


❖ 忽视客户内心需求.不能读懂客户的眼神滔滔不绝讲 解车辆的设计.以及和实用性无关的方位.
❖ 讲解过程中没有深切的互动.千篇一律的讲解. ❖ 讲解安全配置时用客户举例. ❖ 不好的习惯性动作(斜靠车门或关闭车门时用力过大) ❖ 抨击竞品车型. ❖ 对客户的提问回答不准确(杜绝3米多或4米8几)
❖ 专业性太强.客户很迷茫. ❖ 忽略产品给客户带来的精神享受. ❖ 缺少应有的赞美和认同. ❖ 没有和客户进行互动. ❖ 被客户的思路带走.
❖ 需求分析后主动的引导 ❖ 迎合客户需求的讲解 ❖ 运用F(名称)F(功能)B
(带来的好处)进行讲解 ❖ 以客户能看到和能感受到
的进行互动讲解 ❖ 引用竞品对比时切忌抨击
BMW Selling Process Training
第四步 车辆展示
时间 2012年3月1日 地点 培训室 授课 杨帆
销售技巧.更是提高客户满意度.体现销售顾问专业 水平.促成交易成功的关键步骤.其重要性仅次价格 谈判.完美的车辆讲解会增加客户对BMW品牌和销 售顾问认可.更会增加签单成功的筹码.而瑕疵的.没 有迎合客户需求的讲解无异于对牛弹琴.白费口舌. 其中的影响不仅仅是损失一个客户……
二.对于感性客户关注的外观.品牌等需 求销售顾问应该在正面讲中怎么应 对?
B.M.W.是巴伐利亚汽车制 造厂的意思.标志的色彩和 组合来自宝马所在地巴伐利
亚州的州徽.宝马汽车公司是以生产航空发动机开始创业的.因此标志上的 蓝色为天空,白色为螺旋桨.蓝白标 记对称图形,同时也是公司所在地巴伐 利亚州的州徽。



如何寻找潜在客户 (分析) How can you find prospects? (Analyzing) 举例 Examples:
• 陌生电话访问(街上、家里、聚会场所、休闲中心等) 陌生电话访问(街上、家里、聚会场所、休闲中心等) Cold calling (street, house, leisure centres / locations etc.) •销售顾问自己的亲朋好友 销售顾问自己的亲朋好友 Sales consultant's own circle of friends and acquaintances
BMW Sales Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
12,再次购买 , 1,系统的潜在客 , 户开发
11,保证持续的客 , 户关怀
2,欢迎/建立联系 , 欢迎 建立联系/ 建立联系 关系
关怀和准备 询问和分析
10,新车交付 ,
3,建立购买需求和 , 动机
4,演示/介绍产品 ,演示 介绍产品 9,达成销售 ,
它是做什么的? What does it do?
优势/好处 优势 好处 Advantage/ benefit
我拥有后会怎么样呢? What do I get out of it? 卖点有效吗? How strong is the selling point?
问题QuestБайду номын сангаасon 问题
BMW Sales Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
7,清除客户异议 ,
6,进行试驾 ,
Test drive Training. 试乘试驾培训.
Test drive Schedule 试驾时间安排 (RSM Tool 010201) • Test drive planner 试驾预约表 (RSM Tool 010201a) • Test dive guideline 试驾指导准则 (RSM Tool 010202) • Test drive 试驾 (RSM Tool 010203) • Showroom visit/daily log 展厅到访日志 (RSM Tool 010104)



BMW Selling Process Training BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C7th June, 2007 Page 1BMW 销售流程培训Creating Good First Impression 创建良好的第一印象 -Establish Needs and Buying Motives 分析购买需求和动机Field Force Team C Ruud Rabenberg – 罗润可 Laura Wang – 王洪BMW Selling Process TrainingYiwu XinbaohangSheer Driving PleasureCreate Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 2Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Agenda 议程安排17:50 – 18:50Review of the whole BMW Selling Process and discussion onEstablish Needs and Buying Motives including some activities. 回顾BMW的完整销售流程, 着重培训流程中分析购买需求和动机 环节包括小组讨论.18:50 - 19:20 Listening Audit for Needs Analysis. 需求分析中的倾听技巧.19:20 – 19:40 Movie Watching. 案例短片观看.19:40 – 20:00 Roll Play and Finish of the Training. 角色扮演, 结束培训.BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 312,再次购买任务1,系统的潜在客 户开发11,保证持续的客 户关怀10,新车交付9,达成销售要求关怀和准备询问和分析维护客户度忠诚创一建印良象好的第原则 获得购买承诺产生购买愿望坚持和销售演示和咨询2,欢迎/建立联系/ 关系3,建立购买需求 和动机4,演示/介绍产品8,销售谈判5,推销产品卖点7,清除客户异议6,进行试驾Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 4Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Targets 培训目标.What do you expect to know/learn from the training ? 你对此次培训的期望是什么 ?Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 5Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Group Activity 分组讨论:-Please divide by 2 groups. 分成两组讨论. - 10 minutes discussion 时间要求:10分钟- Each group think about minimum 5 questions, which you frequently ask during your conversation to customers, and why you ask these questions? 每个小组 讨论在你与客户进行需求分析交谈中至少5个会经常问到的 问题,以及你为什么会对这些信息感兴趣? - On person to present on behalf of the group. 请小组代 表发言.BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 6Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 7Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Small check if you really do as you present in your work ☺.检测一下, 你们在实际工作中的表现吧!☺Showroom Prospects Pictures.展厅潜在客户照. Pictures were taken on 7th June .Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 8Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ???How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page 9Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ???How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?Create Good First Impression BMW China AutomotiveTrading Ltd. Field Force Team C创建良好的第一印象7th June, 2007Page10 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ???How much do you know about this prospect?你对这位潜在客户了解 多少?7th June,2007Page 11Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Objective and Purpose For Needs Analysis需求分析的目的.•Determining customer needs.认知客户的需求.•Creation of a trusting customer relationship.建立信任关系.•Collection of information to create an tailored offer to thecustomer.收集信息进行针对性的有效销售.7th June,2007Page 12 Useful Information For Needs Analysis 需求分析中的重要信息Purchase Budget 购买预算Usage of the Vehicle (Business/Private)车子用途(商用/个人)Current Vehicle 先有车型Number of Kilometers 行驶里程数Personal preferences (Luxury/Comfort/Sporty)个人偏好(豪华/舒适/运动性能)Number of Families 家庭成员Interested Model 感兴趣车型Etc………等等……Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机As open questions to get the information.提问开放性问题Why 为什么……? How 如何……?What 什么……? Who 谁……?When 何时……?7th June,2007Page 13Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questionnaire about Listening Audit 倾听方法调查问卷-Everyone will get a questionnaire about listening audit. 每位销售顾问都会拿到一份问卷.-You will have 10 minutes to answer all the questions.请在十分钟内回答所有的问题.-The purpose of this test is to help yourself to clearly seehow do you normally make listening audit during yourcommunication with your customers. 此问卷的目的是要真实反映你与客户交谈中通常所采取的倾听方法.7th June,2007Page 161.I make it a point to address each customer by name.我觉得称呼客人姓名很重要(Always 一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you do this always, or at least frequently, then good for you! It means thatyou’re making an effort to focus your attention on your customers and let themknow you’re interested in them.如果你一贯如此,或者至少经常这么做,恭喜你,这表明你在努力集中精力与客人的谈话,并且让客人知道你对他们很感兴趣.2.I finish sentences for customers in an effort to helpthem express themselves more clearly.(Never –从不)为了帮助客人表达自己更清晰,我会结束他们的谈话Although you might think you’re helping your customers, finishing sentences for them is apt to do more harm than good. As a salesperson, you’ve learned to be comfortable talking to people and expressing yourself verbally. Most people have a harder timewith that. While it may take them a bit longer to express themselves, you’ll build better rapport and gather more accurate information by letting them have their say .虽然你可能认为结束客人的谈话,是好意在帮助他们.但是打断客户的谈话弊大于利.千万不要因为客人表达能力差,销售员打断并帮他说出他自己的需求,其实没有任何人知道客人的需求,除了他自己.所以给客人时间, 让他说出它真正的需求7th June,2007Page 17 3.When listening to a customer, I mentally take note of keypoints. (Always –一贯如此)当我倾听客人讲话时, 我会记录下客人所说的要点在头脑中Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you’re a salesperson, you’re probably a “people”person and you undoubtedly have some very good instincts, but you can never know exactly what customers need without asking them and taking the time to listen to their answers如果你是一个专业的销售顾问,你肯定有一些直觉, 但是不通过提问和倾听客人的反馈,你就不可能确切的知道客人真正的需求是什么.4.I am so attuned to my customers that I find I can anticipatetheir needs without much preliminary discussion. 我非常熟悉我的客户,以至于我发现不用太多地与客户周旋(需求分析)我就能够预料到他们的需求(Never –从不)This is a good way to keep your attention focused on the conversation, and it’sabsolutely necessary if you want to recommend the right vehicle for yourcustomer.这是一个帮助你集中注意力在与客人的谈话上的好方法, 并且如果你想为客人介绍他真正需求的车型这是完全必需的.7th June,2007Page 18 5.When appropriate, I paraphrase the customer’s significantstatements (Always –一贯如此)适当的时候, 我会释义客人的重点表述Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Paraphrasing accomplishes two things:it lets the customer know you were paying attention, and it helps you check your understanding of the conversation for accuracy.释义帮助我们完成两件事:让客人知道你在注意他的谈话,同时可以帮助你检查对谈话理解的准确性6.While listening to customers I pay attention only to what’sbeing said. I try not to be influenced by facial expression,body language, etc.我主要精力用在倾听客人正在说的,试着不被客人的面部表情和肢体语言所影响(Never –从不)While words are important, body language, facial expression, tone of voice, etc.contribute to our overall understanding of what’s being said and are critical toaccurate interpretation of the customer’s needs .当然客户所说的话是重要的,但是客户的肢体语言,面部表情,语调对我们正确理解客户的谈话是同样不容忽视的,并且对我们精确对客户需求的理解也是至关重要的.7th June,2007Page 197.During the conversation, I ask questions to make sure Iclearly understand what the customer has said. 交谈中,我用问题确认我是否清楚客人所说的内容(Always –一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questions are the best way to gather information and clarify any points aboutwhich there might be some confusion. Questions are an important part of thelistening process..提问是获取客户信息和澄清任何迷惑的最好的途径. 提问是倾听过程中重要的一部分.8.While listening to customers I work on my sales strategy,carefully planning what I’ll say next. (Never –从不)当我听客人讲话时, 我运用销售策略仔细的计划下一步要说的话If you’re planning what you’re going to say, your mind has wandered away from the conversation and you are no longer listening. Focusing means paying attention to what’s being said now, not what you’re going to say.在与客户交谈时,如果你总是计划下一步要说什么,那么你的注意力也就不在谈话上了,你也就不再听客人说什么了.集中注意力指的是注意客人正在说的而不是你接下来要说什么.7th June,2007Page 209.At the end of my initial conversation with a customer, Isummarize aloud what I’ve learned about his/her needsand concerns. (Always –一贯如此)每次与客户谈话即将结束时,我都会总结并与客户确认我所听到的客人的需求信息.Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机A summary tells the customer what you’ve learned about his/her needs from the conversation and gives him/her a chance to correct any understanding.总结可以告诉客户从你们的交谈中你得到的信息的准确性, 并且给他们机会去更正其中的误解.10.Before suggesting a vehicle, I ask if the customer has anyother requirements. (Always –一贯如此)在为客人介绍一款车型之前,我会询问客人是否还有其他需求Give the customer the opportunity to tell you anything else that is pertinent to his/her vehicle selection in case something important was forgotten.为了防止重要的信息被漏掉, 给客人机会,引导他,让他告诉你一切与他选择车型有关的事情.7th June,2007 Page 21Final Score 最后得分0 —10:_________ 10—20:_________ 20—30:_________ 30—40:_________If you scored between 30 –40 points, congratulation!You have already practicing active listening skills.如果你的分数在30-40之间, 恭喜!说明你每天都在积极的运用倾听技巧.If you score less than 30 points, don’t feel bad!Most of us would have to admit that there’s plenty of room for improvement where our listening skills are concerned.如果你的分数在30分以下, 也并不是很糟糕, 多数人在倾听技巧上都需要很大的提高.Establish Needs and Buying Motives 分析购买需求和动机7th June,2007Page 22Thanks for your attention !谢谢关注!Next: Movie Watching (Case Studies) –20 Minutes下面请观看案例短片Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Standard Sellingskills 3rd movie time : 340: 10917th June,2007Page 23 Roll Play of Establishing Needs and Buying Motives 角色扮演1.One SC, One Customer & One Observer 销售顾问, 客户, 观察员.2.Situation 情景如下:•The Prospect and the Observer will get an explanation script about the prospect, please take 5 minutes to remember the information.扮演客户和观察员的销售顾问会得到一份已设定好的关于客户的档案, 请用5分钟记住信息.•SC and Prospect start roll play.销售顾问接待客户并开始谈话。



电话联系1. 铃响3声之内接起电话。

2. 问候、报经销店店名,报自己姓名,标准话术:您好,欢迎致电长春宝兴行,我是销售顾问××,有什么可以帮到您。

3. 电话转接不能多于1次,回答请求时避免转接到其他分机。

4. 30秒内找到要找的人,绝对不要让顾客等待超过30秒。


5. 邀请客户来展厅,提醒客户开放时间,尝试通过以下方式与顾客进行预约:a).提供登门拜访的服务,并建议具体的时间和日期,或者b).邀请顾客到经销店来,并约定具体的时间和日期,又或者c).在顾客指定的时间段致电顾客进行跟进,又或者;d).通过邮寄的方式提供顾客感兴趣的产品资料。

6. 在挂掉电话之前,确保我们已经记录下了顾客的:a). 姓名; b). 联系电话; c). 感兴趣的车型; d). 预约情况; e). 如果需要邮寄资料的话还需要顾客的邮寄地址.7. 创造良好的氛围。

展厅接待1. 一旦有顾客驾车驶进经销店,应该有人接待他并协助他停车。

2. 当顾客进入展厅,及时接近顾客,3分钟内欢迎顾客,同时点明经销店的名称。

3. 销售顾问自我介绍并主动递上名片,从而给顾客留下深刻印象。

4. 询问顾客的姓名,并以此称呼顾客。

5. 示范话术:a)您好,欢迎光临长春宝兴行,我是销售顾问××或前台接待××,主动递上卡片,b)请问您贵姓?是第一次来店吗?c)您想了解一下BMW车的哪些相关方面的信息?d)若销售顾问接待,直接进入需求分析,若前台接待则为我帮您介绍一位专业的销售顾问,由他来为您讲解。

e)请您稍等,××先生/女士,这位是我们的销售顾问××,他会帮您介绍BMW 车的相关信息,这位是××先生/女士,由销售顾问进入需求分析流程。

需求分析A.询问顾客对新车的相关信息:1. ××先生/女士您对BMW的那款车型感兴趣呢?2. 新车的主要用途是什么?您会与家人共用这辆车吗?-如果会,您的家里共有几个人?谁又是主要的驾驶者呢?3. 为什么考虑BMW?你还会考虑其他品牌吗?为什么?4. 您的购车预算是多少?5. 你大概什么时间购买?B.询问顾客对现有车辆的使用情况:1. 您现在驾驶的是什么车?2. 您驾驶这辆车多久了?3. 这辆车的主要用途是什么?4. 这辆车行驶了多少公里?5. 这辆车的性能如何?哪些让您感到满意的?哪些不满意的?(不论顾客现有车是什么样的,都不要对之作批评。





BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 1BMW Selling Process Training BMW 销售流程培训Creating Good First Impression 创建良好的第一印象 -Establish Needs and Buying Motives 分析购买需求和动机Field Force Team C Ruud Rabenberg – 罗润可 Laura Wang – 王洪Yiwu XinbaohangSheer Driving PleasureBMW Selling Process Training1/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 2Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Agenda 议程安排 17:50 – 18:50 Review of the whole BMW Selling Process and discussion on Establish Needs and Buying Motives including some activities. 回顾BMW的完整销售流程, 着重培训流程中分析购买需求和动机 环节包括小组讨论. 18:50 - 19:20 Listening Audit for Needs Analysis. 需求分析中的倾听技巧. 19:20 – 19:40 Movie Watching. 案例短片观看. 19:40 – 20:00 Roll Play and Finish of the Training. 角色扮演, 结束培训.2/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 3任务12,再次购买 1,系统的潜在客 户开发11,保证持续的客 户关怀2,欢迎/建立联系/ 关系要求关怀和准备 询问和分析10,新车交付维户 客 护 度忠诚创建 良 一 好 印 的 象 第3,建立购买需求 和动机获得 购 买原则承 诺产 生买 购愿望4,演示/介绍产品9,达成销售坚持和销售 演示和咨询5,推销产品卖点 8,销售谈判7,清除客户异议6,进行试驾3/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 4Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Targets 培训目标.What do you expect to know/learn from the training ? 你对此次培训的期望是什么 ?4/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 5Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Group Activity 分组讨论: -Please divide by 2 groups. 分成两组讨论. - 10 minutes discussion 时间要求:10分钟 - Each group think about minimum 5 questions, which you frequently ask during your conversation to customers, and why you ask these questions? 每个小组 讨论在你与客户进行需求分析交谈中至少5个会经常问到的 问题,以及你为什么会对这些信息感兴趣? - On person to present on behalf of the group. 请小组代 表发言.5/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 6Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机6/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 7Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Small check if you really do as you present in your work ☺. 检测一下, 你们在实际工作中的表现吧!☺Showroom Prospects Pictures.展厅潜在客户照. Pictures were taken on 7th June .7/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 8Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?8/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 9Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?9/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 10Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对这位潜在客户了解 多少?10/447th June,2007Page 11Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Objective and Purpose For Needs Analysis需求分析的目的.•Determining customer needs.认知客户的需求.•Creation of a trusting customer relationship.建立信任关系.•Collection of information to create an tailored offer to thecustomer.收集信息进行针对性的有效销售.7th June,2007Page 12 Useful Information For Needs Analysis 需求分析中的重要信息Purchase Budget 购买预算Usage of the Vehicle (Business/Private)车子用途(商用/个人)Current Vehicle 先有车型Number of Kilometers 行驶里程数Personal preferences (Luxury/Comfort/Sporty)个人偏好(豪华/舒适/运动性能)Number of Families 家庭成员Interested Model 感兴趣车型Etc………等等……Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机As open questions to get the information.提问开放性问题Why 为什么……? How 如何……?What 什么……? Who 谁……?When 何时……?7th June,2007Page 13Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questionnaire about Listening Audit 倾听方法调查问卷-Everyone will get a questionnaire about listening audit. 每位销售顾问都会拿到一份问卷.-You will have 10 minutes to answer all the questions.请在十分钟内回答所有的问题.-The purpose of this test is to help yourself to clearly seehow do you normally make listening audit during yourcommunication with your customers. 此问卷的目的是要真实反映你与客户交谈中通常所采取的倾听方法.7th June,2007Page 161.I make it a point to address each customer by name.我觉得称呼客人姓名很重要(Always 一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you do this always, or at least frequently, then good for you! It means thatyou’re making an effort to focus your attention on your customers and let themknow you’re interested in them.如果你一贯如此,或者至少经常这么做,恭喜你,这表明你在努力集中精力与客人的谈话,并且让客人知道你对他们很感兴趣.2.I finish sentences for customers in an effort to helpthem express themselves more clearly.(Never –从不)为了帮助客人表达自己更清晰,我会结束他们的谈话Although you might think you’re helping your customers, finishing sentences for them is apt to do more harm than good. As a salesperson, you’ve learned to be comfortable talking to people and expressing yourself verbally. Most people have a harder timewith that. While it may take them a bit longer to express themselves, you’ll build better rapport and gather more accurate information by letting them have their say .虽然你可能认为结束客人的谈话,是好意在帮助他们.但是打断客户的谈话弊大于利.千万不要因为客人表达能力差,销售员打断并帮他说出他自己的需求,其实没有任何人知道客人的需求,除了他自己.所以给客人时间, 让他说出它真正的需求7th June,2007Page 17 3.When listening to a customer, I mentally take note of keypoints. (Always –一贯如此)当我倾听客人讲话时, 我会记录下客人所说的要点在头脑中Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you’re a salesperson, you’re probably a “people”person and you undoubtedly have some very good instincts, but you can never know exactly what customers need without asking them and taking the time to listen to their answers如果你是一个专业的销售顾问,你肯定有一些直觉, 但是不通过提问和倾听客人的反馈,你就不可能确切的知道客人真正的需求是什么.4.I am so attuned to my customers that I find I can anticipatetheir needs without much preliminary discussion. 我非常熟悉我的客户,以至于我发现不用太多地与客户周旋(需求分析)我就能够预料到他们的需求(Never –从不)This is a good way to keep your attention focused on the conversation, and it’sabsolutely necessary if you want to recommend the right vehicle for yourcustomer.这是一个帮助你集中注意力在与客人的谈话上的好方法, 并且如果你想为客人介绍他真正需求的车型这是完全必需的.7th June,2007Page 18 5.When appropriate, I paraphrase the customer’s significantstatements (Always –一贯如此)适当的时候, 我会释义客人的重点表述Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Paraphrasing accomplishes two things:it lets the customer know you were paying attention, and it helps you check your understanding of the conversation for accuracy.释义帮助我们完成两件事:让客人知道你在注意他的谈话,同时可以帮助你检查对谈话理解的准确性6.While listening to customers I pay attention only to what’sbeing said. I try not to be influenced by facial expression,body language, etc.我主要精力用在倾听客人正在说的,试着不被客人的面部表情和肢体语言所影响(Never –从不)While words are important, body language, facial expression, tone of voice, etc.contribute to our overall understanding of what’s being said and are critical toaccurate interpretation of the customer’s needs .当然客户所说的话是重要的,但是客户的肢体语言,面部表情,语调对我们正确理解客户的谈话是同样不容忽视的,并且对我们精确对客户需求的理解也是至关重要的.7th June,2007Page 197.During the conversation, I ask questions to make sure Iclearly understand what the customer has said. 交谈中,我用问题确认我是否清楚客人所说的内容(Always –一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questions are the best way to gather information and clarify any points aboutwhich there might be some confusion. Questions are an important part of thelistening process..提问是获取客户信息和澄清任何迷惑的最好的途径. 提问是倾听过程中重要的一部分.8.While listening to customers I work on my sales strategy,carefully planning what I’ll say next. (Never –从不)当我听客人讲话时, 我运用销售策略仔细的计划下一步要说的话If you’re planning what you’re going to say, your mind has wandered away from the conversation and you are no longer listening. Focusing means paying attention to what’s being said now, not what you’re going to say.在与客户交谈时,如果你总是计划下一步要说什么,那么你的注意力也就不在谈话上了,你也就不再听客人说什么了.集中注意力指的是注意客人正在说的而不是你接下来要说什么.7th June,2007Page 209.At the end of my initial conversation with a customer, Isummarize aloud what I’ve learned about his/her needsand concerns. (Always –一贯如此)每次与客户谈话即将结束时,我都会总结并与客户确认我所听到的客人的需求信息.Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机A summary tells the customer what you’ve learned about his/her needs from the conversation and gives him/her a chance to correct any understanding.总结可以告诉客户从你们的交谈中你得到的信息的准确性, 并且给他们机会去更正其中的误解.10.Before suggesting a vehicle, I ask if the customer has anyother requirements. (Always –一贯如此)在为客人介绍一款车型之前,我会询问客人是否还有其他需求Give the customer the opportunity to tell you anything else that is pertinent to his/her vehicle selection in case something important was forgotten.为了防止重要的信息被漏掉, 给客人机会,引导他,让他告诉你一切与他选择车型有关的事情.BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 21Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Final Score 最后得分 0 —10:_________ 10—20:_________ 20—30:_________ 30—40:_________If you scored between 30 – 40 points, congratulation! You have already practicing active listening skills. 如果你的分数在30-40之间, 恭喜!说明你每天 都在积极的运用倾听技巧. If you score less than 30 points, don’t feel bad ! Most of us would have to admit that there’s plenty of room for improvement where our listening skills are concerned. 如果你的分数在30分以下, 也并不是很糟糕, 多数人在倾听技巧上都需要很大的提高.21/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 22Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Thanks for your attention ! 谢谢关注!Next: Movie Watching (Case Studies) – 20 Minutes 下面请观看案例短片Standard Sellingskills 3rd movie time : 340 : 109122/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 23Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Roll Play of Establishing Needs and Buying Motives 角色扮演 1. One SC, One Customer & One Observer 销售顾问, 客户, 观察员. 2. Situation 情景如下: • The Prospect and the Observer will get an explanation script about the prospect, please take 5 minutes to remember the information. 扮演客户和观察员的销售顾问会得到一份已设定好的关于客户的档案, 请用5 分钟记住信息. SC and Prospect start roll play.销售顾问接待客户并开始谈话。



BMW拥有清晰的 美感与品位。 BMW品牌对其自 身的风格、表现和 状况绝对自信。
BMW是自我激励和专注的。 BMW品牌代表着胜利者。
BMW是专业而诚实的。BMW品 牌富有责任感,值得信赖。
BMW Selling Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
获得承诺 提升愿望
8 销售 销售谈判 7
5 6 销售利益
消除障碍 进行试驾
BMW Sales Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
1,系统的潜在客 户开发
11,保证持续的客 户关怀
问题Question ... To find out how effective the selling
point was.
卖点有效吗? How strong is the selling point?
主动建议提出 六个方位的要求 根据客户的要求和兴趣 语言生动,通俗易懂,互动 展车要求——归位
这是什么? What is it?
释义Meaning Explanation: was is ...,
what does it mean technically?
它是做什么的? What does it do?
优势/好处 Advantage/


BMW Selling Process Training Xuzhou Baojing
BMW品牌行为诉求 源自核心品牌定位
BMW 以其运动精神著称。 BMW 品牌富于竞争力,是 强劲但公正的斗士。 BMW 机警敏捷。 BMW 品牌行动迅速, 反应灵活。
思想开放 运动
BMW 是专业而诚实的。BMW品牌 富有责任感,值得信赖。
BMW 拥有清晰的 美感与品位。 BMW 品牌对其自 身的风格、表现和 状况绝对自信。
BMW Selling Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
BMW销售流程强化 销售流程 1
• 开放式提问(打开话题) 什么?谁?为什么?哪些?什么时候?感 觉如何? • 封闭式提问(缩小范围-得到答案) Yes/No,或是选择题
• 讲解技巧 F:产品特征F:产品功能 B:客户利益 • 运用步骤:
1、根据客户需求,选择最能打动客户的产品特征; 2、功能介绍要通俗易懂,增加客户感受 3、强调客户利益,多讲例子; 4、得到客户认同
BMW Sales Process Training BMW 销售流程培训
11,保证持续的客 户关怀
2,欢迎/建立联系/ 关系
准备和关怀 询问和分析
3,建立购买需求和 动机









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BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 1BMW Selling Process Training BMW 销售流程培训Creating Good First Impression 创建良好的第一印象 -Establish Needs and Buying Motives 分析购买需求和动机Field Force Team C Ruud Rabenberg – 罗润可 Laura Wang – 王洪Yiwu XinbaohangSheer Driving PleasureBMW Selling Process Training1/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 2Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Agenda 议程安排 17:50 – 18:50 Review of the whole BMW Selling Process and discussion on Establish Needs and Buying Motives including some activities. 回顾BMW的完整销售流程, 着重培训流程中分析购买需求和动机 环节包括小组讨论. 18:50 - 19:20 Listening Audit for Needs Analysis. 需求分析中的倾听技巧. 19:20 – 19:40 Movie Watching. 案例短片观看. 19:40 – 20:00 Roll Play and Finish of the Training. 角色扮演, 结束培训.2/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 3任务12,再次购买 1,系统的潜在客 户开发11,保证持续的客 户关怀2,欢迎/建立联系/ 关系要求关怀和准备 询问和分析10,新车交付维户 客 护 度忠诚创建 良 一 好 印 的 象 第3,建立购买需求 和动机获得 购 买原则承 诺产 生买 购愿望4,演示/介绍产品9,达成销售坚持和销售 演示和咨询5,推销产品卖点 8,销售谈判7,清除客户异议6,进行试驾3/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 4Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Training Targets 培训目标.What do you expect to know/learn from the training ? 你对此次培训的期望是什么 ?4/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 5Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Group Activity 分组讨论: -Please divide by 2 groups. 分成两组讨论. - 10 minutes discussion 时间要求:10分钟 - Each group think about minimum 5 questions, which you frequently ask during your conversation to customers, and why you ask these questions? 每个小组 讨论在你与客户进行需求分析交谈中至少5个会经常问到的 问题,以及你为什么会对这些信息感兴趣? - On person to present on behalf of the group. 请小组代 表发言.5/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 6Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机6/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 7Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Small check if you really do as you present in your work ☺. 检测一下, 你们在实际工作中的表现吧!☺Showroom Prospects Pictures.展厅潜在客户照. Pictures were taken on 7th June .7/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 8Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?8/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 9Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对 这位潜在客户了解多少?9/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 10Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机SC 销售顾问: ??? How much do you know about this prospect? 你对这位潜在客户了解 多少?10/447th June,2007Page 11Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Objective and Purpose For Needs Analysis需求分析的目的.•Determining customer needs.认知客户的需求.•Creation of a trusting customer relationship.建立信任关系.•Collection of information to create an tailored offer to thecustomer.收集信息进行针对性的有效销售.7th June,2007Page 12 Useful Information For Needs Analysis 需求分析中的重要信息Purchase Budget 购买预算Usage of the Vehicle (Business/Private)车子用途(商用/个人)Current Vehicle 先有车型Number of Kilometers 行驶里程数Personal preferences (Luxury/Comfort/Sporty)个人偏好(豪华/舒适/运动性能)Number of Families 家庭成员Interested Model 感兴趣车型Etc………等等……Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机As open questions to get the information.提问开放性问题Why 为什么……? How 如何……?What 什么……? Who 谁……?When 何时……?7th June,2007Page 13Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questionnaire about Listening Audit 倾听方法调查问卷-Everyone will get a questionnaire about listening audit. 每位销售顾问都会拿到一份问卷.-You will have 10 minutes to answer all the questions.请在十分钟内回答所有的问题.-The purpose of this test is to help yourself to clearly seehow do you normally make listening audit during yourcommunication with your customers. 此问卷的目的是要真实反映你与客户交谈中通常所采取的倾听方法.7th June,2007Page 161.I make it a point to address each customer by name.我觉得称呼客人姓名很重要(Always 一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you do this always, or at least frequently, then good for you! It means thatyou’re making an effort to focus your attention on your customers and let themknow you’re interested in them.如果你一贯如此,或者至少经常这么做,恭喜你,这表明你在努力集中精力与客人的谈话,并且让客人知道你对他们很感兴趣.2.I finish sentences for customers in an effort to helpthem express themselves more clearly.(Never –从不)为了帮助客人表达自己更清晰,我会结束他们的谈话Although you might think you’re helping your customers, finishing sentences for them is apt to do more harm than good. As a salesperson, you’ve learned to be comfortable talking to people and expressing yourself verbally. Most people have a harder timewith that. While it may take them a bit longer to express themselves, you’ll build better rapport and gather more accurate information by letting them have their say .虽然你可能认为结束客人的谈话,是好意在帮助他们.但是打断客户的谈话弊大于利.千万不要因为客人表达能力差,销售员打断并帮他说出他自己的需求,其实没有任何人知道客人的需求,除了他自己.所以给客人时间, 让他说出它真正的需求7th June,2007Page 17 3.When listening to a customer, I mentally take note of keypoints. (Always –一贯如此)当我倾听客人讲话时, 我会记录下客人所说的要点在头脑中Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机If you’re a salesperson, you’re probably a “people”person and you undoubtedly have some very good instincts, but you can never know exactly what customers need without asking them and taking the time to listen to their answers如果你是一个专业的销售顾问,你肯定有一些直觉, 但是不通过提问和倾听客人的反馈,你就不可能确切的知道客人真正的需求是什么.4.I am so attuned to my customers that I find I can anticipatetheir needs without much preliminary discussion. 我非常熟悉我的客户,以至于我发现不用太多地与客户周旋(需求分析)我就能够预料到他们的需求(Never –从不)This is a good way to keep your attention focused on the conversation, and it’sabsolutely necessary if you want to recommend the right vehicle for yourcustomer.这是一个帮助你集中注意力在与客人的谈话上的好方法, 并且如果你想为客人介绍他真正需求的车型这是完全必需的.7th June,2007Page 18 5.When appropriate, I paraphrase the customer’s significantstatements (Always –一贯如此)适当的时候, 我会释义客人的重点表述Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Paraphrasing accomplishes two things:it lets the customer know you were paying attention, and it helps you check your understanding of the conversation for accuracy.释义帮助我们完成两件事:让客人知道你在注意他的谈话,同时可以帮助你检查对谈话理解的准确性6.While listening to customers I pay attention only to what’sbeing said. I try not to be influenced by facial expression,body language, etc.我主要精力用在倾听客人正在说的,试着不被客人的面部表情和肢体语言所影响(Never –从不)While words are important, body language, facial expression, tone of voice, etc.contribute to our overall understanding of what’s being said and are critical toaccurate interpretation of the customer’s needs .当然客户所说的话是重要的,但是客户的肢体语言,面部表情,语调对我们正确理解客户的谈话是同样不容忽视的,并且对我们精确对客户需求的理解也是至关重要的.7th June,2007Page 197.During the conversation, I ask questions to make sure Iclearly understand what the customer has said. 交谈中,我用问题确认我是否清楚客人所说的内容(Always –一贯如此)Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Questions are the best way to gather information and clarify any points aboutwhich there might be some confusion. Questions are an important part of thelistening process..提问是获取客户信息和澄清任何迷惑的最好的途径. 提问是倾听过程中重要的一部分.8.While listening to customers I work on my sales strategy,carefully planning what I’ll say next. (Never –从不)当我听客人讲话时, 我运用销售策略仔细的计划下一步要说的话If you’re planning what you’re going to say, your mind has wandered away from the conversation and you are no longer listening. Focusing means paying attention to what’s being said now, not what you’re going to say.在与客户交谈时,如果你总是计划下一步要说什么,那么你的注意力也就不在谈话上了,你也就不再听客人说什么了.集中注意力指的是注意客人正在说的而不是你接下来要说什么.7th June,2007Page 209.At the end of my initial conversation with a customer, Isummarize aloud what I’ve learned about his/her needsand concerns. (Always –一贯如此)每次与客户谈话即将结束时,我都会总结并与客户确认我所听到的客人的需求信息.Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机A summary tells the customer what you’ve learned about his/her needs from the conversation and gives him/her a chance to correct any understanding.总结可以告诉客户从你们的交谈中你得到的信息的准确性, 并且给他们机会去更正其中的误解.10.Before suggesting a vehicle, I ask if the customer has anyother requirements. (Always –一贯如此)在为客人介绍一款车型之前,我会询问客人是否还有其他需求Give the customer the opportunity to tell you anything else that is pertinent to his/her vehicle selection in case something important was forgotten.为了防止重要的信息被漏掉, 给客人机会,引导他,让他告诉你一切与他选择车型有关的事情.BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 21Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Final Score 最后得分 0 —10:_________ 10—20:_________ 20—30:_________ 30—40:_________If you scored between 30 – 40 points, congratulation! You have already practicing active listening skills. 如果你的分数在30-40之间, 恭喜!说明你每天 都在积极的运用倾听技巧. If you score less than 30 points, don’t feel bad ! Most of us would have to admit that there’s plenty of room for improvement where our listening skills are concerned. 如果你的分数在30分以下, 也并不是很糟糕, 多数人在倾听技巧上都需要很大的提高.21/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 22Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Thanks for your attention ! 谢谢关注!Next: Movie Watching (Case Studies) – 20 Minutes 下面请观看案例短片Standard Sellingskills 3rd movie time : 340 : 109122/44BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. Field Force Team C 7th June, 2007 Page 23Create Good First Impression创建良好的第一印象 Establish Needs and Buying Motives分析购买需求和动机Roll Play of Establishing Needs and Buying Motives 角色扮演 1. One SC, One Customer & One Observer 销售顾问, 客户, 观察员. 2. Situation 情景如下: • The Prospect and the Observer will get an explanation script about the prospect, please take 5 minutes to remember the information. 扮演客户和观察员的销售顾问会得到一份已设定好的关于客户的档案, 请用5 分钟记住信息. SC and Prospect start roll play.销售顾问接待客户并开始谈话。
