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The snow started to fall several hours before her labor began-a few flakes first, in the dull gray late-afternoon sky, and then wind-driven swirls around the edges of their wide front porch ﹙门廊﹚. He stood by her side at the window, watching

Sharp gusts of snow billow, then swirl and drift to the ground. All around the neighborhood, lights came on, and the naked branches of the trees turned white.

After dinner he built a fire, going out for wood he had piled against the garage the previous autumn. The air was bright and cold against his face, and the snow in the driveway was already halfway to his knees. He gathered logs, shaking off their soft white caps and carrying them inside. The kindling﹙因火柴﹚caught fire immediately, and ha sat for a time at the stove, cross-legged, adding logs, watching the flames leap, and feeling sleepy. Outside, snow continued to fall quietly through the darkness, bright and thick. By the time he rose and looked out of the window, their car had become a soft white hill on the edge of the street. Already his footprints in the driveway had filled and disappeared.

He brushed ashes from his hands and sat on the sofa beside his wife, her feet propped on pillow, her swollen ankles crossed, a copy of Dr.Spock balanced on her belly. Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page. Her hands were slender, her finger short and sturdy, and she bit her bottom lip lightly, intently, as she read. Watching her, he felt a rush of love and wonder: that she was his wife, that their baby, due in just three weeks, would soon be born. Their first child, this would be. They had been married just a year.

She looked up, smiling, when he tucked the blanket around her legs.“You know, I have wondering what -it-is like,”she said.“Before we are born, I mean. It is too bad we can not remember.”She opened her robe and pulled up the sweater she wore underneath, revealing a belly as round and hard as a melon. She ran her hand across its smooth surface, firelight playing across her skin, casting reddish gold onto her hair.“Do you suppose it is like being inside a great lantern? The book says light permeates﹙渗透﹚my skin, and that the baby can already see.”

“I do not know,”he said.

She laughed.“Why not?”she asked. “You are the doctor.”

“I am just an orthopedic surgeon,”he reminded her.“I could tell you the ossification pattern for

fetal﹙胎儿的﹚bones, but that is about it.”He lifted her foot, both delicate and swollen inside the light blue hands, and began to massage it gently. Her breathing filled the quiet room, and her foot warmed his hands, In pregnancy she seemed to him beautiful but fragile, fine blue veins faintly visible through her pale white skin.

The scene happened_

when it was early in the evening

when it was early in the morning

when a child was born

after a baby was born

What can we learn from their conversation?

The woman was expecting her first child

The man showed little concern foe his wife

The couple had not been prepared for a baby

The man was anything but a doctor

What does the underlined word “it”﹙in paragraph 4﹚refer to ?

A. One’s childhood

B. Being inside Mother’ belly

C. Giving birth to a child

D. A child’s being born

4. Which is the most proper title for this passage?

A. Evening Entertainment

B. A Newly_Married Couple

C. A Baby on its Way

D. A Pregnant Woman


解析:1.选A. 细节判断题。这个故事发生在一个寒冷的夜晚,从文章第一段的in the dull gray late-afternoon sky和第二段的After dinner可以得出答案。2. 选A. 逻辑推理题。这位未来的母亲对自己即将出生的第一个孩子充满了期待,这种心情贯穿了全文。从文中也可看出,她的丈夫对她呵护备至,且两人已有了充分准备迎接他们的孩子。

选B. 词义猜测题。从该段的Before we are born和it is like being inside a great lantern可以推断出答案。

选C. 标题判断题。整篇文章都是围绕着期待孩子的降生来讲述的。

