





SECTION 1主题:游客调查参考答案:1. original reason: conference2. present reason: wedding3. 出行是by coach4. 住宿:small camp/apartment5. 不满意的地方:meat太少了,只有鸡肉6. 有没有推荐的优点:no insect7. 周围环境:noisy8. nice to have a cinema9. occupation: cook10. dream place: IndiaSECTION 2主题:图书馆和图书摆放介绍参考答案:11. Gardening book: H12. art books: I13. cookery: C14. biography: F15. children’s reading area: E16. self-helping book: A17-20 匹配题书的内容和评价17. penny’s:选has good illustration18. the hidden:选a real story19. orange moon:选come from a part of a series20. running boy:选award-winningSECTION 3主题:慢时尚参考答案:21-24 选择21. how did Jay and Becky select the clothes they have chosen to discuss?A. they picked some items from a catalogue22. Jay and Becky learned that the … was introducedB. to oppose mass production23. what do they agree would be the best wayC. focus on financial savings24. what do they say they have learned from the projectA. the influence that it is having now25-30 匹配25. boots: E. high-quality material26. women’s jacket: A. only for formal wear27. coat: B. following a colour trend28. women’s shirt: C. easy to clean29. trainers: D. not well made30. skirt: G. reasonably priceSECTION 4主题:海豚介绍参考答案:31. advantage: live in clean water32. advantage: hunting is not allowed33. disadvantage: severe weather34. habitat35. find out if the two dolphins are related36. human activities can contribute to population declines37. the population of the two dolphins38. colors of the fins39. water pollution40. noisy disturbances1.时间先后考题中经常通过现在和过去的状况的比较来设置陷阱,考生要特别注意used to, in the past, many years ago, atpresent, now,in the future等一系列提示时间先后的词。




Part 1 poppy garden罂粟花园咨询题型:填空1. The poppies will be at their best at the end of the month2. The poppies on the hills are orange in color3. The reserve is located to the east of the garden4. The best time for photography is mid-afternoon另一版本为:this park is a state park5. Wear trousers because of rattlesnakes6. general tour7. viewpoint of center8. 1 hour9. 5.30 am to 1.00 pm10. to bring the tripods and zoom lens of cameraPart 2 从机场到宾馆交通住宿介绍题型:选择+地图11-14 选择11. what did the message say about the shuttle busB. it takes a longer time12. what does the message say about the busC. bus has no convenient stop13. how to go to the hotel after arrival?B. get off at the third stop by taking subway14. what did T tell Jane about the ticket?A. she needs to keep the ticket in the journey15-20 地图15. Linkin Avenue: A (河旁边)16. 中间的道路:B17. taxi pick up point: E (入口对面)18. bus stop: I (最右边)19. café: D (宾馆旁边)20. Restaurant: G (宾馆对面街中间)Part 3 家谱研究题型:选择+匹配21-26 选择21. how they will collect useful material for family histories?B. read relevant materials22. what are the main subjects they interviewC. both males and females23. which methodology used by the girl she felt the most interestingC. interviewing old participants24. how can the female students trace her family informationA. by contacting one relative living abroad25. what is the suggestion of the tutor?C. she concerned too much about her own family information26. why did the girl worry about her topicB. her research may be too simplified27-30 匹配27. references to family histories: E. varied28. introduction: A. clear29. methodology: C. detailed30. conclusion: B. memorablePart 4 红海海胆题型:填空31-40 填空31. feed on plants32. covered in spines that protect it33. regarded as pest34. Asia was an important market35. scientific interest:because of the decline in urchin population36. when it dies, no evidence of aging37. maximum of life span: 200 years old38. after 22 years old, grow 0.1 cm per year39. can still breed and grow40. the growth is unconnected to ocean conditions素材选择针对雅思听力练习的素材比较挑剔,因为考试时音频播放的语音以英音为主,因此考生课后自行练习的素材也必须顺应此趋势。





SECTION 1主题:旅游信息参考答案:1. 2. a map3. 5 hours4. child seat5. be a good place for bird watching6. cost for guide7. phone number: 026722***8. during holiday9. family10. behind post officeSECTION 2主题:给新生介绍校园和宿舍参考答案:11-15 地图11. a student service unit: F12. health unit/center: E13. student center: B14. international unit: A15. accommodation office: C16-20 填空16. Every room has its own shower17. laundry facilities situate in basement of the hostel18. most food containers have students’ names on them19. when you entered the dorm building: a code is needed20. radio should be turned off after 11.30SECTION 3主题:讨论作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂参考答案:21-26 单选21. 作者与莎士比亚的共同之处在于?B. appeal to the public / popular in public22.What surprise Olive the most when she read the Christie’s book?B. in simple words23. What does the student say about the Christie’s biography?A. she always keeps a traditional way of thinking24. What does the students say about Christie’s novel being turned into a film?C. television programs are not so successful as the cinema versions25. What do s tudents agree in terms of Christie’s marriageC. her husband works have inspired her26. What does all Olivia say about a journalists comment on Christie?A. amused by stories a lot27-30 匹配27. The performance scrip – B. adapted to the local audience28. The design of stage – F. people not surprised at all29. The light – C. too complicated30. The costume – D. well researchedSECTION 4主题:蜜蜂视觉应用于人类研究参考答案:31-34 选择31. the amazing part is:C. small brain32. How do people distinguish one bee from anotherC. color stripes33. in the experiment, how do the scientist recognize the individual bees?B. through marks on the body34. Bees with optic flew canA. tell how far they have traveled35-40 表格填空35. current problem: sticks have not enough warning36. advantages: drivers can find instruments with the help of radar.37. urban area38. advantages: the way of flying can help us know distance and speed39. the Mars or the earth40. advantages: if there is water on Mars.1.平时听力训练听BBC NEWS的重要性网上有很多BBC NEWS免费下载,为了练习听力我专门买了一个MP3,经常下载很多听力资料,早上起床后练习。




Part1 租房题型:填空难易:一般参考答案:1. parking2. North gate3. balcony4. gym5. 30th September/9.306. 13757. Thursday8. cafe9. bridge10. TreloarPart2 working holiday scheme题型:选择+匹配难易:一般参考答案:待回忆Part3 learning from business mistake题型:选择+匹配难易:难参考答案:待回忆Part4 新式图书馆设施的研究题型:填空难易:较难参考答案:31. music32. photographs33. exhibition34. oral35. course36. public37. labour38. insurance39. identification40. newspapers1.每个TEST在第一遍听的时候,尽量保持和真实考试一样,中间不要停掉或重复。






4. 一般来说,最理想的“精听”次数为4次,也就是说第一遍做完题后,把每个SECTION再听四遍,每一遍听都会理解更多的内容,听出更多的单词,但四遍精听后,仍会有零星单词不能理解,这时候再来看听力原文,找出五遍听后仍没理解的单词,对于这些单词,大脑的印象会非常深刻,下次再听到时,听不出的机率将大大降低。





Part 1新题/旧题:旧题场景:咨询场景主题:航空投诉 A man complaints about the flight题型及数量:7填空+3单选1-3)completion4-6) Multiple choices4. What aspect of the flight does him complaint aboutA ***B limited leg roomC temperature5. What opinion about the foodA not enough to eatB no food for a vegetarian6. What opinion about the servicesC he was kept waiting7-10) Filling the blank7-8)What is satisfying with the employer’s:the security office and in flight entertainment on board He was compensated with:9. one is 20% discount in hotel fees10. the other is calling phone card worth of 20 pounds考点:基本功可参考真题:C11Test1Section1,C8Test3Section1,C9Test2Section1Part 2新题/旧题:旧题场景:学校场景主题:学校新学期 Orientation map题型及数量:5地图+5匹配11-15)Map matching11. library—I (在northwest corner,café旁边)12. playground—C (在lake的island上)13. car park—B(在northeast, wooded里面)14. new building—E (fashion旁边)15. new classroom—G (在car park的southern)16-20) matchingA good viewB good valueC good foodD suit for all ages16. B (可以画画,都是free)17. C(有好吃的)18. A (风景好)19. D(小孩子也可以玩等)20. D (suit anyone)考点:同义替换可参考真题: C11T est1Section2, C11Test4Section2Part 3新题/旧题:旧题场景:学术场景主题:教授跟一男一女讨论有关旅游调查的论文讨论生态旅游(eco-tourism),以南非South Africa (Kruger National Park)为例题型及数量:7填空+3多选21-27)Completion21. normal tour go to the famous iconic sitesYet Eco-tourism is the undeveloped areas22. normal tour:living in 国际连锁酒店;Eco-tourism has various choices with a wide range of accommodation and23. local accommodation are owned by community24. new staffs who are selected from local residents need training25. Eco-tourism goes to see the big fiveEco-tourism visit26. local housing project and27. visitors have the chance to join in the conservation28-30)Something need further discussion and make improvement28. B tourism and sustainable of resources29. C full definition of ecotourism30. F disadvantage of tourism考点:干扰,同义替换可参考真题:C9Test3Section3, C14T est1Section3Part 4新题/旧题:旧题场景:学术场景主题: Piaget新儿童心理学比较研究题型及数量:9填空+1单选31-40) completions31. too much emphasis on getting a qualification32. the government should have less influence on teaching33. boys in particular need a new type of school34. children in small schools are happier35. lessons are organized like a meeting36. a boy interest in music set up business37. preparing for entering university38. also pay attention to college education39. parents are important in developing children's reading skills40. conclusions is that most children are better at relationships考点:同义替换,结构转换,干扰项可参考真题:C10Test3Section4, C10Test4Section4在解释“雅思听力考试如何提分”技巧之前,先来分析一下雅思听力填空题中所填词汇的类型:除了一些我们能够精确预测的空格,如空格需要填入时间、地名或者数字。



国外英语考试:2021雅思(IELTS)真题模拟及答案(1)1、In the conversion of the soil at the Hallside site, ______.(单选题)A. two types of worms are being used.B. three types of worms are being used.C. many types of worms are being used.D. thousands of different types of worms are being used.试题答案:A2、诗界革命的重要诗人有______。

(多选题)A. 黄遵宪B. 梁启超C. 康有为D. 丘逢甲E. 蒋智由F. 龚自珍试题答案:A,B,C,D,E3、保存古代神话较多的典籍主要有______。

(多选题)A. 《世说新语》B. 《山海经》C. 《楚辞》D. 《淮南子》试题答案:B,C,D4、After more than one hundred years of steel production at Hallside, ______.(单选题)A. the land could not be used for anything.B. it was impossible to use the land to build on.C. the land could then be built on.D. the land could be used for any purpose.试题答案:B5、目前,世界上信奉各种宗教的教徒占世界总人口的()。

(多选题)A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 1/2D. 2/3试题答案:D6、世界上第一部国家药典是我国______政府组织编修的。

(多选题)A. 唐朝B. 宋朝C. 汉朝D. 明朝试题答案:A7、我国第一和第二大淡水湖分别为()。





SECTION 1主题:儿童游乐场地咨询参考答案:1. located at North Hill, opposite to the toy factory2. a lot of area for free parking3. free entry include a drink to adultsNew attractions4. large slide5. children golf courses6. children must wear trousers7. and socks8. give a label for their names9. minimum number: 8birthday parties: include food, drink and decorationsSECTION 2主题:介绍住宿信息参考答案:A. flatB. houseC. hostel11. Garden: A. house private garden size12. garage: A. house need extra pay13. security: B. alarm system14. new furniture: B15-20 地图15. Bank: opposite to agency16. house: in front of the pool17. hostel: cross at the high street and west road18. flat19. post office20. bus stopSECTION 3主题:校园新建筑参考答案:SECTION 4主题:员工缺席参考答案:31. absence is sometimes caused by factors in gender32. it is als o a result of employees’ attitude33. the culture of certain companies leads to a high absence rate34. sometimes it is also caused by external factors35. absenteeism phenomenon is detrimental to the whole industry36. a larger size of the workforce is needed to make up the missed work.37. it also reduces groups’ efficiency at work38. key employees’ absence may result in a big financial loss39. it brings more benefits to both the individuals and organizations absence rate is controlled40. companies can dismiss the people who have a high absence rate第一,词汇量:词汇是英语学习的基础,没有一定的词汇量就想通过雅思考试简直是天方夜谭,另外,加强朗读训练,正确的读音与正确的听音密切相连的,只有和标准读音相近了,自己有了正确的语音语调,才能更好地听懂音带里的内容。




SECTION 1主题:主题公园活动介绍题型:填空SECTION 2主题:对住宿设施的介绍题型:填空参考答案:11-20填空11. there are two keys:the flat key (the smaller one)and …12. you should not forget to bring key with you because the door is self-locking/locked13. there are two bathrooms in the flat but only one has the shower14. music is not allowed before 7 am and after 9 pm15. you can have your own food/meal in the kitchen16. you can do laundry in the basement17. you can find fire blanket on the roof18. fire alarm is on the wall19. you can find cleaning equipment in the …20. you do not have to take care of the outside environment and the outside windowSECTION 3主题:填写学生对学校服务的意见题型:匹配+填空+多选参考答案:21-26 匹配Two students comment on teaching and learning of their universityA. both of the students agree with the statementB. the students neither agree or disagree with the statementC. the students disagree with the statement21. information about the course is clear-- B22. students receive enough academic support from the staff--A23. the content of the course scheme meets students’ expectations--B24. the tutor’s feedback f or assignment is useful--A25. there is enough room in the library--C26. library provision of books can meet students’ study need--C27-28 填空27. need advertise more28. need more part-time job29-30 多选29-30. Which two parts of college should be improved?B. catering facilitiesC. healthcare serviceSECTION 4主题:关于未来机场的讲座题型:单选+匹配+填空参考答案:31-33 单选31. recently, a fast growth of construction of new airports?C. deserves close attention32. one noticeable fact is that construction of new airport is?B. more important than other buildings33. what are the airport, cities and town in common?A. respond to change34-38 匹配34. S1:there are more expensive flights because of economic depression35. S2: there are emerging new airports36. S3: there are also new transports pattern appeared37. S4:people’s interest in flying is declining in western countries38. S5: airlines cannot hold business because of the costly maintenance39-40 填空39. if the environmental problems continue, airport must be imposed on the “green tax”40. flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance一、词汇复习对于听力考试,词汇的掌握非常重要。



雅思(听力)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. Listening ModuleListening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time)听力原文:Man: Hello ‘Paragliders’ Paradise’. How can l help you?Maria: Oh hi. I’m interested in doing a course in paragliding.Man: Which course are you interested in?Maria: Well, I’m not sure. What’s available?Man: Well ... we’ve got the introductory course which lasts for two days.Maria: OK.Man: Or there’s the 4-day beginners’ course which is what most people do first. I’d tend to recommend that one. And there’s also the elementary pilot course which takes five to six days depending on conditions.Maria: We might try the beginner’s course. What sort of prices are we looking at?Man: The introductory is $190; the beginner’s course, which is probably what you’d be looking at, is $320 - no, sorry 330 - it’s just gone up - and the pilot course is $430.Maria: Right.Man: And you also have to become a member of our club so that you’re insured. That’ll cost you $12 a day. Everyone has to take out insurance, you see.Maria: Does that cover me if I break a leg?Man: No, I’m afraid not - it’s only 3rd party and covers you against damage to other people or their belongings, but not theft or injury. You would need to take out your own personal accident insurance.Maria: I see! And what’s the best way to get to your place? By public transport or could we come by bike? We’re pretty keen cyclists.Man: It’s difficult by public transport though there is a bus from Newcastle; most people get here by car, though, cos we’re a little off the beaten track. But you could ride here OK. I’ll send you a map. Just let me take down a few details. What’s your name?Maria: Maria Gentle.Man: And your address, Maria?Maria: Well, I’m a student staying with a family in Newcastle.Man: So it’s care of ...Maria: Care of Mr and Mrs. McDonald.Man: Like the hamburgers!Maria: Yes, exactly.Man: McDonald ...Maria: The post office box address is probably best. It’s R.O. Box 676, Newcastle.Man: Is there a fax number there, because I could fax you the information?Maria: Yes, actually, there is. It’s 0249 that’s for Newcastle and then double seven five four three one.Man: OK. Now if you decide to do one of our courses, you’ll need to book in advance and to pay when you book. How would you be paying?Maria: Uh ... by credit card if that’s OK. Do you take Visa?Man: Yes, fine. We take all major cards, including Visa.Maria: OK then. Thanks very much.Maria: Hi, Pauline.Pauline: Hi, Maria! What’s that you’re reading?Maria: Just some information from a paragliding school-it looks really good fun. Do you fancy a go at paragliding?Pauline: Sure! Do you have to buy lots of equipment and stuff?Maria: Not really. The school provides the equipment but we’d have to take a few things along.Pauline: Such as?Maria: Well, it says here. ‘Clothes: wear stout boots’, so no sneakers or sandals I suppose, and ‘clothes suitable for an active day in the hills, preferably a long-sleeved t-shirt.’ That’s probably in-case you land in the stinging nettles! It also says we should bring a packed lunch. We do not recommend soft drinks or flasks of coffee. Water is really the best thing to drink. Er...we need to bring suntan lotion and something to protect your head from the sun!Pauline: OK that sounds reasonable. And where would we stay?Maria: Well look! They seem to operate a campsite too, because it says here that it’s only $10 a day to pitch a tent. That’d be fine, wouldn’t it? And that way we’d save quite a bit because even a cheap hotel would cost money.Pauline: Um... or perhaps we could stay in a bed-and- breakfast nearby. It gives a couple of names here we could ring. I think I might prefer that. Hotels and youth hostels would all be miles away from the farm and I don’t fancy a caravan.Maria: No, I agree. But let’s take a tent and pray for good weather.Pauline: OK - let’s do it. What about next weekend?Maria: No, I can’t - I’m going on a geography field trip.Pauline: ... and then it’s the weekend before the exams and I really do need to study.Maria: OK, then. Let’s make it the one after the exams.Pauline: Fine - we’ll need a break by then. Can you ring and let me know ...SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-3Listen to the telephone conversation between a student and the owner of a paragliding school and answer the questions below.Circle the correct letters A-D.1.How much is the beginner’s course?A.$190B.$320C.$330D.$430正确答案:C2.What does the club insurance cover?A.injury to yourselfB.injury to your equipmentC.damage to other people’s propertyD.loss of personal belongings正确答案:C3.How do the girls want to travel?A.public transportB.private busC.carD.bicycle正确答案:DQuestions 4-7Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.4.【4】正确答案:McDonald/Macdonald/MacDonald5.【5】正确答案:Post Office Box/PO Box 6766.【6】正确答案:7754317.【7】正确答案:credit card/Visa8.Question 8Circle TWO letters A-G.Which TWO of the following items must people take with them?[A] sandals[B] old clothes[C] pullover[D] shirt with long sleeves[E] soft drinks[F] hat正确答案:DF解析:你必须选对两个答案才能得分。




Part 1:房屋中介咨询1. garage2. traffic3. river4. planes5. pet6. Fitzroy7. garden8. months9.park10. 0419026054Part 2:艺术班课介绍11-12. A、E13-14. A、B15. for adults and children16. specially priced17. changes to a new place18. famous sports player19. holds regional competition20. minimal age requiredPart 3:评价课堂展示21. B22. C23. A24. A25. B26. A27. D28. C29. G30. EPart 4:城市发展研究31. noise32. water33. electricity34. wages35. entertainment36. infrastructure37. environment38. children39. history40. balance雅思听力填空题占了整个听力考试的半壁江山,题型更是千变万化,有时候变成表格题,有时变成地图题。



比如这个:By 2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be ____ lower than in 1990.2个时间信号词就帮助考生框定了答案的范围,考生只要听力到这两个时间,基本上答案就出来了。


The Wood Crafting Shed is a great place to buy wooden products, especially ______ for the children.
The avocado fruit that is grown at Summerland is picked by ______.
It has been suggested that 30% of the electricity used in the USA is just for lighting and, for retailers, the estimate increases to 45%. Obviously, that figure could decrease significantly if sunlight could be brought inside. Hybrid solar lighting is predicted not only to save millions of dollars in energy costs but it is attractive for its quality which is almost identical to daylight.
(31~40/共10题)SECTION 4
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Someone in an anxiety state has worse ______ than normal.



Section1Question1 answering (the) phone题干中定位词type of work相应录音中男士what sort of work,考生可据此在其附近句子中寻找答案,其中washing up是干扰内容,针对what sort of work提问,录音中女士给出了answering the phone答案。

Question2 Hillsdunne Road录音中女士在说完公司two branches之后强调了当前正在recruitingbranch在Hillsdunne Road,由此可知招聘工作地点在Hillsdunne Road。

Question3 library考生要注意听与题干中定位词nearest相邻信息,录音中女士在说完the nearest one之后提到了beside the library,beside相应题干中next to,答案很显然是library。

Question4 4.45考生在听到定位词pay之后,可以听到four pounds forty-five这个数字,这里考生一定要区别在four pounds forty-five之后浮现干扰项three pounds ninety-five。


Question5 national holidays考生要注意听题干中定位词extra pay附近信息,在extra pay之后女士说working on national holidays,因而on背面内容便是答案。

Question6 after 11(o’clock)录音中drive you home相应题干中定位词transport home,由此可懂得答案是drive you home附近时间表达。

Question7. (a)clear voice考生在听到题干中定位词qualities之后会听到we want a clear voice,很显然,(a)clear voice便是应聘条件之一。



IELTS听力训练参考答案IELTS训练1参考答案:scanned the neural activity in the brainswhether the person was adding or subtractingthe neurons firing when eyes moved leftconcepts of number and space have been tightly intertwinedIELTS训练2参考答案:what if it's the forests that actually generate the raindrive the entire global water cyclecreating the positive feedbackhow big rain forests far from the oceans stay so moistedhighlight the potential dangers of deforesting large parts of the pumpIELTS训练3参考答案:the May 8th issue of the journal Sciencethe intentionthe actual movementundergoing surgery to remove a brain tumordamaging critical tissueramping up the stimulation to that spotIELTS训练4参考答案:Don't be daftall of a suddenI've got loads of studying to doTim's buying the next roundIELTS训练5参考答案:The same for meWhy not try a traditional pint of English bitterthe usual for me词汇:a shandy (n): a drink made by mixing lager with lemonade 香迪啤酒(掺了柠檬汁的啤酒)champagne (n, uncountable):fizzy white wine 香槟a G and T (n, informal): short for a gin and tonic 杜松子酒补剂,琴酒补剂to buy a round (v):often when people are in a group, each person takes it in turn to buy drinks for everyone in the group请喝酒It's my/your/her/his round: I'll buy everyone a drink 轮到我,你,他请大家喝酒了。



2021年雅思考试模拟试题以及答案PART I DICTATION [15 MIN, 15 POINTS]DIRECTIONS: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During thefirst reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.[15 POINTS]正确答案:Teacher-student RelationshipThe relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful. Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make the teacher’ job worthwhile. A bad relationship can discouragethe student from learning and make teaching an unpleasant task.In order to have a food teacher-student relationship, respect between teacher and student is very important. If the teacher is too strict , he frightens the student. If the teacher is too friendly, the student may become lazy and stop learning hard. The teacher’s attitude and approach should be in between those extremes. As for the student, his proper respect to the teacher must to show the time. He should be eager to learn and willing to working hard.In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be beneficial to both. The student absorbs knowledge eagerly and enjoyable, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his work.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [65 MIN, 40 POINTS]DIRECTIONS: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 2 to 4 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.[ 3 POINTS]2、Why doesn’t Bob spend his holiday in May? [1']A、He won’t have enough money saved up thenB、He has been booked up already.C、He likes to stay at home during the holiday.D、He doesn’t like to go abroad for holiday.正确答案:A3、Where will Bob spend his holiday in September if he can afford it? [1']A、Abroad.B、 At home.C、 At the coast.D、 In the country.正确答案:A4、What is Richard’s plan for his holiday this year? [1']A、He is going to Norway in May.B、He’s booked up for he has to study at schoolC、He’ll go abroad in August.D、He’ll go to the coast in the summer.正确答案:CQuestions 5 to 8 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.[ 4 POINTS]5、What day of the week is it? [1']A、Thursday.B、Friday.C、Saturday.D、Sunday.正确答案:A6、What is Michael planning to do on Saturday afternoon? [1']A、Go out with some friends.B、Show his sister and brother-in-law around.C、Sleep all afternoon.D、Go to a football game.正确答案:D7、Why does the woman think it is good that the best will be early? [1']A、They will have time to study for it.B、Afternoons are bad times for textsC、After it, they can study for other exams.D、They can start planning for their semester break.正确答案:C8、Which of the following is probably true of the final? [1']A、She has no or few plans for the weekend.B、She’d like to go out with the man.C、She is going to be busy all day Sunday.D、She is worried about her performance on the final.正确答案:AQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.[ 4 POINTS]9、What advice has the hospital probably given to the woman before she went into hospital? [1']A、Bringing only the necessitiesB、 Bringing all the stuffs she may needC、Bringing her own cupboard to the hospital.D、No need to bring anything with her正确答案:A10、How many visiting hours are allowed every day? [1']A、 1 hour.B、2 hourC、3 hour.D、4 hour.正确答案:B11、Why does the nurse tell the patient to make sure that only one of her relatives or friends phones in each day to find out how she is? [1']A、Because too many calls will annoy the doctors.B、Because too many calls will make the lines congested.C、Because too many calls will disturb the patients.D、 Because there is only one phone in the ward.正确答案:B12、Which of the followings is NOT the hospital’s rule? [1']A、Only two people are allowed to visit the patient at one timeB、No alcohol is allowed in the hospital.C、 No smoking is allowed in the hospital.D、The patient should wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning.abbc正确答案:CQuestions 13 to 14 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will begiven 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.[ 2 POINTS]13、They went on holiday in two countries. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:A14、They didn’t have their car checked because they believed there was nothing wrong with their car. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:ASECTION B PASSAGEIn this section you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questionsthat follow.Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.[ 3 POINTS]Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve commenced our descent in the Sydney Airport and we’ll depart outside the terminal building about 30 minutes from now. For those of you visiting the city for the first time, I have some information for you. The distance from the airport to the center of Sydney is approximately 10 km. Taxis are available. You’ll find taxis right outside the terminal building. The cost of Taxis trip to the city is about 12 Australian dollars. There is the coach service available and the cost of the journey to the city and major hotels is 6 dollars for adults and 2 dollars and 50 cents for children. There is also the open yellow bus No.300 to the city at a cost of 3 dollars for adults or 1 dollar 50 cents for the children. Banking facilities are available outside the Customs Hall. Hotel booking facilities can be found at the Travelers Information Service. I’d like to remind you when you leave Sydney Airport on the next internationalflight; you’ll be required to pay a Departure Tax of 10 dollars. Thank you.15、Where is the announcement made? [1']A、On an airplane.B、 In a coach to the city.C、Near the terminal building.D、In the waiting room.正确答案:A16、Where are the banking facilities available? [1']A、Near the airport hotel.B、At the travelers’ information desk.C、Outside the Customs Hall.D、In the center of the city.正确答案:C17、What does the announcer finally remind the passengers of? [1']A、The departure tax they have to pay on their next international flight.B、 The distance they have to travel from the airport to the center.C、The prices the major hotels charge.D、The place where taxis are waiting to be hired.正确答案:AQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.[ 3 POINTS]18、 What is rhythm in literature according to the passage? [1']A、A special use of words.B、The arrangement of ideas.C、The regular occurrence of certain elements of writingD、 The exploration of sound effects.正确答案:A19、 Compared with a child’s response, an adult’s response to rhythm in music would be____ [1']A、 less naturalB、 more activeC、more restrainedD、 less indifferent正确答案:C20、Which of he following statements is NOT made in the passage? [1']A、 Human being is rhythmical physiologically and emotionally.B、Rhythm is what differentiates humans from other animals.C、 Human being seems to be born with a love for rhythm.D、Good literature must be rhythmical because human life is rhythmical.正确答案:BQuestions 21 to 24 are based on the following passage. Atthe end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.[ 4 POINTS]21、Where will the passengers stop for twenty minutes? [1']A、The White House.B、Capitol Hill.C、The Washington Monument.D、The Mall.正确答案:C22、What are the tourists able to do when they get to the Washington Monument? [1']A、Take the elevator up to the topB、Get to the observation level.C、Take pictures from high up.D、All of the above.正确答案:D23、Which of the following can not be learnt from the passage? [1']A、Madison Drive is a street.B、The tourists have just visited Capitol Hill.C、the Air & Space Museum and the National Gallery are not on the same side of the street.D、the Mall is a park.正确答案:D24、The tour route is________. [1']A、Capitol Hill—the Washington Monument—the White HouseB、the Capitol Building—the National Gallery—the Washington MonumentC、the Washington Monument—the Mall—the Air & Space MuseumD、the Washington Monument—Capitol Hill—the White House正确答案:AQuestions 25 to 28 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.[ 4 POINTS]25、The figures for both income-tax revenues and benefits paid out from 2000 to 2050 made by the Social Security Administration are_________. [1']A、 not exaggeratedB、astronomicalC、encouragingD、discouraging正确答案:A26、The imbalance in the Social Security system is caused by many other factors except__________. [1']A、insufficient fundsB、the aging of the Baby BoomersC、life-extending medical advancesD、 the policy of earlier retirement正确答案:D27、The system established in 1935 was mainly designed to heop ___________. [1']A、the poor aged personsB、the homeless peeopleC、the disabled peopleD、the retired workers正确答案:A28、The life expectancy in 2001 is about ____________ years longer than that in the 1930s. [1']A、15B、16C、17D、18正确答案:DSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear several news broadcasts. Listen to the news broadcasts carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 29 to 30 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.[ 2 POINTS]29、Who did the former chief weapons inspector of the UN criticize ? [1']A、Tony Blair.B、George Bush.C、 Hans BlixD、Saddam Hussein.正确答案:A30、 What can we infer from the news ? [1']A、The US and Britain have made a thorough examination on weapons before they started war.B、The UN weapons inspection has been in abeyance because of the war.C、The US and Britain have found evidence that Iraq owned some atomic weapons.D、 Hans Blix was criticized for giving wrong intelligence about weapons in Iraq.正确答案:BQuestions 31 to 32 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.[ 2 POINTS]31、Which of the followings is NOT the content of the agreement? [1']A、The Mexican travelers are permitted to enter America with being photographed.B、The Mexican travelers cantravel into America with only identification documents.C、The Mexican travelers can travel to America much more conveniently than beforeD、The restrictions on all Mexicans visiting the United States will ba eased.正确答案:D32、what can we infer from the news? [1']A、President Bush supports this agreement.B、Congress has voted on the agreementC、Mexican President shows no interests in this agreement.D、There will be an election next year.正确答案:AQuestions 33 to 34 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.[ 2 POINTS]33、.What id the main idea of this news item? [1']A、Italy decided to increase anti-terrorism measuresB、Italy would prohibit training people to use explosives for terrorism purposeC、The deadly bombings in London earlier shockedItailian government D、Some Italians participated the terrorist bombings in London正确答案:A34、What is the attitude of the Italian Prime Minister towards the measures?[1']A、SupportiveB、NeutralC、UnclearD、opponent正确答案:AQuestions 35 to 36 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.[ 2 POINTS]35、What is NOT a purpose of the satellite? [1']A、To monitor Beijing’s construction.B、To monitor Beijing’s environment.C、To monitor Beijing’s traffic condition.D、To monitor possible terrorist activity in Beijing.正确答案:D36、 What will be the speed of the satellite? [1']A、It will orbit the earth every 600 minutes.B、It will orbit the earth every 100 minutes.C、 It will orbit the earth every 190 minutes.D、It was not mentioned in the news.正确答案:BQuestions 37 to 41 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will begiven 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.[ 5 POINTS]37、The building was a symbol of racial segregation four decades ago. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:A38、The bus terminal will be truned into anagricultural museum. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:B39、The local authority is providing the museum with financial support. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:A40、 The museum is named after George Washington Carver. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:A41、The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Carver. [1']A、TB、F正确答案:B。




SECTION 1主题:女士在书店求职参考答案:1-6 填空1.Acacia 2.RA67BU 3.photography 4.flower shop 5.nursery 6.waitress7-10 匹配7.A8.C9.A10.BSECTION 2主题:澳大利亚小岛旅游参考答案:11-16 填空11. tourists can only go there by boat12. weather is humid, temperature is mild13. there is museum,famous exhibition display objects loaned fromUK14. view whale, cost 50 dollars15. ride bikes16. four types of garden, the second one is rose garden17-20 匹配酒店与对应人群17. express hotel: C. luxury house18. XXX hotel: D. the family house19. sinXX hotel: E. long-term rents20. B. backpackerSECTION 3主题:电动摩托车设计项目的作业报告参考答案:21-26 选择21. what do they have to do for this assignment?B. to attract more potential students22. what is the specialty of this motorbike?A. it is faster than the original model23. why is this project presentation difficult?C. they do not have enough time to prepare it24. how to start next step?B. with a video clip25. what should be put in next presentation?C. with diagrams information26. what should they do next in the afternoon?B. ask and discuss with other students after lunch27-30 匹配27. reference report: A. longer than expected28. logbook: D. got help from a relative29. writing sketchbook: F. other groups got wrong result30. looking for sponsors: B. surprisingly enjoyable SECTION 4主题:水坝参考答案:31. major32. standard33. flooding34. irrigation35. salt36. erosion37. fish38. oxygen39. employment1.读题目了解信息雅思听力考试是边听边写的。



2021年8月4日雅思考试预测模拟试题听力V30037S3 V30037S4 V30038S2 V30038S3 V30040S1 V30040S4V30041S2 V30041S4 V30043S3 V30043S4 V30045S1 V30045S3V30049S2 V30049S3 V30052S2 V30052S3 V30052S4 V30059S3V30059S4 V30060S1 V30060S3 V30060S4 V30061S2 V30061S4V30062S2 V30062S3 V30064S1 V30064S2 V30084S2 V30084S3V30084S4 V30085S2 V30085S3 V30085S4 V30086S2 V30086S3V30090S2 V30090S3 V09126S3 V09127S2 V09128S4 V09130S4V09131S1 V09132S1 V09132S4 V09133S1 V09133S3 V09133S4V09134S1 V09134S2 V09134S4 V09137S2 V09140S3 V09141S2V09142S2 V09142S3 V09143S1 V09143S3 V09144S1 V09144S2V080110S2 V08118S1 V08118S3 V08120S2 V08120S4 V08124S2V080712S1 V08101S2 V08101S3 V08102S2 V08102S4 V08016S2V081023S2 V081023S3 V081108S4 V08145S3 V080202S4 V09138S3 V09138S4 V09117S1 V09117S2 V09118S2 V09011S2 V09011S3V090212S3 V09123S4 V09124S3 V09145S1 V09145S3 V09148S2V09148S3 V09101S2 V09103S1 V09103S4 V09104S1 V09104S2V09105S1 V09105S2 V09106S2 V09107S4 V09108S1 V09108S4V09109S1 V09109S4 V09110S1 V09110S2 V09110S3 V09111S3V09111S4 V09112S1 V09112S3 V09113S2 V09113S3 V09113S4V100805S1 V100805S2 V100814S1 V100814S2 V08106S4 V100123S1 V100123S2 V100123S4 V100206S1 V100206S2 V100220S2 V100220S3 V100227S2 V100227S4 V100306S2 V100306S3 V100424S2 V100424S4 V100508S1 V100508S3 V100515S1 V100515S4 V100520S1 V100520S3 V100429S2 V100429S4 V100605S2 V100626S1 V100710S4 V100731S2 V100731S4 V100415S1 V100415S2 V100415S4 V100814S2 V100814S3 V100814S4口语Part 1Personal information & Introduction What’s your full name? Are you working or studying? When do you usually get up? What’s the best time of a day?Hometown and Accommodation Where are you from? Where do you live? How’s the traffic around your home? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer? What’s on your apartment’s wall? How to improve your home? Where’s your hometown? What do you like most about your hometown? Are bicycles popular in your hometown? Do youlike to live beside the seaside? What are the facilities inyour community? Which room do you like most? If you can redesign your home, what would you do? What’s your flat like? What’s on the wall? What can you see from your window? Are there any fitness facilities near your home? How often do visitors visit your home?Weather and Season How’s the weather in China? Does weather affect people’s work performance?Jobs Why did you choose this career? Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year? Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter? Would you like to change your job in the future? Why? Do you think your job is easy? Why? What are the facilities you usually use at work? Is your job interesting?Education What’s your major? Why did you choose it as your major? Is your major difficult? What do you want to doafter graduation? Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects? What do you like most about your school? Who can learn a foreign language better? Theelderly or the young? Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys? What’s your suggestion on language learning? What’s the most difficult part of languagelearning? Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?Food & Cooking Who usually cooks in your family? What’s your favorite hometown dish? Can you cook? Why don’t you learn? Do you think it is important for children to learn how to cook? Do you like to eat out or cook at home? What are the benefits of eating at home?Leisure activities Do you often hang out with friends? Do you invite your friends to your home? How often do you meet friends? What do you usually do? What do you usually do at leisure? How do you organize time? What do you usually doin the evening? How do you spend your vacation? What do you like and hate to do during vacation? What was the last vacation you took? What do you do in your free time? Do you like reading? Did you read a lot in your childhood? What do you like to read now?Sports What’s your favorite sport? Do you like swimming? Culture Do most people ride bicycles in Shanghai? Why do children like to ride bikes? Do you think bike riding is safe in Shanghai? Why do people in China think bicycles areimportant? Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid? Do you think it is safe to ride bicycles in a city? Why? Why do you think kids need to learn how to ride bicycles?Travelling Where do you want to visit most? Do you like traveling? When was the last time you go traveling? What would you prepare before travelling?Shopping How often do you go shopping? Talk about your last shopping experience. Why do you like shopping? Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone? Do you like shopping? What makes you interested in shopping? Do you think shopping is a waste of time?Letter Is there any letter you do not want to reply? Do you often write letters? When is the last time you sent a letter? What was the letter about?Gift When do you usually give a present? When do Chinese people usually give a present? Is it difficult to give a present? Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody? Do you think it is necessary to give expensive gifts?Toy Your favorite toy Should adults play with toys? How do adults entertain themselves in China?Arts What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you like? Should children learn to play musical instruments? Do you like painting?Health How do you maintain health? What’s your favorite sport? What healthy food do you usually eat?Family events How do people celebrate their birthdays in your country? Are birthdays more important for children than adults? Do you think birthday is a special day for people? How did you celebrate your last birthday? Do birthdays have any special meanings for children?Media How do you get news? Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news? What do you think of advertisements? Do you like watching TV?Place Have you ever visited a museum? Is the visit beneficial?Law Can you drive? Are you allowed to drive a car in your senior high school? What is a suitable age, do you think, for your kids to start driving?Part 2&3Shopping: Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future Will the special thing help you in your study? Do you like to go shopping? What are the effective ways of advertising?Why do you like shopping? Where do you usually go shopping? How often do you go shopping? What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping? Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping? Media: Do you like writing letters? Do you often write letters? What do you write? Describe a meaningful letter or card.Do you usually write by hand or using a computer? Do you keep contact with your friends by making phone calls or writing letters? Who do you usually receive letters from? Do you think hand writing is important nowadays? How can children improve their handwriting?Advertisement What are the advantages and disadvantages of adverting? Do people usually buy goods after watching advertisements? Are there any differences between the advertisements in magazines and those on TV?Describe an interesting story you saw on television What are the effects of televisions on family life? What are the effects of televisions on people at different ages?Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face?Describe a TV program Describe a story from a TV programme Do you talk about the TV programme with other people? Do you think the programme will be changed in the future? How does the programme influence people? Is it educational? Is it fair for those TV stars to be paid huge salaries? Describe a TV programme you do not like. Are there many political programmes in China? How do they influence people?Describe a book Describe a book you read in your childhood.Describe a movie How many types of films are there in China? What are the mainstream films? Are there any differences between watching films in a cinema and at home? Do you prefer original films with subtitles or dubbed films? What kind of films are worth watching in the cinema. Describe an article you read in a magazine/newspaper. Place: Describe a library Where is the library? Is it a campus or public one? Which parts of the library do youlike and dislike? Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly? Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries? Is it important to learn how to use a library? Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries? How can the elderly benefit from libraries? Historical place Why do people go to historical places? Which is your country’s most famous historical place? Should people pay entrance fees to historical places? Describe a seaside place you want to visit How to save water? Does the urban area consumes more water than the rural area? Does china face the problem of water scarcity?Describe a concert hall Why is it important to preserve historic buildings?Describe your ideal house When was it built? Should the government invest in maintaining the historical places? Should government invest in creating more employment? What kind of housing do most Chinese people live in? Where is the housing? What are the differences between the architectural styles in the different areas in China? Should a company design its own buildings?Describe a room occupied by your friendDescribe a polluted place.Describe a historical building.Describe a modern building. Would you compare modern buildings and old buildings? Do you like high buildings? Arts Do you think arts are important for people in the modern society? Do you think you can make money from your art? How do the elderly and the young view arts?Describe a handicraftDescribe a children’s songDescribe an oil paintingStages in life Describe an important conversation you hadin the past. What was the situation? Who did you talk to? Why is it important to you?Describe a stage of life you enjoyed When was it? Who did you live with? What did you do? Why do you think the stage is important or enjoyable? When does a child become an adult? What cannot you do when you become an adult? Do you think the law is reasonable? If you want to make changes, when is the timing?Describe a happy event in your childhoodDescribe a family event. Would it be a shame to forget tradition? Is it good for companies to hire elderly people? What role do elderly people play at home? Do young people change their attitude towards the elderly now? Education: Describe a science class When did you attend it? What was it about? What do you think of distance learning? What do you think of home studying? What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching? Do your parents help you when you study at home? Do you thinkstudying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults? Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why?Should youngsters learn science? Why? Do you think boys can learn science better? When should students learn science? Should students learn history? How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays? What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge of history? Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think about them? Should history films retell authentic stories or should the stories be dramatized? How do the dramatized stories affect children?Language learning Describe something useful for your English learning. How do you learn a new language? Who do you learn with? Is learning a second language important? Will the learning of a new language change your understanding of local culture? In your opinion, which languages will become more popular in the future? What are the benefits of learning a foreign language? Are there any differences between the way the young and the elderly learn a language?Educational trip Can students benefit from educational visits? Should schools organize the visits? What’s your suggestion? What roles do parents play in a family?Health Do people live healthy life styles in China? Are people healthier now than before? Are PE lessons necessary for students?Abstract: Describe a piece of advice What kind of advice do you usually follow? Who usually give advice? Where does the advice lead you? How to make young people follow wise advice? Nowadays, do the elderly give advice to children or vice versa? Is it important to give young people advice? Who often give advice in your community? Is old people’s advice more important than young people’s?A success How do you make a success? How should we define success? Is result more important than process when you pursue success? Does success lead to stress?A speech Why do people feel nervous when delivering a speech? Who should give speeches to children?Describe an important conversation you had. Are there any communication differences between males and females? Do you think communication skills are important?Help Tell me about an experience of helping someone Do you often help people? Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good? How should parents encourage their kids to help others? Do people usually do volunteer work in China? What do you think of the volunteer work in China? Describe a sound in nature.Object:Clothes Describe what you wore on a special occasion What it was Where you bought it Whether people thought it was good or not Do you still keep it now? On what occasions do people wear informal or formal clothes? Do you think you can judge people’s character by what they wear? How? Describe something special you would like to buy in the future.Describe an electric appliance.Describe a photo.Describe something you made by yourself.Describe an old thing in your homePeople: Describe a friend Have you ever lived with strangers? Are there any difference between the friendship among boys and girls?Describe a person who is good at cookingDescribe a chefDescribe a famous person you would like to meet Who he/she is How you knew him/her Why would people want to be famous? How does fame influence them? How would they change after being famous? Why are stars and celebrities famous? Why are some famous people remembered for a long time and others forgotten quickly?Describe a famous person in a foreign countryDescribe a person who helped you on an important occasion Who the person is. What was the situation. How he/she helped you.Describe a compereWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?Describe an elderly person.Describe your roommate.Sports Sports event How do sports benefit children? How do competitive sports benefit children? What sports can be done inside a classroom?Describe a kind of extreme sportsDescribe a dangerous sportSeason & Weather What’s your favorite season? Why do you like this season? What do you usually do in this season? What jobs are seasonal? Who takes seasonal jobs? How does bad weather affect peoples work? What should companies provide for its employees who work in bad weather? How does climatic season affect the local community? How does climatic season affect the local economy? What are the occupations where people have to work in bad weather? Do builders have to work in hot weather? What should builders take precautions against except the bad weather? Shouldbuilders be paid more? What should governments do to prevent global warming? How does climatic deterioration affect people’s lives?Gift: Describe a gift you received Describe a thing you want to buy in the futureTraveling: Describe a trip that you did not make as you planned Do different people think of traveling differently? Are there any differences between business trip and tour? What technology will be brought along to assist in trip? Describe a trip you did not enjoy. Are there and differences between ordinary trips and business ones? What should you take when you are travelling?Law Describe a piece of lawLeisure activity Describe a picnicEvents Design a party you will hold Who will you invite? What will happen? Where will you hold it? Do you think family party is important? Why do people in your country usually hold a party? What do you think about national celebrations? Do you think they are important?Describe a sports eventDescribe an event that made you happy recently Does money make people happy?Describe a memorable childhood event. Why do people often recall their childhood? Is it important to remember the past? Why is the young generation turning its back on tradition? Why are children more easily influenced by western culture?Describe a contest you attended.Food and cooking Do you usually eat healthy food? How should governments encourage people to eat healthy food? Science and technology Describe a machine or something electronic you want to buy. What modern appliances do you have in your home? What do you think of these appliances? Why? Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?Describe a tool for English learningDo you think it is important to develop science and technology? How does scientific research benefit space,medical, environmental and information technology? Do you think scientists from different countries should share their research findings? Who should pay for scientific research? Governments or individuals?Work Describe your job What will people take into consideration when they choose their jobs? Why do people shift jobs? Does your company offer any training courses? What do you think of workaholics? Why is it difficult for people to land jobs in your country? Why do people want to get promoted? What are the disadvantages of doing one job for a lifetime?阅读磁场学定量分析电影评论解密记忆力传统管理与新型管理化学反应新西兰海藻研究汽车的历史珍珠的制作与历史记忆力与年龄噪音的影响儿童的成长儿童读物的发展史仿生机器人加拿大移民史郁金香数字认知笔译工作与家庭民间环境气候观察解密记忆力反刍动物绘画与铸造新概念市场肥胖成因火星噪音对于儿童的影响图书馆航海迁移茶的历史与发展 Filtering water水的过滤人脸识别森林破坏和猩猩生存计算机音乐对人的治疗作用加州森林防火指纹识名画公司革新写作 Task 1 饼图柱状图图表组合类 Task 21.In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?2.The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. what are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with?give solutions to these problems.3.Charities and organizations always give special names to particular days such as 'National Children's Day' and'National Non-smoking Day'.What are the causes of these particular days? How effective are they?4.In many cities, planners have separated schools, homes, shops, offices in specific areas which were widely separated from each other. Do you think advantages of this policy overweigh disadvantages to the city residents?5.Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?6.Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it can encourage a higher level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7.Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs paid by the government; all costs paid by students; all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the advantages of these options? Which is your choice?8.The number of people who watch foreign films is much more than people who watch local films, describ the reasons and should the government provide financial support to thelocal film industries.。




SECTION 1主题:垃圾回收的注意事项参考答案:1. time of garbage collection: Tuesday2. take the garbage out at 8.153. 可以在grocery stores买到装食物用的可降解的塑料袋4. 不能回收TV5. 垃圾按照不同的categories分类6. egg cartons属于可回收7. clean, empty water and juice bottles8. 回收之前要remove the labels9. pizza boxes10. 在网上提供mapSECTION 2主题:鸟类园区参考答案:SECTION 3主题:农业相关参考答案:SECTION 4主题:笑声相关参考答案:31. research method/methodology32. the speakers they observed laughed almost 50% more than their audience33. recording the circumstances of their laughter in diaries34. laughter is a signal in social situation like jokes35. laughter is difficult to control consciously36. females laugh more37. this reduces stress38. and associated hormones39. be put at the end of sentence40. one of laughter’s promising application is the reduction of pain词汇量的积累词汇量是听力的基础,不要相信所谓的没有词汇量也能听力拿7分+的传说,毕竟是少数人士。




Part 1 公司求职题型:填空+匹配1. also need to work on weekends2. 9006413. tools for garden4. carpets5. organize training programs6. need to do website work7-10 匹配7. company A: F. upset employees8. company B: C. customers complain about it9. company C: D. bad surroundings10. company D: B. low salaryPart 2 旅行题型:单选+多选待回忆Part 3 两个学生讨论演讲,导师推荐一些书被给他们建议题型:填空+选择21-29 填空21. who is the audience of the presentation: the first-year students with a tutor22. date: 14th November Thursday23. what is necessary for presentation: background of the author, content summary, question handing24. need to use software and white board25. take care of the beginning stage26. must not read aloud from slide/note27. must plan the time carefully28. presentation skills 占20 marks29. other feature: the precess will be filmed30 选择30. what kinds of books will mIke choose?A. photo journalismPart 4 音乐教育对不同人的不同功效题型:填空31. the general idea of music education is negative32. you can listen to music in many places, such as a shop and a gallery33. people in prison can benefit a lot from musician34. children can learn language by singing35. it is not necessary for people to have talent36. teachers teach music as a link with children37. children’s math ability38. 某个孩子better in peers39. music activity promotes children’s patience and concentration40. disabled people learn drum before other instruments1、背单词。

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