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⼀ 动名词的句法功能

动名词(T he Gerund)由动词加-ing构成,兼有动词的特征和名词的功能。动名词句法功能如下:



Keeping a house is a t iring job. 管理家务是⼀件很劳累的事。

Wat ching English T V news is a good way t o learn English. 看英语电视新闻是学英语的好⽅法。 也可以⽤先⾏词it,将动名词置于句末。某些形容词如good, foolish, wonderful, useless, difficult, nice等可以⽤ 于上述结构。例如:

It's useless t rying again. 再试也没⽤。

It is boring playing t he violin all day. 整天拉⼩提琴很乏味。

但在import ant, necessary, essent ial, impossible等形容词后通常⽤不定式。 某些名词fun, luck, pleasure, relief, mist ake, pain, use, good也⽤于上述结构。例如:

It is fun boat ing on t he lake. 在湖上划船很有乐趣。

It is no good/use crying over spilt milk. 覆⽔难收。 动名词也可以在“T here is no+动名词”结构中作主语,意为“不可能…”。例如:

T here is no knowing how t he ancient Egypt ians built t he pyramids. 不可能知道古代埃及⼈是如何建造⾦字塔的。


No lit t ering. 不准乱扔杂物。(揭示语)



His hobby is fishing by t he lake. 他的兴趣爱好是在湖边垂钓。

Her job is mending books and magazines. 她的⼯作是修补书籍和杂志。


(1)在某些动词后作宾语 常⽤动词有underst and, pract ise, enjoy, consider, delay, finish, imagine, miss, post pone, mind, avoid, escape, suggest等。例如:

T he American enjoyed having meals in t he Chinese rest aurant. 这个美国⼈喜欢在中国餐馆⽤餐。

I wonder why he always avoids meet ing me. 我不明⽩他为什么总是要避开我。

James suggest ed climbing t o t he t op of t he t ower t o have a view of t he whole cit y. 詹姆⼠建议爬到塔顶看城市的全景。

注意动词t hink, consider, find后常⽤it作形式宾语,⽽将真正的宾语动名词置于句⼦后部。例如:

I don't t hink it any good having t oo many sweet s. 我认为吃太多的糖没有好处。

He found it useless t alking it over wit h her. 他认为与她讨论此事⽆⽤。

Do you consider it wort hwhile reading such a book? 你认为读这样的书值得吗?

(2)在某些词组或结构后作宾语 常⽤的词组和结构有put off 延期,give up 放弃,can't help 情不⾃禁,can't st and 不能忍受,be wort h 值得。 例如:

T he man couldn't st and being t reat ed cruelly. 这位男⼠受不了虐待。

T hey put off holding t he opening ceremony because of t he bad weat her. 由于天⽓不好,他们推迟举⾏开幕式。 T he film is wort h seeing a second t ime. 这影⽚值得看第⼆遍。 (3)在介词后作宾语 Is t here any hope of cat ching t he early flight? 赶早班⻜机还有希望吗? By wat ching t he st ars, t he pilot could t ell t he direct ions. 通过观察星星,驾驶员能辨别⽅向。 He left wit hout saying good-bye t o me. 他没有与我告别就离开了。

T he driver was fined because of parking his car in t he wrong place. 司机因乱停⻋被罚款。

注意动名词同样⽤于动词或形容词与介词组成的词组后,如be devot ed t o 献身于,be used t o 习惯于,object t o 反对,insist on 坚持,look forward t o 盼望,be sure of 对…有把握,be keen on 酷爱,be fond of 喜欢,be t ired of 对…厌倦,be int erest ed in 对…有兴趣,be afraid of 害怕等。例如:

T he young t eacher was devot ed t o t eaching t he blind. 这个⻘年教师献身于盲⼈教育。 We are t ired of reading det ect ive st ories. 我们对读侦探⼩说厌倦了。


Nobody can prevent us (from) carrying on t he job. 没有⼈能阻⽌我们进⾏这项⼯作。

He had no t rouble (in) finding his way in t he cit y. 他在这个城市找路没有困难。

I spent t he whole aft ernoon (in) copying my t erm paper. 我花了⼀下午的时间抄写学期论⽂。


动名词可以作名词修饰语说明名词的⽤途。例如: T he old man climbed t o t he t op of t he t ower wit h a walking st ick (= a st ick for walking) ⽼⼈拄着拐杖爬到塔顶。 You can smoke in t he smoking room. 你可以在吸烟室抽烟。 类似的例⼦还有: operat ing t able ⼿术台,wait ing room 候⻋室,building mat erial 建筑材料,shopping cent re 购物中⼼,meet ing hall 会议厅,dining room 餐厅

⼆ 动名词与不定式的⽤法区别



意义上的区别在于动名词表示抽象的动作,含有泛指意义,⽽不定式表示具体的动作,与特定的对象相联系, 含有特指意义。


It's hard t ranslat ing Chinese poems int o English. 把汉语诗译成英语很难。

T his Chinese poem is short, but it's hard t o put it int o English. 这⾸汉语诗很短,但译成英语不容易。

Doing simple t hings is boring. 做简单的事很乏味。

T o do t his simple t hing will be boring. 做这件简单的事将很乏味。

2.begin, st art


但下列情况中begin和st art后须接不定式。


Spring came on, and t he snow began t o melt. 春天来了,雪开始融化。

He was get t ing on in years, and his hair st art ed t o fall. 他上了年纪,头发开始脱落。
