



16 . B C
17 . A B
18 . A C
19 . BC
20 . CD
第三部分简述题《30分) 根据本课程所学,简述下列问题:
21.在吸烟之前,先问周围的人DO you mind if 1 smoke?是不是就足够礼貌了? 22.一般来说,在“便装日”应如何着装? 23.会议通知或邀请中要包含的五个W指的是什么? 24.在西餐中,如需暂时放下餐具,那么餐具应如何摆放? 25.在哪些公共场所不宜使用手机? 第四部分实践题《20分) 26.结合你的日常观察,说一说在你的工作环境中,人们是如何介绍他人相互认识的。如 果被介绍的双方的年龄、地位、性别等等有所不同,那么介绍的顺序是怎样的?结合本课程所 学,谈谈你的看法。
1 1 . Japan has banned smoking on the streets in busy areas of Tokyo . 12 . It 15 unprofessional to drink beverages through a straw . 13 . At a meeting , sit directly across the table from someone you see as an opponent . 14 . If you are asked to do something outside of your iob description , you can respond with the sentence"It ' 5 not in my job description . , , 15 . A genuine smile with a twinkle in your eye 15 a powerful way to communicate your willingness to meet another person . 第二部分选择题(20分) There are five questions in this section . Each question has one or more than one correct answer . Select the correct answer or answers .


























商务礼仪试卷及答案[1]导读:《商务礼仪》练习题(一),1.在商务礼仪中,6.在商务交往过程中,交际礼仪给了一个规范的做法:(),12.在商务交往中,13.现代商务礼仪中,在商务信函的处理上,我们应该做到:(),14.在接待客人中(客人第一次来),上下楼梯有时不可避免,下面符合正确商务礼仪的,A、符合礼仪规范,因为白色百合花代表百年好合,爱情纯洁美好,B、不符合礼仪规范,因为在日本百合花只有在丧事时使用,17.在办公室中,《商务礼仪》练习题(一)一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1. 在商务礼仪中,男士西服如果是两粒扣子,那么扣子的系法应为:()A两粒都系B系上面第一粒C系下面一粒D全部敞开2. 如果开车的是专业的司机,请问以下哪个座位是最尊贵的:()3. 以下哪个不是交际交往中宜选的话题:()A、格调高雅的话题B、哲学、历史话题C、对方擅长的话题D、时尚流行的话题4. 从事外事工作的人有一个特点,就是说话比较:()A、偏执B、中庸C、和善D、以上都正确5. 公务用车时,上座是:()A、后排右座B、副驾驶座C、司机后面之座D、以上都不对6. 在商务交往过程中,务必要记住:()A、摆正位置B、入乡随俗C、以对方为中心D、以上都不对7. 打电话时谁先挂,交际礼仪给了一个规范的做法:()A、对方先挂B、自己先挂C、地位高者先挂电话D、以上都不对8. 出入无人控制的电梯时,陪同人员应该:()A、先进后出B、控制好开关钮C、以上都包括D、以上都不对9. 西方人很重视礼物的包装,并且必须在什么时候打开礼物:()A、当面打开礼物B、客人走后打开礼物C、随时都可以打开D、以上都不对10. 从事服务行业的女性也不能留披肩发,其头发最长不应长于:()A、耳部B、颈部C、腰部D、肩部11. 无论是男士还是女士,出席重要场合,身上哪两种物品的颜色应该一致:()A、包与皮鞋B、皮鞋与皮带C、包与帽子D、以上都不对12. 在商务交往中,尤其应注意使用称呼应该:()A、就低不就高B、就高不就低C、适中D、以上都不对13. 现代商务礼仪中,在商务信函的处理上,我们应该做到:()A、商业谈判主要是以面谈为主,信函交往可以顺便一些B、只要将涉及到商业谈判内容的部分交待清楚就行,其他的不必予以太多重视C、注重写作格式和称呼规范,一丝一毫也不能轻心大意14. 在接待客人中(客人第一次来),上下楼梯有时不可避免,下面符合正确商务礼仪的做法是:(A、上楼时让领导,来宾走在前方,下楼时将相反;B、上楼时让领导,来宾走在后方,下楼时一样;C、上下楼时都让领导,来宾走在前方;15. 参加日本人的婚礼时,有人送了一束白色的百合花,你觉得这种做法:()A、符合礼仪规范,因为白色百合花代表百年好合,爱情纯洁美好B、不符合礼仪规范,因为在日本百合花只有在丧事时使用C、如果换成其它颜色或搭配一些其它类型祝愿类花就会更好16. 在带领宾客参观时,作为一个引导者,在进出电梯时(有专人控制)你应做到:()A、放慢脚步,进电梯时让宾客先进入,出电梯则相反)B、加快脚步,进电梯自己先进入,出电梯则相反C、保持脚步,谁先进出都无所谓17. 在办公室中,员工用温和商量的语气请假,这体现了现代商务礼仪中的:()A、认清主客场原则B、尊重他人原则C、真诚原则D、适度原则18. 我们在与人交往中应避免问及到女士的婚姻状况或年龄问题,因为这些问题违背了:()A,认清主客场原则B,尊重他人原则C,真诚原则D,适度原则19. 下列哪项不是现代商务礼仪的特点:()A,不断变化B,实用,简约C,严肃,规范D,不断复杂化20. 面对商务礼仪交往中世界上各个国家的礼仪标准大不相同,我们应该做的是:()A, 以各国标准为主,交往中哪个是主方就参照那个国家的礼仪标准B, 以综合国力为主,交往中那个国家强就参照那个国家的礼仪标准C, 经过不断的磨合和交流寻求一套大家认可的礼仪规则系统二、多项选择题(每小题2分,错选、漏选都不得分,共10分)1. 一下各选项属于商务礼仪的作用的是()A提升个人素质B方便人们交往应酬C有助于维护企业形象D以上都不是2. 服务礼仪接待的基本要求是:()A、文明B、礼貌C、热情D、周到3. 自尊三要点包括:()A、尊重自我B、尊重自己的职业C、尊重自己所在的单位D、尊重他人4. 以下哪些是交谈的禁忌:()A、以迎合对方B、忌纠正对方C、忌质疑对方D、忌打断对方5. 西服穿着的三大禁忌包括:()A、袖口上的商标没有拆B、在正式场合穿着夹克打领带C、正式场合穿着西服、套装时袜子出现问题D、西装没有熨平三、判断题(在题后的括号内填“A或“>每题1分,共10分),就买1•一位外国女士,看到中国古代的落地钟非常漂亮,认为他的中国朋友一定会喜欢了一台送给他的客户•()2•求职电话什么时候打都可以.()3. 电视电话会议只要看电视或只要打个电话就可以了.()4. 电子商务不需要注重写作能力•()5. 当别人夸奖自己时越谦虚越好.()6. 当进行正式宴会时,一定要在主人宣布开饭之后再动手吃饭.()7. 逢年过节送沙特阿拉伯的朋友葡萄酒是最受欢迎的.()8. 拒绝邀请只说声对不起而不交代理由是不礼貌的.()9. 年轻人穿西装可以搭配休闲鞋.()10. 脱下的大衣应放在椅背上.()四、简答题(共7小题,每小题5分,共35分)1. 简述礼仪的要素。



商务礼仪测试题及答案【篇一:商务礼仪试卷及答案(三套)】xt>一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1. 在商务礼仪中,男士西服如果是两粒扣子,那么扣子的系法应为:()a 两粒都系b 系上面第一粒c 系下面一粒d 全部敞开2. 如果开车的是专业的司机,请问以下哪个座位是最尊贵的:(3. 以下哪个不是交际交往中宜选的话题:()a、格调高雅的话题b、哲学、历史话题c、对方擅长的话题d、时尚流行的话题4. 从事外事工作的人有一个特点,就是说话比较:()a、偏执b、中庸c、和善d、以上都正确5. 公务用车时,上座是:()a、后排右座b、副驾驶座c、司机后面之座d、以上都不对6. 在商务交往过程中,务必要记住:()a、摆正位置b、入乡随俗c、以对方为中心d、以上都不对7. 打电话时谁先挂,交际礼仪给了一个规范的做法:()a、对方先挂b、自己先挂c、地位高者先挂电话d、以上都不对8. 出入无人控制的电梯时,陪同人员应该:()a、先进后出b、控制好开关钮)c、以上都包括d、以上都不对9. 西方人很重视礼物的包装,并且必须在什么时候打开礼物:()a、当面打开礼物b、客人走后打开礼物c、随时都可以打开d、以上都不对10. 从事服务行业的女性也不能留披肩发,其头发最长不应长于:()a、耳部b、颈部c、腰部d、肩部11. 无论是男士还是女士,出席重要场合,身上哪两种物品的颜色应该一致:()a、包与皮鞋b、皮鞋与皮带c、包与帽子d、以上都不对12. 在商务交往中,尤其应注意使用称呼应该:()a、就低不就高b、就高不就低c、适中d、以上都不对13. 现代商务礼仪中,在商务信函的处理上,我们应该做到:()a、商业谈判主要是以面谈为主,信函交往可以顺便一些b、只要将涉及到商业谈判内容的部分交待清楚就行,其他的不必予以太多重视c、注重写作格式和称呼规范,一丝一毫也不能轻心大意14. 在接待客人中(客人第一次来),上下楼梯有时不可避免,下面符合正确商务礼仪的做法是:()a、上楼时让领导,来宾走在前方,下楼时将相反;b、上楼时让领导,来宾走在后方,下楼时一样;c、上下楼时都让领导,来宾走在前方;15. 参加日本人的婚礼时,有人送了一束白色的百合花,你觉得这种做法:()a、符合礼仪规范,因为白色百合花代表百年好合,爱情纯洁美好b、不符合礼仪规范,因为在日本百合花只有在丧事时使用c、如果换成其它颜色或搭配一些其它类型祝愿类花就会更好16. 在带领宾客参观时,作为一个引导者,在进出电梯时(有专人控制)你应做到:()a、放慢脚步,进电梯时让宾客先进入,出电梯则相反b、加快脚步,进电梯自己先进入,出电梯则相反c、保持脚步,谁先进出都无所谓17. 在办公室中,员工用温和商量的语气请假,这体现了现代商务礼仪中的:()a、认清主客场原则b、尊重他人原则c、真诚原则d、适度原则18. 我们在与人交往中应避免问及到女士的婚姻状况或年龄问题,因为这些问题违背了:()a,认清主客场原则b,尊重他人原则c,真诚原则d,适度原则19. 下列哪项不是现代商务礼仪的特点:()a,不断变化b,实用,简约c,严肃,规范d,不断复杂化20. 面对商务礼仪交往中世界上各个国家的礼仪标准大不相同,我们应该做的是:()a,以各国标准为主,交往中哪个是主方就参照那个国家的礼仪标准b,以综合国力为主,交往中那个国家强就参照那个国家的礼仪标准c,经过不断的磨合和交流寻求一套大家认可的礼仪规则系统二、多项选择题(每小题2分,错选、漏选都不得分,共 10分)1. 一下各选项属于商务礼仪的作用的是()a 提升个人素质b 方便人们交往应酬c有助于维护企业形象 d 以上都不是2. 服务礼仪接待的基本要求是:()a、文明b、礼貌c、热情d、周到3. 自尊三要点包括:()a、尊重自我b、尊重自己的职业c、尊重自己所在的单位d、尊重他人4. 以下哪些是交谈的禁忌:()a、以迎合对方b、忌纠正对方c、忌质疑对方d、忌打断对方5. 西服穿着的三大禁忌包括:()a、袖口上的商标没有拆b、在正式场合穿着夹克打领带c、正式场合穿着西服、套装时袜子出现问题d、西装没有熨平1.一位外国女士,看到中国古代的落地钟非常漂亮,认为他的中国朋友一定会喜欢,就买了一台送给他的客户.()2.求职电话什么时候打都可以. ()3.电视电话会议只要看电视或只要打个电话就可以了. ()4.电子商务不需要注重写作能力. ()5.当别人夸奖自己时越谦虚越好. ()6.当进行正式宴会时,一定要在主人宣布开饭之后再动手吃饭. ()7.逢年过节送沙特阿拉伯的朋友葡萄酒是最受欢迎的. ()8.拒绝邀请只说声对不起而不交代理由是不礼貌的. ()9.年轻人穿西装可以搭配休闲鞋. ()10.脱下的大衣应放在椅背上. ()四、简答题(共7小题,每小题5分,共35分)1.简述礼仪的要素。



国际商务礼仪1、After a formal introduction, the traditional response is _______A. "Hi!"B. "Hello!"C. “How do you do?”正确答案:C2、For Chinese people, courtesy demands reciprocity, which means people who are well-mannered to others will receive kindness and favors.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A3、Try to be culturally aware, as well as aware of the situation, and always show your gratitude when receiving a gift.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A4、Traditionally men walk down a sidewalk on the inside or next to a building with the woman walking on the curbside.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B5、Go easy on the cell phone. It’s not the act of using a cell phone in public that upsets those who are held captive to it but the way you go about it.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A6、You'd better acknowledge any gift you receive as soon as possible by ________.A. a handwritten thankyou noteB. an emailC. a text message正确答案:A7、You may use a red ink pen to write greeting cards, since the color red is symbolic of happiness in China.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B8、Most often, it’s the personal habits that offend, so give some thought to how you’re perceived by those around you.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A9、Public places are noisy by nature, so talk as loudly as you can so others can hear you clearly.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B10、If your work day begins at 8:30, you'd better arrive at your office a little before8:30.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A11、You can always ignore minor commitments to others.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B12、If you see someone you know on an elevator, say, “Hello.” Say, “Hot enough for you?” Say, “Have a nice day.” But be careful about going further unless you’re the only two people aboard.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A13、If even one passenger is a non-smoker, ________ in the vehicle.A. there should be no smokingB. ask before smokingC. open the car windows before smoking正确答案:A14、If you eat with your fingers in a Muslim restaurant, use ______ to eat.A. only your right handB. only your left handC. either hand正确答案:A15、Make the subject line of your email _______ to the recipient so as to avoid having it deleted or ignored.A. simpleB. newC. meaningful正确答案:C16、It is good to acknowledge the birthdays of everyone you work with.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A17、Should a man wait for a woman to initiate a handshake?A. Of course. Lady First is a firm rule on all occasions.B. Not in a business setting. There is no preferential gender in the business arena.C. Only wait for a young lady to initiate a handshake.正确答案:B18、The place of honor at the table is ________ the host.A. to the right side ofB. to the left side ofC. at the other end of the table opposite to正确答案:A20、Lack of direct eye contact, especially in conversations between two people, canbe offensive or taken as deceitful.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A21、In giving business gifts, you should always ________.A. make sure the gift is appropriate and follow the customs and norms of your industryB. expect a gift in returnC. choose only commemorative items正确答案:A24、You should never use your knife to cut your rolls at a business dinner.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A26、Do not permit the phone to ring into the office more than three times.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A27、While traveling internationally on business to the US, your hosts provide a regional delicacy that you know you won't like. What do you do?A. Politely decline and eat around the offending item.B. Try it, and then eat as much as you can.C. Pick at it while you eat other things on your plate and hope they don't notice you don't eat any.正确答案:A28、You have to do much of the talking to be comfortable in social events.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B29、Don't remove the price tag before you give something to someone as a gift so that the recipient knows how valuable the gift is.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B30、Knowledge of business etiquette can be your competitive edge in the business world.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A31、In many countries in Africa, you will be expected to eat with ________.A. chopsticksB. a spoonC. your hands正确答案:C32、When you are talking to someone on the phone, it is rude to ask, "Do you have a minute?"A. 是B. 否正确答案:B35、The most polite introduction will fall flat if the person making the introduction doesn’t initiate conversation.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A36、Make sure you speak clearly and are smiling as you answer the phone.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A37、To find out whether your guest likes or dislikes certain cuisine, you may _______.A. ask him/her directly after you arrive at the restaurantB. ask him/her to choose a restaurant and do the reservationC. ask when extending the invitation or call an assistant to get the answer正确答案:C39、An open-ended question to use in introducing a topic would be "_______".A. How are you today?B. Did you come in the same vehicle as Mr. Brown?C. How did you get here?正确答案:C40、Which of the following statements is not true regarding gift exchanging?A. Gift giving is common in Japan.B. Gifts usually are opened in the presence of the giver in China.C. Gifts are usually wrapped.正确答案:B41、You should arrange any business meal at least ______ in advance.A. several hoursB. one dayC. one week正确答案:C42、When you are introducing Mr. Green to Miss Brown, look at _______.A. Mr. GreenB. Miss BrownC. none of them正确答案:B43、If a male guest insists on paying despite a female host’s best efforts, she should ______.A. let him payB. suggest splitting the billC. not give in正确答案:A44、The first rule of etiquette is that the other person feels important.A. 是B. 否46、Even in formal settings, self-introductions are relatively casual. If the person is by herself, a friendly "Hello, I'm Gary Ford" is usually enough to start.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A47、If you run into a client whose name you have forgotten, you should pretend not seeing him or her to avoid the embarassement.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B48、In the business world, the primary function of your attire is _________.A. simply covering your bodyB. always a status symbolC. an important showcase for your personal image as well as company image正确答案:C50、You should always handle an unhappy caller's concern openly at the checkin/checkout desk.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B51、When meeting Asian people, a handshake might be accompanied by _____.A. a slight bow or nod of the headB. a big embraceC. a friendly kiss正确答案:A52、The most common times to give gifts in the business world DO NOT include the following: _________.A. After the completion of a projectB. To celebrate a promotionC. Before the recipient decides to cooperate with you instead of your competitor 正确答案:C53、In a restaurant, always talk softly to your server, as if you were sharing a secret.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A54、It is better to return a call than to keep someone on hold too long.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A55、You have forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he is furious. Now you should _____.A. write a letter of apologyB. send flowersC. call and set up another appointment56、A general rule is that you should only give a gift to those whom you feel inclined to, but you should do so _____ so that you do not make others feel excluded.A. in publicB. discretelyC. stealthily正确答案:B57、Giving and receiving gifts is considered a traditional way to build and maintain friendships in China.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A59、For the server's convenience, you may ________.A. take the plate from him/her in mid airB. stack your plates at the end of the mealC. push your plates away from you when you are finished正确答案:A61、The person being introduced feels offended when you repeat his or her name.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B62、While making introduction, men should rise while women may remain seated.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B64、Those who __________ are not supposed to dress casually even on casual days.A. plan to go somewhere after workB. hold a senior position in the companyC. deal directly with the public正确答案:C65、The recognized business colors are_____.A. yellow and whiteB. pink and blackC. black and gray正确答案:C66、If someone repeatedly introduces you by the wrong name or a nickname or a title you don’t like, take the person aside and tell him the problem as nicely as possible. (“I use Michael now. Would you mind introducing me that way?”)A. 是B. 否正确答案:A67、________ is never appropriate for an individual employee to give to a supervisor.A. An expensive giftB. A book about topics of interestC. A work of art正确答案:A68、Saying “hello” doesn’t obligate you to stop and chat, so don’t hesitate to greet some-one just because you’re in a rush.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A70、Beverages are generally poured from the _______.A. leftB. rightC. middle正确答案:B72、_________ the credit when working on a project. Make sure everyone on the team is appropriately recognized.A. Be generous withB. Be strict withC. Hold on to正确答案:A73、You never need to make eye contact with a stranger on the street.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B74、Good manners often earn good treatment in return.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A75、You'd better avoid spaghetti, fettuccini, or noodle-type soups when dinning out in a business situation because _________.A. they are unhealthful to eatB. they are too expensiveC. they are messy to eat 正确答案:C76、The recipient should receive the gift with both hands.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A77、When giving corporate gifts, be aware that sending out gifts with loud corporate logos can appear ______.A. classyB. tackyC. belittling正确答案:B78、Your thoughtfullness will work to your advantage.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A80、Place your knife and fork in the finished position (knife on top of plate, fork across middle of plate) to let the waiter know you have finished eating.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B81、In general, Americans are thought to be _______.A. conservativeB. unfriendlyC. gregarious正确答案:C82、You may push away or stack your dishes when you and your guests have all finished eating.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B83、Firm handshakes are reserved for men while loose ones for ladies.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B84、In job-hunting, first impressions are critical. Complex accessories are necessary to impress the interviewers.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B85、Showing up late for business meetings helps to make a great impression.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B86、Use the rest position (fork below the knife, diagonally across the plate) to indicate that you are resting.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B87、There is a great difference between those individuals who break the rules and know they are breaking them and those who do so without knowing it.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A88、While making a business phone call, if you need to place the other person on hold, do not leave hom/her there for over ________.A. 30 secondsB. 1 minuteC. 5 minutes正确答案:A89、Positive behavior reflecting good manners to others is cost effective for business.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A90、Professional people should be discouraged from using slang in greeting people outside their circle of friends.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A91、Unkempt shoes can detract from one's overall appearance.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A92、You should always speak the truth when you are leaving a company and let everyone know exactly why you are doing so.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B94、In public, holding hands and exchanging pecks on the cheek with your significant other can be charming, but prolonged and passionate embraces and soul kisses are always inappropriate.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A95、Personal matters, such as divorces, bereavements, job losses, illnesses, rehab history, and the like are not fit subjects to raise in the course of social and business introductions.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A96、Some people may be offended if you don't remember their names.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A97、The first rule for proper work attire is to _______.A. learn the corporate climateB. dress as formally as possibleC. dress as comfortably as possible正确答案:A99、On answering the phone, you never need to identify yourself.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B100、As times change, so do social norms for personal and professional behavior, and so basic etiquette doesn't matter any more.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B101、Always use a pleasant, congenial and friendly tone when answering the phone.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A103、When you are a visitor in another country, the best thing to do is _______.A. try to learn the language as quickly as possibleB. behave as if you were in your own countryC. do as what the people in the country do正确答案:C105、As the host, you may present a gift to your guest _______.A. as soon as he or she arrives for the eventB. immediately after he or she presents a gift to youC. when he or she is leaving正确答案:C106、Learn how to handle several callers simultaneously with ease and grace.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A108、If any gesture is likely to indicate lack of attention or to distract others (as waving and nodding might during a religious service, lecture, or live performance), it's polite to smile and save your greeting for later.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A109、Traditionally men were supposed to walk on the outside of women because _______ .A. men were more gallant than womenB. women were tidier than menC. women could be better protected that way正确答案:C110、In a social gathering, you should always wait for other people to come up to you and start a conversation.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B111、If an international visitor hands you a business card at your first business meeting, you should _______.A. decline itB. accept it with both hands and scan it immediately for for the vital informationC. accept it and directly put it into your pocket without looking at it first正确答案:B112、A simple smile can enhance your work environment by altering a negative mood, nurturing camaraderie, and reinforcing self-esteem.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A114、You should make business calls during the time of office hours when most people are freshest to receive them. That would be _________.A. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.B. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.C. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.正确答案:C115、Cigar smokers should smoke outdoors only in uncrowded places so that people who want to escape the smell can easily do so.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A116、If your work day ends at 5 p.m., you may start getting ready for leaving at 4:45.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B117、Which of the following statements is correct?A. Men should always pay.B. Women should always pay.C. The host should always pay. 正确答案:C118、Similar to the west, Chinese recipients usually won't open gifts in front of the giver immediately.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B119、Some people dread social events because they are uncomfortable with small talk.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A120、Outside visitors should never be considered an interruption of your work. A. 是 B. 否正确答案:A121、The host should do all of the following EXCEPT ______.A. picking an appropriate restaurant and making reservations ahead of timeB. directing the guests to their seats or recommending menu items in various price rangesC. making orders for the guests正确答案:C122、If you see someone you know in a jammed elevator, you may __________.A. greet him brieflyB. go on chatting with him in a low voiceC. try your best to get closer to himD. pretend not to know him正确答案:A123、Europeans eat using the _______ style.A. AmericanB. EnglishC. Continental正确答案:C124、It is OK to answer the phone while you are eating or chewing gum.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B127、Food is generally served from the ______.A. leftB. rightC. middle正确答案:A128、As soon as someone has been introduced to you, do not try to repeat his or her name.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B129、Good manners can play a positive role in generating profit.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A130、When eating at a cafeteria in the work environment, avoid _______.A. eating directly off your trayB. placing your empty tray on an empty table nearbyC. tilting your empty tray up against a wall near you正确答案:A131、When people come to your office, give them your undivided attention so they feel welcome.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A132、Feel free to interrupt the person while he/she is talking to you.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B133、If you didn't understand a name, ask. Saying "I'm sorry, but I didn’t get your last name" or "Could you please tell me your name again?" is a courtesy.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A135、It's not unusual to sit down to dinner at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. throughout _________.A. Latin AmericaB. North AmericaC. East Asia正确答案:A136、In the business setting, a woman should never try to open the door for a man.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B137、In many cases, people give gifts _________, and the gift is simply a thoughtfulgesture.A. for something in returnB. without expecting anything in returnC. for the sake of politeness only正确答案:B138、Never engage in an argument with a caller in your office.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A139、If you are introducing someone who has a title “Doctor”, for example, include the title as well as the first and last names in the introduction.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A140、Most people do not impose their dietary choices on others. Nevertheless, you can often judge what to order by the type of restaurant the host chooses.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A141、As the driver, you ________ when you listen to the radio and use the air conditioner or heater.A. should consider passengers’ preferencesB. may do as you likeC. will be considered impolite正确答案:A142、Generally speaking, people from _______ tend to take the least time to warm up with strangers.A. ChinaB. AmericaC. Britain正确答案:B143、In Australlia, modest gifts, such as a business diary, a paperweight, or a coffee mug might be presented as a memento of a visit to a business event.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A145、Depending upon your relationship with the recipient, you may feel inclined to explain that you got a good deal on their gift (perhaps you got a gift card at a discount) to ease their concern.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A146、In most business settings, managers will only give gifts to those who __________.A. work directly under themB. are of higher ranks than themselvesC. are of the sameranks as themselves正确答案:A147、Overly revealing clothes should be avoided because _________.A. they cannot draw attention to you at workB. they draw too much attention to youC. they are unprofessional and indecent正确答案:C149、If you're curious about the origin of a person’s name that has just been introduced to you, feel free to ask "What kind of name is that?"A. 是B. 否正确答案:B150、If the people in your office would like to take up a collection for a larger gift for your boss, it could be _____.A. an expensive bottle of 1982 LafiteB. a monogrammed leather briefcaseC. a luxury watch正确答案:B151、Conversations can be aided greatly if you have a plan of action before entering a room.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A152、Throw all trash or debris into the nearest waste receptacle. If you don't see a wastebasket nearby, hold the trash till you find one.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A154、Do not sound _________on a business call.A. enthusiasticB. overly anxious or pushyC. energetic正确答案:B155、When first meeting someone, whether in a boardroom or a networking event, always introduce yourself with your ________.A. first nameB. last nameC. full name正确答案:C157、When you begin a conversation with another person, you should lean forward slightly toward the person.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A158、Generally speaking, a handshake should end by the time _________.A. you have finished greeting the personB. the introducer finishes his/her introductionC. you begin to greet the person正确答案:A159、Such gifts as necklace, ties or belts are usually too personal to give to normal friends.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A160、One courteous act communicates volumes.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A161、In today's American business culture, eye contact is a positive means of showing confidence, honesty and good intentions.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A162、Refrain from using curse words while talking on your cellphone on public transportation or sidewalks; it may offend those who overhear.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A163、In terms of business attair, people seem to place more stress on _____ than in the past.A. formalityB. qualityC. comfortableness正确答案:C164、When you answer the phone, you should identify yourself by using your last name and title.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B165、People can lose a job because of their bad manners.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A166、Should the person you've just met call you "Mark" instead of "Mike," simply say, "It's Mike," with a smile.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A167、Do not make it a habit of receiving personal calls at work.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A168、There is no shortage of competent and reliable people in the business world and manners can make the difference.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A170、Formal business invitations are most commonly engraved or printed in _____ ink on white or off-white high-quality paper.A. black or navyB. dark gray or yellowC. brown or red正确答案:A171、Always get the best number (and an alternate) and the best time to have a call returned to the caller, especially if a manager or another team member must return the call.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A172、In social situations, hosts and hostesses should take the time to jump-start some chat between people they’ve just introduced before moving on to other guests. A. 是 B. 否正确答案:A173、If someone offers you a seat on a bus, you should always accept it without hesitation.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B175、Return calls promptly that have been left on voice mail.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A176、Direct eye contact between male and female professionals is considered rude and makes people feel uncomfortable.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B177、Common courtesy is genderless.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A178、After pushing the floor button once you’re inside, move as far to the back of the elevator car as possible.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A179、If the person who made the introduction doesn’t start the conversation, you should speak up. Something as seemingly banal as a comment about the weather or current events can lead to more interesting talk.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A180、Nagative body language can turn people away as quickly as a smile can engage them.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A181、Which is a good topic with Korean businessmen?A. The Korean warB. Personal lifeC. Local culture正确答案:C182、While writing a business email, you should try to use __________.A. long sentences and long paragraphsB. long sentences and short paragraphsC. short sentences and short paragraphs正确答案:C183、Most American people generally are not very generous with the terms "please" and "thank you". This is most probably because they are ______.A. impoliteB. egocentricC. neglectful正确答案:C184、Lipstick on a glass should be avoided.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A185、People's attitudes towards professional dress have not changed for several decades.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B186、When you greet a visitor in your office, you should _______.A. say nothing and let her/him sit where she/he wishesB. tell her/him where to sitC. say nothing and let her/him stand there正确答案:B187、An agenda is indispensible to any kind of business meeting.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A188、The first rule of appropriate work attire is to follow suit.189、During your business trip, you should do the following except ________.A. keep detailed expense recordsB. request receipts for each service you receiveC. add a few extra dollars for a meal正确答案:C190、If you do not want to order for a while, you may _________.A. hold the menu up as if it were a protective shieldB. close the menu and place it off to the sideC. keep the menu open in front of you正确答案:C191、Dress formally even if your job requires you to dress causally on designated days.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B193、People's attitudes toward professional dress ________.A. have never changedB. have changed completelyC. have not changed basically正确答案:C194、You may ask people for their business cards as soon as you meet them.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B195、Making others comfortable in your presence is the most important etiquette rule of all.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A196、Quality management practices recognize that all people are potential clients of the company.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A197、In a western restaurant, you should always drink soup ________.A. with your soup spoonB. directly from the bowlC. with food in your mouth正确答案:A199、If your boss is a vegetarian but chooses to meet at a steakhouse, you _______.A. should not order steakB. should let your boss order for youC. may order steak 正确答案:C200、In Italy, yellow roses can signify "jealousy", and chrysanthemums suggest death.201、Showers of any sort should not be held during ________.A. working hoursB. breaksC. lunch hours正确答案:A202、Lunch is an excellent time to accomplish a good deal of work because _______.A. you are not so hungry after eating somethingB. you are away from the usual interruptionsC. you can have the whole table to yourself in a restaurant正确答案:B203、Eat with your fork in your right hand in the _______ style.A. AmericanB. EnglishC. Continental正确答案:A204、At an event with a guest of honor, ________ are introduced first to the guest of honor.A. all other guestsB. higher ranked guestsC. lower ranked guests正确答案:A205、He who ______ will be considered the life of the party.A. asks a lot of questionsB. is good at leading conversationsC. does most of the talking正确答案:B207、At a business dinner in Europe, you may ______.A. rest your elbows on the tableB. rest your hands on your lap while not eatingC. rest your wrists on the edge of the table正确答案:C208、It might be nice to bring flowers to your Italian hotess when invited to a dinner part at her home, although it is just as considerate to have flowers sent the next day.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A210、Especially when leaving messages, speak ________.A. fast and loudB. clearly and slowlyC. softly and quickly正确答案:B212、When you visit customers, colleagues and other associates, you can feel free to read any documents, cards, etc. on their desks.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B。



国家开放大学电大专科《国际商务礼仪》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:3981)盗传必究第一部分判断期(30分)llicre are fifteen slatements in this section. Mark the stntemcnts i rue (T) or False ( F) according to what you have learned in this course.1. Thr first rule of etiquette is that the 01 her person (eels comfortflble.2. We can gain n level of confidence knowing the basic rules of etiquette*3. If you are A woman and • mnn wants to open the door for you. try to do it yoursvlf<4> 1 radinonal etiquette rules state that when walking on a sidewalk• the man al wayswalks on the outside# or curbside* of a wuman>RcpreRrntinK oneself or one1s company in an unfnniiliar business environment can prc*rnt 5omr chnllcngrs.6. Good manners allow you to gam pcrsonnl confidence, but play a minor role in genrrnting profits.7> Negative bchnvior can co?>t a person n promotion• even a job.8. One of the basic rules of appropriate professional attire is to learn the coq)orare climAie e9. H you are in a service organuariont consider everyone who comes your way to be apotential cusiomcnl0« Direct eye contnct between professionnh is cnn^idcrcd rude and mnkeH people feci uncomfortnbk.I L Quality manngemeni practices do not recognize that all people are our clients^12. ()uT*ide visifora to our company t of course, are potential clients# but people wnhinour own organization should not be considered our dienic13. Shaking liand^ 2 a wonderful opportunity to connect with other peopleIL When you begin a conversation with another person• iry not to tilt your he ad forward the person.15. Try to avoid the habit of using possessive pronunn% when describing coworkers.such as my assistant.笫二部分选择18 (20分)I litre are five questions in this section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Select the correct unswr or answers.I6t What should men do when shaking hnnds with women?A. Have n firm vertical handshake.B> Turn their knuckles to force the woman to give A curtsy handshnkc.C< Shake hands on an equal basis.D. Shake hands with n woman differently than shaking hands with another man>17. hi n wrstern rcNtAurnni > lu»w should you do to gel the mtention of the server?A< Call the ncrvcr out loud.B. Snmp yotir finders to the urrvcr.(:. Try to mnkr cyr contocl with thr Herver.D. Nod sliKhtly to the server^18f Why do you need to wipe out the word H foreigner^ from your vocnbulnry?A<Ikruunr il mcflnn Fieri.H KBemuse it mtfins^visitors,”C. Hrcmmc if rnejinM "nurfitn. "IXBcr/iuse it meann M not brlonginu> ”19. 11 you «rr a smokrr and rr/illy nrrd to light up« whrrr can you doA.In the offtce<B ・In the rmtrgrn.C\(^utiidc the buildinR9e L )・In thr rlcsignatedBmoking nrcn*w20> At social K»thrnng94 how do you Ktrtrl n convcrsMtlon?A. Exprct people to conic up to you>11 Look lor a Rroup of propio to join.( Introduce yourj<rll to the other persenuD. Offer your hand in gretting.第三部分简述n (3o 分)楸据本课程所学.简述下列向Sfl.21. 一般来说.在“便*irratal 何肴装?22. 在g 中.如需何时放E «H .那么曹昆应如何燃放?23. 如眼规定上午8,30上切,那么几点到办公室比为什么?24. 送何事生H 礼物•有何不餐之姓?25. 在吸烟之前.先MMH 的人Do you mind if I Mrnokc?是不星就足靖礼貌f?策四部分xi&n (2o 分)26. 结合你的UHTfll 察.说 说住你的工作环境中.人们足如何介饵他人用瓦认识的.如 映俄介绍的双方的却的,地位.性别等等有所不瑞,那么介10的的序是为轩的?储台本课捏所 学.喉吸你的试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)第一部分判(30分)There arc fiflccn stnlcmcnts In this section. Murk the stulcmctit% I rue ( V) <»r Fu 顷(F) according to whut you have 心rned in thh course^位地2分L (T)2 AT) 3.《F) "T) 5. ( 1 > 6.(F)7. (T) 8. (T) 9.(T) IO ・(F> ll.(F ) 12. (F) 13 L (T> 14. (E) 15. (T)第三fB 分简述18(3。






商务礼仪试题全套及答案(推荐完整)编辑整理:张嬗雒老师尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布到文库,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是我们任然希望商务礼仪试题全套及答案(推荐完整) 这篇文档能够给您的工作和学习带来便利.同时我们也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈到下面的留言区,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。

本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请下载收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为 <商务礼仪试题全套及答案(推荐完整)〉这篇文档的全部内容.商务礼仪知识学习试题一.选择题1.对索取名片的方法描述正确的有( ABCD )A.交易法:首先递送名片; B。

激将法:递送同时讲“能否有幸交换一下名片"; C.平等法:“如何与你联系?” C. 谦恭法:对于长辈或高职务者,“希望以后多指教,请问如何联系?”2。

片使用中的三不准是指( ABD )A.名片不得随意涂改。



不用特殊材质负制做名片. D.名片不印多个联系方式。


双方通电话,应由谁挂断电话( AC )A。

主叫先挂电话; B。

被叫先挂电话; C。

尊者先挂电话; D.不做要求,谁先讲完谁先挂,最好同时挂。


当您的同事不在,您代他接听电话时,应该( B )A.先问清对方是谁; B。
























《商务礼仪》试卷(考试时间:100分钟)班级:姓名:学号:一.选择题.(每小题1分,20题,共20分)1、现代礼仪咱们可能把它分成以下五块()A.政务礼仪、商务礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪B.政务礼仪、交易礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪C.政务礼仪、商业礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪D.国家礼仪、交易礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪2、讲礼仪的作用()A.内强素质、外塑形象、增进交往B.增强素质、外塑形象、增进交往C.增强素质、外树形象、增强友谊D.增强素质、外塑形象、增强交往3.礼仪的根本是什么?()A.形象B.交流C.尊重D.自信4、男士西装的最高水准的要求是()A.二色原则B.三色原则C.四色原则D.五色原则5、男士穿西装在国际要求中应遵守的三一概是()A.上衣、裤子、腰带B.领带、鞋子、袜子C.鞋子、领带、公函包D.鞋子、腰带、公函包6. 西服穿着的三大禁忌包括()A. 袖口上的商标没有拆B. 在正式场合穿着茄克打领带C. 正式场合穿着西服、套装时袜子出现问题D.以上都包括7、一般男士在公众场合穿着打扮的规则是()A.看腰B.看鞋C.看领带D.看头8、一般女士在公众场合穿着打扮的规则是()A.看鞋B.看皮包C.看头D.看衣服9. 男士对女士的第一印象就是()A.谈吐 B .发型C.举止D.以上都不对10、男士装饰三件宝()A.腕表、钢笔、打火机B.公函包、领带、打火机C.腕表、钢笔、腰带D.打火机、领带、腰带11.在商务交往中,尤其应注意利用称号应该()A.就高不就低B.就低不就高C.适中D.以上都不对12、介绍的分为的四类情况()A.自我介绍、介绍他人、介绍他人,介绍业务B.自我介绍、介绍他人、介绍集体,介绍业务C.自我介绍、介绍对方、介绍集体,介绍业务D.自我介绍、介绍他人、介绍集体,介绍商务13、公事式自我介绍需要包括以下四个大体要素()A.单位、部门、职务、B.单位、部门、职务、姓名C.姓名、部门、职务、D.单位、部门、地址、姓名14.社交场合一般由谁来当介绍人()A.男主人B.女主人C.客人D.以上都不是15、索取名片的四种方式()A.直接法、明示法、交易法、谦恭法B.间接法、转接法、通俗法、直接法C.明示法、交易法、谦让法、间接法D.直接法、交易法、通俗法、谦恭法16、送名片的方式是()A.双手或用右手B.双手C.右手D.左手17、通时谁先挂()A.是谁先打谁先挂B.谁先接谁先挂C. 对方先挂D.地位高者先挂18、会客时上座位置排列的几个要点是()A.面门为上、以右为上、居中为上、前排为上、以远为上B.面门为下、以左为上、居中为上、前排为上、以远为上C.面门为上、以左为上、居中为上、后排为上、以远为上D.面门为上、以右为上、居中为上、前排为上、以近为上19、出入无人驾驶起落式电梯的顺序()A.陪同人员需要先出,后入。

商务礼仪 社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案

商务礼仪 社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案

商务礼仪试题一、单项选择题(共25道)1、电话铃声响后,最多不超过(C)声就应该接听A 一声b两声c三声d四声2、一般最佳的握手时间是(B)秒a3-5秒b5-6秒c10秒d30秒3、关于西餐餐具的使用,下面哪项做法是错误的(D)a一般情况下,左手持刀,右手持叉。




4、讲究礼仪的原因,用一句话概括为(B)a内强素质b外塑形象c增进交往d使问题最小化5、商务礼仪中交往应遵循的主要原则是(C)a以对方为中心原则b以相互沟通为原则c以互相尊重为原则d以合乎标准为原则6、公众场合,人际交往的距离应以多少米为宜(B)a半米之内b0.5-1.5米之间c 1.5-3米之间d3米以上7、一般情况下,礼节性拜访停留时间以多长为宜,亲朋好友以多长为宜()a10分钟,20分钟b10分钟,30分钟b20分钟,30分钟d10分钟,10分钟8、在社交场合,眼睛注视对方时不符合规范的是(B)a近距离时,看对方的区域为从眼部到颈部。


9、如果主人亲自驾驶汽车,(A)应为首位?A 副驾驶座B 后排右侧C 后排左侧D 司机后排对角线10、使用手机的不正确做法是:(A )a、女士将手机挂在脖子上B、在会议或影院等场合,应关机或将铃声置于静音状态C、手机不宜握在手里或挂在腰带上,应放在公文包中D、手机不适合传递重要商业信息的11、宴会上,为表示对主宾的尊重,主宾的座位应是( D )A 主人的左侧B 主人的右侧C 主人的对面D 面对门的位置12、下面哪项不是商务交往名片三不准的内容?( B )A 名片不能随便涂改B 名片上不提供私宅电话C 名片上不印制两个以上的头衔D 名片上不准印名言警句13、呈递名片时,下面哪项做法是不正确的( D )A 名片正面朝向接受方B 双手拿着名片两个上角C 右手拿着名片上角D 左手拿着名片上角14、面对上级和下级、长辈和晚辈、嘉宾和主人,先介绍谁(C)A 下级晚辈主人B 上级长辈嘉C 上级晚辈嘉宾D 下级晚辈主人15、传统礼仪和商务礼仪排座次区别是(D)A 前排为上B 居中为上C 以右为上D 以左为上16 商务礼仪的首要问题是(A )A. 尊重为本B. 规范为本C. 友善为本D. 招待为本17 “到什么山上唱什么歌”是商务礼仪( B)特征的喻意。



国家开放大学电大专科《国际商务礼仪》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3981)第一部分判断题(30分)There are fifteen statements in this section. Mark the statements True (T) or False ( F) accordingto what you have learned in this course.1・ The first rule of etiquette is to show the other people what a nice person you are.2.A genuine smile with a twinkle in your eye is a powerful way to communicate your willingness tomeet another person.3.When people shake hands, three shakes seem to be about right, but a lingering handshake is necessaryto indicate you are comfortable with the person.4.In a restaurant, always talk softly to your server, as if you were sharing a secret.5.It is courtesy for men but not women to give up their seals in a waiting room with limited seating.6.Quality management practices recognize that all people are our clients.7.As soon as someone has been introduced to you, do not try to repeat his or her name.8.Try to be comfortable with others no matter how they act, and try to make others comfortable in yourpresence.9.If you are at work sitting behind your desk when a visitor comes by, walk around your desk so youare next to your visitor when you shake hands.10- Do not make a. big show of it when opening the door for anyone.11.When having a working meal, you can put your briefcase on the table.12.No matter how simple a meeting is, an agenda is imperative-13.If the driver is a woman, she should not open the door for the passengers.14.A general guide of professional dress is to wear clothes that show your personal style.15.Smoking is a personal choice that does not affect other people. 第二部分选择题(20分)There are five questions in this section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Select the correct answer or answers.16.Why is lunch an excellent time to accomplish a good deal of work?A.Because you arc away from the usual interruptions.B.Because the atmosphere in a restaurant sets a different mood.C.Because you can have the whole table to yourself in a restaurant.I). Because working while eating is a new fashion.17.In a more formal meeting, which of the following item or items should an agenda identify?A- People not invited to the meeting.B.The lunch menu-C.The subject.D< People expected to speak on the issue.18.How long should a handshake last?A.Three shakes seem to be about right.B. A lingering handshake is necessary.C.Let go of your hand as quickly as possible.D.It relies on your best sense of social timing.19.How do you give your work life the quality of your personal life?A.Dress comfortably*B.Be punctual.C.Be critical.D.Offer privacy.20- Why should you repeat his or her name as soon as someone has been introduced to you?A.So that the other person feels recognized.B.Because repeating the name helps you better remember it.C.Because you need to show the other person that you like the name.D.So that the other person knows you are talking to him or her.21.如果规定上午8:30上班,那么几点到办公室比较合适?为什么?22.为什么说礼仪具有成本效益?23.在工作环境中,使用手机的基本礼仪是什么?24.目光接触有什么作用?25.安排会议时,需要考虑哪些问题?第四部分实践题〔20分)26.结合你的日常观察,说一说在你的工作环境中,人们是如何送、收礼物的,例如逢年过节或同事的生日,等。



镇 江 高 等 专 科 学 校 2021—2022学年第一学期期末考试试卷级 国际贸易 专业 商务礼仪 试卷(B 卷)命题 审核 审批 班级 学号 姓名一、判断题(15×1=15)1、男士走路时应该抬头、挺胸、精神饱满,可将手插入裤袋中。

( )2、刘经理在办公室与其它员工关系很好,日常工作中经常被其他人称为老刘( ) 3、一般情况下,介绍的顺序上应该将职位高的介绍给职位低的 ( )4、握手时,不必考虑伸手的先后顺序,只要表达出热情就行了( )5、两人走路时应该让客人走在前面,引导者走在后面。

( )6、在卡拉ok 唱歌时,切歌不要获得演唱者的同意,或不跟演唱者打招呼。

( )7、打公务电话,不要占用他人的私人时间,尤其是节日、假期时间。

( )8、不要用左手与他人握手,不要用双手与异性握手。


( )9、代接别人电话,应首先告诉对方,你找的人不在,然后说怎么称呼您?有什么事我可以转告吗?( )10、打电话时,地位高者先挂,托人办事者,需等对方挂电话后方可挂电话。

( )11、西餐中,餐巾应叠成长条形或三角形铺在膝盖上 。

( )12、公交车来时,男士应先让女士上车( )13、与人交谈时可以不看对方的眼睛( )14、在顾客试过好几件衣服仍感到不满意时,我们应表现出不满情绪( )15、软性鸡尾酒是不含酒精或只加少许酒的柠檬汁、柳橙汁等调制的饮料。

( )二、单项选择题(15×2=30)1、正确的站姿应是( ) A 、端正、严肃、有稳定性 B 、端正、庄重、随意 C 、端正、庄重、有稳定性2、女士入座时腿的姿势()A、小腿垂直于地面B、双腿弯曲C、双腿自然弯曲并拢3、为他人介绍的原则是( )A、尊者居前B、尊者居后C、尊者居中D、尊者居右4、自我介绍时要避免()A、先递名片,再做介绍B、先做介绍,后递名片C、长话短说D、内容完整5、三人并排走时哪个位置最尊贵()A、左边 B 、右边C、中间6、将客人送到酒店后应该()A 、直接离开B、和客人进行短暂的交流C、与客人长时间的交流7、如果主人亲自驾驶汽车,()应为首位。

商务礼仪 社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案

商务礼仪 社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案

商务礼仪试题一、单项选择题(共25道)1、电话铃声响后,最多不超过(C)声就应该接听A 一声b两声c三声d四声2、一般最佳的握手时间是(B)秒a3-5秒b5-6秒c10秒d30秒3、关于西餐餐具的使用,下面哪项做法是错误的(D)a一般情况下,左手持刀,右手持叉。




4、讲究礼仪的原因,用一句话概括为(B)a内强素质b外塑形象c增进交往d使问题最小化5、商务礼仪中交往应遵循的主要原则是(C)a以对方为中心原则b以相互沟通为原则c以互相尊重为原则d以合乎标准为原则6、公众场合,人际交往的距离应以多少米为宜(B)a半米之内b0.5-1.5米之间c 1.5-3米之间d3米以上7、一般情况下,礼节性拜访停留时间以多长为宜,亲朋好友以多长为宜()a10分钟,20分钟b10分钟,30分钟b20分钟,30分钟d10分钟,10分钟8、在社交场合,眼睛注视对方时不符合规范的是(B)a近距离时,看对方的区域为从眼部到颈部。


9、如果主人亲自驾驶汽车,(A)应为首位?A 副驾驶座B 后排右侧C 后排左侧D 司机后排对角线10、使用手机的不正确做法是:(A )a、女士将手机挂在脖子上B、在会议或影院等场合,应关机或将铃声置于静音状态C、手机不宜握在手里或挂在腰带上,应放在公文包中D、手机不适合传递重要商业信息的11、宴会上,为表示对主宾的尊重,主宾的座位应是( D )A 主人的左侧B 主人的右侧C 主人的对面D 面对门的位置12、下面哪项不是商务交往名片三不准的内容?( B )A 名片不能随便涂改B 名片上不提供私宅电话C 名片上不印制两个以上的头衔D 名片上不准印名言警句13、呈递名片时,下面哪项做法是不正确的( D )A 名片正面朝向接受方B 双手拿着名片两个上角C 右手拿着名片上角D 左手拿着名片上角14、面对上级和下级、长辈和晚辈、嘉宾和主人,先介绍谁(C)A 下级晚辈主人B 上级长辈嘉C 上级晚辈嘉宾D 下级晚辈主人15、传统礼仪和商务礼仪排座次区别是(D)A 前排为上B 居中为上C 以右为上D 以左为上16 商务礼仪的首要问题是(A )A. 尊重为本B. 规范为本C. 友善为本D. 招待为本17 “到什么山上唱什么歌”是商务礼仪( B)特征的喻意。



《商务礼仪》试卷(考试时间:100分钟)班级:姓名:学号:一.选择题.(每小题1分,20题,共20分)1、现代礼仪我们大概把它分成以下五块()A.政务礼仪、商务礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪B.政务礼仪、交易礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪C.政务礼仪、商业礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪D.国家礼仪、交易礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪和国际礼仪2、讲礼仪的作用()A.内强素质、外塑形象、增进交往B.加强素质、外塑形象、增进交往C.加强素质、外树形象、增强友谊D.加强素质、外塑形象、增强交往3.礼仪的根本是什么?()A.形象B.交流C.尊重D.自信4、男士西装的最高水准的要求是()A.二色原则B.三色原则C.四色原则D.五色原则5、男士穿西装在国际要求中应遵守的三一律是( ?)A.上衣、裤子、腰带 ?B.领带、鞋子、袜子C.鞋子、领带、公文包D.鞋子、腰带、公文包6. 西服穿着的三大禁忌包括()A. 袖口上的商标没有拆B. 在正式场合穿着夹克打领带C. 正式场合穿着西服、套装时袜子出现问题D.以上都包括7、一般男士在公众场合穿着打扮的规则是(???)A.看腰B.看鞋C.看领带D.看头8、一般女士在公众场合穿着打扮的规则是(? ? )A.看鞋B.看皮包C.看头D.看衣服9. 男士对女士的第一印象就是() ?A.谈吐 B .发型C.举止D.以上都不对10、男士装饰三件宝( ?)A.手表、钢笔、打火机B.公文包、领带、打火机C.手表、钢笔、腰带?D.打火机、领带、腰带11.在商务交往中,尤其应注意使用称呼应该()A.就高不就低 B.就低不就高C.适中 D.以上都不对12、介绍的分为的四类情况(? )A.自我介绍、介绍别人、介绍他人,介绍业务B.自我介绍、介绍别人、介绍集体,介绍业务C.自我介绍、介绍对方、介绍集体,介绍业务D.自我介绍、介绍别人、介绍集体,介绍商务13、公务式自我介绍需要包括以下四个基本要素()A.单位、部门、职务、电话B.单位、部门、职务、姓名C.姓名、部门、职务、电话D.单位、部门、地址、姓名14.社交场合一般由谁来当介绍人()A.男主人B.女主人C.客人D.以上都不是15、索取名片的四种方式( ???)A.直接法、明示法、交易法、谦恭法B.间接法、转接法、通俗法、直接法C.明示法、交易法、谦让法、间接法D.直接法、交易法、通俗法、谦恭法16、送名片的方式是()A.双手或者用右手B.双手C.右手D.左手17、通电话时谁先挂( ??)A.是谁先打谁先挂B.谁先接谁先挂C. 对方先挂D.地位高者先挂18、会客时上座位置排列的几个要点是( ? )A.面门为上、以右为上、居中为上、前排为上、以远为上B.面门为下、以左为上、居中为上、前排为上、以远为上C.面门为上、以左为上、居中为上、后排为上、以远为上D.面门为上、以右为上、居中为上、前排为上、以近为上19、出入无人驾驶升降式电梯的顺序(? ?)A.陪同人员需要先出,后入。



商务礼仪试卷及答案商务礼仪社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“商务礼仪社交礼仪期末考试试卷及答案”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!商务礼仪试题一、单项选择题(共25道)1、电话铃声响后,最多不超过(C)声就应该接听A 一声 , 两声 ; 三声 , 四声2、一般最佳的握手时间是(B)秒1, 3,5秒 , 5,6秒 ; 10秒 , 30秒3、关于西餐餐具的使用,下面哪项做法是错误的(D) , 一般情况下,左手持刀,右手持叉。

, 就餐过程中,需同人交谈,刀叉应在盘子上放成八字。

; 进餐一半,中途离席,餐巾应放在座椅的椅面上。

, 取用刀叉或汤匙时,应从内侧向外侧取用。

4、讲究礼仪的原因,用一句话概括为(B), 内强素质 , 外塑形象; 增进交往 , 使问题最小化5、商务礼仪中交往应遵循的主要原则是(C), 以对方为中心原则 , 以相互沟通为原则; 以互相尊重为原则 , 以合乎标准为原则6、公众场合,人际交往的距离应以多少米为宜(B) ,2半米之内 , ,米之间; ,3米之间 , 3米以上7、一般情况下,礼节性拜访停留时间以多长为宜,亲朋好友以多长为宜() , 10分钟,20分钟 , 10分钟,30分钟, 20分钟,30分钟 , 10分钟,10分钟8、在社交场合,眼睛注视对方时不符合规范的是(B), 近距离时,看对方的区域为从眼部到颈部。

, 和人交谈时,应从下面注视对方; 注视对方的时间应在谈话总时间的1/3,2/3为宜, 握手时应目视对方,面带微笑。

9、如果主人亲自驾驶汽车,(A )应为首位,3A 副驾驶座B 后排右侧C 后排左侧D 司机后排对角线10、使用手机的不正确做法是:(A )a、女士将手机挂在脖子上B、在会议或影院等场合,应关机或将铃声置于静音状态C、手机不宜握在手里或挂在腰带上,应放在公文包中D、手机不适合传递重要商业信息的11、宴会上,为表示对主宾的尊重,主宾的座位应是( D )A 主人的左侧B 主人的右侧C 主人的对面D 面对门的位置12、下面哪项不是商务交往名片三不准的内容,( B )4A 名片不能随便涂改B 名片上不提供私宅电话C 名片上不印制两个以上的头衔D 名片上不准印名言警句13、呈递名片时,下面哪项做法是不正确的( D )A 名片正面朝向接受方B 双手拿着名片两个上角C 右手拿着名片上角D 左手拿着名片上角14、面对上级和下级、长辈和晚辈、嘉宾和主人,先介绍谁(C)A 下级晚辈主人B 上级长辈嘉C 上级晚辈嘉宾D 下级晚辈主人15、传统礼仪和商务礼仪排座次区别是(D)A 前排为上B 居中为上C 以右为上D 以左为上516 商务礼仪的首要问题是(A )A. 尊重为本B. 规范为本C. 友善为本D. 招待为本17 “到什么山上唱什么歌”是商务礼仪( B)特征的喻意。



《商务礼仪》复习题题库2(五套试题,附答案)《商务礼仪》试卷、亠、/人尺氏、》试卷库第八卷班级_____________ 学号________________ 姓名__________________第一部分客观题题型(共60分)一、单项选择题(下面每题的四个被选答案中只有一个是正确的,请答在答题卡上,每题1分,共10分)1. 服饰是服装和()的总称。

A. 装饰B.饰物C.首饰D.眼镜2. 仪式是指在一定场所举行的具有专门程序化的()化的活动A. 规范B.标准C.制度D.法律3. 礼仪是社会安定团结的()A.前提B.基石C.条件D.保证4. 化妆要起到()自己缺点、修饰缺点的作用A.突出B.美化C.显示D.表现5. 礼仪一词来源于()。

A.英语B.德语C.法语D.国语6. 人们在社会交往中表示敬意、问候、祝愿等惯用形式称为()A.礼貌B.礼节C.仪表D.仪式7. 一般在参加晚6时以后举行的晚宴、音乐会、剧院演出等活动时穿的礼服是()。

A.大礼服B.晨礼服C.小礼服D.晚礼服8. 在各种礼节中,最常见的一种礼节是()A.见面礼B.介绍礼C.称呼礼D.告别礼9. 一般在45厘米到120厘米之间交谈的空间距离属于()A.公共距离B.社交距离C.亲密距离D.私人距离10. 探望病人时,选择象征安慰意义的花卉是()A.杜鹃花B.睡莲C.刺玫瑰D.深红色的竺葵二、多项选择题(下面每题的四个被选答案中至少有两个是正确的,2 分共20 分)1. 国际礼仪的特征是()A.系统性B.大众性C.现代性D.灵活性E.具体化2. 欧美人认为,接吻所传达的情感要比握手强烈得多,但接吻的方式要因人而异()A. 辈份高的人对辈份低的人,只吻额头或脸部B. 辈份高的人对辈份低的人,只吻下颌C. 辈份低的人对辈份高的人,只吻下颌D .辈份低的人对辈份高的人,只能脸颊相贴E.辈份相同的人只能脸颊相贴3. 今天汽车行驶仍实行“左行”规则的国家有()A.中国B.美国C.英国D.加拿大E.日本4. 关于各国赠礼习俗,下面说法正确的有()A. 在日本,礼品包装是一种精巧的艺术B. 大多数美国人不喜欢老一套,追求的是新奇C. 欧州人一般不当着客人面打开礼物的包装D. 第一次和阿拉伯人见面时不要送礼,避免行贿之嫌E. 法国人最受欢迎的礼物是书5. 世界三大宗教是()A.东正教B.佛教C.伊斯兰教D.道教E.基督教6.领带的打法主要有()A.标准完全结B.活结C.半完全结D. 死结E.平结7.国际交往中国旗悬挂的方法有:()A. 并列挂 B .并列悬挂 C. 交叉性 D.竖挂 E.交叉悬挂8.美的举止仪态表现为()。



商务礼仪试题答案【篇一:《商务礼仪》试卷及答案】《商务礼仪》测试题及答案(a卷)一、单项选择题1.标准站姿要求不包含( )a端立b身直c肩平d腿并2.衣着套裙的四大禁忌不包含( )a穿黑色皮裙b裙、鞋、袜不搭配c穿白色套裙d三截腿3.女士衣着套裙时,做法不正确的选项是( )a不衣着黑色皮裙b能够选择尼龙丝袜或羊毛高统袜或连裤袜c袜口不可以没入裙内d能够选择肉色、黑色、浅灰、浅棕的袜子4.敌手部的详细要求有四点:洁净、不使用醒目甲彩、不蓄长指甲和( )a腋毛不外现b不干燥c不佩带繁琐的金饰d以上都不对5.公事式自我介绍需要包含以下四个基本因素( )a单位、部门、职务、电话b单位、部门、地点、姓名c姓名、部门、职务、电话d单位、部门、职务、姓名6.介绍别人时,不切合礼仪的先后次序是( )a介绍尊长与晚辈认识时,应先介绍晚辈,后介绍尊长b介绍女士与男土认识时,应先介绍男士,后介绍女士c介绍已婚者与未婚者认识时,应先介绍已婚者,后介绍未婚者d介绍贵宾与主人认识时,应先介绍主人,后介绍贵宾7.握手时( )a用左手b戴着墨镜c使用双手与异性握手d时间不超出三秒8.对于握手的礼仪,描绘不正确的有:( )a先伸手者为地位低者;b客人到来之时,应当主人先伸手。



9.以下不切合上饮料的规范次序的是( )a先宾后主b先尊后卑c先男后女d先为地位高、身份高的人上饮料,后为地位低、身份低的人上饮料10.送名片的方式是( )a双手或许用右手b双手c右手d左手11.以下做法不正确的选项是( )a一男士把自己的名片递给一女士。




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