
现代大学英语精读4课后习题翻译答案Unit 11. 我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。
I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.2. 一般说来,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去更感兴趣。
As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than the past unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs.3. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.4. 在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。
In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.5. 女皇伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。
Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the nation prospered under her rule.6. XX意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是XX不可分的一部分。

现代大学英语精读4答案【篇一:现代大学英语精读4 课后翻译答案】.尚不知飞机坠毁的原因。
the cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2.地球转暖的原因目前在科学家当中还在热烈争论。
the cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.3.他把他的一生都献给了环保事业。
he devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4.历史上这条河给我们造成了大量的问题。
the river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5.你认为国际恐怖主义的高涨是什么造成的?what do you think caused the upsurge of international terrorism?6.我们必须团结那些反对过我们的人。
we must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7.任何进步和改革都会遭到反对。
there is always opposition to any progress and reform.8.有些人对新事物总是反对的。
some people are always opposed to new things.9.这些贷款中不少从未归还。
a lot of those loans were never repaid. that high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in thissecond economic power in the world.10.工商银行现在给那些缴不起学费的学生提供一种特别贷款。

现代⼤学英语精读1-第九课课后参考答案现代⼤学英语精读1-第九课课后参考答案Preview3.Read the text again for language and complete the following tasks.2 Translate the following expressions into Chinese.1. 臂挽着臂齐步前进2. 并肩作战3. 谈⼼⾥话4. ⼀句⼀句翻译5. ⼀⼨⼀⼨地爬6. ⼀个⽉⼀个⽉地等7. 夜以继⽇地下雪8. ⼿拉⼿⼀起⾛9. ⾯对⾯坐着10. ⼀步⼀步⾛11. ⼀页⼀页读12. ⽇复⼀⽇⾟勤劳动13. 和某⼈意见相同14. 咳嗽了⼀整天Vocabulary1 Become familiar with the rules of word formation.1.Give the corresponding nouns for thefollowing adjectives.1. weakness2. quickness3. strength4. width5. breadth6. heat7. anger8. clarity9. length 10. silence11. freedom 12. sadness 13. moderation 14. happiness2.Point out which of the following adjectives can be used as verbs.Those that can be used as verbs are: slow, clear, narrow, open, quiet, dim, thin, clean, empty, close, dry, wet, cool, near, dirty,short---shorten strong---strengthen dark---darkenhot---heatbright---brighten sad---saddenred---reddenripe---ripenweak---weaken wide---widenthick---thicken quick---quicken cold---cool low---lower angry---angerhard---harden deep---deepenlong---lengthen (long在此作“长的”解,如作动词,意为“盼望”) broad---broadenfat---fattenlight---lighten (light这⾥作“轻的”解,如作动词,意为“点⽕”)soft---softenhigh---heighten3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form ofthe word “impress”.1. impressed2. impression3. impressed4. impressive5. impressionist6. impressionable2 Complete and translate the following expressions./doc/138548081.htmlplete the following verb + nounexpression.1. bag/pocket/gun2. stone/line/glance/doubt/vote3. keep4. make/fix/keep/have/break5. have6.one’s arm/animals/a prisoner/news7. club/arms/legs/stick9. strike10. one’s hand/a rope/meanings/anopportunity11. paper/map/tablecloth/plan5.Translate the following adjective + noun expressions into Chinese.1. 警惕的眼光,尚未点上的雪茄,奇数,对⾯,同声传译,和平共处,和平环境2. 常规做法,正常关系,常⼈,⼀般情况3. ⾚脚,头上不戴帽⼦,⾚⼿空拳,最低限度的必需品4. 直线,直路,直截了当的回答,绷着脸不笑5. 稍有增加,略有不同,轻微的程度,微笑的变化6. 宽阔结实的下颚,宽阔解释的肩膀,⽅形的花园,平⽅⽶7. 锐利的⽬光,强烈的兴趣,精明的头脑,敏锐的感觉8. 精明的头脑,锋利的⼑,利齿,说话尖酸刻薄,急剧增加,针锋相对的回答,急转弯,剧烈的疼痛,尖锐的批评,尖刻的评论,强烈的对⽐,尖锐的⽃争9. 稳定的⼯作,稳定的收⼊,稳定的增长,稳定的关系3 Give corresponding synonyms and antonyms for the following words and expressions 1Synonyms1. only just2. attempt3. stick4.smart/bright/shar p/keen5. throw6.think/suppose/gues s/believe7. good-looking8. catch9. talk10. cold11. move to and fro13. from time to time14. eat15. appear16. sharp17. rational18. shake2Antonyms1. abnormal2. considerable/great3. minority4. brighten5.roughly/approxim ately6. misfortune7.unsteady/shaky8. fill9. inferiority10. quicken11. software (如hardware作硬件解)12. uninteresting/bori ng/dull13. almost14. cheerfully4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the expressions listed below. Some expressions may be used more than once.6.under arrest7.get stuck/lose track of8.lose track of9.heard from10.change… into11.in existence 12.know of/doc/138548081.htmlpete with, catch up14.brought up, on earth, for show 15.asking for, torn down5 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.16.into, into18.from, up, in, for19.by, off 20.on, over21.out22.out, on23.over24.to, At, up 25.for, on6 Translate the following sentences into English.26.他开始事业很成功,但不久就被成功冲昏了头脑。

现代大学英语精读5课后答案【篇一:现代大学英语精读5课后翻译习题答案】.a white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
2. to upset this cultural homicide, the negro must rise up with an affirmation of his ownolympian manhood.为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。
3. ・・・with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the negro must throw off the manacles of self-abnegation.・・黑人必须一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4. what is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and lovewithout power is sentimental and anemic.必须懂得没有爱的权利是毫无节制的、易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱无力的。
5. it is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our times.正是这种邪恶的权利和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6. now early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule anddenunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和谴责,认为它对主动性和责任感其负面作用。

In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for picnic . 9、他坐在一个阴凉的地方,很快就打起盹来。 Sitting in that shady spot he soon dozed off. 10、他看见我把一个塑料口袋扔到路边就当场批评了我。 He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bag by the roadside. 11 那是一件白底蓝点的衬衫,看起来挺漂亮的。 It is a white shirt with blue spots. It looks quite pretty. 12、这位侦探发现了那个疑犯,就过去把他逮捕了。 The detective spotted the suspect and he walked and arrested him. 13、有一个气球爆了,把我吓了一跳。 One of the balloons popped and it gave me quite a start. 14 在上课的时候进进出出是很不礼貌的。 It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on. 15、当他看见那位小伙子准备用现金买那辆宝马车的时候,他的眼珠子都要蹦出来了。 When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head. 16、在那些国家里水比油要值钱得多。朋友们往往带值十美元的水当礼品。 In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring dollars' worth of water as a gift. 17、这个项目完成以后,可以使大约十万人收益。所以这项投资和努力是很值的。 When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment. 18、这电影不值得看两遍。其实它一遍也不值得看。 This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it's not worth seeing at all. 19 我觉得那地方值得去参观。我听说他们所有传统的明清建筑都保存得很好。 I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional houses intacthouses that were built in Ming-Qing styles. 20、贾宝玉当他父亲的好儿子实在当得烦透了。他渴望得到自由。 Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father's worthy son. He yearned for freedom. 1、看来病人在这个城市里没有别的亲戚。 It seems the patient has no other relatives in this city . 2、交朋友易,留着朋友难。 It is easy to make friends but difficult to keep them . 3、他总是懂得朋友所想和所急的事情。 He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about . 4、或许根本就不是小江让水流了一夜。 Perhaps it wasn't Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night. 5、那男孩一点也不明白她怎么在半天内成了个老头子。 The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day . 6、不知道王宁在伦敦混得怎么样,都快一年没有他的消息了。 I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven't heard of him for almost all year. 7、你出生于什么样的家庭不重要,真正的考验是从你的起点你能走多远。 It doesn't matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go from where

I knew I couldexpect my brothe r to standby me whatev er happen ed .2、一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更有兴趣。
As a genera l rule, youngpeople tend to be more intere st in the presen t and the future.3、如果他们双方不妥协,就都会遭损。
Both sideswill standto lose if they do not compro mise.4、我们希望使我们的全部课程和教材都成为一个统一的整体。
It is our hope to make all the course s and teachi ng materi als integr ated.5、中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
The Chines e writte n langua ge has been a majorfactor for integr ating our nation.6、在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直、刚正不阿。
In tradit ional Chines e art, the bamboo oftenstands for moralintegr ity and uprigh tness.7、绝大多数人都赞成深化改革。
The greatmajori ty of the people standfor furthe r reform.8、伊丽莎白一世女王统治英国45年。
QueenElizab eth the FirstruledEnglan d for 45 years, and the countr y prospe red underher rule. 9、真理一开始总是掌握在少数人手里。

现代大学英语精读三课后翻译答案Unit 1Your collage years1.?他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
??He?is?so?devoted?to?his?research?that?the?idea?that?he?will?soon?have?to ?retire?never?occurs?to?him.?2.?很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
??Many?people?have?observed?that,?without?effective?checks,?we?have?a?te ndency?to?abuse?our?power.?3.?有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。
??Some?countries?refuse?to?get?involved?in?this?dispute?and?they?resent?an y?foreign?interference.?4.?控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和资金。
??The?control?of?the?sand?storms?will?involve?a?tremendous?amount?of?wo rk?and?money.?5.?你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
??You?have?to?take?into?consideration?the?local?conditions?when?you?apply? these?technologies.?6.?所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
??All?applicants?will?have?to?fill?out?this?form?and?mail?in?an?application?fe e?of?50?dollars.?7.?他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。

Unit 1 I knew I could expect my brother 我都可以指望我兄弟会支持我。
不管发生什么,我知道,1) to stand by me whatever happened. As a general rule, young people tend 一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更有兴趣。
2) to be more interested in the present and the future. Both sides will stand to lose if they do not 如果他们双方不妥协,就都会遭损。
3) compromise. It is our hope to integrate all the 我们希望使我们全部的课程和教材都…统一的整体。
4) courses and teaching materials. The Chinese written language 中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
5) has been a major factor for integrating our nation. In traditional Chinese art, the 在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往道德上的正直,刚正不阿。
6) bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness. The great majority of the people stand for reform. 绝大多数人都赞成深化改革。
7) Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 年。
45伊丽莎白统治英国8)45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. The truth is always in the 真理一开始总是掌握在极少数人手里,这是一般的规律。


现代大学英语精读课后翻译答案TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future.Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness.The great majority of the people stand for reform.Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule. Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.A nation cannot be strong unless itis well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.There are four bridges spanning the river.I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never havefinished the book.No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you do n’t want to.She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.It is very impolite to keep poppingin and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’ worth of water as a gift.When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.I think it is worthwhile to visitthat place. I hear they have kept all their traditional house intact –houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.There is always opposition to any progress and reform.Some people are always opposed to new things.A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education.The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country.As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of anintroduction to the movie.They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.Import of the country’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare.During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.it was a serious offence to take drugs, Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches.The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.The author is very good at creating suspense.He used to watch wit great envy children of wealthy people go to school.I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.She averted her face so that people would not see her blush.He has always had an aversion to publicity.The government’s policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession.Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.Every summer, hundreds of thousandsof people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.it was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by afurious giant.Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods.He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball.They took Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.Napoleon exhibited his militarytalent early in life.These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded.When the exhibition is over, the exhibit will be given to the host country as gifts.She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at theNational Art Gallery.We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growingDemand for energyOur profit has increased by 20% inthe past two years.The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times (fivefold ) in five years.The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousandto about half a million in less than 5 years.She propped her bike against a tree.The local economy is largely propped up by tourism.He was fast asleep with his head propped on a big rock.You need strong props to keep the tower from leaning any further.Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese.One of the stones they threw landed on the head of a young soldier.If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.I landed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling.When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.Reports of the sundden appearance of these whales gripped the interest of the whole city.If she lost grip on the rope, she’d fall 1,000 feet to sure death.You must keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.Our government did everythingpossible to defend the value of our currency.The total value of our exports tothat country in the first nine months this years has reachd $94 billion.A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.(Charles Darwin)At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.If your value your life, quit smoking.This painting is valued at $20 million.We will achieve this result at any cost.Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy.His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.Many of our present problems in a way to dispose of nuclear waste.The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also.So far we still have not found a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste.These shoes fit me perfectly. I’ll take them.This set of furniture fits into our sitting room.The innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect.To keep fit, you should avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat.The water was no longer even fit to swim in, let alone to drink.He was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter.She has had fits every now and then since she was a child.This subway will be extended to cover the whole city.I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to you.The effect of the economic reformwill naturally extend to other fields.Many people prefer government bondsto stocks.This kind of jacket is out of stock.This is one of his stock jokes. I have heard it many times.Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.He pretended that nothing had happened.She pretended to be listening, but actually her mind had already wandered far away.I don’t want to pretend that I’m an expert on this subject.How would you compare your life today with your life before the reform started?If you compare American students with Chinese students, you’ll find some interesting similarities and differences.Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world.These mass-produced chickens do not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home.Our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.The water-pipe has burst. We must get it fixed immediately.It sounded like the bursting of a ballono.As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children.You can see that the students are bursting with question.There were about 800 people watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theater.The man was bursting to tell his fellow-traveler why he had pitched his suitcase out of the train window.When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.The spaceship left the launching-pad and rose majestically, soon becoming a little dot.The whole area is now dotted with factories.The company has camp-sites dotted around the country.Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions.He was quite a rebel even when he was a boy.He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms.。

现代大学英语精读4课后翻译答案Lesson 31.尚不知飞机坠毁的原因。
The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2.地球转暖的原因目前在科学家当中还在热烈争论。
The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.3.他把他的一生都献给了环保事业。
He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4.历史上这条河给我们造成了大量的问题。
The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5.你认为国际恐怖主义的高涨是什么造成的?What do you think caused the upsurge of international terrorism?6.我们必须团结那些反对过我们的人。
We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7.任何进步和改革都会遭到反对。
There is always opposition to any progress and reform.8.有些人对新事物总是反对的。
Some people are always opposed to new things.9.这些贷款中不少从未归还。
A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.10.工商银行现在给那些缴不起学费的学生提供一种特别贷款。

范文范例参考范文范例参考完美Word 格式整理版格式整理版 现代大学英语精读三课后翻译答案Unit 1Your collage years1. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soonhave to retire never occurs to him.2. 很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power.3. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4. 控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和资金。
The control of the sand storms will involve a tremendous amountof work and money.5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies.6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars. 7.他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。

I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future.Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials. The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness.The great majority of the people stand for reform.Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years,and the country prospered under her rule.The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule.Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand. The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes. The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake. Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.There are four bridges spanning the river.I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help. In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’ worth of water as a gift.When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment. This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept alltheir traditional house intact — houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists. He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection. The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism? We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.There is always opposition to any progress and reform.Some people are always opposed to new things.A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education.The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country.As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report tothe Security Council.During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India. Based on those reasonable doubts,the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest. Import of the country’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare. During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway. it was a serious offence to take drugs, Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches. The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.The author is very good at creating suspense.He used to watch wit great envy children of wealthy people go to school.I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.She averted her face so that people would not see her blush.He has always had an aversion to publicity.The governmen t’s policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession.Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.it was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by a furious giant.Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball. They took Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge. Napoleon exhibited his military talent early in life.These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded.When the exhibition is over,the exhibit will be given to the host country as gifts.She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet thegrowing Demand for energyOur profit has increased by 20% in the past two years.The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times (fivefold ) in five years.The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousandto about half a million in less than 5 years.She propped her bike against a tree.The local economy is largely propped up by tourism.He was fast asleep with his head propped on a big rock.You need strong props to keep the tower from leaning any further. Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese.One of the stones they threw landed on the head of a young soldier. If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.I landed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling. When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.Reports of the sundden appearance of these whales gripped the interest of the whole city.If she lost grip on the rope, she’d fall 1,000 feet to sure death. You mu st keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency.The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this years has reachd $94 billion.A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.(Charles Darwin)At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.If your value your life, quit smoking.This painting is valued at $20 million.We will achieve this result at any cost.Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy.His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.Many of our present problems in a way to dispose of nuclear waste. The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also.So far we still have not found a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste.These shoes fit me perfectly. I’ll take them.This set of furniture fits into our sitting room.The innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect.To keep fit, you should avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat. The water was no longer even fit to swim in, let alone to drink. He was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter.She has had fits every now and then since she was a child.This subway will be extended to cover the whole city.I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to you.The effect of the economic reform will naturally extend to other fields.Many people prefer government bonds to stocks.This kind of jacket is out of stock.This is one of his stock jokes. I have heard it many times.Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.He pretended that nothing had happened.She pretended to be listening,but actually her mind had already wandered far away.I don’t want to pretend that I’m an expert on this subject.How would you compare your life today with your life before the reform started?If you com pare American students with Chinese students, you’ll find some interesting similarities and differences.Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world.These mass-produced chickens do not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home.Our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.The water-pipe has burst. We must get it fixed immediately.It sounded like the bursting of a ballono.As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children.You can see that the students are bursting with question.There were about 800 people watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theater.The man was bursting to tell his fellow-traveler why he had pitched his suitcase out of the train window.When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.The spaceship left the launching-pad and rose majestically, soon becoming a little dot.The whole area is now dotted with factories.The company has camp-sites dotted around the country.Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions.He was quite a rebel even when he was a boy.He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms.。

现代大学英语精读三课后翻译答案Unit 1Your collage years1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire ne ver occurs to him.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that,without effective checks,we have a tendency to abuse our power.3.有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreig n interference.4.控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和资金。
The control of the sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.5.你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these t echnologies.6.所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of50d ollars.7.他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。
Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior he came to the conclusi on that learning is a natural pleasure.8.在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。

Unit 11.我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的..我们必须让他们接触各种社会问题;因为不久他们就将作为公民来应对这些问题..It's wrong to hear our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because they will approach them as citizens very soon.2.随着时间的推移;我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际商务..而冲突必然会发生;因为国家之间总有不同的观点和利益..With the passage of time we are inevitably increasing involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.3.我们为我们的成就而骄傲;我们有理由感到骄傲..但是我们永远不能变得狂妄;不然我们就会失去我们的朋友.. We are proud of our accomplishments; and we have reason to be so. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.4.信息现在唾手可得..一个普通的电脑就能储存一个普通图书馆的信息rmation is now immediately available. An average computer can store as much information as a small library dose.5.那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目..他们没有任何法律文件能证明他们具备必要的专门技术..我们必须找一个专门建造歌剧院的公司..That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They don't have any legal document that can certify they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatre.6.这些智囊团不作决策..他们力图提出一些对决策者十分有用的新主意和深刻的分析..These think tanks do nor make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers.7.国内生产总值不是一切..如果人民的生活质量没有真正改善的话;我们国家就不能说已经现代化了..The growth of GDP is not everything. It cannot be said that our country has been modernized unless the quality of our people's lives is really improved. 8.虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难;但作为孩子我们仍然很幸福;因为有干净的空气、水;江河湖泊里有很多鱼、螃蟹、黄鳝;田野里有花;有树;有鸟..Poor as we were in many ways at that time; we were quite happy as children; for there was clean air; clean water; a lot of fish; crabs and eels in the rivers; lakes; and ponds and a lot of flowers; trees and birds in the fields.9.只要给某一个人或某一群人以绝对权力;那这个人或这一群人就肯定会滥用权力;因为正如阿克顿勋爵说;“权力使人腐败;绝对权力绝对使人腐败..”Give absolute power to any individual or any particular group of people; and that person or group is sure to abuse that power because; just as Lord Acton says; power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.10.在我们国家;传统上都认为“万般皆下品;惟有读书高”..In traditional Chinese notion; school education was more important and useful than all other pursuits.1.总理明天将赴纽约出席联合国会议..The premier is leaving for New York for a UN conference tomorrow.2.在纽约期间他将会晤一些国家的政府首脑..He is to meet several heads of government during his stay in New York.3.国庆长假期间你打算干什么回家还是呆在校园里What are you going to do during the long National Day holidays Are you going home or staying on campus4.—你认为20年后学校会是什么样子—我想孩子们很可能会在家里跟机器老师学习.. -what do you think school will be like in twenty year's time -I think children will probably learn at home with a mechanized teacher.5.30年以前;我的祖父根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里住..Thirty years ago; my grandparents never expected they would be able to move into a two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6.他们缺的不是钱;而是经验..What they lack is not money but experience.7.他们到中国来不仅仅是为学汉语;而且是为了解中国文化..They have come to china not only to Chinese; but to learn about Chinese cultural.8.孩子们从父母那里最想得到的不是物质的东西而是爱和关注..What children want most from their parents are not material things but affection and attention.9.你们既可以在练习簿里写作文;也可以再电脑上写..You may write your essay either in your exercise book or on your computer.10.我不太清楚他为什么没有来..既可能是他不感兴趣;也可能是忘了..I'm not quite sure why he didn't show up. Either ha was not interested; or he simply forgot about it.11.社会应该既尊重科学家;也尊重环卫工人..A society should respect both its scientists and it's garbage collectors.12.他对自己的钱和时间都挺抠门儿..He is ungenerous with both his money and his time. Unit 21.我跟你说;从各方面考虑;当教师不失为一个好主意..事实上;我认为这个主意好极了..I can tell you that all things considered; it is not a bad idea to be a teacher. ActuallyI think it is an excellent idea.2.我不大喜欢你像刚才那样用讽刺的口气说话..你好像老是在暗示;我是什么都不会的废物..I don't like it when you talk to me in a sarcastic tone as you did just now. You seen to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.3.我爸能让我作最后决定;真是很体谅人..我得说我够幸运;不是很多人都有这么好的父亲..It is really considerate of my father to let me make the final decision. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a good father.4.你说你不要钱..你可能不愿要;但你的确需要钱..我看不出来大学生在课余时间挣点钱有什么错..You said you don't want money. You may not want money; but you do need money.I don't see what's wrong with college students earning some money during their spare time.5.不知道为什么;这个曲调听来很熟;但我就是记不起来了..反正是一首俄罗斯民歌..Somehow this tune sounds quite familiar. I just can't recall what it is. In any case; it is a Russian folk song.6.除了一贯的周末家务;我明天还有一大堆家庭作业要做..真是糟透了..Besides the usual weekend housework; I have a whole pile of homework to do tomorrow. It's really terrible.7.为了表明我们对最近争端的不快;我们无限期地推迟了外交部长的出访..To demonstrate our unhappiness at the recent dispute; we postpone our Foreign Minister's visit indefinitely.8.天快黑了..离下一个城市还有两小时的车程;我们不如就在这树林里露营算了;支个帐篷;生个篝火;好好睡它一觉;明天再赶路..It's getting dark. The next town is still two hour's drive away. We might as well camp in the forest; pitch a tent; build a fire;and have a good sleep before we continue our journey tomorrow.9.听到有人说他们不觉得考试作弊有什么丢脸;我真吓了一跳..你不觉得最可耻的事情莫过于我们已经不知羞耻了吗I am really shocked to hear that some people do not consider cheating at exams shameful. Isn't it the most shameful thing that we have no sense of shame1.我年轻时;人们就是这样生活的..That was the way people lived their lives when I was young.2.琼斯太太像爱自己的孩子一样爱她的学生..Mrs.Jones loves her students the way she loves her own children.3.那个农民的妻子不喜欢某些年轻人对待父母的态度..The farmer's wife doesn't like the way some young people treat their parents.4.有了大姚在队里;不愁打不败对手..They'll beat their rivals with Big Yao on the team.5.那人双手掩面坐在椅子上..The man was sitting in his armchair; with his face buried in his hands.6.他发现电视开着很难专心做作业..With the TV on ; he found it hard to concentrate on his homework.7.在不带现金的旅途中;人们对他的态度使作者深信:人们仍然可以依靠陌生人的帮助..The way people treated him when he took his journey without taking along cash convinced the writer that people can still lean on strangers.8.白菜的价格飙升;他们决定增加进口..With the price of cabbages soaring; they decided to increase imports from other countries.9.这些年轻人组织校园活动的方法;表现出了他们的领导素质..The way these young people organized campus activities showed their leadership qualities.10.在海关人员用手提扫描仪搜身时;他站着;双手伸开..He stood with his arms stretched out as a customs officer searched him with a portable scanner.Unit 31.健康保险必须为所有公民享有;不管他们有什么不同..我们没有理由支持那些不为生活在农村的大量人口所享有的政策..Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We can’t justify a policy that denies welfare to the large population living in the country.2.他们自称已经发现了一条适合所有国家的普遍法则..They claim to have discovered a universal principle which applies to all nations.3.我住在我叔叔家农场的时候常常出洋相..比如要我在稻田里除草的时候;我常常分不清草和秧苗..I often made a fool of myself when I was living on the farm of my uncle. When asked to weed the rice fields; for example; I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedings.4.干吗今天去那里我宁可等雪停了再走..Why go there today I'd rather stay until the snow ceases.5.稻子需要大量的水;很多科学家警告我们;不管我们如何节约用水;总有一天我们会为有限的水资源打仗..Rice requires vast quantities of water and many scientists warn us that no matter how sparingly we use water; the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting over limited supplies of water resources.6.近几年有一个值得注意的变化..我们不再靠出口发展经济了..我们现在倾向于把重点放在国内消费上..There has been quite a noticeable change in recent years. We no longer lean on exports for economic growth. We now tend to place more weight on domestic consumption.7.现今的趋势是给小孩过多的测验和考试;弄得他们除了考试其他什么都不会..A tendency nowadays is to give little kids too many tests and exams until they are no good for anything but taking exams.8.强迫教授们每年发表固定数量的论文而不顾其质量是毫无意义的..再说;这种要求即使是爱因斯坦也做不到..It is pointless to compel professors to publish a fixed number of papers annually regardless of quality. Besides; this is a demand even Einstein would fail to meet.1.你知道计算机室怎么工作吗Do you know how computers work2.我现在做的事任何人都能干..Anyone can do what I’m doing.3.这正是你的错误所在..This is where you are wrong.4.造访杭州而没爱上这个城市几乎不可能..It is almost impossible to visit Hangzhou without failing in love with the city.5.这就是她为什么在73岁高龄时重返中国..That was why she returned to China at age 72.6.他们是怎样打进海外市场的对我来说仍然是个谜..How they entered overseas markets still remains a mystery to me.7.查出她是何许人;来自何方;为何被派到此地..Find out who she is; where she is from; and what she has been sent here for.8.上学第一天;男孩就认识到摆在他面前的是什么..On his first day at school; the boy came to realize what lay ahead of him.9.教育除了传播知识和技能之外;还应播种智慧的种子cation must sow the seeds of wisdom; besides implanting knowledge and skills.10.他们劝告这个地区的游客天黑以后避免单独外出..They advised people touring the area to avoid going out alone after dark.11.她的一项工作就是教年轻人如何处理人际关系..Part of her work is teaching young people how to handle personal relationships.12.答应别人的事不做被公认为是不好的做法..Making promises without keeping them is not considered a good practice.Unit 41.他居然能够避免一场似乎无法避免的相撞事件;这件事情使他成为一位全国英雄..The fact that he could avoided the seemingly inevitable crash made him a national hero.2.冒着生命危险想要把快淹死的孩子拖到岸上的四个学生当中;有两位永远都没有回来..Of the four students who risked their lives to try to drag the drowning children ashore; two never returned.3.日本人以长寿着称..他们相信这一点要归功于他们的食物构成中包含着大量鱼类产品..The Japanese are known for their long life span. They owe this to their diet; which consists of a lot of fish products.4.我了解哈里斯..我简直不能想象像他这样的人会说出如此愚蠢的话..I know Harris. I could hardly imagine a man like him making such stupid remarks.5.在对她的忠诚进行了多次考验以后;他现在要给她最危险的任务了..After testing her loyalty many times; he was now going to give her the most dangerous task.6.我听说林肯在那个场合发表了一场极为有力的演说..他到底说了些什么I hear that Lincoln delivered an extremely powerful speech on that occasion. What exactly did he say7.所有人都明白;这一次他们必须准备向死亡挑战;但是没有人对采取这一步措施感到后悔..It was clear to everybody that this time they must be ready to challenge death. But no one regretted this move.8.就故事而言;这次也没有什么特别:一个年轻人在大学校园里狂开汽车;撞死了一名女学生..不同寻常的是;这人居然向周围人挑战;说他不怕去公安局;因为他父亲是当地的警官..As accidents go; this one is not unique: a young man drove a car frantically on a university campus and killed a woman student. What is unusual is the fact that the man dared to challenge the people who wanted to make him to court; because his father was a local police officer.9.每当我们决定一项经济政策的时候;我们都必须分清短期利益和长期利益..Every time we decide on a financial policy; we have to make a clear distinction between short-term interests and long-term interests.10.虽然刚到十月初;但已经可以看到人们开着车过那结冰的河了..Although it was early October; people could already be seen driving across the frozen river.1.他是重要人物的亲戚这一情况;不会改变我们对他的看法..The fact that he is somebody's relative won't change what we think of him.2.困在井下三天的矿工全部得救的消息;使他们的家属欣喜若狂..The news that the miners trapped in the pit for three days had all been rescued made their wives wild with joy.3.我们必须接受我们错了的可能性..We must accept the possibility that we might be wrong.4.医生们认为病人活下来的希望渺茫..Doctors think that there is slight hope that the patient will survive.5.教师都认为今年的大部分新生都很有钱途..The faculty shares the opinion that the majority of this year's freshmen are promising.6.尽管经济增长很块;我们应该牢记中国在很多方面仍然是个发展中国家这一现实..In spite of the economic growth; we must keep in mind the fact that China is still a developing country in many respects.7.在草率地下结论把责任全归罪于他之前;我们应该先听听他本人的解释..We should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he's to blame.8.现在没有多少人还坚持人类应该征服自然而不是与其和谐相处的观念..There aren't many people who still cling to the idea that man should conquer nature rather than live in harmony with it.Unit 51.政府要拿定主意在什么时间;用什么方法放缓经济发展速度;以免它因为速度过快而失去控制..The government will have to decide when and how to put brakes on the economy before it speeds out of control.2.干吗在这个荒无人烟的地方浪费钱建飞机场这里的老百姓最需要的是干净的水和空气;我们不能对此视而不见..Why waste money building an airport in the middle of nowhere We must not ignore the fact that what people here need most is clean water and clean air.3.他们觉得回来的时候可以走另外一条路;以便去探索一下西藏的那个大峡谷..They thought they might take a different route on their return trip so as to explore the great canyon in Tibet.4.她周游了世界;回来的时候完全变了一个人:变得充满了活力..She traveled around the world and came back home quite a changed person; educated and greatly revitalized.5.我们的各种社会问题都没有对症的速效药..我们应该探索一下各种可能性;走一步看一步.. There is no easy fix for our social problems. We should explore all possibilities and move one step at a time.6.所有旧传统的消亡都是一个漫长的、缓慢的过程..花了那么长时间才形成的风俗习惯;我们不能指望它一夜之间就消失..All old traditions die a slow and lingering death. Customs and habits that have taken so long to form can't be expected to disappear overnight.7.常女士被认为是提倡将中国的古典音乐和西方的音乐结合起来的先行者..Madam Chang was considered a pioneer who advocated combining classic Chinese music with Western music.8.刚听到这消息的时候;我震惊得好大一会儿功夫都说不出话来..I was so stunned when I heard the news; that for quite some time I didn't know what to say.9.这些士兵正在学习如何在荒野里生存下去..The soldiers are learning how to survive in the wilderness.10.如果你坚持;那我就和你一起去..不过我实在帮不了你多大忙..I'll go there with you if you insist. But really I won't be much help to you.1.记住去机场的时候带上身份证..Remember to bring your ID with you when you go to the airport.2.我记得第一次求职面试后我感到非常失望..I remember feeling greatly disappointed after my first job interview.3.最后他们决定为在机场发生的事向乘客道歉..Finally they decided to apologize to the passengers for what had happened at the airport.4.抱歉;我把给大李传递的信息的事忘得一干二净了..I’m sorry that I clean forgot to pass the message to Big Li.5.中午我们停止工作;去一家快餐店吃了午饭..At midday we stop to have lunch in a fast food restaurant6.我没有继续收听收音机里关于这次灾难的报道;但由于极为震惊而仍然坐在椅子上上动弹不得..I stopped listening about the disaster on the radio; but I was too shocked to move out of the chair.Unit 61. —我怀疑他没有告诉我们全部真相..—你为什么对此有怀疑-I suspect that he has not told us the whole truth. /I doubt he has told us the whole truth. -Why do you doubt it2.谁也不会怀疑到他..嫌疑犯看起来一般不会那么和蔼可亲..可是警察通过DNA检查终于证明他就是真正的杀人凶手..Nobody would have suspected him. A suspect wouldn't usually look so appealing. But finally the police identified him to be the true murderer through a DNA test.3.皇帝被认为是中国历史上的第一个农夫;而他的妻子则是第一个织女..Huangdi is regarded as the very first farmer in our history while his wife was the first weaver.4.请向我在那里的朋友们致意..我真的非常想念他们..Please give my best regards to my friends there. I really miss them all.5.任何时候;只要有可能;年轻人都宁可自己谋生;也不愿靠父母养活..Whenever possible young people prefer to earn their own living than live off their parents.6.北方要求取消军事演习;但是南方予以拒绝..他们反过来要求北方对开火公开道歉..The North demanded the military exercise be called off; but the South refused. Instead they demanded an open apology from the North for the gun fire.7.这个地方因为发展了绿色经济已经获得了相当好的声誉..This place has earned itself quite a reputation for developing a green economy.8.由于年轻;他们往往倾向于从好的方面看问题..Being young; they are often inclined to look at things from the bright side.9.科学家们已经查明拿具冻尸是一个生活在大约六千年前的年轻猎手..Scientists have identified the frozen body as a young hunter who lived about six thousand years ago.10.虽然她是第二代美籍华人;但她仍然珍惜她的中国文化身份..Although she is a second-generation Chinese American; she still values her Chinese cultural identity.1.你认识坐在系主任旁边的那位女士吗Do you know the young lady sitting next to the chairman of the department2.警方对那个犯罪嫌疑人跟踪了一个星期;很快就会拘捕此人..The police have been keeping track of the suspect for a whole week. They will make an arrest soon.3.新政府宣布他们将会保护在这个国家生活的所有守法的外国人..The new government announced that they would protect all law-abiding foreigners living in the country.4.我们应该牢记;在这座城市里尚有成千上万的家庭过着贫困或是近乎贫困的生活..We should bear in mind that there are still thousands of people living on or near the poverty line in this city.5.运动员为准备本届亚运会;进行训练已有一整年时间了..These athletes have been training for the current Asian Games for a whole year.6.这个城市的失业居民从五月开始就一直在抗议食品价格的飞涨..Since May; unemployed residents in the city have been protesting soaring food prices in the past two months.7.这个机构的年轻雇员几个月来都在勒紧裤腰带;努力适应战时的经济..The young employees of the organization have been tightening their belts for months; adapting themselves to a war economy.8.这个公司声称在节能技术方面他们已有突破..The company claims that they have madea breakthrough in energy-saving technology.9.金先生从服务员开始升到经理的职位;他为这家餐厅工作了30年..Mr. King worked this way up from the position of waiter to manager. He has been working for the restaurant fro 30 years.10.这所大学即将离任的副校长;在他的告别聚会上作了一次动人的演讲..The outgoing /retiring vice president of the university made a hear-warming speech at his farewell party.。

For personal use only in study and research;not for commercial useUnit11。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2。
Many people have observed that,without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4. 控制沙城暴需要大量的工作和资金.The control of sandstorm will involve a lot of work and money。
5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You must take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies。
6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars7。
他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣.Based on his (careful)observation of children’s behavior,he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure。

I saw a boat drifting along the river. I do no t intend to be like this boat, drifting through life aimlessly.2.山谷里的桃花全都盛开了,让她留恋忘返。
The peach trees in the valley were in full blossom, making it difficult to tear herself away from them. Some distance apart from her, she saw a little hut with sweet country music drifting out of its window.3.结婚以后,我和朋友的来往慢慢变少了。
After my marriage, my friends and I drifted apart a little, and I was completely out of my element among those business people I had to work with. Their business discussions bored me stiff .4.他们之间已经具有发生内战的所有要素。
They already had all the necessary elements for a civil war. The international community has appealed to both sides for a peaceful settlement of their disputes.5.很多人认为教会正在失去他的吸引力。
现代大学英语 精读A 1-9课翻译题答案

TranslationsUnit One1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wi som to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poi son.5. 他不久就爱上了这个村子。
He soon fell in love withthe village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together wi th other villager.6. 我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。
We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we mustresort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7. 当警察到达学校的时候,学生和老师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。

1. He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire. 2. Many people have observed that without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power. 3. Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference. 4. The control of sandstorms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money. 5. ou Y ou have have have to to to take take take the the the local local local conditions conditions conditions into into into consideration consideration consideration when when when you you you apply apply apply these these technologies. 6. All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars. 7. Based on his careful observation of children ’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure. 8. In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling. 9. The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved. 10. Cheating Cheating at/on at/on at/on exams exams exams does does does not not not occur occur occur very very very often. often. often. But But But when when when it it it does, does, does, the the the school school takes a very tough position. LESSON 41. Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior. 2. She claims to possess a magic power —the power to cure disease simply by the touch of her hand. 3. He appointed five people to handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for. 4. In the story, the evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady. 5. He rolled up the painting, and said that he would not part with it for less than a million dollars. 6. Of all the qualified judges, I don ’t know why she was appointed to the Supreme Court. 7. I don ’t know enough to form an elaborate theory, but I’I’m sure that poverty alone m sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate. 8. A A big big big stone stone stone suddenly suddenly suddenly rolled rolled rolled down down down the the the hill, hill, hill, so so so big big big that that that it it it smashed smashed smashed the the the truck truck truck to to pieces. 9. I said we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled. 10. In In ancient ancient ancient times, times, times, our our our philosophers philosophers philosophers believed believed believed that that that a a a good good good king king king should should should be be be to to to the the people as a good father is to his children —he must never treat them cruelly on any account. 1. A peasant woman found him lying unconscious in the grass. She carried him home, dressed his wound after a fashion, and hid him in the attic. 2. Had it not been for the shift of focus in our development policy from the coastal areas areas to to to the the the central central central and and and western western western regions, regions, regions, the the the lives lives lives of of of our our our national national national ethnic ethnic ethnic groups groups would not have improved so rapidly. 3. The defense lawyer claimed that the photo was completely out of focus and thus could not be used as evidence. 4. Visibility Visibility was was was exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly poor poor poor and and and no no no matter matter matter how how how I I I strained strained strained my my my eyes, eyes, eyes, I I I still still couldn couldn’’t t see see see far far far ahead. ahead. ahead. I I I decided decided decided that that that if if if I I I wanted wanted wanted to to to save save save my my my neck, neck, neck, it it it would would would be be foolish to blunder on. 5. The mental strain was too much and she began to lose sleep and could not focus her attention on anything. Finally she had to go to see the doctor who claimed to be some sort of expert. The stupid man declared that her life was at sake and that she needed an immediate brain operation. 6. It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor. People were wild with joy because we had been defeated by their team so many times. For the first time we were able to settle an old score with them. 7. Both Both sides sides sides claimed claimed claimed to to to have have have scored scored scored a a a point point point in in in this this this confrontation. confrontation. confrontation. Neither Neither Neither side side wanted to acknowledge defeat. But from the point of view of an outsider, actually neither side had scored. In this conflict, there was no winner. 8. The customer told the waitress that he would like to have some “concubines concubines”—”—”—he he meant to say cucumbers, but his vocabulary was limited. The waitress, however, seemed seemed to to to know know know what what what he he he meant, meant, meant, for for for she she she asked, asked, asked, ““Dressed Dressed or or or undressed?undressed?undressed?”” (In English, “dress dress”” can mean either “put on clothes ” or “add some sauce to food for additional flavor ”.) LESSON 151. Import of that country ’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare. 2. Robert Robert was was was suspended suspended suspended from from from school school school for for for two two two weeks weeks weeks for for for drug drug drug abuse abuse abuse whereas whereas whereas Sam Sam was expelled from selling drugs, which is a much more serious offence. 3. This is perhaps the longest and the most beautiful suspension bridge ever built. It is the envy of the world. 4. She was embarrassed when she received the award and averted her head so that people would not see her blush. 5. Many countries envy us for our success in averting a serious economic recession. 6. Michael Jordan is the envy of many black youngsters. He exhibited his talent very early in life. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball. 7. Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people nationwide are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods. 8. The The city city city of of of Xicheng Xicheng Xicheng was was was practically practically practically unguarded, unguarded, unguarded, and and and Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge Liang Liang Liang narrowly narrowly escaped being captured. 9. They took the Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday. 10. She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures and when the exhibition is over, all the exhibits will be given to the National Art Gallery. 1. We owe too much to our new manager. Our company was heavily in debt when he took it over. We owed the bank more than 50 million. 2. I owe you an apology. I shouldn ’t have acted the way I did the other day. I was a real fool. 3. Socrates, who was perhaps the most virtuous man of his time, was charged with corrupting youth. It bears out the truth that people are often blind to plain truth. 4. This otherwise popular man is now in a terrible fix. He has been accused of raping a black woman. He will be put on trial soon. If the verdict is guilty, he will have to serve a long prison term. 5. The The Congress Congress Congress will will will vote vote vote on on on this this this new new new tax tax tax law law law next next next week. week. week. The The The Republicans Republicans Republicans are are expected to vote against it. They seldom vote otherwise. 6. Kennedy was the first Catholic in US history to be voted into the White House. This was the clear evidence that people were more tolerant about their religious differences. 7. More More and and and more more more people people people now now now favor favor favor the the the idea idea idea of of of making making making it it it a a a legal legal legal obligation obligation obligation for for government officials to disclose their assets. 8. He knew that he would risk being isolated if he stuck to his view although he was entitled to it. 9. One One of of of the the the issues issues issues that that that remain remain remain in in in question question question in in in the the the conflict conflict conflict between between between Israel Israel Israel and and Palestine Palestine is is is the the the future future future of of of Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. There There There doesn doesn doesn’’t t seem seem seem to to to be be be any any any room room room for for compromise. 10. It reminds me of how we all tired to “cook cook”” steel in our backyard stoves in 1958. In hindsight we seemed to be completely out of our minds. Please remind me to tell you this story in our class tomorrow. 。
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I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future.Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness.The great majority of the people stand for reform.Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule. Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.Days slipped by and I still had not mademuch progress.He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.There are four bridges spanning the river.I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’ worth of water as a gift.When this project is completed, it willbenefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional house intact –houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.There is always opposition to any progress and reform.Some people are always opposed to new things.A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education.The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country.As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.Import of the country’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare.During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.it was a serious offence to take drugs, Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches.The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.The author is very good at creating suspense.He used to watch wit great envy children of wealthy people go to school.I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.She averted her face so that people would not see her blush.He has always had an aversion to publicity.The government’s policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession.Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.it was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by a furious giant.Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods.He is probably the greatest guard in thehistory of basketball.They took Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.Napoleon exhibited his military talent early in life.These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded.When the exhibition is over, the exhibit will be given to the host country as gifts.She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growingDemand for energyOur profit has increased by 20% in the past two years.The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times (fivefold ) in five years.The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousandto about half a million in less than 5 years.She propped her bike against a tree.The local economy is largely propped up by tourism.He was fast asleep with his head propped on a big rock.You need strong props to keep the tower from leaning any further.Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese.One of the stones they threw landed on the head of a young soldier.If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.I landed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling.When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.Reports of the sundden appearance of these whales gripped the interest of the whole city.If she lost grip on the rope, she’d fall 1,000 feet to sure death.You must keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency.The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this years has reachd $94 billion.A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.(Charles Darwin)At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.If your value your life, quit smoking.This painting is valued at $20 million.We will achieve this result at any cost.Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy.His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.Many of our present problems in a way to dispose of nuclear waste.The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also.So far we still have not found a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste.These shoes fit me perfectly. I’ll take them.This set of furniture fits into our sitting room.The innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect.To keep fit, you should avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat.The water was no longer even fit to swim in, let alone to drink.He was suddenly seized by a fit oflaughter.She has had fits every now and then since she was a child.This subway will be extended to cover the whole city.I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to you.The effect of the economic reform will naturally extend to other fields.Many people prefer government bonds to stocks.This kind of jacket is out of stock.This is one of his stock jokes. I have heard it many times.Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.He pretended that nothing had happened.She pretended to be listening, but actually her mind had already wandered far away.I don’t want to pretend that I’m an expert on this subject.How would you compare your life today with your life before the reform started?If you compare American students with Chinese students, you’ll find some interesting similarities and differences.Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world.These mass-produced chickens do not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home.Our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.The water-pipe has burst. We must get it fixed immediately.It sounded like the bursting of a ballono.As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children.You can see that the students are bursting with question.There were about 800 people watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theater.The man was bursting to tell his fellow-traveler why he had pitched his suitcase out of the train window.When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.The spaceship left the launching-pad and rose majestically, soon becoming a little dot.The whole area is now dotted with factories.The company has camp-sites dotted around the country.Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions.He was quite a rebel even when he was a boy.He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms.。