
中国2010年上海世界博览会The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010Expo 2010 Shanghai China主题:城市,让生活更美好。
(Better city,Better life)副主题:城市多元文化的融合城市新经济的繁荣城市科技的创新城市社区的重塑城市与乡村的互动吉祥物:海宝。

2010世博会中国馆介绍中英文对照The China Pavilion represents the Chinese presence in Expo 2010. China Pavilion is located at the projecting area near the main entrance of Pudong Site, within Zone B of the Enclosed Area. It comprises the Chinese National Pavilion, Chinese Provinces Pavilion and Pavilion of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.中国馆是代表中国参展上海世博会的展览场馆,位于浦东世博园区主入口的突出位置,世博会规划园区中围栏区的B片区,由中国国家馆、中国地区馆、港澳台馆三部分组成。
The contour design of China Pavilion is based on the concept of “Oriental Crown”, to express the spirit and disposition of Chinese culture. Rising from the Chinese National Pavilion is supported by traditional Dougong brackets fixed layer upon layer, concentrating Chinese elements and embodying Chinese spirit. The Chinese Provinces (Joint) Pavilion extends in flat under the Chinese National Pavilion, serving as a reliable platform, to build an open, mild, compatible and rich layered city square. The Chinese National Pavilion and Chinese Provinces Pavilion will create a spectacular urban space series, with well-defined functions up and down, delicately fitted major and subordinate architectural formation、and the spatial layout focused on the main axis in a north-south direction. Pavilion of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be self-build pavilion.中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠”的构想主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。

Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Exhibitions are great events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform(平台) for displaying historical experience, exchanging ideas and looking to the future
Exposition= an international exhibition of the products of industry
The World Expo is a large-scale, global, noncommercial(没有商业的) Expo. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for (申请)by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee(委员会). Expo aims to(旨在) promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhibitors to display their achievements and improve international relationships.
世博英语对话 介绍上海概况

世博英语对话介绍上海概况You: Hi, Wendy. How are you?Guest: So far so good, how about you? Did you have a good week?You: Getting busy due to World expo. Couple of new projects are launched this week.Guest: Well, I appreciate you can be my tour guide in such a busy schedule.You: My pleasure. I‘ll give you a tour of Shanghai today.Shanghai is China‘s most comprehensive industrial and commercial city, with 16 million of population; it is ranked first in population and population density in China.It is the economic, financial and cultural center of China, while Beijing is the political heart. And this image of Shanghai as a fast and modern metropolis is certainly the one that most visitors take away.Across from west to east, Shanghai is divided to PuXi and PuDong by Huangpu River.Pudong is a newly developing area in the recent 10 years. Compared to PuXi, PuDong is calmer, quieter yet is the center of financial and commercial activities. It attracts the world class financial institutions and high tech companies. Since Pudong is a relatively new area, new high tech zone has been developed there. The roads tend to be wider and straighter, the buildings are all newer and generally the area is cleaner. Most of Pudong is well designed for convenient grocery shopping.Unlike Pudong, Puxi's suburbs have expat appropriate houses which were built in the late 1980's and early 1990's, as well as houses built within the past years.Western Puxi's industrial areas are slightly closer to the residential areas then they are in Pudong. Some people find that Puxi's suburbs are noisier than Pudong's, however this strongly depends upon which housing development you are in. The western suburbs of Puxi tend to be convenient for grocery shopping, after school activities and expatriate organizations. There are more housing choices and more expatriates in the western suburbs of Puxi then there are in Pudong.From central Shanghai to suburban area, Shanghai is divided by inner, mid and outercircle. Inner circle known as inner highway surround the Shanghai Center. Outer circle known as A20 or outer highway is the dividing line of the city and the suburbs. Mid circle is the one in between. These three lines define how far a location is from central Shanghai.What make Shanghai particularly attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. Shanghai was once divided up into different "Concessions" or districts and the boundaries of these areas still remain today. The famous, Bund was home to the "British Public Park" and this boulevard has a plethora of colonial structures to visit, all reminders of Shanghai's days of decadence.The Japanese and the French Concessions too, are fascinating areas to explore. The French Quarter is a particularly charming district to wander, and there are many former residences to look at and discover something about old Shanghai and the people who lived here. The area known as the "Chinese City" is also worthy of a visit. So today we‘ll visit Yuyuan and do some serious antique shopping or just lose yourself amidst the old alleys and streets.海世博会会徽The emblem, depicting the image of three people-you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind. Inspired by the shape of the Chinese character"世"(meaning the world), the design conveys the organizers' wish to host an Expo which is of global scale and which showcases the diversified urban cultures of the world.中国2010年上海世博会会徽,以中国汉字―世‖字书法创意为形,―世‖字图形寓意三人合臂相拥,状似美满幸福、相携同乐的家庭,也可抽象为―你、我、他‖广义的人类,对美好和谐的生活追求,表达了世博会―理解、沟通、欢聚、合作‖的理念,突显出中国2010年上海世博会以人为本的积极追求。

2010年上海世博会,机遇和挑战并存The Expo in Shanghai, Opportunities and Challenges世界博览会是全球最高级别的博览会,是世界各国展示其社会、经济、文化、科技成就和发展前景的盛会,被誉为“经济、科技、文化领域的奥林匹克”。
World Exposition is regards as the world's highest level of exposition, on which the countries exhibit their social, economic, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. It is also known as "the Olympics in the economic, technological and cultural fields" .Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai, this will become a historic opportunity for a powerful China by showing the world economic and technological strengths. This will bring forth profound influence on economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects in Shanghai and surrounding areas. A host country never aims to the profitability of the Expo itself, but to the great economic content the Expo has been given. Experiences of the Expo 1993 in Daejeon and Expo 2000 in Hanover showed that the World Exposition could boost the economy and stimulate the stock market. World Exposition plays an important and leading role in development, application and promotion of new technology .what’s more, it also has far-reaching significance in promoting economic development of the host city and its country. Specifically, the Expo itself belongs to exhibition economy and thus promotes the development of a series of industrial chain. During the exposition, It will bring powerful driving force for economic growth and development of service industry by investing in infrastructure, drawing a huge amount of materials, people and capital flow into Shanghai.经济增量效应。
口译资料 上海世博会英文介绍

上海世博会——多元文化融合的平台时间:2009-11-16 10:33来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:3731次2009年11月12日,第七届中国2010年上海世博会国际论坛在北京召开。
第二部分的主题演讲“多元的城市文化”由北京师范大学教授于丹主持,中国2010年上海世博会执委会专职副主任钟燕群女士发表了演讲,以下为演讲全文:上海世博会——多元文化融合的平台中国2010年上海世博会执委会专职副主任钟燕群2009年11月12日北京A Platform for Cultural ExchangeA Bond of Different Minds---Role of the Shanghai Expo in Promoting Global Cultural ExchangeBy Zhong YanqunFulltime Deputy Director of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive CommitteeNovember 12, 2009, Beijing各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们,Honorable experts, respected leaders, distinguished guests:今天我演讲的题目是“多元文化交流的平台,人类心灵沟通的桥梁”,我想结合上海世博会筹办工作的体会,就世博会在促进全球文化交流中的使命谈一点看法。
Today, I would like to talk about the role of the Shanghai Expo in promoting global cultural exchange from three perspectives based on my experience in the preparation for the Expo. My presentation is titled “A Platform for Cultural Exchange; A Bond of Different Minds”. I would be very glad to listen to your comments after my presentation.一、世博会是全球多元文化交流的大平台。
Pavilion 上海世博会部分场馆英文介绍(有中文翻译)

Belgium-EU PavilionLocation: Zone CTheme of Belgium Pavilion: Movement and InteractionTheme of EU Pavilion: A European IntelligenceNational Day: June 13The pavilion is built around the structure of a Brain Cell, evoking (v.唤起) the artistic richness of Belgium and Europe, as well as their contribution to the development and enrichment of culture. The Brain Cell also refers directly to the role of Belgium as one of the gathering centers and cross-points(n.交叉点)of Europe’s three great culture traditio ns. Belgium will hold the Presidency of the European Union in the second half of 2010. 1000m2 of the pavilion will be offered to the EU for exhibition, presenting EU’s past, present, policies and achievements.- A dreamlike (adj.入梦般的)“chocolate factory” will be reproduced, in which visitors will see the process of making chocolate and even taste Belgium chocolate for free.- Diamond designers from all over the world will bring their works to stage (v.展示) atop-class (adj.一流的,最上等的) diamond show.比利时——欧盟馆场馆位置:C区比利时主题:运动与活动欧盟馆主题:一个欧洲的智慧比利时国家馆日:6月13日展馆主题采用“脑细胞”结构,表现比利时与欧洲的丰富艺术内涵及对人类文明发展的巨大贡献,寓意比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化的汇聚地和交会点所扮演的重要角色。

上海世博会介绍中国2010年上海世界博览会(Expo 2010),是第41届世界博览会。
于2010年5月1日至China in 2010 the Shanghai world expo (Expo 2010), is the 41st session of world expo.From 10月31日期间,在中国上海市举行。
May 1, 2010 to October 31 period, holds in the Chinese Shanghai. This World Expo also is the first session world expo which conducts by China.上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life)为主题,总投资达450亿人民币,The Shanghai World Expo take “the city, lets the life be happy” (Better City, Better Life) as a subject, the total investment reaches 45,000,000,000 RMB,创造了世界博览会史上最大规模记录。
同时超越7000万的参观人数也创下了历届世博之has created in the world expo history the biggest scale record. Simultaneously surmounted 70,000,000 visit populations also to set the record of all previous years world abundant it主题(Theme)主题:城市,让生活更美好!英文主题:Better City, Better Life.上海世博会已有13项纪录入选世界纪录协会世界之最:The Shanghai World Expo had 13 record being selected world record association world:1、上海世博会的参展规模,共有190个国家、56个国际组织参展。

制作:王海瑞 时间:2010.12.8
中国2010年上海世界博览会(Expo 2010), 是第41届世界博览会。于2010年5月1日至10 月31日期间,在中国上海市举行。此次世博会 也是由中国举办的首届世界博览会。上海世博 会以“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life)为主题,总投资达450亿人民币, 创造了世界博览会史上最大规模记录。
和谐城市是上海世博会主题的精髓。 2010年上海世博会将以“和谐城市”的理念来回应对“城市,让生 活更美好”的诉求。 “和谐”的理念蕴藏在中国古老文化之中。中华文化推崇人际之和、 天人之和、身心之和。《礼记》在描绘“大同社会”时提出:“大道之 行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。”中国的先秦诸子也都在各自 的著述中设想了和谐的社会。同时“和谐”也见诸西方先贤的理想。古 希腊哲学家毕达哥拉斯系统地提出了和谐说,和谐包含着对立和统一。 同一时期的另一位哲学家赫拉克利特进一步提出“看不见的和谐比看得 到的和谐更美好”的主张。而在《理想国》和《法律篇》里,柏拉图也 开始寻求“整个社会将获得非常和谐的发展,各个阶级将获得自然赋予 他们的那一份幸福”的美好状态。 数百年来,人们对“和谐城市”模式的探讨,从来没有停止过。从 “乌托邦”到18世纪的“理想城市”,再到“田园都市”,一系列的理 论、主张和模型无不在探索如何建立城市在空间上、秩序上、精神生活 和物质吐纳上的平衡与和谐。自20世纪80年代以来,随着环境问题和发 展问题的日趋严重,可持续发展的理念应运而生。各国城市政府为提出 的发展战略大多围绕如何重建人与城市、人与自然的和谐,最终达到现 在与未来之间的和谐。由此可见,对“和谐生活”和“和谐城市”的追 求和实践贯穿于人类社会的发展历史,并且正越来越彰显在人们为明天

世界博览会(World Exhibition or Exposition,简称World Expo)又称国际博览会,简称世博会、世博,是一项由主办国政府组织或政府委托有关部门举办的有较大影响和悠久历史的国际性博览活动。

英文全称—The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010,简称—Expo 2010 Shanghai China
举办时间:2010年5月1日- 10月31日
2010年上海世博会将于2010年5月1日至10月31日在上海举行,主题为“城市,让生活更美好”,英文表述为“Better City, Better Life”。上海世博会场址设在上海的母亲河-黄浦江沿岸,场址规划范围总面积约平方公里。我们鼓励各参展国建造永久性展馆,世博会结束后,这些国家的自建馆,将成为各国与中国交流的中心。这里将成为永不闭幕的世博会,成为国际交流中心。

上海世博会英文作文The Shanghai World Expo is a grand event that attracts worldwide attention. It serves as a platform for countries to showcase their achievements, exchange ideas, and promote cultural exchange. The Expo not only promotes economic development but also fosters mutual understanding and cooperation among nations.First and foremost, the Shanghai World Expo provides an excellent opportunity for countries to display their technological advancements and innovative products. Exhibitors from around the globe use this platform to showcase their latest inventions and breakthroughs in various fields such as science, technology, and industry. Visitors to the Expo can witness firsthand the cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of our world.Moreover, the Expo serves as a forum for dialogue and exchange of ideas among nations. Through various exhibitions, seminars, and conferences, participants canengage in discussions on pressing global issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and urbanization. These exchanges foster mutual understanding and cooperation, laying the groundwork for addressing shared challenges collectively.Additionally, the Shanghai World Expo promotes cultural exchange and appreciation. Countries showcase their unique cultural heritage through art exhibitions, performances,and culinary experiences. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse cultures from around the world, fostering a sense of global citizenship and appreciation for cultural diversity.Furthermore, the Expo has significant economic implications for the host city and participating countries. It stimulates tourism, attracts investment, and boostslocal businesses. The influx of visitors creates demand for goods and services, benefiting the local economy and generating employment opportunities.In conclusion, the Shanghai World Expo is a remarkableevent that transcends national boundaries and brings the world together. It serves as a platform for countries to showcase their achievements, exchange ideas, and promote cultural exchange. By fostering mutual understanding and cooperation, the Expo contributes to global progress and development.。

Highlight 1:Exploring “Oriental Footprint”: The wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One. A video played in the multimedia exhibition will tell stories about China's vast migration from rural to urban areas over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, people's enthusiasm for building a better city and expectations forthe future. The famous picture of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” will also make its appearance in the China Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities. (亮点1:探寻“东方足迹”第一展区通过风格迥异的展示项目,向人们展示中国人在城 市发展中的智慧。其中的多媒体综合展项播放的一部影片,讲述改革开放三十多年来 中国自强不息的城市化经验、中国人的建设热情和对于未来的期望。国宝级名画《清 明上河图》被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。) Highlight 2:The Experience Trip Excursion trains will give visitors an appreciation of the great wisdom and achievements in China's urban development from ancient to modern times. (亮点2:展开“寻觅之旅”:采用轨道游览车,让参观者领略中国从古至今在城市营建 规划中展现出的大智慧。) Highlight 3:Focus on low-carbon future :Chinese people will tackle future challenges brought by urbanization in a sustainable way which takes low-carbon technologies as its core. (亮点3:聚焦“低碳行动”聚焦以低碳为核心元素的中国未来城市发展,展示中国人如 何通过“师法自然的现代追求”来应对未来的城市化挑战,为实现全球可持续发展提 供“中国式的回答”。)

上海世博会的英文作文英文:As someone who had the opportunity to attend the Shanghai World Expo, I can say that it was an unforgettable experience. The Expo was a showcase of different countries and cultures, with pavilions representing over 190 countries. It was truly amazing to see so many different cultures and traditions in one place.One of the pavilions that stood out to me was the China Pavilion. It was designed to resemble a traditional Chinese lantern and was filled with exhibits showcasing China's history, culture, and achievements. The pavilion was also home to the largest 3D LED screen in the world, which was truly impressive.Another pavilion that I enjoyed was the Japan Pavilion. It was designed to resemble a futuristic city and had interactive exhibits showcasing Japanese technology andinnovation. One of the exhibits allowed visitors to experience a simulated earthquake, which was both exciting and educational.Overall, the Shanghai World Expo was an incredible experience that I will never forget. It was a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and see some amazing exhibits. I would highly recommend attending aWorld Expo if you ever have the chance.中文:作为有幸参加上海世博会的人,我可以说这是一次难忘的经历。

上海世博英文作文英文:As a visitor to the Shanghai World Expo, I was amazed by the diversity and creativity of the exhibits from different countries. It was truly a global event that brought together people from all over the world to showcase their cultures, innovations, and achievements.One of my favorite exhibits was the German Pavilion, which featured a stunning design and interactive displays.I particularly enjoyed the virtual tour of the city of Hamburg, which allowed me to see the city from different perspectives and learn about its history and culture.Another highlight for me was the Chinese Pavilion, which showcased China's rich history, culture, and achievements. The highlight of the pavilion was the stunning 360-degree digital movie that took visitors on a journey through China's past, present, and future.Overall, the Shanghai World Expo was a truly unforgettable experience that allowed me to learn about different cultures and appreciate the diversity of our world.中文:作为一名上海世博会的游客,我被来自不同国家的展品的多样性和创意所震撼。

上海世博会简介英文集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-Brief Introduction of World Expo ShanghaiWorld Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community's support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world's people place on China's future development.So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent ofthe world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a "Shanghai Declaration" will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people's ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world.The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditionsand opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years' development while preparing for the six months' Exposition." We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.。

2019年世界博览会(Expo 2019)是一个筹备中 的世界博览会,2019年在中国上海市举行,也是历 来首次由中国举办的世界博览会。上海世博会的主 题是“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life)。主办机构预计吸引世界各地7000万 人次参观者前往,总投资达450亿人民币,超过北京 奥运会,是世界博览会史上最大规模。
主题:“让自然走进城市” 造型亮点:“会发光的盒子” 外型简洁,并创意无限,这就是英国国家馆所演绎的展馆。整个建筑最大的亮 点,就是向各个方向伸展的大量触须,这些顶端带有细小彩色光源的触须覆盖在建 筑外部,随着微风的轻轻吹拂,可以在展馆表面形成可变幻的光泽和色彩、组成各 种图案。通过信息和图像的传送,参观者们甚至可以在展馆的表面看到展馆内部的 各项活动。
主题:基于城市多样化的和谐 特色:设计源自于巴基斯坦著名的拉合尔古堡 巴基斯坦拥有近5000年的古文明历史,著名的历史名城不胜枚举。巴基斯坦国 家馆将通过声效和多媒体手段将当地城市和农村居民的生活传递给参观者,而巴基 斯坦馆还将表现巴中两国亘古不变的友好情谊,始于丝绸之路的商贸关系将两国人 民紧紧联系在一起。 巴基斯坦民族舞蹈艺术家将在馆内表演别具特色的民族舞,参观者也能品尝到当地 的特色食品,如配以秘制酱汁的烧烤和醇厚香浓的巴基斯坦奶茶“Chai”等。
中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。国家 馆居中升起、层叠出挑,成为凝聚中国元素、象征中国精神的雕塑感造型主体——东 方之冠;地区馆水平展开,以舒展的平台基座的形态映衬国家馆,成为开放、柔性、 亲民、层次丰富的城市广场;二者互为对仗、互相补充,共同组成表达盛世大国主题 的统一整体。国家馆、地区馆功能上下分区、造型主从配合,形成独一无二的标志性 建筑群体。

卢森堡国家馆在设计理 念上将突出卢森堡被称为 欧洲绿色心脏” “欧洲绿色心脏”的国家特 殊身份。 殊身份。展馆的设计者设想 出了一种几乎只用独块巨石 的雕刻方法,这实际上受到 的雕刻方法, 了中文传统译名“卢森堡” 了中文传统译名“卢森堡” 的影响。中文“卢森堡” 的影响。中文“卢森堡”的 意思是“森林和堡垒” 意思是“森林和堡垒”,所 以卢森堡展馆自喻为一个周 围绿树环绕的开放式森林。 围绿树环绕的开放式森林。 展馆的建筑结构就像有许多 通向邻处的宽敞出口的堡垒, 通向邻处的宽敞出口的堡垒, 环绕着中世纪塔楼。 环绕着中世纪塔楼。
上海世博会英国国家馆最终确定设 计方案为“创意之馆” 计方案为“创意之馆”(a Pavilion of Ideas)。计划2009 Ideas)。计划2009 )。计划 夏天之前将开工建设。 夏天之前将开工建设。创意展馆是 一个独特的展示装置。它安置在一 一个独特的展示装置。 个乡村田间 上面是森林遮盖, 田间, 个乡村田间,上面是森林遮盖,两 侧是草地形成的斜坡,观众席,展 侧是草地形成的斜坡,观众席, 览区,商店以及接待区均座落其中。 览区,商店以及接待区均座落其中。
1962年西雅图世博会展示了人类借助宇宙 1962年西雅图世博会展示了人类借助宇宙 飞船进行的环地球飞行的航天壮举, 飞船进行的环地球飞行的航天壮举,会徽 图形是一个被称为“太空之针” 图形是一个被称为“太空之针”的阳性象 征物,内置地球图形与“21世纪 的字样, 世纪” 征物,内置地球图形与“21世纪”的字样, 设计具有超现实风格。 设计具有超现实风格。暗示美国展望国家 在进入2000年以后的生活、 2000年以后的生活 在进入2000年以后的生活、社会及科技进 步。对未来的描述也一定程度上反映了美 国在冷战时期举国上下积极参与经济总动 员的决心和表现。 员的决心和表现。
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Brief Introduction of World Expo Shanghai
World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.
With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community's support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world's people place on China's future development.
So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution.
Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an
eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.
In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a "Shanghai Declaration" will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people's ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world.
The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years' development while preparing for the six months' Exposition." We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.。