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N + about

an agreement about 同意,一致concern about 担心;挂念

anxiety about 忧虑;担心information about (on) 关于……的信息,知识a complaint about 抱怨;叫屈 a talk about 谈话

Syn . a complaint of

N + against

an accusation against控告;谴责(a) protection against 保护,防保

a defence against 防护,保卫 a protest against抗议;反对

an insurance against 保险 a shield against 是防止……的保护物a prejudice against 偏见,成见 a prevention against 预防,防止

N + at

(take) aim at 瞄准indignation at 愤怒;愤慨amazement at 惊愕;吃惊 a knock at 敲门声

anger at 生气;恼怒(take) a look at 看,注视annoyance at 恼怒,不高兴(take) offense at 因......而生气an attempt at 试图;努力embarrassment at 窘迫

shame at 羞耻,羞愧(感)gladness at 高兴

surprise at 惊奇,惊异(make) a guess at 猜测,估计happiness at 快乐,愉快,幸福

N + between

a balance between 平衡 a difference between 差别

a choice between 选择余地;其它办法friction between 摩擦comparison between 比较harmony between 和谐;调和connection between 联系cooperation between 合作

N + for

an admiration for 羡慕;赞赏 a match for 和……相比的人,对手an affection for 爱;爱情an apology for 道歉

necessity for 必要性;需要application for 申请

a need for 需要,需要的东西(make) an arrangement for 作安排an occasion for 时机;机会 a passion for 热情;爱好

an attraction for 吸引,招引 a plan for 计划,打算

blame for 责怪;责备(make) preparation for 为……作准备cause for 理由readiness for 为……准备就绪

a cheque for 支票;(餐馆的)帐单 a reason for 理由;原因

a reputation for 名誉,声望compensation for 补偿;赔偿

a reservation for 定(票、座等)contempt for 轻蔑;藐视

a cure for 疗法;(治疗某种病的)药 a respect for 尊敬,尊重responsibility for 责任,职责 a demand for 需要,需求

a search for 搜寻;找寻desire for 期望,希望

a solution for (to) 解决(办法);解答eagerness for 殷切的心情evidence for 证据;根据sorrow for 对……感到悲痛

cf. evidence for 迹象 a substitute for 代用品,代替者excuse for 借口,理由an explanation for 解释;说明 sympathy for 同情(心);同感(have) a fancy for 爱好;喜爱

a talent for 才能,天资taste for 喜好,爱好

a fitness for 合适;恰当vote for (against) 投票赞成/(反对)a fondness for 喜欢 a gift for 天赋,才能

(lie in) wait for 埋伏;等候 a gratitude for (to) 感激

a wish for 希望,愿望grounds for 根据,理由

(show) zeal for 热情love for 喜欢

N + from

(an) absence from 缺席,不在场retirement from 退休

(a) protection from 保护,保卫 a selection from 选择,挑选recovery from 恢复,痊愈separation from 分离,分开relief from 消除,免除…… shelter from 躲避处,掩蔽

N + in

arrival in (at) 到来,到达

(take) (a ) pleasure in喜欢(做某事);(做某事)很高兴

belief in (at) 信仰;相信confidence in信任;相信(there is no) point in (做某事没)有意义(take) a delight in以……为乐(take) a pride in自豪;自满

difficulty in 在……方面困难;困境

a rise in 上涨;增长

(play) a role in在……方面起作用;任务

an error in 错误,过失an expert in 专家,能手(there’s no) sense in (做某事没)有道理

(find) _expression in 在……中表现出来

skill in 技巧,技能faith in 信任;信仰

a specialist in 专家 a fall in 下降;减少specialization in 专门地(there’s no) harm in 不妨success in 成功an increase in 增加;增长(have) trouble in 苦恼;麻烦an interest in兴趣;关心(have/put/place) trust in 信赖,信任investment in投资participation in参加;参与

N + of

abundance of 丰富,充分(catch) hold of抓住;控制(take) advantage of 利用某事或某人ignorance of无知;愚味inclusion of 包括;接受参加(take) account of考虑;重视(make) an inspection of 检查,调查an accusation of指责,控告
