古诗词英译对比 静夜思

三译前两句与杨宪益所பைடு நூலகம்几乎一样。
a pool of light诗意较浓。三译与四译后两行 的"举头"、"低头"分别译成Eyes raised和 Head bent虽达意,但不够口语化,独立主格结 构的语气给人以生硬呆板之感,二译中分词 的应用语气要缓和的多。
10 Quiet Night Thoughts Moonlight be fore my bed, Could it be frost instead? Head up,I watch the moon; Head down,I think of home. (赵甄陶译)
古诗词英译对比: 静夜思
床前明月光, 举头望明月,
此诗一出,千百年来人们争相传诵,妇孺皆知。 它"朴素自然,语言如话,含蓄有致"(左钧 如,1998)。清人沈德潜评此诗说:"旅中情思,虽 说明却不说尽"。确是一语道破此诗真谛。愈 樾评此诗谓"月色之感人者深也。盖欲言其感 人之深而但言如何相感,则虽深以浅矣;以无情 言情则情出,从无意写意则意真。知此者可以 言诗乎!"(《湖楼笔谈》,瞿蜕园等,1980)。何庆 善点校此诗时称赞道:"思乡诗最多,终不见如 此四语之真率而有味。此信口语,后人复不能 摹拟,摹拟便丑"(黄生,1995)。
看,与原诗相同都是四句,韵式是英语格律体 常用的abab韵式。原诗第二行是此诗的诗眼, 也是翻译的难点,因而译文变化较大。第四 译第二行比其它三译更切原诗"疑"的意境。 整体而言,一译不够简练,把"疑"字译成I think, 与原诗有距离,太直。find与"望"严格说来,并 不相等。

比如说,“床前明月光”,有人翻译成“Before my bed lies a pool of moonlight” ,你想想,这和咱们中文原句的韵味是不是有点不同?就
“疑是地上霜” 被译成“It seems like frost on the ground” ,这是不是让你有种恍惚的感觉?就好像在大雾天里,看不清前方的路。
再看“举头望明月” ,“I raise my head and look at the bright moon” ,
“低头思故乡” ,“Lowering my head, thinking of home” ,这翻译得倒是挺直白,可哪有咱们古诗里那种深深的思乡情愁呀!

【doc】浅析李白《静夜思》的四种英译文浅析李白《静夜思》的四种英译文文化广场浅析李白《静夜思》的四种英译文原诗简介及分析在中国唐朝诗人李白的诗歌作品中,《静夜思》是一首清新隽永,意味深长的五言绝句,抒发了游子思乡的情愫.因其高超的写作手法和真挚感人的艺术魅力,在深受国人推崇的同时也颇受译家青睐,仅英语的译文就达20余种. 众所周知,读诗不仅仅要读它的语言本身,而且要透过语言的表象读出它背后所蕴涵的深意,所以说"诗在言外".在翻译诗歌作品的时候,要设法理解作品,即细读原作,抓住隐藏在浅白语言中的美和情感,体会其中的韵味.译者要做到传情传神,尽量迁移或再现原诗的形式美,音韵美,情感美,意境美和风格美.在比较各个翻译版本之前,先来分析和欣赏李白的原诗:静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜.举头望明月,低头思故乡.这首诗既没有奇特新颖的想象,更没有精美华丽的辞藻, 只用叙述的语气描写诗人独自望月而思乡的情景,然而它却意味深长,耐人寻味.显然当时是深夜,诗人或许刚从睡中醒来,或许根本未睡,他发现床前的月光像霜一样清冷而明亮. 于是仰起头,凝望着天上的一轮明月,不禁怀念起自己的故乡,于是低下头陷入了回忆之中.他的乡情一定有这样那样的具体内容,但却没有具体反映在诗中.全诗的中心意象为"明月",是明月撒下的光辉引出"明月"的具象,而后又是"明月" 引出"故乡",同时诗人的乡思只是点出而已,内容和程度都很模糊,与"明月"可谓虚实相生.从文体方面看,此诗以寻常口语表现平凡的生活场景和 1o0教书育人?高教论坛2010l05一邓沙琪(广东纺织职业技术学院)普通的感情活动,人人都能理解.此外,它不是一首格律诗,不讲平仄,不讲粘对,但句子短小整齐,声韵悠扬,读起来琅琅上,风格清新,简洁明快.全诗四句二十个词,融时口.言简意赅与空,远与近,高与低,情与景,现实与幻想于一炉,内容高度浓缩,内涵极其丰富.一,二,四行押"ang"韵,格律工整对仗, "明月光"与"地上霜""举头"与"低头""望"与"思"前后相互照应,体现了中国古典诗歌含蓄,洗练,自然的特点.就诗的句法而言,该诗从头到尾没有一个主语:谁的床前?谁看到了月光? 谁在望月?谁在思故乡?而英语的句子中主语是很难省略的, 这就构成了翻译的困难.此外,由于英汉文化之别,汉语推崇"朦胧中透出神奇"之美,英语则崇尚"明澈中显露逻辑"之美,英汉语言表达方式与时代背景的差异更让诗歌的翻译难上加难.因此译者不仅要必须具备驾驭翻译理论和运用翻译技巧的能力,而且要有深厚的汉诗和英诗功底,扎实的东西方文化知识以及诗人的才情.这里我们选取了四种不同版本的译文进行比较赏析. 二分析欣赏四种译文NightThoughtsInfrontofmybedthemoonlightisverybright.1wonderifthatcanbefrostonthefloor?Iliftupmyheadandlookatthefullmoon,thedazzlingmoon.Idropmyhead,andthinkofthehomeofoldday.(Tr.AmyLowell译)很多译者都认为,诗意忠实于原诗是第一位的,这种忠实可以通过再现原诗的意象获得,因此把唐诗翻译成自由体诗也无不可.这篇译文作品就采用了自由诗体,没有用韵,与原诗的形式相差较大.原诗的第二句用一个"疑"字,恰到好处地反映了诗人当时的心理感觉.这首译诗用疑问句"1wonderffthatcanbefroston thefloor?"来表现这个"疑"字,显得有些生硬.第三句添加了the fullmoon(满月)和thedazzlingmoon(耀眼的月亮),作为增饰.第四句在"故乡"上加上olddays(往昔),把原文的意思延伸了.而dazzling(耀眼的,眩目的)一词在程度方面过于强烈.总体来说, 此译文虽然存在一定不足,但也基本表现出了原诗的意境.且句式用词都很口语化,便于国k读者的理解.NightThoughts1wake,andmoonbeamsplayaroundmybed, Glitteringlikehoarfrosttomywanderingeyes;UptowardsthegloriousmoonIraisemyhead, Thenlaymedownandthoughtsofhomearise. (Tr.HerbertA.Glies译) 这首译诗是以英文四行体翻译的,各行音节基本一致,其中第一行,第四行是标准的抑扬格五音步,韵式为abab.第,句中的"wake"添加了原诗没有的意义."床前明月光,疑是地上霜."可能是诗人"醒来"后的所见,这属于从原诗引出的合理联想.另外,译者为了工整音步,将"疑是"译作like,"地上"也去掉了.但"低头"改译为laymedown的变动较大,由汉语的具体动作变成了英诗中较常见的隐喻表达.ATranquilNightAbed,Iseeasilverlight,1wonderifit'sfrostaground.Lookingup,Ifoundthemoonbright; Bowing,inhomesicknessI'mdrowned.(许渊冲译)许渊冲教授是我国翻译界的前辈,他译的《静夜思》基本保持了唐诗的对仗与韵律风格,并体现了原作思想和语言上的艺术风貌.从篇章结构看,许译在句型排列上整齐,错落有致.也用了abab的韵脚.该诗第一行的light和第三行的 bright,第二行的aground和第四行的drowned都是尾韵,同时又为consonance(和音).这样译诗就拥有了韵律美.强调原作中动作的顺序转承,即由见到疑,由疑到望,由望而思.只用了七至八个单词,使每行的音节数目基本相同.每首每句的节奏和长短都整整齐齐,力求传达中国古诗特有的形式美. NostalgiaAsplashofwhiteonmybedroomfloor.Hoarfrost?Iraisemyeyestothemoon.thesanlemoon.Assceneslongpastcometomind,myeyesfallagainontheSplashofwhite.andmyheartachesforhome.(翁显良译)翁显良的译诗用简单明了的言词描述了诗人月夜思乡的情怀,基本符合原诗的风格,但在形式上用散文的解释性语言来描写,完全没有按照韵诗的韵律格式来表达."疑是地上霜" 被转换成"Hoarfrost"(结霜了)的反问句式来表达疑问心理,乃为汉式英语.这首译文照原文直接翻译,带有汉语语篇结构模式的痕迹,句与句直接组合,中间缺少衔接手段,语义显露,诗意不多.此外,在对题目的翻译中,前三个译本都不约而同地文化广场强调"静夜"的意象,着重渲染环境氛围.只有翁显良用了 "Nostalgia"(乡愁),强调这首诗的中心情感.三综合分析四个译本从不同角度忠实于原着,或多或少地秉承了原作的风格.但无论中西译者,由于英汉语言差别较大,都必须对译文进行调整和改造.1在主语以及动词的时态,语态等方面.原诗通篇无主语,英译时必须补出主语.如前一句"床前明月光",四首译诗大致有两种补法,一是以"我"做主语,二是用"Asplash ofwhite"直译观感.从时态上看,汉语本身无时态,直接表达感受或描述.英语动词则须有时态,本论文选取的四位译者都用现在时,其他译者中也有用过去时的例子.2在英汉诗歌形式方面.汉语古诗排列整齐,简练, 虚词很少,信息载量较大,连续几个词造成的意象可构成一幅幅画面;英诗则介词,连词,冠词一般不可缺少,这就使得在行数体例方面完全对应十分困难.外国译者的翻译会根据英诗的体例做一些散文化意译ProseParaphrase)的调整;而中国译者如许译比较注意维护原诗的形式,倾向于采用诗化翻译法 (VersifiedTranslation),尽量译得简练.但有时过分追求这一点,又会影响意境的传递.3英汉诗歌的韵律.汉语和英语是两种完全不同的语言体系.汉语基本上是单音节,并无明显的重音,由四声构成发音的抑扬顿挫,主要以平仄音调组成诗句的韵律.英语是多音节语言,依靠单词中的元辅音,长短音和重音来形成韵律.双方各自不同的韵律美很难在英汉互译中表现出来.四篇译文中,第二和第三译文对此做了尝试,但仍然难以完美地体现.可见诗歌的形式,技巧,语言应用,格律及所反映的意境等元素要想准确地用另一种语言表达出来,难度是极大的. 传达"意思"不易,传达"意境"尤难.本文对《静夜思》的四个英文译本进行了比较和分析,探讨如何才能在翻译中更好地重现原诗的美.在诗歌翻译过程中,必须要把诗歌所涉及的诸多因素综合考虑,在翻译文本中实现最大限度的信息对等传递,在译文中力求再现原诗的意美,音美,形美,达到形神兼顾.翻译者必须坚持这种长期不懈的追求.参考文献【1]nguage,CultureandTranslating[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1993.[2】许渊冲.翻译的艺术【M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1984.【3]贺新辉.唐诗精品鉴赏辞典[M】.北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003.教书育人?高教论坛2010105101。

本文将从译意、译味、译境三个角度比较四个英译本,包括: 1. Pound版:床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
2. Waley版:床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
3. Yip版:Moonlight before my bed,Maybe frost on the ground.Lift my head and see the moon,Lower it and think of home.4. Watson版:Tonight at my bedside, the bright moonlight,Like frost on the ground.I raise my head to watch the bright moon,And lower it, thinking of my homeland.通过对比,可以发现:在译意方面,四个版本都保留了原文的意思,没有偏离原意。
在译味方面,Pound版和Waley版使用了相同的译法,用“明月光”来表达月光的亮度,而Yip版和Watson版则用“Moonlight”和“bright moonlight”来表达。
另外,Pound版和Waley版用“疑是地上霜”来表达月光下的景象,而Yip版和Watson版则用“Maybe frost on the ground”和“Like fros t on the ground”来表达。

十句古诗名言用英语翻译1. "静夜思" by 李白- Chinese: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
- English: Before my bed, the moonlight glows so bright, I suspect frost on the ground. I raise my head to gaze at the bright moon, and bow it to think of my hometown.2. "登鹳雀楼" by 王之涣- Chinese: 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。
- English: The sun sets behind the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea. To extend one's view a thousand miles, one must ascend one more floor.3. "春晓" by 孟浩然- Chinese: 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。
- English: In spring, one sleeps without noticing dawn, hearing birds everywhere. The sound of wind and rain last night, who knows how many flowers have fallen.4. "望岳" by 杜甫- Chinese: 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
- English: I shall ascend to the utmost peak, to look down upon the lesser mountains.5. "江雪" by 柳宗元- Chinese: 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
古诗词英译对比 静夜思

3 Thoughts in a Tranquil Night Athwart the bed I watch the moonbeams cast a trail So bright,so cold,so frail, That for a space it gleams Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams. I raise my head,—— The splendid moon I see: Then droop my head, And sink to dreams of thee—— my fatherland,of thee!
(2) Abed,I see a silver light, I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up,I find the moom bright; Bowing,in homesickness I'm drowned.
(3)Before my bed a pool of light, Is it hoarfrost upon the ground? Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright; Head bent,in homesickness I'm drowned.
以信、达、雅Biblioteka 论,此译"达、雅"有余,"信" 字不足。"疑"字译成thought太直,传达不出 原诗意境;"望明月"译成"凝视着她的明亮脸 庞",有些矫揉造作,her clear face会干扰读者 的思绪,与原诗思乡主题太远。据金堤教授 的一项调查,许多读者欣赏译诗时感觉第三 句"幻想、浪漫色彩过重,不能产生什么具体 的感情"(1997),不过有人觉得第三行的三个 头韵frost (had) fallen from颇具诗意(马红军 2000)。诗译的标题也太离题了。

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边疆经济与文化! "##$ 年第 % 期
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诗的 题 目, “ 思” 的 意 境 很 难 体 现。而“ 7;<’6 &’*4<’6=” 的译法就缺少了其中“ 静” 的意境。 就其整个译文而言,译诗( 一) 把前两句处 理成问句,第一句避免了直接译出“ 明月光” ,又 在第 三 句 加 上 “ > ?*4/, ” ,从 而 很 好 地 表 达 了 “疑” 在原诗中的意境;但其最后一句译为“ @;/AB ,用 ;/< CD.A D<D;/,> 6’*4<’6 =4,,(/51 *? ’*0(E ” “ 躺下” 来代替“ 低头” ,无法表达诗中低头怅然 若失的意境,有一定的缺失。译诗( 二) 的整体 感觉很不错,都用断句来承担意义,读起来琅琅上 口,望去结构工整,并用“ FD6.’ ”“ ,+(D0 ” 来表 示“ 望” 、 “ 思” ,表达了原诗中在望月的过程中有 联翩浮想,思念梦中的家乡的意境。然而, “ C+;<’6 0**/5;<’6” 、 “ >G0 ’*0( ” 则无法表达月光的冷冷清 辉所传递的寂静、萧瑟和诗人想念故乡的一人一物 的强烈感情,其意境较差。译诗( 三) 言简意赅, 其中“ H(D, 4I,…H(D, ,*F/…” 的译法应该说是 译者煞费苦心才达到的从内容和形式上都和原文一 致。可 在 英 语 读 者 看 来, 却 “ 使 大 多 数 人 感 到 ‘ 突兀’ 、 ‘ 不自然’ 、 ‘ 使我头晕’ ,或是立刻联想 到‘ 体操口 令’ ” ,这 就 完 全 丧 失 了 原 诗 的 意 境, 可谓形神无法兼顾。 译诗( 四) 则用“ D I**5 *? 5;<’6” 、 “ ’*D+?+*=6 ” 向读者传达了清冷的光辉洒向

( 甄 陶译 ) 赵 此 译 与原 诗 字 数 最 接 近 , 原诗 2 字 , 诗 译 成 2 个 词 0个 译 1
以保存 原诗简练 的风 格 ( 赵甄陶,]8) 96。第 二句 似受 Wie tr t
朱炳荪先生称赞此译说 “ 英译颇有独到之处 , 深刻地表达 了原作 中 E夜思乡的惆怅之感 ,而在层次安排文字运用上更 l 是加 深 了异 乡孤 儿 对月 哀愁 之 情 ”18) ( 0。他具 体分 析 到 : 9 gem一词没有言明月光为第二句“ ” l a 疑 字作 了铺垫 , 疑 ” 使“ 更
法, 后来人们 多有借鉴 , 赵甄 陶教授的译文 中 , 二句 的译 法 第
并 非 十 全 十 美 。 大 雨 先 生 就认 为 B m r “ 前 ” 为 o 孙 y me 把 床 译 n
19 ) 9 8。操英语 的人这种感觉或 印象真令诗译者始料不及。看
每 个 诗 译 者必 须 面 对 和 深 思 的 问题 。
译 文 三 :h o S i s E ey h r. e g te on T e Mon hn vr e S i h M o e w e en
beo e f r my o h O i h , ho g t a r s h d al n fo c uc S brg tI t u h ho r fo t a fle r m t e ihtOn e ce r f c I a e h n g . h r la a e g z wi l e e e ; t i d y sThe hie h f t n d
se d He d p, wac te ta ? a u 1 th h mo n; a d wn, t nk f ho . o He d o I hi o me

NostalgiaA splash of white on my bedroom floor.Hoarfrost?I raise my eyes to the moon,the same moon.As scenes long past come to mind,my eyes fall again on the splash of white,and my heart aches for home.(翁显良译)Quiet Night ThoughtsMoonlight before my bed,Could it be frost instead?Head up,I watch the moon;Head down,I think of home.(赵甄陶译)Thoughts in the Still of the NightA pool of moonlight before the bed,Took it to be frost on the ground.Raised my head to gaze at the moon,And lowered it to think of home.(任治稷、余正译)Thoughts in a Quiet NightMoonlight there is afore my bed,I doubt if it’s frost on the ground.To gaze at the moon,I lift my head,When bending low,thoughts of home abound.(顾绶昌译)Reflections on a Quiet NightBefore my bed shine bright the silver beams,It seems the autumn frost on the ground so gleams.I gaze upwards toward the moon in the skies,And downwards look when a nostalgia does arise.(万昌盛、王间中译)Thoughts in the Silent NightBeside my bed a pool of light—Is it hoarfrost on the ground?I lift my eyes and see the moon,I bend my head and think of home.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)In the still of the nightI descry bright moonlight in front of bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon,as I tilt back my head.I yearn,while stooping,for my homeland more.(徐忠杰译)A Tranquil NightAbed,I see a silver light,I wonder if It’s frost around.Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness I’m drowned.(许渊冲译1984)A Tranquil NightBefore my bed a pool of light.Can it be hoarfrost on the ground?Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness I’m drowned.(许渊冲译2004)Thoughts on a Tranquil NightBefore my bed a pool of light—Can it be hoar-frost on the ground?Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness I’m drowned.(许渊冲译2005)Thoughts on a Tranquil NightBefore my bed a pool of light—O can it be hoar-frost on the ground?Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness I’m drowned.Notes:Seeing a pool of moonlight,the poet is drowned in the pond of homesickness.(许渊冲译2006)Homesickness in a Silent NightBefore my bed the silver moonbeams spread—I wonder if it is the frost upon the ground.I see the moon so bright when raising my head,Withdrawing my eyes my nostalgia comes around.(屠笛、屠岸译)Thoughts at NightThe watery moonbeams bathe the ground before my bed,I doubt if there is frost.Holding my head to look at the moon bright,Unwittingly makes me miss my home.(王力伟译)Still Night ThoughtsMoonlight in front of my bed—I took it for frost on the ground!I lift my eyes to watch the mountain moon,lower them and dream of home.(Burton Watson译)In the Quiet NightSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bed—Could there have been a frost already?Lifting myself to look,I found that it was moonlight.Sinking back again,I thought suddenly of home.(Witter Bynner译)As by my bedthe moon did beam,It seemed as if with frost the earth were spread.But soft I raiseMy head,to gazeAt the fair moon.And now,With head bent low,Of home I dream.(John Turner译)Night ThoughtsI wake,and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,Then lay me down—and thoughts of home arise.(Herbert A.Giles译)On a Quiet NightI saw the moonlight before my couch,And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.I raised my head and looked out on the mountain moon, I bowed my head and thought of my far-off home.(S.Obata译)The Moon Shines EverywhereSeeing the Moon before my couch so brightI thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:Then hide them full of Youth's sweet memories.(W.J.B.Fletcher译)Night ThoughtsOn bed bright moon shone,Thought frost on ground foamed,Raised head faced bright moon,Lowered head dreamt of home.(Wong Man译)The bright moon shonebefore my bed,I wondered—was it frost upon the ground?I raised my headto gaze at the clear moon,Bowed my headremembering my old home.(Innes Herdan译)Thoughts in a Tranquil NightAthwart the bedI watch the moonbeams cast a trailSo bright,so cold,so frail,That for a space it gleamsLike hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams.I raise my head,—The splendid moon I see:Then droop my head,And sink to dreams of thee—My fatherland,of thee!(L.Cranmer-Byng译)Night ThoughtsIn front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?I lift up my head and look at the full moon,the dazzling moon.I drop my head,and think of the home of old days.(Amy Lowell译)Calm Night ThoughtThe moon light is on the floor luminousI thought it was frost,it was so whiteHolding up head I look at mountain moonthat makes me lower headlowering head think of old homealternate lines:mountainlooking up I find it to be the moon(Ezra Pound译)Meditation in a Quiet NightThe moon shines brightlyIn front of my bed.It was frost on the groundI thought and said.I gaze at the bright moon,Raising my head.I miss my native placeWhen I bend my head.(唐一鹤译)Homesickness in a Quiet,Moonlit NightWhat bright beams are beside my bed in room!Could on the ground there be the frost so soon?Lifting my head I see a big full moon,Only to bend to think of my sweet home.(王大濂译)In the Quiet of the NightLi BaiThe ground before my bed presents a stretch of light, Which seems to be a tract of frost that’s pure and bright.I raise my head:a lonely moon is what I see;I stoop,and homesickness is crying loud in me!(卓振英、刘筱华译)Home-Thoughts on a Quiet NightLi BaiThe bright moonlight ahead of my bedI take for a frost layer on ground.I look at the moon,raising my head;Lowering it,I think of my homeland.(陈君朴译)Thoughts on a Quiet EveningLi BaiThe floor is flooded with moonlightFrost covered the old earth like thatI gaze at the moonShimmering in a dark hourSad and homesickI bow down my head(王守义、约翰·诺弗尔译)Thoughts in Night QuietSeeing moonlight here at my bed,and thinking it’s frost on the ground,I look up,gaze at the mountain moon,then back,dreaming of my old home.(David Hinton译)Moonlit NightOver my bed the moonlight streams,making it look like frost-covered ground;lifting my head I see the brightness,then dropping it,and I filled with thoughts of home.(Rewi Alley译)Longing in the NightLi BaiBefore the bed shone the bright moonlight at hand,I fancied it was frost on the ground.I raised my head to look at the bright moon,And lowered my head to think of my native land.(张炳星译)Meditation on a Quiet NightLi PoI see the moonlight shining on my couch.Can it be that frost has fallen?I lift my head and watch the mountain moon, Then my head droops in meditation of earth.(Robert Payne译)Quiet Night ThoughtsA pool of moonlight on my bed this late hour like a blanket of frost on the world.I lift my eyes to a bright mountain moon. Resigned,remembering my home,I bow.(Sam Hamill译)Thoughts in a Still NightLi BaiThe luminous moonshine before my bed,Is thought to be the frost fallen on the ground.I lift my head to gaze at the cliff moon,And then bow down to muse on my distant home.(孙大雨译)Musings on a Quiet NightLi BaiThe bright moonlight near my cot Seemed to me like white ground frost.I looked up to gaze at the moon;I looked down to think of home.(龚景浩译)Homesick on a Quiet NightLi BaiFlooded is my bedside by the moonlight,On the floor it looks like some fresh frost.I look up and see the moon shine so bright, Hanging my head,in nostalgia I’m lost.(刑全臣译)Quiet Night ThoughtsLi PoBefore my bed a moonlight land,I thought frost had come on the sand. Head raised,I gaze at the bright moon; Head bowed,I think of my homeland.(施颖洲译)Thoughts on a Silent NightLi BaiA gleam of light streams down over my bed, I wonder if it’s the frost on the ground. Raising my eyes,I gaze at the bright moon, Lowering my head,I miss home town.(黄新渠译)Nocturnal ThoughtsLi BaiThe moonlight streaming to my bed—Frost-laid,methinks,the earth does loom.I see the moon,on raising my head,And bowing,I think of old home.(林同济译)Night ThoughtThe bright moonlightin front of the bedappears like froston the ground.I look upat the fair moon,andlowering my head,I think of home.(裘小龙译)Night ThoughtsLi BaiThe bright moon shines on the bed foot around, Can it be instead the frost on the ground? Lifting my head,I look at the bright moon; Dropping it,I think of my homeland soon.(刘重德译)Thinking in a Silent EveningLi BaiBefore my bed sheds the silver moonlight,As if it were frost on the ground,I doubt.I raise my eyes,the moon appearing bright,I hang my head,homesickness gushing out.(杨纪鹤译)Homesickness in Silent NightLi BaiSeeing the moonbeams by my couch light,I wonder if it’s frosting aground.Gazing on the clear moon shining bright,In homesickness I’m deeply drowned.(刘克璋译)Night ThoughtsBefore my bed there is bright moonlight, So that it seems like frost on the ground. Lifting my head I watch the bright moon, Lowering my head I dream that I’m home.(Arthur Cooper译)Brooding in the Still NightBright moonlight before my bed.At first I think the floor is all frost.I gaze up at the mountain moon,then drop my head in a dream of home.(Tony Barnstone,Willis Barnstone,and Chou Ping译)Thoughts on a Quiet NightBefore my bed the light is so brightit looks like a layer of frostlifting my head I gaze at the moonlying back down I think of home(Red Pine译)Thoughts in the Silent NightLi BaiThe moonlight shines in front of my bed.I wonder if it’s frost that on the ground lies.I see the bright moon as I lift my head.As I lower it,longings for my home town arise.(谢百魁译)Night MeditationLi PoIn front of my bed flooded with moonbeam,I mistook for frost appears on the floor;Lifting my head trying to watch the moon,I drooped again for missing our hometown.(林建民译)Homesick at a Still NightLi BaiA silver moon hangs by the balustrade,I fancy moonlight as frost on the ground.Gazing up of the bright moon I’m looking,Lowering my head of my native land I’m missing.(刘军平译)Homesickness on a Moonlit NightLi BaiBefore my bed there streams in the moonlight.It lies there on the ground,looking like frost. Lifting my head,I gaze at the moon bright; Lowering my head,in homesickness I’m lost.(王玉书译)In the Quiet Night ThoughtsOh,how the moon shines my bed!It’s thought frost on the ground that lies.To gaze at it,I raise my head,But long for home with downcast eyes.(倪培龄译)Thinking Quietly at NightOver my bed is the bright moonlight;Is the frost painting ground in white?I raise my head to see the moon bright,Lower it to picture my home in mind.(朱曼华译)Night ThoughtsI saw the moonlight before my bed,I wonder if it were the frost on the ground;I raised my head and looked at the full moon,I dropped my head and thought of my far-off home.(蔡宣培译)Thoughts on a Tranquil NightLi BaiThe moonlight in front of my bedTakes after the frost on earth shed.I lift my eyes for the bright moon;Head down,I long for home soon.(曹顺发译)Muse on My Hometown in a Quiet NightLi BaiIn front of the window the moon shines bright,Yet I take it as a patch of frost on the ground.I lift my head to gaze at the cliff moon white,Bowing down to muse on my homeland spellbound.(都森、陈玉筠译)Thinking(Musing,Pondering)in a Quiet NightLi BaiThe bright moonlight before the chairI take for frost on the floor.Raising my head,I watch the bright moon;(I raise my head,watching the bright moon;)Bowing my head,I think of my homeland.(I bow my head,thinking of my homeland.)(海外逸士译)Night ThoughtsLi BaiThere were bright moonbeams in front of my bedAnd I mistook them for frost on the ground.I lifted my head and gazed at the bright moon;I dropped my head again and thought of home.(Peter Harris译)Night ThoughtsLi PoIn front of my bed there is bright moonlightI think there must be hoar frost on the ground;I raise my head and gaze at the bright moon,Lowering it I think of the old country.(Soame Jenyns译)Thoughts in a Quite NightLi PoI see the moonlight at my bed,Which looks like white frost on the ground.Fro th’mountain moon,I raise my head,And then lower it,homesickness-bound.(黄福海译)。

Five-character-quatrainLi Bai1. In the Still of the NightI descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon,as I tilt back my head.I yearn,while stooping,for my homeland more.2. A Tranquil NightAbed,I see a silver light,I wonder if it's frost aground.Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness I'm drowned.3. In the Quiet NightSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bed——Could there have been a frost already?Lifting my head to look,I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again,I thought suddenly of home.4. Night ThoughtsI wake,and moonbeams play around my bed,Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,Then lay me down——and thoughts of home arise.5. On a Quiet NightI saw the moonlight before my couch,And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.I raised my head and looked out on the mountain noon,I bowed my head and though of my far-off home.6. The Moon Shines EverywhereSeeing the moon before my couch so brightI thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:Then hide them full of Youth's sweet memories.7. Night ThoughtsIn front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?I list up my head and look at the full noon,the dazzling moon.I drop my head,and think of the home of old days.8. Thoughts in a Tranquil NightAthwart the bed I watch the moonbeams cast a trailSo bright,so cold,so frail,That for a space it gleamsLike hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams.I raise my head,-The splendid moon I see:Then droop my head,And sink to dreams of thee -My father land ,of thee!9. NostalgiaA splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost?I raise my eyes to the moon,the same noon.As scenes long past come to mind,my eyes fall again on the splash of white,and my heart aches for home.五言绝句江雪(唐)柳宗元千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。


On a Quiet Night
When I think of the past, I feel lonely in the quiet of the night; I think of my home in the country, And my tears fall down like rain.
The moon shines on my window, And I think of my friends far away; I long for them, but they are not near, And my heart is full of sorrow.
But though I am lonely, I know I am not alone; For the great spirit of the universe Is always with me, and will never leave me.

译⽂⼀:In the Quiet Night.So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed――Could there have been a frost already Lifting up my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.(Witter Bynner 译) 朱炳荪先⽣称赞此译说“英译颇有独到之处,深刻地表达了原作中⽇夜思乡的惆怅之感,⽽在层次安排⽂字运⽤上更是加深了异乡孤⼉对⽉哀愁之情”(1980)。
他具体分析到: gleam⼀词没有⾔明⽉光为第⼆句“疑”字作了铺垫,使“疑”更⾃然,⼜省了重复明⽉的⿇烦。
孙⼤⾬先⽣就认为Bymmer把“床前”译为on the foot of my bed是误译。

1.In the Still of the NightI descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watched the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.(徐忠杰译)2. A Tranquil NightAbed, I see a silver light,I wonder if it’s frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.(许渊冲译)3.In the Quiet NightSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bed---Could there have been a frost already?Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.(Tr, Witter Bynner)4.Night ThoughtsI wake, and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,Then lay me down---and thoughts of home arise.(Tr. Herbert A. Giles)5.On a Quiet NightI saw the moonlight before my couch,And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.I raised my head and looked out on the mountain moon, I bowed my head and thought of my far-off home.(Tr. S. Obata)6.The Moon Shines EverywhereSeeing the Moon before my couch so brightI thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:The hide them full of Youth’s sweet memories.(Tr. W.J.B. Fletcher)7.Night ThoughtsIn front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?I lift up my head and look at the full moon, the dazzling moon.I drop my head, and think of the home of old days.(Tr. Amy Lowell)8.Thoughts in a Tranquil NightAthwart the bedI watch the moonbeams cast a trailSo bright, so cold, so frail,That for a space it gleamsLike hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams.I raise my head,----The splendid moon I see:Then droop my head,And sink to dream of thee----My fatherland, of thee!(Tr. L. Cranmer-Byng)9.NostalgiaA splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost?I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon.As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of white , and my heart aches for home.(翁显良译)。

诗译英▏腹有诗书气自华静夜诗Thoughts on a Tranquil Night李白 Li Bai床前明夜光,Before my bed a pool of light--疑是地上霜。
O can it be frost on the ground?举头望明月,Looking up, I find the moon bright;低头思故乡。
Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.-- 许渊冲译【Key Words】tranquil [ˈtræŋkwɪl]adj. 安静的; 平静的; 安宁的a pool of一池;一滩; 一小片frost英 [frɒst] 美 [frɔːst]n. 严寒天气; 霜冻; 冰点以下的温度; 霜v. (使)蒙上霜,结霜; 给(糕饼)覆上糖霜bow [baʊ]v. 鞠躬; 点头; 低(头); 垂(首); (使)弯曲n. 鞠躬; 弯腰行礼; 船头; 艏n. 弓; 蝴蝶结; 琴弓v. 用琴弓拉奏(弦乐器)homesicknessn. 乡愁;怀乡病drown [draʊn]v. (使)淹死; 浸透; 淹没; 陷入……;沉浸在……里【诗意】明亮的月光洒在窗户纸上,好像地上泛起了一层霜。
Li BaiBorn in Suiye in the Western Regions, Li Bai (701-762) was alsocalled Taibai(courtesy name), or Qinglian Jushi (literary name) which literally means ‘Blue Lotus Recluse’. His ancestral home was in Longxi, Chengji (present-day Jingning County, Gansu Province). In a vagarious and heroic style, his poems are imbued with fervent emotions and abundant imaginations. He is also hailed as ‘Poet Immortal’. His poems are complied into Li Taibai Ji.。

结 语
知 .
[ 1 ] 教体 艺[ 2 0 0 7 ] 号 文: 教 育部、 国 家体 育总局 、 共 青 团中
央 决定 4 月 2 9 日在 全 国 范 围启 动 全 国 亿 万 学 生张宇峰 .高校 对 于“ 阳光体 育” 民族性 和地域 性传 承
l o o k等 ; 表 示 反 应 的 动词 有 l i k e , p l e a s e等 , 表 示 认 知 的 动 间 与
《 静仪思》 及其英 译本进 行及 物性 分析 对 比, 并 尝试 对 不同 版
本的英译文在表达原诗 的“ 经验” 意 义 方 面 做 出评 价 。
中, 趣 味性的体育 内容要 加晕 。比如老鹰 抓小 鸡 、 捉迷 藏等 在
对 唐诗 《 静 夜 思》 及其 英 译 文 的 及物性 分析
( 上海海事大学外 国语学院 上海 )
要: 本 文从及物性理论 出发 , 对《 静夜 思》 及其英译本进行及物性分析对 比, 并对不 同版 本的英译 文在 表达原诗 的“ 经验” 意义
方 面 做 出评 价 。
关键词 : 及物性 ; 《 静夜思》 ; 英 译 文 评 价
中 国儿 章 中开 展 已有 数 百 年 历 史 , 至今 仍为 儿童 爱不 释手 ; 在
参 考 文 献
巾学 丌展 “ 阳光体 育运 动” 中, 要适 当选择 运 动强 度与 趣味 性 兼备 的体育项 日, 比如 抢花 炮 、 踩高跷 、 武术 等。有人 对跳绳 、 武术 、 踩高跷 、 秋千、 踢房 、 放风 筝等传 统体 育项 目的开展进 行 过实验 , 结果 示 , 在很 大程度 上激发 了学 牛从 事体 育锻炼 的
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3 收稿日期 :2007 - 03 - 15 修回日期 :2007 - 05 - 16 作者简介 :雍文明 (1978 - ) 男 ,河南修武人 ,硕士研究生 ,主要从事翻译理论研究 。
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不符了 。第四句中“Sinking back”并不是“低头”,而“思故 乡”并不是“suddenly”产生的 ,而是触景生情自然的结果 。
L . Cranmer2Byng 译得太繁琐了 ,形同散文 。而且给原 诗添加了不少的信息 ,几乎完全失去原诗的意境和形式 。比 如“cast a t rail”“, f rail”“, margin of my dreams”等等都不符 合原意 。“故乡”译成“fat her land”,更是错误的 。这都是译 者对该诗当时的创作背景没有弄清楚 。
译诗的关键在于译出诗的神韵 。诗言志 。志者 ,情也 。 这就要求译者首先吃透原诗的精神 ,挖掘其深层蕴含 ,深入 诗中情景 ,体会诗人情感将原诗的神韵传译出来[9] 。要译出 诗的味道 ,再现诗的神韵 ,就要在“深化”上下功夫 ,即要打破 原文表层结构的束缚 ,挖掘其深层含义 ,译者要设身处地 ,与 作者“神思契合”“, 要像演员进入角色那样 ,体会和培养诗人 的感情”[9 ] 。
tion) ,尽量译得简练 。 奈达曾提出翻译有两种形式 :形式对应和内容对等 。形
式对应 (formal correspondence) ,意即译者把源语直接转换 成目的语 ,即译者把重点放在原文或源语的表达形式上 ,译 者尽一切可能使目的语的表达形式与源语的表达形式一致 。 奈达曾反对过形式对应的 ,他认为翻译过程中的内容是第一 位 ,形式对应会抹杀原文的文化意义 ,在他后来的一部著作 《从一种语言到另一种语言 :论圣经翻译中的功能对等》中 , 他改变了对形式对应的看法 ,他认为在翻译过程中 ,不仅要 求信息内容的对等 ,而且要尽可能地做到形式对应 。因为形 式也表达意义 ,改变形式也就改变了意义 。所以 ,翻译中形 式的改变只有在以下五种情况下进行 : (1) 直译原文会使意 义发生错误 ; (2) 借用语会构成语义空白 ( semantic zero) ,因 而可能使读者填入错误信息 ; (3) 形式对应会引起严重的意 义不明 ; (4) 形式对应会产生不为原作者有意安排的歧义表 达法 ; (5) 形式对应会引起译文语法错误 、语法不和[6] 。
第 24 卷 第 4 期 Vol. 24 No . 4
平 原 大 学 学 报
2007 年 08 月 Aug. 2007
从李白《静夜思》的几则译文谈古诗英译 3
(新乡医学院 外国语言学系 ,河南 新乡 453003)
翁显良先生的译文 ,第一 、二句诗译得地道简洁而不失 诗味 ,与原文简练朴实的文风十分吻合 。第三句译文增加了 “t he same moon”,别具匠心 ,不仅使读者联想到诗人虽举头 望月 ,却无心赏月 ,感叹的是“古时月 ,今时月”“, 此地月 ,彼 地月”,浮想的是故乡的亲人 ,思乡之情油然而生 。而至诗人 “低头 之 际 ”思 念 正 浓 。最 后 一 句 的 my heart aches for home ,寥寥数词 ,诗人思乡之苦跃然纸上 ,点到即止 。深入 诗中情景 ,体会诗人情感 ,生动形象地再现了诗人思乡之情 由淡到浓的过程 。并且 ,从“t he same moo n”开始 ,诗的节奏 渐趋舒缓 ,衬托了诗人“思悠悠”的情怀 。译者思虑之缜密可 见一斑 。整首译文诗味之浓 ,感染力之强更令人百读不厌 , 回味无穷 。[3] 但这是一首诗 , 在翁显良的笔下已变成了散 文 。[4] 无论译文多么优美 ,似乎也无法为人们接受 。
公司 ,1999. [ 7 ] 翁显良. 文学翻译丛谈[ M ]. 北京 :中国对外翻译出版公
科学版) ,2001 , (6) . [ 4 ] 冯庆华. 实用翻译教程 :英汉互译 [ M ] . 上海 : 上海外语
教育出版社 ,2001. [ 5 ] 吴萍. 浅析李白的《静夜思》5 种英译本 [J ] . 克山师专学
报 ,2004 , (2) . [ 6 ] 谭载喜. 新编奈达论翻译 [ M ] . 北京 :中国对外翻译出版
参考文献 :
[ 1 ] 王炳霖. 古 代 诗 英 译 商 榷 (上) [J ]. 张 家 口 师 专 学 报 ,
1999 , (9) . [ 2 ] 任伟. 格律诗词翻译的等效探讨 [J ] . 中国矿业大学学报
(社会科学版) ,2003 , (3) . [ 3 ] 胡瑾. 古诗英译之“四化”[J ] . 湖南农业大学学报 (社会
Sinking back again , I t ho ught suddenly of ho me. (Bynner 译)
Tho ught s in a Tranquil Night At hwart t he bed I watch t he moo nbeams cast a t rail So bright , so cold , so f rail , That fo r a space it gleams Like hoar2f ro st o n t he margin of my dreams. I raise my head ——— The splendid moo n I see : Then drop my head , And sink to dreams of t hee ——— My fat herland , of t hee !
汉诗整齐 、简练 ,虚词很少 ,一句汉诗的信息量比一行英 诗大 ,连续几个词造成的意象可能构成一幅图画 ;英诗则不 易像汉诗一样整齐 、简练 ,因其介词 、连词 、冠词常常是不可 缺少的 ,这就使得在行数方面保持相似十分困难 。外国人翻 译的中国诗就更像散文化意译 ( Pro se Parap hrase) ,句子远 比原诗长 ,诗译过长就会在形式上失去诗味 ;中国人译的比 较注意 原 诗 的 形 式 , 采 用 诗 化 翻 译 法 ( Versified Transla2
(翁显良 译) Bynner 的译文把前两句处理成问句 ,不仅避免了直接 译出“明月光”,又在第三句里加上“I fo und”,从而起到了画 龙点睛的作用 ,这样就把原诗中的“疑”明确表达出来了 ;然 后在后两句里也确切使用了“一般过去时”的“谓语动词”,使 全诗清清楚楚地呈现追记的层次 。但是 Bynner 译的第三句 “Lifting myself to loo k , I fo und t hat it was moo n light”,说 明不是“望明月”,而是“举起头来才发现明月”,这就与原意
Wat son 的译文 ,从结构上看 ,十分忠实于原文 ,几乎每 个词句都能对号入座 。例如 “, 床前”“: in f ront of my bed”, “疑是”“: took …fo r”“, 地上”“: on t he gro und”“, 霜”“: f ro st” 等等 。此译文过分拘泥于原文逐字逐句对译 ,结果译了字 , 却没有译出诗的神韵 ,没有译出诗人的情怀 ,读起来令人感 到索然无味 。
(Burto n Wat son 译) No stalgia A splash of white o n my bedroom floo r. Hoarf ro st ? I raise my eyes to t he moo n , t he same moo n. As scenes long past come to mind , my eyes fall again o n t he splash of white , and my heart aches for home
(L . Cranmer2Byng 译) Moonlight in f ront of my bed ——— I too k it fo r f ro st on t he ground ! I lift my eyes to watch t he mountain moon , Lower t hem and dream of ho me.
In t he Quiet Night So bright a gleam o n t he foot of my bed ———
Could t here have been a f ro st already ?
Lifting my head to look , I found t hat it was moonlight ,
摘 要 :按照等效论的观点 ,翻译的原则是再现原作效果 。诗是高度集中审美形式和形象思维 艺术 ,即“神美”。而古诗的形式包括节奏以及一切修辞手段都传递着美 ,即“形美”。译诗就是用不 的语言移植诗中的意境 ,并同时达到形合和意合这两个目的 。
关键词 :古诗英译 ;形合 ;意合 中图分类号 : H315. 9 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :1008 - 3944 (2007) 04 - 0050 - 02
中国古代诗词语言简约凝练 ,意味深长 ,翻译时若不力求
臻于此种境界 ,则不仅可读性甚小 ,而且会因神韵的丧失无法充 分表达诗人之志。化境非易事 ,隐含于其中的内容及方法博大 精深 。为了达到意境的移植必须做到传神 、传形和传美这几点 。 传神就是将意境的核心形象传达出来 ,使读者了解诗的本意 ;传 形就是要将语言上的音响美 ,即抑扬顿挫、韵律等和谐铿锵的美 感传达出来 ;另外 ,还要将语言上的措辞、构句和意念上的调和 配合等的美感传达出来 ,这就是形态美的移植。[1]
从四则译文来看 ,三位译者是外国人 ,一位是中国人 。 稍加比较即可看出 ,外国人对原诗的理解逊于中国人 。