphysically4.*(伤残/ditto)1的(躯体)2和({割开/ditto}3a/{半烧焦}3b)的(四肢)4在(屠杀的场地)5到处(四散)6(躺在地上)7: (Mangled/ Mutilated)1 bodies2 and ({dismembered/severed/ amputated}3a/{half-charred}3b) limbs4 lay7 scattered6 all over the (massacre scene)5.*他的(同事)1对他说: “不要问你的主管任何问题, 因为如果你做的话他会把你(残酷对待)2– (那是在好的一天)3[注: 意指不好那一天对你更差]: His colleague1 said to him: “Don’t ask your supervisor any question because if you do, he will (chew you up and spit you out)2, and (that’s on a good day)3.”蚕[蠶]: (~) silkworm沙蚕: lugworm*(巨型)1(酿酒厂)2的(市场占有率)3近来被(地区的)4(特产)5 (竞争者)6({不断地}7a/{饥饿地/ditto}7b)(蚕食)8: (Market shares)3 of giant1 breweries2 recently have been ({steadily}7a/{voraciously/ hungrily}7b) (nibbled away)8 by regional4 specialty5 competitors6.cǎn:惨[慘]: (凄~) tragic; (~害) mayhem; (输得很~) (lose) utterly*她(出生时)1被(离弃)2(标志了)3她(悲惨生涯)4的(开始)5: Her abandonment2 (at birth)1 marked3 the start5 of her (harrowing journey in life)4.*市场(情况)1是那么(惨淡)2公司这一年(幸存/ditto)3已是一个(大成就)4: The situation1 of the market is so dismal2 that (getting through/surviving)3 the year would be a (big accomplishment)4 for this company.*他(失掉)1(职位)2,( 妻子)3和(房子)4下(这一刻)5他(走到)6 (他生命的悲惨境况)7: He has reached6 the (low ebb of his life)7 (at the moment)5 having lost1 his job2, his wife3 and his house4.*跟一个(易怒/ditto)1的妻子和两个({贪得无厌自私}2a/{宠坏/ditto}2b)的孩子(住在一齐)3下他(过着/ditto)4(悲惨)5的(生活)6: He (leads/lives/has)4 a miserable5 life6 (living with)3 a (prickly/irritable/touchy)1 wife and two ({bratty}2a/{spoiled/ overindulged}2b) kids.càn:孱: (~头) weakling*他对(将要)1({毒打}2a/{殴打}2b)一个(矮小男人)3的朋友说: “(不要理他)4, 他只是个(多嘴)5({孱头}6a/{无关痛痒的人}6b).”: He said to his friend that was (about to)1 ({rough up}2a/{beat up}2b) a (short little guy)3: “(Leave him alone)4. He’s only amouthy5 ({weakling}6a/{twerp}6b).”灿[燦]: (~烂) dazzling*在(接受奖项)1时他说: “接受这(有声望)2(奖项)3的(荣幸)4是我(事业)5的(最灿烂点)6.”: In (accepting the award)1, he said: “The honor4 of receiving this prestigious2 award3 is the highlight6 of my career5.”璨: (璀~) radiant*那(十四开/ditto)1(金子)2(订婚戒指)3(安装上)4(璀璨的)5(钻石)6和(绿宝玉)7: The (14-karat/14-K)1 gold2 (engagement ring)3 is (set with)4 glistening5 diamonds6 and emeralds7.cāng:仓[倉]: (~库) warehouse; (~卒) hastily; (~皇) panic*很(明显/ditto)1这个(报告)2是(马马虎虎/ditto)3和(仓卒地)4 (准备)5: It is (evident/ obvious)1 the report2 was(slipshodly/sloppily)3 and hastily4 prepared5.*他们公司(见招拆招不顾大局的方法)1来(应付难题)2(意谓)3他们(经常)4(仓促地寻找解决办法)5: Their company’s (ad hoc approach)1 in (addressing problems)2 means3 they are constantly4 (scrambling for solutions)5.*在这({深受猪流感影响的}1a/ {深受迅速散播传染病影响的}1b/{深受散播多个国家传染病影响的}1c)(城市)2, 在每一个(喷嚏)3, (咳嗽)4, 或(抽鼻涕)5的(声音)6人们(变得)7({仓皇无措}8a/{神经紧张/ditto}8b): In this ({swine flu-stricken}1a/{epidemic-stricken}1b/{pandemic-stricken}1c) city2, people get7 ({panicky}8a/{jumpy/nervous/ jittery}8b) at the sound6 of every sneeze3, cough4 or sniffle5.苍[蒼]: (~白) pale-gray*他(遭受)1(严重)2(见血恐惧症)3的(案例)4(在见到)5(血液)6的时候他的(脸孔变得苍白)7: He suffers1 from a serious2 case4 of haemophobia3, and his (face turns pale)7 (at the sight of)5 blood6.沧[滄]: (~海) greenish (ocean)*这个(百万富翁)1有(海上漂泊者)2在他的(血液)3, 他的(退休计划)4是(把他的船载上)5(粮食等供应品/ditto)6(开船去)7 (无际的沧海)8(很长的时间)9: The millionaire1 has sea-rover2 in his blood3, and his (retirement plan)4 is to (load his boat)5 with (provisions/ supplies)6 and (sail off to)7 the (great blue yonder)8 for (a long period of time)9.舱[艙]: (~) cabin (plane or ship)*她没有(不晕船的能耐)1(花了)2(海上游览大部分时间)3 (在船舱里面)4(躺在床上)5(感到晕船)6: She didn’t have (sea legs [note: not “sea leg”])1 and spent2 (most of the boat cruise)3 (lying in bed)5 (inside the cabin)4 (feeling seasick)6.cáng:藏: (隐~) conceal; (收~) to store*男孩子比较女孩子有(隐藏情感/ditto)1的(倾向/ditto)2: Compared to girls, boys (are inclined to/tend to)2 (be emotionally closed off/bottle up their feelings)1.*这套(电影)1是(隐藏在一个科幻小说)2的(爱情故事)3: The movie1 is a (love story)3 (wrapped in a science fiction)2.*这(艺术展览会)1的(艺术收藏品)2是从(国家博物馆)3(借回来)4的: The (arts collection)2 in this exhibit1 is (on loan)4 from the (national museum)3.*孩子说: “跟父母(玩简单捉迷藏游戏)1比较(贵重玩具)2更(令我开心)3.”: The child said: “(Playing a simple game of hide-and-seek)1 with my parents would (please me)3 more than (expensive toys)2.”*(因谋杀)1而被(全国逮捕令)2 (通缉)3的(疑犯)4在一个(空置的粮仓)5(躲藏/ditto)6(有多月)7: The suspect4 that was wanted3 in a (countrywide warrant)2 (for murder)1 (holed up/hid)6 in an (unoccupied barn)5 (for months)7.*经理对员工说: “如果你们有(不能解决的问题)1, 我要你们(率直坦白地)2告诉我, 并不要(把它们加上糖衣)3或(加以隐藏)4.”: The manager said to his staff: “If any of you have (problems you cannot resolve)1, I want you to give them to me (straight up)2, and do not (sugarcoat them)3 or (sweep them under the rug)4.”*在他的(退休)1(告别)2(致词)3说: “(所有好事都一定会达到尽头)4, (从这公司我的事业)5我(感恩获得)6这么多(欢愉的回忆)7(去珍藏)8.”: In his retirement1 farewell2 speech3, he said: “(All good things must come to an end)4, and I am (blessed with)6 all these (fond memories)7 (to cherish)8 (from my career with this company)5."*她说: “什么? 你只是给我(生日礼物)1一个十块钱的(硬币)2?”他说: “一千年后这将会是(珍贵的收藏家项目)3, (最低限度你可以做)4是({表示一点儿感激}5a/{说谢谢}5b): She said: “What? You only give me a ten-dollar coin2 for a (birthday present)1.” He said: “A thousand years from now it will be a (precious collector’s item [笑])3, and (the least you can do)4 is to ({show some appreciation}5a/{say thank you}5b).”*(为了/ditto)1(隐藏/掩盖/ditto)2 (错误)3, 那经理(威胁)4他的(员工)5到(那一个程度/ditto)6他们没有一个人(胆敢)7(越过他头上)8去(上级管理)9(揭露/ditto)10在(部门)11 (所发生事情)12: (In order to/So as to)1 (cover up/conceal/hide/bury)2 mistakes3, the manager has intimdated4 his staff5 to (such an extent/such a degree)6 that none of them dares7 to (go over his head)8 and (reveal/divulge/disclose)10 (what happens)12 in the department11 to (higher management)9.*他说: “这(制药厂的)1最近(盈利结果)2是没有东西({值得赞扬}3a/{值得兴奋/ditto}3b).”她说: “不要(让那愚弄你)4, 那公司有一个(极好的)5(研究部门)6他们有({一些隐藏备用的精品}7a/{几个新产品隐藏备用}7b)(任何一天)8将会({发放出}9a/{引进去}9b)(市场)10.”: He said: “This (drug company’s)1 latest (earnings result)2 was nothing to ({rave}3a/{get excited/be jumping up and down}3b) about.” She said: “Don’t (let that fool you)4. The company has a superb5 (research department)6 and they have ({a few aces in the hole}7a/ {several new products up their sleeve}7b) that will be ({released}9a/{introduced}9b) into the market10 (any day)8.”cǎng: XXXXXcàng: XXXXXcāo:操: (~纵) control; (~刀) grasp (knife); (体~) workout; (~作) operate; (~守) conduct; (~英语) talk in (English)♦自由体操: gymnastic floor exercise♦艺术体操: rhythmic gymnastics*他(善于操纵)1({字眼}2a/{女人}2b/{吉他}2c/{动物}2d): He (has a way with)1 ({words}2a/ {women}2b/{guitar}2c/{animals}2d).*(管理层)1能以(订立)2(规则)3, (政策)4和(条例)5来(操纵)6员工(行为)7: Management1 can steer2 employees’ behaviors7 through setting6 rules3, policies4 and regulations5.*直至新的老板能够对(运作)1 (有好的操纵)2(所有事项)3都(在耽搁)4: Everything3 is (on hold)4 until the new owner can (get a good handle)2 on the operation1.*你需要(操作)1({你的脑袋使它保持敏锐}2a/{你的身体使它保持健康}2b): You need to exercise1 ({your brain to keep it sharp}2a/{your body to keep it fit}2b).*经理说: “你被(开除)1了!”他说: “({操你的[犯]/ditto}2a/{去死吧}2b)! 我(辞职)3.”: The manager said: “You are fired1!” H e said: “({Screw[犯] you/ Stuff[犯] it}2a/{Go to hell}2b)! I quit3.”*那一本(操作手册)1(随手可用)2好使我们的公司(运作)3 (顺畅)4和(有效率)5: The (Operation Manual)1 is (in place)2 for our company to operate3 smoothly4 and effectively5.*一个(家庭主妇)1(每天的)2({家务操作是}3a/{家务操作程序是}3b)(永远不容易)4: A (housewife’s)1 daily2 ({household chores are}3a/ {housework routine is}3b) (never easy)4.*已经有(案例)1(练马师)2(作不正当欺骗行为[意])3来(操纵)4(赛事)5的({取胜率}6a/{结果}6b): There have been cases1 that (horse trainers)2 (load the dice)3 to manipulate4 the ({odds}6a/{outcome}6b) of a race5.*一个(拙劣)1的(分散去分部)2的(管理制度)3可能会(难以操纵)4, (效率低劣)5, 和(花费太大)6: A poorly1 decentralized2 (management system)3 can be unwieldy4, inefficient5 and costly6.*他说: “(经过多年在这行业)1, 我(达到)2(启示)3(民意调查)4可以以(操纵题目的措辞)5来被(歪曲)6.”: He said: “(After years in the business)1, I have (come to)2 the revelation3 that polling4 can be skewed6 by (manipulating the wording of the questions)5.”*为了(便利)1一个(历史性建筑物地点)2(改变地带用途)3来(重建)4的(申请)5, 那(发展商)6 (操纵媒体)7(去转变)8(大众共鸣)9(他那方向)10: To facilitate1 an application5 to rezone3 a (historic building site)2 for redevelopment4, the developer6 (manipulated the media)7 (to swing)8 (public sympathy)9 (his way)10.糙: (粗~) coarse*他说: “我们(隶属)1一个(同样粗糙皮肤)2的(农业兄弟会)3.”: He said: “We belong1 to a (farming brotherhood)3 with the (same crude, crass and unrefined skin)2.”cáo:曹: (~) (p. noun)*她对(新员工)1说: “我们(经理的)2(秘书)3(毫无疑问/ditto)4是(部门)5(最含恶意)6和(最被憎恶)7的人, (说曹操/ditto [意])8, (曹操到[意])9.”: She said to the (new employee)1: “Our manager’s2 secretary3 is (unquestionably/undoubtedly)4 the meanest6 and (most hated)7 person in the department5. (Speak of the devils/Speaking of the devil)8, (here she comes)9.”槽: (~) trough马槽: manger*他过去一年(跳槽/转工)1三次工资已经(两倍)2于一年前的: He has doubled2 his salary from a year ago after (jumpingships/changing jobs)1 three times in the past year.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #461-470地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)fěi:匪: (~) bandit土匪: bandit诽[誹]: (~) malign*某人在(传播谣言)1对在(竞逐州长)2(领先候选人)3(诽谤名誉/ditto)4来({逐步削弱他的名望}5a/{把公众对他的支持转移掉}5b): Someone has been (spreading rumors)1 to (smear the reputation/darken the name)4 of the (leading candidate)3 in the (governor’s race)2 in order to ({undermine his popularity}5a/{shift public support away from him}5b).*这公司(声称)1那(报章的)2关于他们(业务办事常规)3的(不真实)4和(诽谤性)5(申述)6是({可以诉讼的}7a/{可以提出民事诉讼的}7b): The company claimed1 the newspaper’s2 false4 and defamatory5 allegations6 on their (business practices)3 were ({actionable}7a/{tortious}7b).菲: (~) trifling翡: (~) jadeitefèi:废[廢]: (~物) waste (item); (~止) abolish; (残~) crippled*在(互联网)1上很多人可以把(废物/ditto)2(欺诈地卖掉)3(变钱)4: Over the Internet1 many people can (palm off)3(clunkers/garbage/junks)2 (for cash)4.*他说: “让我们(少说废话直接处理正题/ditto)1, (你要求我干吗)2?”: He said: “Let’s (cut to the chase/cut the bullshit [犯]/cut the garbage/cut the crap/cut the horse crap/cut the nonsense/cut the malarkey/get down to business/get straight to the point/don’t beat around the bush/get to the short and sweet of it)1. (What do you want from me)2?”*他的父亲是个({废柴}1a/{卑鄙小人}1b)(很久以前)2(离弃一家人)3没有人知道他去了哪里: Her father was a({scum}1a/{scumbag}1b) that (deserted the family)3 (long time ago)2 and nobody knows where he went.*他的(度假别墅)1(看来)2(被忽略)3, (荒废/ditto)4, (被遗弃/ditto)5, 和(破旧)6: His cottage1 looked2 neglected3,(dilapidated/decrepit)4, (abandoned/deserted)5, and (worn down)6.*他对他的(最好朋友)1说: “(废话/ditto)2! 我没有(意图)3去(偷取你的女朋友)4.”: He said to his (best friend)1: “(Nonsense/Garbage/Baloney/ Rubbish/Horsefeathers/ Malarkey/Hooey/Humbug/ Rubbish)2! I have no intention3 to (steal your girlfriend)4.”*孩子们昨晚开(在屋子开派对)1(实际上)2(把那地方变为)3(一个大废物箱)4: The kids (had a house party)1 last night and practically2 (turned the place into)3 (one big litter box)4.*(雇用合同)1(作废/ditto)2由于(员工)3(明显误导)4他的(学历资格)5和(工作经验)6: The (employment contract)1 was (abrogated/annulled)2 due to (gross misrepresentation)4 by the employee3 of his (academic qualifications)5 and (work experience)6.*他的朋友问道: “你在(谈及)1什么(胡说)2?” 他说: “(不要介意我)3, 我只是(说废话来取乐)4.”: His friend asked: “What kind of nonsense2 are you (talking about)1?” He said: “(Don’t mind me)3! I’m only (talking trash to have some fun)4.”*他是个(收集废物来利用的人)1(时常)2(留意着/ditto)3(没被发现的念头)4和(隐藏着的人才)5: He is a scavenger1 that is always2 (on the lookout/on the watch)3 for (undiscovered ideas)4 and (hidden talents)5.*她在(找寻)1(一个十全十美的男人)2: (富有)3, (俊俏)4, (细心)5, (受尊重)6, (有名气)7, (等等的废话)8: She is (looking for)1 a (perfect man)2 that is rich3, handsome4, considerate5, respectable6, famous7, (blah blah blah…)8*(主管)1对(聊天的员工)2说: “这里的(废话/ditto)3(足够)4 (在一天)5了, (让我们离开它)6 (返回工作)7.”: The supervisor1 said to the (chatting staff)2: “There’s enough4 (nonsense/ bullshit [犯]/blah)3 (for one day)5. (Let’s get off it)6 and (go back to work)7.”*那(粗鲁的经理)1说: “如果你有任何的(重要/ditto)2事项(马上说给我知)3, 因为我(没有时间)4来应付你的(废话/ditto)5.” The (rude manager)1said: “If you have any (serious/ important)2 business (tell me right now)3, because I (don’t have time)4 for your (bullshit [犯]/baloney/garbage/rubbish/ nonsense/hogwash/malarkey/ hooey/humbug)5.”*(正如所料/ditto)1, 这个(免费的)2(研讨会)3是(缺乏实质)4并(充满/ditto)5(去推销)6(赞助人的产品)7之(废话/ditto)8: (As expected/Sure enough)1, this free-of-charge2 seminar3 was (devoid of substance)4 and (packed with/full of)5 (claptrap/ nonsense/hogwash/humbug)8 (to promote)6the (sponsor’s products)7.*她很(愤怒地)1说: “我的(经理)2对在(报告)3(他所要的)4 (改变他的主意)5, 我要(废弃)6 (所有)7(需时)8({好几天}9a/{整个周末}9b)来(完成)10的(工作)11.”: She said angrily1: “My manager2 (changed his mind)5 on (what he wanted)4 in the report3, and I have to trash6 all7 the work11 that took8 me ({days}9a/{the entire weekend}9b) to finish10.”沸: (~) boiling狒: (~~) baboon吠: (~) bark*他住在(嚎啕婴儿)1, (吠叫/ditto)2(狗只)3, (尖叫夫妇)4, (响声说唱家)5和(刺耳汽车)6的(邻居)7: He lives in a neighborhood7 of (wailing babies)1, (barking/yelping/ yapping)2 dogs3, (screaming couples)4, (blaring rappers)5, and (screeching cars)6.肺: (~) lungs♦肺部透视: X-Ray on lungs费[費]: (花~) spend; (~用) expenditure♦小费: (tips/gratuities)♦手续费: service charges♦收费处(公路): (tollgate/ tollbooth)♦给小费不够的人: a stiff♦(交通费/旅费/路费): traveling expenses*(扑克牌参赛费是一万块钱/ditto)1: (The entry fee for the poker tournament is $10,000/ It will cost $10,000 to buy into the poker tournament)1.*他有(很费力的)1({工作量}2a/{工作}2b): He has a demanding1 ({workload}2a/ {job}2b).*(自助餐)1是十五块钱(一位)2, (小费/ditto)3是(额外/ditto)4: The buffet1 is $15 (per person)2, and (gratuities/tips)3 are (not included/extra)4.*每月(营运)1这业务的(基本费用)2(总共)3(超过)4十万块钱: The monthly overheads2 in running1 this business (add up)3 to over4 $100,000.*(主管)1对他的(员工)2说: “停止(浪费时间/ditto)3(返回工作)4.”: The supervisor1 said to his staff2: “Stop (dicking [犯] around/messing around)3 and (get back to work)4.”*很多(本地的饭店)1(提供)2(空白的收据)3给(商业人士)4来(虚报费用)5: Many (local restaurants)1 provide2 (blank receipts)3 for businessmen4 to (pad their expense accounts)5.*他(承认)1在他的(事业)2中曾经(浪费/ditto)3了很多(好/ditto)4(机会)5: He admitted1 to have (wasted/squandered away/ blown)3 many (good/golden)4 opportunities5 in his career2.*去年他({夸大虚报}1a/{虚报}1b)(费用账目)2从公司(盗取)3五千块钱: He stole3 $5,000 last year from the company by ({padding}1a/ {falsifying}1b) his (expense account)2.*我们的公司(确实认清)1在(经济困难时刻)2(花费)3 (明智/ditto)4的(需要)5: Our company (does recognize)1 the need5 to spend3 (judiciously/ sensibly/wisely)4 during (difficult economic times)2.*每一年(多百万)1(浪费了的)2 (税金)3(分配在)4(司法程序)5去(替罪犯辩护)6: Each year millions1 of ill-spent2 (tax dollars)3 are allocated4 to (defend criminals)6 in the (judiciary process)5.*她对她的(表姐)1说: “如果你(带着我去你的度假)2, 我会(付我部分的费用)3.”: She said to her cousin1: “If you (take me along for your vacation)2, I’ll (pay my way)3.”*她的朋友说: “这是件(漂亮的衣服)1, ({买它付费}2a/{你要买它付费}2b)(多少)3?”: Her friend said: “This is a (beautiful dress)1. (How much [note: not “many”])3 ({did it cost}2a/ {did you pay for it}2b)?”*父亲对母亲说: “对你的儿子(不用多费唇舌/ditto)1, 因为他(无论如何)2(不会听的)3: The father said to the mother: “(Don’t waste your breath/Save your breath)1on your son, because he’s (not going to listen)3 anyway2.”*如果他(在生命中)1只是要成为一个(街角音乐家)2所有(大学的学业)3(是白费/ditto)4: All the (college education)3 (is wasted/goes down the drain)4 if all he wants to do (in life)1 is to become a (street corner musician)2.*(双方)1(在最后一刻)2(费工夫达成/ditto)3(暂时性的协议)4来(防止)5一场(罢工)6: The (two sides)1 (hashed out/ thrashed out)3 an (interim agreement)4 (at the eleventh hour)2 to avert5 a strike6.*那(教育委员会)1(负上)2(没有提供经费的)3(指令)4去(改良电脑器械)5和(减少课堂的人数)6: The (school board)1 is burdened2 with an unfunded3 mandate4 to (upgrade computer equipment)5 and (reduce class size)6.*他说: “我给你的(钱币)1一百块钱.” 她说: “(不用费心/ditto)2, (我对那个价钱我没有兴趣)3.”: He said: “I’ll pay you $100 for you coin1.” She said: “(Forget it/Forget that)2! (I’m not interested at that price)3.”*这(夜总会)1({入场附加费是}2a/{入场费是}2b)十块钱, 里面每个人(最低消费)3是二十块钱: The ({cover charge at the door}2a/{admission charge at the door}2b) of this nightclub1is $10, and inside there’s a $20 (minimum charge)3 per person.*如果({我们的预算经费允许的话}1a/{我们能力允许的话}1b)我们今年将会(改良电脑系统)2: We’ll (upgrade our computer system)2 this year if ({our budget allows}1a/{we can afford it}1b).*每一年他为了(他的家人)1({自费现金}2a/{以自费}2b)(支付)3 (相当数目/ditto)4的({医疗费用}5a/{保健}5b): Every year he pays3 a (fair sum/fair amount)4 ({out-of-pocket}2a/ {out of his own pocket}2b) for ({medical expenses}5a/ {healthcare}5b) of (his family)1.*如果这个(小气鬼/吝啬鬼)1(带你外出喝酒)2, 他一是(骗你付帐)3, 不然(如果他付账)4就(不给)5(女服务员)6(小费)7: If this (cheapskate/tightwad)1 (takes you out for a drink)2, he’ll either (stiff you with the bill)3, or stiff5 the waitress6 on the tip7 (if he pays)4.*他的朋友说: “为什么(费心/ditto)1去(协助/ditto)2这个只会(利用)3你的(好天性)4之(不会感激/ditto)5的人?”: His friend said to him: “Why (bother/go through the trouble/go to the trouble/put yourself out/take the trouble/ make an effort)1 to (help/helpout/lend a hand to/give a hand to)2 this (ungrateful/ unappreciative/thankless/ taking-things-for-granted)5 person that only wants to (take advantage of)3 your (good nature)4?”*他对当他(探访)1香港时({殷勤}2a/{慷慨}2b)(款待)3他的(舅母)4说: “(你太客气了)5, (你不应那么破费在我身上)6.”: He said to his aunt4 who ({hospitably}2a/{generously}2b) entertained3 him during his visit1to Hong Kong: “(You’re too kind)5. (You shouldn’t have spent so much money on me)6.”*那(有调和意向)1的公司(部分拥有人)2对他的(生意伙伴)3说: “(把公司重新带上轨道)4我们再不能(有能力去)5让(琐碎的分歧)6来(虚费精力)7.”: The conciliatory1 (part-owner)2 of the company said to his (business partner)3:“(To bring the company back on track)4, we cannot afford5 to be consumed7 by our (petty differences)6anymore.”*({考虑到/ditto}1a/{由于/ditto}1b)(恶化/ditto)2的(经济情况)3, 我们公司所有(不必要)4和(有选择性的)5({费用}6a/{支出}6b)都被(削减到/ditto)7 (最基本限度/ditto)8: ({In view of/Considering}1a/ {In light of/Due to/Because of}1b) the (worsening/ deteriorating)2 (economic conditions)3, all non-essential4 and discretionary5 ({expenses}6a/ {expenditures}6b) of our company have been (cut to/ chopped to/reduced to)7 (the bare bones/basics/essentials)8.*(似乎)1(现今)2({不警觉谨慎}3a/{容易相信人}3b/{容易受骗}3c)的(消费者)4被(过高价格)5和(隐藏费用)6所(大大地)7(欺骗)8, 同时(大企业)9每年(赚取)10(破纪录)11的(盈利)12: It seems1 ({unwary}3a/ {trusting}3b/{gullible}3c) consumers4 nowadays2 are (ripped off)8 (big time)7 by (price gouging)5 and (hidden fees)6, while (big corporations)9 are (raking in)10 record11 profits12 every year.*他说: “那({不受约束/ditto}1a/ {不受控制}1b)和({奢侈/ditto}2a/{不负责任}2b/{不顾后果}2c/{草率}2d/{短见}2e/{不需要/ditto }2f/{没有正当理由}2g/{过度}2h)的(花费)3(正在损害)4(盈亏结果)5.”: He said: “The ({unbridled/unrestrained}1a/{rampant/ uncontrolled}1b) and ({lavish/ extravagant}2a/ {irresponsible}2b/{reckless}2c/{careless}2d/{myopic}2e/ {unnecessary/needless}2f/ {unwarranted/unjustified}2g/ {excessive}2h) spending3 (are hurting)4 (the bottom line)5.”*经过多年的({挥霍/奢侈/ditto}1a/{浪费}1b/{不顾后果}1c/{不负责任}1d)的(花费)2并已经({做成}3a/{累积/ditto}3b)一个({巨大/ditto}4a/{震惊/ditto}4b)的(国债)5, 那小国家是那么(泥足深陷难以自拔[意])6: After years of ({profligate/extravagant}1a/ {wasteful}1b/{reckless}1c/ irresponsible}1d) spending2 and having ({incurred}3a/ {accumulated/built up}3b) a({massive/horrendous/huge}4a/ {staggering/shocking}4b) (national debt)5, the little country has (dug itself into such a deep hole that it is impossible to climb out)6.*公司的(代表)1对他的(助手)2说: “(董事局)3给我们(指令)4 (出荒谬地低的价钱)5去(收购)6那公司是(全无机会/ditto)7(他方会接受)8, 但我们(反正)9(必定要)10(无可奈何地循序做)11, (是开会的时间了)12 , (去白费心机吧)13.”: The company’s representative1 said to his assistant2: “The Board3 has given us a mandate4 to (offer a ridiculously low price)5 to acquire6 the company that has (no chance in hell/no bloody chance/no damn chance)7 (the other side would accept)8, but we (have to)10 (go through the motions [note: not “motion”])11 anyway9. (It’s time for the meeting)12 and (here goes nothing)13.”痱: (~子) heat rash--------------------------------------fēn:分: (~开) separate; (~配) distribute; (~辨) distinguish; (~) 1 cent; (~数) percentage or grading marks; (~支) branch; (部~) a part of*他问道: “(现在球赛战果分数多少)1?”: He asked: “(What’s the score now)1?”*他说: “我们的(化学科老师)1 (给分数很低)2.”: He said: “Our (science teacher)1 is (very stingy with marks/not generous with marks/very tight with marks)2.”*他的(男女关系)1使他(有前途的事业)2(分心)3: His (promising career)2 was sidetracked3 by his (love affairs)1.*这(周末)1他需要(留在家里)2 (给试卷打分数/改卷)3: He needs to (stay home)2 this weekend1 to (mark test papers/ditto)3.*(只有时间会分辨/ditto)1(三频)2是(成功还是失败)3: (Time will tell/Only time will tell)1 whether 3-G2 is (stud or dud)3.*(早期)1(察觉到)2(癌症)3可能(意味)4(生与死)5的(分别)6: Early1 detection2 of cancer3 can mean4 the (difference between)6 (life and death)5.*他对女朋友说: “是时间我们(分手)1了, 那是为(最好的)2.”: He said to his girlfriend: “It’s time we (go our own way)1. It’s for (the best)2.”*他们两个人(不正当地做出)1 (骗局)2并(均分/ditto)3(所得的钱)4: The two of them pulled1 a scam2 and (divvied up/split/ shared)3 the proceeds4[note: not “proceed”].*她(发觉私家补习)1是(浪费时间)2和(对她的分数没有帮助)3: She (finds private tutoring)1 is (a waste of time)2 and (does not help her grades)3.*那河1在(流入)2(海洋)3前(分支)4成为(几条)5(较细)6的(小河)7: The river1 (branches out into)4 several5 smaller6 streams7 before emptying2 into the ocean3.*那(一对名人夫妇)1说他们(向不同方向成长)2({走向}3a/{选择}3b)(分手)4: The (celebrity couple)1 said they had (grown apart)2 and ({were heading for}3a/{had opted for}3b) (separation/splitsville [口])4.*他对他的女朋友说: “我(有一些东西给你看)1, (这只需要一分钟)2.”: He said to his girlfriend: “I (have something to show you)1. (This will only take a minute)2.”*他的朋友说: “(那赚钱计划)1 (给我分一杯羹/预我一份)2, (可以吗)3?: His friend said: “(Cut me in on a piece/ditto)2 (of that action)1, (would you)3?”*他跟女友的母亲每个(周末)1(打麻将)2十二小时来(取得印象分)3: He (makes points)3with his girlfriend’s mother by (playingmahjong)2 with her for twelve hours every weekend1.*我们的政府(分担)1(它的人民)2对(自然环境/ditto)3(前景)4的(忧虑)5: Our government shares1 the concerns5 of (its people)2 on the future4 of the (environment/ natural environment)3.*(公众)1在(成绩表)2的(创造就业)3和(经济增长)4给(政府)5 (不合格分数)6: The public1 gives the government5 (failing grades)6 in its (report card)2 on (job creation)3 and (economic growth)4.*那({结婚的一对}1a/{摇滚乐队}1b)经过三年(一齐)2后(决定)3(分手/ditto)4: The ({married couple}1a/{rock band}1b) decided3 to (part ways/part company/split up/break up/break off/ separate)4 after three years together2.*只是因(轻微)1(问题/ditto)2而把整个(电子部门)3(关掉)4真是(轻重不分[意])5: (Closing down)4 the entire (electronic division)3 with only minor1 (hiccups/problems)2 (is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater)5.*他问道: “有什么(晚饭提议)1吗?” 她说: “我跟你(分享/ditto)2一个(比萨饼)3.”: He asked: “Is there any (dinner suggestion)1?” She said: “I’ll (share/split)2 a pizza3with you.”*他的(同学)1说: “我(肯定/ditto)2你在这个(考试)3(取得很高分数)4, (不是吗)5?”: His classmate1said: “I (bet/am sure)2 you aced4 this exam3, (didn’t you)5?”*(婚姻)1(摩登/ditto)2的(分享)3 (方式)4是(她所有的是她的)5和(他所有的也是她的)6: The (contemporary/modern)2 way4 of sharing3 in a marriage1is (what’s hers is hers)5, and (what’s his is also hers)6.*他说: “在我们的(红利分配计划)1, (部长)2(得到)3(最大部分)4而(余下其他人)5(拿残余)6.”: He said: “Under our (bonus-sharing plan)1, the (department head)2 gets3(the lion’s share)4 while (the rest of us)5 (get the crumbs)6.”*(破产受托管理人)1将会把(破产人)2的(资产)3(根据)4(法律)5的(应用)6来(分配/ditto)7: The (bankruptcy trustee)1 shall (parcel out/divvy up/apportion/ allot/distribute)7 the assets3 of the bankrupt2 (pursuant to)4 the application6 of the law5.*(经理)1对他的(员工)2说: “你们可以(把工作分散来做)3但你仍然要(合作为一队来做)4.”: The manager1 said to his staff2: “You can (split up the work)3 but you still have to (work as a team)4.”*(福利)1是(分化)2(要支付的富有者)3和(受惠的贫乏者)4(在我们社会最大分歧项目之一)5: (Welfare)1 is (one of the most polarized issues in our society)5 dividing2 (the haves that pay)3 and (the have-nots that receive)4.*那(总裁)1被(私人问题)2(分心)3, 现在他(需要)4(重新集中精神)5去(为公司的利益服务)6: The CEO1 has been distracted3 by (personal problems)2, and now he needs4 to refocus5 to (serve the interest of the company)6.*这(制造麻烦)1学生的({扮小丑惹笑}2a/{恶作剧/ditto}2b)使全班(分心/ditto)3: This trouble-making1student’s ({clowning is}2a/{antics [note: plural noun meaning “silly pranks”, not “antic”] are/ pranks are/practical jokes are}2b) a (distraction/ disruption)3 to the whole class.*那副总裁说: “或许我们能够跟他们(大概在中间分成)1(达到交易)2我们占52%他们占48%: The Vice-President said: “Maybe we can (saw off with them somewhere in the middle)1 and (do a deal)2at 52% for us and 48% for them.”*在(教育家)1之中有(意见)2的(二分化)3(幼稚园)4是否一个给与(学习)5或是(交际)6的地方: There is a dichotomy3 in opinions2 among educators1 whether kindergarten4 is a place for learning5 or socializing6.*这个孩子知道他的(分数)1(下跌/ditto)2那(一刻)3他的父母(马上)4会(威吓地直接面对他)5: This kid knows the moment3 his grades1 (slip/drop)2, his parents will be (in his face)5 (right away)4.*他说: “我({同时被拉去太多方向}1a/ {同时有太多的事去做}1b), (我本人不够分配给每一份)2.”: He said: “I ({am pulled in too many directions all at once}1a/{have too much to do at the same time}1b), and (there is not enough of me to go around)2.”*世界上国家之间对(女同性恋者)1和(男同性恋者)2(权利)3的(公共政策)4有(明显/ditto)5的(分歧)6: There is a (marked/ conspicuous/noticeable/ pronounced/striking)5 divergence6 in (public policies)4 on lesbian1 and gay2 rights3 between countries in the world.*他说: “让我(跟你分享)1一个关于我的(大秘密)2: 我不是(贫穷)3, (事实上)4我是个(亿万富翁)5.”: He said: “I’ll (let you in)1 on a (big secret)2 about myself. I am not poor3, and (in fact)4, I am a billionaire5.”*昨天上海(网球进级球赛)1(半准决赛)2他(在途中)3有(十八次发球取分)4以(直落局数)5 (狂胜对手)6: He (served up eighteen aces)4 (en route)3 to a straight-sets5 (routing of his opponent)6in yesterday’s Shanghai (tennis tournament)1 semi-final2.*新(市长)1在(采取主动)2去(打击)3(城市)4的(街头罪案)5和(文盲)6({值得}7a/{得分}7b) (高的分数)8: The new mayor1 ({deserves}7a/ {scores}7b) (high marks)8 for (taking the initiative)2 to combat3 (street crimes)5 and illiteracy6 in the city4.*(对于她的兴趣来说)1, 一个好(丈夫/ditto)2是(部分供养人)3, (部分情人)4, (部分朋友)5和(部分英雄)6: (As far as she’s concerned)1, a good (husband/ hubby)2 is (part provider)3, (part lover)4, (part friend)5 and (part hero)6.*在(管理层)1({情况}2a/{方面}2b)很难(分辨/ditto)3({公平和不公平/ditto}4a/{合理和不合理}4b)分别: In the ({context}2a/{area}2b) of management1, it’s difficult to (draw a line/distinguish/ differentiate)3 between ({fairness and unfairness/ equity and inequity }4a/ {reasonableness and unreasonableness}4b).*(尽管)1两年前(不愉快/ditto)2地跟(警察部门)3(分手)4他(大方得体地)5接受(重新任命)6为(警察局长)7: He gracefully5 accepted a reappointment6 as the (police commissioner)7 despite1 an (ugly/unpleasant)2 (parting of the ways)4 with (the police department)3 two years ago.*(调查)1(显示)2有(兄弟姐妹)3的(孩子)4能够(学习)5怎么(分享)6和(轮流)7(较好于)8没有兄弟姐妹的孩子: Studies1 show2 kids4 with siblings3 are able to learn5 how to share6 and (take turns)7 (much better than)8 kids without siblings.*那公司的(销售经理)1(继续说)2(弄到/ditto)3(买单)4是在(生意)5的(大部分/ditto)6(其他的)7只是(技巧上的)8: The company’s(sales manager)1 (keeps saying)2 (securing/ getting)3 (sales orders)4 is (half the battle/half the game)6 in the business5, and the rest7 is just mechanics8.*他(长时期)1的(女朋友)2对他说: “我跟你(分手了/ditto)3因为我不能够(一生默默地等待)4你({立定心意}5a/{向我求婚}5b): His longtime1 girlfriend2said to him: “I’m (breaking off our relationship/ breaking up with you/not seeing you anymore)3 because I cannot (put my life on hold forever waiting for)4 you to ({make up your mind}5a/{pop the question}5b).”*她说: “(我意思不是不尊重)1但(私立学校)2(学生)3(一般来说/ditto))4比较他们(公立学校)5(相对者)6(记录到)7(更高的测验分数)8.”: She said: “(I mean no disrespect)1 but (private school)2 students3 (in general/usually)4 register7 (higher test scores)8 than their (public school)5 counterparts6.”*在一个(记者招待会)1那({前任}2a/{离去}2b)的(汽车制造商)3(总裁)4说那(友好分手)5是由于({对公司策略上的方向}6a/{对公司应该取那个方向}6b)的(分歧)7: In a (news conference)1, the ({former}2a/ {departed}2b) CEO4 of the automaker3 said the (amicable parting of the ways)5 was due to a disagreement7 ({over the strategic direction of the company}6a/{over which direction the company should take}6b).*这(富有家庭)1(还生存)2的(后裔)3是(无用)4的(懒惰汉子)5 (等待)6(他们全部的年老者)7 ({去世}8a/{一个一个逐渐全部死掉}8b)好使他们能够(分享/ditto)9(余下的家族财富)10: The surviving2 descendants3 of this (rich family)1 are good-for-nothing4 bums5 waiting6 for (all their elderly)7 to ({kick the bucket}8a/{die off}8b) so that they can (partake in/share)9 the (residual family fortune)10.*一个({危害生命}1a/{几乎致死}1b)(疾病)2(结果下)3, 他现在是在(奥林匹克)4(体操项目)5 (捕捉全国的幻想)6那个(以前自己)7的(一小部分/ditto)8: (As the result)3 of a ({life-threatening}1a/{near-death}1b) illnes2, he is now a (shadow/fraction)8 of the (former self)7that (captured the nation’s imagination)6 in (gymnastics events)5 of the Olympics4.*很多(娱乐)1({世界}2a/{圈子}2b)的(名人)3(以为)4他们能够维持他们的(职业生涯)5和(私人生涯)6(分开)7, 但(他们所发现)8两者是那么(缠结一起)9(实际)10(不可能)11(那么做)12: Many celebrities3 in the entertainment1 ({world}2a/ {circle}2b) think4 they can keep their (professional lives)5 and (personal lives)6 separate7, but (what they find)8 is the two are so intertwined9 that it is virtually10 impossible11 (to do so)12.*一些({只是关注取得高分者}1a/{只是关注取得高分学生}1b)会(不择手段/ditto)2来取得高(分数/ditto)3, 包括(抄袭)4, 在考试中用(作弊便条/ditto)5, ({给与性交来交换更高分数}6a/{那老“上床来交换甲等分数”的不轨行为}6b), (聘用)7 (捉刀作者)8来(写学期报告)9, (付费)10给(受雇佣者)11来(写他们的考试)12, 和(偷取)13(考试卷)14: Some ({grade-grubbers}1a/{grade-grubbing students}1b) will (stop at nothing/do anything/do whatever it takes)2 to get high (grades/marks)3, which includes plagiarizing4, (using crib notes/using crib sheets)5 during exams, ({trading sexual favors for higher marks}6a/ {practicing the old “an A for a lay” gambit}6b), hiring7 ghostwriters8 to (write term papers)9, paying10 mercenaries11 to (write their exams)12, and stealing13 (exam papers)14.吩: (~咐) instruct*他说: “(一定照足你的吩咐办)1.”: He said: “(It’ll be done exactly the way you want it)1.”纷[紛]: (~纭) abundant and disorderly芬: (~香) fragrant氛: (气~) atmosphere of a scene*(一轮)1(利息调低)2将会(设置)3另一(股票市场上扬)4的(气氛)5: (A round of)1 (rate cuts)2 is going to set3 the tone5 for another (stock market rally)4.*一个对(赌场赌博)1的(好劝告)2是如果你在一张桌子从一个(发牌者)3, (赌客)4或(主管)5接到到不好的(气氛/ditto)6, 你应该(站起来)7(离开/ditto)8: A (good advice)2 in (casino gambling)1 is if you are getting bad (karma [note: not “karmas”]/vibes [note: not “vibe”])6 at a table from a dealer3, a player4 or a (pit boss)5, you should (stand up)7 and (walk away/leave)8.fén:焚: (~烧) incinerate坟[墳]: (~墓) grave; (~起) bulge up*这(健身者的)1 (鼓胀手臂)2(坟起肌肉)3: This body-builder’s1 (bulged up arms)2 (are rippled with muscles)3.*那祖父被(葬在/ditto)1(镇区)2的(坟地/ditto)3: The grandfather was (buried/ entombed/laid to rest)1 in the township2 (graveyard/ cemetery)3.fěn:粉: (~)powder; (~)food from powder (e.g., noodles); (~)pale-color, e.g., (~红) pink♦画粉: tailor’s chalk♦米粉: rice vermicelli♦粉丝: bean vermicelli♦生粉: corn starch♦咖喱粉: curry powder♦辣椒粉: chili powder♦粉扑儿: powder puff♦粉盒儿: a compact♦洗衣粉: washing powder♦漂白粉: bleaching powder♦粉条儿[河粉]: vermicelli*(用芡粉勾上芡就可以用盘盛起来[打個獻就可以上碟])1: (Add thickening sauce and then serve on a plate)1.*她说: “给一分钟我去({搽点儿粉}1a/{搽上点儿胭脂}1b/{搽上点儿化妆}1c)然后(我陪你)2.”: She said: “Give me a minute to ({powder my face}1a /{put on some rouge}1b/{put on some makeup}1c) and (I’ll be with you)2.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #341-350地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)dāng:当[當/噹]: (~任) function as; (承~) accountable; (相~) matching; (锐不可~) (too forceful to) stop; (应~) ought to; (~)“dong” sound*那是(很恼人)1我的(簇新电脑)2(一直无缘无故当机)3: It‟s irritating1 that my (brand new computer)2 (has been crashing for no reason)3.*那(十来岁女孩子)1在(晚上)2和(周末)3(当保姆/ditto)4来(赚取)5一些(零用钱)6: The (teenage girl)1 (works as ababysitter/babysits)4 on evenings2 and weekends3 to earn5 some (spending money)6.*她(佩戴)1(那么多)2(首饰)3走路时比较(圣诞老人/ditto)4更多(丁丁当当声音)5: She wears1 (so much)2 jewelry3 that she walks with more jingles5 than (St. Nick/St. Nicholas/ Santa Claus/Santa)5.*(大学生)1对(似乎永无止境地)2(增加)3(学费)4(感到激愤)5是(理所当然/ditto)6: (College students)1 are (rightly/justly)6 outraged5 at the (seemingly endless)2 rise3 in (tuition fees)4.*他说: “我对(股票投资)1有(应用上的知识)2但(称为)3(投资专家)4(我真不敢当)5.”: He said: “I have a (working knowledge)2 of (stock investment)1, but (I‟m far too flattered)5 to be called3 (an investment expert)4.”*他有(相当大面积)1的(院子)2 (环绕屋子)3, (那需要)4(相当多/ditto)5(数量)6的时间来(刈草坪)7: He has a fair-sized1 yard2 (around the house)3, and it takes4 him a (considerable/sizable/substantial)5 amount6 of time to (mow the lawn)7.*(贪婪)1(蒙蔽)2(实际判断能力)3, 一个(骗子)4能够(设计)5一个(荒谬的)6(迅速致富诡计)7然后(静观)8(容易上当者/ditto)9(上当)10: Greed1 blinds2 (common sense)3. A crook4 can design5 a ridiculous6 (get-rich-quick scheme)7 and then (sit back and watch)8 (pigeons/chumps/suckers/gullible people)9 (take the bait)10.*昨天这一间(很少人知道的)1公司(终于)2得到它(渴望的)3 (媒体注意)4, 但是(全部归于不正当原因)5, 因为(新闻爆发)6它几个它的(行政人员)7被(牵连在/ditto)8(非法)9(内幕消息买卖股票交易)10: Yesterday the little-known1 company finally2 got the (media attention)4 that it coveted3, but (for all the wrong reasons)5 because (news broke)6 that several of its executives7 were (implicated in/linked to)8 illegal9 (insider trading)10.裆[襠]: (~)pants crotch*他看来很(“嬉哈”)1穿着一条(低垂)2(裤裆)3的({松弛下垂}4a/{松弛}4b)(裤子)5: He looked hip-hop1 in a pair of ({baggy}4a/{loose-fitting}4b) pants5 with low-hanging2 crotch3.dáng: XXXXXdǎng:挡[擋]: (~)to withstand; (~)to blockade*(本地居民)1(阻挡)2那(开发商的)3(发展)4(沼泽地)5 (企图)6: (Local residents)1 blocked2the developer‟s3 bid6 to develop4 the marshland5.*(在整个)1(电影/ditto)2(前面)3 (高个儿男人/ditto)4把我(挡了)5我的(视线)6: The (tall fella/tall dude/tall guy/tall man)4 (in front)3 blocked5 my view6 throughout1 the (show/movie)2.*在(武术班)1我们(学会)2(精通于)3把(拳击)4({挡开}5a/{转向}5b), (进击)6和(反击)7的(技术/ditto)8: In (martial art classes)1, we learn2 to master3 the (skill/technique)8 of ({parrying}5a/{deflecting}5b) blows4, attacking6 and counter-attacking7.*世界(排名第一)1的(职业)2(高尔夫球员)3今年(至今)4是(势不可挡/ditto)5已经(连接)6在六场(大赛)7(胜出)8: The (#1 ranked)1 professional2 golfer3 in the world is (on a tear/ unstoppable)5 (so far)4 this year and has won8 six (major tournaments)7 (in a row)6.党[黨]: (~)organized party*当那(黑社会)1需要一个可以(依赖/ditto)2的(党羽)3来(打理/ditto)4(新获得的)5(赌场)6它们({命令他}7a/{召唤他}7b)来: The Mob1 ({called on him}7a/ {called him up}7b) when they needed a (wise guy)3 they could (count on/rely on)2 to(run/operate/manage/be in charge of)4 the (newly acquired)5 casino6.dàng:荡[蕩]: (摇~) sway; (游~)drift; (~) to extinguish, e.g., (倾家~产) squander away all the wealth, (~平敌人) eliminate all enemies*他说话时经常有一支(香烟)1 (从他的口角)2(悬荡着)3: He always speaks with a cigarette1 dangling3 (from the corner of his mouth)2.*(股市动荡中)1(投资在)2(派股息)3和(稳定行业)4的(股票)5 (合情理)6: Investing2 in income3 and defensive4 stocks5 (makes sense)6 (during market upheavals)1.*(进行中)1(警方扫荡)2(把目标对准)3(区域的)4(卖淫)5和(非法贩卖毒品)6: Ongoing1 (police sweeps)2 (are targeting)3 prostitution5 and (drug trafficking)6 (in the area)4.*他说: “(最近)1(我察觉/ditto)2一些(学生)3(在换课室时)4(在走廊)5 (游荡/ditto)6和(闲谈)7.”: He said: “(It has come to my attention/I become aware/I notice)2 recently1 that some students3 are (dawdling/ loitering)6 and chatting7 (in the hallway)5(between classes)4.”*她是个({说话圆滑}1a/{甜言蜜语}1b/{外表甜蜜}1c)能够(吃男人不吐骨)2的(荡妇)3: She‟s a ({smooth-talking}1a/ {sweet-talking}1b/{sugar-coated}1c) tart3 that can (eat man alive)2.*(退休后)1他会(整天)2(漫无目的地)3(惆怅着闲荡)4(等待明天的来临)5好使他能够(再重新)6(重复)7(同样)8(惯性程序)9: (After retirement)1 he (mopes around)4 aimlessly3 (all day)2 (waiting for tomorrow to come)5 just so that he can repeat7 (the same)8 routine9 (all over again)6.*这新的(本地)1(夜总会)2对(放荡)3(单身人士)4(迎合所好)5 (有迅速好开端)6但(成功)7(肯定性完满做到)8(有很远的距离)9: The new local1 (night club)2 that (caters to)5 swinging3 singles4 is (off to a fast start)6 but success7 is (far from)9 (a slam dunk)8.*({当股市动荡不安时/ditto}1a/ {在动乱时刻}1b)({资金逃到债券和黄金的安全避难所}2a/ {投资者走到债券和黄金的庇护所}2b): ({During the turbulent times of the stock market/When the stock market is unsettled}1a/{In times of upheaval}1b), ({money flees to the safe havens of bonds and gold.}2a/{investors seek refuge in bonds and gold}2b).*一些人(认为)1(偶然的)2(放荡行为)3, 例如(狂放喝酒)4, (喧闹派对)5, 和(高注码赌博/ditto)6, 是(可以勉强接受)7(只要)8他们是(远离家园)9: Some people think1 occasional2 (wild behaviors)3, such as binge-drinking4, (rowdy partying)5, and (high-stake gambling/high-stakes gambling)6, are tolerable7 (as long as)8 they are (far away from home)9.*那(政客)1(承认)2(他年青时)3 ({他有相当份量的放荡不羁行为}4a/{他有相当份量的短暂性欲关系}4b), 但({自从那时已经成熟脱离它了}5a/{那些日子逝去已久}5b): The politician1 admitted2 he ({sowed his fair share of wild oats}4a/{had his fair share of wild flings}4b) (when he was young)3, but ({has since grown out of it}5a/{those days are long gone}5b).档[檔]: (~)file folder; (框~) support frame; (高~) (upscale) classification; (~案) files♦大排挡: street-side eatery♦手排档: (manual transmission/manual tranny)♦自动排档: (automatic transmission/automatic tranny)♦ (搭档/伙伴): (associate/ working partner)*这些(历史性的)1(照片)2是从(档案库)3(取回)4: These historical1 photographs2 were retrieved4 from the archives3.*我们的(店子)1在这(普通家庭光顾商场)2(一群中)3是最(庄重)4和(高档)5: Our store1 is the most staid4 and upscale5 (of the bunch)3 in this (family mall)2.*我们的(生产)1(已经转到/ditto)2(高速档位)3去(应付)4这(圣诞节)5(空前的需求)6: Our production1 (has shifted to/has kicked into/has swung into)2 (high gear)3 to handle4 (unprecedented demand)6 for this Christmas5.当[當]: (恰~) appropriate;(一~十) (one) as good as (ten); (~朋友) presumed (as friend); (抵~) to pawn; (上~) be swindled; (~时, 天, 月, 年) at this (moment, day, month, year)♦典当铺子: (pawnshop/ hockshop)♦典当铺子老板: pawnbroker*在(市政厅)1(政治得当)2(失控地/ditto)3在(规划政策)4: In (city hall)1, (political correctness)2 (runs amok/runs amuck/is out of control)3 in policy-making4.*她(人面广阔的)1父亲(拉关系)2 (以非正当方法)3把她走进入他(母校/ditto)4: Her well-connected1 father (pulled some strings)2 and got her into his (alma mater/former college)4 (through the backdoor)3.*去年在城市(罪恶率)1(下跌)2百分之二十(证明)3(当局)4在(重新确立)5(法治)6是(在于适当途径)7: A drop2 of (crime rate)1 by 20% last year in the city proves3 the authority4 is (on the right track)7 to restore5 (law and order)6.*(监管部门)1对一个(抱怨声称)2那公司有(会计不正常行为)3(进行)4(初步调查)5但找不到(不当行为)6: The regulator1 conducted4 a (preliminary investigation)5 into a (complaint alleging)2 (accounting irregularities)3 in the company but found no improprieties6.*(陪审团)1(相信)2(以牙还牙)3是(适当/ditto)4的(惩罚)5(建议死刑)6(加于)7(被宣判有罪的)8(杀人犯)9: The jury1 believed2 (an eye for an eye)3 was (a fitting/an appropriate/ the correct)4 punishment5 and (recommended death penalty)6 (be imposed on)7 the convicted8 murderer9.*那(将军)1说: “我对这些(质疑)2(我对国家忠心)3的(如此琐碎评语)4(作出剧烈的回应)5是(在我立场是适当/ditto)6.”: The General1said: “(It behooves me/It‟s fitting for me)6 to (respond with vigor)5 to (such frivolous comments)4 that (put into question)2 (my loyalty to my country)3.”*(回应)1一个(断言)2说他是一个(大规模)3和(复杂精细)4的(计划)5去(瞒骗)6(投资者)7的(幕后)8(策划人)9他(大叫遭受不当对待)10: He (cried foul)10 (in response)1 to an allegation2 saying he was the mastermind9 behind8 a massive3 and sophisticated4 scheme5 to defraud6 investors7.*那(主管)1被(判决性骚扰有罪)2对(女性员工)3有(不适当的行为/ditto)4, 包括(俯视)5她们的({衣服}6a/{短衬衫}6b)和(抓住)7她们的(臀部/ditto)8: The supervisor1 was (found guilty of sexual harassment)2 by (taking liberties [note: not “liberty”]with/behaving inappropriately towards)4 (female employees)3, which included (looking down)5 their ({blouses}6a/{dresses}6b) and grabbing7 their (behinds/buttocks/butts)8.*那(代理人)1说: “作为十万块钱的(微薄)2(服务费)3我将会(把你转变为)4一个(高酬金)5的(超级模特儿)6.” 她说: “你把我(当作是什么/ditto)7? ({笨蛋吗?}8a/{一个容易受骗的笨蛋吗}8b/{我不是昨天才出生的, 你知道吗!}8c).”: The agent1 said: “For a meager2 fee3of $100,000, I‟ll (turn you into)4 a high-paying5 supermodel6.” She said: “What do you (take me for/play me for)7? ({A fool/An idiot}8a?/ {A sucker}8b/{I wasn‟t born yesterday, you know!}8c).”dāo:刀: (~)knife♦刺刀: bayonet♦剃刀: razor♦军刀: saber♦阔刀: broadsword♦刀叉: (cutlery/silverware/ knives and forks/flatware)♦匕首刀: dagger♦调色刀: palette knife♦牛排刀: steak knife♦切肉刀: cleaver♦大砍刀: machete♦裁纸刀: paper-cutter♦雕刻刀: chisel♦玻璃刀: glass cutter♦刮须刀: shaver♦修平刀: trowel♦手术刀: scalpel♦指甲刀: nail clipper♦一把刀子: a knife♦(小刀/水果刀): paring knife♦(罐头刀/开罐刀): can opener*他问道: “(刀子快不快)1?”: He asked: “(Is the knife sharp)1?”*他说: “(刀子钝了点)1.”: He said: “(The knife is a bit dull)1.”*他对他的朋友说: “如果你(跟这个漂亮的小女孩约会)1, 你应该(准备)2去(面对)3她(挥动着切肉刀)4(肉贩)5父亲的(愤怒)6.”: He said to his friend: “If you (take this pretty little girl out)1, you should be prepared2 to confront3 the rage6 of her (meat cleaver-wielding)4 butcher5father.”叨: (~)babble*她的母亲每天对她(唠叨/ditto)1去({整理房间/ditto}2a/ {挂起衣服}2b/{整理床铺}2c): Her mother (gets after/nags)1 her to ({tidy her room/clean her room}2a/{hang up her clothes}2b/{make her bed}2c) every day.*她对她的(婶母)1(评论)2说: “她(意图良好)3但(说话唠唠叨叨/说话叽叽喳喳/ditto)4(不知道什么时候闭嘴)5.”: She commented2 about the aunt1: “She (has her heart in the right place)3, but she (babbles incessantly/is a motor-mouth/is a blabbermouth)4and (just don‟t know when to shut up)5.”*母亲对她的女儿说: “我不想(听来像是个)1(唠唠叨叨的老年人)2但去(外面)3的(寒冷天气)4(一定要穿得暖一点)5.”: Themother said to her daughter: “I don‟t want to (sound like an)1 (old nag)2, but (do dress warm)5when you‟re going outside3 into the (cold weather)4.”dáo: XXXXXdǎo:倒: (~在床) lying down (in bed); (摔~) fall down; (~台) fail (in ruling); (~车) switch (car)*在(经济衰退)1时他那盘(汽车代理生意)2(倒闭了/ditto)3: During the recession1, his (car dealership business)2 (bit thedust/went kaput/went broke/went bust/collapsed)3.*她(绊倒跌在/ditto)1(结冰的)2(地面)3并(把她自己撞得昏过去)4: She (stumbled and fell/tripped and fell)1 on the icy2 surface3 and (knocked herself out cold)4.*(子弹)1(正正打中他的胸部)2他的(没有生命)3(躯体)4(倒下/ditto)5(成一团)6: The bullet1 (hit him square in the chest)2 and his lifeless3 body4 (slumped/collapsed)5 (in a heap)6.*他的(电子生意)1由于(剧烈的/ditto)2(竞争)3和(管理不善/ditto)4而(摇晃欲倒)5: His (electronic business)1 is faltering5 from (stiff/edgy/intense/fierce)2 competition3 and (mismanagement/poor management)4.*一旦这个(大型百货零售商)1 (移进)2, 本地的(街头便利店)3开始(像苍蝇般大量倒闭)4: Once this (big-box retailer)1 (moves in)2, local (corner stores)3 start (dropping like flies)4.*(一再)1世界的(第一种子)2(球员)3在即(将来临的)4(网球循环赛)5是(一面倒预料胜出的热门)6: Again1the world‟s (number one seeded)2 player3 is a (prohibitive favorite to win)6 the upcoming4 (tennis tournament)5.*今天我回家({懒洋洋地倒在}1a/{倒在}1b)({胀大}2a/{豪华}2b)(沙发/ditto)3的(舒适)4下(睡着)5: Today I came home, ({slouched}1a/{slumped}1b) into the comfort4 of a ({puffy}2a/{plush}2b) (couch/sofa/chesterfield)3 and (fell asleep)5.*(一番挣扎后)1这(存在已久/ditto)2的(街角便利店)3终于(屈服在)4({大型店子}5a/{全国性零售连锁店}5b)的({超卓本领}6a/{竞争}6b)下(倒闭关门)7: (After much struggle)1, the (long-standing/age-old)2 (corner store)3 finally (succumbed to)4 the ({prowess}6a/{competition}6b) of ({big-box establishments}5a/ {national retail chains}5b) and (closed its door)7.*他说: “那(对手)1(刚刚)2(遭受到)3一个(严重的)4(财政打击)5({它差不多完蛋}6a/{我们差不多可以不用理会它}6b/ {它不会给我们递送威胁}6c).” 我说: “它是(倒下但不是完蛋)7, (受伤的狗会做出更多的打斗)8.”: He said: “That competitor1 has just2 taken3 a serious4 (financial blow)5and ({it‟s pretty much a goner}6a/ {we can pretty much write it off}6b/{it no longer posts a threat to us}6c).” I said: “It‟s (down but not out)7, and (a wounded dog can come up with more fights)8.”导[導]: (~)guide; (~电) to conduct (electricity)♦导演: a movie director.♦导游: a tourist guide.*(父母教导)1使孩子在(好坏选择)2中(所倾向一边)3: (Parental guidance)1 is (what tips the balance)3in a child‟s (choice between good and evil)2.*(孔子的)1(教义)2(提供)3(引导)4(向善)5: Confucius‟1 teachings2 provide3 guidance4 (to goodness)5.*这是一(富天才)1, (能干)2和(受过好指导)3的(篮球队)4: This is a talented1, capable2 and well-coached3 (basketball team)4.*(睡眠不足/ditto)1可以(引导致/ditto)2(灾难程度)3的(健康问题)4: (Insufficient sleep/A lack of sleep)1 can (lead to/bring about/cause/produce/result in)2 disastrous3 (health problems)4.*(好的管理)1(懂得)2(怎么去)3将62(员工的)4(精力)5(引导去)6 (最效益的用途)7: (Good management)1 knows2 (how to)3 channel6employees‟4 energy5 to the (most productive use)7.*({解放}1a/{放松}1b)从中国的(旅游限制)2(引导/ditto)3香港(经济)4的(繁荣)5: ({Liberation}1a/{Easing}1b) of (travel restrictions)2 from China (ushers in/leads to)3 prosperity5 in the Hong Kong economy4.*多伦多(华人社区领袖)1是(美德/ditto)2, (宽容)3, (正义)4, (力量)5, 和(信念)6的(引导者)7: The (Chinese Community Leader)1 of Toronto is a shepherd7 of (grace/virtues/goodness)2, tolerance3, righteousness4, strength5, and faith6.*那(公司合并)1(导出好处)2(包括)3(合并操作)4(引发的)5(相当大的)6(费用)7(削减/ditto)8: (Spinoff benefits)2 from the merger1 include3 significant6 cost7 (cuts/reduction)8 resulting5 from (consolidation of operations)4.*我们(依靠)1我们(董事会)2的(指导)3和(行政人员)4的(专门知识)5来把我们的(业务)6(推动)7(向前)8: We (rely on)1 the guidance3 of our Board2 and expertise5 of our executives4 to propel7 our business6 forward8.*({新领域导航}1a/{新境界探索}1b)中没有(地图)2或(前人走过的小径)3(你需要)4(在你进行中)5({随机应变}6a/{制造道路/ditto}6b): There is no map2 and no path3 when you ({navigate through unexplored territory}1a/{break new ground}1b), and (you have to)4 ({improvise}6a/{make your own road/blaze your own trail}6b) (as you go)5.*我们在有(深度智商)1, (商业洞察力)2, (实际经验)3, (街头生存智慧)4, (明察/ditto)5(判断力)6, 和(优越能力)7的(董事会)8去(领导)9: We are guided9 by a (board of directors)8 with (intellectual depth)1, (business acumen)2, (practical experience)3, (street smarts)4, (perceptive/insightful/clear-headed)5 judgment6, and (excellent ability)7.*她说: “以前我(厌倦)1我妈妈(告诉我)2({…你不能做这事你不能做那事‟}3a/{我怎么过活}3b), 但现在我(已经搬离家)4我(惦念)5她的(引导)6.”: She said: “Before I was (tired of)1 my mother (telling me)2({…you can‟t do this you can‟t do that‟}3a/{how to run my life}3b), but now that I (have moved out of home)4 I miss5 her guidance6.”*他说: “你告诉我那套我({很渴望}1a/{等待不及}1b) 看的(电影)2(上星期开映)3, 但它(不开映)4直至(这周末)5.” 她说: “(对不起)6我(误导你/ditto)7.”: He said: “You told me the movie2({I‟m looking forward}1a/{I can‟t wait}1b) to watch (opened last week)3, but it (isn‟t opening)4 until (this weekend)5.” She said: “Sorry6 I (misled you/gave you a bum steer)7.”祷[禱]: (~)pray*(一对老人家的)1(祈祷)2有(回应/ditto)3当(两人一同失去他们工作那一天)4他们(中了彩票大奖)5: (The old couple‟s)1 prayers2 were (answered/ heard)3 when they (hit the lottery jackpot)5 (on the day they both lost their jobs)4.蹈: (~)to step; (舞~) dance*那(表演者的)1({极好}2a/{吸引}2b)(舞蹈步法)3(获得观众雷霆掌声/ditto)4: The performer‟s1 ({fantastic}2a/ {fascinating}2b) (dance steps)3 (brought down the house/ brought the house down/ received thunderous applause from the audience)4.岛[島]: (~)island半岛: peninsula*香港, ({著名地}1a/{受欢迎地}1b)(知名为)2(东方之珠)3, 是一个(小岛屿)4(位于)5(离开)6中国(东南部海岸)7: Hong Kong, ({famously}1a/ {popularly}1b) (known as)2 the (Pearl of the East)3, is a (small island)4 located5 off6 the (southeast coast)7 of China.捣[搗]: (~)to pestle; (~蛋) cause trouble; (直~) conquest (straight to)*他(很骄傲地说及)1他的儿子: “这个(八岁大)2的(可爱小捣蛋)3(带来)4(极大/ditto)5的(乐趣)6(去我的世界)7.”: He (spoke proudly of)1his son: “This eight-month-old2 (cute little rascal)3 has brought4 (immense/great)5 joy6 (to my world)7.”dào:倒: (~)reverse; (~水) pour out (water); (不吃~胖) (did not eat, but) conversely (get fat); (真的! ~要听听) (really! ) surprisingly (should hear it out)*昨天(风暴)1把(大量)2(树木)3 (倒下)4: The storm1 felled4 (a large number of)2 trees3 yesterday.*他({开倒车}1a/{开车}1b)去(车道)2({撞到}3a/{大力撞进}3b)(车房门)4: He ({backed the car}1a/{pulled the car}1b) onto the driveway2 and ({hit}3a/{crashed into}3b) the (garage door)4.*一(大队)1(巡逻的士兵)2被(伏击)3, (他们很多人)4在(一阵)5 (子弹)6中(倒下)7: A battalion1 of (patrolling soldiers)2 were ambushed3, and (many of them)4 were (brought down)7 in a hail5 of bullets6.*(打倒)1一个(牵涉于信用卡骗局)2的(国际集团)3(一部分)4中六十个人被(拘捕)5: Sixty people were arrested5 as (part of)4 a takedown1 of an (international ring)3 (involved in credit card fraud)2.*她的舅母说: “我(仍然)1(认为)2(先有孩子然后结婚)3(有一点儿/ditto)4像(本末倒置)5.”: Her aunt said: “I still1 think2 (having a baby before getting married)3 is (a bit/somewhat)4 like (putting the cart before the horse)5.”*母亲对女儿说: “去(叫醒)1你的父亲, 如果他(拒绝起床)2把这(桶/ditto)3水(当头)4(倒下去)5.”: The mother told the daughter: “Go and (wake up)1 your father, and if he (refuses to get out of bed)2, dump5 this (pail/bucket)3 of water (on his head)4.”*对于这个(七十五岁年纪)1的(祖父)2在(马拉松)3(完成赛事于名次)4(倒数第一)5是(值得钦佩的)6(成就)7: (Coming in)4 (dead last)5 in the marathon3 was an admirable6 achievement7 for this (seventy-five year old)1 grandfather2.*(而不是)1她们(前人)2(被动地)3(等待)4(被娶过去[意])5很多(现代女人)6(把男人地位倒转)7成为(约会游戏)8的(主动者)9: (Instead of)1 waiting4 passively3 to be (carried over the threshold)5 like their predecessors2, many (modern women)6 have (turned the tables [note: not “table”] on men)7 and become the aggressors9 in the (dating game)8.*(经济学家)1(提议)2(上升)3(趋势)4的(利息收益率)5(弧线)6在一年后(倒转/ditto)7是(全球经济衰退)8的(不祥预兆/ditto)9: Economists1 suggest2 the upward3 trending4 (interest yield)5 curve6 that (inverts/reverts)7 after one year (is ominousof/threatens)9 a (global recession)8.*他的(妻子)1(开玩笑地)2说: “如果你不是(跪下)3(恳求)4我(永远不会跟你结婚)5.” 他说: “(女士)6, 你把(事实)7(倒转/ditto)8了, 那是你(恳求)9我跟你结婚.”: His wife1 jokingly2said: “I (would never have married you)5 if you were not begging4 (on your knees)3.” He said: “Lady6, you have the facts7 (backwards/the wrong way around)8. It was you that begged9 me to marry you.”*他说: “(你不认为)1所有那些(机场保安检查)2是个(讨厌)3吗?” 他的舅舅说: “我们(生活在)4(9/11 之后的时代)5, (高防御措施)6已经成为(生活惯常一部分)7(不能倒转回去的)8.”: He said: “(Don‟t you think)1 all those (airport security check)2 a nuisance3?” His uncle said: “We (live in)4 a (post-9/11 era)5. (High security)6 has become (a way of life)7, and (there is no turning back)8.”*经理说: “(身为一个互联网电缆进入供应商)1(顾客)2(有权利)3(期望)4我们(提供)5(不停/ditto)6的(电子邮件服务)7, 任何(长时间/ditto)8(中断/ditto)9 (一定会)10 (把我们业务置于倒退多年)11.”: The manager said: “Customers2 rightfully3 expect4 us to provide5 (continuous/uninterrupted)6 (email service)7 (as an internet cable access provider)1, and any (interruption/outage)9 for (an extended period/a protracted period/a lengthy period)8 will10 (set our business back many years)11.”到: (~)arrive; (~) go to; (周~) attentive; (拿~) successful in getting*总裁从纽约(没有预先通知不铺张地到达这里)1(计划)2(逗留这星期)3: The president (blew in)1 from New York last night and (plans)2 to (stay for the week)3.*他在(电话上)1问道: “在(这一程)2你是否({来到}3a/{经过}3b)香港?”: He asked (over the phone)1: “Are you ({comingto}3a/{passing through}3b) Hong Kong on (this trip)2?*她说: “我昨晚从香港(坐飞机回来)1(现在)2(累死啦)3.” 她问道: “你(什么时间)4(到达/ditto)5?”: She said: “I‟m dead-tired3 (right now)2. I (flew in)1from Hong Kong last night.” He asked: “(What time)4 did you (get in/arrive)5?”*他说: “我(差不多)1(完毕)2(做我的差使)3(然后)4(我便有空)5.” 我说: “(到底)6(你来不来吃晚饭)7?”: He said: “I am (just about)1 (finished with)2 (running my errands)3 and then4(I‟ll be free)5.” I said: “(In any case)6, (are you coming for supper or not)7?”*妻子说: “我们应该(马上)1(调查一下/ditto)2(那些大学)3看那一所是(最适合)4我们的孩子?” 丈夫说: “我们的孩子只是八岁, 不用(过早采取行动/ditto)5, 我们(到达/ditto)6那个情况才来(应付[意])7吧.”: The wife said: “We should (check out/lookinto/have a look at/investigate)2 (the colleges)3 immediately1 to see which one is the (best fit)4for our child.” The husband said: “Our child is only eight, and there‟s no need to (jump the gun/act prematurely/act too soon)5. Let‟s (cross that bridge)7 when we (come to it/get there)6.”悼: (~)mourn*(亲人)1和(朋友)2尝试(慰问)3 (寡妇)4在她的(哀悼)5: Family1 and friends2 tried to console3 the widow4 in her mourning5.*那(国家的人民)1为他们(总统)2的(死亡)3而(哀悼)4: The country1 laments4 over the death3 of their President2.*在({追悼仪式}1a/{丧礼}1b) (死者的)2哥哥(发表)3一个(动人的)4(悼词)5说: “今天我们在这里不是(哀悼)6我们(亲爱者)7的(损失)8而是(颂扬)9他跟我们在一起的(美妙时刻)10和他(留下的)11(遗赠)12.”: The deceased‟s2 brother delivered3 a moving4 eulogy5 in the ({memorial service}1a/ {funeral}1b), saying: “Today we are here not to mourn6 the loss8 of our (dear one)7, but to celebrate9 the (wonderful days)10 he was with us and the legacy12 he (has left behind)11.”盗: (~)to steal; (~贼) thief强盗: robber*(离去员工)1(盗窃)2他们(前度雇主的)3(顾客)4是(很普遍)5: It is (not uncommon)5 for (departed employees)1 to poach2 their (former employers‟)3 customers4.*(黑手党首领)1对(从他盗取钱财)2的(前度簿记)3(发出奖赏格杀令)4: The (Mafia boss)1 (put a contract)4 on the ex-bookkeeper3 for (skimming from him)2.*(撕毁/ditto)1(摒弃的)2(信用卡)3, (账单)4, (银行结算单)5, 和(其他有个人资料的文件)6来(避免)7(个人身份盗窃)8: (Cutup/Shred)1 discarded2 (credit card)3, bills4, (bank statements)5, and (other documents with personal information)6 to avoid7 (identity theft)8.*当(被逮捕时)1, (簿记员的)2 (借口)3是她(雇主)4(欠她很多)5, 她有(权利)6(从他逐渐盗取)7(她有可能的每一分钱)8: When apprehended1, the bookkeeper‟s2 excuse3 was her employer4 (owed her big time)5 and she had the right6 to (milk him)7 (for every penny she possibly could)8.稻: (~)rice plant♦稻子[稻]: rice stalk*从我们(屋子)1的({后院}2a/{前面阳台}2b), 我们有一个(日出)3和(日落)4在(无尽的)5({金黄}6a/{翠绿}6b)(稻田/ditto)7(地平线之上)8的(完美)9(视野)10: From the ({backyard}2a/{front porch}2b) of our house1, we have a perfect9 view10 of sunrise3 and sunset4 (over the horizon)8 of endless5 ({golden}6a/{green}6b) (rice paddies/rice paddy fields)7.道: (~)road; (水~) waterway; (~理) reasonableness; (医~) (medical) methodology; (~德) morality; (传~) (preach) religious teaching; (~) strand of; (~) unit of barrier (e.g., door); (~) unit of order or query; (~) unit of: (~河) a river, (~菜) a dish of food, (~手续) a procedure; (地~) home-grown; (~白) dialogue of a drama; (~教) Taoist religion♦柔道: judo♦赤道: equator♦道路: road♦空手道: karate♦跆拳道: tae kwon do♦单行道: one-way street♦田间渠道: irrigation dike♦田间小道: footpath in fields♦私家车道: driveway♦演出道具: prop♦机场跑道: (runway/landing strip/airstrip)♦泥泞小道: muddy path♦(隧道/地道): underground tunnel♦海旁木板人行道boardwalk♦人行横道[斑馬綫]: a crosswalk♦一道(菜/题目/命令): a/an (dish of food/topic/order)♦(夹道儿/过道儿/[冷巷]): (narrow passageway/corridor)♦特建人行道[注: 例如建筑地盘旁的]: a pedestrian walkway♦(人行道/便道[行人路][注: 一般是大路旁的] ): a side-walk*香港(长期以来已被)1({认同为}2a/{视为}2b)(到中国的通道)3: Hong Kong (has long been)1 ({recognized}2a/ {seen}2b) as (the gateway to China)3.*对很多中国人, (道义)1是一种(举止的方式)2而不是(没有定律)3的(行为)4: For many Chinese, honor1 is a (way of life)2 and not a random3 behavior4.*她说: “我需要(极力挣扎经过)1(很多里)2(挤满人群)3的(狭窄临时行人通道/ditto)4(来到这里)5.”: She said: “I had to (fight through)1 miles2 of (gangways/narrow makeshift walkways/narrow makeshift passageways)4 (packed with crowds)3 (to getthere)5.”*对为何我们需要把(金融机构)1和(对冲基金)2的(监管规则)3(更加严格)4(政府的)5 (解释)6(满有道理/ditto)7: The government‟s5 explanation6 on why we need to (toughen up)4 regulations3 on (financial institutions)1 and (hedge funds)2 (makes good sense/stands to reason)7.*(领袖)1对(队员)2说: “我们的(人道主义使命)3是给这些在(绝望/ditto)4, (悲痛)5, 和(穷困)6的人们(一线希望)7.”: The leader1 said to the (team members)2: “Our (humanitarian mission)3 is to give these people in (hopelessness/ despair)4, grief5, and destitution6 (a glimmer of hope)7.”*他被(错误地)1(控告)2和(监禁)3一单他(没有犯的)4(罪行)5, 现在他要跟({警察}6a/{司法的体系}6b)(讨回公道)7: He was wrongly1 accused2 and jailed3 for a crime5he (didn‟t commit)4, and now he wants to (seek justice)7 from the({police}6a/{judicial system}6b).备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
英语习语谚语AA bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠总怪工具差。
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 别离情更深A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤过的孩子怕见火。
(意同:一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳)A constant guest is never welcome. 常客招人嫌。
A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。
A cracked bell can never sound well. 破钟敲不响。
Actions speak louder than words. 百说不如一干。
A drowning man will catch at a straw. 人快淹死时,稻草也要抓。
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境增才干,并不增财富A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。
A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 患难识知已A friend is easier lost than found. 失友容易,交友难。
After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴(意指:否极泰来)After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile. 饭后百步,延年益寿A good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤A good name is sooner lost than won. 美名易失,不易得A good wife is a good prize. 贤妻赛宝石A good winter brings a good summer. 好冬必有好夏A house divided against itself cannot stand. 家庭不睦,万事不兴A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少时懒惰,老来虱咬(意指:少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤)A little is better than none. 聊胜于无A little learning is a dangerous thing. 浅学误人A little pot is soon hot. 小易热,量小易怒A living dog is better than a dead lion. 死狮不如活狗All his geese are swans. 敝帚自珍All lay loads on a willing horse. 好马重负All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马All's well that ends well. 结果好,一切都好All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西不一定是金子All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事起头难All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只用功,不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻A man can only die once. 人生只有一回死A man is known by his friends. 视其友,知其人A man who has friends must show himself friendly. 要想交朋友,就得有诚意A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king. 盲人国里,独眼称王。
地道英语句典A-Z #381-390地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)谍[諜]: (~)spy*他被(控告以)1(替敌人)2(做间谍情报刺探行为/ditto)3: He was (charged with)1 (engaging in espionage activities/spying)3 (for the enemy)2.*那(帮歹徒)1({安插一个潜伏的间谍在警察局}2a/{有一个警长在他们的发薪名册上}2b): The gang1 ({has planted a mole in the police department}2a/{has a police captain on their payroll}2b).*现今的(商业世界)1({有间谍行动}2a/{有间谍不轨行动}2b)在(发生)3来(取得)4(竞争)5(优势/ditto)6: There ({is espionage}2a/{are cloak-and-dagger maneuvers}2b) (going on)3in today’s (business world)1 to get4 a competitive5(edge/advantage)6.蝶: (~)butterfly蝴蝶: butterfly*那(小孩子想)1如果他(做出)2 (小的好事)3并(要求)4所有(受惠者)5(不中断地)6(把好事偿还给其他陌生人)7, 那(动作)8会有({蝴蝶效应}9a/ {蔓延效果}9b)(把善良蔓延到全世界)10: The (small boy thought)1 if he performed2 (small good deed)3 and asked4 all beneficiaries5 (to repay the good deeds to other strangers)7 unbroken6, the motion8 would have the ({butterfly effect}9a/ {carryover effect}9b) (to spread goodness to the entire world)10. [note: “butterfly effect” is a theory that a butterfly flapping its wings at one corner could trigger a chain effect that causes larger events such as hurricanes elsewhere on earth].喋: (~~)gab; (~血) blood splattered all over*她是个(不知道什么时候闭嘴)1(喋喋不休的人/ditto)2: She’s a (chatterbox/windbag/magpie)2that (doesn’t know when to shut up)1.*(演讲者)1(喋喋不休/ditto)2地说了两小时后(没有一个在座观众)3(还醒着/ditto)4: (No one in the audience)3 (was awake/ stayed awake)4 after the speaker1 (rattled on/yakked and yakked/went yackety-yak/yakked/yacked/went on and on)2 for two hours.*(主管)1对(工人)2说: “(停止)3 (喋喋不休地说无谓的话/ditto)4(重回去工作)5.”: The supervisor1 told the workers2: “Stop3 the (chatter/chattering/blabbing/gabbing/prattling/yacking)4 and (get back to work)5.”*他说: “当他(喋喋不休)1时(我一言不发)2但(真实地告诉你)3(他所说的我一字也不相信)4.”: He said: “(I kept my mouth shut)2 when he (blabbered on)1, but (to be honest with you)3(I didn’t believe a word he said)4.”牒: (通~) demand notification*(营业经理)1对({没有表现}2a/ {表现不如理想}2b)的(营业员)3说: “(细心听着)4这(最后通牒)5: (不改善就被辞退)6.”: The (sales manager)1 said to the ({non-performing}2a/ {underperforming}2b) salesman3: “(Listen carefully)4 to this ultimatum5: (shape up or ship out)6!”diě: XXXXXdiè: XXXXXdīng:丁: (壮~) (strong) adult male [古]; (~) persons; (~) particular labor type worker (e.g., 园~gardener); (肉~) (meat) food dices; (~) fourth place in ranking*他在(中学由始至终)1是一个(丙等和丁等)2的(学生)3: He was a (C and D grade)2 student3 (throughout high school)1.叮: (~)sting; (~嘱) exhort*他的父母(重复地)1(叮嘱)2他(疏远)3(坏朋友)4, 但他们的(忠告)5({滑过他像水过鸭背}6a/{左耳入右耳出}6b): His parents repeatedly1 urge2 him to (stay away from)3 (bad company)4, but their advice5({rolls off him like water off a duck’sback}6a/{goes in one ear and out the other}6b).*他说: “一个(好理由)1为何我不是个(太大的喜爱野外的人)2是我不要(被蚊子)3({叮}4a/{咬}4b/{活生生地吃掉/ditto}4c).”H e said: “A (good reason)1why I’m not (much of a wildlife person)2is I don’t want to get ({stung}4a/ {bitten}4b/{eaten alive/ devoured alive}4c) (by mosquitoes)3.”盯: (~)gaze*她的朋友对她说: “(小心盯住孩子)1, (别让他跑丢)2.”: Her friend said to her: “(Watch your kid carefully)1and (don’t let him run away)2.”*她对她(为爱而茶饭不思)1的男朋友说: “(干吗你时常那么样子盯住我)2?”: She said to her lovesick1boyfriend: “(Why do you always stare at me like that)2?”*她(恐惧地走离)1(充满仇恨)2, (不停骚扰)3, (盯梢着)4和(复仇心切)5的(已分离的)6(丈夫)7: She is (running scared from)1 her bitter2, harassing3, stalking4 and vengeful5 estranged6 husband7.钉[釘]: (~)nail; (~梢) tail closely♦钉子: nail♦图钉: thumbtack♦螺丝钉: screws♦木螺钉: wood screw*他尝试(吵架后想修好)1时女朋友(给他碰钉子)2: His girlfriend (snubbed him)2 when he tried to (make up)1.díng: XXXXXdǐng:顶[頂]: (~)top; carry with head; (~)to head (a ball in soccer); (~)to butt (e.g., against door against wind); (~风而来) push against (storm in heading forwards); (~咀) to retort (in argument); (一~二) (one) comparable to the ability of (two); (~替) substitute for; (~尖) topmost♦ (房顶/屋顶): roof-top*我们有(顶尖的)1(行政人员)2 (领导)3我们的公司(去光明的将来)4: We have topnotch1 executives2 leading3 our company (to a bright future)4.*这(型号)1是(矿业货车)2(最顶尖者)3(单一次装载量)4能够(运载)5四百吨: This model1 is the (big daddy)3 in (mining trucks)2 and can haul5 over 400 tons in (one single load)4.*他们(新生婴孩)1({出生}2a/{分娩}2b/{来临}2c)后他们(感觉像)3是他们(坐在世界顶尖上)4: They (feel like)3 they are (sitting on top of the world)4 after the ({birth}2a/ {delivery}2b/{arrival}2c) of their newborn1.*两个总裁的(仇恨/ditto)1昨天达到(顶点/沸点)2双方在(记者招待会)3中(公然)4(恶意地)5 (对骂/ditto)6: The (badblood/animosity/hostility)1 of the two CEOs (culminated/ ditto)2 to nasty5 public4 (exchanges/exchange of words)6 yesterday at a (news conference)3.鼎: (~)Chinese 3 legs 2 handle cooking utensil [古]酊: (~)drunk*很多(涉及)1(汽车意外)2的(司机)3当他们去(驾驶盘)4(后面)5时是 ({被毒品高度迷醉}6a/{酩酊大醉}6b): Many drivers3 who were involved1 in (car accidents)2 were ({high on drugs}6a/{highly intoxicated}6b) when they got behind5 the wheels4.dìng:订[訂]: (~立) establish (agreement; policies); (~单) an order for goods; (~户) a subscriber; (预~) reserve; (装~) book binding♦订单: purchase order♦订书针: staples*他的新(电脑)1(在订购中)2: His new computer1 (is on order)2.*她昨天(开出)1一张(影印纸)2(订货单)3: She placed1 an order3 for (photocopying papers)2 yesterday.*他以约翰施密夫的名字(订了)1一个(单人房间)2: He (made a reservation)1 for a (single room)2 under the name of John Smith.*这(餐室)1(供应)2(好食物)3但你要(预定)4来(得到一张台子)5: This restaurant1 serves2 (great food)3, but you have to (book ahead)4 to (get a table)5.*他说: “(打电话)1给今晚的(演唱会)2({多订一张票子}3a/{取消一张票子}3b): He said: “Call1 and ({book one moreticket}3a/{cancel one ticket}3b) for tonight’s concert2.”*那(无线电话电讯公司)1给与({首次订户}2a/{续约订户}2b)百分之二十(折扣)3: The (mobile carrier)1 offers a 20% discount3to ({first time subscribers}2a/{renewing subscriptions}2b).*他说: “我想(预订晚饭座位)1 (给四个人)2, (最好是)3({包厢座位}4a/{观景包厢座位}4b), ({台子座位}5a/ {露台座位}5b) (还可以)6, 但(请你)7(一定不要)8(酒吧凳子座位/ditto)9.”: He said: “I would like to (make a dinner reservation)1 for (a party of four)2, preferably3 ({booth seats}4a/{window booth seats}4b), and ({table seats}5a/{patio seats}5b) (are fine)6, but (definitely no)8 (bar-stool seats/counter-stool seats)9 please7.”钉[釘]: (~)to nail*(不花多久)1便(把木板钉在)2({墙壁}3a/{横梁}3b): (It didn’t take long)1 (to nail the board)2 to the ({wall}3a/ {beam}3b).定: (固~) fixed; (~神) calm down; (决~) decide; (确~) confirm; (约~) make appointment; (预~) reserved; (排~) schedule; (必~) certainly; (~) settling in after an action, e.g., (坐~) sitting down♦定金: (down payment/deposit payment)♦(定做/ditto)的家具: (custom-made/custom-built/made-to-order) furniture*她的朋友问道: “你去明天的(派对)1吗?” 她说: “(我还没肯定)2.”: Her friend asked: “Are you going to the party1tomorrow?” She said: “(I’m not sure yet)2.”*(死亡)1和(税收)2是(生命)3(两个必然的事)4, 但(其他的)5是(不一定了)6: Death1 and taxes2 are the two certainties4 in life3 but (the rest)5 are touch-and-go6.*他说: “我(打电话预定)1了一只(新鲜烤)2的(乳猪)3给今晚的(生日宴会)4.”: He said: “I (called ahead to reserve)1 a (freshly roasted)2 (suckling pig)3for tonight’s (birthday banquet)4.”*这个(世界级的)1(派克牌手)2是(非常镇定)3: This world-class1 (poker player)2 is (cool as cucumber)3.*他的朋友说: “我说我今天(把你打败)1, (要打赌吗)2?” 他说: “(一言为定/同意)3”: His friend said: “I say I’ll (beat you)1 today. (Want to bet)2?” He said: “(You’re on/ditto)3.”*那(石油巨子的)1 (来去不定)2 (收购)3一(英联甲组球队)4又一再是(头条新闻)5: The (oil tycoon’s)1 (on-again off-again)2 acquisition3 of the (England Premier League football team)4 is (headline news)5 once again.*在十点钟学生(鱼贯走进)1(考试会堂)2(取他们位置)3在(指定)4的(位子)5来(考试)6: At 10 o’clock students (filed into)1 the (examination hall)2 and (took their places)3 at designated4 seats5 for the exam6.*这个夏天那套(电影/ditto)1(肯定/ditto)2({那组/ditto}3a/{远远地/ditto}3b)最好的一套: That (picture/movie)1 is (clearly/without a doubt/ undoubtedly/certainly/surely/ positively/beyond doubt/ absolutely/definitely/ unquestionably)2 the best ({of thebunch/of the crop}3a/{by a long shot/by far}3b) this summer.*没有(固定不变)1的(原则)2来(百分百时间取悦女孩子)3因为她们都有自己的(小怪癖)4: There are no hard-and-fast1 rules2 to (please girls one-hundred-percent of the time)3 because they all have their own (little quirks)4.*他说: “这(马场)1的(赛马)2是(作弊地预定结果)3的, (我若是你)4我不会(下注一分钱)5.”: He said: “(Horse races)2 on this track1 are fixed3, and I wouldn’t (bet one penny)5 (if I were you)4.”*我问道: “(表演)1后你(肯定)2可以把我们带进(后台)3的(派对)4吗?” 他说: “(必定可以/ditto)5.”: I asked: “Are you sure2 you can get us into the backstage3 party4 after the (gig/performance)1?” He said: “(You betcha/You can bet on it/You can bet your bottom dollar on it/You can count on it/You can be sure of it/You can bet your sweet boots on it/You can bet your life on it/ You can bet your sweet life on it)5.”*她问: “你来我的(婚礼)1吗?” 我回答: “({一定会/ditto}2a/{没有任何力量可以拉住我不去[意]}2b): She asked: “Are you coming to my wedding1?” I replied: “({You bet/Absolutely/For sure}2a/{wild horses could not drag me away from going}2b)!”.*在(高速公路)1(不论)2(驾驶者)3(尝试)4怎么(小心)5, (不同程度严重性)6(意外)7(肯定/ditto)8(发生)9: On the highway1, accidents7 of (various degrees of severity)6 are (bound/sure/certain/destined)8 to happen9 (regardless of)2 how careful5 drivers3 try4 to be.*近年来的(营运亏损)1(可能似乎很少)2, 但若是(情况不改善)3公司将会(缓慢但必定地)4(流血致死)5: (Operating losses)1 in recent years (may seem small)2, but (slowly and surely)4 the company will (bleed to death)5 if the (situation does not improve)3.*({企业合并}1a/{合并和收购}1b)(尘埃落定后/ditto)2, 在(行业)3将只有(几个/ditto)4(参与者)5(剩下来)6: When (the dust finally settles/everything is said and done)2 with all the ({consolidations}1a/{mergers and acquisitions}1b), only (a handful of/a few)4 players5 will be left6 in the industry3.*在这公司没有(营运政策)1是(铁定不变)2, 因为时常(高级职员)3和他们(好友)4有(突发要做)5的(例外)6: In this company, none of the (operating policies)1 are (written in stone)2, since there are always exceptions6 at the whim5 of executives3 and their cronies4.*我拿这辆(跑车)1去(试车)2(发觉)3它(甚至)4当我(相当快速度)5来(转急剧街角)6(没有摆动地稳定贴在路上)7: I took this (sports car)1 for a (test drive)2 and found3 it (hugged the road)7 even4 when I was (turning sharp corners)6 at (fairly high speed)5.*我们(定下)1(针对)2(增加/ditto)3我们(顾客)4和(股东)5 (价值)6之({极高}7a/{富闯劲}7b/{雄心}7c)的(目标)8: We set1 ({lofty}7a/{aggressive}7b/ {ambitious}7c) goals8 that (aim at)2 (increasing/adding/enhancing)3 values6 to our customers4 and shareholders5.*他说: “我们所有的(家具是/ditto)1(定做的/ditto)2去(修改来适合)3你的(家居)4或是(办公室)5, 我们不(存放)6任何(货品在手)7.”: He said: “All our (furniture is/furniture pieces are)1 (made-to-order/custom-built/custom-made/specially made)2 to custom-fit3 your home4 or office5, and we do not keep6 any (stock on hand)7.”*这国家(勇敢人民)1(面对)2(灾害/ditto)3, (悲剧事故)4, (摧毁)5, (苦恼/ditto)6, (磨难/ditto)7和(麻烦)8下(保持)9(坚定不移/ditto)10: The (brave people)1 of this country stay9 (steadfast/unwavering/resolute)10 (in the face of)2 (calamities/disasters)3, tragedies4, destructions5, (afflictions/distress)6, (tribulations/hardships/ sufferings)7, and troubles8.*那母亲当她的三岁女儿在一个(繁忙的购物商场)1({失踪/ditto}2a/{迷路/ditto}2b)她({失去镇定/ditto}3a/{恐慌/ditto}3b): The mother ({lost it/ lost her composure/lost her nerves/lost her cool}3a/ {freaked out/freaked/panicked/went panicky}3b) when her 3-year-old daughter ({went missing/was lost}2a/{strayed/went astray}2b) in a (busy mall)1.*那公司对它的(承诺)1去(提供)2它(产品)3(最佳的)4(品质)5, (设计)6, (科技)7, (价值)8和(服务)9给(顾客)10是(坚定不移/ditto)11: The company is (steadfast/unwavering/resolute)11 in its commitment1 to provide2 the best4 quality5, design6, technology7, value8 and service9 in its products3 to customers10.*自从公司因(新产品)1(质量问题)2(遭受/ditto)3(一连串)4(摧毁性的打击)5随后(管理层人员)6尝试(把公司恢复稳定状况)7(已有多年)8: Management6 has been trying (for years)8 (to put the company back on an even keel)7 after it (suffered/ was dealt)3 (a series of)4 (devastating blows)5 from (quality problems)2 of (new products)1.*那公司的(蓄积款项)1被(多年)2({没有节制的}3a/{过度的}3b)(花费)4(把钱榨取至干涸)5(已有很久)6(它生存的机会)7是(难以确定/ditto)8: The company’s coffers1 (note: not “coffer”) (have been bled dry)5 from years2 of ({unrestrained/wanton}3a/{excessive}3b) spending4, and (for quite some time)6 (its chance of survival)7 has been (iffy/touch-and-go/up in the air/uncertain/tentative)8.*那经理问那(助手)1说: “我们还能否(退出)2那去(买办公室房子)3的(交易)4?” 那助手说: “(当然)5! 我们(还在讨论)6, (至今)7没有什么是(铁定不能改/ditto)8的.”: The manager asked the assistant1: “Can we still (back out)2 of the deal4 to (buy the office premises)3?” The assistant said: “(Of course)5! We’re (still talking)6 and nothing is (carved in stone/ set in stone/written in stone)8 (as yet)7.”*那(地产)1(营业代表)2说: “那是({绝对不言明便了解}3a/{充分地清楚明白/ditto}3b)如果你(稍后)4(决定)5不(进行完成)6(购买)7那(大厦单位)8(定金)9(全数可以退还)10.”: The (real estate)1 (sales agent)2said: “It’s ({perfectly understood}3a/ {abundantly clear/amply evident}3b) that the deposit9 is (fully refundable)10 if you later4 decide5 not (to go through with)6 the purchase7 of the (apartment unit)8.”*这是一({必定要看的电影}1a/ {必定要拥有的股票}1b/{必定要听的歌曲}1c/{必定要尝试的菜肴}1d/{必定要吃的佳肴}1e/{必定要点的甜品}1f/{家庭必定要有的工具}1g): This is a ({must-see movie}1a/ {must-own stock}1b/{must-hear song}1c/{must-try dish}1d/ {must-eat delicacy}1e/{must-order dessert}1f/{must-have tool for home}1g).*我问: “你肯定他今天离去不再回来吗?” 他回答道: “({我肯定!}1a/{我猜是吧!}1b/{我相信是吧}1c/ {我假定是吧!/ditto}1d/{我不太肯定!/ ditto}1e/{我怀疑那会是真的!}1f)”: I asked: “Are you sure he left for the day?” He replied: “({I’m sure!}1a/{I guess so!}1b/{I suppose so!}1c/{I assume so!/I presume so!}1d/ {I’m not really certain!/I’m not too sure!}1e/{I doubt it!}1f)”*自从许多(消费者)1将他们的(可支配收入)2(相当部分)3({指定用于}4a/{固定用于}4b) (支付房屋按揭)5和(期望)6(其他家庭购买省钱)7之下(零售行业)8的(打折扣)9(部分)10(销售)11(有增长)12: Sales11 in discount9 segment10 of the (retail industry)8 climb12 ever since many consumers1 have ({committed}4a/{locked in}4b) (a good portion of)3 their (disposal income)2 to (mortgage payments)5 and are (looking to)6 (save on other household purchases)7.*他很(愤怒地)1说对({恳求/ditto}2a/{烦扰}2b)他去(婚礼)3 (主持把她交付给新郎仪式)4的妹妹: “(若是我说了一次便等于我说了一百万次)5: 我不去你的婚礼, 这是足够({断定}6a/{清晰}6b)的吗?”: He said angrily1 to his sister who was ({begging/pleading}2a/ {pestering}2b) him (to give her away)4 at the wedding3: “(If I said it once I said it a million times)5: I’m not going to your wedding. Is it ({definitive}6a/ {clear}6b) enough?”锭[錠]: (~)ingot (metal or medicine); (~子) spindle*在(古代中国)1(金锭)2是(普遍的)3(货币)4 : (Gold ingots)2 were common3 currency4 in (ancient China)1.dīu:丢: (~掉)lost; (扔~) discard*他双亲在80-90年代(企业瘦身)1(浪涛)2中(丢了工作)3: His parents were downsized3 in the waves2 of 80s and 90s (corporate re-engineering)1.*一个(从客户偷窃钱)1的(律师)2是(丢脸)3于(法律专业)4: A lawyer2 who (steals money from his clients)1 is a disgrace3 to the (legal profession)4.*她说: “他们(把所有的工作丢给我)1但我(永远得不到功劳)2.”: She said: “They (dump all the work on me)1 but I (never get the credit)2.”*他说: “这条({捕获的东西}1a/{鱼}1b)是超过三磅(当然)2是(不会丢回去)3.”: He said: “This ({catch}1a/ {fish}1b) is over three pounds and is definitely2 a keeper3.”*他的妻子是个(集聚物品的人[意])1(永远是不愿意)2(丢掉/ditto)3(旧的废物)4: His wife is a (pack rat)1 who (is never willing to)2 (throw out/throw away/chuck out/discard/get rid of/toss out/jettison)3 (old junks)4.*他问道: “我留在这里的(一块钱硬币)1去了那里?” 她说: “(丢了)2, 我不知道(谁人拿走它)3.”: He asked: “Where’s the (dollar coin)1I left here?” She said: “(It’s gone)2, and I don’t know (who took it)3.”*那(巨头)1对他(被认为)2使(商业界上)3(著名家族)4(丢脸)5({倾向于艺术}6a/{有艺术天才/ditto}6b)的儿子(引以为耻)7: The tycoon1 is (ashamed of)7 his ({artistically inclined}6a/ {artistically talented/artistically gifted}6b) son who is (seen as)2 a disgrace5 to the (legendary family)4 name (in the business world)3.*他说: “我(依靠)1我的(秘书)2去(提醒)3我(一切东西)4.” 我说: “你一定是(神经病/ditto)5去(依靠/ditto)6这个({丢三落[note: “落”pronounced as “la”]四的人}7a/{心不在焉的人}7b)去(记着)8你所有(重要资料)9.”: He said: “I rely1 on my secretary2 to remind3 me of everything4.” I said: “You must be (nuts/crazy)5 to (count on/ rely on)6 this ({scatterbrain}7a/ {absent-minded individual}7b) to memorize8 all your (vital information)9?”díu: XXXXXdǐu: XXXXXdìu: XXXXXdōng:东[東]: (~)east; (~道) hosting♦中东: Middle East♦远东: Far East*他说: “你(有时间吃午饭)1吗? (是我做东道)2.”: He said: “Do you (have time for lunch)1? (It’s my treat)2.”*他对他的(同事)1说: “(下班后)2你有时间在(隔壁)3的(酒吧)4(参与我们)5吗? (所有的酒我做东道)6.”: He asked his colleague1: “Do you have time to (join us)5 at the pub4 (next door)3 (after work)2? (All the drinks are on me)6.”冬[冬/鼕]: (~)winter; (~~声) knocking sound*今早我对着一个({完满}1a/{阴暗/ditto}1b)的(冬天日子)2(醒来)3: This morning I (woke up)3 to a ({perfect}1a/ {gray/gloomy}1b) (winter day)2.dóng: XXXXXdǒng:董: (~事) director (esp. of companies)*(在新订的企业管治改革下)1 (董事的)2(监督角色)3(承担)4 (更积极的方式)5, (使他们对立)6(公司的干事)7(较以前更多)8: (Under the new corporate governance reform)1, directors’2 (oversight role)3 (takes on)4 (a more active direction)5 that (pits them against)6(companies’ officers)7 (more often than before)8.*(冷静头脑)1和(理智/ditto)2在(企业董事会)3不时常是(普及)4, (较多时候)5, 那是一个(自大)6和(过分傲慢)7(失控)8的地方: (Cool heads)1 and (common sense/sanity)2 do not always prevail4 in (corporate board rooms)3, and (more often than not)5, it is a place where ego6 and vanity7 (run amok)8.*跟(最佳的企业管治的实践方法)1(相反)2这些(董事)3只是(董事长)4的({唯命是从者}5a/ {傀儡}5b)对所有他(提出/ditto)6的(动议)7都(惯例地自动批准)8: (Contrary to)2 (corporate-governance best practices)1, these directors3 are only ({lapdogs}5a/ {puppets}5b) of the Chairman4 and (routinely rubber stamp)8 every motion7 (brought forward/proposed)6 by him.*男孩子问道: “(或许)1我可以这个星期六晚上(跟你约会)2去(看电影)3, (你说怎么样)4?” 她说: “我的(父亲/ditto)5是一个({老古董}6a/{守旧的男人}6b), 如果我(晚上出外)7他会({变得担忧/ditto}8a/{变得烦恼}8b/{担忧到生病}8c): The boy asked: “Maybe1 I can (take you out)2 (for a movie)3 this Saturday night. (What do you say)4?” She said: “My (father/dad)5 is ({a fuddy-duddy}6a/{an old-fashioned guy}6b), and he would ({get worried/get concerned/get anxious/get agitated}8a/{get upset}8b/{worry sick}8c) if I (go out at night)7.”懂: (~)know; (~) understand*那(幼稚园老师)1以(易懂)2和(简单)3的(文字)4(跟孩子说话)5: The (kindergarten teacher)1 (speaks to the children)5 in a lucid2 and simple3 language4.*他的朋友说: “你不是(在电脑)1是个(专家)2吗?” 他说: “我是(有点懂得电脑)3但对(你所谓专家)4的(远远不及)5.”: His friend said: “Aren’t you an expert2 (in computer)1?” He said: “I’m (somewhat computer literate)3, but (far from)5 (what you would call an expert)4.”*他说: “在这个(难题)1我们应该询问我们的(经理)2吗?” (主管)3说: “({为何要费心呢?}4a/ {不用费心了}4b), 对(这类高科技东西)5他(什么都不懂的/ditto)6.”: He said:“Should we ask our manager2 on this problem1?” The supervisor3said: “({Why bother?}4a/ {Don’t bother.}4b) He (doesn’t know shit [口][犯]/ knows shit/ [犯]/don’t know nothing [note: grammatically should use “doesn’t”][口]/doesn’t know a thing/doesn’t know the first thing/knows bean/has no clue/doesn’t have a clue/ doesn’t know a damn thing/doesn’t know a darn thing/has no idea/knows bugger-all [犯]/knows dick-all [犯]/doesn’t know a friggin’ thing [犯]/doesn’t know a frigging thing [犯])6 about (this sort of high-tech stuff)5.”*一旦你(上升到)1(名人)2(地位)3你的(生活)4成为(公众所拥有)5, (似乎)6(无论你做什么)7一些(讨厌的万事懂/ditto)8(时常)9有(一些负面的东西去说)10: Your life4 becomes (public property)5 once you (rise to)1 celebrity2 status3, and (it seems)6 (whatever you do)7, some (smart alecs/smart alecks/ smartasses [犯]/smarty pants)8 always9 have (something negative to say)10.dòng:冻[凍]: (~)frozen; (~)cold果子冻[遮喱]: Jell-O*(冰冻的风)1使我的嘴(钳紧地闭上)2: My mouth was (clamped shut)2 from the (freezing cold wind)1.*人们(暴露在)1(极度寒冷天气)2(有太久)3会(容易受到影响)4对(冻伤)5和(低体温症)6: People are susceptible4 to frostbite5 and hypothermia6 if they are (exposed to)1 (extreme cold)2 (for too long)3.*(大雪)1和(极度低于零度的气温)2(把我们的城市转变为)3一个(实质上)4(冻结的北方冻土地带)5: (Heavy snow)1 and (well-below freezing temperature)2 have (turned our city into)3 a virtual4 (frozen tundra)5.*在(变坏的经济)1下(缩小的盈利)2(迫使)3公司(全面性)4(冻结)5, (在一些案例)6(甚至削减)7, (薪酬)8: (Dwindling profits)2 in a (sour economy)1 have forced3 companies to freeze5, and (in some cases)6 (even cut)7, wages8 across-the-board4.*妻子对丈夫说: “鸡是(坚固地)1(结冰)2将(需要很长的时间)3来(解冻/ditto)4, 让我们(出外面吃东西/ditto)5吧.”: The wife said to the husband: “The chicken is frozen2 solid1and it’ll (take a long time)3 to (thaw it out/defrost it)4. Let’s (eat out/eat outside)5.”栋[棟]: (~梁) main beam of structure (symbolizes pivotal role); (~) unit of house*他(住在)1(一栋五层楼房)2: He (lives in)1 (a 5-storey building)2.*那(被伏击的)1(车子)2被(子弹)3(做成四处布满的小洞/ditto)4: The ambushed1 vehicle2 was (riddled/pockmarked)4 with bullets3.*他是(已经确立自己)1为(组织栋梁)2的(机敏多谋)3的(高级)4(行政人员)5: He is a heads-up3 senior4 executive5 who (has established himself)1 to be the (pillar of the organization)2.洞: (~)hole; (山~) cave; (~悉) (understand) deeply*他妻子的(去世)1在他(生命)2中(留下一个深而大的洞)3: His wife’s death1 (left a gaping hole)3 in his life2.*(洞坑)1给(在我们高速公路)2的(驾驶者)3(制造)4(路上危险)5: Potholes1 create4 (road hazards)5 for drivers3 (on our highway)2.*他说: “现在既然我(省下/ditto)1(足够的钱)2我(真正要想做)3的是(退休)4每天(玩儿三十六洞高尔夫球)5.”: He said: “Nowthat I have (socked away/saved)1 (enough money)2, what I (really want to do)3 is to retire4 and (play 36 holes of golf every day)5.”*她的朋友问她: “你不要(运动)1吗?” 她说: “我要运动(像我要一个洞在我的脑袋)2, 但(我猜我要做它)3因为(医生说那么样)4, 唉5.”: Her friend asked her: “Don’t you want to exercise1?” She said: “I want to exercise (like I want a hole in my head)2, but (I guess I have to do it)3 because (the doctor says so)4, huh5.”*我们的公司被一个(富有经验)1的(行政人员)2(所带领)3, 他对({将来去哪怎么到达那里}4a/{公司将来走的方向}4b)有(锐利)5的(洞察力)6: Our company is (led by)3 a seasoned1 executive2 who has a keen5 vision6 on ({where our company should go and how to get there}4a/{the future direction of the company}4b).*任何人对从那(无能/ditto)1(教授的)2({论点}3a/{理论}3b/{念头}3c/{在法庭为专家证人的可信性}3d/{论文}3e)(找出漏洞/ditto)4(不会有困难)5: It (would not be difficult)5 for anyone to (punch holes/find flaws)4 in the (inept/ incompetent)1 professor’s2 ({arguments}3a/{theory}3b/ {ideas}3c/{credibility as an expert witness in court}3d/ {thesis}3e).*(提供公立学校资金)1是(耗费这省政府大量钱财的深洞)2, 最近以(售卖空置的学校资产)3来(连接那赤字)4的(短暂)5(解决方法)6只会把(问题)7(加深/ditto)8: (Public school funding)1 has been (a money pit for this provincial government)2, and the recent bandage5 solution6 by (selling vacant school property)3 to (bridge the deficit)4 only (deepens/worsens)8 the problem7.*这两个国家(边境渡口)1的(防卫)2({比较瑞士乳酪更多(漏)洞}3a/{有漏洞那么大你可以开货车穿过}3b), 那(可能解释)4为什么(非法的)5(毒品)6和(枪械)7(交易)8在两个国家是在做({蓬勃/ditto}9a/{很好}9b/{活跃}9c)的(生意)10: Security2 at (border crossing)1 between these two countries ({has more holes than Swiss cheese}3a/{has holes so big you can drive a truck through it}3b), and that (may explain)4 why illegal5 drug6 and weapon7 trades8 are doing ({booming/ thriving/flourishing}9a/{good/ great}9b/{brisk}9c) business10 in both countries.恫: (~吓) threaten*这(恶霸)1在学校(为所欲为)2 (纯粹是)3靠(对身体伤害的恫吓)4: This bully1 (gets his way)2 at school through sheer3 (intimidation of physical harm)4.动[動]: (移~) move; (骚~) stirred; (感~) be touched emotionally; (~机) motive; (~力) impetus*(市场动力)1(推动)2(股票价格)3: (Market forces)1 move2 (stock prices)3.*他(参加)1(文娱活动)2去(打发时间)3: He participates1 in (recreational activities)2 to (kill time)3.*这(玩具)1可以(用声音开动)2或(开关键开动)3: This toy1 can be voice-activated2 or switch-activated3.*警察(喊道)1: “(不要动/ditto)2! (把手放在头上)3: The police yelled1: “(Freeze/Don’t move)2! (Put your hands on your head)3.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #231-240古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*很多人相信只是这个(无能/ditto)1(行政职员)2的(魅力/ditto)3使他(维持)4在这公司(不沉落)5: Many believe only the (charm/charisma)3 of this (incapable/incompetent)1 executive2 keeps4 him afloat5 in this company.*我(发觉很难)1不会(沉醉/ditto)2被这(六十年代)3(唱片的)4(爱情歌曲)5的(旋律)6和(歌词)7中: I (find it hard)1 not to get (absorbed/engrossed/ enthralled/captivated/fascinated/spellbound)2 by the melodies6 and lyrics7 of this album’s4 (love songs)5 from the 60s3.*这个(富经验)1的(行政人员)2在({有压力}3a/{有巨大压力}3b)的(情况)4是(冷静)5, (镇定)6, 和(沉着气)7: This seasoned1 executive2 is cool5, calm6 and collect7 in ({pressure}3a/{pressure-cooker}3b) situations4.*如果公司能在这些(困难期间)1({避免沉没/ditto}2a/{幸存/ditto}2b)(转好)3后(一定/ditto)4会(兴旺)5: If the company can ({stay above water in/keep its head above water in/stay afloat in}2a/ {weather/survive}2b) these (difficult times)1, it will (for certain/definitely)4 prosper5 in the turnaround3.*那(越洋邮轮)1在(离开阿拉斯加州海岸)2的({波涛汹涌}3a/{风吹起波涛起伏}3b/{暴风雨}3c)和(冰冻/ditto)4(大海)5 (下沉/ditto)6: The (ocean liner)1 (went down/went under/sank)6 in ({turbulent}3a/{choppy}3b/{stormy}3c) and (frigid/ice-cold)4 waters5 (off the coast of Alaska)2.橙:[注: 少用, see “chéng”]橙子: orange忱: (热~) heartfelt*她说: “当我做(自愿工作)1(帮助教育)2孩子在中国北部的(乡村)3, 我被(当地人)4的(热忱/ditto)5(殷勤招待)6(深深)7(感动/ditto)8.”: She said: “When I was doing (volunteer work)1 to (help educate)2 the children of a village3 in Northern China, I was deeply7 (touched/moved)8 by the (heartfelt/warm)5 hospitality6 of the (local people)4.”chěn: XXXXXchèn:趁: (~势) exploit (the momentum); (很~) blend well with (e.g., clothing coordinates)*他的母亲说: “(鸡汤)1(准备好了)2, (趁它热)3(喝它吧)4: His mother said: “The (chicken soup)1 (is ready)2. (Drink it)4 (while it’s hot)3.”*她问道: “在(股票市场)1(你进展如何)2?”. 他说: “(市场)3是有很好的(进展/ditto)4我(试图打铁趁热[意])5: She asked: “(How are you doing)2 in the (stock market)1?” H e said: “The market3 is making good (headway/progress)4, and I’m (trying to make hay while the sun shines)5.”称[稱]: (~职) capable (of job); (~身) fitting (clothes); (~心) satisfied; (相~) comparable*(吝啬/小气[孤寒] /ditto)1李今天(付午饭账)2的(慷慨)3(跟他的性格不相称)4: (Stingy/ Tightfisted/Penny-pinching)1 Li’s generosity3 today in (picking up the luncheon tab)2 was (out of character for him)4.*这是一(建筑不错)1的(屋子)2 (除了)3那(三角形的)4(屋顶)5 (似乎)6是(有点儿)7(不对称)8: This is a (nicely built)1 house2 except3 the triangular4 rooftop5 seems6 somewhat7 asymmetrical8.*他说: “近来两年我在(多份工作)1(到处移动)2(尝试去)3(决定)4(我要做什么为事业)5, (终有一天)6我将会(找到我称心的)7(接着发展下去)8.”: He said: “I’ve been (bouncing around)2 jobs1 for the last two years (trying to)3 (figure out)4 (what I want to do for a career)5. (One of these days)6 I’m going to (find my groove)7 and (grow from there)8.”*现在很多(上市公司的非执行董事)1(质疑)2(在董事会服务的酬报)3跟在(企业管理)4上({不可能}5a/{不切实际}5b)的(高水准)6(要求他们)7是否(相称)8: Nowadays many (non-executive directors of public companies)1 are questioning2 if their (remuneration for serving on the board)3 (commensurates with)8 the ({impossibly}5a/ {unrealistically}5b) (high standards)6 (expected of them)7 in (corporate governance)4.*他说: “十年(接续/ditto)1(双位数字增长)2后, 我们公司(达到)3(付出跟回报不相称的地步)4, 现在变得(维持)5(同样值得羡慕的增长率)6 (一年续一年)7(越来越困难)8.”: He said: “After ten (consecutive/ successive/uninterrupted)1 years of (double-digit growth)2, our company has reached3 (the point of diminishing returns)4. Now it has become (increasingly difficult)8 to maintain5 the (same enviable growth rate)6 (year after year)7.”*她可能(有贵族血统后裔)1但({将会需要很多努力}2a/{还有很多功夫}2b)才可以把她从一个(不属于交际界的人)3转为一个(相称上流社会的)4(淑女)5: She may be a (blue blood)1 but ({it’s going to take some efforts}2a/{there’s a long way to go}2b) to turn her from a (social misfit)3 into a lady5 (fit for high society)4.*一些(旅客)1(质疑)2(机场当局)3为了(机场保安额外费)4真的(提供)5(一个相称/ditto)6的(服务)7, 或是那(收费)8只是另一个({夺取金钱的方法}9a/ {夺取金钱的诡计}9b): Some travelers1 question2 if the (airport authority)3 really provides5 (a commensurate/an equal)6 service7 for (Airport Security Surcharge)4, or the charge8 is just another ({money grab}9a/ {money-grabbing scheme}9b).衬[襯]: an inner layer (e.g., clothing); (~托) auxiliary to♦衬里: lining♦(衬衫/衬衣[恤衫]: shirt*一套(配衬)1的(西装)2(投射)3(专业)4和(精细)5的(形象)6: A well-coordinated1 (business suit)2 projects3 an image6 ofprofessionalism4 and meticulousness5.*(时装设计家)1说: “这件(长裙)2的(布料)3有(一点儿薄)4你需要(在它下面穿一件衬裙)5.”: The designer1 said: “The fabric3 of this (long gown)2 (is a bit sheer)4 and you need to (wear a slip underneath it)5.”*(时装设计家)1说: “这件(长裙)2的(布料)3有(一点儿薄)4你需要(在它下面穿一件衬裙)5.”: The designer1 said: “The fabric3 of this (long gown)2 (is a bit sheer)4 and you need to (wear a slip underneath it)5.”chēng:称[稱]: (~) weigh; (~呼) to name; (~赞) praise*他说: “给我(称约[yāo]一磅)1(香蕉)2, 请你.”: He said: “Get me (approximately a pound)1 of bananas2, please.”*由于他中学(田径)1(高超本领)2被(称为)3(“闪光”)4的(易记)5(绰号)6: He was (tagged with)3 the catchy5 nickname6“Flash4” because of his track-and-field1 prowess2 at high school.*这(女服务员)1(声称)2是(神话般)3碧加的({旧女朋友}4a/{旧情人/ditto}4b): This waitress1 claimed2 to be the ({old girlfriend}4a/{old flame/old squeeze}4b) of the legendary3 Becker.*那(警察)1因一个(例行的拘捕)2被(不公平地)3(称为/ditto)4(种族歧视的人)5: The policeman1 was (tagged/labeled)4 unjustly3 as a racist5 for a (routine arrest)2.*很多(专家)1(声称是真实/ditto)2今年(政府财政预算)3 (偏袒)4(富人)5(多于穷人)6: Many experts1 (contend/ maintain)2 the (government’s fiscal budget)3 this year favors4 the rich5 (over the poor)6.*他(重三百磅)1在一个五尺七寸的(骨骼)2那容易看得到他怎么样(赢得)3(“突出来”)4的({形容性的称号}5a/{绰号}5b): He (weighs 300 pounds)1 on a 5’7” frame2, and it’s easy to see how he earns3 the ({epithet}5a/ {nickname}5b) the “Bulge4”.*她的朋友说: “你儿子在那(学术上)1(要求很高)2(中学)3的(甲下等平均分数成绩)4(以任何标准)5(不能够被称为)6(失望)7.”: Her friend said: “Your son’s (A-grade point average)4 in this academically1 demanding2 (high school)3 (cannot be termed)6 disappointing7 (by any standard)5.”瞠: (~) stare*在中国的二零零八年(奥运)1 (被承诺为)2是(令人瞠目)3的(铺张堂皇表演)4来(给世界欣赏)5: The 2008 Olympics1 in China (is promised to be)2 an eye-popping3 extravaganza4 (for the world to enjoy)5.撑: (支~) prop up (e.g., a chin, the impressiveness of a scene); (~船) paddle (boat using oar); (~开) to open (e.g., umbrella, bag); (很~) (very) stuffed (with food in stomach)*他说: “我(吃得太多)1(肚子撑)2: He said: “I (ate too much)1 and I am bloated2.”*在(经历/ditto)1(迅速增长)2下这城市(要撑爆了)3: The city is (bursting at the seam)3 in (experiencing/undergoing)1 (explosive growth)2.*(石油出产国家)1(减少生产)2去(撑高/ditto)3(价钱)4: (Oil producing countries)1 (cut production)2 to (shore up/prop up)3 prices4. chéng:诚[誠]: (~恳) sincere; (~实) honest*每一个来这(学校)1的(学生)2 (该得到)3(至诚的)4(欢迎)5: Every student2 that comes to this school1 deserves3 a heartfelt4 welcome5.*(十年来)1他(每个早上九点钟)2(诚心不变地)3去这间(咖啡厅)4: He goes to this (coffee shop)4 religiously3 (every morning at 9: 00)2 (for the last ten years)1.*他可能有很多({关系}1a/{生意上的关系}1b)但他的(性格)2 (缺乏真诚/ditto)3: He may have many ({connections}1a/ {business connections}1b) but his personality2 is (hollow/insincere/vain)3.*在(经营我们的业务)1我们(时常)2(维护)3(基本的道德原则)4(“诚实是最好的政策”)5: In (conducting our business)1, we always2 uphold3 the (basic ethics [note: not “ethic”])4 of (“Honesty is the best policy.”)5*这公司的(管理层)1({尽心尽力来确定}2a/{引以为傲}2b)他们所有(商业交易)3都是(坦白诚实/ditto)4: Management1 of this company ({take great pains [note: not “pain”] to make sure}2a/{take great pride}2b) all their (business dealings)3 are (above board/on the level)4.*他的(店子)1(提供)2好的(便宜交易)3但他的({生意行为缺乏}4a/{生意一贯手法缺乏}4b) ({诚意}5a/{道德}5b): His store1 offers2 good deals3, but his ({business conduct lacks}4a /{business practices lack}4b) ({good faith}5a/{ethics}5b).*这大学的学生(受他们的诚信所束缚/ditto)1在没有({不被批准的协助}2a/{诈骗}2b)下来(完成)3他们的(作业)4和(考试)5: Students at this college are (on their honor/bound by their honor)1 to complete3 assignments4 and exams5 without ({unauthorized assistance}2a/{cheating}2b).*母亲对(眼睛)1(固定在)2(地板)3的孩子说: “(坦诚地正视我眼睛)4(告诉我真相)5, 你有还是没有从你的哥哥(偷那些钱)6.”: The mother said to her child whose eyes1 (were affixed)2 to the floor3: “(Look at my eyes)4 and (tell me the truth)5. Did you or did you not (steal the money)6 from your brother?”*这个(亿万富翁的)1儿子是一个(有好心肠)2的(真诚)3(个人/ditto)4, (远远不是)5(人们会想象)6他是的(典型)7(富有任性孩子)8: This billionaire’s1 son is a genuine3 (person/ individual)4 (with a good heart)2, and (is far from)5 the typical7 (rich brat)8 that (people would envision)6 him to be.*他对被他(舅舅)1(欺骗了/ditto)2(几十万块钱)3他的朋友说: “我({向你发誓}4a/{诚心地告诉你}4b)我不(知道/ditto)5我舅舅是个(骗子)6.”: He said to his friend that was (bilked/conned/cheated/ swindled)2 for (tenths of thousands of dollars)3 by his uncle1: “I ({swear to you}4a/ {say to you, hand on heart}4b), that I have no (knowledge/ idea/clue)5 that my uncle is a crook6.”*他的(生意伙伴)1问道: “我们的(餐厅装修)2(进展)3怎么样?”他说: “一个(建筑检察员)4(提出)5一些(问题)6, (让我们)7(诚心/ditto)8 (希望)9(一切)10(进行顺利/ditto)11.”: His (business partner)1 asked: “How’s our (restaurant renovation)2 (coming along)3?” He said: “A (building inspector)4 has raised5 some issues6. Let’s7 (cross our fingers/keep our fingers crossed)8 and hope9 everything10 (goes well/proceeds smoothly)11.”盛: (~) hold (in receptacle)*这(热水瓶)1能够(盛载/ditto)2三杯咖啡: This (thermo bottle)1 can (take in/hold)2 three cups of coffee.*母亲对她的女儿说: “(晚饭准备好了)1, (你不如)2(帮一把)3(把饭盛进饭碗)4.”: The mother said to her daughter: “(Supper is ready)1. (Why don’t you)2 (help out)3 and (scoop the rice into the bowls)4.”成: (~就) accomplished; (~为) become; (~千~万) reaching (thousands and hundreds); (~) percentage, e.g., (四~) 40%*这(乐队的)1第一首(单曲)2是(受欢迎的成功)3: This band’s1 first single2 was a hit3.*公司这(新发明)1获得(绝大的成功[意][注: 棒球的全垒打])2: The company (hit a home run)2 with this (new invention)1.*香港(工业家)1是(成功地)2(塑造)3中国(经济)4(先河之一)5: Hong Kong industrialists1 were (among the first)5 to (make their marks)2 in shaping3China’s economy4.*这(航空公司)1是(中国市场)2中(最成功)3的(低成本)4(经营者)5: This airline1 is the (most successful)3 low-cost4 operator5 in the (China market)2.*这是关于(小镇)1一个(向往做歌星)2(男孩子)3的(成长故事)4: It was a (coming-of-age story)4 about a small-town1 boy3 that was (aspired to become a singer)2.*我们(供应)1(定制/ditto)2, (修改)3或(现成/ditto)4的(电脑程序)5: We supply1 (custom-built/ built-on-spec/made-to-specification/tailored)2, modified3, or (off-the-shelf/ ready-to-use)4 (computer programs)5.*我(曾习惯于)1(沉迷)2(卡通片)3但自那时(已经成长不再是了)4: I (used to be)1 (addicted to)2 cartoons3, but have since (grown out of it)4.*我们的(业务)1(开始非常成功/ditto)2(从那时起)3(继续去势强劲)4: Our business1 (kicked off with a bang/started off with a flurry/got off to a running start/got off to a flying start)2 and (has kept going strong)4 (ever since)3.*这(年轻人)1有(成功所需要)2的(拼劲)3和({竞争}4a/{打斗}4b) (精神)5: This (young man)1 has the spunk3 and({competitive}4a/{fighting}4b) spirit5 (to be successful)2.*这是间(非常成功)1的公司它(接触的每一件东西)2都(转变成金子)3: This is a (highly successful)1 company and (everything it touched)2 (turned into gold)3.*他的妻子说: “记得出去时(把垃圾拿去)1.” 他说: “(成了/ditto)2.”: His wife said: “Remember to (take the garbage)1 on your way out.” He said: “(OK/Yes/All right)2!”*她是跟一个(深明世事)1, (充满魅力)2和(成功)3的(亿万富翁)4(结婚)5: She is married5 to a worldly1, charming2 and successful3 billionaire4.*我们公司的(行政人员)1于(变化)2和(挑战)3下(尽管困难兴奋和成功)4: Our company’s executives1 (thrive on)4 changes2 and challenges3.*这公司对它(新产品)1(成功)2 (经历兴奋)3它已经(花时间在做)4(改进版本)5: This company is (riding high)3 on the success2 of its (new product)1 and is already (working on)4 an (improved version)5.*那(韩国)1(连篇片集)2是({夏天意料不到的成功}3a/{非常的成功/ditto}3b): The Korean1 (drama series)2 ({stole the summer}3a/{was a smash hit/ was a smashing success}3b).*他的朋友说: “你的公司有(好的一年)1, 你应该去(问你的)2 (分成/ditto)3吧.”: His friend said: “Your company (ha d a good year)1. You should go and (ask for your)2 (cut/share)3.”*(经由朋友和亲戚)1那(独身汉子)2有(几个约会)3但它们没有一个(成功/ditto)4: The bachelor2 had a (few dates)3 (through friends and relatives)1, but none of them (clicked/worked out)4.*当你见到你的照片在(华尔街日报)1(头版)2你便知道你(已经成功了/ditto)3: You know you (have made it/have got itmade/have come up in the world)3 when you see your picture on the (front page)2 of (Wall Street Journal)1.*这(主题乐园)1(使香港成名/ditto)2为在(远东)3(老幼咸宜)4的(娱乐中心)5: The (theme park)1 has (put Hong Kong on the map/made Hong Kong famous)2 as the (entertainment center)5 (for all ages)4 in (the Far East)3.*这个(复兴时代)1(画家)2是(可争议但有论证支持)3是(有史以来)4(最有成就)5(艺术家)6: This Renaissance1 painter2 is arguably3 the (most accomplished)5 artist6 (of all time)4.*他 ({在全职工作中}1a/{在兼职中}1b)(尝试)2(在写作成功)3 (需要有很大牺牲)4: He (has to make a lot of sacrifices)4 in trying2 to (make a go at writing)3 ({while working a full-time job}1a/{on a part-time basis}1b).*(马上随着)1(难以承担地昂贵/ditto)2的汽油价格替代燃油有明确地(成功机会/ditto)3: (In the wake of)1 (prohibitive/ exorbitant/unaffordable)2 gasoline prices, alternative fuels have definite (possibilities/potentials)3.*中国的(市场)1(持有)2(很多)3 (能成功的迹象)4和(机会)5给(世界各地)6(投资者)7: China’s market1 holds2 (a myriad of)3 promises4 and opportunities5 for investors7 (around the world)6.*他(努力)1(读书)2(终于有成果)3(连续三年)4他(成功地达到)5(院长优秀名单/ditto)6: His (hard work)1 in studying2 (finally paid off)3, and he (made it to)5the (Dean’s list/Dean’s honor roll)6 (three years in a row)4.*(全国人民)1都(希望努力下成功)2对我们的(国家队)3在(奥林匹克)4中(有好成绩)5: The (entire country)1 is (pulling for)2 our (national team)3 (to do well)5 in the Olympics4.*那(六十五岁年纪)1的(祖父)2说: “对我(不上榜)3(赛跑完竣马拉松)3(有大成就感)5: The sixty-five-year-old1 grandfather2 said: “I have (a great sense of accomplishment)5 at my unranked3 (finish in the marathon)4.”*大学毕之后他(脱离他亿万富翁母亲的控制)1(决定去)2({独取成败}3a/{达到成功}3b): After college he (cut the apron strings [note: not “string”] from his billionaire mother)1 and (decided to)2 ({sink or swim on his own}3a/{make his mark [note: not “marks”]}3b).*他(能欣然接受)1(成年)2后(住在爸妈家里)3的(意识)4, 但结婚后(那么做)5(似乎有点儿不妥)6: He was able to (get his head around)1 the idea4 of (living at home with his parents)3 after he (came of age)2, but (doing so)5 after he was married (seemed somehow wrong)6.*中国人在加拿大(社会)1(受尊重地位)2是他们(移民祖先)3 (奋斗)4和(成就)5的(遗赠)6: The (respected status)2 of Chinese in Canada’s society1 is the legacy6 of the struggles4 and triumphs5 of their (immigrant ancestors)3.*(初期)1的(评价/ditto)2是这(电影)3将会是这(暑天)4的({巨大成功/ditto}5a/{票房成功}5b): The early1 (read/assessment)2 is this movie3 is going to be a ({biggie/hit/blockbuster/ runaway success/smash hit}5a/ {box office hit}5b) this summer4.*这个(富天才)1和(从容有自信)2的(艺术家)3(成功/ditto)4是({指日可待}5a/ {命中注定}5b): This talented1 and poised2 artist3 is ({slated}5a/ {destined}5b) to (go places [note: not “place”]/become successful)4.古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*她的(首次露面)1(唱片)2(获得决大钱财上成功/ditto)3在(最佳销售榜)4(连续六个月)5(占首位)6: Her debut1 album2 (hit pay dirt/hit the jackpot)3 in topping6 the (best-seller chart)4 (six weeks in a row)5.*她问道: “那一单(交易)1({进行}2a/{发生}2b)怎么样?”他说: “它(变坏)3(没有成功/ditto)4.”: She asked: “How did the deal1 ({go}2a/{go down}2b)?” H e said: “It (turned sour)3 and (did not go through/was not successful)4.”*她问道: “考试成绩如何?”他说: “({我做得顶成功/ditto}1a/ {我做得很好/ditto}1b/{那是还可以}1c): She asked: “How did you make out in the exam?” H e said: “({I aced it/I nailed it/I got through it with flying colors}1a/{I did fine/I did pretty good}1b/{It was OK }1c).”*(工厂经理)1问(工头)2: “(生产/ditto}3a/{快速生产/ditto}3b)这(一千件)4(完成工作时间)5是什么?”: The (plant manager)1 asked the foreman2: “What’s the (turnaround time)5 to ({produce/manufacture}3a/ {crank out/churn out}3b) these (1,000 units)4?”*他说: “约翰以前是你(从来遇到)1的(最良善)2的人现在他是(富有)3我真的不知道他(变成什么)4.”: He said: “John was the nicest2 guy you would (ever meet)1, but now that he is rich3 I really don’t know (what has become)4 of him.”*下星期一(呼声最高)1(投标者)2(预期)3会从政府(成功获得)4(几十亿万)5块钱的(桥梁建设)6(工程)7: The front-runner1 bidder2 is expected3 to clinch4 the multi-billion5 dollar (bridge construction)6 project7 from the government next Monday.*(假设无罪)1(直至证明)2({有罪}3a/{相反}3b)的(原则)4是(公平)5(法律/ditto)6(制度)7的(重要)8(成分)9: The principle4 of (presumption of innocence)1 (until proven)2 ({guilty}3a/ {otherwise}3b) is the key8 (building block)9 of a fair5 (judicial/justice)6 system7.*他是个在(事业)1(高峰/ditto)2 (非常成功的)3({歌星}4a/{电影制片家/ditto}4b/{医生}4c/{行政人员}4d): He’s a hotshot3 ({singer}4a/{movie producer/ producer}4b/{doctor}4c/ {executive}4d) that’s at the (height/peak/top/apex/ pinnacle)2 of his career1.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #201-210古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*这(年轻人)1(具备超级巨星一切基本条件)2但他(在球赛时候)3(没有能力)4(去实现期望)5 (驱使教练)6(不寻常地发疯/ditto)7: This kid1 (has superstar written all over him)2, but his inability4 (to deliver)5 (at game time)3 (has driven the coach)6 (bonkers [note: not “bonker”]/ crazy/batty/around the bend)7.*她问: “你昨晚(安排式约会的伴侣)1(漂亮)2吗?”他回答道: “(让我)3(用不寻常的字句来说/婉转地说)4 (她不值得写家书来提及)5”: She asked: “Was your (blind date)1 last night pretty2?” H e replied: “(Let me)3 say (she’s nothing to write home about)5, (so to speak/ditto)4.”*他说那(面试)1(差不多完全是/ditto)2(惯常的程序)3但几条问题是({不寻常/ditto}4a/{他没有预备去回答}4b), (例如)5: “你(吸大麻)6吗?”: He said the (job interview)1 was (pretty much/pretty well)2 routine3, but a few questions ({came from the leftfield/were odd/were unusual}4a/{caught him off balance}4b), like5: “Do you (smoke dope)6?”*在这(暴君的)1({极权}2a/{铁腕}2b/{无法无天}2c)(统治)3, (压制)4, (报复)5, 和(不经审讯)6而(收押/ditto)7是这国家(生活常事)8: Under the tyrant’s1 ({despotic}2a/{iron-fist}2b/{lawless}2c) rule3, repression4, reprisals5, and (detention/imprisonment)7 (without trial)6 were (staples of life)8 in the country.*他说: “({这是不寻常来说}1a/{这是有点意想不到}1b)但我今天(竟然)2在(办公室)3(工作)4(有乐趣)5(尽管/ditto)6(在我周围)7 (所有卑鄙的人)8.”: He said: “({It’s strange to say}1a/{It was kind of unexpected}1b) but I actually2 enjoyed5 work4 today at the office3 (despite/in spite of/notwithstanding/even with)6 (all the mean people)8 (around me)7.”*那(担忧)1的母亲对那父亲说: “那是(高度)2(不寻常)3我们的女儿会(留在外面)4(过了午夜)5(没有打电话回家)6, 我(希望)7(没有事情对她发生)8.”: The worried1 mother said to the father: “It is highly2 unusual3 that our daughter would (stay out)4 (past midnight)5 (without calling home)6. I hope7 (nothing has happened to her)8.”*小生意的拥有者时常是那么(入神/ditto)1于处理(日常/ditto)2的问题他们没有花足够的时间在({看全面的情况}3a/{看运作的战略方面}3b): Owners of small businesses are often so (caught up/preoccupied)1 with handling the (mundane/ordinary/ common/routine/everyday)2 problems that they don’t have enough time to ({look at the big picture}3a/{look at the operation strategically}3b).*经理说: “我不知道(有什么事情发生于)1你(不见了的手袋)2但(暗示)3像我们(秘书)4一个(虔诚的天主教徒)5会(偷窃它)6对于我来说是(太极度不寻常)7.”: The manager said: “I don’t know (what happened to)1 your (missing purse)2, but suggesting3 a (devout Catholic)5 like our secretary4 would (steal it)6 is (too bizarre)7for me.”*公司(尝试说服)1(投资者)2(去年的)3(严重/ditto)4(亏损)5是个(异常情况/ditto)6, (在前年份的)7 (没有间断/ditto)8(一连串)9(双位数字)10的(盈利增长)11是(通常情况)12: The company (tried to convince)1 investors2 that (last year’s)3 (deep/heavy)4 loss5 was an (exception/aberration/anomaly)6, and (prior years’)7 (unbroken/uninterrupted)8 string9 of double-digit10 (growth inearnings)11 was the norm12.*一些人说(惯常)1的(父母争吵)2对(孩子)3(导致)4({感情上的伤害}5a/{有长时期心里影响的震惊}5b), 然而其他人说(有影响的接触到)6(紧张情绪)7是(好的)8(逐步思想训练程序)9好使(小孩子)10(将来生命)11(面对真正世界)12: Some say regular1 (parental fighting)2 causes4 ({emotional damage}5a /{trauma}5b) to children3, while others say the exposure6 to tension7 is good8 conditioning9 for (the little ones)10 to (face the real world)12 (later in life)11.嫦: (~娥) a legendary pretty fairy living on the moon尝[嘗]: (~~) taste; (~试) try something new*他(尝试)1去(取得控制权)2那(多现金)3的公司再(用它的现钱)4去(得到那个交易)5: He (made a run at)1 (taking over)2 the cash-rich3 company and (using the cash)4 in it to (secure the transaction)5.*这套(电影)1是(这个电视明星的)2 (第一次新尝试)3(去演戏)4, (坦白来说)5(显示得是那样)6: This movie1 was (the TV star’s)2 (first foray)3 (into acting)4, and frankly5 (it showed)6.*他(已经决定辞退)1他(待遇优厚/ditto)2的(行政人员职位)3 (尽力尝试/ditto)4成为(美国参议员)5: He (has decided to quit)1 his (well-paid/lucrative)2 (executive job)3 and (take a run at)4 becoming a (United States Senator)5.*他说: “经过一年的(挣扎)1后(销售真正有)2(增加/ditto)3, (成功是那么接近我几乎可以尝到它)4.”: He said: “After a year of struggle1, (sales have really)2 (picked up/improved/ accelerated)3 and (success is so close I can almost taste it)4.”*他的朋友说: “如果你(认为有可能)1她会(跟你约会)2为何不(尝试一下/ditto)3(极其量)4她可能做是(说不)5.”: His friend said: “If you (think there’s a chance)1 she may (go out with you)2, why don’t you (give it a shot/give it a try)3, and (the most)4 she could do is to (say no)5.”*(一旦)1(被超前)2那公司(迅速)3以(侵略性)4的(定价)5和(推广)6(活动)7(反击)8(尝试)9 (夺回)10(它的领导地位)11:Once1overtaken2, the company quickly3 (struck back)8 with an aggressive4 pricing5 and marketing6 campaign7 (in a bid)9 to regain10 (its leadership position)11.*他说: “我(时常想)1(成为一个音乐家)2, 现在我的(孩子们长大了)3我(感觉这是个适当的时间)4去(对它尝试一下/ditto)5.”: He said: “I (always want)1 (to be a musician)2, and now that my (children have grown up)3, I (feel it’s the right time)4 to (have a go at it/give it a go/take a crack at it/take a stab at it/try my hand at it/give it a try/give it a shot/take a shot at it/take a whack at it)5.”*四十岁时他决定(最后一次尝试)1(创业)2, 与其(不愿意地接受)3在(余下事业)4({九至五}5a/{没有前途}5b)的(办公室工作)6: At age forty, he decided to have (one last kick at the can)1 in (starting his own business)2 instead of (resigning to)3 a ({9 to5}5a/{dead-end}5b) (office job)6 for (the rest of his career)4.*去年那公司({做出结果是盈利}1a/{脱出亏损}1b), (似乎)2它(一旦)3({闻到}4a/{尝到}4b)(成功)5便会(势不可挡/ditto)6(变得)7(更大更好)8: The company ({turned in a profit }1a/{was out of the red}1b) last year, and seemingly2 once3 it has a ({sniff}4a/{taste}4b) of success5, (there’s no stopping it/nothing can stop it)6 from getting7 (bigger and better)8.*在(茶点聚会)1中, (女主人)2对(客人)3说: “我(煮了)4一些(好吃的食物/ditto)5给每一个人, 请({随便}6a/{像在家里不用拘束并}6b)(品尝)7它们.”: In the (tea party)1, the hostess2 said to the guests3: “I’ve cooked4 some (delicacies/goodies)5 for everyone. Please ({feel free to}6a/{feel at home and}6b) sample7 them.”*那(总统候选人)1在六十九岁(感觉)2得还(剩下有储藏)3(足够)4的(精力/ditto)5他在({功成身退}6a/{停止/ditto}6b)前他(选择)7({最后尝试}8a/{最后做一件轰轰烈烈的事}8b): At age sixty-nine, the (presidential candidate)1 felt2 he had enough4 (juice/gas/energy)5 (left in the tank)3, and he was (going for)7 ({one last kick at the can}8a/{one last shot at greatness}8b) before he ({rode into the sunset [note: from ending scene of old cowboy movies]}6a/{faded into the sunset/called it quits [note: not “quit”]/packed it in}6b).偿[償]: (~还) repay*那(慈善机关)1(依赖/ditto)2(义工)3(不用付薪酬)4的(无偿服务)5: The (charitable organization)1 (counts on/relies on/depends on)2 (gratuitous services)5 from volunteers3 (without pay)4.*他说: “对不起你要等那么(长时间/ditto)1, 请(让我)2(请你吃晚饭)3来(补偿给你)4.”: He said: “Sorry you’ve to wait for such a (long time/long while)1. Please (let me)2 (buy you dinner)3 to (make it up to you)4.”*如果你有(住宅业主的)1(保险)2, (保险公司)3会(赔偿)4给你对于(住宅)5任何(意外)6(损失)7或(毁坏)8: If you have homeowner’s1 insurance2, the (insurance company)3 will indemnify4 you for any accidental6 loss7 or damage8 to your home5.*他对妻子说: “(甜心)1, (办公室)2有(突发/ditto)3的(一些事情)4今晚我不能(带你去晚饭)5, 但下星期我会(跟你补偿)6.”: He said to his wife: “Honey1, something4 (came up/happened unexpectedly)3 in the office2 and I can’t (take you out for dinner)5 tonight, but I’ll (make it up to you)6 next week.”*她说: “你(认为)1你可以(要求偿还所欠的人情)2给我们取得(两张/ditto)3今晚的(演奏会票子)4吗?” 他说: “(让我看一下/ditto)5(我可以做到什么)6但(我不能够答应你任何东西)7.”: She said: “Do you think1 you can (call in your favors)2 and get us a (pair/couple)3of tonight’s (concert tickets)4?” He said: “(I’ll see/Let me see)5 (what I can do)6, but (I can’t promise you anything)7.”*虽然(没有任何东西)1也不能够(补偿/ditto)2(火灾受害者的)3(亲人)4于这(悲惨的死亡)5, 可以(觉得安慰知道)6(死者)7没有(毫无价值地丧生/ditto)8然而那么做正在(拯救)9另外一个(人类生命)10: While nothing1 can (atone for/compensate for/make up for)2 the (fire victim’s)3 family4 in the (tragic death)5, it may be (consoling to know)6 the deceased7 did not (die in vain/perish in vain)8 but did so while saving9 another (human life)10.长[長]: (~) long; (~度) length; (~处) virtues长途货车司机: a long-haul truck driver*那(独身母亲)1有一个(长期生病)2的孩子去(照顾)3: The (single mother)1 has a (chronically ill)2 child to (look after)3.*我们(提供)1(店子内)2(一切东西)3(大减价出售)4但(不是很长时间)5: We are offering1 everything3 (in the store)2 (for sale)4, but (not for long)5.*这小国家的(经济)1随着(严重)2和(漫长/ditto)3的(衰退)4后(正在修补复原)5: This little country’s economy1 is (on the mend)5 after a severe2 and (prolonged/protracted/lengthy/long-drawn-out)3 recession4.*(双方)1(举行)2(很长的一段时间的)3(商讨)4但({最后}5a/{在过程中}5b)(什么都没有协定)6: The (two parties)1 held2 (a marathon session)3 of negotiation4 but (nothing was concluded)6 ({in the end}5a/{in the process}5b).*他在(执法)1({已经有[注: 现在还有]}2a/{曾经有[注: 现在没有]}2b)(长期)3和(显著)4的(事业)5: He ({has}2a/{had}2b) a long-standing3 and distinguished4 career5 in (law enforcement)1.*(需时很长/ditto)1但公司(终于)2({渡过最困难的时期}3a/{赚钱/ditto}3b)(员工)4(一再)5 (获得加薪)6: It (has been a long time coming [口]/takes a long time)1 but the company finally2 ({has turned the corner}3a/{is in the black/is making money}3b), and employees4 are (getting salary raises)6 (once again)5.*(在长时间/ditto)1(大学毕业生)2在他们的(事业)3(一般来说)4比较那些(没有大学教育)5的那些人({超越}6a/{做的更好}6b): (Over the long haul/Over a long period of time)1 (college graduates)2 generally4 ({come out further ahead}6a/{fare better}6b) in their careers3 than those (without college education)5.*那个(老师)1对他的(演讲)2(批评)3说: “(没有用途/ditto)4去(长篇大论地重复/ditto)5一个(我们都非常熟悉)6关于(诚实好处)7的(议题)8”: The teacher1 commented3 on his speech2 and said: “(There’s no point/It serves no purpose/It doesn’t serve any purpose)4 in (belaboring/harping on)5 (the virtues of honesty)7 as that’s a topic8 (we are all too familiar with)6.”*他的朋友问道: “你怎么样跟你的女朋友(分手)1的?”他说: “(那是一个很长的故事)2, (改天/ditto)3({一边喝啤酒}4a/{一边喝葡萄酒}4b)告诉你吧.”: His friend asked: “How did you (break up)1with your girlfriend?” He said: “(It’s a long story)2, and I’ll tell (another day/some other day)3 ({over a beer}4a/{over a glass of wine}4b).”*他的十岁侄儿说: “我在学校可能只有(丙等的平均成绩)1, 但(有一天)2我将会(赢取诺贝尔奖)3. (看我的)4!”他说: “(孩子)5, ({你有很长的路途}6a/{你还需要付出很多努力}6b).”: His ten-year-old nephew said: “I may only have a (C average)1 at school but I am going to (win the Nobel Prize)3 someday2. (Just watch me)4!” He said: “Kid5, ({you have a long way to go}6a/{you still need to put in a lot of work }6b).”*(律师劝告)1他: “跟(市政府)2 (对抗)3是({不能胜利的事情}4a/{无望的事例}4b)因为他们(能够使用)5(无底深潭)6的(公家钱/ditto)7, 他们能够(拖长/ditto)8(诉讼案件)9直至你(耗尽)10(给法律诉讼费用的钱)11.”: The (lawyer advised)1 him: “Fighting3 (City Hall)2 is a ({lost cause}4a/{hopeless case}4b) because they (have access)5 to the (bottomless pit)6 of (public coffer/public money)7, and they can (string out/drag out)8 the (court case)9 until you (run out of)10 (money to pay legal fees)11.”肠[腸]: (~) intestines♦小肠: small intestines♦大肠: big intestines♦盲肠: (appendix/cecum)♦直肠: rectum♦香肠: sausage♦小红肠: hot-dog wieners♦肠子[腸]: intestines♦十二指肠: duodenum♦色拉米香肠: salami*当(房子起火)1时他要(绞心断肠)2的(决定)3去(自救)4还是(跳回火海)5去(拯救家人)6: When the (house caught on fire)1 he had the gut-wrenching2 decision3 whether to (save himself)4 or (dive back to the inferno)5 to (save his family)6.场[場]: (~) flat and vacant ground; (操~) school playground; (~) unit of incidents e.g., (一~病) become sick once, (一~雪) a snowstorm♦操场: school courtyard♦牧场: ranch♦机场: airport♦停车场: (parkade/parking lot)*今年的(食物展览会)1(到场人数)2比去年(跌了很多)3: The attendance2 to this year’s (food fair)1 (was way down)3 from that of last year.*香港的(快活谷)1是世界上(最令人兴奋愉快)2的(赛马)3(场地)4(之一)5: Hong Kong’s (Happy Valley)1 is (one of the)5 (most exhilarating)2 horse-racing3 venues4 in the world.*那(访谈节目主持人)1对(特别嘉宾)2说: “感谢你们的这样(短通知)3(到场)4.”: The (talk-show host)1 said to the (special guests)2: “Thanks for coming4 on such a (short notice)3.”*(只要/ditto)1你有(足够的现金)2你能够({当场}3a/{马上}3b)(购买)4(拍卖的)5(物品)6: (As long as/Provided)1 you have (enough cash)2, you can purchase4 the auctioned5 items6 ({on the spot}3a/{right away}3b).*我(大学同学)1之一是泰国(营运)2一个(巨大)3(橡皮树)4(种植场)5的(一个非常/ditto)6(富有家庭)7(后裔)8: One of my (college classmates)1 is a descendant8 from (a filthy/an extremely)6 (rich family)7 in Thailand that operates2 a huge3 (rubber tree)4 plantation5.*公司的(代言人)1说: “我们(新收购)2给我们(提供)3一个(极佳的机会)4在(天然资源)5(活动场地)6(创造股东价值)7.”: The company’s spokesperson1 said: “Our (new acquisition)2 provides3 us a (fabulous opportunity)4 to (create shareholder value)7 inthe (natural resources)5 arena6.”*几个(在场的)1(顾客)2(能够)3以({极端吸引}4a/{清晰}4b)的(详情)5来(叙述)6昨晚在一个(市中心)7(夜总会)8(致死的)9 (争吵)10: Several patrons2 (at the scene)1 (were able to)3 recount6 in ({gripping}4a/{vivid}4b) detail5 the fatal9 altercation10 at a downtown7 nightclub8 last night.*(世界杯)1(聚集)2全世界(最佳的)3(足球/ditto)4({运动员}5a/{球员}5b)在(同一个场地)6(竞逐)7, (球迷/拥墩)8怎么不能(兴奋/ditto)9?: The (World Cup)1 gathers2 the best3 (soccer/football)4 ({athletes}5a/{players}5b) in the world to compete7 in the (same venue)6, and how can (fans/ditto)8 not (get excited/be jumping up and down for joy/be jumping for joy)9?*(被告的)1(法庭律师)2(辩驳)3说: “我们的(立场)4是这(法案)5的(条款)6不是(应用于)7这(情况)8, (即使)9它是也(无论如何)10不(可应用于)11我们的(当事人)12.”: The defendant’s1 counsel2 argued3: “It is our position4 that this section6 of the Act5 does not apply7 to this situation8 and (even if)9 it does, it is not applicable11 to our client12 (in any event)10.”chǎng:敞: (宽~) spacious; (~开) left open♦敞篷跑车[開篷車]: a (ragtop/convertible)*(六十年代)1是个(跟陌生人对话)2或是晚上(敞着前门)3而(感到)4(安全)5及(不用担忧)6的(和平的)7(时代)8: The 60s1 was a peaceful7 era8 when you felt4 safe5 and secure6 (talking to strangers)2 or (leaving the front door open)3 at night.氅: (大~) overcoat厂[廠]: (工~) factory♦厂家: factory suppliers♦印刷厂: printing shop♦造币厂: mint♦(工厂/工场): factory*(西方水准)1(宣称为)2(道德上不能接受的)3(煎熬环境工厂)4 (劳工)5是很多(本地人)6的(唯一生计)7: Sweatshop4 labor5, declared2 unconscionable3 by (Western standards)1, is the (only means [note: not “mean”] of life)7 for many locals6.场[場]: (~) unit of activities, e.g., (一~电影) show, (一~球赛) ball-game; (~) site with assembly of people, e.g., (商~) shopping mall, (剧~) theater; (在~) at the scene♦剧场: (theater/opera house/ playhouse)♦竞赛场: (arena/stadium)♦斗牛场: bullring♦赛马场: race track♦网球场: tennis court♦溜冰场: skating ring♦垒球球场: baseball ballpark♦足球球场: (soccer field/ football field)♦篮球球场:basketball court♦百货商场: department store♦跳蚤市场: flea market♦高尔夫球场: (golf course/golf greens)♦圆型竞赛场: (bowl/amphitheater)*我们(下馆子)1不如(赶场子)2: We rather spend money on shows1 than (eating out)2.*(演技实习生)1在(美术艺术学院)2(经历)3(即场创作训练)4: (Acting interns)1 undergo3 (improvisation training)4 in the (arts academy)2.*(几千个人)1(到场/ditto)2于昨天的(免费)3(公园)4(音乐会)5: Thousands1 (turned up at/showed up at/attended)2 the free3 park4 concert5 yesterday.*这(咖啡店子)1是(退休的)2和(无职业的)3(惯常)4(留连场所)5: This (coffee shop)1 is the regular4 hangout5 for the retired2 and unemployed3.*(互联网)1给你一个跟(世界各地的人)2(讨论)3(多种项目)4的(场所)5: The Internet1 gives you a forum5 to discuss3 (topics of all sorts)4 with (people around the world)2.*那(公主)1(带着)2她(二十卡钻石坠饰)3(引人注目地进场)4去(皇室舞会)5: The Princess1 (made a grand entrance)4 to the (Royal Ball)5 wearing2 her (20-carat diamond pendant)3.*他说: “在(研讨会)1我们有(一群)2(专家/ditto)3(在场可用/ditto)4来(回答)5你的(问题)6.”: He said: “In the seminar1, we have (a panel)2 of (experts/specialists)3 (on hand/close at hand)4 to answer5 your questions6.”*在那(灾祸)1(舍己为人)2的(英雄)3(丧礼)4是({使人怜悯}5a/{引人落泪}5b)的(场面)6: It was a ({gut-wrenching}5a/{tear-jerking}5b) scene6 at the funeral4 of the hero3 who (sacrificed himself to save others)2 in the disaster1.*这是套(有一点儿/ditto)1(悲愁)2的电影没有(典型的)3(好莱坞)4(好感觉)5(完满)6(收场)7: This is a (rather/somewhat)1 dark2 movie and does not have the typical3 Hollywood4 feel-good5 happy6 ending7.*当跟(外国竞争对手)1(作势开始斗争)2时(本地)3的(中国商人)4有(主场之利)5和(抢先起步的优势)6: Local3 (Chinese businessmen)4 have the (home court advantage)5 and a (head start)6 when they (square off)2 with (foreign competition)1.*他说: “我们(运作)1在(竞争激烈/ditto)2的(电脑用具)3市场有(极薄/ditto)4的(利润率)5和(高过时风险)6.”: He said: “Weoperate1 in the (fiercely competitive/hotly contested)2 market of (computer equipment)3 with (razor-thin/paper thin)4 (profit margin)5 and (high obsolescence risk)6.”*(工场)1(主管的)2 (大喊大叫)3 (转化为)4(增加生产效率)5还是(反生产作用)6的({恼人的事}7a/{骚扰}7b)是(受争议)8: It was debatable8 whether the floor1 supervisor’s2 (hollering and yelling)3 (translate into)4 (increased productivity)5 or counterproductive6 ({irritations}7a/{disturbances}7b).*他说: “我在(大学)1(入学办公室/ditto)2(知道消息)3我(被取录)4(是那么高兴)5可以(当场/ditto)6(打一个车轮跟斗)7.”: He said: “I (was so happy)5 to (find out)3 at the college1 (registrar office/admission office)2 I was accepted4 that I could (do a cartwheel)7 (right there and then/on the spot/at the scene)6.”*他说: “我们(大众化价钱)1的(度假旅店)2(齐备了)3(五星酒店)4的(所有排场)5例如(游泳池)6, (烛光餐厅)7, 和(健康美容院)8.”: He said: “Our family-priced1 resort2 (is complete with)3 (all the trappings)5 of a (five-star hotel)4 such as (a swimming pool)6, (a candle-light dining room)7, and (a health spa)8.”*这个({会堂}1a/{音乐厅/ditto}1b/{演讲厅}1c/{剧场/ditto}1d/ {竞赛场}1e/{体育馆}1f)能够(容纳)2六千个(观众)3: This ({auditorium}1a/ {music hall/concert hall}1b/ {lecture hall}1c/{theater/ playhouse/opera house}1d/{arena}1e/{stadium}1f) can accommodate2 6,000 spectators3.*他说: “他走进来(脸上布满奶油)1(真是滑稽)2.”当他(从朋友)3(得不到笑声时)4他说: “(哎呀)5, 你(要在场的才会欣赏它)6!”: He said: “It was (so funny)2 he came in with his (face full of cream)1.” When he (didn’t get a laugh)4 (from his friends)3, he said: “(Oh well)5, (you have to be there to fully appreciate it)6!”*这个(新建筑成)1的(会议)2(综合设施)3是这(城市的)4(最重要)5(会场)6来({举行}7a/{主办}7b)(会议)8, (展览)9和(特殊项目)10: This (newly constructed)1 convention2 complex3is this city’s4 premier5 venue6 for ({holding}7a/{hosting}7b) conferences8, exhibitions9 and (special events)10.*一个(很长)1和(沉闷)2的(城市外)3(研讨班)4(授课时间)5后几个(年轻人)6(到达)7几个(本地)8的(热闹)9(场所)10(有一点儿乐趣)11: After a long1 and dreary2 session5 at the out-of-town3 seminar4, a few of the (young guys)6 hit7 a few local8 hot9 spots10 to (have some fun)11.*那(主题公园)1是一个(商业上的)2({失败/ditto}3a/{难堪}3b/ {噩梦}3c)当({付费到场数目}4a/{到场数目}4b)({远远少于预测}5a/{是可耻地不足够/ditto}5b): The (theme park)1 is a commercial2 ({disaster/failure}3a/{embarrassment}3b/{nightmare}3c) as ({paid attendance}4a/{attendance}4b) ({falls far short of projection}5a/{is pathetic/is miserable}5b).*这(曾是)1一些(史上最显著摇滚乐演奏会)2的(中心)3之({传奇性/ditto}4a/{世界等级的}4b)(摇滚乐表演场所)5昨天(永远地关掉门)6去(让出空间/ditto)7给({发展商}8a/{发展工程}8b): This ({fabled/legendary}4a/{world-class}4b) (rock venue)5, that was once1 home3 to some of the (greatest rock concerts ever)2, (closed its door for the last time)6 yesterday to (make way/make room)7 for ({developers}8a/{development projects}8b).*我问道: “为什么你({言论上反对}1a/{反对}1b)你(雇主)2在它(导致的)3(污染问题)4(把事业拿来冒险)5?”他回答道: “有时我(觉得)6(实在要)7(在一些我相信的事)8({站着一个立场}9a/{冒着被责备的危险来做}9b/{冒着危险}9c).”: I asked: “Why did you (risk your career)5 and ({speak against}1a /{oppose}1b) your employer2 on the (pollution problems)4 that it caused3?” H e replied: “Sometimes I feel6 I (just have to)7 ({take a stand}9a/{stick my neck out}9b/{risk my neck}9c) (on something that I believe in)8?”chàng:畅[暢]: (~顺) smooth (esp. process); (~通) unrestrained; (~快) thoroughly (enjoyable)*他的(演讲)1有(足够的排练)2和(流畅)3: His speech1 was well-rehearsed2 and fluid3.*我在(昨天的嘉年华会/ditto)1(玩得很畅快)2: I (had the time of my life)2 in (yesterday’s carnival/the carnival yesterday)1.*这公司(从一代到下一代)1(转移势力)2是个(畅顺的过度)3: It was a (smooth transition)3 in the (transfer of power)2 (from one generation to the next)1 in this company.唱: (~) sing*那(主要)1(歌手/ditto)2(脱离)3 (乐队)4(来独唱)5: The lead1 (vocalist/singer)2 (broke away from)3 the band4 and (went solo)5.*在一些(演出)1, 那(伴唱歌星/ditto)2被(提升)3跟那(超级明星)4(合唱)5: In some shows1, the (backup singer/background vocalist)2 is promoted3 to (sing duet)5 with the megastar4.*她在(卡拉OK比赛)1({尽她心来唱}2a/{热烈地大声唱出她心爱的歌曲}2b): She ({sang her heart out}2a/{belted out her favorite song}2b) in the (karaoke contest)1.*这(世界闻名)1的(乐队/ditto)2 (开始时)3在(本地)4(小酒吧)5和(结婚宴会)6(演唱)7: This world-renowned1 (group/band)2 (started out)3 (playing gigs)7 in local4 taverns5 and (wedding banquets)6.*她在一个(被人们相信是)1(现场表演)2的(音乐会)3被(尴尬发现)4(夹口型来唱/假唱)5: She was caught4 (lip-synching/ ditto)5 in a supposedly1 live2 concert3.*在圣诞节(幼稚园)1(音乐会)2几个孩子(大声唱出)3那首歌同时其他的只是(跟着假唱)4: In the kindergarten1 Christmas concert2, a few of the kids (belted out)3 the song while the rest just (lip-synched along)4.*我们的(合唱团/ditto)1(比较)2这国家其他(团队)3(非常好/ditto)4, 去任何(公开竞赛)5我们没有任何(觉得羞耻)6: Our (choir group/chorus group)1 (stacks up)2 (admirably/very well)4 aginst other groups3 in the nation, and we have nothing (to be ashamed of)6 going into any (open competition)5.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #421-430地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*在最近的(经济)1({大灾难}2a/ {血洗}2b)中一些(世界人口最多国家)3的(股市)4(崩溃/失败/ditto)5: In the recent economic1 ({meltdown}2a/ {bloodbath}2b), the (stock markets)4of some of (the world’s most populous countries)3 have (crashed/sunk/ tanked/gone into the tank/taken a nosedive)5.*她对她的妈妈说(关于)1(哥哥的退休)2: “(你不用替他担忧)3, 他有(很多数量/ditto)4的钱在银行(储蓄)5下来.”: She said to her mother on1(the brother’s retirement)2: “(You don’t have to worry for him)3. He has (a lot/lots/a wad/a heap/a bundle/a pile/a stack/a boatload/a great deal/loads/a ton/plenty/ countless/gazillions/a huge sum/an enormous amount/an innumerable amount)4 of money (socked away)5in the bank.”*(很多/ditto)1(反对战争)2({抗议者}3a/{激进分子}3b)在昨天的({支持行动群众聚会}4a/{示威}4b)被(逮捕)5: (Scores [note: not “score”]/ Plenty/A lot)1 of anti-war2 ({protesters}3a/{activists/ fanatics}3b) were arrested5in yesterday’s ({rally}4a/ {demonstration}4b).*在这公司, (很多/ditto)1金钱(浪费/ditto)2在为(自大所推动)3而不是(为盈利所推动)4的(推广行动计划)5: In this company, (oodles/tons/loads/ piles/scads)1 of money are (wasted/pissed away [犯])2 in (marketing programs)5 that are ego-driven3 rather than profit-driven4.*他问他的(侄儿)1: “你有(跟人约会吗)2?” 他的姐姐说: “他有(很多数量女朋友)3, 我们的爸爸要(用棍子赶走她们)4.”: He asked his nephew1: “Are you (going out with anybody)2?” His sister said: “He has (girlfriends coming out of his ears)3. Our father has to (beat them off with a stick)4.”*她问她的丈夫: “你还(跟我们做完了税单)1吗?” 丈夫说: “(不用担忧)2, 我们(离递交限期之前)3还有(许多/ditto)4(时间)5.”: She asked her husband: “Have you (done our tax returns)1yet?” The husband said: “(There’s no need to worry)2. We still have (a lot/plenty)4 of time5 (before the filing deadline)3.”*那(销售员)1说: “我们的公司(付还)2给我(花费的真正费用)3(最多/ditto)4每天一百块钱美金(在离开本城出差旅程)5.”: The salesperson1said: “Our company reimburses2 me for (actual expenses spent)3 (up to/up to a maximum of)4 US$100 a day (in out-of-town business trips)5.”*他的朋友对他说: “你一定是(比较我年轻)1.” 他说:“({不是相差很多}2a/{只是相差很少}2b/{当然, 相差很多/ditto}2c).” : His friend said to him: “You must be (younger than me)1.” He said: “({Not by much [口]}2a/{Only by a small margin [口]}2b/{Of course, by a long shot [口]/Certainly, by a wide margin [口]}2c).”*那经理说: “我们所有的(维修员工)1都有(不寻常)2的(天资)3和(多元化的技能)4能够(处理)5我们(顾客)6(递交/ditto)7给我们的(任何问题)8.”: The manager said: “All our (service staff)1 have exceptional2 talent3 and versatility4, and can handle5 (any problem)8 that our customers6 (throw at/present to)7us.”哆: (~嗦) shivering*她从(公交站)1(走路)2(回家半途)3(突然碰到)4({突发的}5a/{猛烈汹涌的}5b)({暴风雨}6a/{倾盘大雨}6b), 要(在滴水地湿的衣服里)7(哆嗦)8(奔跑回家)9: She (was caught)4 in a ({sudden}5a/{torrential}5b) ({rainstorm}6a/{downpour}6b) (halfway home)3 (on foot)2 from the (bus stop)1, and had to (run home)9 shivering8 (in dripping wet clothes)7.咄: (~咄) threatening*(控方的律师)1在他(反诘)2({被告}3a/{被告召唤来的证人}3b)(咄咄逼人)4: The (plaintiff’s lawyer)1 was overbearing4 in his cross-examination2 of the ({defendant}3a/{witnesses summoned by the defendant}3b).duó:度: (~) gauge*这星期我们(继续收到)1(一堆混杂无章的)2(掺杂经济数据)3, (任何人很难来)4(量度)5(经济的健康)6: This week we (continue to get)1 (a hodgepodge of)2 (mixed economic data)3, and (it is hard for anyone)4 to gauge5 (the health of the economy)6.踱: (~) pace*每一次我们的(经理)1(碰到)2一个(大问题)3我们可以见到他在办公室({来回}4a/{团团转}4b)(踱步)5(喃喃低声地说/ditto)6(脏话)7: Every time our manager1 (runs into)2 a (big problem)3, we can see him pacing5 ({up and down}4a/ {around}4b) the office (mumbling/muttering/ murmuring)6 obscenities7.夺[奪]: (抢~) take away by force; (~杯) vie for (trophy); (~门而出) storm out (of door)*他把(刀子)1从她手上(强夺过来)2: He (forcefully snatched)2 the knife1 from her hand.*她上年(在赢取超级模特儿)1(夺得大众注意)2: She (grabbed the spotlight)2 last year (in winning the super-model competition)1.*(基金经理)1(特别留意)2(有实际可行计划)3去(夺取)4(外国市场)5的(企业)6: (Fund managers)1 (pay special attention)2 to businesses6 with (realistic plans)3 to capture4 (foreign markets)5.*在一个(推销会面)1你只有(很短的一段时间)2来(夺取)3(有可能成为顾客者的)4 ({注意力}5a/{兴趣}5b): In a (sales call)1 you only have a (very short time span)2 to capture3a (prospective customer’s)4 ({attention}5a/{interest}5b).*他把他的的(文章)1(加上少许)2({简单易记的片语}3a/{简单易记的单字}3b)和(使人激动的)4(图画/ditto)5来(夺取注意)6: He laces2 his articles1 with ({catchy phrases }3a/ {catchwords}3b) and provocative4 (images/photos)5 to (grab attention)6.*他说: “这些(不认真的小丑般的人 [注: 意指球员]/ditto)1(从场边拉拉队女郎夺取青睐[注: 也解跟她做爱[犯]])2还(易过)3 (从场内对手夺取分数[笑])4.”: He said: “It’s easier3 for these (clowns/ jokers)1 (to score on the cheerleaders at the sideline)2 than to (score against their opponents on the field [笑])4.”*他说: “如果这小国家的(政府)1(意图)2(夺得)3(保罗)4的(支持)5那么它会(策划一个政策)6去(剥夺彼得去付给保罗)7(注: “保罗”和“彼得”是代表不同组别的人群).”: He said: “If the government1 of this small country intends2 to secure3 the support5 of Paul4, then it would (devise a policy)6 to (rob Peter to pay Paul)7.”duǒ:朵: (~) unit of flowers; (耳~) ear*(似乎)1这(相似竖起大耳朵火星人)2(说笑者)3的(样子)4比较他的(陈腔旧套/ditto)5(笑话)6(赚取)7(更多笑声)8: The look4 of this (jug-eared Martian look-alike)2 comedian3 seems1 to earn7 (more laughs)8 than his (cliché/corny)5 jokes6.躲: (~) hide*她(整个周末)1(躲在/ditto)2(家里)3(看书)4: She (holed up/ hid)2 (at home)3 (all weekend)1 (reading books)4.*她是个(快乐的婴儿)1一个(简单的)2(躲猫猫)3(游戏)4便会使她(像阳光般笑)5: She is a (happy baby)1 and a simple2 game4 of peek-a-boo3 can make her (smile like sunshine)5.*他对他(负债累累)1的弟弟说: “我知道你(有大麻烦/ditto)2但(时常)3(躲躲藏藏/ditto)4(不是解决办法)5.”: He said to his heavily-indebted1brother: “I know you (are in big trouble/ have big problems)2, but (going under-ground/hiding out)4 (all the time)3 (is not a solution)5.”*他的哥哥(经由电话)1(在湖边的家庭别墅)2(联络到他)3并问道: “(你躲在这里干嘛)4?” 他说: “(有人找我麻烦)5, (最好)6我(消失/ditto)7(一会儿)8.”: His brother (reached him)3 (by phone)1 (at the family cottage by the lakeside)2and asked: “(What are you doing hiding here)4?” He said: “(Someone is looking for trouble with me)5, and it’s best6 for me to (disappear/vanish)7 (for a while)8.”duò:惰: (~)slothful*(总裁)1说: “这公司对(惰性)2, (傲慢)3, 和(不知危险地自满)4的(没有容纳的空间)5, 不然我们可能会跟(现实)6和(市场情况)7({脱节}8a/{失去洞察}8b).”: The CEO1said: “In this company, there is (no room)5 for inertia2, arrogance3 and complacency4, or we could ({lose touch with}8a/{lose sight of}8b) reality6 and (market conditions)7.”堕[墮]: (~)plummet*他说: “我是(贫穷)1, 但我不会(堕落到)2(卖毒品)3给(孩子)4.”: He said: “I’m poor1 but I would not (stoop so low)2 as to (sell drugs)3 to children4.”*(高升的犯罪率)1和(游荡的妓女)2是这个(邻区)3(下堕至最低点)4(之原因)5: (Heightened crime rates)1 and (loitering prostitutes)2 are (the reasons why)5 this neighborhood3 (has gone to the dogs)4.*昨天(第二场赛事)1(涉及五匹马)2的(堕马意外)3两个(骑师)4(严重受伤)5: Two jockeys4 were (seriously injured)5 in a spill3 during yesterday’s (second race)1 that (involved five horses)2.*(曾是外表可观)1位在(市中心)2(旁边)3的(小意大利区)4 (已堕落为)5(垃圾散布)6的(破落区)7: The (once respectable)1 (Little Italy district)4 (next to)3 the (downtown core)2 (has degenerated into)5 a garbage-strewn6 slum7.*经过一宗(家庭惨剧)1后他把(不然是)2(大有前途的生命)3 (浪费)4(在贫困堕落的境况)5– (没钱)6, (欠缺)7, 和(时常喝醉)8: After a (family tragedy)1, he wasted4 his otherwise2 (promising life)3 (in the gutter)5, impoverished6, deprived7 and (often intoxicated)8.舵: (~)rudder; (~手) person at the helm (on ship or in power)*这公司(领导的舵手)1在(最后一刹那/ditto)2(做出奇迹)3(找到买家来买公司一部分股份)4来(避免破产)5: The (leader at the helm)1 of the company (pulled a rabbit out of a hat)3 (at the eleventh hour/at the last moment)2 to (avert a bankruptcy)5 by (finding a buyer for a slice of the equity)4.跺: (~)to stomp*这个(宠坏)1的小女孩子会(尖叫)2, (撇嘴)3, 和(跺她的脚/ditto)4直至她(得到她想要的)5: This spoiled1 little girl would scream2, pout3 and (stomp her feet/stamp her feet)4 until she (gets what she wants)5.剁: (~)chop up*这些(街头恶帮成员)1是(粗暴类型的人)2如果你(逆他们的意思)3他们会把你(砍成剁碎的肉)4: These (street gang members)1 are (rough customers)2, and they will (chop you into minced meat)4 if you (cross them)3.EEEē:阿: (~谀) butter up♦阿斯匹林: aspirin♦阿尔茨海默: Alzheimer’s disease*一(老手员工)1对那(新聘用员工)2说: “在这公司(不要惊讶)3(一少些阿谀)4对(推进事业)5(有大作用)6.”: A (veteran employee)1 said to the (new recruit)2: “(Don’t be surprise)3 (a little buttering up)4 (goes a long way)6 in (advancing your career)5 in this company.”婀: (~娜) gracious poiseé:娥: (~)pretty girl [古]俄: (~罗斯)Russia峨: (~) (lofty/elevated/high)蛾: (~)moth鹅[鵝]: (~)goose♦鹅: goose♦天鹅: swan♦企鹅: penguin*在这个(歌星)1的(情况)2, (所要的)3是(好的化妆)4, 一个(新发型)5, 几件(性感衣服)6, (四十磅减轻体重)7, 一些(美容手术)8来({把她从丑小鸭变成天鹅}9a/{完成一个丑小鸭变天鹅的故事}9b): In this singer’s1 case2, (all it took)3 were (nice make-ups)4, a (new hair-do)5, a few (sexy clothes)6, (forty pounds of weight loss)7, and some (cosmetic surgeries)8 ({to turn her from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan}9a/{to complete an ugly-duckling-turned-swan story }9b).*这(几乎破产/ditto)1公司的(总裁)2对他的(得力助手)3说: 我(明白)4(卖掉这赚钱的部门)5就(等于)6(杀掉生金蛋的鹅)7, 但在这(危及的时刻)8是一个我们(承担不起)9(不予考虑/ditto)10的({方法}11a/{选择}11b).”: The CEO2 of the (near-insolvent/near-bankrupt)1 company said to his (right-hand man)3: “I understand4 (selling this profitable division)5 is like6 (killing the goose that lays the golden eggs)7, but it’s ({a measure}11a/{an option}11b) we cannot afford9 to (rule out/ discount/dismiss)10 at this (desperate time)8.”额[額]: (~) an amount; (~)forehead♦前额: forehead*他说: “我们今年的(圣诞节派对)1的(预算额)2有多少?”: He said: “What’s our budget2for this year’s (Christmas party)1?”*他的({公司}1a/{健康}1b)是真正(坏的状态/ditto)2(每多一天)3是(额外好处)4: His ({company}1a/{health}1b) is in really (bad shape/poor shape/poor condition)2 and (every extra day)3 is a bonus4.*(受害者)1(被处死刑方式)2(被枪击/ditto)3在(额头的太阳穴)4在(去医院途中)5(逝世)6: The victim1 (took a bullet to/was shot at)3 the temple4 execution-style2 and died6 (on the way to the hospital)5.*今早我很(惊讶)1(发觉)2我们(通常)3是(活泼)4和(健谈)5的(接待员)6(有着皱纹的额头)7 (在沉思)8: This morning I was surprised1 to find2 our usually3 lively4 and talkative5 receptionist6 was (deep in thought)8 (with a furrowed brow)7.*公司(提供)1(新总裁)2(丰厚的一套薪酬)3, 并(额外/ditto)4(一辆具备司机的私用大型轿车)5(来到处走动)6: The company provided1 the (new CEO)2 (a lucrative salary package)3, and (for good measure [note: not “measures”] /as an extra)4, (a private chauffeured limousine)5 (to get around)6.*这个(女孩子)1是个({非常讨人欢喜的人}2a/{良善乐意协助他人的人}2b)(不顾额外麻烦/ditto)3去(帮助他人)4: This girl1 is a ({peach}2a/ {sweetheart}2b) that (goes out of her way/makes extra efforts)3 to (help others)4.*这辆(家庭式轿车)1是({系列最佳}2a/{奢侈}2b)(型号)3去掉({花巧配件}4a/{花巧的额外零件/ditto}4b)之(没有额外的基本/ditto)5(变体)6: This (family sedan)1 is the (stripped-down/bare-bone/basic)5 version6 of the ({top-of-the-line}2a/{luxury}2b) model3 without the ({bells and whistles}4a/{fancy extras/fancy accessories}4b).*(经理)1问道: “({交易进展如何}2a/{什么在阻碍那交易}2b)?” 那(营业员)3说: “(整体来说)4(买主)5对(条件)6(很满意)7他只是(找一些额外的便宜)8.”: The manager1asked: “({How’s the deal progressing}2a/{What’s holding up the deal}2b)?” The salesperson3said: “Overall4 the buyer5 is happy7 with the terms6, and he’s only (looking for some gravy)8.”*他的朋友问道: “今天(我见到跟你一起在午饭)1的是否你的(新女朋友)2?” 他说: “(今天跟我聚午餐)3那只是个(商业上的伙伴)4, 请不要(视那有额外意思)5: His friend asked: “Is that your (new girlfriend)2 (I saw you with at lunch)1today?” He said: “That was only a (business associate)4 (I had lunch with today)3, and please don’t (read anything into it)5.”*这(新招收职员)1是一个(长藤工商管理硕士课程)2(最后一年)3(金牌得奖者)4, 为(额外的优点)5是她在(外交官父亲)6 (驻守的)7(主人国家)8(学会)9 (五种流畅的言语)10: This (new recruit)1 was a (gold medalist)4 in the (final year)3 of a (Ivy League MBA program)2, and as an (added bonus)5, she is (fluent in five languages)10 which she learned9 in the (host countries)8 where her (diplomat father)6 stationed7.ě:恶[惡/噁]: (~心) disgusted*(在公众地方)1(吐痰)2和(挖鼻孔)3是(令人恶心/ditto)4: Spitting2 and (picking nose)3 (in public)1 is (disgusting/vile/gross/sickening/revulsive)4.*她说在(她怀孕早期)1她({有早晨恶心}2a/{偶然感到恶心/ditto}2b): She said (at the early stage of her pregnancy)1 she ({had morning sickness}2a/ {felt nauseated sometimes/felt queasy occasionally}2b).*这间(管理不善)1的公司(倾向于)2(任由事情恶化)3(直至)4 (太迟)5: This (poorly managed)1 company (tends to)2 (let things slide)3 until4 (it is too late)5.*这个(秘书)1(搬弄是非)2,( 背后中伤他人)3, 和(恶意评击别人)4: This secretary1 gossips2, backstabs3 and (makes snarky remarks)4.*他说: “我(感觉恶心)1(难过地经历)2(找工作面试)3并(需要说)4(意图谄媚/ditto)5的(东西)6.”: He said: “I’m (feeling nauseous)1 (going through)2 (job interviews)3 and (needing to say)4 things6 (just to please/ that aims to please)5.”*在(公司盈利)1(下调展望)2(随着的时期)3, 一些(总裁的)4(无理地过高)5(薪酬)6(似乎令人恶心)7: Some CEOs’4 (exorbitantly high)5 pays6 (seem obscene)7 (in the wake of)3 (diminished expectations)2 for (corporate profits)1.*她对她(一支接一支抽烟的)1 (男朋友)2说: “你(沾黄/ditto)3的(牙齿)4({使我恶心/ditto}5a/ {使我作呕/ditto}5b).”: She said to her chain-smoking1 boyfriend2: “Your (yellow/ stained)3 teeth4 ({gross me out/disgust me/turn my stomach/make my stomach turn/put me off}5a/{make me puke}5b).”*(父母们)1(得悉)2学校(知道)3有一个({恋童癖者}4a/{性骚扰儿童者}4b)(在职员中)5但(毫不采取行动/ditto)6(感到极端恶心)7: Parents1 were (sick to their stomachs)7 at learning2 the school (was aware)3 there was a ({pedophile}4a/{child-molester}4b) (in the staff)5 and (simply sat on it/did nothing about it)6.*总裁(厌恶地)1(一言不发离开会议)2随着(董事会)3(尽管)4公司的(财政情况)5(急速恶化)6(坚持)7(维持现况)8: The CEO (walked out of the meeting)2 (in disgust)1 after the Board3 (insisted on)7 (the status quo)8 despite4the company’s (rapidly deteriorating)6 (financial condition)5.*她问她的女儿: “你不要吃任何你的(头盘开胃小吃)1吗? 那是(食用蜗牛)2.” 女儿说: “我不要吃任何(盖着/ditto)3 (令人恶心粘湿的半流质)4的(蜗牛)5.”: She asked her daughter: “Don’t you want to eat any of your appetizers1? It’s escargot2.” The daughter said: “I don’t want to eat any snail5 (coated with/covered with)3 (yucky slime)4.”*他在(高科技)1({股市}2a/{泡沫}2b)(爆破)3(失去)4他(所有的钱)5, 现在(仅是)6(提及)7 “”是(足够)8(引发/ditto)9他一({连串}10a/{阵子/ditto}10b)(恶心)11: He lost4 (all his money)5 in the high-tech1 ({stock market}2a/{bubble}2b) bust3, and now the mere6 mention7of “” is enough8 to (trigger/set off/ cause)9 a ({wave}10a/{spell/ bout}10b) of (nausea/ queasiness) 11 in him.è:扼: (~)grip; (~制) control; (~要) key (points)*一九九九年阿根廷的(货币危机)1(显著地)2(扼杀/停止)3世界去那(地区)4的(资金流动)5: The 1999 (currency crisis)1 in Argentina has noticeably2 (choked off/ditto)3 (capital flows)5 to those parts4 of the world.厄: (~运) disastrous (luck)*现在(报纸头版)1(充满/ditto)2 (厄运)3和(丧气)4的(故事)5: Nowadays (front pages)1 are (covered with/plastered with)2 doom3 and gloom4 stories5.*昨天的(失望)1(败仗)2(差不多)3(确定)4我们(球队的)5(无精打采)6(球季)7之(厄运)8: Yesterday’s disappointed1 loss2 (pretty much)3 sealed4 the fate8of our team’s5 lackluster6 season7.遏: (~止) to stop*(卫生当局)1(已经快速采取行动)2来(遏制/ditto)3一(新品种)4(流行性感冒)5的(蔓延)6: The (health authority)1 (has moved quickly)2 to (stem/curb)3 the spread6 of a (new strain)4 of flu5.恶[惡]: (~)evil; (~化) worsen足球恶棍: soccer hooligans*(国际贸易)1可能会(恶化)2(发展国家)3(低技能工作)4(失业情况)5: (International trade)1 may exacerbate2 (unemployment situation)5 in (low-skill jobs)4 of (developed countries)3.*(孩子始终是孩子)1他们(偶然/ditto)2会(坏地做出)3(一些恶作剧/ditto)4: (Kids are kids)1 and they (get up to)3 (something mischievous/ devilment)4 (from time to time/occasionally)2.*一些(间谍软件程序)1(暗下)2用(寄生电脑)3去做(恶意/ditto)4的(事情)5: Some (spyware programs)1 secretly2 use (host computers)3 to perform (malevolent/ malignant/malicious)4 tasks5.*那(小恶霸)1今天在学校又再(涉及麻烦)2(给一个同学猛力抽起内裤头的恶作剧)3: The (little bully)1 (got into trouble)2 again today at school (by giving one of his classmates a wedgie)3.*如果两个国家都(觉得)1(不得不继续作出回应)2,( 难堪的)3 (对骂/ditto)4可能(恶化成战争)5: If both countries feel1 (compelled to keep responding)2, nasty3 (exchanges/exchange of words)4 could (deteriorate into a war)5.*他对他(撇嘴的女朋友)1随着他(捉弄她)2后: “(不用拉长面孔)3! 那只是个(无害的)4(恶作剧/ditto)5.”: He said to his (pouting girlfriend)1 after he (pulled a prank on her)2: “(Lighten up)3! It’s only a harmless4 (prank/trick)5.”*当她(搬离家庭住宅)1去(自己一个人住)2她妈妈(告诫)3她: “(小心/ditto)4, (外面)5那是(世间险恶/ditto)6.”: Her mother warned3 her when she (moved out of the family home)1 to (live on her own)2: “(Watch out/Be careful)4! It’s a(jungle/minefield)6 (out there)5.”*他的朋友({作出不成熟的行为/ditto}1a/{闹恶作剧/ditto}1b)在(更衣室)2(拿着他所有的衣服)3(跑掉/ditto)4: His friend ({behaved in a juvenile manner/behaved juvenilely/was being juvenile}1a/{played a prank/played a trick/played a joke}1b) by (running away/taking off)4 (with all his clothes)3 in the (change room)2.*在那(区域)1(迅速蔓延)2的(流行病)3(爆发)4把(酒店)5, (旅行)6和(其他休闲生意)7(抛到)8(失去控制地恶化)9: Outbreak4 of a fast-spreading2 epidemic3 in the region1 has thrown8 the hotel5, travel6 and (other leisure businesses)7 (into a tailspin)9.*在这电脑的(杀毒软件程序)1对(抗拒)2(恶意/ditto)3的(藏有病毒的)4(电子邮件)5运作得(天衣无缝/ditto)6: The (anti-virus program)1 in this computer has been working (flawlessly/perfectly)6 to (fend off)2 virus-embedded4 emails5 with (malicious intent/ill intent)3.*最好是(不理会一对夫妇)1当他们(吵架)2时因为如果你(干涉/ditto)3时你只会是(火上加油[意]/ 恶化情况)4: It’s best to (leave a married couple alone)1 when they fight2, because you would be (putting fuel on a fire/ worsening the situation)4 if you (intervene/interfere)3.*(近日)1的(热门话题)2是(次级按揭贷款)3(拖欠)4(危机)5会否(恶化/ditto)6成为(世界性/ditto)7的(经济衰退)8: The (hot topic)2 in (recent days)1 is whether the (subprime mortgage)3 default4 crisis5 would (fester/worsen/ deteriorate)6 into a (worldwide/ global)7 recession8.*这个(好莱坞)1(超级巨星)2最近因为于一个(受广泛欢迎)3的(电视访问节目)4(沙发跳跃)5的(恶作剧)6(被公众冷漠对待)7: This Hollywood1 superstar2 was recently (snubbed by the public)7 for his sofa-jumping5 (antics [note: not “antic” in this context meaning “eccentric behavior”])6 in a (widely popular)3 (TV talk show)4.*那(风险投资经理)1说: “如果 (任何我们的计划)2开始(恶化/ditto)3我们会(很快去)4({中止继续下去}5a/{断绝更多亏损}5b).”: Th e (venture capital manager)1said: “We are (quick to)4 ({pull the plug}5a/{cut the loss}5b) if (any of our projects)2 starts to (head south/go south)3.”*那(软件公司)1(拒绝)2一个(竞争对手的)3(收购提议)4 (暗示)5那提议只是(恶意)6(诡计)7来把(商业秘密)8从它(刺探)9出来: The (software company)1 (turned down)2a competitor’s3 (takeover offer)4, and suggested5 the proposal was only an ill-intended6 ploy7 to pry9 (trade secret)8 from it.*这个(狂人)1说(选出)2一个(女总统)3是(女性激进分子团体)4 ({构想出}5a/{创造出}5b)的(邪恶/ditto)6(统治世界)7(巨大计划)8的(第一步)9: This nutcase1 says electing2 a (female president)3 is the (first step)9 of (an evil/a sinister)6 (master plan)8 ({devised}5a/ {created}5b) by (women activist groups)4 to (take over the world)7.*这(富有的孩子)1(不害怕)2(被牵连到)3(所有种类的麻烦)4因为他(完全知道)5(当事态恶化到要采取行动时)6他的父母(每一次都)7会({拯救他}8a/ {从大麻烦中拯救出来/ditto}8b): This (rich kid)1 (is not afraid of)2 (getting into)3 (all kinds of trouble)4, because he (knows full well)5 (when push comes to shove)6, his parents will always7 ({bail him out}8a/{save his bacon/save his ass [犯]}8b).饿[餓]: (~)starving*他说: “(我饿极了/ditto)1.”: He said: “(I’m starving to death/I’m famished/I’m so hungry I can eat a horse)1.”*他说: “我(找不到工作)1我(整个家庭)2(要挨饿)3.”: He said: “My (whole family)2 (will starve)3if I (can’t find a job)1.”*儿子问他的母亲: “(晚饭是什么时候)1? 我很(饿/ditto)2: The son asked his mother: “(When is supper)1? I am (famished/ starving/starved/hungry)2.”*他说: “我是(那么饿)1我的(肚子)2在({咆哮}3a/{呻吟}3b).”: He said: “I’m (so hungry)1 my stomach2 is ({growling}3a/ {groaning}3b).”*(主管)1说: “(无所事事坐着)2 (你干嘛)3? (回去做工作)4.” 他说: “ (肚子饿/ditto)5我(不能够工作)6.”: The supervisor1 said: “(Why are you)3 (sitting around for)2? (Get back to work)4.” He said: “I (can’t work)6(on an empty stomach/ when I’m hungry)5.”*那(模特儿)1(快速地)2(挨饿来去掉)3(怀孕时)4(增加的)5那五十磅(回复到)6她(以前的)7 (苗条)8和(身形好看的)9(自己)10: The model1 quickly2 (starved off)3 the fifty pounds that she gained5 (during pregnancy)4 to return6 to her former7 slim8 and shapely9 self10.鳄[鱷]: (~鱼)(crocodile/ alligator)愕: (~)shocked*我在那个(足球超级巨星)1的(首场赛事/ditto)2, 他那天(令人刺激/ditto)3的(表现)4(使全场观众惊愕)5: I was in the (inaugural match/first match)2 of that (soccer superstar)1, and his (electrifying/thrilling/ exciting)3 performance4 that day (took the collective breath of the spectators away)5.颚[顎]: (~)palate噩: (~)distressing; (~运) bad luck*我们的(球队)1(最近)2(遭遇到)3(一连串的)4(受伤)5和(错误)6的(噩运)7, 那在(短短两星期)8看着我们在(分组)9的(名次)10从(第一)11(下跌/ditto)12到(最尾)13: Our team1 (ran into)3 (a string of)4 (bad luck)7 lately2 with injuries5 and miscues6 that saw our standing10 in the division9 (dropped/plunged/plummeted )12 from first11 to last13 in (a short period of two weeks)8.ēn:恩: (~)moral indebtedness*他(不会感恩的)1(妻子的)2(不能满足的)3(物质要求)4把他的(生命力量/ditto)5(吮干)6: His ungrateful1wife’s2 insatiable3 (material demands)4 are sucking6 the (life/vitality)5 out of him.*(互连网络)1的(伸展范围)2和(速度)3已经(同样地)4对(遍及全球的)5(售卖者)6和(购物者)7(已经成为恩惠)8: The reach2 and speed3 of the internet1 (have become a boon)8 for marketers6 and shoppers7 alike4 (across the globe)5.*(投资者)1应该时常对(所谓)2 (专家)3(恩惠给与)4的(未经请求)5(金融建议)6有(警惕谨慎/ditto)7, (特别是)8那些(快速致富)9的(诡计)10: Investors1 should always be (wary/ cautious/watchful/alert/ vigilant)7 on so-called2 experts3 (doling out)4 unsolicited5 (financial advice)6, particularly8 those get-rich-quick9 schemes10.*他的(同事)1对他说: “你可以对你的(经理)2({有意见分歧}3a/{愤怒}3b)但(忘恩负义)4把他向(海外总公司)5(告密/ditto)6是(不必要的/ditto)7.”: His colleague1said to him: “You can ({have differences with}3a/{get mad at}3b) your manager2, but it’s (uncalled-for/unjustified/unwarranted)7 to (bite the hand that feeds you)4 and (ratted on/squealed on/told on/informed on)6 him to the (overseas head office)5.”én: XXXXXěn: XXXXXèn: XXXXXēi:欸: (~)hiéi:欸: (~)ohěi:欸: (~)nahèi:欸: (~)alright, OKēr: XXXXXér:而: (~)and; (~) but*他对(刚舍他而去)1的(前度女友)2说: “(你看我的)3, 我是(年轻)4, (有野心)5和(有决心)6, 我(有一天)7将会是一个(非同凡响的人)8.”: He said to his ex-girlfriend2 that (just walked out on him)1: “(You just watch me)3. I’m young4, ambitious5 and determined6, and I’ll be somebody8 someday7.”儿[兒]: (小~) son; (婴~) infant; (~) postfix indicating small sized item♦儿子: son♦光棍儿: bachelor; bum♦头儿[波士]: top guy♦罗锅儿[驼背佬]: a hunchback♦哥儿[哥哥仔]: young guy♦高个(子/儿)[高佬]: tall guy♦大个(子/儿)[大隻佬]: big guy♦({事}1a/{羊}1b/{鱼}1c/{桌}1d/{包}1e/{歌}1f)儿: small ({matter}1a/{lamb}1b/{fish }1c/{table}1d/{bag}1e/{song }1f)*他的(个儿中等)1有(黝黑的皮肤)2: His has a (medium build)1 with a (dark complexion)2.*那(保安人员)1对他的(伙伴)2说: “我(查看过)3, (那儿没人)4.”: The (security guard)1 said to his partner2: “I checked3 and (nobody was over there)4.”*他說: “我(新生的儿子)1是我(帆的风)2给我(生命中的力量)3”: He said: “My (newborn son)1 is the (wind in the sail)2 that gives me (strength in life)3.”*我说: “这个(所谓“恐怖”影片)1是(小儿科/ditto)2我(更好的也见过)3.”: I said: “This (so-called “scary” movie)1is (a joke/kid’s stuff)2, and I (have seen better)3.”*她的(婴儿)1很({天真可爱/ditto}2a/{好抱}2b/{美丽}2c/{令人厌恶}2d): Her baby1 is ({very cute/cute as a button}2a/ {cuddly}2b/{beautiful}2c/ {bratty}2d).*这个母亲时常说她的(女儿)1是她(不然)2(沉闷/ditto)3的(生命)4(唯一光明之点)5: This mother always says her daughter1 is the (only bright spot)5 in her otherwise2 (dreary/ dull/dismal)3 life4.*那个女儿告诉母亲她({已经达到成人的年纪}1a/{是成年人/ditto}1b)她所做的事(任何人没有权力去管)2: The daughter told her mother that ({she had reached the age of majority}1a/{was a grown-up/ was an adult}1b) and what she did was (nobody’s business)2.*他的儿子有(大眼睛)1, (红润/ditto)2的(面颊)3, (白白的肤色)4, (深黑色的头发)5, (粗眉毛)6, (长眼睫毛)7, 和(能融化任何人心灵的笑容)8: His son has (big eyes)1, (rosy/apple)2 cheeks3, (fair complexion)4, (jet black hair)5, (thick eyebrows)6, (long eyelashes)7, and (a sweet smile that can melt anyone’s heart)8.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英文俚语A-Z #60
地道英文俚语A-Z #60古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*(健康和公共卫生部门)1不是(受人注目)2的(政府单位)3(委任)4它(新头儿)5({取得}6a/{得到}6b)的({报章评论}7a/{报章注意}7b/{大众注意}7c)相等于星期天的(教堂)8(二手货义卖)9: (The Health and Sanitation Department)1 is not a (high profile)2 (government unit)3, and the appointment4 of its (new head)5 ({garnered}6a/{received}6b) as much ({press}7a/{press attention}7b/ {publicity}7c) as a Sunday church8 (rummage sale)9.*父母不是从孩子们(要求)1(很多/ditto)2, 只是对(在养育他们)3(付出巨大牺牲)4一些(细小/ditto)5的({回报}6a/{注意}6b)(好像)7(偶然)8(一个电话)9会(使他们高兴)10: Parents are not asking1 their children (a lot/for the world)2, but just some(small/tiny/teeny-weeny)5 ({reciprocation of}6a/{attention for}6b) (the immense sacrifice that were made)4 (in bringing them up)3, (such as)7(a phone call)9(every once in a while)8 would (please them)10.抱: (~)embrace; (~负) aspired; (~怨) complaint; (~歉) apology*他说: “你看来很(不高兴/ditto)1. 你有什么(抱怨/ditto)2?”: He said: “You look (pissed[犯]/upset)1. What’s your(beef/gripe/complaint)2?”*他对她说: “那是个(你所有的)1(很好抱)2({小子}3a/{小婴儿}3b), (不是吗)4?”: He said to her: “That is a cuddly2 ({little fella}3a/{little baby}3b) (you have)1, (isn’t it)4?”*在(音乐会)1(结尾)2一个小女孩子(走在台上)3(呈献给)4(歌星)5(一抱数量的玫瑰)6: At the end2 of the concert1, a little girl (walked up on stage)3 and presented4 the singer5 with (an armful of roses)6.*她在四十岁还(等待)1她的(白马王子)2(向她走前来)3({使她倾心迷醉}4a/{将她抱起来}4b): At age 40, she is still waiting1 for her (Prince Charming)2 to (walk up to her)3 and ({sweep her off her feet}4a/{scoop her off her feet}4b).备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #411-420地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*十年前儿子(取代)1(控制地位/ditto)2在(建立)3(家族)4(企业王国)5(丝毫没有中断地/ditto)6 (继续)7(他老爸/ditto)8(终止)9之点: Ten years ago the son (took over)1 the (control/helm)2, and continued7 where (his old man/his father)8 (left off)9 in building3 the family4 (business empire)5 (without losing a beat/without missing a beat)6.*一个员工说: “我们(在这已经有五小时)1, 我们不可以(休息一下)2吗?” 主管说: “(不要中断)3要不然我们(不会及时把工作做完)4.”: A staff said: “We’ve been (on this for five hours)1. Can’t we (take a break)2?” The supervisor said: “(Keep the ball rolling)3or we (won’t get the job done on time)4!”*(双方)1已经({于没有间断的时期}2a/{没有间断地/ditto}2b) 在(谈判桌)3(开会)4({至深夜}5a/{直至凌晨}5b)在企图(避免/ditto)6一个(公交罢工)7: The (two sides)1 have been meeting4 ({on end}2a/ {continuously/ uninterruptedly}2b) at the (bargaining table)3 ({deep into the night}5a/{into the wee hours of the morning}5b) in an attempt to (avert/avoid)6 a (transit strike)7.*她的姐姐说: “如果你不爱他, 你应该({给他一封断绝关系的信}1a/{断绝关系}1b), 因为(把他留下于)2(悬荡在有一线希望)3跟你(事情可能有完满结果)4是(不公平)5.”: Her sister said: “If you don’t love him, you should ({send him a Dear John letter}1a/{terminate the relationship}1b), because it’s unfair5 to (leave him)2 (dangling with a thread of hope)3 that (things may work out)4 with you.”*(随着)1从(运动)2一个({长期}2a/{短暂}2b)的({间断}3a/{间断时期}3b), 他昨天(重再)4 (慢跑)5, (到街区一半)6他的(意志/ditto)7说“去”但他的({脚}8a/{身体}8b)说“不”: Following1 a ({long}2a/ {brief}2b) ({hiatus}3a/{time away}3b) from exercising2, he (got back)4 at jogging5 yesterday, and (halfway down the block)6 his (head/mind)7said “go” but his ({legs}8a/ {body}8b) said “no”.* (出其不意揭发)1她的男朋友(又再)2跟另外一个女孩子({鬼混}3a/{约会/ditto}3b)后她对他说: “({对不起, 你已经耗尽你的犯错免罪机会我跟你断绝关系}4a/{你已经有两次犯错免罪机会这是第三次我跟你断绝关系}4b).”[注: “strike”是垒球的术语]: After catching1 her boyfriend ({fooling around}3a/ {dating/going out}3b) with another girl again2, she said to him: “({Sorry, three strikes and you’re out}4a/{You already have two strikes. This is the third strike and you’re out}4b).”段: (~)section*(时装模特儿)1的(拍照)2(一段过程)3(产生了)4三十张(照片)5: The (photo shoot)2 session3 of the (fashion model)1 produced4 30 photos5.*(开始后不久)1(指数)2(下跌)3三百点后才(恢复)4去(中段完结)5于一个(小量亏损)6: The index2 dropped3 300 points (shortly after opening)1 before recovering4 to (close the mid-session)5 at a (moderate loss)6.*他对他的朋友说: “在(爱情游戏)1({可以不择手段}2a/{做所必须的/ditto}2b)去(得到你的女孩子)3.”: He said to his friend: “({All is fair}2a/{Do what you must/Do what it takes}2b) in (the game of love)1 to (get your girl)3.”*一个(调查)1(正在进行)2去(允许)3(监牢囚犯)4(来拥有电脑)5, 但那只是在({初步}6a/{早期}6b)的(阶段)7: A study1 (is being conducted)2 to allow3 (prison inmates)4 (to own computers)5but that’s only at ({a preliminary}6a/{an early}6b) stage7.*意大利人在(一大堆)1(丑闻)2和(争议)3(其中)4赢取二零零六年(世界杯)5(结束)6他们(一段不振长时期的干旱)7: The Italians ended6 their (long dry spell)7 and won the 2006 (World Cup)5 amid4 (a slew of)1 scandals2 and controversies3.*那(市政委员)1说那(没有证实的/ditto)2(他的婚外情的谣言)3只是去(毁坏)4他({名誉}5a/{事业}5b)的(蒙骗手段)6: The (city councilor)1 said the (unproven/unsubstantiated)2 (rumor of his extramarital affair)3 was only a ploy6 to tarnish4 his ({image}5a/ {career}5b).*在一个(年老年纪)1, 他在(运动一段时期)2(每一尽力)3(促动)4他自己是(意志控制事物)5的(极限程度)6的(考验)7: At an (old age)1, his (every effort)3 to push4 himself in (exercise sessions)2 is the ultimate6 test7 of (mind over matter)5.*这(小女明星)1懂得怎么(在公众地方)2以(穿着性感衣服)3和说({过分得惊人的}4a/{争议性的}4b)(东西)5来(弄手段去)6(取风头)7: This starlet1 knows how to angle6 for publicity7 by (wearing sexy clothes)3 and saying ({outrageous}4a/{controversial}4b) things5 (in public)2.*被一个(报复性)1(前度员工)2 (不正当的)3(性骚扰指控)4只是他(卓越/ditto)5(行政事业)6中({一个不愉快段落}7a/{一个小故障}7b): The wrongful3 (accusation of sexual harassment)4 by a vengeful1 ex-employee2 was only ({an unpleasant episode}7a/{a glitch}7b) in his (illustrious/ distinguished)5 (executive career)6.*美国人(走向)1(总统竞选)2(最后阶段)3(不久/ditto)4他们将会(找出谁人将会)5({坐在美国总统的椭圆形办公室}6a/{占据白宫}6b) [注: “home stretch”是赛马终点前一段路]: The Americans are (heading towards)1 the (home stretch)3 of the (presidential election)2, and (before long/soon/shortly)4 they will (find out who is going to)5 ({sit in the Oval Office}6a/ {take over the White House}6b).*在这个小国家, 女人走过(很远的路程/ditto)1来(取得)2(政治上)3(立足之地位)4, 在(这竞争性游戏阶段)5(不能回头)6 (允许)7一条(提议的性别歧视选举法规)8来把一切放置到(起步点)9: In this little country, women have come (very far/a long way)1to gain2 a foothold4 (in politics)3. At (this stage of the game)5 (there is no turning back)6 and let7 a (proposed sexually discriminating election legislation)8 put everything back to (square one)9.缎[緞]: (~) silk fabric缎子: satin锻[鍛]: (~炼) forging (e.g., metal, physique)*你需要(有规律地)1(锻炼)2来(保持健康)3: You need to (work out)2 regularly1 to (keep fit)3.*经过(很费气力)1的(体能锻炼)2后他(通常)3(大汗淋漓)4: He usually3 (sweats like a pig)4 after a strenuous1 workout2.duī:堆: (~) pile*在这公司, (多年)1(亏损)2后(债务)3(堆积起来)4: In this company, debts3 (are piling up)4 after years1 of losses2.*她(忍着怒火)1(任由)2别人把(大堆的/ditto)3(额外工作)4(掉下)5在她身上: She (kept her anger bottled up inside)1 and let2 others dump5 (piles/heaps)3 of (extra work)4 on her.*那(家庭)1(堆了一个雪人)2以一条(萝卜)3做(鼻子)4和(两块煤炭)5做(眼睛)6: The family1 (built a snowman)2 with a carrot3 for nose4 and (two lumps of coal)5 for eyes6.*那(社会主义政党)1(在它短短四年)2(执权中)3(做到了)4(堆积/ditto)5(庞大的)6(国债)7: The (socialist party)1 (managed to)4 (rack up/amass)5 a huge6 (national debt)7 (in its four short years)2 (at the helm)3.*那(联合企业)1(事实上是)2(一堆混杂/ditto)3在(不同专业范围)4的小({营运}5a/{公司}5b): The conglomerate1 (is in fact)2 a (hodgepodge/jumble/mixed bag)3 of small ({businesses}5a/ {companies}5b) in (unrelated fields)4.*那个新的(总裁)1把(管理层)2 (堆满)3(对职位)4(不合资格/ditto)5的(密友)6和(家庭成员)7对(投资者)8(看来不是)9 (太激发信心)10: It (does not look)9 (too confidence-inspiring)10 to investors8 that the new CEO1 has stacked3 management2 with cronies6 and (family members)7 who are (ill-qualified/not qualified)5 (for the positions)4.*约翰说: “(包括一个罪犯在内)1每一个人(在这世上)2都有(一个他存在的好理由)3.” 他朋友(讽刺地回答说)4: “(各位男女士)5, (来接受约翰哲学家一大堆(的废话)吧)6.”: John said: “Everyone has (a good reason for his very existence)3 (in this world)2, (including a criminal)1.” His friend (replied sarcastically)4: “(Ladies and gentlemen)5, (get a load of John the Philosopher)6.”duí: XXXXXduǐ: XXXXXduì:队[隊]: (~) team♦队伍: team♦队友: teammate♦防暴队: riot squad*他问: “(你在排队等候吗)1?”: He asked: “(Are you waiting in line)1?”*他拥有(一队)1(计程车)2(主要)3(服务)4(广州城市)5的(东部)6: He owns (a fleet of)1 taxicabs2 that services4 mainly3 the (eastern part)6 of (the city of Guangzhou)5.*他不能({成功成为}1a/{做到}1b)去奥林匹克(最终运动队伍)2: He didn’t ({make it to}1a/{make}1b) the (final squad)2 for the Olympics.*(开场/ditto)1三十五分钟前(球迷)2开始(一个接一个)3(鱼贯排队入场/ditto)4: Thirty-five minutes before (the game/game time)1 fans2 began (to file in/filing in)4 (one by one)3.*那(电影院服务员)1对他说: “请你(在那里)2(排队等候)3(你买票子的轮次)4.”: The (cinema attendant)1said to him: “Please (wait in line)3 (over there)2 (for your turn to buy tickets)4.”*那教练说: “(这里所有队员)1 (力干为一整队)2没有人将会(把他自己放置为优于队伍的地位)3.”: The coach said: “(All the players here)1 (work as a team)2, and nobody (puts himself ahead of the team)3.”*(群众)1(过夜)2(绕着街区)3(排队)4(渴求)5成为(首先看到)6 (最后一集)7(星球大战电影)8 (之一)9: Crowds1 (lining up)4 (around the block)3 overnight2 (were eager to be)5 among9 (the first to watch)6 (the final episode)7 of the (intergalactic battle movie)8.*这个在十五场赛事已经(记录了)1二十个(入球)2的(有好成绩)3(入球机器)4是那(球队)5的(心脏)6和(灵魂)7: This prolific3 (scoring machine)4 who has registered1 20 goals2 in 15 games is the heart6 and soul7 of the team5.*那(立先例的案件)1(判决)2一间(烟草公司)3(有责任)4, (导致大量)5(吸烟有关的癌症受害者)6, (吸烟和非吸烟两者)7, (排队)8来(提出诉讼/ditto)9: The (precedent setting case)1 that held2 (a tobacco company)3 liable4 (opened the floodgate)5 for (smoking-related cancer victims)6, (both smokers and non-smokers)7, (lining up)8 to (file suits/sue)9.对[對]: (~待) behave toward; (针~) direct toward; (很~) (very) correct; (查~) compare; (~好) adjust to match; (~子) a pair派对: (a bash/a party)*他说: “我们(班老师)1对我们很(严厉)2.”: He said: “Our (class teacher)1 is very strict2to us.”*本田是丰田的(难以对付的)1(对手)2: Honda is a formidable1 competitor2 of Toyota.*她的朋友问道: “你有一个(恋爱对象)1吗?”: Her friend asked: “Do you have a (love interest)1?”*(年轻人)1不应(害怕)2(面对/对抗/ditto)3(挑战)4: (Young people)1shouldn’t be afraid2 to (take on/face/confront)3 challenges4.*他说: “你那个姐妹(还独身)1, (是吗)2?” 她说: “(对/ditto)3!”: He said: “Your sister is (still single)1, right2?” She said: “(Uh-huh/Yes/Yeah/Correct/ That’s right/Right on/Precisely/ You got that right)3!”*她的(部门经理)1是个(暴君)2没有人(胆敢)3跟他的(荒谬言行)4(对抗/ditto)5: Her (department manager)1 is a tyrant2 and nobody dares3 (standing up to/taking on/ confronting/challenging)5 his nonsense4.*在这个(粗暴邻区)1, 如果你(叫他人不恭维的名字)2, (准备)3(对方敌意对抗)4: In this (tough neighborhood)1, (get ready)3 (for a smackdown)4 if you (call people names)2.*他的女朋友说: “你今天样子(风度翩翩)1.” 他开(玩笑地说)2: “(你是对的/ditto)3.”: His girlfriend said: “You look spiffy1 today.” He (said jokingly)2: “(Guilty as charged [笑]/Right on/Right you are)3!”*(住在邻居)1的一对(新婚夫妇)2({相处非常融合}3a/{形影不离}3b)(像天生一对)4: The (newlywed couple)2 (living next door)1 ({really gets along}3a/{is inseparable}3b) (like two peas in a pod)4.*她说: “我(远远比你更好看)1.” 她的男朋友回答: “(那是毫无疑问/那是绝对正确/ditto)2, 但我是那(聪明的一个)3”: She said: “I am (way better looking than you are)1!” Her boyfriend replied: “(No argument there/That’s exactly right/Without adoubt/That’s for sure)2, but I’m the (brainy one)3.”*他对他的朋友说: “(对不起/ditto)1, 我(不了解到)2你所说的, (你介意)3(重复)4那吗?”: He said to his friend: “(I’msorry/Pardon me)1! I (didn’t catch)2 what you said. (Do you mind)3 repeating4that?”*那({雍容华贵}1a/{外表齐整/ditto}1b/{衣着时髦}1c)的太太跟(邋遢样子)2的丈夫(成一个强烈的反对比)3: The ({well-polished}1a/ {well-groomed/ sharp-looking}1b/{snappy}1c) wife (stands in sharp contrast)3 to the (grubby looking)2 husband.*那(跆拳道)1(黑带高手)2对那三个(学校恶霸)3说: “(来吧)4, 我可以跟你们三个人(同时/ditto)5(对打)6.”: The (Tae Kwon Do)1 (black belt)2 said to the three (school bullies)3: “(Come on)4! I can (take on)6 the three of you (at the same time/all at once)5.”*他说: “(你改正我所说是对的/ditto)1, 那电影的玛丽是个(棕发女郎)2而不是(金发女郎)3, (正如你所说)4.”: He said: “(I stand corrected/You’ve proven me wrong)1 that Mary in the movie is a brunette2, not a blonde3, (just like you said)4.”*我说: “我不(相信)1(她喜欢她的工作)2!” 他回答: “({差不多就是那么样}3a/{你说得绝对正确/ditto}3b)”: I said: “I don’t believe1 (she likes her job)2.” He replied: “({That’s about the size of it}3a/{You are absolutely right/You hit the nail on the head/You’re right on the nail}3b).”*在一个(没有意义的争执)1(热烈之际)2, 他的女朋友说: “如果你说你是(对/ditto)3, 你是否(暗示)4我是(错/ditto)5呢?”: (In the heat)2 of a (silly argument)1, his girlfriend said: “If you say you’re (right/in the right)3, are you suggesting4I’m (wrong/in the wrong)5.”*在(中学)1, 她的({优美风度和美丽}2a/{学业才华}2b/{体育能量}2c)跟(班中同辈)3处于({明显}4a/{强烈}4b)的(对比)5: At(high school)1, her ({grace and beauty}2a/{academic brilliance}2b/{athleticism}2c) stood in ({stark}4a/{sharp}4b) contrast5 to her (peers in class)3.*她的朋友对她说: “我(听说)1你的男朋友(忘记你的生日)2, (你还愤怒吗)3?” 她说: “(你可以肯定)4我对他还(很愤怒)5.”: Her friend said to her: “I heard1 your boyfriend (forgot your birthday)2. (Are you still mad)3?” She said: “(You bet)4I’m still mad5at him.”*我们的(球队)1今晚(开始球季)2跟上四次({比赛}3a/{相遇}3b)都(打败我们)4(最敌对的)5 (不能打败对手)6(对着比赛)7: Our team1 is (starting the season)2 tonight (playing against)7 the arch5 nemesis6 that (beat us)4 in all of the four previous ({matches}3a/ {encounters}3b).*在(讨论)1那(计划了的)2在中国的(夏天度假)3, 她的朋友说: “(对了)4, (我差一点儿忘记)5, 你(订了)6(机票)7({至今}8a/{有没有}8b).”: In discussing1 the planned2 (summer vacation)3in China, her friend said: “Yes4, (I almost forgot)5! Have you booked6 the (plane tickets)7 ({yet}8a/{or not}8b)?”*他问道: “谁人是(亿万富翁的)1({遗嘱}2a/{遗产}2b)(法庭争执)3的(赢家)4呢?” 她(妙语地说)5: “那是(律师)6.” 他回答道: “(对/ditto)7!”: He asked: “Who’s the winner4 in the (court battle)3over the billionaire’s1 ({will}2a/ {estate}2b)?” She quipped5: “That will be the lawyers6.” “He replied: “(Indeed/ Certainly/That’s true)7!”*他说: “({你是不是说}1a/{你的意思是不是}1b)如果我(不买一间屋子)2你(不会跟我结婚)3?” 他的女朋友说: “(你丝毫无误地对/ditto)4.”: He said: “({Are you saying}1a/{Does it mean}1b) if I (don’t buy a house)2your (won’t marry me)3?” His girlfriend said: “(You hit the nail right on the head/You are exactly right/ You’re dead right/You’re right on the money/You’re right on the nail/You’re right on the button/You’re right on the mark/You’re bang on)4.”*那(付款台)1(收银员)2说: “先生, 那({是}3a/{总数是}3b)五十五块钱.” 那(顾客)4说: “(给我一刻)5, 让我(快速)6(把纸带核对)7(我所买的)8.”: The checkout1 cashier2said: “That ({will be}3a/{comes to}3b) $55, sir.” The customer4said: “(Give me a moment)5. Let me quickly6 (check the tape against)7 (what I have bought)8.”*在(第一铃声)1(经理)2看(手机)3的(来电显示)4然后对在他(办公室)5的(来宾)6说: “({对不起}7a/{我很对不起}7b), 我(要接)8这从(总公司)9来的(长途电话)10.”: The manager2 looked at the (call display)4 on the mobile3 at the (first ring)1 and then said to the visitor6 in his office5: “({Sorry/I’m sorry}7a/{I’m very sorry/I’m terribly sorry}7b)! I (have to take)8 this (long-distance call)10 from the (Head Office)9.”*他说: “我({以为}1a/{记得}1b/ {肯定/ditto}1c)我们(同意于)2一个三十万的价钱.” 那(其他一方)3说: “让我({跟合同核对}4a/{跟律师咨询}4b)(然后)5(回答你/ditto)6.”: He said: “I ({think}1a/{recall}1b/{am certain/am sure}1c) we (agreed on)2 a price of $300,000.” The (other party)3said: “Let me ({check with the agreement}4a/ {check with my lawyer}4b) and then5 (get back to you/give you a reply)6.”*这(模仿随着)1(美国节目)2的(非常受欢迎)3的(本地电视节目)4把({稍次的名人}5a/{过去名人}5b)跟(职业舞蹈员)6({凑成一对对}7a/{分成一对对}7b)来(竞逐)8(奖杯)9和(奖品)10: This (hugely popular)3 (local TV show)4 that (models after)1 an (U.S. program)2 ({pairs up}7a/ {pairs off}7b) ({B-list celebrities}5a/{celebrity-has-beens}5b) with (professional dancers)6 to (competefor)8 trophies9 and prizes10.*(有街头智慧)1是(就算)2(你是对的)3知道什么时候从(争论)4({放弃}5a/{退缩}5b), (尤其)6(对方)7是({不会原谅的老板}8a/{你有报复心理的妻子}8b/{一个二百五十磅纹身的大个儿}8c): (Being street-smart)1 is knowing when to ({walk away}5a/{back off}5b) from an argument4 (even if)2 (you are in the right)3, particularly6 (the other party)7 is ({your unforgiving boss}8a/ {your vindictive wife}8b/{a 250-pound tattooed gorilla}8c).兑[兌]: (~) exchange (esp. for cash)♦兑换率: exchange rate♦承兑人: acceptor (of letters of credit)♦黑市兑换率: black market currency exchange rate*他说: “我想把$800港币(兑换成)1美金.”: He said: “I would like to exchange1HK$800 to US $.”*他说: “({这管理层}1a/{政客}1b)时常是(承诺多多兑现少少/ditto)2.”: He said: “({This management is}1a/{Politicians are}1b) always (long on promises and short on delivery/ talking big and acting small)2.”*他的朋友在赌场对他说: “当你还是(占先)1(是时间)2你(兑换筹码)3 (回家)4: His friend said to his friend at the casino: “(It’s time)2 for you to (cash in the chips [note: “cash in your chips” can also mean “die”])3 and (go home)4 while you are still ahead1.”*他对(银行出纳员)1说: “(请求你)2我可以把这张(支票)3(兑现)4吗?: He said to the (bank teller)1: “May I cash4 this check3 please2?”*他说: “请你(兑开为较小面额)1这(一百块钱/ditto)2({能够}3a/{愿意}3b/{可能}3c)吗?”: He said: “({Can}3a/{Would}3b/ {Could}3c) you break1 this (hundred/hundred dollar bill)2for me please?”*他对他女朋友说: “今晚我(没空/ditto)1但我(答应)2(这周末我将会跟你外出)3.” 她说: “(我会确定你兑现承诺)4.”: He told his girlfriend: “I’m (tied up/busy)1 tonight, but I promise2(I’ll take you out this weekend)3.” She said: “(I’ll hold you to it)4.”dūn:敦: (~聘) earnestly (in offering an employment); (~厚) serious & trustworthy*我们公司的(会计师)1是一个(认真)2和(敦厚)3的男人, (公司的东主)4(极度信任他)5: The accountant1 in our company is a serious2 and down-to-earth3 man, and (the owner of the company)4 (trusts him dearly)5.吨[噸]: (~) ton蹲: (~)stoop*那(七尺)1的(篮球明星)2(蹲下/ditto)3去(跟一个三岁孩子说话)4: The seven-foot1 (basketball star)2 (stooped down/crouched down)3 to (talk to a three-year-old kid)4.dún: XXXXXdǔn:盹: (~) nap*我有一个(习惯)1在(午饭休息)2(打个盹/ditto)3: I have a habit1 of (taking a snooze/ taking a nap/taking a catnap/ taking forty winks/taking a siesta/dozing off)3 during (lunch break)2.dùn:顿[頓]: (~) to stamp (foot); (~) to pause; (~) an occasion (of meal)*新总裁的(公司整顿)1(吸引注意)2: The new CEO’s (corporate makeover)1 is (turning heads)2.*他说: “昨晚(我跟女朋友大吵一顿)1后(愤怒地)2({重重顿着脚}3a/{粗暴冲着}3b)(走出她的屋子)4.”: He said: “Last night (I had a big fight with my girlfriend)1 and ({stomped}3a/ {stormed}3b) (out of her house)4 (in a rage)2.”*每个早晨两个小时(大部分)1中(纯粹)2(由于)3(数量)4(交通)5(繁忙高峰时间)6被(挤迫到)7(实质上是停顿)8: Every morning rush-hour6 traffic5 is (ground to)7 a (virtual halt)8 for the (better part)1 of two hours (due to)3 sheer2 volume4.*这(政府拥有的公司)1有(现金结余)2(交待不清差异)3(往绩)4, 它(收到最后通牒)5除非(把内部运作整顿好/ditto)6所有(基金供应)7(将会被中止)8: This (government-owned corporation)1 has a history4 of (unaccounted for discrepancies)3 in its (cash balances)2, and it has (received an ultimatum)5 that unless it (gets its ducks all in a row/puts its house in order)6, all funding7 (will be cut)8.钝[鈍]: (~) blunt; (迟~) unintelligent*他的老板是那么(愚钝)1(没有人可以使他了解信息)2: His boss is so dense1 (nobody can get through to him)2.*(管理的)1对(创新)2 (迟钝反应)3把(业务)4从(领导地位)5 (降为)6(跟随者)7: Management’s1 inertness3 to innovation2 relegates6 the business4 from a leader5 to a follower7.*她是那么(迟钝/ditto)1(企图)2 (使她明白道理)3是({白费心机/ditto}4a/{浪费时间}4b): She is so (thick [犯]/dense [犯])1 that trying2 to (talk sense [note: not “senses”] into her)3 is ({like pissing in the wind [犯]/futile/ineffectual/ pointless}4a/{a waste of time }4b).*他说: “可能我的(主管)1(有困难)2({解释自己}3a/{使他人了解他}3b), 也许可能我是(太迟钝/ditto)4去(了解)5(他想说的)6(错综复杂内容)7, 但(两者其一)8我跟他(在工作上)9(有严重的沟通问题)10.”: He said: “Maybe my supervisor1 (has problems)2 ({explaining himself }3a/{making himself understood }3b), or maybe I am (too obtuse/too dull-witted)4 to understand5 the intricacies7 of (what he is trying to say)6, but (either way)8 I have (serious problems in communicating)10 with him (at work)9.”炖[燉]: (~) to braise*用(文火/小火)1把肉2炖3一小时: Briase3 the meat2 for an hour over a (low heat/ditto)1.*把(浸泡在卤水汁的鸡)1在(中等的热度)2炖3(半小时)4: Simmer3 the (marinated chicken)1 in (medium heat)2 for half-an-hour4.盾: (~) shield*那(主控官)1(声言)2(证据)3跟(被告的)4(宣誓证供)5(有矛盾)6: The prosecutor1 claimed2 the evidence3 contradicted6 the defendant’s4 (sworn testimony)5.*那(建议的)1(法例)2(充满)3(前后不一致)4, (含糊)5, (荒谬)6, (不完全)7, (难以确定/ditto)8, 和(矛盾)9: The proposed1 legislation2 (is full of)3 inconsistency4, ambiguity5, absurdity6, incompleteness7, (ambivalence/uncertainty)8, and contradiction9.*她(嘲笑)1说(既然)2(女人比男人更聪明)3, 那(措辞)4(“男性是最高权威”)5(事实上)6是个(矛盾修饰法[笑])7: She taunted1 that given2 (women are smarter than men)3, the expression4(“male supremacy”)5 (in fact)6 is an oxymoron7[笑].遁: (~) to flee*当他把(食物储藏室)1的(电灯)2(打开)3, (好几千)4(蟑螂)5 (去所有方向)6({迅速离开}7a/ {迅速遁开}7b)(进去黑暗中)8: When he (switched on)3 the light2 in the (food storage room)1, thousands4 of cockroaches5 ({scrammed}7a/ {fled}7b) (in all directions)6 (into the dark)8.duō:多: (~) plentiful; (~) in excess; (~少) how much or how many*他(三十多岁)1(还是个王老五)2: He’s (thirty somewhat years old)1 and (still single)2.*昨天我们在(水上乐园)1有(许多/ditto)2(娱乐)3: Yesterday we had (a boatload of/a lot of)2 fun3 at the (water park)1.*母亲对那小孩子说: “(前去多吃一点儿吧)1, 这是(任吃自助餐)2.”: The mother said to the little boy: “(Go ahead and eat some more)1! This is an (all-you-can-eat buffet)2.”*她说: “那一道鱼(盐多放了一点儿)1, 但(其他所有的菜)2是(完美的)3.”: She said: “The fish is (a bit too salty)1, but (all the other dishes)2 are perfect3.”*在这(餐室)1, 以十二块钱的价你得到(十盎司的)2(牛排)3(和然后更多的(食物))4: At this restaurant1, you get a 10-oz2 steak3 for $12, (and then some)4.*每一个(圣诞节)1我(花费很多钱/ditto)2({为了}3a/{来买}3b) (很多种类的)4(礼物)5: Every Christmas1 I (dig deep into my wallet/pay a lot of money)2 ({for}3a/{to buy}3b) (all kinds of)4 gifts5.*(大多数/ditto)1的(工会会员)2 ({投票选择去罢工}3a/{支持一个罢工的投票选择}3b): The (majority/preponderance/ bulk)1 of the (union members)2 ({voted to strike}3a/{supported a strike vote}3b).*在第一年, 那(大学)1(提供)2一个(广泛平衡的课程)3(教导)4 (多种类的)5(课目/ditto)6: In the first year, the college1 provides2 a (well-rounded curriculum)3 that teaches4 (a variety of)5 (disciplines/ subjects)6.*这(年轻人)1从(毒品)2和(坏朋友)3是(有着很多/ditto)4 (麻烦)5, 但是(太笨)6去(知道)7它: This (young man)1 is (knee-deepin/up to his eyeballs in/up to his ears in/up to his eyebrows in/up to his neck in/up to his chin in/full of/loaded with)4 trouble5 from drugs2 and (bad company)3, but is (too dumb)6 to realize7 it.*他对他朋友说: “我(现在)1(不能外出)2因为我还有(许多/ditto)3(作业)4去(做完/ditto)5.”: He said to his friend: “I (can’t go out)2 (right now)1 because I still have a (ton/mountain)3 of homework4 to (do/finish off/complete)5.”*他们的(律师)1需要(详细研究)2(一大堆那么多/ditto)3(文件/ditto)4来(准备)5(法庭审讯)6: Their lawyers1 have to (go through)2 (a mountain of/a ton of)3 (papers/documents)4 to prepare5 for trial6.*她的(同事)1说: “你的男朋友今早(十点钟/ditto)2(多一点儿)3(来过)4(放下)5你的(手提电脑)6.”: Her colleague1said: “Your boyfriend (came by)4 (a little past)3(ten/ten o’clock)2 this morning to (drop off)5 your (laptop computer)6.”*一个(九岁的小女孩)1对她的朋友说: “(男孩子)2是(多么笨)3! 他们还以为(鹳鸟)4(带来婴儿)5.”: A (nine-year-old little girl)1 said to her friend: “Boys2 are (so stupid)3! They still think storks4 (bring babies)5.”*那(不然是)1(不出名)2(销售女孩子)3得到(极多的)4(传媒报道)5为(英国最年轻王子的)6女朋友: This otherwise1 unknown2 (sales girl)3 has received (reams upon reams)4 of publicity5for being the (youngest British prince’s)6 girlfriend.*那(经理)1说: “这里是三百块钱来(给我请客买每一个人午饭)2, (足够吗)3?” 那(秘书)4说: “(那是许多)5.”: The manager1 said: “Here is $300 for (buying everyone lunch on me)2. (Is that enough)3?” The secretary4said: “(That’s plenty)5.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #441-450地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*加拿大(根据)1(宪法权利)2的(高等法院判决)3使(同性婚姻)4(在那国家)5(合法化)6: Canada‟s (high court decision)3 (based on)1 (constitutional rights)2 (has legitimized)6 (same sex marriage)4 (in that country)5.*(法庭)1把那(诉讼)2(撤销)3因为那是(琐碎)4和({没有法律根据}5a/{没有事实根据}5b): The court1 dismissed3 the lawsuit2 as frivolous4 and ({without merit}5a/ {baseless}5b).*在(实施税收法规)1(地方执法者)2可(接受)3(全国性的标准)4, 或(施行)5(更严格的指引)6: (Regional authorities)2 may accept3 the (national standards)4, or impose5 (more stringent guidelines)6 in the (enforcement of tax legislation)1.*我们的(司法制度)1是(设计去)2({保护清白的和惩罚有罪的}3a/{保护受害者和惩罚犯罪者}3b): Our (justice system)1 is (designed to)2 ({protect the innocent and punish the guilty}3a/{protect the victims and punish the perpetrators}3b).*那(法例)1在昨天({被公布/ditto }2a/{被推行}2b/{被通过}2c/{被制定}2d/{有效/ditto}2e): The legislation1 ({was proclaimed/was promulgated}2a/{was introduced}1b/{was passed}2c/ {was enacted}2d/{came into force/took effect}2e) yesterday.*一个(提倡不吸烟的行动主义团体)1把(加紧)2(禁止在公众地方吸烟的法例)3(把战争带去法庭)4: A (non-smoking activist group)1 is (taking its battle to court)4 in (tightening up)2 the (laws against smoking in public places)3.*直至(吸用)1(大麻/ditto)2转为(非犯法化)3(不论)4(辩论)5会是怎么样(有说服力)6现在还是(非法)7: (No matter)4 how convincing6 the arguments5 may be, smoking1 (marijuana/ pot)2 is still illegal7 until it is decriminalized3.*这个(邻近地区)1成为({毒品买卖}2a/{毒品贩卖}2b), (嫖妓/ditto)3, 和(其他的非法活动)4的(温床)5: This neighborhood1 has become a hotbed5 for ({drug-dealing}2a/{drug-pushing}2b), (prostitution/sex trade)3, and (other criminal activities)4.*一个(法官的)1(角色)2是(实施)3(立法者)4(写在法律里)5的(意愿)6而不是(从法官席)7(立法)8: A judge‟s1 role2 is to (carry out)3 the wishes6 of the legislators4 (written in the laws)5 and not to legislate8 (from the bench)7.*我们(筹集资金)1来(兴建)2新的(厂房)3将会以({发行}4a/{出售/ditto}4b)(没有担保的债券)5 (的方法/ditto)6: We‟ll finance1 the construction2 of a new plant3 (by means of/by/ through/by way of)6 ({issuing}4a/{selling/ floating}4b) (unsecured bonds)5.*新(警察部长的)1(首要事项)2是(追捕)3({做坏事的人}4a/{罪犯}4b/ {在逃的罪犯}4c)(把他们绳之以法)5: The new (police commissioner‟s)1 (top priority)2 is to (hunt down)3 the ({evildoers}4a/{criminals}4b/{outlaws}4c) and (bring them to justice)5.*那(便利店)1因(非法秘密地)2(售卖)3(香烟)4和(酒类)5给(未够合法年龄的儿童/ditto)6(被罚款)7: The (convenience store)1 (was fined)7 for selling3 cigarettes4 and liquor5 (under the counter)2 to (minors/underage children)6.*新的(国家检察官)1说: “我对(维护)2(我管辖范围)3的(法规)4(毫不苟且)5在(这国家没有一个人会有宽免)6.”: The new (Attorney General)1said: “I‟m upholding2 the laws4 (within my jurisdiction)3 (to the fullest)5 and (nobody in the country gets a pass)6.”*(法官)1拥有({挺多自由度/ditto}2a/{广阔决定自由度}2b)去(解释法律)3是(世界各处)4 (每一个法制的)5(基本元素)6: It is inherent6 in (every legal system)5 (around the world)4 that judges1 have ({plenty of leeway/a lot of freedom/wide latitude}2a/ {broad discretion}2b) in (interpreting the laws)3.*他(出狱)1后(尝试)2做(奉公守法的好市民)3但那(不容易)4因为(没有很多人)5(愿意)6给一个(前度囚犯/ditto)7一个(机会)8: He (tried to)2 (go straight/become a law-abiding citizen/ live a clean life)3 after he (got out of jail)1, but it (wasn‟t easy)4 because (not many people)5 were willing6 to give an (ex-con/ex-convict)7 a chance8.*她的朋友说: “(我已经极力尝试/ditto)1但我(记不起)2她(臭货丈夫的)3名字.” 她说: “(在没有更适当的说法下)4现在让我们(叫他做…臭货‟)5.”: Her friend said: “(For the life of me/I have tried hard)1but I (can‟t remember)2her (scumbag husband‟s)3 name.” She said: “(For lack of a better term)4, let‟s (call him a “scumbag”)5for now.”*在一个(恶意的)1(婚姻分手)2, 一对人把他们的(争执)3(放在)4(法庭手上)5(来决定)6(时常)7(发现)8(结果)9是(出人意料地)10(有毁坏性)11: A couple who places4 their conflicts3 (in the hands of the court)5 (for resolution)6 in a nasty1 (marriage breakup)2 often7 finds8 the results9 are surprisingly10 devastating11.*那(人所共知的)1(犯罪首脑)2对(记者)3说: “我们做的每一件事都是({光明正大合乎法例}4a/{合法}4b)这里没有任何事(违反/ditto)5(法例)6.”: The known1 (crime boss)2 said to the reporters3: “Everything we do is ({aboveboard}4a/{lawful/legal/legitimate/legit/on the up and up/kosher [注: “kosher” 本意指合犹太人宗教或法例, 一般适合跟犹太人有关情况但也常用于普通情形]}4b) and nothing here (is in violation of/conflicts with/falls afoul/strays from)5 the law6.”*那(专横的/ditto)1(经理)2对他的(员工)3说: “我们(偶然/ditto)4 会(意见有分歧)5但(当我们有这情况时)6我要你记得我是老板我要你(照我方法做)7.”: The (dominant/domineering/overbearing)1 manager2 said to his staff3: “We‟re going to disagree5 (from time to time/now and then/occasionally)4 but (when we do)6, remember I‟m the boss and I want you to (do things my way)7.”*(企业劫劫掠者)1对(收购目标公司的)2(总裁)3说: “我们(不论什么方法)4也会(夺得你公司的控制权)5, 对是否将会是(友好还是敌意/ditto)6没有(偏好/ditto)7.”: The (corporate raider)1 said to the CEO3 of the (acquisition target company)2: “We‟re (taking over your company)5 (one way or another)4, and we‟re not (choosy/particular)7whether it‟s going to be (the easy way or the hard way/the friendly way or the hostile way)6.”*(法律界执业师)1(批评)2(这一个新的移民法例)3说它的(意思是含糊)4, (用词是古旧)5, (内容)6(与现今情况)7(脱节/ditto)8, 和(它的应用)9跟其他的(法例/ditto)10(有抵触)11: (Legal practitioners)1 criticize2 (the new piece of immigration legislation)3 and say its (meaning is obscure)4, its (language is archaic)5, its substance6 is (out of harmony/ out of sync)8 (with modern conditions)7, and (its application)9 is (in conflict)11 with other (codes/laws)10.*公司(依靠)1(提供)2(次等产品)3和(不达水准/ditto)4(服务)5于(更高的价钱)6来(改善)7(利润率)8, 但当(顾客)9({大量逃走}10a/{迅速消失}10b)时(成为自己手法的受害者)11: The company (resorts to)1 offering2 (inferior products)3 and (substandard/subpar)4 services5 at (higher prices)6 to improve7 (profit margins)8, but has (fallen victim to its own devices)11 as customers9 ({are fleeing in droves}10a/{are fast disappearing}10b).*一个记者问道: “请你可以(评论)1警方对你(提出)2的(诉讼)3吗?” 他说: “我(急切地等待/ditto)4我(上法庭的那天)5 ({来诉说我这方面的实情}6a/ {那时事实将会知道}6b): A reporter asked: “Can you please comment1 on the charges3 filed2 against you by the police?” He said: “I (look forward to/can‟t wait to)4 have (my day in court)5 ({to tell my side of the story}6a/{when the truth will come out}6b).”*似乎({积极}1a/{严格/ditto}1b/ {适当}1c/{足够}1d/{不偏袒/ditto}1e/{有效}1f/{一贯/ditto}1g)地(执行)2(劳工法例)3是令所有工人都会 (公平/ditto)4(被对待)5的(唯一保证)6: It seems ({vigorous}1a/{rigid/strict}1b/{proper}1c/{adequate}1d/ {indiscriminative/impartial}1e/{effective}1f/{uniform/consistent}1g) enforcement2 of the (labor laws)3 is the (only guarantee)6 that all workers will be treated5 (fairly/equitably)4.*那(具争议性)1关乎(重婚案子)2(涉及)3(从旧日国家的婚姻)4({有罪的裁决}5a/{严惩的裁定}5b)是由一个(偏见于)6 (社会体系共有构思)7的(激进主义)8(法官)9所({施行}10a/{宣判}10b): The controversial1 ({guilty verdict}5a /{harsh sentencing}5b) in a (bigamy case)2 involving3 (marriages from the old country)4 was ({imposed}10a/{handed down}10b) by an activist8 judge9 with ideological6 bias7.砝: (~码) weights for scalesfà:发[髮]: (~)hair♦头发: hair♦发刷: hairbrush♦假发: (wig/hairpiece/toupee/ rug[口])♦发夹: hairpin♦烫发: a perm♦发油: hair lotion♦发膏: pomade♦理发: a haircut♦喷发剂: hair spray♦(洗发露/洗发精/香波[洗頭水]): shampoo*他有(一整把)1(天然的)2(卷发)3: He has (a full set of)1 naturally2 (curly hair)3.*他有一个(短而直的/陆军装)1(发型)2: He has a (spiky/ditto)1 haircut2.*这(有钱太太)1时常(穿着)2(最新款的)3(时装)4和(发型)5: This (rich lady)1 always wears2 (the latest)3 fashion4 and coiffure5.*他是个有整({套}1a/{头}1b)({灰头发}2a/{黑发}2b)的(中年人)3: He‟s a (middle-aged man)3 with a full ({set}1a/{head}1b) of ({gray hair}2a/ {black hair}2b).*他对妻子说: “如果你走出去(那雨)1将会(弄糟/ditto)2你的(发型)3.”: He said to his wife: “(The rain)1 is going to (messup/ruin)2 your hairdo3if you go outside.”*他的(头发)1(笔直竖起来/ditto)2看来像他刚(把手指插进电插座)3: His hair1 (stands straight up/stands on end [note: not “ends”])2 that looks like he just (stuck his finger into an electrical socket)3.”*他的(小男孩)1喜欢在(剪完平头发型后)2(把他的手指扫过)3那(硬而短的头发)4: His (little boy)1 likes to (run his fingers through)3 the bristles4 (after he has a brush cut)2.*她有(淡褐色的眼睛)1, ({苗条}2a/{肉感}2b)的(身材)3, 和(染上几缕金色的棕发)4: She has (hazel eyes)1, a ({slim}2a/ {voluptuous}2b) build3, and (brown hair with golden highlights)4.*他的男朋友看来(相当)1(滑稽)2有(中间分界发型)3和一个(大缺口)4在(两只前面牙齿之间)5: His boyfriend looks rather1 comical2 with a (zipper-head hairstyle)3 and a (big gap)4 (between two front teeth)5.*她是个({金发女郎}1a/{天然金发女郎}1b/{染成的金发女郎/ditto}1c/{红发女郎/ditto}1d/ {深棕色头发女郎}1e/{赤褐色头发女郎}1f): She‟s ({a blonde}1a/{a natural blonde}1b/{a dyed blonde/a bottle blonde/a bleached blonde}1c/{a redhead/a carrot top [口]}1d/{a brunette}1e/{an auburn-head}1f).*她每一个星期去(美发厅)1去把她的头发({修整成型/ditto}2a/ {烫发}2b/{卷曲//ditto}2c/{编成辫子}2d/{染发}2e/{剪短}2f/ {修剪}2g/{洗净}2h/{修理}2i): She goes to a beauty salon to ({set/style/coif}1a/{perm}1b/{curl/ twirl}1c/{braid}1d/{dye}1e/{cut}1f/{trim}1g/{wash}1h/ {fix}1i) her hair once a week.*他(充满)1(股票/ditto)2的(投资组合)3在最近的(股票市场下跌)4(遭受打击)5, (仅是)6(忧虑)7(减少的)8(储蓄/ditto)9是否(足够)10他({年老}11a/{退休}11b)他(头发变白/ditto)12: His (investment portfolio)3 (loaded with)1 (equities [note: not “equity”]/shares/stocks)2 has (taken a beating)5 in the recent (stock market downturn)4, and he is (turning gray/gettinggray/getting gray hair)12 just6 worrying7 about if his depleted8 (savings/nest eggs)9 are sufficient10 for his ({oldage}11a/{retirement}11b).*有(几个晚上)1这个({没有智慧}2a/{没有天才}2b)的(专栏作家)3在(尝试)4(产生)5(有趣的)6(引起刺激反应材料)7来给(一篇文章)8(及时)9(赶及)10 ({报刊的}11a/{印刷的}11b)(报纸的截稿限期)12(受挫折地)13 (把头发扯出来)14: There were nights1 that this ({unintelligent} 2a/{untalented}2b) columnist3 was (tearing his hair out)14 (in frustration)13 in trying4 to (come up with)5 interesting6 fodder7 for (an article)8 (in time)9 to meet10 the ({press}11a/ {print}11b) (deadline of the newspaper)12.*那一个人({有个非洲发型}1a/ {留着刘海色发型[女]}1b/{剪成短发型[女]}1c/{把头发编成辫子}1d/{留着蓬松发型[女]}1e/{把头发设计为盘绕的圈状[女]}1f/{把头发梳成高髻}1g/{有一个用剃刀刮得短短的发型}1h/{有一个非常短的发型}1i/{有一个莫霍克发型}1j/{留着辫子}1k/{留着马尾式辫子}1l): The person ({has an Afro hairstyle}1a/ {wears her hair in bangs[女]}1b/{cuts her hair in a bob [女]}1c/{wears her hair in braids}1d/{wears a bouffant hairdo [女]}1e/{styles her hair into coils [女]}1f/ {combs her hair into a high bun}1g/{has a buzz cut}1h/{has a crew cut [男]}1i/{has a Mohawk cut}1j/{wears a pigtail}1k/ {wears a ponytail}1l).*那一个人有({深黑色}1a/{漆黑色/ditto}1b/{深褐色}1c/{金黄色/ditto}1d/{淡银灰色}1e/{带金黄的棕色}1f/{带金黄的红色}1g/{染金黄色}1h/{天然金黄色}1i/{漂白金黄}1j/{赤褐}1k/ {波浪形}1l/{卷}1m/{短}1n/{长}1o/{短而竖直}1p/{直}1q/{卷曲}1r/{编成辫子}1s/ {灰色/ditto}1t/{末端分叉}1u/{油性}1v/{浓密}1w/{斑纹上染色/ditto}1x/{损坏/ditto}1y/{剪短}1z/{长达肩膀}1aa/{长达腰部}1ab/{光润}1ac/{杂着灰白条纹}1ad/{杂着灰白点}1ae/{长达肩膀}1af/{细发辫}1ag)的头发: The person has ({jet black}1a/ {raven/raven black/pitch black}1b/{brunette }1c/{golden-blonde/blonde}1d/ {platinum blonde}1e/ {brownish blonde}1f/{strawberry blonde}1g/{dyed blonde}1h/ {natural blonde}1i/{bleached-blonde}1j/{auburn }1k/{wavy}1l/{curly}1m/{short}1n/ {long}1o/{spiky}1p/ {straight}1q/{frizzy}1r/ {braided}1s/{gray/grayish }1t/ {split end}1u/{oil}1v/ {bushy}1w/{streaky/ highlighted}1x/{damaged/dull/ dry/lifeless}1y/{bobbed}1z/ {shoulder-length}1aa/ {waist-length}1ab/{lustrous}1ac/ {grizzled}1ad/{salt-and-pepper}1ae/{shoulder-length}1af/ {dreadlocked}1ag) hair.fān:番: (~)foreigners‟ [古]; (~) unit of thoughts, principles, or process翻: (~倒) flip; (~转) reverse; (~到150页) turn to (page 150); (~山) travel through (mountain); (闹~) break up (relationship); (~译) translate*这小国家的几个(小数党)1(一齐密谋)2(恐吓)3(推翻)4(执政党)5: Several (minority parties)1 of this little country (conspired together)2 and threatened3 to topple4 (the ruling party)5.*有时她去一间({便利店}1a/{报摊}1b)并(随便迅速地翻/ditto)2(杂志)3来(花费时间)4: Sometimes she goes to a ({convenience store}1a/ {newsstand}1b) and (leafs through/flips through/skims through)2 magazines3 to (kill time)4.*你可以(把你正在穿着的双面夹克翻过来)1它便会是(不同的样子)2: You can (turn the double-side jacket that you are wearing inside out)1 and it will be (a different look)2.*他把那个({扑前}1a/{冲前}1b)的(对手)2用(柔道招式)3(倒过来)4(翻转)5: He flipped5 the ({lunging}1a/{charging}1b) opponent2 (upside down)4 with a (judo move)3.*(翻译者)1以(混杂)2了(直译/ditto)3方法和(意译/ditto)4方法把那本书(翻译)5: The translator1 has translated5 the book by blending2 the (metaphrase/literal/word-for-word)3 method and the (paraphrase/sense-for-sense)4 method.*当把(小餐包)1(在桌子环绕)2 (传递)3时她(意外地/ditto)4(打翻)5(一杯葡萄酒)6: She (accidentally/inadvertently)4 (knocked over)5 (a glass of wine)6 while (passing)3 (dinner rolls)1 (around the table)2.*他的船在湖上(倾翻/ditto)1当(拯救人员)2从(冰冻的水)3(把他拉上来)4时他是(奄奄一息/ditto)5: His boat (capsized/ flippedover)1 in the lake and he was (barely alive/half-dead)5 when the rescuers2 (pulled him out)4 of the (freezing water)3.*那球员对他的(更高超对手)1说: “你不是真的(预期)2我(翻转身放弃)3, 是吗? (不会的)4, 我将会(竭力反击)5.”: The player said to his (superior competitor)1: “You really don‟t expect2 me to (roll over and please dead)3, do you? (No way)4. I‟m going to (fight back with tooth and nail)5.”*那经理对他的员工说: “我们有一个(秘密的计划)1去(壮观地)2(打至翻倒/ditto)3比我们更大的(竞争对手)4.”: The manager said to his staff: “We have a (secret plan)1 to (upend/upset)3 our bigger competitor4 (in grand style)2.”*当(地震)1(开始)2时他感觉(地板)3(完全翻斜过来)4, (墙壁)5 (剧烈地)6(摇动)7, (窗子玻璃)8从(四方八面/ditto)9(爆炸)10: When the earthquake1 started2, he felt the floor3 was (in full tilt)4, the walls5 shook7 violently6, and (window glasses)8 exploded10 from (everywhere/all directions)9.帆: (~)a sail*帆船: sailboat*帆布: canvass*帆板运动: windsurfing*(建筑工程)1(由始至终)2(一帆风顺/ditto)3: The (construction project)1 was (smooth sailing/ clear sailing/trouble free)3 (from beginning to end)2.fán:烦[煩]: (~恼) upset; (~闷) bored*她说若是(她不听话)1(妈妈会烦死她)2: She said if (she didn‟t listen)1 (her mother would nag her to death)2.*他说: “她的(歌喉)1(使我)2十分(烦躁/ ditto)3.”: He said: “Her singing1 is (driving me)2 (up the wall/crazy)3.”*(成长为)1一个(成年人)2(有很多长大中的烦恼)3: There are (growing pains [note: not “pain”])3 in maturing1 to be an adult2.*那(幼稚园老师)1显示(不腻烦地)2(给她的学生解释)3: The (kindergarten teacher)1 shows (great patience)2 (in explaining to her students)3.*他说: “(我不会因别人对我的闲言闲语来烦恼/ditto)1.”: He said: “(Sticks and stones would break my bones but words will never hurt me/I am never fazed by what other people say about me)1.”*他的女朋友将会(找他麻烦)1由于昨晚(忘记)2他们的(约会)3: His girlfriend is going to (give him trouble)1 for forgetting2 their date3 last night.*她对她(不停烦扰)1的弟弟说: “(不要再麻烦我去麻烦别人)2.”: She said to her pestering1little brother: “(Give me a break and bother somebody else)2.”*那(主管)1(劝告)2(新职员)3说: “(做好工作)4并不要(搞麻烦/ ditto)5.”: The supervisor1 advised2 the (new recruit)3: “(Do a good job)4and don‟t (rock the boat/rattle the cage)5!”*他对(协助)1他(搬移进)2他新屋子的朋友说: “(真是谢谢你的麻烦了)3.”: He said to his friend who helped1 him to (move into)2his new house: “(Thanks a lot for your trouble)3!*他对(在午夜)1(在机场开车接他)2的朋友说: “谢谢! (让你太麻烦了/ditto)3.”: He said to his friend who (picked him up at the airport)2 (at midnight)1: “Thank you! (You shouldn‟t have/You shouldn‟t have to go through so much trouble)3.”*他对(提议)1(开车载他去机场)2的朋友说: “(不好意思吧)3, (那太麻烦你了)4.”: He said to his friend who offered1 to (drive him to the airport)2: “(I can‟t let you do that)3; (that‟s too much trouble for you)4.”*父亲问女儿为什么在(撇嘴)1, 那母亲说: “(不要理她)2, 她(情绪)3(烦躁/ditto)4.”: The father asked why the daughter was pouting1, and the mother said: “(Leave her alone)2. She‟s in a (foul/lousy)4 mood3.”*一个(惯性坐车往返上班处者)1(喃喃自语说)2: “(真麻烦/ditto)3, (我误车了)4.”: A commuter1 murmured2: “(Doggone it/Son of a gun/Shit [犯])3! (I miss my bus)4.”*取得所有的(商业牌照)1来(开零售店子)2后, 他说: “(我经过很多烦扰才将那些办妥)3.”: After getting all the (business licenses)1 to (open the retail store)2, he said: “It took me a lot of hassles to get those done)3.”*他对(售票代理)1说: “(麻烦你/ditto)2, (查查看一下)3今晚的(演唱会)4还有(位子)5(可以得到)6吗?”: He said to the (ticket agent)1: “(Sorry to trouble you;/If it‟s not too much trouble,)2 would you (check to see)3 if there are still seats5 available6 for tonight‟s concert4?”*他对刚(协助)1他(修理)2他的车的朋友说: “(对不起给你添很多麻烦)3, 我可以(款待你去/ditto)4吃午饭吗?”: He said to his friend that just helped1 him fix2his car: “(Sorry for causing you a lot of trouble)3! Could I (buy you/treat you to)4lunch?”*他的女朋友从派对(愤怒下)1 (大怒跑掉)2后他的好朋友对他说: “你的女朋友是个(麻烦的人/ditto)3是吗?”: After his girlfriend (stormed away)2 from the party (in anger)1, his good friend said to him: “Your girlfriend is (some piece o f work/a trouble-maker/a menace/a pest/a pain/a pain in the neck/a pain in the butt [犯] [note: not “butts”]/a pain in the ass [犯])3, isn‟t she?”*祖母对舅舅说: “你跟(未成年的女孩子)1(约会)2是(找麻烦/ditto)3.”: Grandma said to the uncle: “You‟re (playing withfire/looking for trouble)3 to date2 an (underage girl)1.”*她的朋友说: “你的孩子会对你(烦个不休)1若是你不(如你所答应)2(带他们去看电影)3.”: Her friend said: “Your kids will be (all over you)1if you don‟t (take them to the movie)3 (like you promised)2.”*(秘书)1问道: “任何(自愿者)2 (帮我一把)3(安排)4(办公室派对)5? 约翰(你说怎么样)6?” 约翰说: “(你可以不算我在内)7! 安排办公室派队对我是(太多麻烦)8了.”: The secretary1asked: “Is there any volunteer2 who can (give me a hand)3 in organizing4 the (office party)5? (How about you)6, John?” John said: “(You can count me out)7! Organizing the office party is (too much hassle)8for me.”*(现今)1如果你(不懂用电脑)2你是(有极大麻烦/ditto)3: Nowadays1 you are (toast [口]/ in serious trouble)3if you (don‟t know how to use a computer)2.*他把(办公室的权力斗争)1(像瘟疫般)2(躲开来)3(避免麻烦/ditto)4: He (keeps his nose clean/keeps out of trouble)4 by avoiding3 (office politics)1 (like the plague)2.*她刚(撞坏)1父亲的(簇新车子)2, 现在她真正有(大麻烦/ditto)3了: She just crashed1 her fath er‟s (brand new car)2 and now she‟s really in (hot water/serious trouble/a lot of trouble/a boatload of trouble/deep trouble)3.*他说: “在(中学)1时我是个(班中的小丑)2(时常)3(制造麻烦/ditto)4.”: He said: “At (high school)1 I was a (class clown)2 and (acted up/caused trouble/misbehaved)4 (all the time)3.”*(富与穷之间)1(不停增长)2的(裂缝)3(继续烦扰)4这小国家的(稳定)5: The ever-increasing2 rift3 (between the rich and the poor)1 (continues to plague)4 the stability5 of this little country.*他说: “我们的秘书今天(无疑/ditto)1是(容易发怒)2, 什么使她(烦恼/ditto)3呢?”:He said: “Our secretary (sure/undoubtedly)1 is touchy2today. What‟s (eating [口]/bothering)3her?”*他说: “她跟丈夫(大吵一顿)1昨晚(烦乱)2和(哭泣/ditto)3着(来到我们家里)4.”: He said: “She (had a big fight)1 with her husband, and (came to our house)4 last night (all shook up)2 and (in tears/crying)3.”*他(可爱的孩子)1时常说: “我希望这些(讨厌的女孩子)2将(不会麻烦我)3”: His (cute little boy)1always says: “I hope these (pesky girls)2 will (leave me alone)3.”*他说: “(当我年幼时)1每一次我(说粗话/诅咒/ditto)2父母(对那事烦我)3.”: He said: “(When I was little)1, my parents (got on my case)3 every time I (cussed/swore/cursed)2.”*公司的(董事长)1对(记者)2说: “(在不再烦厌下)3我(呈献)4给你们公司的(新总裁)5.”: The company‟s Chairman1 said to the reporters2: “(Without further ado [note: not “adieu”])3 I present4 to you the (new CEO)5of our company.”*(全国公民)1对(枪械暴力导致)2(悲剧的)3和({毫无意义}4a/{不必要}4b)的(谋杀)5(感到烦乱)6: (Citizens across the country)1 (are distraught over)6 the tragic3 and ({senseless}4a/{needless}4b) murders5 (from gun violence)2.*他说: “我们可以(明天早晨)1 (相会)2(市中心吃早餐)3但(开车经过)4(忙碌时间的交通)5会是(认真麻烦)6.”: He said: “We can meet2 (tomorrow morning)1 (downtown for breakfast)3, but (driving through)4 (the rush hour traffic)5 can be (a real pain)6.”*现今很多(财政上没有准备好)1的(赚取工资的人)2对(强制性)3(退休)4(变得心烦意乱)5: Nowadays many wage-earners2 who are (not financially ready)1 (get bent out of shape)5 at mandatory3 retirement4.*很多(旅客)1(认为/ditto)2(提高机场保安)3(导致的延误)4不是(麻烦/ditto)5而是(换来更多心安理得)6的(必须代价)7: Many travelers1 (find/view)2 (delays caused)4 by (heightened airport security)3 not as (a bugbear/a nuisance/an annoyance)5 but (a necessary tradeoff)7 (for greater peace of mind)6.*当警察(递给他)1一张(超速告票)2时他(讽刺地说/ditto)3: “你真是个(麻烦的人/ditto)4, 是吗?”: When the police (handed him)1 a (speeding ticket)2, he (quipped/wisecracked)3: “You‟re really (a piece of work/a nuisance/bad news)4aren‟t you?”*(孪生孩子)1的(出生)2对那(过去三年)3靠(福利救济)4(生活)5的(家庭)6(意味/ditto)7(非常麻烦)8: The birth2 of twins1 (spells/means)7 (double trouble)8 for the family6 that has been (living on)5 welfare4 (for the last three years)3.*他说: “我的(儿子)1(时常)2是(极端麻烦/ditto)3我(等待不及)4直至当他是(够成长)5 (搬离屋子)6.”: He said: “My son1 is always2 (hell-on-wheels/a real pain/a pain in the neck/a pain in the ass [犯]/a pain in the butt [犯][note: not “butts”])3, and I (can‟t wait)4 until the day when he is (old enough)5 to (move out of the house)6.”*她说她(做好公司要求她的每一件事)1但那(主管)2是(特意给她麻烦)3(使她在办公室的生活痛苦)4: She said she (did everything the company asked of her)1, but the supervisor2 was (out to get her)3 and (made her life miserable at the office)4.*美国(汽车制造商)1(面对/ditto)2(高涨/ditto)3(成本)4和(强硬的)5(日本竞争)6下有(挺多/ditto)7(麻烦)8: American automakers1 are in a (heap/lot)7 of trouble8 (faced with/in the face of)2 (rising/escalating)3 costs4 and stiff5 (Japanese competition)6.*那(节目女主持人的)1(不经考虑的)2(意见/ditto)3被(视为/ditto)4(种族歧视)5并使她惹了(很多麻烦/ditto)6: The anchorwoman‟s1 off-the-cuff2 (remark/comment)3 was (interpreted as/seen as)4 racist5 and got her into (a lot of hot water/serious troubles)6.*她说: “自从(开始/ditto)1我跟我的(主管)2({有麻烦}3a/{不能相处}3b)(事情)4(只是)5(继续变坏/ditto)6.”: She said: “I ({got in bad [口]}3a/{didn‟t get along}3b) with my supervisor2 since (the start/the beginning/day one)1, and things4 just5 (kept going downhill/continued to get worse)6.”*他说: “我的女儿时常是个(坚持不懈/ditto)1的女孩子, 除非她({得到所要的}2a/{别人依照他的方式}2b)她将会(烦死我/ditto)3.”: He said: “My daughter has always been a (persistent/insistent)1 girl, and she (bugs the heck [犯] out of me/bugs the hell[犯] out of me/bugs me to death/bugs me to no end/pesters the life out of me)3 unless she ({gets what she wants}2a/{gets her way}2b).”*能(解决)1在 (跨国企业的)2(新兴国家里)3(最烦恼难题)4的(经验老手/ditto)5是在(人才市场)6上({最为吃香的人}7a/{求过于供}7b): (Old hands/ Experienced veterans)5 who can solve1(international corporations‟)2 (most vexing problems)4 (in emerging countries)3 are ({the most sought-after individuals}7a/{in short supply and big demand}7b) in the (job market)6.*当那(零售连锁店子)1(开始)2 (给顾客麻烦)3, 例如以(拒绝)4 (承兑)5(产品的保证)6, 那是(明显)7的(可能性)8它(差不多会)9(破产/ditto)10: When the (retail chain)1 (starts to)2 (jack customers around)3, such as by refusing4 to honor5 (productwarranties)6, then there is a distinct7 possibility8 that it is (about to)9 (go under/go out of business/go belly up)10.*(现今)1还有(案例)2在(非少数民族)3(占要的)4(邻区)5(亚洲学生)6(被挑出来)7在学校(被烦扰/ditto)8, 但那些是(例外)9多于(惯例)10: Nowadays1 there are still cases2 where (Asian students)6 in non-minority3 dominated4 neighborhoods5 are (singled out)7 and (harassed/harried)8 at school, but those are more the exceptions9 than the rules10.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
地道英语句典A-Z #361-370地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)涤[滌]: (~)cleanse*你给这些(塑胶容器)1一个(洗涤)2和(冲洗)3, 它们(像新的一样那么好)4: You give these (plastic containers)1 a wash2 and rinse3, and they are (as good as new)4.笛: (~) flute; (警~) whistle;♦横笛: flute♦竖笛: clarinet迪: (启~) enlighten*她的朋友说: “你的(十来岁女儿)1是(迷途)2和(困惑)3, (可能)4她需要一个(她能够相信的人)5来(启迪)6她.”: Her friend said: “Your (teenage daughter)1 is lost2 and confused3, and maybe4 she needs (someone she can trust)5 to enlighten6her.”dǐ:底: (~) bottom; (月~) last part (of month); (~本) master copy; (~稿) draft copy; (~细) personal particulars*他说: “我将会在这({月}1a/{年}1b)底2(偿还)3(我欠你的钱)4.”: He said: “I’ll (pay back)3 (the money I owe you)4 by the end2of this ({month}1a/ {year}1b).”*这个年轻人(愿意)1从(他父亲的生意王国)2在(底层/ditto)3 (开始)4(尽力向上攀)5: This young man (is willing to)1 start4 at the (basement/bottom/ground floor)3of (his father’s business empire)2 and (work his way up)5.*如果我们不(开始关心)1和(做我们的部分)2我们的(自然环境)3将会(直插谷底地衰落[意])4: Our environment3 is (going to the dogs [note: not “dog”])4if we don’t (start caring)1 and (do our part)2.*(自从)1三个月前他被(牵连在)2一个(非法赌博)3(不法集团)4他的(事业)5(已跌至谷底)6: His career5 (has hit rock bottom)6 (ever since)1 he was (implicated in)2 an (illegal gambling)3 ring4 three months ago.*(股票分析员)1说(现在还是)2 (非常太)3(危险)4和早5去在({金融}6a/{银行}6b) (组合部分)7(抄底)8: (Stock analysts)1 say (it is still)2 (way too)3 risky4 and early5 to be bottom-fishing8 in the ({financial}6a/ {banking}6b) sector7.*一些(分析家)1(相信)2很多(被严重打击)3的(美国股票)4(已经达到最底/ditto)5({一切准备就妥反弹}6a/{准备反弹}6b): Some analysts1 believe2 many battered3 (US stocks)4 have (bottomed out/hit bottom)5 and ({the stage is set for a rebound}6a/{are set torebound}6b).*他对他的朋友说: “你的哥哥说他将会(把我打一顿)1.” 他的朋友说: “(不用担忧)2, 我的哥哥(出言强硬)3但(通常)4(对说出的威吓不会跟进到底)5.”: He said to his friend: “Your brother said he was going to (beat me up)1.” His friend said: “(Don’t worry)2! My brother (talks tough)3 but usually4(doesn’t follow through on his threats)5.”诋[詆]: (~)slander*很多(缺乏自信心)1的人(有倾向)2去({诋毁/ditto}3a/{贬低/ditto }3b)(他人)4(使自己看来有本事)5: Many insecure1 people (have a tendency)2 to ({badmouth/slander/trash/disparage}3a/{belittle/put down}3b) others4 to (make themselves look good)5.抵: (~住) support or resist; (~偿) settle up; (~押) mortgage; (~消) offset; (~达) arrive; (一~二) (one) equivalent to the ability of (two)*那(经理)1说: “我不是(酒鬼)2, 这是(事实)3可以(抵受)4任何人的(详细检验)5.”: The manager1said: “I’m not an alcoholic2. This is the truth3 that can withstand4 scrutiny5from anyone.”*来(抵消)1(竞争对手)2的(最大限度规模)3 (广告)4之(竭尽全力攻击)5我们(集中)6(销售活动)7在(巩固)8(顾客忠心)9: To neutralize1 an all-out3 advertising4 blitz5 from competition2, we focus6 our (marketing campaign)7 in cementing8 (customer loyalty)9.*那(没有工作的)1(女人)2(需要)3({抵押}4a/{提供}4b)她的(祖传)5(金项链)6和(项链盒)7作为一笔(借贷)8的(保证)9: The jobless1 woman2 (had to)3 ({pledge}4a/{put up}4b) her heirloom5 (gold chain)6 and locket7 as security9 for a loan8.*(律师)1已经(忠告)2公司所有(董事)3和(行政职员)4(根据)5 (内幕消息)6来(买卖公司股票)7跟(证券法律)8有(抵触)9: The (legal counsel)1 has advised2 all the directors3 and officers4 of the company that (trading company stock)7 (based on)5 (insider information)6 (runs afoul)9 of (securities laws)8.*他说: “我们(季度)1(销售数目)2(增长)3百分之十二(经由)4(更高的)5(实得为现金)6(黄金价格)7 (超过抵消)8(稍为)9(减少的)10 (产量)11.”: He said: “Our quarterly1 (sales volume)2 increased3 by 12% through4 higher5 realized6 (gold prices)7 that (more than offset)8 slightly9 lower10 production11.”邸: (官~) residence of high official; (旅~) hostel*当两个国家之间(边境)1(紧张局势)2({上升}3a/{加剧}3b), 在(彼此土地)4的(大使官邸/ditto)5(增强了/ditto)6(保安)7: As tension2 at the border1 between the two countries ({mounts}3a/{intensifies}3b), the (embassies/consulates)5at (each other’s soil)4 have (heightened/boosted/tightened/beefed up)6 security7.dì:弟: (~) younger brother; (~) younger male in same generation; (小~) humbly addressing self♦弟弟: younger brother♦堂弟: cousin (sons of parents’ brothers younger than self)♦表弟: cousin (sons of parents’ sisters younger than self)递[遞]: (~) to hand over; (~升) step by step (promotion)♦(速递/快递[快郵]): speed-post*他(呈递/ditto)1他的(学期研究报告)2后(心头放下大石)3: It (took a load of his mind)3 after he (handed in/turned in/ submitted)1 his (term paper)2.*我说: “我可以用({平邮}1a/{空邮}1b/{速递服务}1c/{隔一夜速递服务}1d/{即日递送服务}1e/{亲手/ditto}1f)(把书本递送给你)2吗?” 他回答道: “(当然可以/ditto)3.”: I said: “May I (send the book to you)2 ({by ordinary mail}1a/{by airmail}1b/{by courier}1c/{by overnight-courier}1d/{by same-day delivery}1e/{by hand/personally}1f?” He replied: “(By all means/Certainly/Of course/Please do that/ Definitely)3!”的: (目~) purpose*他说: “我的(工作)1只是(达到目的的工具)2–去(赚取满意的生计)3, (此外)4它对我(毫无意义/ditto)5.”: He said: “My job1 is only (a means to an end)2 to (earn a decent living)3, and (beyond that)4 it (means nothing/means zilch/means beans)5to me.”*(近年来)1这(世界闻名)2的(游乐园)3在(孩子的娱乐)4从(以前)5(最终的)6(目的地)7(衰落为)8(仅是选择之一)9: (In recent years)1, this world-famous2 (amusement park)3 has degenerated8 from formerly5 the ultimate6 destination7 to become (a mere option)9 for (children entertainment)4.地: (~球) Earth; (陆~) land; (土~) a piece of land; (~区) district; (~点) location; (~位) status in hierarchy; (境~) situation; (留余~) give leeway♦地壳: Earth’s crust♦地皮: a land lot♦地盘: site (esp., construction)♦地震: earthquake♦地标: landmark♦地雷: landmine♦地下室: basement♦地震烈度: seismic intensity scale♦地质学家: (geologist/rock hound)♦(湿地/沼泽): (wetland/swamp/ marshland)*他问道: “这(地方/ditto)1(厕所)2在哪?”: He asked: “Where’s the bathroom2 in this (place/joint)1?”*我们是一个(陆地)1和(无线)2 (电讯服务)3的(供应商)4: We are a provider4 of terrestrial1 and wireless2 (telecom services)3.*这(饭店)1(供应给顾客)2(真正的)3(道地)4({美味食品}5a/{菜肴}5b): This restaurant1 serves2 genuine3 local4 ({delicacies}5a/ {dishes}5b).*(昔日)1中国的(商业)2(活动情况)3(地志)4是被(国营公司)5所(支配)6: (In the old days)1, the topography4of China’s business2 landscape3 was dominated6 by (state-owned corporations)5.*跟(外来)1(侵略者/ditto)2(竞争)3(本地商人)4有(地头虫的)5(优势)6: (Local businessmen)4 have the (home field)5 advantage6 in competing3 with foreign1 (raiders/invaders/intruders)2.*那(标牌)1有(特别字眼)2: “(不要)3在({室外地上}4a/{室内地上}4b)(吐痰)5.”: The sign1 reads2: “Don’t3 spit5 on the ({ground [note: usually refers to outdoor]}4a/{floor [note: refers to indoor]}4b).”*这(领事)1是个(精炼)2的(外交官)3(国际政治圈子)4是他的(天然地域)5: This ambassador1 is a seasoned2 diplomat3 and the (international political arena)4 is his (natural terrain)5.*集美是(游客)1当(旅游)2厦门(不应错过)3的(不是常到的)4(风景秀丽)5(地点)6: Ji Mei is an off-the-beaten-track4 scenic5 spot6 that tourists1 (should not miss)3 when they visit2 Xiamen.*他说: “我(发觉)1如果你从(地面的线路)2而不是(手机)3(打电话给我)4(声音质量)5是(好得多)6.”: He said: “I find1 the (voice quality)5 is (much better)6 if you (call me)4 on a (ground line)2 instead of from a (mobile phone)3.”*在(提议的)1(计划)2, 那(空出来的)3(地段)4将会(产生)5(经济活动)6和(供应)7(邻近居民)8(实用公共设施)9: Under the proposed1 plan2, the vacated3 land4 will generate5 (economic activities)6 and provide7 amenities9 to the neighborhood8.*美国和英国是(跳栏)1的(传统)2(巨大势力)3但中国(不知从什么地方走出来)4在2004奥运({胜出}5a/{赢取金牌/ditto}5b): U.S. and Britain are the traditional2 powerhouses3 in hurdles1, but China (came out from nowhere)4 and ({won it all}5a/{won gold/took gold/won the gold medal}5b) in the 2004 Olympics.*我(目击)1({脾气暴躁}2a/{有劲好斗}2b)的(祖母)3用她(走路拐杖)4把两(个保安人员)5(打倒在地上/ditto)6: I witnessed1 the ({bad-tempered}2a/{feisty}2b) grandma3 (decked/dropped/floored/knocked down)6 two (security guards)5 with her (walking cane)4.*她对他说: “我很(抱歉)1(到了这个地步)2但我(坦白地)3不能够(再跟你约会)4因为你是我(最好朋友的)5(未婚夫)6.”: She said to him: “I’m sorry1 it has to (come to this)2 but I simply3 cannot (see you anymore)4because you’re my (best friend’s)5 fiancé6.”*他的(别墅)1是建筑在一({块/ditto}2a/{块长形}2b)({园艺改装过}3a/{好好地种植了树木}3b/{湖边}3c)的地(俯瞰)4一个湖5: His cottage1 is built on a ({parcel/tract/plot/piece}2a/{strip}2b) of ({landscaped}3a/ {well-treed}3b/{waterfront}3c) land thatoverlooks4 a lake5.*她说: “如果你的儿子(甘愿)1在一个(小天地[意])2(过着)3一个(固定的生活)4, 有一个(真正好的理由)5去(要求)6他(有野心)7吗?”: She said: “If your son (is content with)1 living3 a (set life)4 in a (fish bowl)2, is there a (really good reason)5 for asking6 him (to be ambitious)7?”*这个(无人地带)1, 亦是出名为(金三角)2, 是一个(丰裕地方)3给(贩毒者)4和(罪犯)5去(进行)6他们的(非法/ditto)7(生意)8: This (no man’s land)1, also known as the (Golden Triangle)2, is a (fertile ground)3 for (drug dealers)4 and criminals5 to conduct6 their (illegal/illicit)7 business8.帝: (~王) emperor; (~国) empire; (上~) God上帝: (God/the Almighty)*(去年的)1(冠军)2(输丢)3(头两盘球赛)4后他(倾后)5(仰头凝视上天)6(犹如)7在(找寻)8(上帝的协助/ditto)9: After losing3 the (first two sets)4, (last year’s)1 champion2 (leaned back)5 and (gazed up to the sky)6 (as if)7 he was seeking8 (divine intervention/God’s help)9.*在(第十周年)1(毕业同学重聚联欢会)2最后, (组织者)3说: “如果({情况}4a/{时间}4b)(有可能)5和(上帝允许/ditto)6我(十年后)7在下一个(十周年我们同学重聚联欢会)8(跟你再见)9.”: At the end of the (10th year)1 (graduation reunion)2, the organizer3 said: “If ({situation}4a/{time}4b) permits5 and (God willing [口]/ God’s willing)6, I (shall see you again)9 in the next (tenth anniversary of our class reunion)8(in ten years’ time)7.”缔[締]: (~交) form an alliance; (~造) establish*两个(老人家)1(缔交为友/ditto)2已经有四十年: The two (old men)1 have been (friends/chums/pals/buddies)2 for forty years.蒂: (~) part of plant stalk connecting to fruit谛[諦]: (~听) (listen) attentively; (真~) essence*罗密欧与朱丽叶是一个(故事)1(捕捉了)2(所有关于真爱)3的(真谛)4: Romeo and Juliet is a story1 that captures2 the essence4 (of what true love is all about)5.diā: XXXXXdiá: XXXXXdiǎ:嗲: (~) flirty*这个(女侍应生)1是({嗲}2a/{性感}2b)但(永远不是)3(容易地滥交)4: This waitress1 is ({flirty}2a/{sexy}2b) but never3 easy4.dià: XXXXXdiān:癫[癲]: (~) mentally insane*她的儿子是那么(迷于/ditto)1他的女朋友(思念到她)2(驱使)3他(发疯/ditto)4: Her son is so (obsessed/preoccupied)1 with his girlfriend that (the thought of her)2 drives3 him (insane/crazy)4.颠[顛]: (~沛) destitute; (~覆) overturn; (~倒) reverse; (山~) (mountain) peak; (~簸) shaking up and down*他(失去)1(工作)2, (屋子)3和(妻子)4(等等)5(一切)6后, 他({颠沛流离/ditto}7a/一文不名/ditto}7b/{变得很贫穷/ditto}7c): He ({is down-and-out/is destitute}7a/{is penniless /doesn’t have two nickels to rub together}7b/{becomes very poor/is poor as a church mouse/is in the poorhouse}7c) after he lost1 everything6– his job2, his home3, his wife4, etc.5巅[巔]: (~峰) mountain peak*(攀登到)1({企业等级的巅峰}2a/{企业梯子的顶尖}2b)是一个(漫长的旅程)3, 但当你(达到那里)4是({有满足感}5a/ {有好报酬}5b).: It is a (long journey)3 to (climb to)1 the ({peak of the corporate hierarchy}2a/{top of the corporate ladder}2b), but it is ({gratifying}5a/{rewarding}5b) when you (get there)4.掂: (~) to approximate weight by hand*他的朋友说: “你应该(掂一掂/衡量一下)1(你有多好)2才跟(现任)3(拳击冠军)4(打斗/ditto)5.”: His friend said: “You should (size up/assess)1 (how good you are)2 before you (take on/fight)5 the reigning3 (boxing champion)4.”dián: XXXXXdiǎn:点[點]: (雨~) (rain) droplet; (起~) (starting) point; (优~) (strong) aspects; (~心) snack; (~) unit of hour; (~) decimal point; (~头) nod; (~火) light (fire); (~) dot;(盘~) (inventory) count; (~菜) select (dish); (指~) enlighten; (~出) point (out); (~) unit of opinion, hope, contents; (一~水) a small amount (of water)♦营业点儿: business location♦外币兑换点[金銀找換處]: foreign currency exchange center*他说: “让我们(吃点儿东西/ditto)1才(上路)2.”: He said: “Let’s (grab some eats/eat something/eat some food/grab a bite)1 before we (hit the road)2.”*她说: “今天我(有点儿不舒服/ditto)1.”: She said: “I (don’t feel too well/am under the weather)1today.”*(夏威夷)1是个(度假受欢迎地点/ditto)2: Hawaii1 is a (vacation hot spot/popular vacation destination)2.*我们的(店子)1这(周末)2(将会关闭)3来(盘点/ditto)4: Our store1 (will close)3 this weekend2 to (take stock/count inventory)4.*这(计划)1(营运在)2(一点儿金钱数目的)3(指定经费)4: This project1 (operates on)2 a shoestring3 budget4.*(预料)1的(财政赤字)2将成为(下一个)3(财政预算)4的(焦点)5: The projected1 deficit2 will (take center stage)5 in the next3 budget4.*她(晚礼服)1的(颜色)2有一(点儿/ditto)3(太夸张下缺乏有品味)4: The color2 of her (evening gown)1 is a (bit/tad/little)3 (too loud to be tasteful)4.*他说: “我很(迷惘/ditto)1, 他(刚才)2半小时所讨论的(论点)3在哪?”: He said: “I’m (lost/confused)1. What’s the point3 in what he has just2 discussed in the last half-hour?”*她的姐姐对他说: “今晚的(晚饭)1 (七点钟开始)2, (不要误点/ditto)3.”: Her sister said to him: “Dinner1 tonight (starts at 7:00)2. (Don’t be late/Be on time [口])3!”*那小女孩站在她父母面前, (有信心地点头)1说: “我可以(做饭给你们)2”: The little girl stood in front of her parents, and said (with a confident nod)1: “I can (fix you dinner)2”.*他问他的朋友: “你还(感到有病)1吗” 他的朋友说: “(只是一点点儿/ditto)2.”: He asked his friend: “Do you still (feel sick)1?” His friend said: “”Just a little [口]/Just a tiny bit [口])2.”*他说: “(尽管)1在(毕业)2有(好成绩)3, 我从大公司对我的(工作申请)4得不到(甚至)5(一点儿兴趣/ditto)6.”: He said: “Despite1 (good grades)3 at graduation2, I didn’t even5 get (a sniff/a cursory interest)6 from big corporations for my (job application)4.”*没有(一点儿)1(乐观)2那(劳工纠纷)3的(解决)4将会(在很快的任何时间)5({发生}6a/{有可能}6b): There is not (a shred of)1 optimism2 that a settlement4 of the (labor dispute)3 is ({happening}6a/ {possible}6b) (anytime soon)5.*(在电话上)1她对丈夫说: “我们的儿子在下面(地下室)2(一点儿一点儿地做)3(大堆/ditto)4的(作业)5.”: She said to the husband (over the phone)1: “Our son is down at the basement2 (chipping away at)3 the (mound/pile/stack/ mountain)4 of homework5.”*她身为(母亲)1有很许多(明显的缺点)2, (尤其是)3她在(养育孩子)4(不能够)5(提供)6(辅导)7和(时间)8: She has (glaring flaws)2 as a parent1, (most notably)3 is her failure5 to provide6 guidance7 and time8 in (bringing her children up)4.*我没有(方向的意识)1(似乎)2我(永远)3不能够(在不熟识的路线)4(从甲点开车到乙点)5而(没有迷失路几次)6: I have no(sense of direction)1, and it seems2 I can never3 (drive from Point A to Point B)5 of an (unfamiliar route)4 (without getting lost a few times)6.*他(眨眼)1(轻轻地触他的鼻子)2来对他的女朋友(示意)3她有一(微点)4的({煤灰}5a/{污物}5b)在她的鼻子: He winked1 and (touched his nose lightly)2 to hint3 to his girlfriend that she had a speck4 of ({soot}5a/{dirt}5b) on her nose.*她的女朋友问她: “那(大吵一顿)1后(你已经你跟你的男朋修补一切)2吗?” 她说: “我对他还(有点儿/ditto)3(愤怒)4.”: Her friend asked her: “(Have you patched things up with your boyfr iend)2 after the (big fight)1?” She said: “I’m still (somewhat/sort of/kind of/to a certain extent)3 mad4at him.”*在一个(雨天)1我在一辆(运输货车)2(后面驾驶)3(不用很久/ditto)4 (挡风玻璃)5(沾了一点点的)6 ({污垢/ditto}7a/{泥浆}7b): I was (driving behind)3 a (transport truck)2 on a (rainy day)1 and (before long/soon/ after a short time)4 the windshield5 (was speckled with)6 ({dirt/grime}7a/ {mud}7b).*他问道: “你知道(准确地)1为何我们的(主管)2(被开除)3吗?” 她说: “不, 我只是听到({故事}4a/{什么事情发生}4b)的(一些点滴)5.”: He asked: “Do you know exactly1 why our supervisor2 (was fired)3?” She said: “No. I’ve only heard (bits and pieces)5 of ({the story}4a/ {what happened}4b).”*他的女朋友说: “我({一分钟内}1a/{马上}1b)将会(准备好)2.” 他说: “({快点儿喽/ditto}3a/{去走吧}3b)如果你要(准时去电影)4.”: His girlfriend said: “I’ll be ready2 ({in a minute}1a/{right away}1b).” He said: “({Make it fast/Step on it}3a/{Get going}3b) if want to be (on time to the movie)4.”*他的朋友问道: “你的公司(有什么新事情)1?” 他说: “(在那地方)2(没有人告诉我任何事)3, (在那里发生什么事)4我(一点儿也不知/ditto)5.”: His friend asked: “(What’s new)1with your company?” He said: “(Nob ody tells me anything)3 (at that place)2, and I (don’t have the slightest idea/don’t have a clue)5of (what’s going on over there)4.”*(声誉)1没有(改变)2这个年轻(排名最高)3的网球球员(在他身上)4你不可以({找到}5a/{发觉/ditto}5b)({一点儿}6a/{一些痕迹}6b)的(傲慢态度/ditto)7: Fame1 has not changed2 this young top-ranked3 tennis player and you cannot({find }5a/{detect/sense/notice}5b) ({an ounce of}6a/{a trace of}6b) (attitude/arrogance)7 (in him)4.*({那特别为这个顶尖天桥模特儿设计的服装展示她的美丽身材}1a/{在那展览会所有首饰被展示}1b)({强调最佳特点}2a/{在最佳视线角度}2b): ({The specially designed dress for this top runway-model displayed her gorgeous figure}1a/{All pieces of jewelry in the show were displayed}1b) ({to advantage}2a/{in the best light}2b).*他的朋友说: “今天你似乎很(急躁)1.” 他(半开玩笑)2地说: “(像我们般)3的(成功人士)4 (时常)5有(迫切的意念)6(偶然)7我可能有(一点儿)8(着急)9.”: His friend said: “You seem edgy1today.” He half-jokingly2replied: “Achievers4 (like us)3 always5 have a (sense of urgency)6 and I may become (a touch)8 (impatient)9 at (odd times)7.”*他(打电话给)1前一个晚上他(变得酒醉和喧闹)2后(舍他而去)3的女朋友说: “昨晚发生的(完全/ditto)4是(我的错)5我(一点儿/ditto)6也(没有责怪你)7.”: He (called up)1 his girlfriend that (walked out on him)3 the night before after he (got drunk and rowdy)2, and said: “What happened last night was (entirely/all/totally)4 (my fault)5and I (don’t blame you)7 (one single bit/onebit/in the least)6.”*他的(同事)1说: “(女王头儿/ditto)2(点名你缺席)3(我恐怕)4你有(严重)5(麻烦)6. 你在哪里?” 他说: “我去(楼下)7(取得一杯咖啡)8, 那是个(罪行)9吗?”: His colleague1said: “You (missed the roll call)3 by the (queen-bee/boss lady)2, and (I’m afraid)4 you’re in (serious/deep)5 trouble6. Where were you?” He said: “I went downstairs7 to (get a cup of coffee)8. Is that a crime9?”*那({女售货员}1a/{男售货员}1b/{售货员/ditto}1c/{营业代表}1d)(询问)2那(顾客)3说: “这是你所(寻找)4的吗?” 那顾客说: “我(需要一些)5({长}6a/ {大}6b/{便宜}6c)(一点儿)7.”: The ({sales lady}1a/ {salesman}1b/{sales clerk/ salesperson}1c/{sales representative}1d) asked2 the customer3: “Is this what you’re (looking for)4?” The customer said: “I (need something)5 (a bit)7 ({longer}6a/{bigger}6b/ {cheaper}6c).”*那(五岁的小孩子)1({胆怯地}2a/{紧张不安地}2b/{不好意思地}2c)(走前)3到(收集捐赠者)4, (递出)5一个(一块钱硬币)6, 说: “(我对不起)7, 那是(我全部所有的)8.” 收集者(仁慈礼貌地)9说: “你那是非常({好心}10a/{慷慨}10b), (实在)11 (每一点滴都是有帮助的)12.”: The (five-year-old little boy)1 ({timidly}2a/{nervously}2b/ {sheepishly}2c) (walked up)3 to the (donation collector)4, (held out)5 a one-dollar-coin6, and said: “(I’m sorry)7! That (all I have)8.” The collector graciously9said: “That’s very ({kind}10a/{generous}10b) of you, and indeed11 (every little bit helps)12.”典: (~故) adage and proverbs; (~章) regulation; (词~) encyclopedia; (~礼) ceremony; (~押) to pawn valuables♦(字典/辞典/词典): dictionary♦开幕盛大典礼: grand opening ceremony*今天的雪1在于(拉斯维加斯)2(天气)3(不是典型)4: Today’s snow1 is uncharacteristic4 of the weather3 in (Las Vegas)2.*我们的(士兵)1是(尽忠)2的(典型)3应该(适用为)4(其他公民)5的(模范)6: Our soldiers1 are the incarnation3 of loyalty2, and should (serve as)4 a model6 for (other citizens)5.*他们(典雅)1(组别)2(时装)3(系列)4(只是)5(一堆)6(无品味)7和(陈旧)8的(种类)9: Their Classic1 Collection2 fashion3 line4 (is nothing but)5 (a bunch of)6 bland7 and stale8 assortments9.*我们的(律师)1在(准备合同)2上(犯了几个)3对他们那些(富经验的)4(专业人士)5(不是典型的)6(错误/ditto)7: Our lawyers1 (made a few)3 (slip-ups/mistakes/oversights)7 in (preparing the agreement)2 which are uncharacteristic6 for seasoned4 professionals5 like them.*(毫无疑问)1他是(英文语言)2的(活生生字典)3, 但他用(深奥的字/ditto)4来(使他人有深刻印象)5而不是来(沟通)6: (There is no question)1 he is a (walking dictionary)3 of the (English language)2, but he uses (big words/large vocabularies)4 to (impress people)5 and not to communicate6.*这些({通常是}1a/{要不然是}1b) (顺和)2的(小市镇)3(居民)4由于(市议会)5对(广泛担心)6(道路安全)7的(漠视态度)8(非典型地)9({宣泄}10a/{发动}10b)(一连串的)11(极度仇视的评击)12: The ({normally}1a/{otherwise}1b) subdued2 residents4 of this (small town)3 (uncharacteristically)9 ({unleashed}10a/{launched}10b) (a series of)11 (bitter attacks)12 on the (city council)5 fortheir (cavalier attitude)8 towards (general concerns)6 on (road safety)7. diàn:电[電]: (~) electric(ity); (~讯) telecommunication; (闪~) lightning♦电池: battery♦电脑: computer♦电话: telephone♦电炉: electric stove♦电报: telegram♦电视机: (television/boob tube)♦电话亭: telephone booth♦电线杆: utility pole♦发电机: electricity generator♦电风扇: electric fan♦电熨斗: electric iron♦电暖炉: electric heater♦电子零件: electronic spare parts♦一节电池: a battery♦电热毯子: electric blanket♦电子工业: electronic industry♦电话分机: telephone extensions♦电流浪涌: power surge♦电话推销: telemarketing♦公用电话: public telephone♦无线电话: cell phone♦电浆电视: plasma television♦全部停电: blackout♦部分停电: brownout♦黑白电视机: black-and-white television♦彩色电视机: color television♦转盘式电话: rotary phone♦按键式电话: push button phone♦电动刮须刀: electric shaver♦平板电视机: flat panel television♦电烤箱[焗爐]: electric oven♦电冰箱[雪櫃]: (refrigerator/ fridge)♦直流电[乾電]: direct current (D.C.)♦交流电[溼電]: alternating current (A.C.)♦对方付账电话: collect call♦叫人通话电话: person-to-person call♦叫号通话电话: station-to-station call♦电灯开关[電掣]: a switch♦电饭锅[電飯煲]: electric rice-cooker♦液晶显示电视机: (LCD/ liquid-crystal display) television♦高解析度电视机: (high definition television/HDTV)♦交流直流电两用的: DC with AC adapter♦不用付长途费打的电话: toll-free call♦(电筒/手电筒/电棍儿[電筒]): flashlight♦连接两车电池协助打火电线: jumper cables [note: not “cable”]*在电话(响第一下)1她便(拿起电话)2: She (picked up the phone)2 (on the first ring)1.*她说: “(一整天)1(我的电话很难打)2.”: She said: “(I have trouble with my phone)2 (all day long)1.”*他问道: “这(电话)1我可以(拨外线)2吗?”: He asked: “Can I (dial an outside line)2 from this phone1?”*昨天(停电/ditto)1使整个城市(陷于瘫痪状态)2: The (electricity blackout/blackout)1 yesterday paralyzed2 the whole city.*那顾客说: “(请给我把电话接通去零件部门/ditto)1.”: The customer said: “(Patch me through to the parts departme nt please/Parts department please/Connect me to the parts department please)1!”*我(电脑)1因(电浪涌)2(电路被烧毁)3我(需要一个新的)4: My computer1 (got fried)3 from (a power surge)2 and I (need a new one)4.*整个(银行持枪行劫)1被(记录在)2(防盗闭路电视/ditto)3: The entire (bank holdup)1 was captured2 on (surveillancevideo/surveillance camera/video security camera)3.*(劣等/ditto)1的(电路连接)2(导致/ditto)3(火灾)4(危险/ditto)5: (Shoddy/Poor)1 (electrical hookups)2 (pose/present/ cause)3 fire4 (hazard/danger/ risk)5.*他问道: “我可以(用你的电话)1吗? 这是(紧急事情)2.”: He asked: “May I (use your phone)1? It’s an emergency2.”*她说: “(别挂电话)1, 我(给你接过去/ditto)2我们的(经理)3.”: She said: “(Don’t hang up)1! I’m (transferring your call overto/patching you through to/ connecting your call to)2 our manager3.”*她是(电台)1(来电)2({比赛}3a/ {访谈节目}3b)的(惯常)4(参与者)5: She is a regular4 participant5 in radio1 phone-in2 ({contests}3a/{talk-shows}3b).*他的女朋友问道: “(谁人打来的电话)1?” 他说: “(拨错的电话)2.”: His girlfriend asked: “(Who called)1?” He said: “(Wrong number)2.”*我说: “你应该把(电脑电池)1(充满电)2, 它是(达到很低的状况)3.”: I said: “You should (charge up)2 the (computer battery)1. It’s (running low)3.”*那(服务代表)1对那(顾客)2说: “(请等一下)3, 我(在电话通话)4.”: The (service representative)1 said to the customer2: “(Please wait a moment)3. I’m (on the phone)4.”*他对(电话接线生)1说: “请(让她知道)2我在(等她回我电话)3.”: He said to the receptionist1: “Please (let her know)2I’m (waiting for her to call me back)3.”*我对他(挥手再见)1说: “当你(有时间)2(打电话给我/ditto)3.”: I (waved goodbye)1to him and said: “(Call me/Call meup/Phone me/Phone me up/Ring me up)3 when you (have time)2.”*我问道: “所有的(电灯)1发生了什么事?” 秘书回答道: “(停电了)2. (哎哟)3, 它又再(恢复了/ditto)4.”: I asked: “What happens to all the lights1?” The secretary answered: “(The power is off)2. Oops3, it (is back on/comes back on)4again.”*那(警察)1说: “如果你有一个(紧急事故)2你可以(拨电话号码)3911.”: The police1said: “You can dial3 911 if you have an emergency2.”*他问道: “你(需要)1一份(电子数码)2还是(纸上/ditto)3的(文件副本)4?”: He asked: “Do you want1 a digital2 or a (hard/paper)3 (copy of the document)4?”*(强风)1把(电缆)2(倒塌)3(留下)4(充电的电线)5在({地上}6a/{街上}6b): (High wind)1 toppled2 (power cables)3 and left4 (live wires)5 on the ({ground}6a/{street}6b).*经理对秘书说: “我(现在)1(很忙/ditto)2, 请要求他在半小时(打电话回来)3.”: The manager said to the secretary: “I’m (occupied/busy)2 (right now)1. Please ask him to (call back)3in half an hour.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
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地道英文俚语A-Z #76-80古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*(员工)1将会(支付)2({一倍半}3a/{两倍}3b)给在({星期天}4a/{法定假期/ditto}4b)(工作)5: Employees1 will be paid2 ({time-and-a-half}3a/{double-time}3b) for working5 on ({Sundays}4a/{statutory holidays/government holidays }4b).*他说: “我已经(到处比较价钱)1我可以告诉你这件(大衣)2(就算是)3(两倍/ditto)4那价钱(是便宜)5.”: He said: “I’ve been (shopping around)1 and I can tell you this coat2 (is cheap)5 (even at)3 (twice/double)4that price.”*(大学)1是一个(值得的)2(投资)3, (在一个学生的一生)4他将会(赚回)5(很多倍)6(学费)7的(原来投资)8: College1 is a worthwhile2 investment3, and (over the student’s lifetime)4 he will (make back)5 the (initial investment)8 in (tuition fees)7 (many times over)6.*(美好光景)1时({妨碍/ditto}2a/ {拖慢}2b)(进展)3的(轻微)4(小毛病/ditto)5可能会当({事情转坏}6a/ {事情不好}6b)时({多倍地}7a/{十倍地}7b)(扩大)8: Minor4 (glitches/hitches/snags)5 that ({hinder/impede}2a/{slow down}2b) progress3 during (good times)1 could magnify8 ({many folds}7a/{ten folds}7b) when ({things turn south}6a/{times are bad}6b).蓓: (~)flower-bud焙: (~)bake辈[輩]: (~)generation groups, e.g., (前~) seniors, (同~) peers*他(一辈子/ditto)1(替人打工)2: He (has been working for others)2 in his (whole life/whole lifetime)1.*像他(同辈)1他(喜欢花钱)2: Like his contemporaries1, he (likes to spend money)2.*(后辈)1和(先辈)2应该(彼此敬重)3: Juniors1 and seniors2 should (mutually respect each other)3.*一些(老一辈的人)1当涉及(电脑技能)2是完全(迷惑/ditto)3: Some old-timers1 are totally (befuddled/bewildered/puzzled/confounded/confused)3 when it comes to (computer skills)2.*(老一辈工人)1受到(袭击/ditto)2当(新科技)3(威吓)4使他们的(职位)5和(技能)6变成(过时)7: (Older generation workers)1 are under (attack/ assault)2 as (new technologies)3 are threatening4 to make their jobs5 and skills6 obsolete7.bēn:奔: (~走) run*在(防火演习)1中老师对学生说: “孩子们, (步行快速)2但不要(奔走)3.”: In the (fire drill)1, the teacher said to the students: “Kids, (walk fast)2but don’t run3.”bén: XXXXXběn:本: (根~) origin; (~身) self; (~钱) capital; (~) unit (of book)♦课本: textbook♦日记本儿: diary♦活页笔记本: loose-leaf notebook♦(练习本儿/笔记簿): notebook*她(拥有)1(总裁)2的(头衔)3但没有(领袖的本事)4: She carries1 the title3 of CEO2 but does not have (what it takes to be a leader)4.*中国是世界上(最低成本)1(做生意目的地)2(之一)3: China is (one of)3 the (leading low-cost)1 (business destinations)3 in the world.*(我们大多数人)1都(本能地知道)2怎么(享受人生/ditto)3(躲避/ditto)4工作: (Most of us)1 (know instinctively)2 how to (enjoy life/live it up)3 and (duck/shun/avoid)4 work.*他说: “一旦是个(撒谎者)1, 永远是个撒谎者, 我恐怕(他简直不能改变本性/ditto)2.”: He said: “Once a liar1, always a liar [口], and I’m afraid (he simply cannot change his spots/a leopard cannot change his spots)2.”*他对(班级计划)1的(伙伴)2说: “我已(做完)3(我的本分)4, 现在(你要做你的)5.”: He said to his class-project1 partners2: “I’ve done3 (my part)4. Now (you have to do yours)5.”*这(季刊)1(报纸)2(特写是)3给予(在那地区)4(土著/原住民)5(本地的)6(新闻)7和(时事)8: This quarterly1 newspaper2 features3 local6 news7 and (current affairs)8 for (aboriginal people/ditto)5 (in the region)4.*从(零碎式)1(转换)2为(传送带式)3(生产系统)4应该会(减低)5(每件货品的成本)6: A switch2 from a piecemeal1 to a conveyor-belt3 (production system)4 should lower5 (unit cost)6.*人们(本性是)1在他们自己的(渺小)2(沟渠/惯常习惯)3(感到安逸)4, 并是(畏惧/ditto)5(转变)6: People (by nature/naturally/instinctively/inherently/innately)1 feel comfortable4 in their own little2 (grooves/ditto)3, and are (apprehensive/ afraid/fearful)5 of changes6.*在(冒险走进)1(新市场)2时({难以预料}3a/{不能预料}3b/{诧异}3c)(商业风险)4是(基本性的/ditto)5: In (venturing into)1 a (new market)2, ({unpredictable}3a/{unanticipated/unexpected}3b/{surprised }3c) (business risks)4 (are inherent/come with the territory)5.*很多人(基本上)1(不同意)2这小国家的(慷慨)3(福利救济制度)4(实质上)5(鼓励)6人们(保持失业)7: Many people fundamentally1 disagree2 with the generous3 (social welfare system)4 of this little country that (in effect)5 encourages6 people to (stay unemployed)7.*我们的(最高行政人员)1是({本地栽培的}2a/{本地人}2b/{在外地训练的}2c/{从外国移居的人}2d): Our (top executives)1 are ({home-grown}2a/{local boys}2b/{foreign-trained}2c/{expatriates}2d).*这(球队)1(全季结束)2(十五仗全胜记录)3的(非凡本领)4是此(协会有史以来)5(以前只有另外一次)6(做得到)7: The team1 (finishes the season)2 with (a perfect 15: 0 record)3– a feat4 that was accomplished7 (only once before)6in the (league’s history)5.*他是个(冷静实际的)1(股票分析家)2, 并有({天生本领}3a/{敏锐的本领}3b)在(股市)4(一贯地)5(挑选)6(成功者)7: He is a hard-nosed1 (stock analyst)2, and has ({a knack}3a/{keen instincts}3b) in picking6 winners7 consistently5 in the (stock market)4.*一个在(街头混的小子)1(通常)2对(不怀好意情况)3(反应)4是(动物本能)5的(“对打或是逃避”)6(而不是)7(企图)8(讲理来逃脱)9: A (street kid)1 usually2 responds4 to a (threatening situation)3 with the (animal instincts)5of (“fight or flight”)6 (rather than)7 trying8 to (reason his way out of it)9.*他说: “一年前我有一个(双倍我工资)1的(聘用提议)2但我的({本能反应}3a/{直觉}3b)(告诉我)4(拒绝它/ditto)5, 六个月后那间公司(倒闭/ditto)6.”: He said: “One year ago I was (offered a job)2 (at twice my salary)1 but my ({gut reaction}3a/{instinct}3b) (told me)4 to (refuse it/reject it/turn it down/decline it)5, and six months later that company (went under/was out of business)6.”*她对她男朋友(行为)1很(愤怒)2对他说: “我应该知道({失败}3a/{讽刺}3b/{虚伪}3c/{固执}3d/{愚昧}3e/{不理会他人感受}3f)是你的(本性[意])4.”: She got mad2over her boyfriend’s behavior1and said to him: “I should have known({failure}3a/{sarcasm}3b/{hypocrisy}3c/{stubbornness }3d/{ignorance}3e/{insensitivity/thoughtlessness/inconsideration}3f) is your (middle name)4.”*那(总统)1有(天赋本领)2以({文字是}3a/{措辞是}3b/{方法是}3c)({简单和容易了解}4a/{精简, 具体和容易了解}4b)来(解释)5(复杂)6的(概念/ditto)7: The President1 has a knack2 for explaining5 complicated6 (concepts/ideas)7 in ({a language that is}3a/{terms that are}3b/{a way that is}3c) ({simple and easy to understand}4a/{succinct, concrete and easy to understand}4b).*她说: “你似乎(热衷于)1例如(高空跳伞)2, (攀登岩石)3, 和(深海潜水)4的(疯狂东西)5.” 他说: “对, (冒险)6是(在我本性里面)7我不能够把它从我的({生命}8a/{生命活力}8b) (排除)9.”: She said: “You seem to be (keen on)1 (crazy things)5 like sky-diving2, rock-climbing3, and deep-sea diving4.” He said: “Yeah, adventure6 is (in my nature)7and I can’t (get it out of)9 my ({system}8a/{blood}8b).”*(新员工)1问道: “我怎么(处理)2(准备)3跟一个(新承租人)4的(租约)5?” (经理)6说: “(开始)7你应该(从我们内部法律部门)8取(租约原装本)9的一份(影印件)10然后(着手)11去(做适当的修改)12.”: The (new staff)1asked: “How do I (go about)2 preparing3 a lease5 with a (new tenant)4?” The manager6said: “(To start)7, you should get a photocopy10 of the (master lease)9 (from our in-house legal department)8 and then proceed11 to (make appropriate modifications)12.”bèn:笨: (~)stupid; (~手~脚) clumsy; (~重) (unwieldy/heavy & clumsy)*她说: “他的儿子(是/ditto)1个(多嘴)2的({缺乏普通常识小笨蛋}3a/{任性自私小坏蛋}3b).”: She said: “His son (is/is nothing but)1 a mouthy2 ({little twit}3a/{little brat}3b).”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。