风雨哈佛路 Homeless to Harvard 英文字幕台词(全)

theworldischangingwhileyou'rejustastardust.theearthturnsaroundwithorwi thoutyou.realitydoesn'tchangeaccordingtoyourwill.2、我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。
didyoueverfeelsorryforyourself?--thathadalwaysbeenmylifeandireally——ifeelthatigotlucky,becauseanysensesofsecuritywaspulledoutsoiwasforcedto lookforward.ihadto…therewasnogoingbackandireachedapointwhereijustth ought,ohi'mgonnaworkashardasipossiblycanandseewhathappens”andnowi 'mgoingtocollege.andthenytisgoingtopay.3、我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。
ithinkpeoplejustgetfrustratedwithoutharsh,lifecanbe.sothey'respendingtheirtimedwellingonthatfrustrationwecallingitanger.keeptheireyesshuttothew holenessofthesituation.4、如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。

i'd give it back, all of it, if i could have my family back.2、如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。
i will use my every potential to do that. i just always knew that i need to get out. i have to do it. i have no choice.3、我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。
i think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.4、世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转。
the world is changing while you're just a stardust. the earth turns arround with or without you. reality doesn't change according to your will.5、你会怀疑地球是否在转动,即使你不在也照样如此,情况不能像你希望的一样,有些人的需求,有些人的信念会比你的更强烈。
the world moves you just suspect. it could no happen without you. situations are not conduced to what you want for yourself. someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.6、生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。

风雨哈佛路之经典英文台词第一篇:风雨哈佛路之经典英文台词风雨哈佛路之经典英文台词精品源自中考备战1.I’d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.2.I was 15 when I went out in the world.What’s a home anyway? A roof?A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.3.But I still didn’t know how to be in school.I still didn’t know how to be normal.4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses...or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good.5.Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just can’t get threw i t.6.I’m smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place I’ve born in.Everyone I know are angry and tired.They’re trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed.And I want to live in it.7.Liz Murray: I love you, dad.Peter: That’s a waste of energy.8.Liz Murray: My mother was dying.My father was gone.But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.9.Chris: I don’t want to go to school.I don’t belong there a nd neither do you.Liz Murray: Yes, I do.Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?10.Lisa: I loved going to school so much.You never went to school.Why would they gave you a scholarship?Liz Murray: Because I’m homeless and I’m doing really w ell on school.Lisa: You’re not homeless, Liz.You could stayhere.Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.11.Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school.Liz Murray: I am going to go back.Jean Murray: When?Liz Murray: When you get better第二篇:风雨哈佛路经典英文台词1.I’d giv e it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.2.I was 15 when I went out in the world.What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.3.But I still didn’t know how to be in school.I still didn’t know how to be normal.4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses...or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good.5.Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just can’t get threw it.6.I’m smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place I’ve born in.Everyone I know are angry a nd tired.They’re trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed.And I want to live in it.7.Liz Murray: I love you, dad.Peter: That’s a waste of energy.8.Liz Murray: My mother was dying.My father was gone.But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.9.Chris: I don’t want to go to school.I don’t belong there and neither do you.Liz Murray: Yes, I do.Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?10.Lisa: I loved going to school so much.You never went to school.Why would they gave you a scholarship?Liz Murray: Because I’m homeless and I’m doing really well on school.Lisa: You’re not homeless, Liz.You could stay here.Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.11.Jean Murray: Lisa said youstopped going to school.Liz Murray: I am going to go back.Jean Murray: When?Liz Murray: When you get better第三篇:风雨哈佛路观后感(英文)Homeless To HarvardLiz Murray lives in an unfortunate family.Her parents died because of drugs.She was homeless when she is very young.She had nothing!But she had her dream!She wanted to change her life!She wanted to study!After her efforts that we can’t imagine.She finished her four years’ senior high school’s lessons for only two years!Grades are divided into 95 granted a full scholarship sponsored by the New York times!She wanted to win, she always do more things than others, others wanted to be “A”, but she always wants to be “A+”.She lets others thumbs up!We all can change our fate, if we have dream and double efforts.We need to face the trouble and solve it.No matter how many difficulty we met in our life, choose your road, to reach your goal until your life becomes meaningful!Don’t complain your misfortune!Rainbow hasn't been seen until someone has experienced difficulties.At last, she reached her goal!She got into Harvard University!There is no miracle on the world, all of the miracles are created by trying! 第四篇:风雨哈佛路英文影评《Homeless to Harvard》is a touching inspirational film.Liz was born in the slums in the United States, she has an unhappy family.However, poverty is not stopped Liz forward determination.Never struggle is the eternal theme of the retreat in her life.Our parents don't drugs, we don't have to go hungry every day and don't have to live a wandering life.However, there is a moment that we should to face our life and make achoice.Someone choose to retreat, someone was rushed to the success.Every turning point of our life, we always give ourselves too much leeway.The retreat let us forget the efforts to work hard and never give in.we got too much comfort after the failure that seems to be failure is taken for granted.LIZZ “forced” himself to the success because she has not leeway.We are all in our own way, perhaps there is wind or rain, perhaps there is twists and hardships.But, we can’t give up, because this is life!第五篇:风雨哈佛路英文读后感During this semester I have watched a lot of English movies,such as Homeless to Harvard,the King’s Speech,Inception and so on.Every movie is great and I like the film Homeless to Harvard most.This film show up a story about a strong-minded girl named Liz on how she goes through all the difficulties to realize herself.Liz grows up in the environment filled with cigarettes,drags,alcohol.Not having a happy family,Liz , burdened with all unpleasant things ,but she is very kind-hearted.She loves her mother ,although her mother infected with Aids because of addicted todrags.her Dad does’t take care of her and her sister.So they have to live in lecherous grandpa’s with their dying mum.But liz’ grandpadislikes her And finally she loses her home which has gone out of order.However ,Liz has no choice but to live a reprobate life.Life is always full of surprising changes.Mom’s passing away seems to be a great turning point in her life , thus making her decide to push herself into a marvelous life.She begins to attend school , studying day and night.With her intelligence and diligence , she poses as the first one to be admitted to Harvard in time and finally gets the scholarship provided by New York Times.What impr esses me most is liz’s spirit by which sheovercomes all the obstacles on her way to happiness.Although surrounded with such terrible environment at her young age , she still thinks the most memorable thing is her mother taking her to a park , screaming and laughing instead of her great achievement.“I can find plenty of excuses to give in to this life and also I can pushmyself towards a better life ” , says her.I am guessing that the director indicates a fact that people struggling in the lowest class should have such a desire to fight against the unfair to realize themselves.And I realize in a flash that there exists many persons like Liz around China , taking Hong Zhanhui for example.Sometimes , as is the case with Liz , we have no choice but to stickto moving towards and appreciate all the hardships rather than complain , to find the beauties in the despair of life.Liz lays a good example to usand I am convinced that as long as we keep on moving , one day we will achieve our goals!。
Breaking Night(风雨哈佛路小说英文版)(可编辑)

Breaking Night(风雨哈佛路小说英文版)Breaking NightA MEMOIR OF FORGIVENESS ,SURVIVAL, AND MY JOURNEY FROMHOMELESS TO HARVARDLIZ MURRAYThis book is dedicated to three people whose love made it possible.TO EDWIN FERMIN, for theyears behind us, for the years ahead of us, side-by-side. Thank you for taking care of my fatherwhen we needed you. Thank you for sharing your dreams with me and for being my family.Thank you for being my no-matter-what. When I look at all the good in my life, inside all of it, Isee you.TO ARTHUR FLICK, for the fishing trips, the motorcycle rides, the camping and eachone of our adventures that I will always cherish. Thank you for being my Guardian Angel and myheart's compass. You were right, Arthur, you do get to choose your family.TO ROBIN DIANELYNN--a Trusting, Powerful and Giving woman. Robin, you are a beautiful soul and theembodiment of contribution. This world was blessed to have you in it.Because of you, so manyof us are blessed still. Thank you for showing me what it looks like to stand in a commitment,come what may."Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."--COACH J OHN W OODENThose who wish to sing always find a song.--SWEDISH PROVERB"Breaking Night"URBAN SLANG FOR:staying up through the night,until the sun rises.ContentsEpigraphPrologueChapter 1 - University AvenueChapter 2 - Middle of EverythingChapter 3 - Tsunami WeatherChapter 4 - UnravelingChapter 5 - StuckChapter 6 - BoysChapter 7 - Breaking NightChapter 8 - The MotelsChapter 9 - PearlsChapter 10 - The WallChapter 11 - The Visit(or)Chapter 12 - PossibilityEpilogueAcknowledgmentsA Personal Invitation from Liz MurrayAbout the AuthorPraise for Breaking NightCopyright2PrologueI HAVE JUST ONE PICTURE LEFT OF MY MOTHER. IT'S 4 x 7, BLACK-AND-WHITE, and creased in different places. In it, she is seated slightly hunched, elbows touchingknees, arms carrying the weight of her back. I know very little about her life when it was taken;my only clue is written in orange marker on the back. It reads: Me in front of Mike's on 6th St.1971. Counting backward, I know that she was seventeen when it was taken, a year older than Iam now. I know that Sixth Street is in Greenwich Village, though I have no idea who Mike is.The picture tells me that she was a stern-looking teenager. Her lips are pressed together inthought, offering a grimace for the camera. Framing her face, her hair dangles in beautiful wispsof black, smokelike curls. And her eyes, my favorite part, shine like two dark marbles, theirmovements frozen in time forever.I've studied each feature, committing them to memory for my trips to the mirror, where Ilet my own wavy hair tumble down. I stand and trace similarities with the tip of my fingerthrough the curve of each line in my face, starting with our eyes. Each pair offers the same small,rounded shape, only instead of my mother's brown, I have Grandma's rich yellow-green. Next, Imeasure the outline of our lips; thin, curvy, and identical in every way. Although we share somefeatures, I know I'm not as pretty as she was at my age.In my years with nowhere to live, behind the locked bathroom doors in different friends'apartments, I've secretly played this game in the mirror throughout all hours of the night. Tuckedin by their parents, my friends sleep while images of my mother's graceful movements dancethroughout my mind. I spend these hours in front of their bathroom mirrors, my bare feet cooledby gridded tiles, palms pressed on the sink's edge to support my weight.I stand there fantasizing until the first blue hints of dawnstrain through the frostedbathroom glass and birds announce themselves, chirping their morning songs. If I'm at Jamie'shouse, this is just the time to slip onto the couch before her mother's alarm beeps her awake,sending her to the bathroom. If I'm at Bobby's, the grinding noise of the garbage truck tells me it'stime to sneak back to the foldout cot.I travel quietly across their waking apartments to my resting spot. I never get toocomfortable with my accommodations, because I'm not sure if I will sleep in the same placetomorrow.Lying on my back, I run my fingertips over my face in the dark, and I envision mymother. The symmetry of our lives has become clearer to me lately. She was homeless at sixteentoo. Ma also dropped out of school. Like me, Ma made daily decisions between hallway or park,subway or rooftop. The Bronx, for Ma, also meant wandering through dangerous streets, throughneighborhoods with lampposts littered with flyers of police sketches and sirens blaring at allhours of the night.I wonder if, like me, Ma spent most days afraid of what wouldhappen to her. I'm afraidall the time lately. I wonder where I will sleep tomorrow--at another friend's apartment, on thetrain, or in s。

Homeless to HarvardI loved my mother so muchShe was a drug addictShe was an alcoholicShe was legally blindShe was a schizophrenicBut I never forgot that she loved meEven if she did itAll the timeAll the timeLisa, give me the money! It's mine! God, it's mine! You freak. Give it to me! Give it to me!Let go, mom!I gave a hundred to you!Just come, I gave 100 to you!to one of you!We're forced to live on! Every month! It is ...It's...It's the same damn thing! You can put it in your arms, so we can starve!It's mine! I didn't take it! Give it to me! Give it to me! It's mine!We're hungry. I can’t! We need food, mom!What did you ever do for me, huh?! I gave you life! Tell me go out to the street and sell myself for it? Huh? Do you want me to do it? I know I do it sometimes, right?I need it.[Monologue]I wanted that smile.Oh, god! I wanted that smile so much. I was pathetic, wasn't I?Don't take the aqueduct! Mummy! She’s taking the aqueduct!What the hell difference does it make?She'll get mugged!Who cares!Dad, we'll cop her, if we can't she'll get mugged!Always a big production!See they fixed the light for a change.Not easy to break them againNo, No, No. She's ok, see the water runs downhill.There's no waterNo, No. Don't you know what aqueduct is? The aqueduct carried water to New York City for like over a hundred years they did that. And they close it down, but now the ghost water right? He carried your mother along.[Monologue] My father, you could sit down on a couch and talk to my father. You just can't talk to him for long. He knew so much. He got all the answers right on JEOPERDY. He was a genius, every answer, every time. That’s the thing. Your parents are your Gods. I look to them as an example of what I should find everywhere on the world. They paid so little attention to my needs .but then I felt that their needs were so powerful that ... It didn't make me feel hurt or angry that they didn't look into me. Because I felt ok. This just must to be the human condition to be so. And then the world came in.You took my husband, you little bustard, I'll kill you.No, mummy!I'm not your mother. I did your favor. I shouldn't have trail on you!Help me clean up this Liz. They see this they're gonna take us, too.NO! NO! NO! It's my house. Don’t take me!Get out! NO!Don't take!No fasten!What happened to the window?She threw the ****.Such you on fire, take me...Come on jeanWhy don't take a medication? good girl!She takes it! She just takes too many other things on top of it...OK OKThis place is a mess!What happened here?I fell down.Oh oh oh, Jean put the knife downAll right where's the phone?We don't have one!This woman doesn't fitYou're kiddingYou girls have choice. Clean this place up, help your mother.How about my father?Ignore her. She's a ... She's a feminist.I can take you any time I want. You keep skipping school. You keep living like the animals.Hey hey, where are you going? Come back here. Come back. You’re gonna go to a home. Do you know what home is like? There are girls. They'll beat you dull, take everything you have. You can't have anything! You have to clean bathrooms. You’ll work there if you don't work here.Back up! Back up. It’s not a show! You got nothing better to do, huh?[Monologue] Couldn't they see? Anyone could see. She was in so much pain. There were struggles so much on the surface so there if anyone cared to look. It wasn't like she was running off from being a good mother to somebody else... She just didn't have any more to give.Oh, somebody stinks!What is that?[Monologue] I was always the smelly kid in class. We *** on the bucket to shower, but daddy laughed at her doing, said she had to marry a doctor she has so many expectations. I didn't have any expectations. So therefore, I guess, I stunk. And I itched from *** and it burned between my legs. My teachers were always telling not to finch it, and my underwear. I didn't know what to do about underwear. I just wore it until it fell apart.All right! People! Thank you! Rest is over.[Monologue] My teeth ached. I was hungry.Settle! Thank you![Monologue] The teacher's words never seemed to reach me. Words just seemed... fall on the floor.Hold me the test. There's no point that...NO, I'll take it.But you've been here what? For 3 times this month?NO, I'll take it. It doesn't look that hard.Oh, Liz, stay here. You do smell, you know? Doesn't your mother tell you that you gonna...NO. It's my fault. I just forget.OK.Well, when you have shower tonight, you wanna, you wanna wash back here? Ah, I've been saving some things for you. There and here. How did you do that? You're never in school.I read a lot.Yeah? What do you read? Encyclopedia. The lady upstairs, Eva, she find it in the Dumpster, the whole set ... well, except for the Erdos.If you asked me about Erdos, I would have got it wrong. I was just lucky.Oh, Lizzy! You have to come to school. NO, I mean it. Look, it's ridiculous you're way too smart not to be here. I don't understand why don't you come?I will.[Monologue] How could I tell her that school made me sad? I didn't know how to talk to her. I didn't know how to talk to anyone. My house wasn't a place you could come out of and be normal.We have to come every day. OK? If you don't, and I will call CHILD WELFARE. Th at’s not a threat. It's a promise.Eva, look what I've got.100Yes, encyclopediaGood, you gotta make good marks. You don't wanna be an idiot. And you keep up now, you hear me? Now your mother's back.My mother's back?Well, we had a nice quiet couple of months, didn't we?[Monologue] The only good thing about my mother being taking away to the nut house was that when she came back she was my mum again. She cooked and she cleaned more than she even to be a court sonographer. For me, that was a good quiet couple of months before the drugs came back in.Mummy?Lizzy.Are you ok?I’m OK.Pumpkin, you look real good.Glad you're home, mummy. You’re glad you're home?This hospital won't too bad.It's too green, the walls. And there were bars on the windows.I'm sorry. You had to say that, you know.But I'm glad you're home.Look! Look! I...I got 100! NO NO. 100 is good. 100 is perfect. Didn’t you ever get 100?I ain't go to school. I ran away too young. Don't you ever run away from home?I won'tLiz, I'll always be here for you.I know, mummy.I'll always be here. ALWAYS.I know, mummy.I’m sick. I'm sick. Liz, I... I have AIDS. No No They say... don't be afraid. They say... I might... they say I could live forever, OK? But I can't live here. I gotta go home.This is home.No, home to my pop's. I wanna take you and Lisa.No No mom. You have to stay here.I can't stop the drugs. And I can't do it when your daddy around.But you'll be alone.Liz, this is already gonna over, just pack up your things and let's go.No you said pop's gonna beat you. You said he raped your sister.Since what it has to be now.No, stay hereI can'tStay mummy![Monologue] Everything was falling apart. I thought if I could stay I could stop it. But if I stayed, everything would somehow stay the same.Just open the door. It's no use. We know you're in there.Where are your mother and sister?They are gone.Where's your father?He's gotta get some food, he'll be right back.Your teacher called. You’re still not going to school. You’re never in school. We gotta do something about this. Miss Wonder warned you, I warned you, and every one year case workers warned you.This's been going out for years. We all said clean up this place and go to school. Clean up and go to school. You have done neither one of them, have you? Elizabeth, have you?NoSo what we gonna do?I don't know.I do. You’re going into the system. I’m taking her.But but things are better now. My daddy buys me big potatoes everydayYou're not paying the rent. You're not getting her to school.I tell her to go. I told you to go to school. She's gotta mind of her own. She's a feminist.This is not a joking matter. Pack her suitcase. Now!No No NoI'm sorry.I'll go to school. Please!This isn't working. We need an adult who's responsible.My grandpa's responsible. My grandpa will take me. My sister's there.Your sister goes to school.I'll go to school, I'll go to school. Please!Don't make a fuss. I'll talk to him. And if he'll take you. You'll be out in 24 hours. I’m sorry.And if he won't?You'll have time to figure out how you wanna live your life.[Monologue] Figure out my life. Do people really do that? Do they do that while they are falling down into a deep dark hole? Buzzed in, locked in. It was like visiting my mother. Only I was in the crazy house now. And I didn't get out in 24 hours, I didn't get out in 24 days. No one wanted me. They just left me there.Why don't you go to school? That’s the big problem we've got here. Why don't you go? From what I can see, you've got a discipline problem.Liz?Hi, popsYou get your mother. Jean, come out here. She's here.I'm leaving for school, but I wanna see you first.Thanks, Lisa.Don't screw this up. We're doing OK, and don't expect too much. She's dying.Lizzy!Mom[Monologue] When I think of my life. This is the time I like to think of. When I got back. When mother's mind was clear. There was no cocaine. so her schizophrenic seemed about to working. And we go to the cafe, and sit, and talk, and eat hamburgers. We were together. Even with her bad eyes, I think she could see me. Well, she could see my outline. And for a while, I had my mother again.And we went to park.Yeah, I remember. We used to side down that hill, remember? You put down that old card board, we pretend it was slide.You remember that? How about the tickle monster?Well, we screamed and laughed about that one.I was a good mom, wasn't I? Wasn’t I?Yeah, mom, sure, you were fine.Well, I'm real glad we were all together, you know. You and me and LisaWhat if dad went off drugs too? Wouldn't it be great? Maybe we could even go back to the university avenue.Yeah..., your dad. He's in a shelter right now. I'm afraid that he lost the apartment. He can not even order the rend, so...What about my stuff?Got thrown outAll of it, even my encyclopedias?Look, pumpkin, I'm really sorry, you know, they bordered the whole place. There was nothing we could do. Just, you know, crap happens, I mean. Look, you know, I gotta go around the corner and see a few friends. Just for a minute, ok? You finish your burger, and ...and I'll be right back. Just be a minute, baby.[Monologue] So that was that. No going back. I hadn't kept anything together. I've only made things worse. If I would only go to school. If I would only... If I would only. So, that part of my life was over. I guessed the new part had begun.Elizabeth Murray?and you're her mother?I'll take you to your class now.Are you gonna get home ok?Yeah, I'm gonna see my buddies, you know, they could take care of me.Maybe I should just come with you.You gotta stay in the school. They will take you away again, just go go.So we have nouns, verbs. Chris? Adjective and preposition[Monologue] I wasn't the smelly kid any more. I've learned to shower every day at the group home. And my clothes, even if they came from the thrift shop, all fit, but I still didn't know how to be in school. I still didn't know how to be normal.People, can we try to settle down?Chris, would you like to try diagram No.12?You find it amusing, Miss.Elizabeth?Please don't call me that.It's your name according to these forms.Liz or Lizzy.Liz or Lizzy is a nick name.Are nick names.No, I'm afraid not.Jesus, call the girl she wants to be called.Elizabeth is a fine name. The name of a queen. The Elizabeth's age was the age of Shakespeare. What's your problem with it?My mother calls me Elizabeth, when she's going insane.Liz then.Bobie, the sentence.So where did you go to school before this.I didn'tHow did you ***?I was at the group home.Is that freaky?But you're not a freakNOIt's too bad. I am. My birthday's coming up.Yeah? When?You'll know. I'm gonna wear my dad's ***coat. I’m gonna come to school with nothing on but my *** coat and a pair boot. From far show all the teachers. Happy Birthday. You don't believe me?Yeah, I do.No, you don't.[Music] Ha Ha Ha, check it out.Don't throw it out before meI won't.It's a great place, I never had so comfort before.Pop's gonna cranky. We have to by safe, by the way.Liz, I'm waiting for the phone, those contest things.She never gonna win.Ok, you know what. Shut up. I don't care. I just gotta dial his number before I forget it.Does anybody get high *** news, come on.Bobie, you*** test's until like a week.Hey, can I just have that chicken for lunch.SureIs this already?Some drunken lady.Oh, she'll drain on the door.Oh, I'm going out the window.I don't feel very good. Could you help me, please?Oh, here she blows.All right, upI'm a good mom. I just need a hug, I want a hug.[Monologue] She coul dn't take living straight. Why should I expect her to take dying? Isn’t dying the hardest thing anyone's ever done?Everyone’s gone.Except youYeahSo where's your pos gonna sleep?HereSleep with his daughter?Oh, I don't think like that.Yeah, but you don't know.He did her sister, when she was real younger. She told me that.Why her sister, not her?I figure he did them both.So her sister crazy, too?Yeah, and their mother, too. That’s why that I didn't wanna come here.You know, my mom's getting back with my dad.I wish my mom would.He does stuff to my sister.You don't have a sister.Lucky for her.Did you tell your mother?Yeah, I told her.But she left him and she cursed him out, she just gonna call the cops and now she's getting back with him.You know, I asked her how she could do that? and she said she missed him. She missed him, Huh? I was 7 when he first stuck it in.Chris, Chris don’t. Moving with me.Stay here?What's your grandfather gonna say?He won't know. I will. We'll work it out, so I never see you. He won't get up until late from work. He's like a robot, anyway, out atAnd back at six. OutPop, she has no place to stay.It's not my problem. OUT!Leave her alone. Don't...Your mother's dying. Your piece of trash father walked out and stuck me with a lot of these. Did I ask my fellows of my age, did they? What are you doing? All right, that suits me. You end up a trash anyway, just like your parents.So I leftYou wanna go and get your stuff or you're gonna leave me out here alone[Monologue] Do any of us bargain for our lives? It seems to me that we just fall into them. And we have to do the best we can. My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe there were roads would rise up to meet me. I was 15 when I went out to the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there they have to take you .If so, when I was 15, I became homeless.Spare some change?Get a jobHow are doing tonight?God bless you kid.Spare some change?[Monologue] but some times I felt like I never had a home in my life.Let's goCome back![Monologue] and another time I knew where ever my mom was, that's where my home was.[Monologue] Month by month, she was fitting away.Liz?Yeah.Where did you go?I've ... I've been staying with friends.I miss you.Pops… he hated me and I couldn't stay here.Lisa said you stop going to school.I'm gonna go back.When?When you get better.This is me... This is me. I at the bars, 'cause I shake. I can't stop shaking.I think that's... that's because of the drinking. You know you should probably stop.OK OKYou're gonna get better, you know. I love you mom I love you.Get over there.Hey guys wait up. I'll catch you later. I'm just gonna... byeMomWe took up a collection.She isn't coming here anymore, 'cause she thinks we always laugh at her.She's dead honey. She died yesterday morning.[Monologue] Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world. And those of us who were born under it can see throw it. We just can't get throw it. My mother's being buried under section, the charity plot. My mother was in there. Strangers had put her in there. Was she naked? Was she frightened? No, she was gone.Come on. Let’s go.No wait a minute. There should be a service. There should be a priest what's supposed to happen.When you go, we're gonna. Bury him. That’s all.It's a SHE! That’s my mother.There's no priest?Not these cases. You didn't know that?She's dead. Put her into the ground[Monologue] Priest or no priest. What did it matter? She was gone. She was already rotting. Was I supposed to believe she found eternal peace?So you come with us?Just goHey wait[Writing] Jean Murray, beloved. Mother of Elizabeth and Lisa Murray 1945-1996OKListen, I'm gonna out of here ok?Liz, just I can't... I can't... I can't do this anymore.You know, so, I'm going.Where?Group home? Crazy house?This? This is crazy! You should come with me.Yeah, so, see you around.[Monologue] People die. Things decay. Everything that seemed so solid is meaningless. All that left is gestures we make. Gestures and air, that’s what we remember, I remember riding with my mother through the slips. The year ending. But her arms were warm around me when I was little and she was well. That was long ago. Maybe it only happened once. Maybe she betrayed me a thousand times. It didn't matter. Math was always a weak subject. We remember what we choose.Get out of thereWhere are you gonna put the stone?It's no stone here. There's no room.[Monologue] In a week, there would be no trace of her. But what did it matter? This wasn't the real world. We really only lived in each other's hearts. She lived in my heart. But I lived nowhere. I was all alone in the world. You’re 16 years old with 8 grade education, and you run down that *** there were ended a worse place that you ever dreamed. You’ve burned every bridge, you've worned out every welcome and everyone who's ever believed in you. You’ve let down.Eva, I don't wanna be an idiot. I wanna go to school.I'm Liz Murray. I have an appointment.At 9:30?It's 10:30.I'm sorry, the subway got stuck.I'm sorry, too. But it's really too late. School started 3 weeks ago. It's just about full. Kids get here on time, honey.I read the br***sure,” intensive student participation for the development of a just community.”I just need one chance.You can wait and talk to David. But he's got a meeting right after.[Question] What is your dream? For your life? For your school.[Monologue] I knew that at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening in living life of excuses or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.Hey, we'll get you by Friday.OK thank you.Oh pleasure guysElizabeth?Liz.Liz, I'm sorry. We're making our last decisions now. I'm already late.Can I just talk to you for just a minute? 30 seconds?It's the application. It's a whole big essay question, too.I've already done the essay. I really want this.I haven't had a lot grownups improved to be trustworthy or for the long runs, so maybe I don't know how to talk to you, but ...My parents both use drugs, a lot of them. I won't go near them, but...but I guess I, kind of, lived that life style. I’m embarrassed now about how layback I've been. I mean, I've never even really been school except for the 8 grade. But...Your grades are very good in elementary schoolI used to show up. Last week I took the test, that's how I get promoted. I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just... I just need the chance. I need the chance to climb out of this place I've been born in. Everyone I know just angry, tired. They’re trying to survive. But I know that there's a world out there .that's better. That’s better developed. I wanna live in it.Why no?My mother died of AIDS. She died a couple of months ago. It was real slap on the face. I guess I always thought that she was gonna get better and take care of me. It’s pretty stupid huh? She’d never been taking care of me. I took care of her. She was my baby. But now she's gone. So...Now it's time to take care of yourself. Can you get here on time? Liz?I'll sleep here if I have to.Ok, you're in.But you told the others you won't know until Friday.You're in.Thank you. You just change my life.That's worth Miss.You just fulfill the paper work. You got your transcripts and that's just the easy stuff, address, phone number. We have to have a meeting with parents or your guardian. Get that in. we're good to go.Dad.Hey, Lizzy.I need your help, please.Such a production. Such a production. Why don't you just stay in the Browx and go to konedy.I don't know how to go to a normal school.Why? Why? This isn't a normal school?Oh, it's public, but it's like private.Dad Dad. I think I can do this.Yeah? That’s good. I don't think I can do this.Yeah you can! You can! Just say you're a long horn truck driver. That’s why I just don't ever see you. We’re living with your girl friend now also.Oh, you give me a girl friend?Eva.Eva! Oh, that's not good. Eva is old enough to be my mother.Dad. I just need an address you know, a phone number they can call. They can't know I went homeless. They’ll call the city. And I'll be l ocked up again.Mr. Murray.I'm Peter. Peter Phinidy.I never actually married Lizzy's mother.Sit down please.I'm gratefully taking my daughter in this pretty nice place.We are still new. We have a big ambitionYeah, so is Liz I guess. She's a feminist. I’m expecting you know it already. Her mother was beautiful actually. Like a movie star. Her mother was also a kind of a feminist too, or something. Anyway I thought when I met her she was just, you know, spirit. but actually she was completely insane.We need you to sign right here. And give us contact information address and phone numberUniversity Avenue.Is that an apartment? Yeah 2b3b 3b, yeah, that's right. That’s right. We moved upstairs.Phone number?557.........Sorry my memory my mind totally short.So that's it? I gotta stuff to do.Thanks for coming.Thank youCan I start now?It's refreshing to have someone who wants to come to school.I'm gonna walk him out.All right. Oh, they give tokens to you?No, I gotta a jobYeah, I remember when you were a kid you used to beg grossories down the *** road and put the food in fridge. How old were you?Eight.I'm not a people person. You understand that. I’m not a people person. Liz There's nothing to do with you. You know. It's not personal.You came today though. I love you dad.Oh, don't do that. Don’t love me. It wastes of energy.You when I was little. You were the most interesting thing in my world. Everyone around was just talking about drugs or sex or you know, just trying to survive the day. But you always had ideas. It’s because of you I know there's another way of being.Are you ok?Yeah yeah, I'm fine. They take care of me find at the shelter. Actually I'm gonna get my own apartment. You know they like to do that. You can come and stay with me, visit me, any timeYou own an apartmentYeah they like to do that. They keep people like me at the shelters. You know the people the patience. People with AIDS. Hey, listen, no no no a lot is changing. I've got all these medicines now and I'm clean. So I'm gonna live forever. I’ll be fine. I'm gonna live forever. Stay in school. I blew this, but you can do this.Goff Tanken.Remember the main. anybody? Frank or Prushen Woorf? Yo, do you get BISMARCK? You didn't get BISMARCK.I didn't get BISMARCK, either.I thought BISMARCK was a kind of roll.Kaiser roll.So is BISMARCK a Kaiser?Stop talking about food. You’re making me hungry.Dave, are we getting textbooks next year? 'cause I'm keeping losing these things.Emmm... textbooks... Why don't we use textbooks? Anyone?Too heavy?They are, but not cigar (a kind of sugar)They’re too expensive. The school is too poor.I'm keeping my cigars today.You new girl.Her name is LizYeah, Dave. She’s been here a week. Try to remember.Liz, sue meTextbook text...book...Open it up. What did you see?WordsWhat kind of words?The words of the author.NO NO, this is important. And what we have here?A lot of other people's wordsWhy do I want you to have them?Because one point of view gives you a one-dimensional worldCigars cigars! BISMARCK. Marks the guy who sold me the babble gums cigars. Why on earth would we confine ourselves to his story——historyBut isn't that the deal day? I mean is there official history?NO girl, tell him what history is.History is all of us. All our stories count.That’s it. Grab your papers. I'll be in the launch if you wanna talk about it.Hey Liz, it's yoursHey new girlYou let me in but you don't remember my nameOh I remember your name. I just like the others gaining up your side.You’re pretty smart.So are youYou gave me an A-.Yeah, I thought it was a very good paperHow do I make an A?Liz, an A- is an excellent mark. This is your first school work and what? Forever?If my words count, I want them to be right.Well, *** is a good one, but ...What’re you still doing here?Algebra.Yeah well, it's after 11. I'm locking up.How many classes are you taking?The regular 5, and the Saturday programming, the night school, French and the after school ,science, ten!Now you see why I need the before school maths.Seem awful a lotI'm 17. I d on't wanna be 21 before I finish high school.So you're trying to do -years high school in 3 years?You need before school maths, too.Yeah, you'll kill yourself you know?NO I'm gonna live.[Monologue] I had it down. The B-train took 70 minutes to do its entire run. I’v e been back 4 times, and I would get to school just a little early. And David would let me in. For the first time my life had some order I can count onChris?Chris?Chris?What’re you doing here?Hanging outWhat about the home? So why don't you look for me?I did. I've been looking for a long time. You have n’t been in any ever places?I'm here now. I’m going to a new school. And I like it.hey hey come on. It’s great. We’re together.Last one out, first one in.No that describes you, David.how did you get so dedicated?Well, I'm such a privilege jerk. I want it to give something back. This is?My friend, Chris. My best friend.Hi Chris.HeyI want her to come here too.It's not a party, it's a tough place. But she's good enough for you, she's good enough for me. Come on in.What we putting on the board?We’re deciding we'll send top 10 students in school trip to BostonCool.You’ve ever been?I've never been out of New York.We went to queen's once.Well, you're going.Come on. No way I'm one of the top 10 students.Oh you're not one of the top. You’re the top. You get the best grade in this whole placeSo what? You going to Boston?Expenses paid.How long?5 daysYou ok, Liz?Yeah, I just thought I've been trash, you know.You’re not trash. This is getting you thinking about college.What’s college like?It's all crap, shup up!You can come too? Can she?Sure, if she does the work.Well, not figure an inch, thanks.Come on Chris, dream a little. What you wanna be when you grow up?Boy, I was grown since I was 7.I mean after high school. It’s ok.No it's not ok. I'll be a garbageman. I'll be a prostitude. Who cares what the hell I'm gonna be.Welcome to Harvard guys.It looks like what you thought it would?Better. Unattainably betterLiz, they're just people.Not people like me[Monologue] why not people like me? What made them so different? Because of where they were born? I was working as hard as I could, so I didn't end up on food stamps or house let. What... what if I work even more? I was so close to the skin now I can touch it.It would be a reach. It’s not impossible.Is there any other scholarshipsThat’s quite a few.Write 1500 words on the important of the free market and the free world and win $500. Yeah, I don't need lead $70 of those every year.There was some brand-new from the NYT, maybe I didn't put it in yet.$12000, every year for 4 yearsWhat do you have to do?Attach a brief essay describing what you believe to be the most significant in academic achievement and how you have overcome any challenges or obstacles. Can have a copy of this?[Monologue] I want to stand beside people beside walk and not be so far beneath them. I wanna go to Harvard and become very developed read all the best books. Then I found myself thinking. What if I just go crazy? I used my every potential to do that. I have to do it. I have no choice.Am I late?No, I'm earlyI make you some coffee.Once ***, right?Right!Can I have a stamp for this?That’s the NYT scholarship. You haven't mailed them yet? When is the deadline?Tomorrow.I gave you 4 months ago, Liz. What are you waiting for?For today. For me to turn 18.It's your birthday. Happy birthday. But I don't think there's a requirementI know, thank you.[Monologue] but now I could tell the truth that I was homeless, and no one could come and take me awayLisa?Liz? What are you doing here?。
homeless to harvard 最贫穷的哈佛女孩英文台词

00:02:46,980 --> 00:02:49,660
I didn't take it! Give it to me!
00:02:56,050 --> 00:02:58,000
[Father] What is Denmark.
00:02:57,500 --> 00:02:59,860
Don't take the aqueduct! Mummy!
00:04:36,090 --> 00:04:36,390
00:04:36,870 --> 00:04:37,910
[Father] Who is Carl Deniel
00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:44,580
all the time
00:01:52,430 --> 00:01:54,150
Lisa, give me the money! It's mine!
00:01:55,040 --> 00:01:59,160
God, it's mine!
00:01:58,830 --> 00:02:00,030
00:01:06,420 --> 00:01:09,010
I loved my mother so much
00:01:12,970 --> 00:01:14,270
She was a drug addict

i'd give it back, all of it, if i could have my family back.2、如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。
i will use my every potential to do that. i just always knew that i need to get out. i have to do it. i have no choice.3、我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。
i think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.4、世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转。
the world is changing while you're just a stardust. the earth turns arround with or without you. reality doesn't change according to your will.5、你会怀疑地球是否在转动,即使你不在也照样如此,情况不能像你希望的一样,有些人的需求,有些人的信念会比你的更强烈。
the world moves you just suspect. it could no happen without you. situations are not conduced to what you want for yourself. someoneelse's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.6、生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。

风雨台词1. I’d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.2. I was 15 when I went out in the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.3.But I still didn’t know how to be in school. I still didn’t know how to be normal.4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myse lf. I could push myself and make my life good.5.Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world,and those of us who were born under it,can see through it.We just can't get to throught it.6.I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chan ce to climb out of this place I’ve born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. They’re trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed. And I want to live in it.7. Liz Murray: I love you, dad.Pe ter: That’s a waste of energy.8. Liz Murray: My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.9. Chris: I don’t want to go to school. I don’t belong there and neither do you.Liz Murray: Yes, I do.Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?10. Lisa: I loved going to school so much. You never went to school. Why would they gave you a scholarship?Liz Murray: Because I’m homeless and I’m doing really well o n school.Lisa: You’re not homeless, Liz. You could stay here.Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.11.Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school.Liz Murray: I am going to go back.Jean Murray: When?Liz Murray: When you get better.。

• Because a accidental chance ,she visited harvard university. She wanted to attend Harvard. So she applied for New York Times’s scholarship(奖学金 ).When her best friend Chris said” You think they let people like us into Harvard?” • Liz said confirmedly ”Yes ,I do.”
• The world moves you just suspect. it could no happen without you. Situations are not c onduced to what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's pla te is going to be stronger than yours is. • 你会怀疑地球是否在转动,即使你不在也照 样如此,情况不能像你希望的一样,有些人 的需求,有些人的信念会比你的更强烈。
• I think people just get frustrated without ha rsh, life can be. So they‘re spending their ti me dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. • 我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气, 因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之 为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有 能够成功的微小元素视而不见。

励志电影《风雨哈佛路》经典台词(双语)《风雨哈佛路》经典台词(双语)1. "Believe in yourself. No matter what others say, as long as you have faith in your abilities, you can achieve anything."(相信自己。
)2. "Success is not measured by how much money you have, but by how much impact you have on others' lives."(成功的衡量标准不是你有多少钱,而是你对他人生活的影响有多大。
)3. "Life is a series of challenges, setbacks, and disappointments.But it is how you handle them that determines your character and ultimately, your success."(生活就是一连串的挑战、挫折和失望。
)4. "Failure is not the end, it is just a detour on the road to success. Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up, and keep moving forward."(失败并不意味着终结,它只是通往成功的一段弯路。
)5. "Dream big, but don't forget to take action. Your dreams will remain just dreams if you don't put in the effort to make them a reality."(梦想要大胆,但别忘了行动起来。
Homeless to Harvard 风雨哈佛路

Homeless to Harvard 风雨哈佛路00:08:51,320 --> 00:08:51,740[monologue] Couldn't they see? Anyone could see. She was in so much pain. There were struggles so much on the surface so there if anyone cared to look It wasn't like she was running off from being a good mother to somebody else... She just didn't have any more to give.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:33:11,890 --> 00:33:19,580[旁白] 她承受不了生活的压力但我怎么能让她就这样死去呢难道死不是每个人最难做到的事情吗?[monologue] She couldn't take living straight. Why should I expect her to take dying. Isn't dying the hardest thing anyone's ever done?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:36:23,410 --> 00:36:30,820[monologue] Do any of us bargain for our lives? It seems to me that we just fall into them. And we have to do the best we can. Let's go. My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe there were roads would rise up to meet me. I was 15 when I went out to the world. What's a home anyway. A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there they have to take you. If so, when I was 15, I became homeless. But some times I felt like I never had a home in my life. And another times I knew where ever my mom was, that's where my home was.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:48:15,550 --> 00:48:24,240People die. Things decay. Everything that seemed so solid is meaningless. All that left is gestures we make. Gestures and air. That’s what we remember. I remember riding with my mother through the slips. The year ending. but her arms were warm around me when I was little and she was well. That was long ago. maybe it only happened once. Maybe she betrayed me a thousand times. it didn't matter. math was always a weak subject. we remember what we choose.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:52:51,470 --> 00:52:53,900[question] What is your dream? For your life? For your school.[monologue] I knew when at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening in living life of excuses or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:54:34,160 --> 00:54:36,340I know I can succeed. I just... I just need the chance. I need the chance to climb out of this place I've been born in. everyone I know just angry, tired. They're trying to survive. but I know that there's a world out there that's better. That's better developed. I wanna live in it.--why now?--My mother died of AIDS. she died a couple of months ago. It was real slap on the face. I guess I always thought that she was gonna get better and take care of me. It's pretty stupid huh? she'd never been taking care of me. I took care of her. She was my baby. But now she's gone.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love you dad.--oh don't do that. don't love me. It wastes of energy.--You when I was little. you were the most interesting thing in my world. everyone around was just talking about drugs or sex or you know, just trying to survive the day. but you always had ideas,it's because of you I know there's another way of being.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------01:11:16,060 --> 01:11:17,540welcome to Harvard guys.--it looks like what you thought it would?--better. unattainably better--Liz, they're just people.--not people like me[monologue] why not people like me ? What made them so different? because of where they were born? I was working as hard as I could, so I didn't end up on food stamps or house let. What... what if I work even more? I was so close to the skin now I can touch it. It would be a reach. It’s not impossible.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------01:13:39,250 --> 01:13:44,060[monologue] I want to stand beside people beside walk and not be so far beneath themI wanna go to Harvard and become very developed read all the best books then I found myself thinking what if I just go crazy? I used my every potential to do that. I have to do it. I have no choice.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------01:18:43,820 --> 01:18:48,500[monologue] the world moves you just suspect it could no happen without you situations are not condused to what you want for yourself someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is. I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation to all those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is because I was turned so inward by mom and dad I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product so I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that I knew why not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time but I was very excepting I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.--is there anything else you'd like to tell us?--I loved my mother. so much I mean she was a drug addict. she was an alcoholic she was legally blindshe was schizophrenic but I never forgot that she did love meeven if, if she did it. all the time, all the time---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liz Liz, how did you do this?--How could I not do it?! my parents showed me with the alternative was--did you ever feel sorry for yourself?--sorry?--sleeping in the subway. eating out of dumpsters--that had always been my life and I really I feel that I got lucky, because any sensive security was pulled out from under me so I was forced to look forward. I had to... there was no going back. and I reached a point where I just thought "oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possiblly can and see what happens" and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay--so you were lucky! but is there anything you change, if you were able?--Yeah, I'd give it back. all of it. If I could have my family back.。

I feel that I got lucky because any sense of security was polled out from me, so I was forced to look forward, I had to , and was no going back. And I reach the point, where I just thought, "All right, I'd got to work as hard as I possiblly can , and see what happens".放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。
Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on..什么是家?一个屋顶? 床?必须接纳你的地方?如果那样的话,15岁我开始无家可归。
I was 15 when I went out in the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.终于我明白了,我妈妈在哪里,我的家就在哪里。
Homeless to Harvard风雨哈佛路

Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray StoryBoys and girls:Good afternoon! Today I will give a speech about the film Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story! If there are really a movie that can’t be missed, I think it is this.She is called Liz, She was born in a family with no money, no hope or anything else about happiness. Her parents are both drug addicts,and they were dead of HIV,she usually has no food to eat, no clothes to change, let alone books to read.Life seemed so bad to her. Fortunately,she has a brave heart,The negative experience in her childhood in some degree made her long for the life. She got the headmaster’s admission and back to school. She had no room to live so she always studied and slept in the railway station. and she had to clean washroom to earn some money. she became the one who was the first to come to school and the last one to leave there. She only spent two years to stu dy the four years’ courses. All her friends said to her that is no use, and it was only a mock dream to go to university. Say nothing of Harvard,But she gave up. at the end of the story,she was succeed,actually,this is a real story。

Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product .So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why. not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.我觉得有些人只对生活的'艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。
I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。
Homeless To Harvard(经典台词最全中英文对照)

风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard1.我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对我来说从来就没有任何安全感,于是我只能被迫向前走,我必须这样做。
I feel that I got lucky, because any sense of security was pulled out from me, so I was forced to look forward, I had to, there was no going back. And I reach a point where I just thought. "All right, I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens".2.放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。
Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on.3.什么是家?一个屋顶? 床?必须接纳你的地方?如果那样的话,15岁我开始无家可归。
I was 15 when I went out in the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.4.终于我明白了,我妈妈在哪里,我的家就在哪里。
And another time I knew where ever my mom was, that’s where my home was.5.世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。

风雨哈佛路经典台词双语风雨哈佛路经典台词双语风雨哈佛路电影经典台词英文台词1. I'd give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.2. I was 15 when I went out in the world. What's a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.3.But I still didn't know how to be in school. I still didn't know how to be normal.4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses… or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.5.Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world,and those of us who were born under it,can see throw it.We just can't get to throw it.6.I'm smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place I've born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. They're trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that's better developed. And I want to live in it.7. Liz Murray: I love you, dad. Peter: That's a waste of energy.8. Liz Murray: My mother was dying. My father was gone. ButI had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.9. Chris: I don't want to go to school. I don't belong there and neither do you. Liz Murray: Yes, I do. Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?10. Lisa: I loved going to school so much. You never went toschool. Why would they gave you a scholarship? Liz Murray: Because I'm homeless and I'm doing really well on school. Lisa: You're not homeless, Liz. You could stay here. Liz Murray: No, I couldn't.11. Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school. Liz Murray: I am going to go back. Jean Murray: When? Liz Murray: When you get better中文台词1.人会死,花会谢,看似有价值的东西实际上毫无意义。
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Homeless to HarvardI loved my mother so muchShe was a drug addictShe was an alcoholicShe was legally blindShe was a schizophrenicBut I never forgot that she loved meEven if she did itAll the timeAll the timeLisa, give me the money! It's mine! God, it's mine! You freak. Give it to me! Give it to me!Let go, mom!I gave a hundred to you!Just come, I gave 100 to you!to one of you!We're forced to live on! Every month! It is ...It's...It's the same damn thing! You can put it in your arms, so we can starve!It's mine! I didn't take it! Give it to me! Give it to me! It's mine!We're hungry. I can’t! We need food, mom!What did you ever do for me, huh?! I gave you life! Tell me go out to the street and sell myself for it? Huh? Do you want me to do it? I know I do it sometimes, right?I need it.[Monologue]I wanted that smile.Oh, god! I wanted that smile so much. I was pathetic, wasn't I?Don't take the aqueduct! Mummy! She’s taking the aqueduct!What the hell difference does it make?She'll get mugged!Who cares!Dad, we'll cop her, if we can't she'll get mugged!Always a big production!See they fixed the light for a change.Not easy to break them againNo, No, No. She's ok, see the water runs downhill.There's no waterNo, No. Don't you know what aqueduct is? The aqueduct carried water to New York City for like over a hundred years they did that. And they close it down, but now the ghost water right? He carried your mother along.[Monologue] My father, you could sit down on a couch and talk to my father. You just can't talk to him for long. He knew so much. He got all the answers right on JEOPERDY. He was a genius, every answer, every time. That’s the thing. Your parents are your Gods. I look to them as an example of what I should find everywhere on the world. They paid so little attention to my needs .but then I felt that their needs were so powerful that ... It didn't make me feel hurt or angry that they didn't look into me. Because I felt ok. This just must to be the human condition to be so. And then the world came in.You took my husband, you little bustard, I'll kill you.No, mummy!I'm not your mother. I did your favor. I shouldn't have trail on you!Help me clean up this Liz. They see this they're gonna take us, too.NO! NO! NO! It's my house. Don’t take me!Get out! NO!Don't take!No fasten!What happened to the window?She threw the ****.Such you on fire, take me...Come on jeanWhy don't take a medication? good girl!She takes it! She just takes too many other things on top of it...OK OKThis place is a mess!What happened here?I fell down.Oh oh oh, Jean put the knife downAll right where's the phone?We don't have one!This woman doesn't fitYou're kiddingYou girls have choice. Clean this place up, help your mother.How about my father?Ignore her. She's a ... She's a feminist.I can take you any time I want. You keep skipping school. You keep living like theanimals.Hey hey, where are you going? Come back here. Come back. You’re gonna go to a home. Do you know what home is like? There are girls. They'll beat you dull, take everything you have. You can't have anything! You have to clean bathrooms. You’ll work there if you don't work here.Back up! Back up. It’s not a show! You got nothing better to do, huh? [Monologue] Couldn't they see? Anyone could see. She was in so much pain. There were struggles so much on the surface so there if anyone cared to look. It wasn't like she was running off from being a good mother to somebody else... She just didn't have any more to give.Oh, somebody stinks!What is that?[Monologue] I was always the smelly kid in class. We *** on the bucket to shower, but daddy laughed at her doing, said she had to marry a doctor she has so many expectations. I didn't have any expectations. So therefore, I guess, I stunk. And I itched from *** and it burned between my legs. My teachers were always telling not to finch it, and my underwear. I didn't know what to do about underwear. I just wore it until it fell apart.All right! People! Thank you! Rest is over.[Monologue] My teeth ached. I was hungry.Settle! Thank you![Monologue] The teacher's words never seemed to reach me. Words just seemed... fall on the floor.Hold me the test. There's no point that...NO, I'll take it.But you've been here what? For 3 times this month?NO, I'll take it. It doesn't look that hard.Oh, Liz, stay here. You do smell, you know? Doesn't your mother tell you that you gonna...NO. It's my fault. I just forget.OK.Well, when you have shower tonight, you wanna, you wanna wash back here? Ah, I've been saving some things for you. There and here. How did you do that? You're never in school.I read a lot.Yeah? What do you read? Encyclopedia. The lady upstairs, Eva, she find it in the Dumpster, the whole set ... well, except for the Erdos.If you asked me about Erdos, I would have got it wrong. I was just lucky.Oh, Lizzy! You have to come to school. NO, I mean it. Look, it's ridiculous you're way too smart not to be here. I don't understand why don't you come?I will.[Monologue] How could I tell her that school made me sad? I didn't know how to talk to her. I didn't know how to talk to anyone. My house wasn't a place you could come out of and be normal.We have to come every day. OK? If you don't, and I will call CHILD WELFARE. Th at’s not a threat. It's a promise.Eva, look what I've got.100Yes, encyclopediaGood, you gotta make good marks. You don't wanna be an idiot. And you keep up now, you hear me? Now your mother's back.My mother's back?Well, we had a nice quiet couple of months, didn't we?[Monologue] The only good thing about my mother being taking away to the nut house was that when she came back she was my mum again. She cooked and she cleaned more than she even to be a court sonographer. For me, that was a good quiet couple of months before the drugs came back in.Mummy?Lizzy.Are you ok?I’m OK.Pumpkin, you look real good.Glad you're home, mummy. You’re glad you're home?This hospital won't too bad.It's too green, the walls. And there were bars on the windows.I'm sorry. You had to say that, you know.But I'm glad you're home.Look! Look! I...I got 100! NO NO. 100 is good. 100 is perfect. Didn’t you ever get 100?I ain't go to school. I ran away too young. Don't you ever run away from home?I won'tLiz, I'll always be here for you.I know, mummy.I'll always be here. ALWAYS.I know, mummy.I’m sick. I'm sick. Liz, I... I have AIDS. No No They say... don't be afraid. They say...I might... they say I could live forever, OK? But I can't live here. I gotta go home.This is home.No, home to my pop's. I wanna take you and Lisa.No No mom. You have to stay here.I can't stop the drugs. And I can't do it when your daddy around.But you'll be alone.Liz, this is already gonna over, just pack up your things and let's go.No you said pop's gonna beat you. You said he raped your sister.Since what it has to be now.No, stay hereI can'tStay mummy![Monologue] Everything was falling apart. I thought if I could stay I could stop it. But if I stayed, everything would somehow stay the same.Just open the door. It's no use. We know you're in there.Where are your mother and sister?They are gone.Where's your father?He's gotta get some food, he'll be right back.Your teacher called. You’re still not going to school. You’re never in school. We gotta do something about this. Miss Wonder warned you, I warned you, and every one year case workers warned you.This's been going out for years. We all said clean up this place and go to school. Clean up and go to school. You have done neither one of them, have you? Elizabeth, have you?NoSo what we gonna do?I don't know.I do. You’re going into the system. I’m taking her.But but things are better now. My daddy buys me big potatoes everydayYou're not paying the rent. You're not getting her to school.I tell her to go. I told you to go to school. She's gotta mind of her own. She's a feminist.This is not a joking matter. Pack her suitcase. Now!No No NoI'm sorry.I'll go to school. Please!This isn't working. We need an adult who's responsible.My grandpa's responsible. My grandpa will take me. My sister's there.Your sister goes to school.I'll go to school, I'll go to school. Please!Don't make a fuss. I'll talk to him. And if he'll take you. You'll be out in 24 hours. I’m sorry.And if he won't?You'll have time to figure out how you wanna live your life.[Monologue] Figure out my life. Do people really do that? Do they do that while they are falling down into a deep dark hole? Buzzed in, locked in. It was like visiting my mother. Only I was in the crazy house now. And I didn't get out in 24 hours, I didn't get out in 24 days. No one wanted me. They just left me there.Why don't you go to school? That’s the big problem we've got here. Why don't you go? From what I can see, you've got a discipline problem.Liz?Hi, popsYou get your mother. Jean, come out here. She's here.I'm leaving for school, but I wanna see you first.Thanks, Lisa.Don't screw this up. We're doing OK, and don't expect too much. She's dying.Lizzy!Mom[Monologue] When I think of my life. This is the time I like to think of. When I got back. When mother's mind was clear. There was no cocaine. so her schizophrenic seemed about to working. And we go to the cafe, and sit, and talk, and eat hamburgers. We were together. Even with her bad eyes, I think she could see me. Well, she could see my outline. And for a while, I had my mother again.And we went to park.Yeah, I remember. We used to side down that hill, remember? You put down thatold card board, we pretend it was slide.You remember that? How about the tickle monster?Well, we screamed and laughed about that one.I was a good mom, wasn't I? Wasn’t I?Yeah, mom, sure, you were fine.Well, I'm real glad we were all together, you know. You and me and LisaWhat if dad went off drugs too? Wouldn't it be great? Maybe we could even go back to the university avenue.Yeah..., your dad. He's in a shelter right now. I'm afraid that he lost the apartment. He can not even order the rend, so...What about my stuff?Got thrown outAll of it, even my encyclopedias?Look, pumpkin, I'm really sorry, you know, they bordered the whole place. There was nothing we could do. Just, you know, crap happens, I mean. Look, you know, I gotta go around the corner and see a few friends. Just for a minute, ok? You finish your burger, and ...and I'll be right back. Just be a minute, baby.[Monologue] So that was that. No going back. I hadn't kept anything together. I've only made things worse. If I would only go to school. If I would only... If I would only. So, that part of my life was over. I guessed the new part had begun.Elizabeth Murray?and you're her mother?I'll take you to your class now.Are you gonna get home ok?Yeah, I'm gonna see my buddies, you know, they could take care of me.Maybe I should just come with you.You gotta stay in the school. They will take you away again, just go go.So we have nouns, verbs. Chris? Adjective and preposition[Monologue] I wasn't the smelly kid any more. I've learned to shower every day at the group home. And my clothes, even if they came from the thrift shop, all fit, but I still didn't know how to be in school. I still didn't know how to be normal.People, can we try to settle down?Chris, would you like to try diagram No.12?You find it amusing, Miss.Elizabeth?Please don't call me that.It's your name according to these forms.Liz or Lizzy.Liz or Lizzy is a nick name.Are nick names.No, I'm afraid not.Jesus, call the girl she wants to be called.Elizabeth is a fine name. The name of a queen. The Elizabeth's age was the age of Shakespeare. What's your problem with it?My mother calls me Elizabeth, when she's going insane.Liz then.Bobie, the sentence.So where did you go to school before this.I didn'tHow did you ***?I was at the group home.Is that freaky?But you're not a freakNOIt's too bad. I am. My birthday's coming up.Yeah? When?You'll know. I'm gonna wear my dad's ***coat. I’m gonna come to school with nothing on but my *** coat and a pair boot. From far show all the teachers. Happy Birthday. You don't believe me?Yeah, I do.No, you don't.[Music] Ha Ha Ha, check it out.Don't throw it out before meI won't.It's a great place, I never had so comfort before.Pop's gonna cranky. We have to by safe, by the way.Liz, I'm waiting for the phone, those contest things.She never gonna win.Ok, you know what. Shut up. I don't care. I just gotta dial his number before I forget it.Does anybody get high *** news, come on.Bobie, you*** test's until like a week.Hey, can I just have that chicken for lunch.SureIs this already?Some drunken lady.Oh, she'll drain on the door.Oh, I'm going out the window.I don't feel very good. Could you help me, please?Oh, here she blows.All right, upI'm a good mom. I just need a hug, I want a hug.[Monologue] She couldn't take living straight. Why should I expect her to take dying? Isn’t dying the hardest thing anyone's ever done?Everyone’s gone.Except youYeahSo where's your pos gonna sleep?HereSleep with his daughter?Oh, I don't think like that.Yeah, but you don't know.He did her sister, when she was real younger. She told me that.Why her sister, not her?I figure he did them both.So her sister crazy, too?Yeah, and their mother, too. That’s why that I didn't wanna come here.You know, my mom's getting back with my dad.I wish my mom would.He does stuff to my sister.You don't have a sister.Lucky for her.Did you tell your mother?Yeah, I told her.But she left him and she cursed him out, she just gonna call the cops and now she's getting back with him.You know, I asked her how she could do that? and she said she missed him. She missed him, Huh? I was 7 when he first stuck it in.Chris, Chris don’t. Moving with me.Stay here?What's your grandfather gonna say?He won't know. I will. We'll work it out, so I never see you. He won't get up until late from work. He's like a robot, anyway, out atAnd back at six. OutPop, she has no place to stay.It's not my problem. OUT!Leave her alone. Don't...Your mother's dying. Your piece of trash father walked out and stuck me with a lot of these. Did I ask my fellows of my age, did they? What are you doing? All right, that suits me. You end up a trash anyway, just like your parents.So I leftYou wanna go and get your stuff or you're gonna leave me out here alone[Monologue] Do any of us bargain for our lives? It seems to me that we just fall into them. And we have to do the best we can. My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe there were roads would rise up to meet me. I was 15 when I went out to the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there they have to take you .If so, when I was 15, I became homeless.Spare some change?Get a jobHow are doing tonight?God bless you kid.Spare some change?[Monologue] but some times I felt like I never had a home in my life.Let's goCome back![Monologue] and another time I knew where ever my mom was, that's where my home was.[Monologue] Month by month, she was fitting away.Liz?Yeah.Where did you go?I've ... I've been staying with friends.I miss you.Pops… he hated me and I couldn't stay here.Lisa said you stop going to school.I'm gonna go back.When?When you get better.This is me... This is me. I at the bars, 'cause I shake. I can't stop shaking.I think that's... that's because of the drinking. You know you should probably stop.OK OKYou're gonna get better, you know. I love you mom I love you.Get over there.Hey guys wait up. I'll catch you later. I'm just gonna... byeMomWe took up a collection.She isn't coming here anymore, 'cause she thinks we always laugh at her.She's dead honey. She died yesterday morning.[Monologue] Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world. And those of us who were born under it can see throw it. We just can't get throw it. My mother's being buried under section, the charity plot. My mother was in there. Strangers hadput her in there. Was she naked? Was she frightened? No, she was gone.Come on. Let’s go.No wait a minute. There should be a service. There should be a priest what's supposed to happen.When you go, we're gonna. Bury him. That’s all.It's a SHE! That’s my mother.There's no priest?Not these cases. You didn't know that?She's dead. Put her into the ground[Monologue] Priest or no priest. What did it matter? She was gone. She was already rotting. Was I supposed to believe she found eternal peace?So you come with us?Just goHey wait[Writing] Jean Murray, beloved. Mother of Elizabeth and Lisa Murray 1945-1996 OKListen, I'm gonna out of here ok?Liz, just I can't... I can't... I can't do this anymore.You know, so, I'm going.Where?Group home? Crazy house?This? This is crazy! You should come with me.Yeah, so, see you around.[Monologue] People die. Things decay. Everything that seemed so solid ismeaningless. All that left is gestures we make. Gestures and air, that’s what we remember, I remember riding with my mother through the slips. The year ending. But her arms were warm around me when I was little and she was well. That was long ago. Maybe it only happened once. Maybe she betrayed me a thousand times. It didn't matter. Math was always a weak subject. We remember what we choose.Get out of thereWhere are you gonna put the stone?It's no stone here. There's no room.[Monologue] In a week, there would be no trace of her. But what did it matter? This wasn't the real world. We really only lived in each other's hearts. She lived in my heart. But I lived nowhere. I was all alone in the world. You’re 16 years old with 8 grade education, and you run down that *** there were ended a worse place that you ever dreamed. You’ve burned every bridge, you've worned out every welcome and everyone who's ever believed in you. You’ve let down.Eva, I don't wanna be an idiot. I wanna go to school.I'm Liz Murray. I have an appointment.At 9:30?It's 10:30.I'm sorry, the subway got stuck.I'm sorry, too. But it's really too late. School started 3 weeks ago. It's just about full. Kids get here on time, honey.I read the br***sure,” intensive student participation for the development of a just community.”I just need one chance.You can wait and talk to David. But he's got a meeting right after.[Question] What is your dream? For your life? For your school.[Monologue] I knew that at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening in living life of excuses or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.Hey, we'll get you by Friday.OK thank you.Oh pleasure guysElizabeth?Liz.Liz, I'm sorry. We're making our last decisions now. I'm already late.Can I just talk to you for just a minute? 30 seconds?It's the application. It's a whole big essay question, too.I've already done the essay. I really want this.I haven't had a lot grownups improved to be trustworthy or for the long runs, so maybe I don't know how to talk to you, but ...My parents both use drugs, a lot of them. I won't go near them, but...but I guess I, kind of, lived that life style. I’m embarrassed now about how layback I've been. I mean, I've never even really been school except for the 8 grade. But...Your grades are very good in elementary schoolI used to show up. Last week I took the test, that's how I get promoted. I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just... I just need the chance. I need the chance to climbout of this place I've been born in. Everyone I know just angry, tired. They’re trying to survive. But I know that there's a world out there .that's better. That’s better developed. I wanna live in it.Why no?My mother died of AIDS. She died a couple of months ago. It was real slap on the face. I guess I always thought that she was gonna get better and take care of me. It’s pretty stupid huh? S he’d never been taking care of me. I took care of her. She was my baby. But now she's gone. So...Now it's time to take care of yourself. Can you get here on time? Liz?I'll sleep here if I have to.Ok, you're in.But you told the others you won't know until Friday.You're in.Thank you. You just change my life.That's worth Miss.You just fulfill the paper work. You got your transcripts and that's just the easy stuff, address, phone number. We have to have a meeting with parents or your guardian. Get that in. we're good to go.Dad.Hey, Lizzy.I need your help, please.Such a production. Such a production. Why don't you just stay in the Browx and go to konedy.I don't know how to go to a normal school.Why? Why? This isn't a normal school?Oh, it's public, but it's like private.Dad Dad. I think I can do this.Yeah? That’s good. I don't think I can do this.Yeah you can! You can! Just say you're a long horn truck driver. That’s why I just don't ever see you. We’re living with your girl friend now also.Oh, you give me a girl friend?Eva.Eva! Oh, that's not good. Eva is old enough to be my mother.Dad. I just need an address you know, a phone number they can call. They can't know I went homeless. They’ll call the city. And I'll be locked up again.Mr. Murray.I'm Peter. Peter Phinidy.I never actually married Lizzy's mother.Sit down please.I'm gratefully taking my daughter in this pretty nice place.We are still new. We have a big ambitionYeah, so is Liz I guess. She's a feminist. I’m expecting you know it already. Her mother was beautiful actually. Like a movie star. Her mother was also a kind of a feminist too, or something. Anyway I thought when I met her she was just, you know, spirit. but actually she was completely insane.We need you to sign right here. And give us contact information address and phone numberUniversity Avenue.Is that an apartment? Yeah 2b3b 3b, yeah, that's right. That’s right. We moved upstairs.Phone number?557.........Sorry my memory my mind totally short.So that's it? I gotta stuff to do.Thanks for coming.Thank youCan I start now?It's refreshing to have someone who wants to come to school.I'm gonna walk him out.All right. Oh, they give tokens to you?No, I gotta a jobYeah, I remember when you were a kid you used to beg grossories down the*** road and put the food in fridge. How old were you?Eight.I'm not a people person. You understand that. I’m not a people person. Liz There's nothing to do with you. You know. It's not personal.You came today though. I love you dad.Oh, don't do that. Don’t love me. It wastes of energy.You when I was little. You were the most interesting thing in my world. Everyone around was just talking about drugs or sex or you know, just trying to survive the day.But you always had ideas. It’s because of you I know there's another way of being.Are you ok?Yeah yeah, I'm fine. They take care of me find at the shelter. Actually I'm gonna get my own apartment. You know they like to do that. You can come and stay with me, visit me, any timeYou own an apartmentYeah they like to do that. They keep people like me at the shelters. You know the people the patience. People with AIDS. Hey, listen, no no no a lot is changing. I've got all these medicines now and I'm clean. So I'm gonna live forever. I’ll be fine. I'm gonna live forever. Stay in school. I blew this, but you can do this.Goff Tanken.Remember the main. anybody? Frank or Prushen Woorf? Yo, do you get BISMARCK? You didn't get BISMARCK.I didn't get BISMARCK, either.I thought BISMARCK was a kind of roll.Kaiser roll.So is BISMARCK a Kaiser?Stop talking about food. You’re making me hungry.Dave, are we getting textbooks next year? 'cause I'm keeping losing these things.Emmm... textbooks... Why don't we use textbooks? Anyone?Too heavy?They are, but not cigar (a kind of sugar)They’re too expensive. The school is too poor.I'm keeping my cigars today.You new girl.Her name is LizYeah, Dave. She’s been here a week. Try to remember.Liz, sue meTextbook text...book...Open it up. What did you see?WordsWhat kind of words?The words of the author.NO NO, this is important. And what we have here?A lot of other people's wordsWhy do I want you to have them?Because one point of view gives you a one-dimensional worldCigars cigars! BISMARCK. Marks the guy who sold me the babble gums cigars. Why on earth would we confine ourselves to his story——historyBut isn't that the deal day? I mean is there official history?NO girl, tell him what history is.History is all of us. All our stories count.That’s it. Grab your papers. I'll be in the launch if you wanna talk about it.Hey Liz, it's yoursHey new girlYou let me in but you don't remember my nameOh I remember your name. I just like the others gaining up your side.You’re pretty smart.So are youYou gave me an A-.Yeah, I thought it was a very good paperHow do I make an A?Liz, an A- is an excellent mark. This is your first school work and what? Forever?If my words count, I want them to be right.Well, *** is a good one, but ...What’re you still doing here?Algebra.Yeah well, it's after 11. I'm locking up.How many classes are you taking?The regular 5, and the Saturday programming, the night school, French and the after school ,science, ten!Now you see why I need the before school maths.Seem awful a lotI'm 17. I don't wanna be 21 before I finish high school.So you're trying to do -years high school in 3 years?You need before school maths, too.Yeah, you'll kill yourself you know?NO I'm gonna live.。