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amount to总计,达到

come to苏醒;共计

belong to属于

attend to专心;注意;照顾

see to负责,照料

turn to求助于

lead to导致;通向

refer to涉及;谈到;查阅

apply to适用于

keep to坚持;固守(习惯等)

stick to坚持

object to反对

yield to屈服于

appeal to对…有吸引力

take to开始从事;喜欢

happen to发生在…身上

occur to想起,想到

do good/harm to对…有好/坏处

pay attention to注意

look forward to盼望

contribute to有助于



get down to认真对待

stand up to抵抗,抵制

live up to符合,达到…要求

come up to达到,符合


give rise to产生

give way to向...让步,让路




be exposed to…暴露于

be opposed to反对

be accustomed/used to习惯于

opposite to与…相对

contrary to与…相反

equal to与…相等

equivalent to与…相同/等效

similar to与…相似

relevant to与…贴切、有关

familiar to对…来说熟悉

beneficial to对…有益

sensitive to对…敏感

alert to对…警觉

indifferent to对…漠不关心

vulnerable to易受…伤害的

preferable to比…更可取

superior to优于

prior to先于

due to由于

owing to由于

thanks to由于

in addition to除了

according to根据

as to至于,关于

in contrast to与…对比

in proportion to与…成比例

in relation to关于,涉及

with a view to/of以…为目的

with relevance to与…有关

to/of no avail完全无用

with regard/respect/reference to关于,至于

solution/answer/key/reply/response/access/approach/right/objection/resistance to


to one’s surprise/disappointment…使人惊奇/失望…的是


depend on/upon依靠;取决

rely on/upon依靠,依赖

count on/upon依靠,依赖

insist on/upon坚决主张

fall back on/upon依靠

look down on/upon轻视

border on/upon与…接壤

cut down on削减

wait on服侍

take on担任;呈现(面貌)

look on 旁观,观看

call on访问,拜访

hold on 坚持,继续

keep on 继续,保持

hang on(电话不挂)等会儿

reflect on仔细考虑,反思

speculate on思索;推测

concentrate on全神贯注于

live on以…为生

feed on以吃…为生





be hard on严厉对待

be keen on喜爱;渴望

on one’s own靠自

on foot步行

on board在车(船、飞机)上

on duty值班

on fire着火

on sale出售,廉价出售

on business因事,因公

on schedule按计划

on purpose故意地

on earth究竟,到底

on the average平均

on the whole整体来看

on the contrary相反地

on behalf of代表

on the ground(s) of根据

on condition that在…条件下

on the part of就…而言

on the point of就要…的时候

on the spot在现场,当场

focus/emphasis/impression/comment/remark/debate/impact/effect/influence/test/experiment on

on the occasion在…场合 on occasion(s)有时,间或

on any account无论如何 on no account绝不


consist in在于

lie in在于

persist in坚持

result in导致

end in以…告终

succeed in成功

take part in参加

participate in参加

invest in投资

be engaged in从事

be involved in卷入

be concerned in牵涉

specialize in专门研究;专营

lack in缺乏

turn/hand in上交

believe in相信,信任

take in欺骗;领会,理解

give in屈服,让步

take pride in以…为豪

take delight in喜欢

be interested in对…有兴趣

have faith in对…有信心

have confidence in对…有信

be absorbed in专心致志

be abundant in富于

be rich in富有

be skilled in精于

in fact实际上

in reality实际上,事实上

in practice实际上

in hand手头上有

in debt负债

in return作为回报

in depth深入地

in detail详细地

in contrast对比来说

in turn依次,轮流;反过来

in time及时;终于

in vain无效地,徒劳地

in conclusion最后

in advance预先,事先

in common与…共同,一样

in person亲自

in public公开地

in private私下地

in general一般说来

in particular特别,尤其

in short简言之

in a sense在某种意义上

in a way在一定程度上

in a word简而言之

in no time立即,马上

in no way绝不

in that在于,原因是

in the first place首先

in the long run从长期来看

in the short run从短期来看

in case如果,万一 in case of假如 in any case无论如何 in no case绝不


deal with对待,处理

do with对待,处理;忍受

cope with对付,妥善处理

meet with偶然遇到

coincide with与…相符,一致

interfere with干涉,干扰

agree with同意,与…一致

begin with以…开始

go with与…相配

be associated with与…有关

be connected with与…有关

be compared with与…比较

be combined with与…结合

be mixed with与…混合

be integrated with与…整合

be equipped with装备

be provided with被提供

be filled with充满

be covered with


be burdened with有…的负担

be affected with染有…疾病

be consistent with与…一致

be popular with受…欢迎

be busy with忙于

be concerned with对…关心

be careful with对…小心仔细

be strict with对…严格

be patient with对…耐心

be familiar with对…熟悉

be disappointed with对…失望

be satisfied with对…满意

be content with对…满意

be bored with对…觉得闷

be angry with对…生气

be annoyed with对…苦恼

be faced/confronted with面对

keep pace with与…并驾齐驱

keep up with跟上,不落后

come up with赶上;提出

go on with继续,进行

get on with有进展;相处好

get along with有进展;相处好

end up with以…结束

do away with废除

put up with忍受

come to terms with达成妥协

find fault with找茬,挑错

along with与…一道

in accordance with与…一致

in line with与…一致

in contrast with与…对比

have something/nothing to do with与…有/无关


approve of同意,批准

disapprove of不同意,不批准

complain of抱怨

dream of梦想

dispose of处理,销毁

smell of散发…的气味

boast of吹嘘,自夸

take care of照料

take notice of注意到

take advantage of利用

take account of考虑到

lose sight of看不见

get hold of抓住,理解

get rid of除去,摆脱

let go of松手,放开

make fun of取笑

make a fuss of对…大惊小怪

make the best/most of充分利用













consist of由…组成

be made of由…制成

be made up of由…构成

be composed of由…构成

be capable of能够

be ignorant of不知道

be sure of相信,确信

be certain of相信,确信

be critical of挑剔,批评

be afraid of担心

be fond of喜欢

be proud of以…为豪

be jealous of嫉妒

be sick of厌恶,厌倦

be tired of厌倦

be considerate of考虑周到

be tolerant of对…宽容

be aware/conscious of意识到

be typical of为…典型的

be characteristic of为…特有

be true of适用,符合于…

be full of充满

be short of短缺

be free of免于

in charge of负责

in favor of支持;有利于

in honor/memory of纪念

by virtue of依靠,由于

by means of依靠,通过

on account of由于

in terms of关于

in view of鉴于,考虑到

in (the) light of根据

in case of假设,万

in place of代替

for the sake of为了…的目的

regardless of不管

instead of代替,而不是

ahead of在… 前

point of view观点


bring about造成,引起

come about发生

set about开始,着手

care about对…关切

be certain about确信,肯定

be sure about确信,肯定

be concerned about对…关心

be anxious about忧虑,担心

be curious about好奇

be crazy about热衷,着迷

be mad about狂热迷恋

be particular about对…挑剔


arise from由…产生

derive from从…得到,源于…

originate from来源于

date from追溯到

differ from不同于

hear from收到来信

benefit from从…受益

result from由…造成

suffer from忍受

die from死于

be far from远非

apart from除了

be excused from免于…

be free from免于…

be absent from缺席

prevent/protect/hinder/stop/keep/save/… from

separate/distinguish/tell… from

from now/then/… on从现在/那时/…起


leave for动身去…

head for朝…方向走

make for 走向,向…前进

account for解释,说明(原因)

wait for等待

send for派人去请

call for要求

apply for申请

care for照顾,照料;喜欢

look for寻找,寻求


long for盼望

stand for 代表;主张,支持

stand up for 支持,为…辩护

look out for提防

go in for从事;爱好



make up for补偿,弥补

take... for granted把…当作当

be suitable/fit for合适

be responsible for对…负责

be famous for因…著名

be known for因…知名

be ready for准备好;乐意

be prepared for准备好;乐意

for sure确切地

be sorry for为…抱歉

be grateful for对…心存感激

for certain确切地

for short简称

for good永远

for instance/example例如

for the time being目前,暂时

as for至于,关于

but for倘没有,要不是


stare at凝视,注视

gaze at凝视,注视

glance at对…一瞥

aim at瞄准;针对

direct at把…对准,针对

make a guess at猜测

laugh at嘲笑

knock at敲

be good at擅长…

at ease舒适

at large一般地;自由地

at random随机地,任意地

at hand在手头,在附近

at length终于;详细的

at present现在,目前

at (the) least至少

at (the) most至多

at best至多,充其量

at once立刻,马上

at first/last起初/最后

at a disadvantage处于不利

at a loss不知所措

at a stretch连续不断地

at a distance在一定距离

at the mercy of受…支配/控制

at the sight of看见

at the rate of以…速度或比率

at a time同时 at one time 曾经有一时期 at times有时 at all times时常 at the same time同时

at any cost不惜一切代价 at all costs不惜一切代价 at the cost of以…为代价

at all events无论如何 at any rate无论如何


by accident偶然地

by chance偶然地

by nature生来,天生

by hand用手,用体力

by mistake错误地

by the way顺便(说)

by far到目前为止

by all means尽一切办法 by no means绝不

介词out of的搭配

run out of用光

out of the question不可能

out of question没问题

out of date过时

out of breath喘不过气来

out of control失控

out of order出故障,秩序混乱

out of power丧失权力

out of place位置不当,不相称

out of step步伐不一致/协调

out of sight看不见

out of touch失去联系

