


2007年12月大学英语六级听力原文 Section A Short Conversations 11. M: The biological project is now in trouble. You know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. W: Why don’t you compromise? Try to make it a win-win situation for you both. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 12. M: How does Nancy like the new dress she bought in Rome? W: She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary had already got such a dress. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 13. M: You are not going to do all those dishes before we leave, are you? If we don’t pick up George and Martha in 25 minutes, we’ll never get to the theater on time. W: Oh, didn’t I tell you? Martha called to say her daughter was ill and they could not go tonight. Q: What is the woman probably going to do first? 14. M: You’ve been hanging onto the phone for quite a while. Who were you talking with? W: Oh, it was Sally. You know she always has the latest news in town and can’t wait to talk it over with me. Q: What do we learn about Sally from the conversation? 15: W: It’s always been hard to get this car into first gear and now the clutch seems to be sleeping. M: If you leave the car with me, I’ll fix it for you this afternoon. Q: Who is the woman probably speaking to? 16. M: Kate, why does the downtown area look deserted now? W: Well, there used to be some really good stores, but lots of them moved out to the mall. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 17. W: I find the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling when sitting on the sofa and doing the reading. M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake. Q: What does the man mean? 18: W: These mosquito bites are killing me. I can’t help scratching. M: Next time you go camping, take some precaution, say, wearing long sleeves. Q: Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves? Long Conversations Conversation 1 M: Hello and welcome to our program “Working Abroad”. Our guest this evening is a Londoner who lives and works in Italy. Her name is Susan Hill. Susan, welcome to the program. You live in Florence. How long have you been living there? W: Since 1982, but when I went there in 1982, I planned to stay for only 6 months. M: Why did you change your mind?


英语六级听力考试技巧 英语六级听力考试技巧 一、听音之前的准备 要有效利用题目选项进行预判断,包括推测题目内容和考查内容。在看选项时,要做到以下三点。 一是竖看,确定相同之处。 二是横看,确定不同之处。 三是找出重复性高的词,这些词一般是与主题相关的词,具有路标的功能。 例如: A)Theymightbestolengoods B)Theymightbefakeproducts C)Theymightbefaultyproducts D)Theymightbesmuggledgood 在这四个选项中,竖看相同点为theymightbe,横看不同点为stolengoods,fakeproducts,faultyproducts,smuggledgoods.重复 性高的词语为goods,products(产品)。可以推断这道题是关于产品的。在听的时候就需要注意产品是怎么样的。 二、听音时的规律 我们在听的时候要注意一下几个规律:

1.顺序规律:注意题目和文章的考点有先后顺序对应的关系。所以我们可以边听边看选项,注意在相关选项后面作上笔记以供参考。 2.注意表示逻辑关系的小词规律: 表示转折和对比的逻辑词: but,however,nevertheless,while,infact,whereas,unexpectedly,unfortunately,yet,except,ontheotherhand,compar edto,unlike,instead,incontrastto等等。 表示因果的逻辑词: asaresu


2019年12月大学英语六级考试听力讲义精选(一) Lesson1★ 资料的选择: 1、听力原题 2、TOEFL的听力 3、《走遍美国》、《探索》、《国家地理》 听力结构: Section A:10个短对话 Section B:3个段子;复合式听写(很少考) 类型题:来源:考试大 比如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?去不去干…… 回答Yes/No.以及理由。 Would you go with us? Would you join us? Would you go with me? Do you wanna come? Wanna come? 应试听力提升的三个层次: 1、听懂原文 2、搞清考题之间的类型关系

3、判断出是什么考题 听力遇到的问题: 一、语音问题: 连读:跟读提升口语,考试时不太重要,注意听重读。 二、态度方向: 测试:I'm upset. × I'm overjoyed. √ I'm beside myself with joy. √ I'm in the blues. × I feel high today. √ I feel down recently. × 三、口语话问题: 语气(升降调、重读) 例句:Something just hit the front window. What?(什么东西呀?你说什么(没听清)?惊奇,生气。)例句:He was my boyfriend. 考校园生活: 学生:异性(同学关系)、同性(室友关系) 口语词汇 tape 胶带(邮局场景) cassette 磁带


大学英语六级CET6听力技巧 大学英语六级CET6考试中,很多同学发现听力部分很难。甚至有很多同学给我写信说自己上个月和这个月错题数目完全相同,对听力已经绝望。其实大可不必。绝望是因为没有清楚分析自己错题的原因,并且没有从错题中汲取经验和知识,结果每逢考试,总是犯同样的错误。那么六级听力部分的难点究竟有哪些呢? 除去技巧部分,大多数同学的问题基本集中在三点:1. 生词多;2. 速度快;3. 音变频繁。 那么应该如何解决呢? 1.生词多。背单词是大家最头痛的部分。有很多同学认为自己每天背了很多单词,但最后考试的时候还是出现遗忘现象。究其根源,是因为在背的时候只用了自己的眼睛和手,而没有用嘴和耳朵。 听力部分的特殊性就是将单词通过声音的形式来传达到同学们的耳朵里,从而考察同学们对英语的敏感度。所以如果这个词你没有听过,没有读过,或者读不对,在考试时是不会有反应的;另外一些同学发现背单词书上的单词很枯燥,无法坚持。对于这部分同学,建议大家去背历年真题中的生词。先把所有生词画出来,查找,再做题,也不失为一种动力背词法。而当你把20几套真题的单词都查过以后,你就会发现,你的单词量已经在5000左右了。 2.速度快。速度是另外一个困扰大家的难题。我常常对同学们说:“一个人的朗读速度往往就是一个人的听力理解速度。”而这就是大家为什么不能适应快语速的原因。 要解决这个问题也很简单,就是跟读真题文章,以音频语速来要求自己。平时说话中也要加快自己的语速,形成一种习惯,一种惯性。很多同学说不知道平时说话究竟要快到一个什么程度,我想美国电视剧《老友记》中的速度就是大家要达到的速度。 3.音变频繁。除了速度,音变也是困扰大家的一个难题,其表现就是大家不是一个词两个词听不懂,而是一串听不懂,一片听不懂。这就是因为同学们读句子的方式是一个词一个词地读,中间有停顿,而英美人会习惯性地在有些词中间采用音变读法,如:连读,失去爆破,重读,弱读等等。 要想听懂这样的句子,就必须提高自己的口语发音实力。建议大家使用教材练习和音频模仿同步练习音变。推荐给大家一本音变讲得很好的教材《托福听力的弦外之音》,而音频的模仿大家可以选择模仿真题的音频。这样做有三点好处:1.练习了音变;2.,熟悉了考试词汇;3.熟悉了考试句型。 (一)调整心理状态 心理状态就是一个人的心情。心情的好坏,会直接地影响我们工作、学习的效果。你也能看到,在体育比赛中,由于心理状态的起伏,参赛选手的发挥会跟着有较大的起伏。同样的道理,心理状态的正常与否对参加听力考试的同学来说也至关重要。心理方面的任何失衡都会使你手忙脚乱,得分率降低,平


2007年12月大学英语四级考试听力真题及答案 Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Direction: In his section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11. A) She used to be in poor health. C) She was somewhat overweight B) She was popular among boys. D) She didn’t do well at high school. 12. A) At he airport. B) In a restaurant. C) In a booking office. D) At the hotel reception. 13. A) Teaching her son by herself. B) Having confidence in her son. C) Asking the teacher for extra help. D) Telling her son not to worry. 14. A) Have a short break. B) Take two weeks off. C) Continue her work outdoors. D) Go on vacation with the man. 15. A) He is taking care of this twin brother. B) He ha been feeling ill all week. C) He is worried about Rod’s health. D) He has been in perfect condition. 16. A) She sold all her furniture before she moved house. B) She still keeps some old furniture in her new house. C) She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement. D) She brought a new set of furniture from Italy last month. 17. A) The woman wondered why the man didn’t return the book. B) The woman doesn’t seem to know what the book is about. C) The woman doesn’t find the book useful any more. D) The woman forgot lending the book to the man. 18. A) Most of the man’s friends are athletes. B) Few people share the woman’s opinion. C) The man doesn’t look like a sportsman. D) The woman doubts the man’s athletic ability.


学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。 为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 或许你有机会碰上外国人,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,和他谈天气、谈风景、谈学校……只是别问及他的年纪,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过的词汇,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,而且不太看重说法,你只要发音准确,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,敢于表达自己的思想。 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 二、多“听” 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 三、多“读”。 “读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 四、多“写” 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,或当天学了某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor.


2017年6月大学英语四级考试真题(一)听力原文【News Report 1】 One of Google's self-driving cars crashed into a bus in California last month. There were no injuries. It is not the first time one of Google's famed self-driving cars has been involved in a crash, but it may be the first time it has caused one. On February 14th the self-driving car, travelling at 2mph (3km/h), pulled out in front of a public bus going 15mph (24km/h). The man in the Google vehicle reported that he assumed the bus would slow down to let the car out, and so he did not switch to the manual mode. In a statement, Google said: "We clearly bear some responsibility,?because if our car hadn't moved, there wouldn't have been a crash." That said, our test driver believed the bus was going to slow or stop to allow us to merge into the traffic, and that there would be sufficient space to do that." The company's self-driving cars have done well over a million


W: Welcome to Work Place. And in today’s program, we’re looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic - happiness at work. John, tell us about the first survey. M: Well, this was done by a human resources consultancy, who interviewed more than 1,000 workers, and established a top ten of the factors, which make people happy at work. The most important factor for the majority of the people interviewed was having friendly, supportive colleagues. In fact, 73% of people interviewed put their relationship with colleagues as the key factor contributing to happiness at work, which is a very high percentage. The second most important factor was having work that is enjoyable. The two least important factors were having one's achievements recognized, and rather surprisingly, earning a competitive salary. W: So, we are not mainly motivated by money? M: Apparently not. W: Any other interesting information in the survey? M: Yes. For example, 25% of the working people interviewed described themselves as 'very happy' at work. However, 20% of employees described themselves as being unhappy. W: That’s quite a lot of unhappy people at work every day. M: It is, isn’t it? And there were several more interesting conclusions revealed by the survey. First of all, small is beautiful: people definitely prefer working for smaller organizations or companies with less than 100 staff. We also find out that, generally speaking, women were happier in their work than men.


英语六级考试听力小技巧 英语六级考试听力小技巧 一、放音之前 要有效利用题目选项进行预判断,包括推测题目内容和考查内容。在看选项时,要做到以下三点。 一是竖看,确定相同之处。 二是横看,确定不同之处。 三是找出重复性高的词,这些词一般是与主题相关的词,具有路标的功能。 例如: A)Theymightbestolengoods B)Theymightbefakeproducts C)Theymightbefaultyproducts D)Theymightbesmuggledgood 在这四个选项中,竖看相同点为theymightbe,横看不同点为stolengoods,fakeproducts,faulty products,smuggledgoods. 重复性高的词语为goods,products(产品)。可以推断这道题是 关于产品的。在听的时候就需要注意产品是怎么样的。 二、放音之时 我们在听的时候要注意一下几个原则:

1.顺序原则:注意题目和文章的考点有先后顺序对应的关系。所以我们可以边听边看选项,注意在相关选项后面作上笔记以供参考。 2.注意表示逻辑关系的小词原则: 表示转折和对比的逻辑词: but,however,nevertheless,while,infact,whereas,unexpectedly,unfortunately, yet,except,ontheotherhand,comparedto,unlike,instead,incontrastto等等。 表示因果的逻辑词: asaresult;since,dueto;becauseof;therefore,thus,so 3.强调原则: (1)含义强调 specially,especially,indeed,certainly,only, certainly (2)解释原则: whichis,thatis,whichmeans,thatistosay, (3)举例强调: forexample,forinstance,suchas,illustrate (4)结论强调 aboveall,inshort,inaword,inconclusion,allinall, inbrief (5)重复强调 短文中重复率很高的词或者概念往往就是该短文的主题。


大学生英语四级考试听力真题及答案完整版 Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather. B) Her little brother. D) Her grandmother. 2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by. C) By selling lemonade and pictures.


2018年6月英语六级听力原文 长对话1:西班牙蔬菜汤 M: What’s all that? Are you going to make a salad? W: No, I’m going to make a gazpacho. M: What’s that? W: Gazpacho is a cold soup from Spain. It’s mostly vegetables. I guess you can call it a liquid salad. M: Cold soup? Sounds weird. W: It’s delicious. Trust me! I tried it for the first time during my summer vacation in Spain. You see, in the south of Spain, it gets very hot and summer, up to 42 degrees Celsius, so a cold gazpacho is very refreshing. The main ingredients are tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, olive oil and stale bread. M: Stale bread? Surely you mean bread for dipping into the soup. W: No. bread is crushed and blended in, like everything else. It adds texture and thickness to the soup. M: um…and is it healthy? W: Sure. As I said earlier, it’s mostly vegetables. You can also add different things if you like such as half-boiled eggs or cured ham. M: Cured ham? What’s that? W: That’s another Spanish delicacy. Have you never heard of it? It’s quite famous. M: No. Is it good too? W: Oh, yeah, definitely. It’s amazing. It’s a little dry and salty. And it is very expensive because it comes from a special type of pig that only eats a special type of food. The ham is covered in salt to dry and preserve it, and left hung for up to two years. It has a very distinct favor. M: um, sounds interesting. Where can I find some? W: It used to be difficult to get Spanish produce here, but it's now a lot more common. Most large supermarket chains have cured ham in little packets. But in Spain, you can buy a whole leg. M: A whole pig leg? Why would anybody want so much ham? W: In Spain, many people buy a whole leg for special group events such as Christmas. They cut it themselves into very thin slices with a long flat knife. Q1 What do we learn about gazpacho? Q2 For what purpose is stale bread mixed into gazpacho? Q3 Why does the woman think gazpacho is healthy? Q4 what does the women say about cured ham? 1。A。It is a Spanish soup 2。C。To make it thicker。 3。B。It is mainly made of vegetables。


英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 听力是指启动听觉器官,接收语音信息的一种能力。其能力运用的有效性一般取决于倾听是否专心。此外,听力还是英语考试的一项,考察考生对该语言的听话能力。就比如英语听力,在考场中稍微不注意或者分神或者因为英语设备的原因无法接收英语听力信息的时候,就会错过一个正确的答案。那么,当你遇到了这种情况了怎么办?英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对, 希望这些经验能够给你一些帮助! 英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 (1)单选:- none no nothing nobody选none,- anthing nothing……选nothing- 非谓语选ed或ing- should would……选should或不填- 冠词选几个选项的交集 时态也先交集原则,然后有过去进行选,没就选一般过去- 动词短语也是交集,还是选不出来就选C (2)完型- 选最常见的词,感情词选文中出现过的- 动词选最短的,其他和单选同- (3)阅读- 三短一长选长- 三长一短选短- 一样长选C-

一样短选B 有all above 选 有we don't know 选 有绝对化的不选 有废话的选 (4)改错 不会的全画勾- 有非谓语的ed改ing ,反之亦然 其他的不好说 but -and could-can- I-you-my-me-that with-without (5)作文: firstly ,in adition ,what's more,moreover先摆上-在加点every coin has two sides等 英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 1. 快速阅读能力 养成快速阅读的能力,在应试时,同学们就可以利用监考老师发放试卷以及播放题目要求的时间,快速浏览试卷中的选项,抓住关键信息。例如大学英语四六级考试官网提供的四级样题中第一个短对话,选项如下: A) The man has left a good impression on her family。 B) The man’s jeans and T-shirts are stylish。 C) The man should buy himself a new suit。 D) The man can dress casually for the occasion。


2020年大学英语六级听力备考讲义与笔记(二) but前的话没用,but是关键,but后面的句子是准确选项。 例题: A) He has some work to do. B) The woman is going to do that. C) His boss is coming to see him. D) He doesn't feel like eating any bread today. W: I wonder if you have time to go to the food store today. We have almost run out of bread. M: You' d better do that. I haven't got my report ready yet, but my boss needs it tomorrow. Q: Why isn't the man going to do the shopping? 注:1. 第二人的回答都是充满了遗憾。 2. run out of 用完,没有 boor 土人,粗野的人(GRE词汇) 生活中常用的动词非常简单: take make go win let have 口语中常用短语: 1. mess 脏乱 His dormitory is in a big mess. 2. meet = come across = run into = bang into 遇见。

happen to meet 恰巧碰到 3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。 run out of 用完了 check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房); 结帐离开 wear out 穿破 be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫 make out 辨认出 figure out 想清楚,弄明白 She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。 She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮 work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼 help out 帮个大忙 find out 打听,查明真相 dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子 cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】 cook out 在外野餐 hang out 闲逛 turn out (to be) 事实证明 例题: A) He can't find his new apartment.


短对话部分 短对话听力的一些原则 1. 推理原则:一般需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。 2. 挫折原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的(如买东西买不到,订房间客满等 3. 男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。 英语六级考听力备考技巧 男生的特征:脏、乱、差、浪费、穷、小气、不良习惯、迟钝、不顾家 女生的特征:爱干净、节约、富有、好学、能干、聪明、大度、耐心、恋家、除数理化外成绩都很好 4. 父母一般只有一个作用教育子女好好学习 英语六级考听力备考技巧 5. 除了父母教育子女外,家里(包括朋友家,阿姨家等等发生的事情一般是不考的,故遇到地点推测题类似at home / at Mary’s home之类的选项一般都是不对的。 6. 听力短对话只考日常生活学习中遇得到事情,问题,故如果选项中出现一些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生的事情一般不会是正确选项。 英语六级考听力备考技巧 短对话十大场景及一般思路 1. 借车:车一般是借不到的 2. 吃:匹萨,海鲜吃了一般会有不适反应, “ 派” 一般比较好吃

3. 考试:作业、论文一般比较难,或须要熬夜 教授一般比较严厉 选修课较难较多 英语六级考听力备考技巧 4. 坐车(飞机、轮船 :一般都需要等 5. 事故(灾难 :光明原则,一般不会死人 6. 听讲座:题目一般是比较有趣丰富的,内容一般是比较复杂难懂的 英语六级考听力备考技巧 7. 论文:一般需要修改(polish 或重写(rewrite 8. 休闲:男生一般喜欢待在家里看 TV 或者看 moive ,女生一般喜欢高雅艺术如theater 9. 医院:需要预约 make an appointment 10买票:基本上是买不到的 英语六级考听力备考技巧 正确答案的特征 1. 含义肯定的不是正确选项,模糊的是正确选项 意思具体的不是正确选项,概括的是正确选项 意思详细的不是正确选项,抽象的是正确选项 意思肤浅的不是正确选项,深刻的是正确选项


2008年6月大学英语四级考试听力原文及答案Section A 11. A) Give his ankle a good rest. B) Treat his injury immediately. C) Continue his regular activities. D) Be careful when climbing steps. 12. A) On a train. B) On a plane. C) In a theater. D) In a restaurant. 13. A) A tragic accident. B) A sad occasion C) Smith's unusual life story. D) Smith's sleeping problem. 14. A) Review the details of all her lessons. B) Compare notes with his classmates. C)Talk with her about his learning problems. D) Focus on the main points of her lectures. 15. A) The man blamed the woman for being careless. B)The man misunderstood the woman's apology. C) The woman offered to pay for the man's coffee. D)The woman spilt coffee on the man's jacket.
