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The Production Process Design of the Workshop for Sulfuric acid with an Annual Output of 200,000 Tons


Sulfuric acid is one of the most important basic chemical raw materials, mainly used in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer and inorganic chemical raw materials, as a chemical raw material, it is widely used in non-ferrous metal smelting, petroleum refining and petroleum chemical industry, rubber industry, as well as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, printing and dyeing, leather pickling of iron and steel industry. This design is used sulfuric acid as raw material to product sulfur, thus it products sulfur without purification, the process is greatly simplified to save investment costs and gain high product quality.

It is an annual output of 200,000 tons of sulfuric acid production plant process design, introduces the main methods of sulfuric acid production and mature process. The main contents include the raw material sulfur melting section, and burning sulfur conversion section, drying and absorption section and the major equipments selection, environmental protection measures. It completes various links of the chemical engineering design, and achieves the design objectives. Through the analysis of the design, design technology is reliable, and the design is economical and reasonable. In the design process, it is also focusing on wastewater treatment.

Keywords: Sulfuric acid; Producing Sulfuric Acid by Sulfur; The stove of sulfur; Conversion tower


1 引言 (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.2全球硫酸工业概况 (1)

1.3我国工业概况 (1)

1.4硫酸的性质 (2)

1.4.1物理性质 (2)

1.4.2浓硫酸的化学性质 (3)

1.4.3稀硫酸的化学性质 (5)

1.4.4相对密度 (5)

1.4.5硫酸的结晶温度 (6)

1.4.6硫酸的热容、热焓 (6)

1.4.7硫酸的沸点蒸气压和蒸气组成 (7)

1.5硫酸几种不同的生产工艺 (8)

1.5.1以硫磺为原料 (8)

1.5.2以硫铁矿含伴生硫铁矿为原料 (8)

1.5.3冶炼烟气和其它原料 (9)

1.6低浓度二氧化硫气体的处理 (9)

1.7硫酸污水处理 (10)

1.8二氧化硫尾气 (10)

2 工艺流程 (10)

2.1快速熔硫与液硫过滤工段 (11)

2.2转化工段 (11)

2.2.1二氧化硫转化反应的基本原理 (12)

2.2.2二氧化硫转化三氧化硫工艺操作条件选择和选定理由 (13)

2.3吸收工段 (21)

2.3.1吸收流程配置的方式 (22)

2.3.2吸收工段的流程 (22)

2.3.3吸收工段主要工艺指标分析 (22)

2.4废热回收工艺 (23)

2.5关于低温位热能回收工艺 (23)

3 物料衡算 (25)

3.1 设计要求: (25)

3.2物料衡算 (25)

3.2.1硫磺焚烧的物料衡算 (25)

3.2.2转化器物料衡算 (25)

3.3热量衡算 (28)

3.3.1热量衡算的目的 (28)

3.3.2热量衡算依据 (28)

3.3.3各物质热力学参数[23](标况下) (28)

3.3.4各工段的热量衡算 (28)

4 主要设备的设计与选型 (36)

4.1焚硫炉 (36)

4.2转化塔 (37)

4.3干吸塔 (38)

4.4气体换热器 (39)

4.5空气鼓风机 (43)

4.6循环吸泵 (43)

4.7废热锅炉 (44)

4.8过热器和省煤器 (45)

4.9设备一览表 (45)

5 车间布置 (47)

5.1车间布置的任务 (47)

5.2车间布置的基本原则 (48)

5.3车间布置设计的一般要求 (48)

5.4车间布置 (50)

5.5 装置的组成部分 (52)

5.6 布置方案 (52)
