
英语翻译学论文-彼得.纽马克的翻译理论初探一、引言彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark),1916年出生,英国著名的翻译理论家和翻译教育家。
1981年,在《翻译问题探索》(Approaches to Translation,1981)中,纽马克提出了"语义翻译"(Semantic Translation)和"交际翻译"(Communicative Translation)[1]两个重要的翻译策略,成为西方翻译研究史上的里程碑。
他将文本分为表达功能(expressive function)、信息功能(informative function)和号召功能(vocativefunction)。

【关键词】英语翻译探析英译汉技巧1. 前言随着中国在经济、文化、科技等领域同国外交往的增多,特别是WTO实质化阶段的到来以及北京2008年奥运会的举办和上海2010年世界博览会的筹办,中国翻译产业正迎来一个黄金发展期。
2. 英译汉技巧(1)主语分句汉译技巧。
A man spending twelve days on the moon would find ,on returning to the earth ,that a year had passed by already.一个人如果在月亮上度过了十二天,回到地球以后就会发现一年已经过去了。
It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere.不言而喻,氧气是大气中最活泼的元素。
(3)定语分句汉译技巧He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that wEighed up to two pounds each.他居然种出了二百个奇迹般的西红柿,每个重达两磅。

下文是店铺为大家整理的关于发表英文翻译论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考!发表英文翻译论文篇1公示语的英文翻译摘要:公示语是一种较为独特的应用文体, 旨在于公共场所向公众公示须知的内容。
然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重。
通过奈达的"功能对等"理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现公示语的预期功能。
关键词:公示语功能对等文化差异翻译原则1、引言公示语指的是在公共场所向公众公示须知内容的语言, 包括标识、指示牌、路牌、标语、公告、警示等等[1]。
罗选民、黎土旺对公示语进行界定, “公示语是指在公共场合所展示的文字, 具有特殊的交际功能, 以及提供信息和完成指令的作用”[2]。
随着中国与世界的接轨, 越来越多的国家希望了解中国, 很多外国朋友来到中国。
在这种跨文化交际的过程中, 汉语公示语的英译也日显重要。
然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重, 误用、滥用现象到处存在,其中最大的问题是译者在翻译过程中忽视中西方文化的差异, 盲目追求字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 以至于译文文本生硬, 达不到源语文本的预期功能和效果。
公示语英译的预期对象是在华外国友人和外国游客, 为的是达到向其警示、告知、宣传的预期功能。
其英译不是一种点缀, 而是一种有目的的行为, 即如何使译文达到与原文本同等的预期功能[3]。
本文通过奈达的“功能对等”理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的功能特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 应遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现其预期功能。
2、“功能对等”翻译理论与公示语翻译公示语作为一个信息时代和经济全球化时代的标志之一, 公开面对公众, 给予公众行为需求的文字信息传递。


代表译作有歌德的《浮士德》(上卷1928年,下卷1947 年) 、《少年维特之烦恼》(1922 年)、雪莱《雪莱诗选》(1926 年)马克思《政治经济学批判》(1931 年)、马克思恩格斯合著《德意志意识形态》(1931 年)等。
他的文学译品,尤其是译诗,大多具有很强的魅力,能够拨动读者的心弦(《中国翻译词典》257 页)。
20 世纪20 年代前期,浪漫主义对我国文坛影响巨大。


翻译理论基础学习收获一、翻译理论背景1.1 翻译学学科历史翻译实践活动的历史和人类文明的历史一样长久,西方翻译最早开始于公元三世纪,距今已有两千多年的历史。
1972年,詹姆斯.霍尔姆斯(James S.Holmes,美国人)在哥本哈根第三届国际应用语言学大会上宣读了《The name and nature of translation studies》(翻译学的名称和性质),这篇论文被普遍认为是翻译学科建设的奠基之作。
1.2 翻译学学科框架在《The name and nature of translation studies》中,霍尔姆斯将翻译研究领域的名称命名为“translation studyies”,并勾画出了一套系统的翻译研究框架,图里(Toury,1995:10)将其绘制成下图,广为学界引用:图1 翻译学学科框架图在该架构中,翻译学的各个领域彼此之间相互联系,相互作用。


AcknowledgementsThis thesis has taken me almost half a year to turn it from conception to the final completion。
A number of people have been wonderfully helpful in my doing research as well as completing the thesis. So I especially wish to acknowledge the following people。
First of all,I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my supervisor Liu Yanfen for her long and lasting patient and constructive instructions on my thesis writing.Secondly,my many thanks also go to my Translation Teacher Ms Qiao who let me have an interest in Translation.Thirdly, I would like to thank all the teachers who teach me and give me help.At last, my thanks go to my roommates who give me confidence to accomplishing this thesis。
AbstractTranslation is a communicative activity. The Functionalist Approaches give a definition that translating is a purposeful activity。


关键词:信守内容意旨;遵从译语习惯;切合语体语域Abstract: Transmigration, an abstract whole at large, is too good to be practical and such concrete subwholes und er “good translation” as fidelity to the source-language text in content and intention, grammatical normality, and lexical appropriateness are more workable as cardinal principles of translation.Key words: fidelity; grammatical normality; lexical appropriateness翻译是把一种语言文字所表达的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来,具体说来,就是“换易言语使相解也”。

旅游景点材料,是一种内容包含有地方历史与特色的文本,其文本分析与小说、诗歌、政府报告、产品广告等其他类型的文本分析是否有所不同,还是有某种文本分析模式作为依据呢?德国功能学派第二代的代表人物克里斯蒂安·诺德(Christiane Nord)提出:“我们需要一个能够适用于所有文本类型和文本范例的源语文本分析模式,可以应用于所有的翻译任务。
二、文本分析理论翻译中的文本分析最早源起于德国学者凯瑟琳娜·莱斯(Katharina Reiss)、费米尔(Hans Vermeer)创建的德国翻译功能理论及莱斯的功能文本类型理论。


如Bassnet & Lefevele就指出翻译的研究实际上就是文化互动的研究,Nida亦强调译者的双文化能力。

[关键字] 考察中英翻译策略今天在地铁里面进行英语翻译考察,获益良多,而且记录了里面的某些英语翻译以供研究.其实在地铁里面遇到的多数是一些比较短小的翻译,以下是本人遇到的一些小翻译。
Attention, please! The train is approaching请注意,列车正在进站.The train is bound for Sanyuanli. Don’t get over the yellow line. Please keep your things with you.不要越过黄线,保管好您的随身物品.Mind the gap. 小心站台间隙。
Lean on the door prohibited.禁止倚靠。
Cation!Risk of pinching hand.当心夹手。
This door would not open with the light on.灯亮时此门不开。
Don’t enter or exit the train when there’s a flashing light or warning chime.灯亮铃响时请不要上下列车。
Don’t enter or exit the train when there’s a flashing light or warning chime.巧妙地引用了一个there’s就把整个翻译简化了,而且感觉还使整个翻译没有硬生生的,很符合英国人的讲话习惯,并没有“中化”。

Cultural differences in language and translation strategiesAbstract:Because of the different customs and geographical environment, there is a huge cultural difference in English and Chinese. This kind of difference brings to the language communication between the obstacles. Language schools make it possible to different language communication, through domestication and alienation translation strategies, which can realize communication between two languagesKey words: differences; Strategy; Domestication; Alienation; translation一.IntroductionTranslation is not only a kind of cross-language communicative activity, but also a cross-cultural communication activity. Language and culture are inseparable and they can influence each other. Language is the product of culture, no matter from the language symbols or the society, it has an obvious cultural characteristics. Language culture focuses on cultural attribute, the cultural value and cultural function of language, etc. As language connotation of culture, giving is all aspects of the language. The following three aspects are typical expression(1) Impact and strict language systems (including pronunciation,vocabulary, grammar, etc.)(2) Decided the content and form of language(3) Affect human’s language thinking and expression formThus, as a cultural carrier of language is only meaningful in a particular culture. As the American translation theorist Nida said: "translation isthe communication between the two cultures. For truly successful translating, familiar with two cultures is even more important than to master two languages.” there is a huge difference in Chinese-English nationality values, beliefs, customs, historical background, geographical conditions, social system, life experience, etc. This difference not only imprint their respective language but also bring many difficulties for the mutual translation between the two languages. This article start from the cultural differences of Chinese-English, try to seek the cultural equivalence translation by domestication and alienation.二.cultural differences between Chinese-EnglishBecause language is a product of culture and the social, we should understand it from the perspective of cultural and social. Chinese culture emphasize the "value theory" while English advocating "personal value supremacy". Besides values differences, Chinese-English cultural differences there are geographical environment and social environment, climate conditions and customs, etc.(一) cultural differences caused by geographicalenvironmentThere is a regional culture. Special geographical environment and climate characteristics of the skin often give the region culture. Britain is the island, located in the western hemisphere, north temperate zone, oceanic climate, so its language reflect the geographical characteristics. For example: spend money like water; make water; all at sea. While China is located in mainland Asia, Chinese say “spend money like earth”As for the different climate lead to the different culture is also numerous. For example “Dongfeng” in China is the symbol of harvest, while “West Wind” replaces it in west countries.(二) cultural differences caused by CustomsChinese-English cultural differences caused by customs is obvious on animal vocabulary. British culture is the typical "Ma Wenhua", such as talk horse, get on one’s high horse,horse and horse etc. However, Chinese a "NiuWenHua".三.Translation and StrategiesDomestication and alienation into China, many researchers raised their opinions on the two translation strategies. In 1987, an academic paper entitled “Domestication: The Wrong Track in Translation” by Liu Yingkai aroused the first round of dispute on domestication and alienation. In 1995, Weihui Reading Weekly and Foreign Languages School of Nanjing University organized a survey of readers, responses to different versions of the French novel Scarlet and Black, which gave rise to a debate on many translation issues, including domestication and alienation . Domestication and alienation serve as two major translation strategies. The two terms originated from German theologician and philosopher, Friedrich Schleiermacher’s lecture. Later on, Venuti (1995) explained the two terms. According to Venuti, domestication is the dominating translation strategy in Anglo-American culture. Employment of domestication brings the original text and author to the target text readers, erasing the linguistic and cultural differences and making the original text conform to the current dominant linguistic characteristics and values in the target-language culture. Alienation was coined by Venuti to resist domestication. Application of alienation brings the target language readers to the original author and the original text, keeping the original linguistic and cultural differences and even attempting to find differences. We may realize alienation by using non-standarddiscourse or choosing to translate a text that challenges the contemporary canon.Reference:[1]Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1993:105-115.[2]赵爱国.语言文化学论纲[M].黑龙江人民出版社,2006:28-41.屈小楠,李春晓,冉小桃,徐相舒。

深度翻译理论和方法美国哲学家夸梅·安东尼·阿皮亚(kwame Anthony Appiah)在1993年提出了深度翻译理论(thick translation)。
1 引言美国哲学家夸梅·安东尼·阿皮亚(kwame Anthony Appiah)是加纳-英裔美籍哲学家、文化学家和小说家,美国普林斯顿大学现任哲学教授。
他在1993年发表一篇题为《深度翻译》(thick translation)的论文,提出深度翻译的理论。
Hermans 在Cross-Cultural Translation Studies as Thick Translation(2003)一文中,从“深度翻译”视角入手,列举了诸多使用深度翻译的典型译例。
法国文论家热奈特(Gérard Genette)提出的副文本理论与深度翻译达成了一定程度的契合。

”(方梦之,2003:47)德国翻译理论家Mary Snell-Hornby将翻译分为三类:文学翻译(Literary Translation),普通言语翻译(General Language Translation),以及专门用途言语翻译(Special Language Translation)。
(Mary Snell-Hornby,2001:32) 其中的普通言语翻译就是我们所说的实用英语翻译,包括新闻、广告、电影、公示语翻译等。

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中图分类号:学校代码:1877UDC:密级:公开中国地质大学江城学院学期论文解释学翻译下的理论研究The Theoretical Study to Hermeneutics论文作者姜婷指导教师王伟老师学科专业英语专业研究方向翻译理论与实践班级名称翻译1 班学生学号 4120090114中国地质大学江城学院二○一一年十一导读解释学(Hermeneutics)的名字来源于希腊神话中的信使赫尔墨斯(Hermes),他主要的任务就是,把神旨传递并翻译给人间,在传递和翻译间有必要做一些解释的工作。
20世纪以后,基于海德格尔思想的基础,伽达默尔在《真理与方法》(Truth and Methods)中提出“理解的历史性”,“视界融合”和“效果历史”三大哲学阐释学原则。
本文总共分为四个部分,首先介绍了解释学的定义及开端,从中我们可以了解到解释学的由来和它早期的发展,其次对施莱尔马赫,海德格尔,加尔默尔,斯坦纳四个人各自的翻译理论分别作了详细的介绍,从中我们能很明显的看到他们各自理论的特色,并能在脑海中形成鲜明的对比,并能很清晰的看到解释学理论的被发展,再次提到了解释学理解观与翻译研究,从中可以意识到在翻译中理解的重要性,Content1. Introduction (4)2.The relevant view of Hermetical theory (5)2.1The translational ideas of Schleiermacher (5)2.2 The translational ideas of M.Heidegger (5)2.3The translational ideas of Hans-Georg Gadamer (6)2.3.1 The understanding of the historic (6)2.3.2 Fusion of horizons (6)2.3.3 Effect of history (7)2.4 George Steiner‟s translation model of hermeneutics (7)3.The concept of hermeneutic and translation research (9)4.Conclusion (10)Reference (10)1. IntroductionHermeneutics is also known as interpretation of aesthetics, and it is developed on basis of the phenomenology and existentialism developed on the basis , the basic characteristics of modern hermeneutics is objectivism. Hermeneutics is a philosophy of interpretation and understanding of technical text, it may be described as an interpretation of the theory and to understand the text according to the text itself, emphasizing the true objectively grasp the intention the text and the author.Hermeneutics is a subject about understanding, interpretation and other methodology of the discipline,It is the first text to explore the meaning of words or works, in particular, to establish "God's words' meaning. Generally considered herme--neutic can be traced back to ancient Greece from the etymology of the literature, which is mainly used during the hermeneutics logic surgery and forensics, as well as some religious and literary classic interpretation of the text it is designed to eliminate ambiguity and misconception. In Middle Ages hermeneutics became a branch of "the Bible" research, during the Renaissance and Reformation the research of the hermeneutics no longer stickled to religious classics, but extended to the interpretation of the whole classical culture .Hermeneutics has experienced two major breakthroughs for the first time in 18-19th centuries, German religious philosopher F. Schleiermacher based on different areas of the ideas of hermeneutics .Through the interpretation of the syntax and of the psychological made the classic hermeneutics systematic, and made it become a general hermeneutics with methodological characteristics . And life philosopher W. Dilthey started from the "Historical Critique" program to expand the scope of the study of the hermeneutics ,and make a tight system of natural science. The second breakthrough occurred in the 20th century, two German philosophy, Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer realized the transform from epistemology to ontology, the establishment of the interpretation learning as a core philosophy to understand the independence of the Hermeneutics and push it into the prosperous. To the late 1960s, hermeneutics mainly related to the understanding , the meaning and the relationshipbetween the reader and the text and other issues. British translation theorist George Steiner was the first one to use the theory into translation studies in his book "After Babel: Aspects of Translation and Language" , thus establishing a close relationship between translation and interpretation .2.The relevant view of Hermetical theory2.1The translational ideas of SchleiermacherIn explaining the process of understanding Schleiermacher said, "If words could not be understood as a relationship of language, then it will not be understood as the spirit of the fact because of the inherent spirit "language, so it must be explained from the syntax. He presented his view of translation in the book "On the translation method," he thought that this problem of translation can be solved in two ways: First, try not disturb the tranquility of the original author , so readers can get close to the author (alienation) Second, try not to disturb the tranquility of the reader, so close the reader to the author (accommodation)He divided the translation into translation and interpretation: translators are mainly engaged in the field of science and art of translation; interpreters are mainly on the translation of commence.Also it was divided into the real translation and machine translation: real translation mainly refers to the natural sciences, literature and translation; machine translation refers to the practical translation .These arguments undoubtedly left a lot of space for the later generation to continue the study, and greatly enriched the idea of translation theory. from both the depth side and breadth side.2.2 The translational ideas of M.HeideggerHeidegger thought that the task of philosophy is to show how the theme is to build reasonably to aware the certainty of the specification, which determine whether a given representation is true or false. From this position, he continued, the truth is not long offered only by means of natural science concepts. However, such a model, often forget the most fundamental, the world's top science we are. This is Heidegger' s interpretation of the field. Therefore, philosophical hermeneutics is no longer a possibility of one of the few. On the contrary, hermeneutics hermeneutics of authenticity, as Heidegger said, it is philosophy, and it is in the first place. This reflects Heidegger' s understanding, interpretation, and asserted, such as definitions of terms. Understanding, in Heidegger' s account, which is neither a method of reading, nor is the will and well-conducted process of critical reflection of the results. This is not what we consciously do or not do something, but our stuff. Understanding is that existing models, so it is a human characteristic.This occupied the world in which the first way is itself a reflection of the nature of hermeneutics. We understand the premise of the world, reveals the way, we do not have theoretical considerations, apractical know-how, we are in the East. We opened the door, there is no objective or concept to determine the nature of a door handle or door frame. The world is a basic, intuitive way we familiar with. Most of the first, Heidegger believes that we do not understand a collection of neutral facts makes it possible to achieve universal ideas, laws or decisions, large or small extent, corresponding to the world, because it is through the collection of the world. The world is tacitly understood.2.3The translational id eas of Hans-Georg GadamerAs the translation is the interpretation and understanding to the original text, highly subjective interpretation of the translation process research must locate the translator, and gives the translator the initiative to the understanding and interpretation of the text. After the 20th century, based on Heidegger‟s idea, Gadamer referred t o three philosophy principles: in "Truth and Methods "understanding of the historic", "fusion of horizons" and "effect of history". Especially, the "fusion of horizons” improved the interpreter's initiative and creativity to unprecedented heights.2.3.1 The understanding of the historicGadamer thought hat understanding is historic, understanding of the historic constitute the prejudice of understanding, thereby determining the creative and generative the understanding. Real understanding is not to overcome the limitations of history but to properly evaluate and adapt to it, in this sense, understanding of the text is no doubt a historic. Either a translator will be subject to a variety of subjective or objective historical conditions, the absolute "trust" can not exist. Misreading is the historic understanding which has been recognized by the times, and it is also the production affected by the existing social factors and the values before the understanding. For example, the late Qing period, facing the foreign powers invasion, alien domination, the Patriots gave full play to political enlightenment function the novel's literary, and many those had no political color or a lighter color of the foreign political novels were added "political reading" when they were translated and introduced to China, and take up a political mission. The understanding of the historical led to the bias of understanding, including misreading phenomenon, but Gadamer thought that this bias is "legitimate", he affirmed this "legitimate prejudice" constitute the historical factors of understanding. Gadamer‟s discourse to the positive bias makes us realize the significance of the misreading ,the denial and blame should not given to misreading, we need to re-examine its value.2.3.2 Fusion of horizonsUnderstanding existed in the means of the historical, whether the subject -------knower- or the object------ text all historically existed, and both have their own horizon. Horizon refers to the starting point of understanding, perspective and possible prospects. Two kinds of event horizon exist gaps, the gap caused by thechange of space and history of this scene can not be eliminated by any person. Madame claimed that the two kinds of vision should be blended together during the process of the understanding to achieve "fusion of horizons", so can make the knowers and understood objects surpass the original understanding of the event horizon, to achieve a new vision. His fusion of horizons has revealed the concept of translation, literary translation, especially in real terms, that is, in translation, the translator should strive to close to the initial vision of the original author ,then comprehended the author's intention.2.3.3 Effect of historyThe knowers and understood objects are all the existence of the history, the understanding and the meaning of the text were formed together in a constant process, Hans-Georg Gadamer called the history of this process "effect of history."To understand the works in the effect of history. Gadamer' s hermeneutics is a basic principle, he believes that "art works are the works including the effect of history ," and pointed out that the text is open, its significance can never be exhausted, so it is beyond the era that produced it, which provided for the possibility of understanding it for people of different times , in this sense, literary classics retranslation should be worth encouraging, Mr. Lu claimed that even if there is good translation, retranslation is still necessary , and even a near-final version in full, will change because of a new era of re-translation. Meaning of work is diverse, but a translation is fixed historical, cultural, temporary product. Human constantly surpassed themselves in the understanding it, are constantly re-writing their own history in the renewal and development of the "effect of history", and re-reflect on themselves and their own culture.Gadamer emphasized the ontological status of artistic truth, aesthetic understanding is the understanding of the truth of art and the world body, art works as the object to the understanding to the beauty is actually open, on the one hand, the most artists speak directly to us, there is a mysterious intimacy that we feel with the integration of the arts as a whole, on the other hand, we continue to see themselves from the art, as if we face to face with ourselves2.4 George Steiner’s translation model of hermeneuticsBased on interpretation of Heidegger' s thinking, the Steiner applied the philosophy, linguistics, poetry, literary criticism and cultural history of the theory to the interpretation of language ,and its focus falls on the translation of this central issue. From the hermeneutic point of view, the most striking is that Steiner proposed a "point of view to understanding is the translation "and steps to the interpretation of translation has particular characteristics, which includes :”Understanding as Translation” The concept of Seiner's translation has a broad sense,including “intralingual translation”. “interlingual translation”and “inter semiotic translation”,which is same to the linguists Jacobs Johnson's reference. Not only across different symbol systems and language translation between interlingual translation is difficult, and in the same language, the translation of the dialect and common language between the old saying and modern language is not very easy, the difficulty lies in understanding. He believes that the production of language and the process understanding is actually the translation process. Translation is the basis of language, while the translation is based on the existence of language as a whole.The hermeneutical steps constitutes the core of Stenior …s theoretical description , which is divided into four parts: trust ,aggression, incorporation, and compensation .(1) TrustThe so-called trust is based on past experience, the reader believe that the original work is serious, meaningful values ,so it must be understood thoroughly, otherwise it dose not have to translate. All translation activities have started from the trust,and the trust is based on the original two sides, partly from experience, the other is the theory. The translator's first action is "a belief that investment," which lies in the belief and trust that something original is understandable.(2) AggressionThe captured interpreted can bu thought as the conflict between two languages, two forms of conflict in the translator‟s intuition , this is a"offensive, strong and aggressive “ action. This violent of Steiner' s understanding from Heidegger can find a theoretical basis from Heidegger ,and specifically refers to the invasion of the original translator, the original text to be understood.(3)AbsorptionAbsorption means that the translator absorbs the original meaning, which inject new vitality into translation. This is the first step the results achieved, including the original meaning and form of naturalization must be transplanted into the target language, target language should embody all the information reflects the original works. Steiner saw the following two extremes as a "complete return" First, the purpose of the target text completely archived classic status, or " always maintain the strange and edge position forever."(4) CompensationThe compensation means compensating for the lost in the translation process ,namely return the things that the original to the original place, the complete four steps of translation must end with"compensation" Steiner pointed out that in the translation the translator's aggressive diversion of the original meaning of the merger will inevitablyresult in the loss of all aspects of the original works, so the translator must try to "make up in order to restore the balance between the original and translated."3.The concept of hermeneutic and translation researchTranslation is the interpretation and understanding of the original text ,the process of the hermeneutic is very subjective, and is generated by the reader through the text of an intermediary in the process of dialogue with the author-generated, but also generated in the main interaction between Interpretation of Marxism. The concept of translation thought that the translator is not a passive recipient of the text, but the process of actively creating the text, the translator must explore thinking process and track of the original author, and grasp the "pre-structure" of the text . The interpretation in translation is that the critic and interpretation is based on the translator‟s understanding to the original text , and is the psych ological process that the translator experienced before he resorted the target language to written expression ,and it is attached to understanding and express links.As we all know, any translation began with the understanding to the original text, and in hermeneutic theory made a very important point worthy with the translation researcher‟s attention from the very beginning, Hans-Georg Gadamer said: "Understanding is a thing which we are involved in it but can not control, it is a thing fallen on us . we never empty-handed enter into the realm of understanding,but always carrying a lot of familiar beliefs and expectations. The understanding of Hermeneutic includes both the strange world we suddenly encounter and the familiar world which we have. "This view is used in translation, and will the translator‟ s awareness and understanding in the process of the Hermetic, but if you ignore this factor it is easy to understand the deviation caused by translation and misunderstanding. for example, the contemporary translation, the translator of "Journey to the West" mistakenly translated a character "barefoot" as red-legged immortal, which is clearly based on the way to understand the English language and only understand "red" in the Chinese understand become "red"in the english, but do not know "red" in the Chinese language also means "light, bare".Philosophical Hermeneutics of Translation Studies has a comprehensive and profound influence to the study of translation, if most of the major theoretical did not have the use of philosophical hermeneutics, we may not get a reasonable explanation. So that the translation is no longer a mechanical conversion of the language level, translation studies are also not only analysis and application to the text.4.ConclusionFrom the above study, we can learn that the scientists of the hermeneutic interpretation of are on hold a positive attitude.Schleiermacher referred to accommodation and alienation, and made distinction between translation and interpretation, the real translation and machine translation.Heidegger believed that understanding is subjective, and understanding has its own historic , depending on the viewer's understanding of the previous, there is so-called "pre-structure" and therefore should understand the "pre-understanding" and "pre-structure" as a precondition. Da Moet referred to three principles of hermeneutics in "Truth and Method" :"understanding of the historic", "fusion of horizons" and "effect of history" .The most striking that Steiner made is "Understanding is the translation of ideas."These views have their own translation characteristics and their values, during their own period ,they all have pushed the development of hermeneutic ,and we can still find that those translation ideas have developed from step by step ,and have gradually become systemically ,although they inevitably have their own objectivity and limitations, but it is undeniable that they injected new ideas for the hermeneutics. Knowledge is endless, only by continues study and research can we make a progress.So we not only need to learn from the experience and study of previous people,but also need to explore this field and improve the hermeneuticsReference1.Ferguson, Sinclair B; David F Wright, J. I. (James Inn ell) Packer (1988). New Dictionary of Theology. 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