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Lesson 35 Stop thief捉贼!


l)n. 一段时间 a period of time

eg. For a long while we had no new of him. 很长一段时间我们没有他的消息。

I' II be back in a little while. 我马上就回来。

It took quite a while to find a hotel.


2) conj. 当…时候/when

eg. He fell asleep while (he was) doing his homework.


conj. 与此同时at the same time; as

例:While Mary was busy in the kitchen, her husband was watching TV.



eg. I like strong tea while he prefers weak tea. 我喜欢浓茶然而他喜欢淡茶。


1)V. 后悔,遗憾,对…惋惜regretted

eg. If you go now, you' ll regret it.

If you go now, you will be sorry about it. 要是你现在走的话你会后悔的。

I regretted what I said at once. 我立刻后悔我说的话了。

I regretted saying it almost at once.


regret to do sth遗憾地要做某事

regret doing sth遗憾(后悔)做过某事

eg. I regret to tell you that you are dismissed. 很遗憾的告诉你你被解雇了。

eg. I regretted telling you that secret.


remember doing sth记得做过某事

remember to do sth记得去做某事

to mail the letter. 记得-去寄这封信。

I remembered mailing the letter.我记得寄过这封信。

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事

forget doing sth 忘记做过某事eg. She forget to mail the letter. 她忘记去寄这封信了。

I'II never forget seeing the musical in New York. 我永远不会忘记在纽约所看到的那部音乐剧。

2)v. 哀悼

eg. We deeply regretted his death.


3)1 regret to say I regret to tell you

工regret to inform you that…很遗憾地通知告诉某人(正式)

far adv. 非常(程度副词,修饰比较级)

eg. You speak far more fluently than I do.


这类的词还有a lot, a great deal, even, a little, a bit, much。

eg. I like this story a great deal better than the other one.


You work much harder than the other girls.


Can you speak a little slower

Can you speak a bit slower 你能讲的更慢一点吗He can make calculations even faster than a calculating machine. 他计算起来甚至比计算器还要快一些。


l)v,急速地来去:冲:奔 (go or come with great speed)

rush out of、school 冲出学校

rush out of the door 冲出这扇门

rush away 跑走了

eg. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. (谚)初生牛犊不畏虎。

Rush these letters to the post office and make them registered.把这封信火速的送到邮局去然后以挂号的形式邮掉。

He rushed his wife off to the hospital.


run 跑Jog 慢跑dash猛跑race赛跑



the gold rush to California in 1848


a rush for the concert tickets音乐会入场券的抢购热潮

rush hour上下班的拥挤时段

(rush n. [U]繁忙的活动时刻)

during the rush hour/ in the rush hour在交通拥挤时段

Beijing Station in rush hours 在交通拥挤时段的北京站


1) v. do sth, perform actions 行动

eg. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. Roy 立即开着年笔直地前冲了过去。

It is late now. We must act at once.


We should act rigidly on the rule. 我们应该严守规则。

2)v. 扮演(角色),演出,演(戏剧)

eg. Have you ever acted 你演过戏吗

ct the part of sb 扮演…的角色

act the role of sb act the character of sb play the part of sb play the role of sb

play the character of sb

eg. She acted well in the play. 她在戏里演的很好。

action n. 行动;动作;身体举动

eg. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。

a graceful action优雅的举止



a straight road -条笔直的路

a straight line (without a bend or curve) 一条直线

keep a straight face绷着脸,忍住不笑

2) adv. 挺直地;直接地;径直

eg. He was too drunk to walk straight.


Come straight home. 直接回家

I’ll get straight to the point. 言归正传I'll get straight to the point. Your work isn't good enough. 我就直接说了你的工作并不好。Go straight!往前直走,

Roy drove the bus straight at the thieves.


fright n. 惊吓,害怕,恐怖

eg. The thief got quite fright. 这个贼吓我一大跳。

get a fright 吓我一跳

eg. I got the fright of my life. 我吓的要命。faint with fright 吓晕

eg. The dog barked and gave him a fright.


frighten V. 使害怕,吓唬

eg. Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.


frighten sb to death

frighten the life out of sb把某人吓死

eg. The dog frightened the squire away.


squire n. (旧时)乡绅,地主;(美语)治安法官,地方法宫

frightened adj. 惊吓的,害怕的

eg. The frightened girl was speechless.


He looked frightened when he spoke.


frightening adj. 令人惊吓的

eg. He spoke in a frightening manner.


frightening situation 令人害怕的形势

frightening war 令人害怕的战争

battered adj. 由于年久,经常使用或事故等原因而走样的

a battered hat 一顶变了型帽子

eg. Your car looks rather battered


batter v. 猛敲,猛砸

batter at sth batter on sth

eg. He is battering at the door. 他正在砸门。

a battered husband 受妻子辖制的丈夫

a battered wife 受虐待的妻

be tied to one' s wife' s apron string深受妻子的管制

eg. The ship was battered to pieces by the typhoon.
