
)2.britishcouncilofculture:英国文化协会3.debtcap:债务上限4.altitudesickness:高空病;高原病;高原反应5.highstreet:(尤指市商业区的)大街6.environmentalrefugee:环境难民7.theministryofindustryandinformationtechnology:(中华*共和国)工业和信息化部8.publicdiplomacy:公共外交9.exclusiveeconomiczone:专属经济区10.paternityleave:(男*)陪产假11.mobilephonedependencysyndrome:手机依赖症综合症12.avian/birdflu:禽流感13.manneddeep-seasubmersible:深海载人潜水器14.culturaldeficit:文化逆差15.airdefenseidentificationzone:防空识别区未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题i.directions:translatethefollowingwords,abbreviationsortermi nologyintotheirtargetlanguagerespectively.(30)1.ltd:有限公司(panylimited)2.cpi:居民消费价格指数(consumerpriceindex)3.r.s.v.p:请回复(法语rpondezsilvousplat.=reply,ifyouplease.)4.lse5.att(c)6.vtr7.sw8.eecs9.caf10.alongsidedelivery11.exchangesettlerment12.installmentpaymentddeparturepoint14.debitnote15.noticeofdamage16.全损17.分批装船18.增值税:19.中等发达国家20.运费免付21.工商管理学学士22.零售价格指数痛23.瑞士法郎24.聚酯纤维25.自由关税区26.转账凭单27.注销支票28.**信托投资公司29.直送航铗30.账面赤字ii.directions:translatethefollowingtwosourcetextsintotheirtar getla未完,继续阅读 >第3篇:西北大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题西北大学2014年翻译硕士mti考研真题i.phrasetranslationcbd:*商务区(centralbusinessdistrict);交货前付款(cashbeforedelivery)api:空气污染指数(airpollutionindex);应用程序编程接口(applicationprogramminginterface)nasa:美国宇航局;美国太空总署(nationalaeronauticsandspaceadministration)cio:首席信息官(chiefinformationofficer)hegemonism:霸权主义ethnicaffairsmittee:民族委员会ministryoflandandresources:(中华*共和国)国土资源部sourcedocument:源文档;原始文件retainedearning:留存收益;留存盈余;留存利润dabber:轻拍的人;敷墨具publicreservefunds:公积金globalpositionsystem:全球定位系统treasurybonds:国库债券oracleboneinscriptions:*骨文yasukunishrine:财务报表:financialstatements;fin未完,继续阅读 >第4篇:翻译硕士MTI考研真题i.phrasetranslation1.who:世界卫生组织(worldhealthorganization)2.cbd:*商务区(centralbusinessdistrict)3.yog:青奥会(youtholympicgames)4.imf:*货*基金组织(internationalmoaryfund)5.iso:*标准化组织(internationalstandardorganization)6.opec:石油输出国组织(organizationofpetroleumexportingcountries)7.unesco:联合国教科文组织(unitednationseducational,scientificandculturalorganization)8.euromart:欧洲共同市场(europeanmonmarket))9.guinessbookofrecord:吉尼斯世界纪录10.negativepopulationgrowth:人口负增长11.theeuropeaneconomicmunity:欧洲经济共同体(theeuropeaneconomicmunity)12.worldintellectualpropertyorganization:世界知识产权未完,继续阅读 >第5篇:关于翻译硕士MTI考研真题i.phrasetranslation(一)英译汉(15分)cbsgattunesco(二)英译汉(15分)房地产经济危机空气污染绿*食品社区服务失业保险信息产业电子图书馆可持续发展计算机辅助翻译安理会外交部新华社英国广播公司*特别行政区ii.passagetranslationsourcetext1:whatistheessenceofdisneyworld?muchofitrevolvesarounddis neyefforttocreatetheillusionforvisitorsthattheyhaveenteredaper fectworld,whichmorecloselyconformstotheirdesires.itcreatesthis perfectworldinvariousways.forexample,itencouragesvisitorstosee theparkthroughtheeyesofachildanddefinesitselfasaplacethatbrin gsdreamtolife.butmostessentiallyitcreatesafictionalizedversionof aperfectworldbyinvitingvisitor未完,继续阅读 >第6篇:中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及*i.phrasetranslation1.多边合作:multilateralcooperation2.可持续发展:sustainabledevelopment3.试行阶段:pilotphase4.应急计划:contingencyplan5.污水处理:sewagetreatment6.全球变暖:globalwarming7.新闻发布会:pressconference;newsbriefing8.市场占有率:shareofmarket;marketshare9.研发中心:rdcenter(researchanddevelopmentcenter)10.跨国犯罪:transnationalcrime11.企业文化:enterpriseculture;corporateculture12.八*会:g8summit;group8summit13.数字鸿沟:digitaldivide14.危害品贩运:drugtrafficking15.国有企业:state-ownedenterprise16.brandloyalty:品牌忠诚度17.corporategovernance:公司治理;企业管治18.corporatesocialresponsibility:企业社会责任19.prolifera未完,继续阅读 >第7篇:中山大学翻译硕士考研真题及*i.phrasetranslation1.中小企业:smallandmediumenterprises2.洗钱:moneylaundering3.**升值:appreciationofthermb4.次贷危机:subprimemortgagecrisis5.水土流失:waterandsoilloss6.贸易顺差:tradesurplus7.企业社会责任:corporatesocialresponsibility8.*信用评级:sovereigncreditrating9.贩卖人口:humantrafficking10.美国驻华大使:americanambassadortochina11.温室效应:greenhouseeffect12.投资回报率:returnoninvestment13.供应链:supplychain14.劳动密集型产业:labor-intensiveindustry15.防止核扩散条约:treatyonthenon-proliferationofnuclearweapons;nuclearnon-proliferationtreaty16.capitalchain:资金链17.humanitarianintervention:人道主义干涉18.creditfa未完,继续阅读 >第8篇:翻译硕士考研真题翻译硕士*课的复习和应考有着与公共课不同的策略和技巧,虽然每个考生的*不同,但是在总体上都有一个既定的规律可以探寻。

扬州大学2024年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A卷)科目代码211科目名称翻译硕士英语满分100分注意:①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;③本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!Section One Vocabulary and StructureDirections:In this part,there are30incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence and then write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(30points,1point each)1.They want a warning by the United States to Japan that any move against the British in Asiameans war with us.Their empire is mighty rickety at this point.They hope such a warning will________.[A]cover it up[B]shore it up[C]make it up[D]give it up2.In an odd way the two leaders________each other.They were both Number One Men.Butthat was impossible.Who,then,was Number One?[A]finished[B]relinquished[C]extinguished[D]diminished3.The doctor told me that I had to______alcohol otherwise I would get into trouble.[A]cut in[B]cut off[C]cut out[D]cut up4.I________to say something of the kind to her,when she laughed at my clumsy complimentand said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.[A]refused[B]ventured[C]tortured[D]fractured5.The coasts remind me of people;either they are forbidding and________,or else theypresent no mystery and show all they have to give at a glance.[A]unapproachable[B]unavoidable[C]uncomfortable[D]unyielding6.I like also the________information which he imparts from time to time without insistence;he has traveled much,and has used his eyes and kept his ears open.[A]out-of-the-way[B]in-the-way[C]by-the-way[D]on-the-way7.She had lived to be very old and at last________.Her only living daughter was with herwhen she died,and I was told that in death her face was that of a child.[A]energetic[B]infirm[C]miserable[D]panic8.There are things in nature that________an awful quiet in the heart of man.[A]engender[B]endanger[C]enact[D]enforce9.Doubtless some instinct impels me________to cram these the last weeks of my life with thegentler things I never had time for,releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact wasalways latent.[A]gluttonously[B]glutinously[C]autonomously[D]anonymously10.As the hurricane________northward across Mississippi,it dropped more than28inches ofrain into West Virginia and Southern Virginia.[A]raked its way[B]found its way[C]pushed its way[D]cut its way11.When you were playing for the highest________,you made the highest bid.[A]flakes[B]stakes[C]mistakes[D]brakes12.“I told you—Cut it out!”The words spat forth with sudden savagery,all pretense of________gone.[A]fierceness[B]shrewdness[C]happiness[D]blandness13.Some people do well in IQ test,scoring much higher above the mean value of100,but havecontributed________to the intellectual and cultural life of the society.[A]disproportionately[B]unconsciously[C]indefinitely[D]unaccountably14.Such literary and cultural richness offers a________of this city’s long history.[A]gaping[B]gazing[C]glimpse[D]glance15.A special commission will be set up within three months to study the question of how to________historical houses in the city.[A]conserve[B]deserve[C]preserve[D]reserve16.Trying to________the best course of action,he talked with his father and mother.[A]draw out[B]take out[C]get out[D]reason out17.It would be wrong to always adopt a(n)________attitude towards their errors orshortcomings.[A]empathetic[B]conscientious[C]accommodating[D]passionate18.Apart from his regular salary,he also received________income from nonemploymentsources,such as rent,pensions,and interest.[A]mellifluous[B]meticulous[C]mischievous[D]miscellaneous19.The precious manuscripts were hopelessly________by long exposure in the cold,dampcellar.[A]ruined[B]damaged[C]destroyed[D]contaminatedernment-funded training and free back-to-school programs for laid-off workers are________,but few experts believe they will be able to keep up with the pace of the new technology.[A]in effect[B]under way[C]on the go[D]in accord21.There could be other________...and now was the time to consider them.Traveling bysecondary roads would be difficult without knowing the terrain.[A]complications[B]modifications[C]creations[D]gratificationsughter does produce short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels,________heart rate and oxygen consumption,but it is actually hard to bring about the same benefits as the way,say,walking or jogging does.[A]alleviating[B]boosting[C]impairing[D]stabilizing23.I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner________.[A]the more excited I got[B]I got excited more[C]and more I got excited[D]and I got more excited24.By2050the world will have about2billion people aged over60,three times________today.[A]as many as[B]as much as[C]as that of[D]as those of25.The revolutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than________with his kneesbent.[A]to live[B]living[C]live[D]lived26.________they must learn in a course is not provided in the classroom.[A]Many things[B]All in which[C]Much of what[D]All of which27.Her terror was so great________somewhere to escape,she would have run for her life.[A]only if there had been[B]that there had only been[C]that had there only been[D]if there was only28.It is encouraging to note that in recent years,cigarette smokers have been________thedecline,especially among older people.[A]in[B]on[C]off[D]by29.For my own part,it seems that the main requirement of an international language,be itanalytic or synthetic,is that it________.[A]would be easily learned[B]is easily learned[C]will be easily learned[D]be easily learned30.He had been searching in the antique market for a week and finally found for him a________wooden writing desk.[A]little pretty Chinese square old black[B]pretty little Chinese square old black[C]pretty little square old black Chinese[D]old black pretty Chinese little squareSection Two Reading ComprehensionPart One:Multiple ChoiceDirections:In this part,there are three passages.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and[D]. Read the passages carefully and then decide on the BEST choice.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(24points,2points each)Passage OneI remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart.I had managed to sell all my papers and was coming home in the snow.It was that strange hour in downtown New York when the workers were pouring homeward in the twilight.I marched among thousands of tired men and women whom the factory whistles had unyoked.They flowed in rivers through the clothing factory districts,then down along the avenues to the East Side.I met my father near Cooper Union.I recognized him,a hunched,frozen figure in an old overcoat standing by a banana cart.He looked so lonely,the tears came to my eyes.Then he saw me,and his face lit with his sad,beautiful smile—Charlie Chaplin’s smile.“Arch,it’s Mikey,”he said.“So you have sold your papers!Come and eat a banana.”He offered me one.I refused it.I felt it crucial that my father sell his bananas,not give them away.He thought I was shy,and coaxed and joked with me,and made me eat the banana.It smelled of wet straw and snow.“You haven’t sold many bananas today,pop,”I said anxiously.He shrugged his shoulders.“What can I do?No one seems to want them.”It was true.The work crowds pushed home morosely over the pavements.The rusty sky darkened over New York building,the tall street lamps were lit,innumerable trucks,street cars and elevated trains clattered by.Nobody and nothing in the great city stopped for my father’s bananas.“I ought to yell,”said my father dolefully.“I ought to make a big noise like other peddlers, but it makes my throat sore.Anyway,I’m ashamed of yelling,it makes me feel like a fool.”I had eaten one of his bananas.My sick conscience told me that I ought to pay for it somehow.I must remain here and help my father.“I’ll yell for you,pop,”I volunteered.“Arch,no,”he said,“go home;you have worked enough today.Just tell momma I’ll be late.”But I yelled and yelled.My father,standing by,spoke occasional words of praise,and said I was a wonderful yeller.Nobody else paid attention.The workers drifted past us wearily, endlessly;a defeated army wrapped in dreams of home.Elevated trains crashed;the CooperUnion clock burned above us;the sky grew black,the wind poured,the slush burned through our shoes.There were thousands of strange,silent figures pouring over the sidewalks in snow.None of them stopped to buy bananas.I yelled and yelled,nobody listened.My father tried to stop me at last.“Nu,”he said smiling to console me,“that was wonderful yelling.Mikey.But it’s plain we are unlucky today!Let’s go home.”I was frantic,and almost in tears.I insisted on keeping up my desperate yells.But at last my father persuaded me to leave with him.1.The word“unyoked”in the first paragraph describes the city workers’________.[A]eagerness to go home[B]passivity and coldness[C]harsh living situation[D]happiness of release from work2.Which of the following is intended to be a pair of contrast in the passage?[A]Huge crowds and lonely individuals.[B]Weather conditions and street lamps.[C]Clattering trains and peddlers’yells.[D]Moving crowds and street traffic.3.Which of the following statements is NOT suitable to describe the character of the son?[A]He is compassionate towards people around him,not only his father.[B]He feels a strong sense of responsibility for his father’s duty.[C]He is shy in yelling to sell bananas.[D]He is quite determined and loving.4.What is the main theme of the story?[A]The misery of the factory workers.[B]The difficulties to survive in a harsh environment.[C]Generation gap between the father and the son.[D]Love between the father and the son.Passage TwoFrom the health point-of-view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.It is almost certain that one day remedies will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases.The expectation of life has increased enormously.But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before,every day we witness the incredible slaughter of men,women and children on the roads.Man versus the motor-car!It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel,his car becomes the extension of his personality.There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities.People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel.They swear,they are ill-mannered and aggressive,willful as two-year-olds and utterly selfish.All their hidden frustrations,disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.The surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behavior.Everything is done for his convenience.Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy tragic;towns are made ugly by huge car parks;the countryside is desecrated by road networks;and the mass annual slaughter becomes nothing more than a statistic,to be conveniently forgotten.It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life.With regard to driving,the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.A code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.Here are a few examples of something that might be done.The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is;all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so;the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least21;all vehicles should be put through stringent annual tests for safety.Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can impair a person’s driving ability.Present drinking and driving laws(where they exist)should be made much stricter.Maximum and minimum speed limits should be imposed on all ernments should lay down safety specifications for manufacturers,as has been done in the USA.All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned.These measures may sound inordinately harsh.But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the annual toll of human life.After all,the world is for human beings,not for motor-cars.5.The main idea of this passage is________.[A]Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists[B]Thousands of people the world over are killed each year[C]The laws of some countries about driving are too lax[D]Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents6.What does the author think of society toward motorists?[A]Society smiles on the motorists.[B]Victims of accidents are nothing.[C]Society condones their rude driving.[D]Huge car parks are built in the cities and towns.7.What does the author mean by“his car becomes the extension of his personality”?[A]Driving can show his real self.[B]Driving can show the other part of his personality.[C]Driving can bring out his character.[D]His car embodies his temper.8.Which of the followings is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?[A]Build more highways.[B]Stricter driving tests.[C]Test drivers every three years.[D]Raise age limit and lay down safety specifications.Passage ThreeThe first clue came when I got my hair cut.The stylist offered not just the usual coffee or tea but a complimentary nail-polish change while I waited for my hair to dry.Maybe she hoped this little amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months while nursing our hair back to whatever natural colour we long ago forgot.Then there was the appliance salesman who offered to carry my bags as we toured the microwave aisle.When I called my husband to ask him to check some specs online,the salesman offered a pre-emptive discount,lest the surfing turn up the same model cheaper in another store. That night,for the first time,I saw the Hyundai ad promising shoppers that if they buy a car and then lose their job in the next year,they can return it.Suddenly everything’s on sale.The upside to the economic downturn is the immense incentive it gives retailers to treat you like a queen for a day.During the flush times,salespeople were surly, waiters snobby.But now the customer rules,just for showing up.There’s more room to stretch out on the flight,even in a coach.The malls have that serene aura of undisturbed wilderness,with scarcely a shopper in sight.Every conversation with anyone selling anything is a pantomime of pain and bluff.Finger the scarf,then start to walk away,and its price floats silkily downward.When the mechanic calls to tell you that brakes and a timing belt and other services will run close to$2,000, it’s time to break out the newly perfected art of the considered pause.You really don’t even have to say anything pitiful before he’ll offer to knock a few hundred dollars off.Restaurants are also caught in a fit of ardent hospitality,especially around Wall Street:Trinity Place offers$3drinks at happy hour any day the market goes down,with the slogan“Market tanked?Get tanked!”—which ensures a lively crowd for the closing bell.The“21”Club has decided that men no longer need to wear ties,so long as they bring their wallets.Food itself is friendlier:you notice more comfort food,a truce between chef and patron that is easier to enjoy now that you can get a table practically anywhere.New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new restaurant demeanor as“extreme solicitousness tinged with outright desperation.”“You need to hug the customer,”one owner told him.There’s a chance that eventually we’ll return all this kindness with the extravagant spendingthat was once decried but now everyone is hoping will restart the economy.But human nature is funny that way.In dangerous times,we clench and squint at the deal that looks too good to miss, suspecting that it must be too good to be true.Is the store with the super cheap flat screens going to go bust and thus not be there to honor the“free”extended warranty?Is there something wrong with that free cheese?Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude,who walk in demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn.These store owners wince as they sense bad habit forming:Will people expect discounts forever?Will their hard-won brand luster be forever cheapened,especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced?There will surely come a day when things go back to“normal”;retail sales even inched up in January after sinking for the previous six months.But I wonder what it will take for US to see those $545Sigerson Morrison studded toe-ring sandals as reasonable?Bargain-hunting can be addictive regardless of the state of the markets,and haggling is a low-risk,high-value contact sport.Trauma digs deep into habit,like my85-year-old mother still calling her canned-goods cabinet“the bomb shelter.”The children of the First Depression were saving string and preaching sacrifice long after the skies cleared.They came to be called the“greatest generation”.As we learn to be decent stewards of our resources,who knows what might come of it?We have lived in an age of wanton waste,and there is value in practicing conservation that goes far beyond our own bottom line.9.According to the passage,what does“the first clue”suggest?[A]Shops try all kinds of means to please customers.[B]Shops,large or small,are offering big discounts.[C]Women tend to have their hair cut less frequently.[D]Customers refrain from buying things impulsively.10.Which of the following best depicts the retailers now?[A]Bad-tempered.[B]Highly motivated.[C]Over friendly.[D]Deeply frustrated.11.What does the author mean by“the newly perfected art of the considered pause”?[A]Customers now rush to buy things on sale.[B]Customers have got a sense of superiority.[C]Customers have learned how to bargain.[D]Customers have higher demands for service.12.What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?[A]Extravagant spending would boost economic growth.[B]One’s life experience would turn into lifelong habits.[C]Customers should expect discounts for luxury goods.[D]The practice of frugality is of great importance.Part Two:Answer the QuestionsDirections:In this part,you are going to read one passage.Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions following the passage.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(16 points,4points each)When I meet people for the first time,they sometimes quote back to me a line in my speech at the2004Democratic National Convention that seemed to strike a chord:“There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America—there’s the United States of America.”For them,it seems to capture a vision of America finally freed from the past of Jim Crow and slavery,Japanese internment camps and Mexico braceros,workplace tensions and cultural conflict—an America that fulfills Dr.King’s promise that we be judged not by the color of our skin but the content of our character.In a sense,I have no choice but to believe in this vision of America.As the child of a black man and a white woman,someone who was born in the racial melting pot of Hawaii,with a sister who’s half Indonesian but who’s usually mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican,and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent,with some blood relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac,so that family get-togethers over Christmas take on the appearance of a UN General Assembly meeting,I’ve never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race,or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe.Understanding this reality requires a reminder of how we arrived at this point.As William Faulkner once wrote,“The past isn’t dead and buried.In fact,it isn’t even past.”We do not need to recite here the history of racial injustice in this country.But we do need to remind ourselves that so many of the disparities that exist between the African-American community and a larger American community today can be traced directly to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.Segregated schools were,and are,inferior schools;we still haven’t fixed them,fifty years after Brown vs.Board of Education,and the inferior education they provided,then and now,helps explain the pervasive achievement gap between today’s black and white students.Moreover,I believe that part of America’s genius has always shown its ability to absorb newcomers,to forge a national identity out of the disparate lot that arrived on our shores.In this we’ve been aided by a Constitution that—despite being marred by the original sin of slavery—has at its very core the idea of equal citizenship under the law;and an economic system that,more than any other,has offered opportunity to all comers,regardless of status or title or rank.Of course, racism and nativist sentiments have repeatedly undermined these ideals;the powerful and the privileged have often exploited or stirred prejudice to further their own ends.But in the hands of reformers,from Tubman to Douglass to Chavez to King,these ideals of equality have gradually shaped how we understand ourselves and allowed us to form a multicultural nation the like of which exists nowhere else on earth.Questions:13.What is the main theme of the speech?14.Why does the speaker say that his family together is like UN General Assembly?15.Why does the speaker think it important to form a multicultural nation?16.What are the possible major factors that have led to so many disparities between theAfrican-American community and a larger American community today?Section Three WritingDirections:The revolutionary online application ChatGPT has brought immense concerns to the education field.Foreign language teachers were among the most anxious,exacerbated by the extensive media coverage buzzing about its capabilities.Some teachers and educational administrators see ChatGPT as opening Pandora’s box,posing threats to students’development of critical thinking and writing abilities.Some argue that ChatGPT offers major opportunities for teachers and learners to improve second/foreign language teaching and learning,especially towards a more personalized learning experience.Thus,how the chatbot can be harnessed by learners and teachers become a question.Write a composition of about400words on the topic of “My attitude towards the use of ChatGPT in English learning”.You may use a subtitle to guide your writing.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(30points)Note:In the first part of your writing you should state clearly the thesis statement(i.e.,your main argument), and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。

翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(生物环境)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 名词解释 4. 简答题单项选择题1.DNA(Deoxyribonucleic acid)是( )人发明的。
知识模块:生物环境2.以下横线处,依次填入词语,最恰当的是( )。
知识模块:生物环境3.下列不属于可再生能源的是( )。

浙江大学翻译硕士考研真题及答案浙江大学(回忆)翻译硕士英语一、选择题1.backyard chat2.问Bob,Tom,Gray,Christine哪一个是"she"3.写了一个句子,让你选择美国总统任期几年4.cancer()选择doctor,physician,oculist,surgeon5.Whatever you do,do not tell()选择US Petroleum,UK Petroleum, CN Petroleum等二、阅读题:共三篇,篇幅较长,内容均是news。
第一篇讲巴以问题5选择第二篇讲杭州和台湾旅游5选择第三篇讲美国,欧洲应对潜在恐怖袭击5回答三、作文:Which will you select,MTI or MA in Translational Studies?400字英语翻译基础一、翻译词语:共30个WTO FIT punch The New York Review of Books spinster defendant lump-sum contract economic giant sex worker港龙航空中国国际航空公司中国人民广播电台保税工厂进口税美食家《石头记》《阿Q正传》东汉吐鲁番市道家二、翻译:英翻汉——讲的是中国与葡萄牙外交的事情长度一面汉翻英——福建闽地的特色建筑"土楼"“客家人”长度半面汉语写作与百科知识一、百科知识:25个选择1.民贵君轻2.献给爱丽丝创作者3.最大的热带雨林4.意大利文艺复兴代表人物5.川端康成作品6.《登高》诗句7.谁的“移情说”8.“吾爱吾师,吾更爱真题”谁说的9.丝绸之路10.“现代电影的里程碑”是哪部电影11.古兰经12.给了一幅画,问是谁画的二、应用文:以某学校化学系名义给某化工研究所写一份公函,说明该校大四化学系学生打算前往该研究所参观,说明情况。

中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答(三)中山大学翻译硕士MTI真题及答案I. Phrase Translation1. 中小企业: small and medium enterprises2. 洗钱:money laundering3. 人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB4. 次贷危机: Subprime mortgage crisis5. 水土流失: water and soil loss6. 贸易顺差: trade surplus7. 企业社会责任: Corporate Social Responsibility8. 主权信用评级: sovereign credit rating9. 贩卖人口: human trafficking10. 美国驻华大使: American Ambassador to China11. 温室效应: Green House Effect12. 投资回报率: Return On Investment13. 供应链: Supply Chain14. 劳动密集型产业: labor-intensive industry15. 防止核扩散条约: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; nuclear non-proliferation treaty16. capital chain: 资金链17. humanitarian intervention: 人道主义干涉18. credit facilities:信贷措施;信贷服务19. exclusive interview: 独家采访20. clean governance:廉洁从政;廉政21. poll:投票;民意测验;民意调查22. double-dip recession:双底衰退;二次衰退;双谷经济衰退22. the State Council:(中国)国务院23. debt limit:债务限额;债务上限;债务额度24. a Palestinian proposal to apply for statehood:巴基斯坦申请建国的提议;巴勒斯坦建国提案25. social security:社会保障;社会保险27. an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale:里氏9.0级地震28. a cease-fire agreement:停火协定;停战协定29. oil leak:漏油30. organizing committee:组织委员会II. Passage translationSection A English to ChineseAll parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like a clean glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair. Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them—a mother’sapproval, a father’s nod—are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand: their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.Through it all, despite it all, Eddie privately adored his old man, because sons will adore their fathers through even the worst behavior. It is how they learn devotion. Before he can devote himself to God or a woman, a boy will devote himself to his father, even foolishly, even beyond explanation.参考译文:所有的父母都会伤害孩子。

考试科目: 351英语翻译基础适用专业:英语口译(MTI)、英语笔译(MTI)(试题共 3 页)(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上不给分) I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30’ 1. OECD 2. NASA 3. IAEA 4. ASEM 5. UNICEF 6. ASEAN 7. APEC 8. IPR 9. CEPA 10. Special Safeguard Mechanism 11. Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis 12. Free Trade Agreement 13. bonded warehouse 14. Encyclopedia Britannica 15. binary opposition 16. 《论语》 17. 《红楼梦》 18. 扫黄打非 19. 西部大开发 20. 高度自治 21. 发烧门诊 22. 转基因食品 23. 小排量汽车 24. 温室气体排放 25. 创业板 26. 中国特色的社会主义市场经济 27. 选秀 28. 外交庇护 29. 稳健的货币政策 30. 摸着石头过河 II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’ Source Text 1: For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to call--lamely, enviously-- whole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person's "inside" and "outside," they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive-- and so ugly. One of Socrates' main pedagogical acts was to be ugly-- and to teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. They may have resisted Socrates' lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off--with the greatest facility--the 'inside" (character, intellect from the "outside" (looks; but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good. Source Text 2: Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and original but she ispassive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubicon has been crossed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back. Source Text 3: 新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积166.49万平方公里,占中国国土面积六分之一,陆地边境线5600公里,周边与8个国家接壤,是古丝绸之路的重要通道。

翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(科技生活)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 名词解释 4. 简答题单项选择题1.现代乒乓球运动以( )为一局。
知识模块:科技生活2.我国医疗卫生机构分为三级(一、二、三级)二等(甲、乙等),其中( )最高。
知识模块:科技生活3.下列( )不属于西方世界四大通讯社之一。
知识模块:科技生活4.索尼公司创始人之一是( )。
知识模块:科技生活5.英国的传播媒介比较丰富,其中每周评论是英国出版业的重要组成部分,( )是历史最悠久的周刊。
知识模块:科技生活6.英国首都伦敦的地铁是世界上最早的地铁,它建成于( )。

一. 1980考研英语翻译真题及答案Section VI Chinese-English Translation将下列句子译成英语:(本大题共20分,第1题2分,其余各题均3分)Section VI: Chinese-English Translation (20 points)1.水一煮沸请立即把开关关掉。
1. Please turn off the switch (switch off) as soon as the water boils.2. 在八十年代,中国人民将以更大的步伐向前迈进。
2. The Chinese people will forge ahead (march on, march onward, march forward) with greater strides in 1980’s.3. 我们都同意李同志已作出的决定。
3. We all agree to the decision comrade Li has made (made).4. 这个结果比我们预期的要好得多。
4. The result is much (far) better than we expected.5. 在过去的三年中,在恢复我国国民经济方面做了大量的工作。
5. During the past three years a lot (of work) has been done in the recovery (restoration) of our national economy (in recovering our national economy; in restoring our national economy).6. 我们把英语作为学习西方先进科学技术的一种工具。
6. We use English as a tool in learning Western advanced science and technology.7. 没有党的领导,我国的社会主义现代化是不可能实现的。

2018 年上外高翻 MTI 研究生统考《汉语百科知识》考题完整版百科知识(一)选择题1.能表演“掌上舞”是古代哪位美女?(几个选项是:貂蝉,西施,赵飞燕,杨玉环)2.《史记》中“世家”是给什么人做的传?(帝王,王侯,将士,还有一个忘了。
)3.“孔雀东南飞”和___并称诗歌史上的“双壁:4.“菊月”是指哪一个月?5.“红肥绿瘦”是指什么季节?6.“司空见惯”中“司空”是指? A唐朝的一位诗人 B唐朝的一位高僧 C一个官职7.下面哪一个是武松所为?A倒拔垂杨柳 B汴京城卖刀 C醉打蒋门神8.“名花解语”是指什么?9.“程门立雪”是为了什么?A拜访 B请罪 C道谢 D拜别10.一知半解又爱炫耀的人我们通常用什么词语形容?A半截剑 B半段枪 C半面 D半瓶醋11.“七月流火”形容的是? A炎炎夏日 B夏去秋来 C春去秋来 D秋去冬来12.“汗流浃背”是为了什么?13.京剧中,性格活泼的青年女性是? A青衣 B花旦 C彩旦14. “杨柳”是? A一种植物 B两种植物 C与植物无关15“成也萧何败萧何”指的是哪位历史人物?(二)成语解释精卫填海来龙去脉初出茅庐韬光养晦斯芬克之谜2018英语专业考研备考精华资料史上最全最有效大家论坛原创基础英语英汉互译二外语言学英美文学英美文化学校真题汇总等热门必备的辅导书:基础与综合英语[基础英语] 2018英语专业考研考点精梳与精练基础英语[大家网]英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到 10年真卷与解读下载[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.圣才.2018年版[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.金圣才. 2009出版[大家网]09年版.英语专业考研基础英语高分突破.吴中东.宫玉波[大家网]10年题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词 PDF.金圣才版1[大家网]英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版[大家网]题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词[大家网]读者的选择阅读手册[大家网]读者的选择第 4版英文版[大家网]谈语言写作读本英汉互译:[大家网]2018英语专业英汉互译考研真题与典型题详解.圣才考研网编[大家网]星火英语专业考研名校全真试卷精解英汉互译(2018)[大家网]2018年英语专业考研名校全真题精解.英汉互译.郭棲庆.10年版重点推荐资料:点击下载!英语专业考研(最全最新!) /thread-2407892-1-1.html 基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语等汇总学校真题汇总:中国人民大学英语专业考研真题汇总!中国矿业大学英语专业考研资料汇总!上海外国语大学北京外语国大学资料汇总华中师范大学英语专业考研--汇总华中科技大学英语专业考研资料汇总广东外语外贸大学深圳大学的真题汇总南开大学英语专业考研真题汇总中山大学资料汇总暨南大学资料北京航空航天大学英语专业考研真题资料西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总河海大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总中国海洋大学英语专业考研资料小汇武汉理工大学英语专业考研资料汇总武汉大学英语专业考研资料汇总苏州大学英语专业考研资料北京师范大学英语专业考研资料汇总西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总四川大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总!2南京大学英语专业考研资料中南大学二外法语 01年到 07年真题 pdf翻译资料:全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载[大家网]新编当代翻译理论刘宓庆著下载[大家网]英汉翻译综合教程[大家网]西方译学理论辑要下载[大家网]英语翻译理论与实践论文集下载[大家网]外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载汉语成语典故谚语与歇后语英语翻译全国 68所院校英汉互译试卷分析英语专业考研翻译超全面的笔记~英语专业考研各大院校题型对比分析 pdf英语修辞手法经济学人文本许渊冲与翻译艺术.张智中.扫描版散文佳作 108篇汉英英汉对照报刊英语单词精华经济指标名词解释真题:基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语法语德语俄语西班牙语等汇总语言学方面真题:汇总中中南大学 2006年英语语言文学与文化综合知识真题四川外语学院 01-06年英语语言文学真题长安大学 2007年英语语言学真题四川外国语大学英语专业 2006年考研真题翻译真题:汇总中广外英语专业历年初试真题水平+翻译与写作武汉大学 2009综合英语汉译英真题及参考答案南京大学 2007基础英语汉译英及参考答案文本及 pdf广外 10年写作与翻译真题3上外 01-08年英汉互译真题外交学院翻译真题及答案杭州师范大学 2018年硕士生招生入学考试科目和参考书目9.天津地区院校英专考研翻译真题8.上海地区院校英专考研翻译真题7.陕西地区院校英专考研翻译真题6.江苏地区院校英专考研翻译真题5.湖北地区院校英专考研翻译真题4.广东地区院校英专考研翻译真题3.福建地区院校英专考研翻译真题[大家网]2.东北地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]1.北京地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]高级英语第一册第二册教材及教师用书 rar下载孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载【大家论坛】传播学原理 2009年版张国良全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到年真卷与解读下载英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载高级英语第二册教材及教师用书第一册 rar下载MTI之 2018中文百科-keys(杭州小蚩尤尝鲜版)1.汉宫飞燕赵飞燕身材轻盈,有人认为是古代芭蕾的雏形。

翻译硕士《翻译硕士英语》考研名校考研真题库第一部分真题类型:一、虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句二、倒装句、强调句、独立结构三、同位语从句、反意疑问句题1. Since the development of an effective vaccine in 1963, measles _____ much less frequent.A. becameB. becomesC. has becomeD. have become【答案】C查看答案【解析】状语从句或短语用since引导时,主句一般用完成时。
measles 麻疹,形式是复数,实际是单数。
题3. Perhaps I should not have done so, but I changed my mind about the new job even though I was _____ last week.A. to be startedB. to have startedC. to have been startingD. start【答案】B查看答案【解析】过去将来完成时,表示未完成的计划。
题5. The operetta first _____ as a popular form of musical theater in the nineteenth century.A. to emergeB. emergingC. had emergedD. emerged【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:19世纪小歌剧最初以流行音乐剧院形式出现。
题6. The pollution problem as well as several other issues _____ to be discussed when the Congress is in session next spring.A. are goingB. were goingC. was goingD. is going【答案】D查看答案【解析】句子主语是the pollution problem,谓语动词用单数。

1. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:
"In the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning stands out as a pivotal technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed to do so."
2. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:
1. 在人工智能领域,机器学习作为一种关键技术脱颖而出,它使计算机能够从经验中学习,并随着时间的推移提高其性能,而无需被明确编程去做这些事情。
2. "With the development of Internet technology, online education has gradually become an important way for people to acquire knowledge. Online courses not only enrich educational resources but also break the geographical and temporal limitations, making learning more flexible and convenient."。

25、Ming Tombs十三陵
28、forewarned is forearmed凡事预则立
29、French Revolution 法国大革命
31、苏伊士运河Suez Canal
46、喜马拉雅山脉Himalaya Mountains
47、夏威夷群岛Hawaiian Island
48、档案柜 file cabinet
49、孝顺 filial piety
51、通用汽车 General Motors
52、基尼系数Gini coefficient
16、land feature地貌
17、continental shelf大陆架
18、degree Fahrenheit华氏温度
20、Inner Mongolia内蒙古
21、Jurassic Period侏罗纪
22、the Statue of Liberty自由女神像
8、tap water自来水
9、public supervision mechanism舆论监督机制‘
11、house for pension以房养老
14、cigarette butt烟蒂
15、educated youtng配字幕
3、sub-Saharan Africa撒哈拉以南的非洲

北外考研翻硕试题及答案一、词汇翻译(共10分,每题1分)1. 一带一路2. 人工智能3. 可持续发展4. 供给侧结构性改革5. 共享经济答案:1. Belt and Road Initiative2. Artificial Intelligence3. Sustainable Development4. Supply-Side Structural Reform5. Sharing Economy二、句子翻译(共20分,每题4分)1. 随着全球化的深入发展,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
2. 创新是推动社会进步的关键因素。
3. 气候变化是全球面临的共同挑战。
4. 教育公平是实现社会公正的基石。
5. 科技创新是推动经济发展的重要动力。
答案:1. With the deepening of globalization, cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important.2. Innovation is a key factor in driving social progress.3. Climate change is a common challenge faced by the world.4. Educational equity is the cornerstone of achieving socialjustice.5. Technological innovation is an important driving force for economic development.三、段落翻译(共40分,每题10分)1. 中国的改革开放政策极大地促进了经济的快速发展,提高了人民的生活水平,并为世界经济的增长作出了重要贡献。
2. 随着互联网技术的飞速发展,电子商务已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,极大地改变了人们的购物方式。

MTI真题汇总2011史上最全MTI真题汇总-百科-应用文-翻译基础2011北师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011年外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础真题回忆2011年语言大学翻译硕士真题回忆版11外经贸真题2011对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研历程回顾2011年中国石油大学英语翻译硕士真题回忆2011东北大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011师大学MTI真题2011年大学MTI真题2011大学MTI考生回忆帖2011年大学翻译硕士MTI入学考试真题回忆版本2011年师大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆北二外英语MTI试题2011 大学MTI考研真题2011年广外MTI真题回忆+解析+备考经验2011年上交翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年外国语大学翻硕MTI百科知识考研2011西外MTI复试2011年川外翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011大学翻译硕士初试真题2011年大学翻译硕士复试容2011大学翻译硕士初试真题2010-2011复旦大学MTI真题2011北二外MTI2011年大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年大学翻译硕士真题回忆2011年大学翻译硕士MTI真题回顾2011年师大学翻译硕士MTI考研回忆2011年西南大学翻译硕士部分真题回忆2011南开大学翻译硕士汉语写作与百科知识2011南开大学翻译硕士MTI翻译基础2011年南开大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年暨南大学翻硕真题回忆2011年师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011年东南大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆及备考经验2011年华东师大MTI真题回忆及考后经验2011年大学外国语学院英语语言文学基础英语汉译英试题2011年百科知识题型统计2011年大学翻译硕士MTI考试真题回忆版2011年各高校英汉特色词语翻译!最强完整版!2011天津外国语翻译硕士(笔译方向)真题2011年海事大学翻译硕士英语真题回忆2011年师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆厦大2011MTI初复试+复习书目翻译硕士MTI各院校真题作文汇总2010年大学翻译硕士考研试题大学2010翻译硕士试题回顾2010 第二外国语学院MTI真题2010年外国语大学翻译硕士考研试题2010年北语MTI英语笔译真题2010年北航翻译硕士考研试题北航2010年真题大学MTI试题回忆天外MTI初试及复试经验帖川大2010翻译硕士原题对外经贸易2010年翻译硕士初试对外翻译硕士真题2010贸大MTI复试2010复旦大学MTI初试复试2010年华中师大学MTI真题2010大学MTI试题2010年南开大学MTI真题大学2010MTI考研大学2010年MTI真题回忆2010年大学翻译硕士试题2010年上外翻译硕士考研复试试题大学2010年MTI真题回忆同济大学2010翻译硕士题目回忆同济大学2010翻译硕士题目回忆2010年西外MTI汉语百科与写作2010中国海洋大学MTI真题回忆2010年中南大学MTI业课回忆2010中南大学MTI英汉互译回忆2011年中南大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研试题(回忆版)2010大学MTI英语翻译基础2010大学MTI英语翻译基础2010大学汉语写作与百科知识2010年交通大学翻译硕士(MTI)年真题回忆翻译硕士2010汉语写作大作文各高校回忆集外国语大学2009年翻译专业硕士MTI笔试真题WORD下载2010各校MTI分数线MTI笔译教材方华文:20世纪中国翻译史[完整] DJVU高华丽:中外翻译简史[2009] DJVU景华:译者的隐形•翻译史论文革:西方翻译理论流派研究[2004]景华:翻译伦理•韦努蒂翻译思想研究长栓:非文学翻译理论与实践外语教育-宏薇-新编汉英翻译教程下载《大学英汉翻译教程》(第三版),对外经济贸易,王恩冕交替传译笔记:速成课程DJVU王振国:新英汉翻译教程教师用书[2007][完整] DJVU外教社翻译硕士专业(MTI)系列教材和平:笔译训练指南钱歌川-翻译的技巧-写作材料.doc钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》钱歌川《英文疑难详解》、《英文疑难详解续》郭延礼:文学经典的翻译与解读[2007][完整]金焕荣:商务英语翻译铁路工程翻译相关方面的书籍MTI--物流英语其中:英汉新闻翻译[2009][完整] DJVU英文原版翻译书籍库存翻译生态学MTI口译教材【翻译硕士】MTI教材之- 同声传译配套MP3【口译原版】James Nolan:Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises 【口译原版】Phyllis Zatlin:Thearical Translation and FilmAdaptation[2005][T]军峰:《商务英语口译》(第二版)DjVu格式基础英语资料汇总《英美散文选读》(一),对外经济贸易大学,显璟《英美散文选读》(二),对外经济贸易大学,显璟庄锡昌:西方文化史[2003][正文可检索]常磊:英美文化博览荣启:文学语言学[2005][完整]王佐良:英国散文的流变[1998]培基英译中国现代散文选MTI--希腊文学简史外研社现代大学英语学生用书1-6 教师用书1-6存军:当今流行英语缩略语[2007][完整] DJVU百科资料汇总福田:中国文化小百科(一)福田:中国文化小百科(二)福田:中国文化小百科(三)钱光培:中国文学百科知识手册丁:中国文化小百科全书(4卷)当代中国文化百科全书(英文原版)当代英国文化百科全书(英文原版)王德友:中国文化百科[缺]贾宝珍:新世纪文化百科[正文可检索]程裕祯:中国文化要略(第二版)[2003]金元浦:中国文化概论[2007][完整] DJVU现代汉语与百科知识.doc翻译硕士百科知识语文常识《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南》,东南大学,林青松不可不知的2000个文化常识PDF/DJVUMTI考试名词翻译及汉语名词解释.doc王长华:大学语文[2009][完整] DJVUMTI--环境保护专题应用文公文写作书籍10本应用文写作奉送(备忘录+广告+会议通知+商务信函+说明书)夏晓鸣:应用文写作【2007】《公文写作》《公文写作》,对外经济贸易,白延庆文国:中文读写教程第1、2册常用词典汇总汉英中国文化词典《牛津英美文化词典》《中国翻译家辞典》正文可搜索PDF林煌天:《中国翻译词典》PDF《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第7版谭载喜主译:翻译研究词典[完整] DJVU Dictionary of Translation Studies.rar 《最新汉英特色词汇词典》(第五版)许鲁之:简明英美文化词典[2000]汪榕培:英语学习背景知识词典.pdf王斌华:口笔译高频词汇词典[2010]最新汉英特色词汇(第四版)英语搭配大辞典__英汉对照牛津英语搭配词典__英汉双解版英汉双解美国习语词典__第4版。

考研英语翻译试题真题历年考研英语翻译试题真题(一览)Section VII Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English. (15 points)1. 去年的好收成是由于农场管理的改进和有利的气体条件。
2. 他在科研上取得的成就要比预期的大。
3. 我们现在必须做的是把情况作一番仔细的调查。
4. 很难说哪个方案更为切实可行。
5. 昨晚如果他来了,问题也许已得到解决。
翻译Section VII: Chinese-English Translation (15 points)1. The good crop last year was due to the improvement of farm management and favorable weather condition.2. The success he has achieved in scientific research is greater than expected.3. What we must do now is to make a careful investigation of the situation.4. It’s hard to say which plan is more practicable.5. If he had come yesterday evening, the question might have been solved.Section VIII English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points)It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards.(1) If one considers the enormous variety of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities.(2) If a student goes to university to acquire a broader perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit.(3) Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its time tables and disciplines, to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do.(4) Most students would, I believe, profit by a year of such exploration of different academic studies, especially those “all rounders”with no particular interest. They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, “I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn’t taken a degree in Modern Languages, I shouldn’t have ended up as an interpreter, but it’s too late now. I couldn’t go back and begin all over again.”(5) There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one’s time at university.(6) This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning.(7) He is immediately accepted by the University of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honour Degree and very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about.(8) It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.翻译Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation (20 points)1. 如果想一想那些为学生设置的门类繁多的课程,我们就不难发现,对一个学生来说,要选一门符合他的兴趣和能力的课程是多么困难。

翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(环境、自然地理、科技)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:74.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:14,分数:28.00)1.冰岛首都雷克雅未克是世界上著名的“无烟城市”,满足当地居民的能源需求主要靠利用( )资源。
(南京航空航天大学2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.煤B.地热C.石油D.核动力2.2009年12月的联合国气候变化大会在哪里召开?( )(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.日内瓦B.巴黎C.哥本哈根D.伦敦3.“世界环境日”是( )。
(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.3月5日B.4月5日C.5月5日D.6月5日4.什么是低碳生活?( )(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.是指生活作息时要注意保护环境,要少用碳、煤等有污染的燃料B.是指生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放C.是指生活作息时要节约用水.要保护地球的水资源D.是指生活作息时要注意身心健康,要多到大自然去呼气新鲜空气,以减少体内的二氧化碳5.英国最长的河流是( )。
(对外经贸201l翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.赛文河B.泰晤士河C.克莱德河D.莱茵河6.五大湖指的是( )。
(对外经贸2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、伊利湖、休伦湖、安大略湖B.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、伊利湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖C.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、谢湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖D.密歇根湖、奇安湖、伊利湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖7.美国的新英格兰地区不包括下面哪个州?( )(对外经贸2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.缅因州B.新罕布什尔州C.佛蒙特州D.北卡罗莱纳州8.美洲最高峰为高达6187米的麦金利山峰,该山峰位于( )。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题汇总与答案解析一、英语翻译基础英汉短语互译:Bogor GoalsFTAAPzero-sum gameALSNASAgenomic variationozone depletionsinologybitcoinUNCEDpaparazziamino aciddigital divideexistentialismsilver-spoon kids十八届四中全会亚太经合组织互联互通量化宽松公使衔参赞埃博拉病毒自闭症防空识别区负面清单房产税专利技术和而不同地沟油真人秀逆袭二、篇章翻译今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。
特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研机构!五、北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么北京外国语大学翻译硕士参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程北京外国语大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考:英语方向:1、Bassnett,Susan.《翻译研究》Translation Studies,外教社,2004.2、Gentzler,Edwin.《当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)》Contemporary Translation Theories,外教社,2004.3、马会娟、苗菊编.《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究出版社,2009年。
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