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附录:问卷访谈记录表Questionnaire interview record

《工程公司海外EPC总承包项目多元文化团队建设与管理》《Construction and management of multi-culture team of overseas EPC project of Chinese Engineering Company》

访谈记录表(I nterview Record)


第二部分:问卷调查部分Questionnaire Investigation


Note: This section mainly describes the degree to which you agree with the following concepts. Please put “√”in below table accordingly.


B、组建项目团队(To Establish/Organize Project Team):

C、建设项目团队(Project Team Building)

D、管理项目团队(To Manage Project Team)

E、项目经理的角色(Role of Project Manager-PM)


1).当你与外籍员工发生分歧时,你会: (1)(2) .When you disagree with foreign staff, you will: . (1)当面说清楚(2)邮件沟通(3)保持沉默(4)找上级解决(5)其他

(1) face to face to say clearly (2) mail communication (3) To keep silence (4) To report to superiors (5) others

2)外方员工作为你的主管,你会: (1)(2)(3) .If you work as subordinate of foreign staff, you will:;

(1) 认真服从,(2)积极协助其工作(3)学习他先进的管理方法(4)自行其是

(1)To accept him willingly (2) actively assist his job (3)To learn advanced management methods from him (4)Act as your think.

3)你作为外方员工的主管,你会: (1)(2) (4).If you work as the supervisor of the foreign staff, you will;

(1) 积极听取他们的意见,(2) 经常找他们聊天,了解他们工作和生活上的情况;尽力去帮助他们;(3)放手他们的工作,(4)有限制的使用

(1) actively listen to their views, (2) often chat with them, to understand their work and life situation; try to help them; (3) to let go of their work, (4) To use them in restriction extent

4) 外方员工加入EPC项目团队,主要目的(1);In your opinions: Foreign employees participate the EPC project team, the main purpose are;


(1) To earn salary (2) to achieve the value of self (3) to learn or adapt to the others culture (4) to seek long-term cooperation

5) 在EPC 团队中,你觉得有效的与外籍员工相处的方式是:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5). In the EPC team, you find that the effective way to get along with foreign employees is:


(1) Try to communicate so much; (2) through the team building (3) through the work running ; (4) to make friends;

(5) To learn about other's culture and customs, and let the other-side to understand your culture and habits;

6)对外籍员工有吸引力的因素有:(2). In your opinions: Factors that attract foreign workers are: ;


(1) Corporate culture (2) salary and welfare (3) sound security system (4) perfect management system for foreign employees;

(5) To establish qualified foreign talent person pool, To have possibility of long-term cooperation;




What are your views on the multicultural team building of overseas EPC projects


Q2:根据您的经验,应如何在多元文化团队中,扬长避短,互相尊重,相互学习According to your experience, how to make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages and to respect each other and learn from each other in a multicultural team


