国际贸易词汇术语大全 Glossary of international trade 中英对照
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Glossary of international trade 国际贸易词汇对照表Net national gains from trade国家净贸易收益
World price 世界价格
Trade pattern 贸易结构
Gravity model 重力模型
zero-sum trade 零和贸易
Positive-sum trade 正和贸易
Chapter 3
Absolute advantage 绝对优势
Comparative advantage 比较优势
Mercantilism 重商主义
Opportunity cost 机会成本
Principle of comparative advantage 比较优势原理
Relative price 相对价格
Production-possibility curve (ppc) 生产可能性曲线
Constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变
Increasing marginal costs 边际成本递增
Indifference curve 无差异曲线
Community indifference curve: 社会无差异曲线
Terms of trade 贸易条件
Chapter 4
Labor productivity 劳动生产率
Labor-abundant 劳动充裕
Labor-intensive 劳动密集型
Heckscher-Ohlin theory 赫克歇尔-俄林理论
Short run 短期
Long run 长期
Stolper-Samuelson theorem 斯托帕-萨缪尔森定理
The specialized-factor pattern 特定要素类型
Factor-price equalization theorem 要素价格均等化定理
Leontief paradox 里昂替夫之谜
Chapter 5 : alternative theories of trade
Net trade 净贸易
Intra-industry trade 产业内贸易
Product differentiation 产品差异化
Economies of scale 规模经济
Internal scale economies 内部规模经济
External scale economies 外部规模经济
Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争
Oligopoly 寡头
Chapter 6: growth and trade
Economic growth 经济增长
Balanced growth 平衡增长
Biased growth 不平衡增长
Rybczynski theorem 罗伯津斯基定理
Dutch disease 荷兰病
Small country 小国
Large country 大国
Immiserizing growth 贫困化增长
Research and development (R&D) 研究和发展
Diffusion 扩散
Product cycle hypothesis 产品周期假说
Chapter 7
Demand for imports 进口需求
Consumer surplus 消费者剩余
Producer surplus 生产者剩余
International price or world price 国际价格
Elasticity 弹性
Price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性
Price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性
One-dollar, one-vote metric 一元一票制
Tariff 关税
Specific tariff 从量税
Ad valorem tariff 从价税
Consumption effect 消费者效应
Production effect 生产者效应
Effective rate of protection: 有效保护率
Monopsony power 买主垄断力
Terms-of-trade effect 贸易条件效应
Prohibitive tariff 禁止性关税
Nationally optimal tariff 国家最优关税
Chapter 8: nontariff barriers to imports
Nontariff barrier (NTB) 非关税壁垒
Import quota (or just quota) 进口配额
Fixed favoritism 固定偏向性
Resource-using application procedures(基于)资源使用的申请程序Voluntary export restraint (VER) 自动出口限制
Domestic content requirement 国内含量要求
Mixing requirement 混合含量要求
World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定
Section 301 301条款
Import-license auction 进口许可证拍卖
Chapter 9 arguments for and against protection Second-best world 次优世界
Externalities 外部性
Specificity rule 特定规则
Infant industry argument 幼稚产业论
Tariff escalation 关税升级
Sudden-damage effect 骤然损害效应