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1. When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch ___ .

A. to repair bicycles

B. bicycles to be repaired

C. bicycles being repaired

D. repairing bicycles

2. --- Have you considered ___ your job as a teacher?

--- Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered ____ a gardener.

A. to change; to be

B. to change; being

C. changing; being

D. changing; to be

3. The dog, ____ , will be made a good watchdog.

A. to train properly

B. being trained properly

C. properly to train

D. trained properly

4. ___ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.

A. Having stolen

B. Having been stolen

C. Stolen

D. Stealing

5. ___ the front door ____ , he had to enter the room through the back door.

A. Seen; painted

B. Seeing; painted

C. Being seen; being painted

D. Seeing; being painted

6. And there, almost ____ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

A. having lost

B. losing

C. to be lost

D. lost

7. He looked around and caught a man ___ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put

B. to be putting

C. to put

D. putting

8. To answer correctly is more important than __ .

A. that you finish quickly

B. finishing quickly

C. to finish quickly

D. finish quickly

9. The old farmer, ___ the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, calling continuously for help.

A. supporting

B. having supported

C. being supported by

D. being supported

10. In January , 2004, the United States successfully launched “ Spirit ” , a Ma

Rover, ____ a new milestone in the history of mankind.

A. it marked

B. marking

C. marked

D. to mark

11. It was getting dark; I found a car ___ in a pool by the side of the road.

A. to be stuck

B. stuck

C. sticking

D. stick

12. You can 't imagine whatagt rtreouble they have ___ the problem _____ .

A. to solve; being talked about

B. solving; discussing

C. to solve; to talk about

D. solving; being discussed

13. The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed ___ the river.

A. to have discovered

B. to have been discovered

C. to discover

D. having been discovered

14. The thief fell to the ground, his left foot ____ and blood ____ down from his mouth.

A. breaking; running

B. broken; running

C. breaking; run

D. broken; run

15. The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes ___ on the screen.

A. to fix

B. to be fixed

C. fixed

D. fixing

16. As I will be away for at least a year, I ' d appreciate _____ from you now and then

can know how everyone is getting along.

A. having heard

B. to hear

C. hearing

D. being heard
