- "What are the operating hours for [attraction]?"
- "Is there a guided tour available?"
- "Are there any discounts for students or seniors?"
Traveling is a popular activity that many people partake in, whether it is for leisure, education, or business purposes. It allows individuals to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and create memories that last a lifetime. In this paper, we will delve into the topic of travel in English, discussing its importance, the benefits it provides, and providing useful templates and sample phrases for different travel-related situations.
旅游英语作业带翻译Travel English Homework: Tips for Planning Your Next Trip。
Traveling is a great way to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. However, planning a trip can be overwhelming, especially if you are not familiar with the destination or the language. To help you make the most of your next adventure, here are some tips for planning your next trip in English.旅行是探索新地方、学习不同文化和创造难忘回忆的好方式。
1. Choose your destination。
The first step in planning any trip is to decide where you want to go. Do you want to visit a big city, a beach, a mountain, or a national park? Do you want to travel domestically or internationally? Once you have a general idea of your destination, you can start doing research to learn more about the location, the culture, the language, and the activities available.计划任何旅行的第一步是决定你想去哪里。
其一,铺垫法。 笔译中因怕“隔”而避免用典,这在中外大师有关古诗词的译文中不难发现。许渊冲 先生在翻译苏东坡的“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”时,先后把“西子”译成 “the fair lady(at her best)” 和“Beauty of the West”,若不加任何铺垫,直接将现成的译诗 朗诵给旅游者听,他们就无法了解到中国还有个西子,于是乎导游员就更难介绍雅称 “西子湖”和著名的西子国宾馆了。
在翻译导游词时,在译诗之前,通过必要的铺垫(西子是浙江本地人,中国古代四大美女 之一),说明西子以自然美著称;再通过西方人所喜闻乐见的比喻(把西子比作a Chinese Cleopatra),从而表明西子在中国人心目中享有的地位。接着,面对诗情画意的西湖,向 旅游者推出苏东坡的《饮湖上初晴后雨》的英译文,并应大胆地将“西子”译为 “Beauty Xi Zi (at her best)”。这种“情景交融”的介绍法,屡试不爽,每每赢得旅游者 的掌声或赞扬声。 The Beauty Xi Zi looks like the fair lady at her best. Whether she is richly adorned or plainly dressed.
如:黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower 龟山: Tortoise Hill
1)专名音译,通名意译(直译) 茅盾故居 Maodun’s Former Residence
Tian’anmen Square
Heavenly-peace Square
①文化对应词少。 导游词中与特定文化有关的词特别多,但这 些词在译入语英语中多无对应词,即出现所 谓的词汇空白现象。 这是导游词翻译中的另一大特点
Practical Tips for Travel
Importanceides us with the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and experience new things. It exposes us to different ways of life, traditions, and perspectives, which ultimately helps us grow as individuals. By immersing ourselves in different cultures, we gain a better understanding of the world and develop an appreciation for diversity.
旅游英语作文带翻译Traveling is an important part of our lives. It not only allows us to explore new places and cultures, but also helps us relax and recharge. In this essay, I will share my recent travel experience and how it has impacted me.旅行是我们生活中重要的一部分。
Last month, I had the opportunity to visit thebeautiful country of Japan. It was a trip that I had been looking forward to for a long time, and it did not disappoint. From the moment I stepped off the plane, I was captivated by the unique blend of traditional and modern elements that define Japanese culture.上个月,我有机会去了美丽的日本。
During my time in Japan, I had the chance to visit a number of incredible landmarks, including the historic temples of Kyoto, the bustling streets of Tokyo, and the serene beauty of Mount Fuji. Each place left a lasting impression on me, and I was constantly in awe of the country's natural beauty and rich history.在日本的时候,我有机会参观了许多令人难以置信的地标,包括京都的历史寺庙、东京繁华的街道以及富士山的宁静美丽。
考试题型Definition:5分*8(下定义)Question and answer:5分*6(简答题)Translation:30分(翻译)英译中unit2\unit7\unit12Unit1 What is tourism?1、Domestic tourism:Internal tourism plus inbound tourism(the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a coutry).2、National tourism:Internal tourism plus outbound tourism(the resident tourism market for travel agents and airlines).3、Outbound tourism:Visits by residents of a country to another country.4、Inbound tourism:Visits to a country by nonresidengts.5、Grand tour:Tour of certain cities in western Europe undertaken primarily,but not exclusively,for education and pleasure.It spanned from 16th to 19th Centuries.It includes 5W:who—British aristocracy;when—from16th to19th Centuries;where—certain cities in Western Europe;what—travel;why—for education and pleasure.6、WTO:World Tourism Organization7、Why is it difficult to come up with a definition of tourism that can be universally accepted?①In the first place,tourism is the sum of activities,services and industries that delivers a travel experience.②Secondly,it includes all providers of visitor and visitor-related services.③Thirdly,it is the entire world industry of travel,hotels,transportation,and all other components,such as promotion,marketing planning.④And finally,it is the total of tourist expenditures within the borders of a nation or a political subdivision,etc.⑤In brief,the multidimensional aspects of tourism and its interactions with other activities make it rather difficult to come up with a universally accepted definition.8、Which two elements are important for tourism to get started in Greek time?Large claustrophobic cities and the means to escape from them(transportation).9、Which two factors lead to the emergence of mass tourism?Technologically in the field of transportation;and in the existence of a critical facilitating force,entrepreneurship—in the person of Thomas Cook.Unit 2 Economic impact of tourism?1、Multiplier:A ratio used to estimate total economic effect for a variety of economic activities.2、Tourism multiplier:It refers to the benefits that other industries can get from tourism.As tourists spend money on local hotels,restaurants,transportation,handicrafts and souvenirs as well as other forms of services,the businesses will respend the money which they have received from tourists.They use the money to purchase equipment,to pay employees,to pay rent,interest and taxes,to pay supplier for goods and services.The recipient then will respend the money they have received for their expenditure .3、MPC边际消费倾向:Marginal Propensity to ConsumeUnit 3 The retail travel trade1、Familiarization trip熟悉异地观光旅游:It is a trip ,usually for a few days,organised specially for travel agency staff.For example,a group of travel agents may be invited by the owner of a hotel in York to spend one or two evenings there,sampling the accommodation and learning about the facilities on offer.The hotelkeeper hopes that the travel agents will be impressed,and will remember the hotel and recommend it to their customers.2、Business house agency商务旅行社:Some travel agencies make their living by selling their travel only to businesses,rather than members of the general public.3、How did travel agency make a living?They make their living through commissions so that the more they sell,the more commission they earn.Unit 5 Tourism attractions and facilities1、Tourist attraction旅游景点:Any facility or event which attracts visitors to a particular place.Attractions come in many forms and may be either natural or man-made.2、Living museumThe museums where actors and actresses in costumes meet the public and play the roles of characters from the past,in attempts to make the exhibits come alive for visitors. A good example of this is the Jorvik Viking Center in York.3、Hatfield houseIt is situated 20 miles north of London.The home of Cecil family,this house,dating from Jacobean times is popular with the visitors who tour the lavishly decorated state rooms.4、Which three trends concerning built attractions were prevalent in UK in the late 20th century?Please cite examples to illustrate.①One marked trend in tourism industry is that built attractions are becoming more sophisticated and exciting places to visit;②another trend is that more places are being open to the public as tourist attractions,although the original purpose for which they were built had nothing to do with tourism.For instance,some churches,temples and cathedrals all over the world have come to serve a dual function as both the places of worship and as attractions for visitors.③More recently,people become more and more interested in attractions which show them at work,or familiar objects being manufactured.For instance,in the Edinburgh Crystal factory,visitors are shown around by a guide and they see the famous Edinburgh Crystal glassware being manufactured in red-hot ovens.Unit 6 Tourism and related services1、Franchising:It refers to authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company’s goods or service in a certain area.2、B&B:Bed and Breakfasts.It is often a private home and includes a room to sleep in as well as breakfast.It is small business.3、Benefits of franchising to franchiser and franchisee?For franchisers:Conserve cash and expand rapidly.For franchisees:①Receive a known “name”,the knowledge,advice,and assistance of a proven operator;②Spread the costs of promotion,advertising and reservation systems.4、Benefits of B&B to its owner and travelers?B&Bs provide the best possible avenue for travelers of all ages and locations to experience firsthand the lifestyles in areas of the country previously unknown to guests.The B&Bs host can become an area’s best ambassador.Unit 7 HR issues1、Which four beliefs concerning human resource in tourism industry were commonly held,accord to researcher Choy?①Tourism generates primarily low-skilled jobs;②Tourism generates low-paying jobs;③Tourism jobs do not offer high levels of job satisfaction;④Tourism offers limited opportunities for advancement for local residents.2、Which factors concerning industrial structure result in low payment in tourism industry?①Small unit structure of the industry;②Fluctuation波动 in levels of business activity;③Cost pressures included by competition;④A reliance on vulnerable脆弱的 and so-called “marginal不重要的,少量的”workers.翻译1 Nearly 6 million Americans were employed directly in the travel industry in 1992,making the industry the second largest employment in the country,following only health service.1992年,大约有600万美国人从事于旅游业,从而使这个行业成为仅次于卫生业的第二个雇佣员工最多的产业Travel industry employment has grown 56.3 percent in the past 10 year—over twice the growth rate for all U.S. industry.在过去的10年里,旅游业的就业比例增加了56.3%--这一数字是所有美国行业同类指数的两倍还多.Travel and tourism in 1993 were once again the nation’s leading export,generating $75 billion in expenditures from 46 million international visitors,while the 45 million Americans traveling abroad only spent $53 billion,creating a $22 billion surplus as international visitors spent more money here than Americans spent abroad.1993年,旅行和旅游业再次成为美国的出口大户,4600万国际旅行人员消费了750亿美元;而450万在国外旅游的美国人仅花掉了530亿美元,从而创下了220亿美元的盈余.2 For most tourists the quality of their experience is reliant to a large degree on the interactions they will have with the front-line staff in the travel and tourism industry.对大多数游客而言,,旅游经历的质量在很大程度上取决于和旅游业一线员工的交往.Indeed,within an industry that is characterized by diversity and heterogeneity in terms of the purpose,size,ownership and demands of the enterprise,the only real point of the homogeneity is delivering service to customers and the need to manage people in such a way that they offer a quality service.的确,在一个以各企业的宗旨,规模,所有制和要求各不相同为特色的行业,唯一真正的共同之处就是要为顾客提供服务和管理人员,使他们提供高质量的服务.The corollary of this would be the belief that such front-line staff would therefore be sufficiently well paid,trained and motivated to offer outstanding service.由此可见,要提供出类拔萃的服务,这样的一线员工应是工资丰厚、训练有素而工作积极的.The reality,however,is that often such staff have the lowest status,are the least trained,and are the poorest paid employees of the company.然而,事实上这样的员工常是该公司中地位最低、受训最少、工资最微薄的雇员.3 An ironic situation is now developing in national parks in association with tourism.国家公园眼下正出现一种和旅游业有关的出乎意料的局面.While tourism is indeed promoted,the focus of attention is shifting towards the “protection”mandate as opposed to use.尽管旅游业的发展的确得到了促进,但关注的焦点却正在向“保护”这一需要而不是使用这一需要转移. Yet,given the rising pressures of financing many park systems,increasingly more tourism is being targeted as the preferred solution.然而,鉴于许多公园系统所面临的日益严峻的资金压力,人们越来越相信增加旅游量是这个问题首选的解决办法.Conflict over park mandates is avoided since the type of tourism now being encouraged is that classed under the labels of “sustainable”, “responsible”and “environmentally conscious”.而如今所鼓励发展的旅游业是归于“可持续的”、“负责的”、“注重环境的”这些类别之下的,这样就避免了公园的需求中存在的矛盾.In consideration of the probability that tourist interest in visiting national parks will diminish in the near future,attention must shift towards how tourism,in line with sustainability principles,is planned,developed and managed to suit national park environments.考虑到在不远的未来游客们对游览国家公园的兴趣可能会减退,必须把关注的重点转移到如何根据可持续性的原则来规划、开发和管理旅游业,以适应国家公园的环境.Unit 81、Public policyIt is “Whatever governments choose to do or not to do”.A policy is deemed a public policy not by virtue of由于 its impact on the public,but by virtue of its source.2、Tourism public policyIt is whatever governments choose to do or not to do with respect to tourism.3、Public policy is studied for primarily 3 reasons.What are they?①scientific reasons学术原因;②professional reasons职场原因;③political reasons政治原因4、Concerning academic学术的 study of public policy.How is it studied?Public policy can be viewed as a dependent variable ,or an independent variable.If policy is viewed as a dependent variable,the critical关键的 focus for inquiry调查 becomes “What socio-economic and political system characteristics operate to shape the content of policy”.If it is viewed as an independent variable,then the central question becomes what impact public policy has on society and on the political system.5、Which 4 constraints限制 are confronted遭遇 by public policy research?①The lack of consensus意见一致concerning关于 definition of fundamental基本的 concepts概念;②The lack of recognition认识 given to tourism policy-making processes决策过程 and the consequent lack of comparative data and case studies;③The lack of well-defined analytical分析的 and theoretical frameworks构架;④The limited amount of quantitative and qualitative data.Unit 111、Ecotourism生态游Low impact nature tourism which contributes to the maintenance维持 of species物种 and habitats栖息地 either directly through a contribution to conservation and indirectly by providing revenue 收入 to the local community社区 sufficient足够的for local people to value,and therefore protect,their wildlife heritage area as a source of income.2、Nature tourismEncompasses围绕all forms of tourismmass tourism群体旅游,adventure tourism,low-impact touriam,ecotourism—which use natural resources in a wild or undeveloped form—including species,habitat,landscape风景,scenery风景and salt and fresh-water features特征.Nature tourism is travel for the purpose of enjoying undeveloped natural areas or wildlife.3、What do soft dimension and hard dimension of nature tourism refer to?They were based on the physical rigor严格 of the experience and also the level of interest in natural arman and Durst suggested that scientists would in most likelihood be more dedicated than casual in their pursuit工作 of ecotourism,and that some types of ecotourists would be more willing to endure hardships艰难 than others in order to secure获得 their experiences.4、Which three elements differentiate ecotourism from other forms of nature tourism?①educative;②sustainable可持续的;③ethical道德的Unit 121、Which two documents were issued by Lanzarote conference ?①Charter 宪章 for Sustainable Tourism;②The Sustainable Tourism Plan of Action 行动纲领2、Which three research themes did papers of Lanzarote conference center on ?①tourists themselves;②the effects of tourists on destinations;③transportation.Unit 131、Leisure①Time outside of a formal employment situation;②Time over and above that devoted to necessary household chores;③Time outside sleeping,eating and personal hygiene 保健 functions;④Time at the disposal 处置 of the individual;⑤Time when an individual has the freedom to choose what to do.2、Which 6 factors might influence leisure activities ?①availability of leisure time;②income;③personal mobility 运输;④culture and demography 人口统计数据;⑤provision 供应 of facilities;⑥long-term changes in society.3、What is the relationship between leisure and tourism ?Tourism is divided into leisure tourism and business tourism.Leisure tourism includes ①holidays,②VFR(visiting friends and relative),③health and fitness,④sport,⑤education,⑥culture and religion 宗教,⑦social and spiritual 精神上的.Unit 141、Sport tourismIt falls into two categories 种类,travel to participate in 参加 sport and travel to observe sport 。
旅游的英语作文带翻译Title: The Joys of Traveling。
Traveling is one of the most enriching experiences one can embark upon. It opens our minds to new cultures, broadens our perspectives, and creates unforgettable memories. In this essay, I will delve into the various aspects of traveling and its significance.First and foremost, traveling allows us to immerse ourselves in different cultures. By exploring new lands, tasting exotic cuisines, and interacting with locals, we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. For instance, during my recent trip to Japan, I was captivated by the rich history and traditions of the country. From visiting ancient temples to participating in tea ceremonies, every moment was a learning experience.Moreover, traveling provides an escape from our daily routines and rejuvenates our spirits. Stepping away fromthe familiar environment allows us to relax and recharge. Whether it's lounging on a pristine beach or hiking through lush mountains, the beauty of nature has a way of revitalizing our souls. I still vividly remember the breathtaking sunset I witnessed atop Machu Picchu, feeling a profound sense of peace and awe.Furthermore, travel fosters personal growth and self-discovery. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and challenges us to adapt to new situations. Overcoming language barriers, navigating unfamiliar streets, andtrying adventurous activities all contribute to our growth as individuals. My solo backpacking trip through Europe taught me invaluable lessons in independence, resilience, and cultural sensitivity.In addition to personal growth, traveling also strengthens relationships and creates lasting bonds. Whether it's embarking on a family vacation or exploring with friends, shared experiences bring people closer together. Some of my fondest memories are of laughing around a campfire with fellow travelers, exchanging storiesand forging friendships that transcend borders.However, it's essential to acknowledge the environmental and cultural impact of travel. As we traverse the globe, we must strive to be responsible tourists, respecting the local customs and minimizing our ecological footprint. Supporting sustainable tourism initiatives, choosing eco-friendly accommodations, and engaging with communities in a respectful manner are all steps we can take to ensure that our travels leave a positive legacy.In conclusion, traveling is a transformative journey that enriches our lives in countless ways. From cultural immersion to personal growth, the benefits of exploring the world are immeasurable. As we venture forth into the unknown, let us do so with open hearts and mindful souls, embracing the diversity of our planet and cherishing the memories we create along the way.旅游是人生中最丰富多彩的体验之一。
英语旅游短文 带翻译
David, a businessman from South Korea, traveled to the United States for a business trip. During his visit, he took the opportunity to explore New York City and engage in conversations with local residents. By actively using English in various social and professional settings, David was able to improve his language skills and build connections with American colleagues.
These experiences demonstrate how English tourism can be a valuable and enriching experience for language learners. By traveling to English-speaking countries, individuals have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language, engage with locals, and gain insights into the culture and heritage of the region.
中文旅游标语和揭示语的英译 1 标语英译的通病分析 鹦鹉学舌的硬译 创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾。 原译:Welcome our honored guests from all over the world with first class service. 改译:First class service to all guests. 北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。 原: Beiling Tourist & Holiday Spending Area… 改:Beiling Resort is a promising land for investment. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In the sky, the best is heaven, on the earth, the best are S
2.3.5 注意文化对应词问题 non – equivalence, lexical gap 1 人物:西施(西子) Chinese Cleopatra 月下老人– Chinese Cupid 2 节气:霜降– Jack Frost 3节日:清明节– Chinese Easter 4季节:六月中的西湖- West Lake in midsummer 5地理:鱼米之乡- Land of milk and honey 6城市:绍兴/苏州- Oriental Venice 7 建筑:苏提-Lover‘s lane
被誉为“国色天香”的牡丹,色彩斑斓,雍容华贵, 历来被称作为“花中之王” Noble and graceful, charming and captivating , the peony has constantly deserved such titles of ―Supreme Beauty and Peerless Fragrance‖ and the ―King of Flowers‖.
旅游英语 苏静
浓缩 ,翻译中往往为适合读者的需要增加或删 减信息。 汉语往往融情于景,注重言辞华美,句式 工整,用夸张,排比,对偶,比喻等等手 法 (说明文体除外)。英文倾向物我分离 ,写实,具体,客观情形的再现。汉译英 的过程中要向英文的风格靠拢。 最忌“对号入座”,死译硬译。
旅游翻译的两个目的 传递信息(informative)/诱导行动 (appellative) 旅游翻译注重的应是原文与译文间信息内容和文体功能的 对等,而不是语言形式上的对应,更不是展示原语言文化 异质性的场所。 这类功能的核心在于“读者层”, 使读者“完全不觉得在 读译文” 为了实现译文的功能,译者有理由对某些原文信息进行调 整和改写。(In order to be functional this part of the text would require a fair amount of rewriting)!
音译法与音意兼译法 意译法 增译法 删减法 创造性翻译
历史事件的发生年代,名人的生卒年代, 身份,历史贡献,名胜具体位置,人名, 地名,物品名,官阶名等确切含义。 清朝乾隆年间,扬州早已是一个兴旺发达 的城市了。 During the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) of the Qing Dynasty (16441911), Yangzhou was already a prosperous city.
Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park. A powerful and inspiring landscape, the Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size;277 river miles (446km) long,up to 18 miles (29km) wide ,and a mile (1.6km) deep.
石春满 1998年被评为全国特级导游员。山西省大同市中国国际旅行社日语导游员。现任 大同中国国际旅行社副总经理。著有《漫谈佛教及其寺院和塑像》等文章。
李志军 1998年被评为全国特级导游员。上海景致旅行社中文导游。擅长将中国文学知识 融于自然和人文景观讲解服务中,激发游客游兴,提高游客观赏水平。
Lecture 1 World Tourism Organization
Leading the World’s Largest Industry The World Tourism Organization believes that governments have a vital role to play in tourism. WTO exists to help nations throughout the world maximize the positive impacts of tourism, such as job creation, new infrastructure and foreign exchange earnings, while at the same time minimizing negative environmental or social impacts. Tourism is the world’s largest growth industry with no signs of slowing down in the 21st century. Receipts from international tourism have increased by an average of 9 p6 years to reach US$ 476 billion in 2000. During the same period, international arrivals rose by a yearly average of 4.6 percent to reach 698 million in 2000.
2019年英语翻译资格高级笔译旅游英译汉词汇(2)接待游客人数 tourism arrivals久负盛誉 long-cherished fame离开旅馆 check out from a hotel历史文化名城 historical and cultural city历史遗产 historical heritage两日游 2-day tour龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes露天博物馆 open-air museum露营车与旅宿汽车 campervans and motor homes for hire驴友 frequent travelers旅馆行李员 hall porter旅客登记簿 hotel register旅行结婚 honeymoon trip旅行社 travel agency/service旅行团 tourist group旅行支票traveller’s check旅游巴士包租、游览服务 charter bus and coach services and tour旅游城市 tourist city旅游淡季 slack season for tourism旅游定点商店/餐厅 officially designated shop/restaurant旅游景点 attraction for tourists旅游签证visitor’s visa旅游热潮 tourism bloom旅游收入 tourist revenue乱收费 impose unjustifiable charges每位游客消费额 consumption per arrival美食节 gourmet festival美术馆 art gallery免税商品 duty-free goods庙会 temple fair民俗景观 ethnic cultural park民俗旅游 folklore tour民俗文化村 folk culture village名特产品 famous special local products盘山公路 skyline drive配套服务设施 supporting service facilities汽车旅馆 motel全国重点文物保护单位 a major historical monument under state protection全聚德烤鸭 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck人文景观 human landscape如画的风景 picturesque landscape入境游客 in-bound visitors散客旅游 independent tour山清水秀 beautiful hall of ethnic customs商务中心 business center少数民族风俗陈列馆 exhibition hall of ethnic customs生态旅游 ecotourism湿地自然保护区 wetland natural preservation zones水乡泽国 water resort水族馆 aquarium四合院 quadrangle/courtyard dwellings寺院 Buddhist temple特产商店 specialty store天文馆 planetarium亭,台,楼,阁 pavilion, stage, building and multistoried pavillion同仁堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine徒步旅行 walking tour途中休息停车 comfort stop文化遗址 site of ancient cultural remains文物保护 preservation of cultural relics饭店 star-rated hotels严禁触摸/手扶Don’t touch/Hands off严禁携带物品 prohibited checked articles野生动物保护 wildlife conservation游乐园 amusement park游山玩水 tour scenic spots鱼米之乡 land of fish and rice中国文明的摇篮 the cradle of Chinese civilization中国优秀旅游城市 the Chinese Outstanding Tourism City 中华老字号 China Long-Standing Shop住进旅馆 check in a hotel自行车旅游 travel by bike自助游 private travel。
一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是店铺整理的关于旅游英语作文带翻译,欢迎阅读与收藏!旅游英语作文带翻译篇1I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Huangshan Mountain last month.There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM.It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before.We were talking and laughing all along the road people sharing their food and drink taking pictures.We spent 4hours up and down. Before we left we went to the 'peasant's restaurant' and enjoyed a wonderful 'peasant meal'. It was really a pleasant trip.我最愉快的一次旅行是上个月去爬黄山。
英语旅游计划带翻译Travel Plan: Exploring the Beauty of Europe。
Europe is a continent with a rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. From the stunning architecture of Paris to the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, there is no shortage of amazing sights to see and experiences to have. If you're planning a trip to Europe, here is a travel plan to help you make the most of your time and get the most out of your experience.欧洲是一个拥有丰富文化遗产和令人惊叹的自然美景的大陆。
Day 1-2: Paris, France。
Begin your journey in the City of Lights Paris. Spend your first day exploring the iconic landmarks of the city, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Take a stroll along the Seine River and enjoy the charming atmosphere of the city. On your second day, venture out to Montmartre and visit the famous Sacré-Cœur Basilica. Wander through the quaint streets of this bohemian neighborhood and soak up the artistic vibe.在“光之城”巴黎开始你的旅程。
高分英语作文1:Travel(Tourism) when you travel, it is exciting to travel to different places. You will see typical beautiful scenery, andyou can finally meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. You can understand the customs and livinghabits of the local people.In addition, if you have careful observers, you can learn a lot about geography, biology and the history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, travel will alwayslet you learn a lot. As you have found in your life, the knowledge gained from travel is no less valuable than any influential reference book.中文翻译:(旅游)当你旅行的时候,去不同的地方旅行是令人兴奋的,你会看到典型的美丽的风景,而且你最终可以和不同肤色和种族的人见面和交朋友,你可以了解当地人的风俗习惯和生活习惯今天人们非常喜欢旅游,旅游业已经成为大多数国家发展较快的产业之一人们旅游的主要原因也许是,比如说,为了,人们在工作日都努力工作,人们会发现到附近的山上或海滩旅行是一种真正的放松。
1、Tourism is for tourists to visit activities to fulfill a variety of productsand services industry; by virtue of the tourism resources in order for the material conditions of tourism facilities for tourists of various goods and services to provide services to a series of interrelated industries collection. Which travel agencies, tourist hotels and tourist traffic is known as the three pillars of the tourism industry.2、Tourism is a regional, cross-border exchanges between a wide range ofhuman activities, is able to inter-regional, international mutual understanding and interdependence on the moral and intellectual foundation. Tourism activities can understand the others, can also promote their own is the best way to non-governmental exchanges.Tourism to promote understanding of other peoples way of life, values and cultural history of the understanding, appreciation and respect, so as to enhance international friendship and peaceful relations.3、Beijing is the capital of People's Republic of China so that China'spolitical, economic and cultural center. Beijing has a long history, in the Warring States period (475 BC - 221 BC) Beijing was the capital of Yan.From the beginning of the 12th century AD, and Beijing has become the gold, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty feudal four countries. The last feudal dynasty - Qing Dynasty - in the Revolution were overturned. 20 era in the 20th century, Beijing became the cradle of the new-democratic revolution. October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong in Beijing People's Republic of China to the world that set up.4、The Great Wall was first built in 476 BC -221 years of the WarringStates period. He is a country built by the lords of military projects, on the one hand, to resist the invasion of northern nomads, but also to defend themselves, defensive aggression of other countries. In order to resist the Chinese regime's attack on the northern part of his master, the first Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang in 221 BC after统一六国ordered by strengthening and connecting the original Qin, Yan, Zhao Three built the walls, so there will be a well-known Miles the Great Wall. Great Wall in the Central Plains region to defend the economic and cultural development played an important role.5、Tourism products, rather than tourists in the tourism process to buygeneral merchandise, although the shopping is also a tourism product in an integral part of, but tourists began to travel from home to the end of travel to return to their places of origin in the whole process including all内容. Tourism enterprises in order to achieve marketing goals, is in the market to occupy a favorable competitive position, the most important thing is to have consumers of tourism products. Otherwise, the tourism marketing activities of all enterprises will be meaningless. 6、 A combination of tourism products including tourists travel from thebeginning to the end of the entire process of travel, including: bookingdeposit, fees, accommodation, catering, transportation, guide services, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment and so on. Tourism product portfolio properly, tourists get a satisfaction with the impressive travel, an increase of a real experience. Tourism product portfolio is not an element of a deployment or will organize the entire tourism product and tourism would be adversely affected.7、Psychology studies have shown that the desire is to provoke peopleunable to meet the common cause of action. Tourism demand is the basic people's travel behavior, the most dynamic factor in the core. This factor is the potential travelers or tourists to the outside world or other people to make decisions and make decisions on their own starting point; as well as the tourism environment in the desire for some kind of goal or desire. In social life, tourism has the breadth and diversity of demand, and travel and tourism demand is closely related to motivation.Tourism motivation and guidance to promote the psychological process of tourism activities, that is, the subjective reasons for travel.8、China has a long history, heritage, abundant natural resources.Generally agreed that foreign visitors to China's tourism, the face of a fan just like the windows of knowledge to enable them to eye-opener. In recent years China has received a large number of cultural knowledge of the tourist groups and tourists, such as: Chinese study, acupuncture study, learning martial arts, calligraphy and painting exchange, study population, are closely related to professional knowledge and experienced travel professional knowledge of this, each groups of tourists are a source of great satisfaction.9、China is a mountainous country, particularly known for its mountains.China's mountain air like a summer night of stars, a large number, and the mountains is selected from the 10 million out of the mountain top, isa great treasure of our motherland. If from the "Yu Feng Jiushan" date,famous history of the development have been two thousand years.Ancient people of the mountain as a natural object of worship, a number of famous as the representative of the mountains and be a symbol of sacred worship. Now they have become famous around to watch the patriotic education, an important place for scientific research.10、Since the rise of Buddhism, Buddhism and Hill formed a bond. Anyamendment of the local temple to build the temple, always a beautiful backdrop Shochiku, landscape, said the Department must therefore have "more than accounted for the world famous monk," said. Most closely related with Buddhism of Mount Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province to count, Sichuan Emeishan,安徽九华山, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and they become four Foshan. These four Foshan, temple temple buildings, the sound of bell hear, never incense all the year round.11、Travel agents are selling the products from the organization. Travelagents in the sales process of tourism products for a variety of tourism resources, tourism, transport facilities and a variety of tourist accommodation facilities in terms of combination of the feasibility of the design, to develop an overall tourism plan. Only through the design and processing of travel products, is the ultimate product to sell in large numbers. The cost of all tourists for the purchase of an integrated tourism products, one-time payments to travel agencies, travel agencies and in accordance with the requirements of tourists to the allocation of these costs to the reception of tourists attractions, hotels, restaurants. 12、The development of tourism in the tourism industry depends on thecomposition of the various industries have sales of travel products, and travel goods and general merchandise is the difference, travel goods, rather than through the hands of transport to reach consumers, they can not be consumed persons in the country, but a need to overcome their own space away from consumers will be able to get the goods.Therefore, in the tourism commodities between producers and consumers, there must be a middle of the media to participate in the sale of travel products, travel agents is the medium between the two, but also the successful completion of the travel plans of tourists enforcement. 13、Goldenthal hill and watch the sunrise, the long-cherished wish of everytourist. Should see the sunrise on the day before the very top of Mount Tai. If the weather is clear, no clouds of air, gas stability, the next day will certainly be able to see the magnificent view of sunrise at sea.Night in the hostel the next day arrived very early in the morning on the south-east view of the top peak. There is a huge peak of where they stand, Detective north, known as Sea stone, also known as Gongbei Stone, this is the best place to see sunrise.14、Gordon Mt.Emei Jinding probably first wish is to see "Buddha.""Buddha" in general in the 10 o'clock or 15 o'clock bell appear. Top down at this time the clouds began to wind around his waist, and soon, clear as washing, is now a red sunrise and blue sky, white clouds over the foot of the mountain, a thrush-like bird chirping sound was issued: "Buddha is a!" This that people call "is a bird." "Buddha is a bird" after the clouds have been generated. Shortly afterwards, a ring appear in the cloud, the halo of colorful colorful, imaginary as bright as a mirror, sight-seeing under the halo of the shadow, the shadow moved with the people.15、The emergence and development of tourism and transport developmentare closely linked. Whether ancient, modern, or modern tourism, tourist traffic, tourists and tourism are all linked objects, source and destination of the important links. In a sense, the history of transport development in the history of the development of tourism. The invention and use ofthe train, marking the beginning of mass tourism. Jet aircraft, especially supersonic airliner in operation, so that large-scale international, intercontinental tourism activities possible.16、Aircraft's strengths lies in the rapid, convenient and comfortable acrossa variety of natural obstacles, for long-distance travel. Aviation isdivided into scheduled passenger services and charter services in two.Scheduled air services is defined as an established domestic or international flights in accordance with the established timetable for the provision of passenger services, regardless of the number of aircraft, aircraft must be in accordance with the announced date and time of flight take-off. The charter business is not necessary to take off according to a fixed timetable, the general operation of no fixed routes.Generally low fare charter flights, but they require a certain amount of reservation.17、Yangtze River is China's first big case, one of the world of Kawasaki.He goes back to ancient times, a tributary of a large broad valley, with plenty of water. He originated "the roof of the world," Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was born in south-west side of Glacier Tanggula, The main stream flows through Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan and other provinces and autonomous regions 10, into the East China Sea, 6300 kilometers in length. Miles of the Yangtze River in its program, a collection of hundreds of tributaries, across the mountains, mighty, Pentium chain and winding the East to an annual average of about 100 million cubic meters of water enter the sea.18、Yellow River is China's second river, known as the cradle of theChinese nation. It is like a golden dragon, head twisting, recline in the northern part of China's vast land.巴颜喀拉山foot from the start, accepted thousands of rivers Creek, all the way mighty Pentium east, through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia autonomous regions nine months, Kenli County in Shandong into the vastness of the sea, all 5464 kilometers long, watershed area of 750,000 square km. 19、Tourist Hotel is the material basis for the development of tourism,tourists, tourism is the basic material conditions, is a regional tourism development and an important indicator of capacity. In tourism development planning, the construction of the hotel occupies an important position, because the number of hotel and service quality often is a measure of a country or a region important to the development of tourism-scale level. Modern hotel not only provide accommodation for tourists, there are a variety of entertainment and service facilities, a tourist entertainment, health, social, meeting, entertainment and shopping venue.20、Products of modern tourism is one of the tourists hope of tourismactivities on foreign soil to increase knowledge, broaden their horizons,experience the local ethnic customs. Therefore, the tourist hotels in general have a certain amount of ethnic and local characteristics.Tourism hotline major cities in the hotel, due to a variety of conditions, most of the construction and modernization of ethnic and local characteristics of the combination of interior decoration; and tourist attractions the hotel is often through the architectural style, appearance, interior decoration , within the Garden Court to reflect the national conditions and customs and local characteristics of modern living facilities and national and local flavor into the environment in order to increase the effectiveness and beauty business image attractive to tourists.21、Guizhou Zhen-ning of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is the most famouswaterfall in China, but also world-famous, one of the largest lava falls.To Huangguoshu Falls browsing, you can see the sky far from a mass of cigarettes, like the clouds as fog, cloud vertical smoke then, son of the blue sky over the next Laguna. That falls from the top of rock fall Ran raised, with a high for the waves stirred up clouds of white, rising into Yunyan cohesion. At the same time, also from bursts of ear response came, so that the visitors to reach the waterfall before anxious to have a glance of the majestic appearance of interest, the bigger the head start the momentum, it does not travel often walked down the car, we will send out sound amazing. Falls came before the shiny silver waterfall only from the blue color of the cliff deanxit飞泻down, like a huge screen hanging in the valley before; the snow like a sick giant, stands proudly Yi-Fei Cui green between the trees.22、Hukou Waterfall is located in the county in Shaanxi Province andShanxi Province宜川connected to the Yellow River in Jixian. The two sides of the Yellow River with the steep relief. The bottom, about 200 meters to 300 meters wide and 150 meters high shore. Hedi hard rock, the long-term erosion in the water, the formed width of 30 meters deep together. Comparison of the Yellow River water from above the canyon width to the sudden expansion in a narrow deep, filled with as Hongbo, river hung upside down, flashing a Hanguang, poured into the Middle.So rolling waves, water splashing, surging rapids, waves around, roared frenzied dancing, a few miles away Savaka. It is like a large pot of boiling down is out of the water, water potential faster飞流down, forming a 15 meters to 20 meters in Great Falls. Therefore derived from the name of Hukou.。
二、与旅游相关的词汇1. Places to Visit•Attraction:景点•Landmark:地标•Museum:博物馆•Beach:海滩•Park:公园•Zoo:动物园2. Types of Accommodation•Hotel:酒店•Hostel:旅馆•Resort:度假村•Guesthouse:招待所•Airbnb:爱彼迎(短期出租住宿服务)3. Transport•Flight:航班•Train:火车•Bus:公交车•Taxi:出租车•Car rental:租车服务4. Activities•Sightseeing:观光•Hiking:徒步旅行•Swimming:游泳•Shopping:购物•Dining out:外出就餐三、常用口语表达1.Can you recommend any good restaurants around here?(你能推荐这附近的好餐厅吗?)2.How can I get to the nearest bus station?(我怎样能到最近的公交车站?)3.Do you have a map of the city?(你们有这座城市的地图吗?)4.What time does the museum open?(博物馆什么时候开门?)5.I’d like to book a double room for two nights, please.(我想订一个双人房间,两晚,谢谢。
)四、常见旅游问题1. 通常如何支付酒店的预订费用?大多数情况下,您可以使用信用卡或借记卡在线支付预订费用。
2. 在旅行途中如何保持安全?确保随身携带重要证件和贵重物品。
旅游的英语作文带翻译Traveling is one of the most enriching experiences one can have. It not only broadens the mind but also provides awealth of knowledge about different cultures, histories, and lifestyles. Here's a short essay on the joys of traveling, followed by its translation into Chinese.The Joys of TravelingTraveling has always been a passion for many, and for good reason. It offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure that is hard to find elsewhere. When we travel, we step outof our comfort zones and immerse ourselves in the unknown, which can be both exciting and enlightening.One of the greatest joys of traveling is the opportunity to experience new cultures. Visiting a new place allows us tosee the world through different eyes. We can taste exotic foods, witness vibrant festivals, and learn about the customs and traditions that have shaped the lives of the local people.Another benefit of travel is the chance to make new friends and connections. Whether it's a fellow traveler or a local resident, meeting new people can lead to lasting friendships and a deeper understanding of the world.Travel also fosters personal growth. It challenges us to navigate unfamiliar environments and overcome language barriers. These experiences can build confidence and resilience, qualities that are valuable in all areas of life.Lastly, the memories created while traveling are priceless. Whether it's the awe-inspiring view from a mountaintop or the laughter shared with new friends around a campfire, these moments can stay with us for a lifetime.In conclusion, traveling is a journey of discovery that can transform our perspectives and enrich our lives in countless ways.旅游的乐趣旅游一直是许多人的热情所在,理由很充分。
Traveling is a wonderful way to broaden one's horizons and enrich one's life experience. It allows us to explore new cultures, meet new people, and see the world from a different perspective. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a long-term adventure, traveling can be a life-changing experience that leaves us with memories that last a lifetime.There are many different types of travel, each with its own unique benefits and challenges. Some people prefer to travel solo, while others enjoy traveling with friends or family. Some people prefer to stay in luxury hotels, while others prefer to rough it in hostels or camping grounds. No matter what your travel style is, there is sure to be a destination and itinerary that suits your interests and preferences.One of the best things about traveling is theopportunity to learn about different cultures and ways of life. By immersing ourselves in new environments and interacting with locals, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it. We can also develop a greater appreciation for diversity and tolerance, as welearn to embrace different customs, beliefs, and traditions.Of course, traveling is not always easy. There are many challenges that come with being away from home, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness. However, these challenges can also be opportunities for growth and personal development. By pushing ourselves outof our comfort zones and facing new challenges, we can develop resilience, adaptability, and a sense of self-reliance.Another important aspect of traveling is sustainability. As responsible travelers, we have a duty to minimize our impact on the environment and support local communities. This means being mindful of our carbon footprint, avoiding single-use plastics, and supporting local businesses andinitiatives. By traveling sustainably, we can help preserve the beauty and diversity of our planet for future generations.In conclusion, traveling is a wonderful way to explore the world, learn about different cultures, and enrich our lives. Whether it's a short trip or a long-term adventure, traveling can be a life-changing experience that leaves us with memories and lessons that last a lifetime. So pack your bags, hit the road, and discover all the wonders that this world has to offer!。
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orientation) 这种标准在旅游翻译诸标准中应成为首选或主 要标准,即既可以“归化”,也可“异化”。 E.g.这种冬青树,你们称为“圣诞树”,我们 俗称“鸟不宿”。 This holly is what you call a “Christmas tree”, and it is what locally known as “unperchable”.
Moment Pleasant
意译:With water and hill, every place looks bright and beautiful Rain or shine, every moment appears pleasant and wonderful
E.g. 青山有幸埋忠骨
以美学为取向(esthetic orientation) 这种标准主要是在观光、访问、考察时或在宣传、推广中国的 山水文化时用来翻译诗词、楹联、碑文、名胜古迹、风味小 吃等,使用一切翻译策略,目的是尽可能实现原文的美学价 值。 E.g. 仿膳—Imperial Food 杭州煨鸡--Beggar’s Chicken 狗不理--Dogs Don’t Leave
1、保持词汇层的对应 E.g. 水水山山处处明明秀秀 晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇 直译:Water Water Hill Hill Place place Bright Bright Beautiful Beautiful
Fine Fine Rain Rain Moment Pleasant Wonderful Wonderful
译。 专业性翻译(如同科技翻译、法律翻译等)
一般性翻译(如应用文、社交、日常生活等的翻译) 文学翻译 (如诗词、楹联、散文等的翻译)
语内翻译(intra-lingual )
语际翻译 (inter-lingual ) 符际翻译 (inter-semiotic )
此法试图在目的语语法结构的限制内精确地再 现原作的上下文意义。文化此照搬至目的语 中,并保留原语的语法和词汇的“非正常 性”。其目的在于试图完全忠实于原文作者 的意图和文本体现。
旅游文本包括旅游指南、旅游行程、旅游委托书、 旅游意向书、旅游合同、旅游广告、导ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ解说词、 景点介绍、博物馆解说词、旅游宣传册、旅游地图、 旅游宣传标语、演出节目单、菜单、宾馆指示牌、 各类通知、路标、地名等等。因此所涉及的词汇量 大、知识面宽、文化面广、措辞讲究、风格人性、 具有可读性和亲和力,以及功能多样化。
2、直译法 (Literal translation)
将原语语法结构转换为目的与中与之最接近的结构, 原语中的词仍然注意译成目的语。此法可用于某些 景点楹联的翻译。 例如:海水朝朝朝朝朝朝朝落
Sea water tide, day to day tide, every day tide and every day ebb Floating clouds appear, often appear, often appear and often go
这就决定了这类文本的翻译应主要采用“交际翻译法” (communicative translation)和“语义翻译法”(semantic translation)
E.g. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In the sky, the best is heaven, on the earth, the best are Suzhou and Hangzhou. Above is paradise, below is Suzhou and Hangzhou.
导游词的翻译应以“信”为前提,既重“达”,也重文笔。所 谓“信”,即指忠实于原文本的思想内容,忠实于其正确性 和科学性,包括文化背景、历史事实、审美信息,人文景观 等。导游词应该“言之有物(据、理、情、趣、喻、神)”。 导游应是导游员与游客交流思想感情、指导游览、进行讲解, 传播文化时使用的口头语言,因此必须在语言艺术的“达意” 和“舒服”(朱光潜)上下功夫,在“美”字上做文章。
主要用于翻译名人名家的诗歌、楹联、散文、游记等, 目的是“保存原作的风姿”和作者的“权威性”。 E.g. 青山有幸埋忠骨 白铁无辜铸佞臣 The green hill is fortunate to be the burial ground of a loyal general The white iron was innocent to be cast into the statues of traitors
translation) translation)
花港观鱼(Viewing fish at the flower harbor)。
实际上,在杭州西山大麦岭后,有一条小溪流 经此处注入西湖,名为“花港”,正确译法 应为Viewing Fish at the Flower Stream
The pleasure of taking pains—Robert Frost
如何让欧美游客更多欣赏到西湖天下景的“水水山山处处明 明秀秀,晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇”? 如何翻译小吃“西施舌”中的西施? 如何译出佛教中雅俗共赏的对子“大肚能容容世上之难事, 开口便笑笑天下可笑之人”?
language orientation/target language culture
文本身所具有的吸引力。如:望湖饭店(lakeview hotel),颐和园(Summer Palace)
导游讲解与口译一样,注重的是现场效果(onthe-spot effect /immediate effect )。因此导 游词的翻译应注重现场效果和现场气氛。特别是在 处理一些诗情画意的名胜古迹的译名时要做到简洁、 明快、达意,能意译处则意译。 E.g. 西湖十景之一的三潭印月(小瀛洲),应译 成“Three Pools Mirroring the Moon ”,而不应 是难以传达原文审美信息、难以产生现场效果的音 译:the isle of Santanyinyue ,xiaoyingzhou 或Lesser Yingzhou。
language orientation/source language culture orientation)
这种标准在旅游翻译中很常见,目的是尽可能保留原有的 “原汁原味”和鲜明特色。如:Niagara Falls, Yellow Stone Park, Merlion Park; Great Barrier Reef, Minzu Hotel, Lingyin Temple; Jiuzhaigou Valley 。
西施舌—The Beauty’s Tongue
for word translation)
原文语序不变,原文的词逐个翻译,选择最常 用的词意,不必考虑上下文。文化词也照直 译。就旅游翻译而言,这种译法适用面不广, 但可灵活应用于翻译专有名词。 如拙政园(Humble Administrator’s Garden)的 小飞虹桥,可译为:Small Flying Rainbow
His belly is big enough to contain all intolerable things on earth His mouth is ever ready to laugh at all snobbish persons under heaven
翻译永远是跨文化的,永远是讲求效果的。旅游翻译不仅要 讲究文字本身漂亮,如果同时注重营销组合(market mix— product, price, place, promotion),则更容易达到预期 的效果。 七彩云南——Colorful Yunnan /7-ColoredYunnan/Multicolored Yunnan 诗画江南,山水浙江——Poetic Jiangnan, Picturesque Zhejiang 福天福地福建游——A Happy Tour to a Happy City
E.g.2 西安碑林 是希腊考古学方面的一个专业词,专指刻有文字或
在旅游资料中不宜译为“Forest of Steles”。Stele 图案的石板、石柱。一位澳大利亚专家建议改用比
较通俗的常用词tablet,因此碑林可以为 “Forest of Stone Tablets ”
第五章 旅游翻译的特殊性
此法更多地考虑原语的美学价值,只要合适可 以就意义作出妥协,不至于因半谐韵、文字 游戏、重复等修辞手段而在译文中产生不和 谐的声音。这种翻译法非常适合不少导译文 本和一些旅游推销广告。