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Follow your preview Limit your main points Use explicit transitions Provide internal summaries Give a summary Refer to the opening End with the action steps Refer to audience benefits
◆ 听众是什么人 ◆ 目标是什么
(一) 听众心理的几个特点
1.听众对信息的接受具有选择性 ; 2.听众心理是独立意识与从众心理的矛盾统一; 3.“名片”效应与“自己人”效应;
(二) 听众的构成

Your superiors Your colleagues Your team A mixed audience A hostile audience An international audience
3 Linking the parts

Different ways of organizing information and ideas:
Effective Presentations
Main points

Elements of a presentation Structure of a presentation Tactics of a presentation
1. What is the point?
4)Use an effective closing

表4.1 开头实例
‚我想问一下在座的诸位,哪位知道过去24小时里在中国有多 少孩子出生?” “我想知道,如果我告诉您,您的计算机在买进时已经过时, 您有何感想?”
‚今天,我们市又有30个孩子的父亲因工去世——这类死亡本可 得到预防!”
比如: ‚获得对第34号项目的资金批准认定。‛ ‚说服这位顾客购买我们一台电脑。‛ ‚告诉我的集体今年公司成果怎样。我们为什么要做得更好。‛

—— 传授知识 /告知情况 —— 施加影响
Preparation checklist

Objectives: Recheck that you have defined your objective correctly. Structure: Your presentation have a clearly identifiable structure? Content: Is all said that needs saying? Sequence: Is it logical? Are all links and summaries appropriate? Time: Is sufficient time available for all you want to say? Balance: Is each section weighted correctly? Check the priorities of your arguments and facts. Conclusion: Does it make people sit up and agree with you? Is it punchy? Objectives: All the above work towards achieving your objective?
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Main parts
I. 演讲的要素
一、信息 信息可以由演讲者与听众共同分享。演讲中的信息,主要是 言语信息。 二、演讲者 演讲者是信息的发源地。演讲者主要以言语传递信息,还 用动作、手势、姿态、表情等传递非言语符号的辅助信息。
1) Use an effective opening
Goals Techniques
● Use
humor ● Refer to the unusual ● Refer to the familiar ● Use audience motivation techniques
2)Give a preview 3)State your main points clearly
II. 演讲的结构
I、Structuring a presentation An effective presentation structure includes:
1. Use an effective opening 2. Give a preview 3. State your main points clearly 4. Use clear inner summary and signal words for transition 5. Use an effective closing
‚今天,这里的每一位都记得,当我们听到唐山大地震时的震 惊和悲痛。‛
‚我今晚要给您讲述令人激动振奋的xR5多用程序,然 后告诉您这种电脑将如何改变您的经商方式。‛
‚一位伟人说:‘每个人的经历远远超过他的想像范 围’。不过,正是经验而不是想象,才影响人的行为。‛
例6: 感染情绪 ‚好心的人们,您只要掏五毛线,就可以使这个孩子活 下去,直到下年的收获季节,那时他就可以养活自己。‛

your name and position/job title
the title/subject of your presentation the purpose of your presentation the length of time you will take the main parts or points you will cover any visual aides you will use when the audience may ask questions a human touch
1. Exercise: Listen to the tape (P12)
( )Internal presentation to colleagues at a budget meeting? ( ) external presentation to delegates at a professional conference 2. Complete the presentation introduction with
1. Overall a. Does she consider the audience? b. Does she have a clear objective and style (to tell, to sell, to amuse) 2. System a. Is her presentation well prepared? b. Is there a clear structure (beginning, middle and ending)? c. Does she link the parts together properly?
● 在演讲的整个准备过程中,演讲者思想上要一直想 着听众; ● 演讲者要列出其对听众了解的清单 ● 演讲者要抓住并使听众保持对演讲的兴趣和想象力 ● 演讲者要对听众注意力进行再刺激 ● 听众容易记住结构形式清楚并得到重复强调的内容 ● 演讲者通过听众的耳闻目睹进入听众的记忆

words from the list:
talk about questions hear look at brief act as points of view finally go along
Good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today. My name’s Rachel Rawlins and I’m responsible for public affairs. What I’d like to do today is ___ our recent corporate campaign. This ___ talk will hopefully ___ a springboard for discussion. I’m going to ___ the corporate campaign from 3 ___: firstly, the customers; secondly, the financial institutions; and ___, the shareholders. If you have any ___, just interrupt me as I ___. Your point of view may well be different, and we’d like to __ from you.
2. Making a start

1. Which of the items on the checklist below would you include in the introduction to:
a. an internal presentation to colleagues? b. an internal presentation to bosses? c. an external presentation to customers? d. an external presentation to suppliers?
5. Visual aids a. Are the visual aids clear? b. Do they support her message? c. Does she use the equipment professionally?
Organization of a presentation:

What makes a good presentation? List all the things you think make a good presentation.
Purposes for making a presentation

To demonstrate: a service, product, system. To create: an image, strategy. To entertain: colleagues, outside people. To sell: a concept, product, idea. To promote: an attitude, a way of working. To suggest: a solution, a new concept.
d. Is the content relevant and interesting? e. Has she considered the timing? 3. Delivery a. Does she speak clearly? b. Does she speak at the right speed and using the right intonations? c. Does she use appropriate language? 4. Body language a. Does she use her body to emphasize meaning? b. Does she maintain eye contact with audience? c. Does she appear confident and positive?