



Inflation expectations and the recovery from the Great Depression in


V olker Daniel,Lucas Steege


A regime shift toward increased inflation expectations is credited with jump-starting the recovery from the Great Depression in the United States. What role did inflation expectations play in Germany that experienced a similarly successful economic upturn in the 1930s? We study inflation expectations in the German recovery across several methods: we conduct a narrative study of media sources; we estimate inflation expectations from a factor-augmented vector autoregression model, real interest rate forecasts, and quantitative news series. Consistently across these approaches, we do not find a shift to increased expected inflation. This recovery was different, and its causes lie elsewhere.

Keywords:Inflation expectations,Great Depression,Inflation forecasting,Regime change,Germany,Narrative evidence Introduction

Inflation expectations play a central role in explanations for the recovery from the Great Depression in the United States. Central bankers

frequently refer to the historical precedent for this policy prescription: President Roosevelt made a credible commitment to inflate the economy in the Spring of 1933, which is regarded as a regime change that marks the beginning of the successful recovery of the U.S. economy (e.g. Temin and Wigmore, 1990, also Eggertsson, 2008).

Fig. 1 shows the recovery paths for the United States and Germany. U.S. industrial production increased dramatically following the Roosevelt regime shift in the second quarter of 1933. The recovery in Germany that started in 1932 proceeded at roughly the same rate, starting off slowly in the beginning, but at a higher and steady pace thereafter. We observe similar patterns for prices. Although the U.S. price index of industrial finished goods jumped upward along with industrial production, the German price index increased at a much slower pace.

In this paper, we investigate whether a shift in inflation expectations initiated the German recovery as occurred in the United States. The debate about the causes for this remarkable economic upturn remains unresolved. Inflation expectations could be a key factor in the recovery of Germany in the 1930s that has not yet been considered. From a theoretical perspective, changing expectations regarding future inflation rates is a crucial driver of production, consumption, and prices in many macro models. In the New Keynesian framework, an increase in expected inflation leads to increased production as consumers substitute

consumption over time, and an increased demand for goods leads to an increase in inflation (Galí, 2015). To test whether this channel was operative during the initial phases of the German recovery, we construct inflation expectations using various approaches. First, we conduct a narrative identification of inflation expectations from media articles, following Jalil and Rua (2016). The narrative account is then supplemented with a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FA V AR) model, real interest rate forecasts, and forecasts from inflation news series.

Our central finding is that there is no sustained shift in inflation expectations in Germany at the start of the recovery from the Great Depression in 1932. Although the narrative study identifies occasional fears of inflation on a number of specific dates and events, newspaper articles reveal no sustained regime shift of inflation expectations. Starting with the British exit from the gold standard in September 1931, German newspapers regularly mentioned currency devaluation and inflationary policies as viable policy options. Fears of inflation appeared during discussions about an extensive expansionary policy in January 1932, after the formation of the Papen government in June 1932 and as a response to Adolf Hitler’s seizure of power in 1933. However, according to the news account, none of the events caused a sustained change in inflation expectations. Each time the general public thought about inflation, the

government and Reichsbank were eager to rule out any price-increasing policies. This finding is in line with what Straumann (2009) argues was the case for several European countries at that time. One explanation for the emergence of fears of inflation among Germans during the Great Depression is their experience with hyperinflation in 1923, a point noted by Borchardt (1985) and Eichengreen (1992), which likely prevented politicians from undertaking inflationary programs similar to those in the U.S.

Our time series estimates also show no indication of a sudden regime shift as an explanation for the recovery. Uniformly across approaches, we observe that during 1932 expected inflation rates remained negative and largely unchanged relative to 1931. Although we do observe occasional evidence that inflation expectations changed from deflation to inflation during the summer of 1932, consistent with the narrative evidence, these expectations did not last. A historical decomposition of industrial production further shows that although changes in inflation expectations were important for explaining the economic decline, they did not provide the initial impetus for the following upswing.

2. Literature

The debate about the causes of the remarkable German recovery remains unresolved. Although some scholars have argued for a unique

economic upturn under the Nazis initiated by vast investment programs in highways and rearmament (Abelshauser, 1999, Overy, 1975), others have emphasized that the starting point occurred before the Hitler dictatorship in 1932 (Buchheim (2003), also Ritschl (2003)). According to this narrative, the Nazi expansionary policies were deemed unnecessary because previous government interventions and the recovery had already begun before the Nazis could specify their economic stance in 1933. Tooze (2006) highlighted the important agreement at the conference of Lausanne in July 1932, which substantially reduced the German debt burden and provided the necessary room to combat the economic slump (also James, 1986). Temin (1990)noted the freezing of wages after 1931 as a monetary explanation for the German recovery. Both arguments resonate the dilemma emphasized by Borchardt (1982): high wages and debt burdens prevented German governments before 1932 from implementing alternatives to the devastating deflation. This brings us to our question: during this heavily deflationary episode, could inflationary expectations have served as a kick starter for the depressed economy? The experience with hyperinflation in the 1920s could have made Germans overly sensitive to news and shocks regarding expected inflation. Inflation expectations may therefore have been a crucial but not yet investigated part of Germany’s recovery.

Our paper is closely related to the literature describing narrative

evidence for the Great Depression in the U.S., for example, by Jalil and Rua (2016), Nelson (1991), and Romer and Romer (2013). Quantitative forecasting methods usually have a backward-looking perspective and depend on the choice of variables, whereas narrative evidence incorporates ideas and considerations at any time point that may be independent of reflections on the past and an available set of data. For this reason, they detect a regime shift that time series approaches fail to identify (see Romer, 2013, Sargent, 1982, Temin, Wigmore, 1990). The narrative approach can identify the current knowledge of the general public and which information could be considered relevant to changes in inflation expectations. Identifying the actual sources is crucial, because a shift toward inflation expectations should not be a purely statistical outcome; it should be experienced by contemporaries due to an abrupt policy change, an event, or a shock to be identified as a regime change (Jalil and Rua, 2016).

The use of direct time series forecasts using factor models has gained considerable popularity for forecasting economic time series. Boivin and Ng (2005) and Eickmeier and Ziegler (2008) evaluated forecasting methods and found that factor-based forecasts perform well in practice and tended to perform better than simpler small-scale models. Therefore, a factor model is a natural candidate for our research question.

A key advantage of factor models is that they allow us to incorporate

much information into the analysis while keeping the estimation procedure tractable. Furthermore, because factor models are estimated on the basis of the comovement between the time series in the dataset, a significant expansionary shift visible in many time series would be picked up by the factors, and this should provide information regarding future inflation rates if the underlying cause of such an expansionary shift was because of changes in expected inflation rates. One limitation with time series approaches similar to the one used in this study is that they do not identify the correct expectations in the event of a sudden regime shift. Therefore, we carefully discuss possible shifts in expectations in the narrative account.

One prominent method to estimate inflation expectations, which uses the Fisher equation that relates expected real interest rates to nominal interest rates and expected inflation, was first proposed by Mishkin (1981). He showed that rational expectations imply that inflation expectations can be inferred from realized real interest rates. For the Great Depression in the U.S., Cecchetti (1992) and Romer (1992) applied this approach and found a shift in inflation expectations in 1933 at the beginning of the recovery, at the same time that Temin and Wigmore (1990) detected a regime change toward a more expansionary macroeconomic policy. For Germany, V oth (1999) applied the Mishkin method during the interwar

period and detected inflation uncertainty and fears of inflation in 1931 and 1932, but his results did not indicate a shift in inflation expectations. One potential problem with the German interwar financial market data is that the nominal rate or bond yield series reflect liquidity and default risk. This makes disentangling expected inflation from risk or liquidity premia difficult, a point that V oth (1999) similarly recognized in his work. We, therefore, also adopt the approach by Binder (2016), who proposed to regress future inflation rates on a narrative news measure. This measure included scaled counts of articles containing inflationary and deflationary terms. The idea is that the degree of news coverage about inflation should be positively correlated to inflation expectations, which allows us to directly map our narrative evidence into inflation expectations.

Narrative account

To discover a possible shift in inflation expectations in Germany at the start of the recovery from the Great Depression, we follow Jalil and Rua (2016) and first provide a general overview of newspaper coverage regarding inflation through a word search of newspaper articles. Next, we conduct a detailed narrative study of media sources over a two-year period.

General overview of inflationary news coverage 1930 to 1933

As our main source of media coverage, we study V ossische Zeitung, one of Germany’s national newspapers of record during the Weimar

Republic. V ossische Zeitung had a daily circulation of approximately 68,000 in 1931 and covered the main events and debates of that time (Binkowski, Schottenloher, 1985, Deutsches Institut für Zeitungskunde, 1932).

In the online database provided by the De Gruyter publishing house (De Gruyter, 2010), we searched all issues of the newspaper from 1930 to 1933 and counted the number of articles that contained the German terms for “inflation”. Specifically, we used a combination of the terms, word stems, and abbreviations of the German words “Inflation” (inflation), “Teuerung” (price increase), and “Reflation” (reflation). If there had been a sudden shift in inflation expectations, there should have been an increased public interest likely reflected by an increased number of articles on inflation in one of the most relevant newspapers at that time.

We depict the resulting series in Fig. Before the summer of 1931, fewer than 30 articles per month on average mentioned inflation; in September and October, the mentioning of inflationary terms increased threefold to 86 articles. This result signifies that more than two articles per day on average mentioned inflation. After the fall of 1931, inflation coverage occurred to a lesser extent in V ossische Zeitung, although appearances remained at a higher average than before, with some months clearly above the number of articles per month before fall 1931. This was the case for November 1931 and for January and June 1932. In 1933,

inflation coverage was lower but still had spikes above the average in January, April, June, and August.

In January 1932, during the ongoing inflationary debates in Britain and the U.S., a plan for a more expansionary economic policy proposed by the head of the statistical office, Ernst Wagemann, received some media attention. In June 1932, the new Papen government was allegedly expected to implement inflationary policies. In January 1933, this was the case when Hitler seized power. Inflationary policies in the U.S. were in the focus of the now controlled media for the remainder of 1933. The word counts visualized in Fig are therefore remarkably in line with Borchardt’s (1985) notion that fears of inflation prevailed after political events associated with currency devaluation, credit expansion, or expected government deficits.

A detailed narrative study of media sources September 1931 to August 1933

Next, we conduct a chronological investigation of the relevant political events and debates regarding a possible shift in inflation expectations through a careful narrative study of media sources. For this study, we read weekly issues of the economic periodical Der Deutsche V olkswirt (1931/1933) over a two-year period from September 1931 to August 1933. The weekly frequency permitted a careful reading of articles over a prolonged time period. We divided our analysis according

to the spikes in the news coverage discussed in Section 3.1 and included potential inflationary events during other periods. As one of the leading and influential periodicals in its field at that time (R?pke, 1933), Der Deutsche V olkswirt had up to 6000 subscriptions and provided a summary of political events and the state of the economy (Sattler, 1982).

For relevant dates, we considered two major daily newspapers: V ossische Zeitung (1931/1933) and Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger (1931/1933). We read both newspapers one week before and after such dates to observe responses and to identify diverse opinions regarding the events. While Der Deutsche V olkswirt and V ossische Zeitungwere considered economically liberal and politically centrist, Berliner Lokal-Anzeigersupported more nationalist, conservative positions. With a daily circulation of approximately 200,000 in 1932, it was an influential news source of the political right. As a robustness check, we considered further news sources that spanned the entire political spectrum and contemporary scientific publications. For instance, we assessed the coverage of relevant events in the social-democratic newspaper V orw?rts, the catholic-centrist Germania, and the weekly reports of the Institute for Business Cycle Studies.

Implications and future directions

Our results rule out a shift in inflation expectations as a potential explanation of the German recovery from the Great Depression. The

narrative account and time series models show that when the recovery started, expected inflation rates remained unchanged. Whenever fears of inflation were mentioned, politicians denounced any price-increasing policies and emphasized the unconditional stability of the currency. Therefore, the exact cause of the recovery remains a puzzle. Our results from the historical decomposition support some of the explanations that have been previously analyzed. One potential explanation is that the conference of Lausanne boosted public confidence or significantly reduced uncertainty about future economic policy because it put an end to the issue of reparation payments that plagued German politics. Based on an indicator of the state of business across major German industries, Buchheim, 2003, Buchheim, 2008 showed that producer confidence indeed markedly increased during the second half of 1932. Machine orders lastingly increased and stock markets had been uptrending since June. V oth (1999) made the same argument when he found that fears of inflation during the Great Depression greatly limited the scope for expansionary policies, at least before the resolution of the reparations problem. Tooze (2006) similarly views the agreement reached in Lausanne as a likely precondition for the recovery because it provided the financial relief that banks and the government needed to promote active economic programs. The narrative sources, however, contain no evidence of a link to an increase in prices.

Temin (1990) provided a monetary explanation for the successful German recovery and argued that low wages played a crucial role in the German economic success of the 1930s. The freezing of wages allowed for a quick reutilization of underused resources. In contrast to raising demand and thereby prices of stimulated production, political pressure under the Nazis reallocated production to the military and public sector. The now controlled economy no longer depended on the price mechanism for allocation of scarce resources. In that sense, the Nazis managed potential inflationary tendencies by freezing prices. As Temin (1990)argued, instead of raising prices after 1933, producers started to reduce the quality of goods, which underlines our argument, that is, inflation expectations likely played no central role at the beginning of the German recovery.

In many industries, prices were fixed by cartels and government controls, so we surveyed our narrative sources for signs of expected rationing as a potential explanation of the recovery, with no indications that this channel was at play. In contrast, in 1932 and 1933, we find numerous pieces of evidence indicating unused capacities on a large scale that could have quickly been put into operation in case of surges in demand. In addition, during the Great Depression, the data from Buchheim (2008) indicate that low consumer demand led to growing inventories and to businesses reducing employment. Hence, we

deem it unlikely that households expected shortages at the beginning of the recovery, causing an increase in demand and production. Although rationing certainly became a problem in the roaring economic upturn during the mid-1930s, it did not play a role in jump-starting the recovery.

By contrast, fiscal policy serves as a promising alternative explanation of the recovery period. In August of 1932, the newly elected chancellor Franz von Papen publicly announced his fiscal program. The main feature of the program was tax rebates and wage cuts, and both were intended to incentivize businesses to hire workers. Papen declared that deflation, if not stopped, would further harm the economy. Although this announcement could have changed public expectations about future inflation and stimulated the economy this way, the program did not signal the intention to raise prices or reduce price reductions. This stands in stark contrast to Roosevelt’s pledges to raise prices. For the U.S., the economic reform foresaw the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, and unprecedented discretionary powers of U.S. monetary policy. In Germany, by contrast, the chancellor explicitly stated that the Reichsmark would not be devaluated, and his program foresaw no changes regarding the regulations of the German central bank, which had hindered it from acting as a financier of previous public works projects. The central bank only gave the promise to grant limited credit to the government to finance tax redemptions. The repayment of the Reichsbank loan was described

well in the program and in the news accounts, indicating that the potential monetary expansion was restricted to a limited time period. In summary, the Papen program did not work through affecting inflation expectations as the monetary expansion in the U.S. did. Instead it attempted to establish incentives for the private sector, even at the cost of further wage cuts argued to be indispensable. Examining the real effects of the Papen program in detail is a promising topic to explore in further research.

Jalil and Rua (2016) thoroughly traced the causes of the regime shift in the U.S. to inflation expectations in spring 1933, and our study provides considerable evidence that no such event occurred in Germany. The sources of the German recovery remain unclear. The story of Temin and Wigmore (1990) and Eggertsson (2008) may hold for the U.S., but in the German recovery, inflation expectations played no major role. Daniel and ter Steege, 2019














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ERP implementation issues in advanced and developing countries Abstract There is an increasing need to implement a total business solution which supports major functionalities of a business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to meet this need, and has been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries. Meanwhile, ERP is beginning to appear in many organizations of developing countries. Little research has been conducted to compare the implementation practices of ERP in developed vs developing countries. Our research shows that ERP technology faces additional challenges in developing countries related to economic, cultural, and basic infrastructure issues. This article identifies a range of issues concerning ERP implementation by making a comparison of advanced and developing countries. Key words: Enterprise Resource management; Implementation; Developing countries. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an industry term for the broad set of activities supported by multi-module application software that helps a manufacturer or a service business manage the important parts of its business. Evolving from MRP systems, ERP has played a significant role in IT for several decades. Since the first symbiotic ERP product SAP created in 1972, ERP market revenues are expected to be as high as $52 billion by the year 2002. While there is wide acceptance of ERP in developed countries such as the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia, developing countries lag far behind. At present, North America occupies 66 percent of the ERP market, Europe takes 22 percent, while the whole of Asia is only at 9 percent. However, due to economic growth, developing countries in Asia and Latin America are becoming major targets of big ERP vendors. ERP in developed countries ERP systems have been widely used by companies in developed countries. Organizations in manufacturing, service, and energy industries adopt ERP to:


数字电视外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Ginga Middleware and Digital TV in Latin America Gabriel Baum, Universidad Nacional de La Plata Luiz Fernando G. Soares, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro In 2005, Brazil launched its digital TV (DTV) agenda. Its main premise was to reduce the digital divide present in the country, giving the lower social classes the right to access , produce, and distribute information . As a natural consequence, a second premise stressed the generation of local IT jobs and companies to support the entire effort. To bring the benefits of DTV to the masses, Brazil devised the Japanese-Brazilian terrestrial DTV(ISDB-T—the International Standard for Digital Broadcasting),taking the earlier ISDB Japanese standard as a base (with some video and audio coding updates) and introducing the innovative Brazilian middleware system, called Ginga. Argentina adopted ISDB-T in2009 with similar objectives to those of Brazil. Since then, Ginga has been adopted in 12 Latin-American countries. Several other countries in Central America and Africa are testing it as well.


译文 银行业是必要的而银行不是,互联网时代的金融中介机构的未来 摘要 本文探讨了互联网时代下金融机构和银行作为特殊的金融机构的未来可能是怎样的问题。由于互联网而导致的交易费用的减少会降低进入金融产品市场的壁垒,因为有可能不再需要运行成本密集型的分支的大型系统。但是,对金融机构的职能研究表明,不是每个人都可以销售和经销金融产品。这是真的,因为金融业务中的信息不对称问题需要一个拥有良好信誉的中介,也因为需要限制大型资本基金转换资产的风险。这两个要求变现了进入金融中介市场的重要壁垒。并不是每一个金融产品会因为互联网的崛起而将面临更多的竞争,只有那些标准化和低风险的产品。此外,那些拥有可观资本和良好声誉的大公司可能被视为银行的新竞争者。 关键字:银行业,银行,金融机构,互联网 1、引言 “银行业是19世纪的钢铁行业。”当谈到关于新的信息技术对银行的影响的谈论时,这句话经常被提起。更一般来说,可能有人会问,新信息技术是如何成功的,特别是互联网的,可能会改变商业和金融机构的市场情况。在互联网的帮助下,人们可以执行所有银行的业务,而不需要银行。这意味着传统银行分支机构的中介。此外,互联网已经使客户直接从网上购买股票而不需要访问当地的分支银行。从更广泛的意义上来说,在互联网的帮助下,金融市场的供给和需求可能通过互联网满足,而不需要金融中介机构。互联网的崛起是否真的是金融中介机构的威胁?在急剧减少的交易成本情况下,商业和竞争将如何变化?本文考察了互联网的成功对金融机构和银行的影响。 2、金融机构的发展 几个世纪以来,许多金融交易需要个人的存在。随着现代信息技术的发展,这些都被改变了。如今,客户可以在不进入当地分支银行的情况下进行任何金融交易。转移支付和支付账单可以通过网络进行,个人金融交易以及关于金融问题的信息咨询业可以通过网络进行。此外,互联网创新类似智能卡或者其他电子支付系统消除了为了得到一些现金而访问分支银行的需要。 但是互联网也会改变咨询活动:在许多情况下,它甚至可能减少个人存在的


专业资料 学院: 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Structural Systems to resist (用外文写) Lateral loads 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 抗侧向荷载的结构体系 常用的结构体系 若已测出荷载量达数千万磅重,那么在高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。确实,较好的高层建筑普遍具有构思简单、表现明晰的特点。 这并不是说没有进行宏观构思的余地。实际上,正是因为有了这种宏观的构思,新奇的高层建筑体系才得以发展,可能更重要的是:几年以前才出现的一些新概念在今天的技术中已经变得平常了。 如果忽略一些与建筑材料密切相关的概念不谈,高层建筑里最为常用的结构体系便可分为如下几类: 1.抗弯矩框架。 2.支撑框架,包括偏心支撑框架。 3.剪力墙,包括钢板剪力墙。 4.筒中框架。 5.筒中筒结构。 6.核心交互结构。 7. 框格体系或束筒体系。 特别是由于最近趋向于更复杂的建筑形式,同时也需要增加刚度以抵抗几力和地震力,大多数高层建筑都具有由框架、支撑构架、剪力墙和相关体系相结合而构成的体系。而且,就较高的建筑物而言,大多数都是由交互式构件组成三维陈列。 将这些构件结合起来的方法正是高层建筑设计方法的本质。其结合方式需要在考虑环境、功能和费用后再发展,以便提供促使建筑发展达到新高度的有效结构。这并

不是说富于想象力的结构设计就能够创造出伟大建筑。正相反,有许多例优美的建筑仅得到结构工程师适当的支持就被创造出来了,然而,如果没有天赋甚厚的建筑师的创造力的指导,那么,得以发展的就只能是好的结构,并非是伟大的建筑。无论如何,要想创造出高层建筑真正非凡的设计,两者都需要最好的。 虽然在文献中通常可以见到有关这七种体系的全面性讨论,但是在这里还值得进一步讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论中。 抗弯矩框架 抗弯矩框架也许是低,中高度的建筑中常用的体系,它具有线性水平构件和垂直构件在接头处基本刚接之特点。这种框架用作独立的体系,或者和其他体系结合起来使用,以便提供所需要水平荷载抵抗力。对于较高的高层建筑,可能会发现该本系不宜作为独立体系,这是因为在侧向力的作用下难以调动足够的刚度。 我们可以利用STRESS,STRUDL 或者其他大量合适的计算机程序进行结构分析。所谓的门架法分析或悬臂法分析在当今的技术中无一席之地,由于柱梁节点固有柔性,并且由于初步设计应该力求突出体系的弱点,所以在初析中使用框架的中心距尺寸设计是司空惯的。当然,在设计的后期阶段,实际地评价结点的变形很有必要。 支撑框架 支撑框架实际上刚度比抗弯矩框架强,在高层建筑中也得到更广泛的应用。这种体系以其结点处铰接或则接的线性水平构件、垂直构件和斜撑构件而具特色,它通常与其他体系共同用于较高的建筑,并且作为一种独立的体系用在低、中高度的建筑中。


附件1:外文资料翻译译文 财务报表分析 A.财务比率 我们需要使用财务比率来分析财务报表,比较财务报表的分析方法不能真正有效的得出想要的结果,除非采取的是研究在报表中项目与项目之间关系的形式。例如,只是知道史密斯公司在一个特定的日期中拥有10000美元的现金余额,对我们是没有多大价值的。但是,假如我们知道,这种余额在这种平衡中有4%的流动负债,而一年前的现金余额有25%的流动负债。由于银行家对公司通常要求现金余额保持在银行信用度的20%,不管使用或不使用,如果公司的财务状况出现问题,我们可以立即发现。 我们可以对比比较财务报表中的项目,作出如下结论: 1. 项目之间的资产负债表比较: a)在资产负债表中的一个日期之间的比较,例如项目,现金与流动负债相比; b)同一项目在资产负债表中一个日期与另一个日期之间的比较,例如,现在的现金与一年前比较; c)比较两个项目之间在资产负债表中一个日期和一个相似比率在资产负债表中的另一个日期的比率,例如,现在现金流动负债的比率与另一个项目一年前的相似比率和已经标记的现金状况趋势的比较。 2.项目报表中收入和支出的比较: a)一定时期中的报表项目的比较; b)同一项目在报表中现阶段与上个阶段的比较; c)报表中项目之间的比率与去年相似比率的比较; 3.资产负债表中的项目与报表中收入和支出项目的比较: a)在这些报表项目之间的一个给定的时间内,例如,今年净利润可能以百分比计算今年净值; b)两个报表中项目之间的比率在这几年时间的比较,例如,净利润的比率占今年净值的百分比与去年或者前年的相似比率的比较 如果我们采用上述比较或比率,然后依次比较它们,我们的比较分析结果将获得重要意义:

单片机 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 单片机简介 中英对

单片机外文翻译外文文献英文文献单片机简介中英对原文来源图书馆电子资源 Single chip brief introduction The monolithic integrated circuit said that the monolithic micro controller, it is not completes some logical function the chip, but integrates a computer system to a chip on. Summary speaking: A chip has become a computer. Its volume is small, the quality is light, and the price cheap, for the study, the application and the development has provided the convenient condition. At the same time, the study use monolithic integrated circuit is understands the computer principle and the structure best choice. The monolithic integrated circuit interior also uses with the computer function similar module, for instance CPU, memory, parallel main line, but also has with the hard disk behave identically the memory component7 what is different is its these part performance is opposite our home-use computer weak many, but the price is also low, generally does not surpass 10 Yuan then Made some control electric appliance one kind with it is not the 'very complex work foot, We use now the completely automatic drum washer, the platoon petti-coat pipe: VCD and so on Inside the electrical appliances may see its form! It is mainly takes the control section the core part. It is one kind of online -like real-time control computer, online -like is the scene control, needs to have the strong antijamming ability,


本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述 一、外文文献 标题: Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 作者: Caffard, Christophe 期刊名称: International Financial Law Review 卷: 20;期: 3;页: 20-24 Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 1 Regulated brokers Regulated brokers are legal entities which have an investment services licence and are subject to the prudential regulations of the Comite de Reglementation Bancaire et Financiere (CRBF) and the Conseil des Marches Financiers (CMF). * Choice of legal form: regulated brokers are not required to be incorporated in a specific legal form; however, under article 13 of the MAF Law, the CECEI checks whether the legal form of the brokerage company is appropriate for providing investment services. In practice, any type of commercial company is admitted: societes de capitaux (limited companies) or societes de personnes (partnerships). The formalities of share transfer, tax and the scope of liability of a company's management will be relevant factors to the choice of legal form. * Application for an investment services licence from the CECEI: the most important part of the application is the description of the investment services, and a business plan including prospective financial statements for the following three years. The CMF will check whether the business plan is consistent with the investment services licence requested by the broker. The CECEI will ensure that the applicant's own initial funds are consistent with the business plan. The scope of the investment services licence is variable and covers one or more ofthe following investment services: Reception and transmission of orders to another investment services provider on behalf of investors, for execution. This is the core investment service provided by the

土木 建筑 外文文献翻译 中英文:地下建筑结构

Construction of rock or soil in the construction. It is a modern city of high-speed product development, the city will again ease the contradictions of the role to improve the living environment, but also opened up new human life. Rational development and utilization of human natural and artificial excavation of the underground space, not only help to ease the development of modern urban contradictions, to improve the living environment, but also to open up a new human life. Because of the large-scale development of underground construction, underground architecture is taking shape, its research includes the history of development of underground construction and development of underground space development and utilization of underground space in urban planning, various types of underground construction planning and design, as well as underground construction and related environmental, physiological, psychological and technical issues. Underground construction has a good protective performance, better thermal stability and confined, as well as an integrated economic, social and environmental benefits. Underground construction in a certain thickness of rock or soil, you can avoid or reduce nuclear weapons, conventional weapons, chemical and biological weapons of destruction, while at the same time more effectively to resist earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. Underground construction in and around the confined environment of relatively stable existence of the temperature field, temperature, or for creating ultra-clean manufacturing environment and at low temperatures or under high-temperature storage of materials, pollution prevention, especially for energy conservation as well. In the city planned the construction of underground construction, urban land use for savings, lower building density, to improve urban transportation, the


论文题目:关于巴塞尔II:新巴塞尔资本协议的影响 学院名称:财经学院专业班级:金融0814班学生姓名:王庆贺 外文题目:Dealing with Basel II: the impact of the New Basel Capital Accord 出处:Balance Sheet,2003,Vol.11(No.4) 作者:Thomas Garside and Jens Bech 译文: 关于巴塞尔II:新巴塞尔资本协议的影响 托马斯·加赛德和杰尼斯·伯克 摘要:国际监管机构在2003年完成新资本协议,银行决定在2006年底执行这个协议。巴塞尔协议是对全球银行业改革的监管。在本文中,我们回顾新巴塞尔资本协议内容以及一些我们所期望对欧洲银行业发生的重要影响。正如在第一届巴塞尔协议修正案(Basel I)中,我们得出结论,新巴塞尔协议不仅对持有资本额的数量做了规定,还对银行业的战略格局进行展望。 关键词:银行,流动性,监管,风险管理 新巴塞尔资本协议的新规则 巴塞尔委员会虽然只是公布了三分之一,但这很可能是协商的最后新资本协议(Basel II)文件。这项建议如获通过,将会深刻地改变银行的偿付能力的方式,监管机构监管银行风险管理实施过程和银行必须对市场参与者公布的风险信息量,经过讨论会,巴塞尔委员会预计将在2003年底发布的新资本协议的最后草案。 目前的巴塞尔资本协议(Basel I)对达到加强国际金融体系的稳定的既定目标已经有了显著成效,通过在不同国家持续应用本协议的同时,增加了资本水平,创造了一个更公平的竞争领域。总的来说,目前的全球一级资本的平均水平从1993年的约6%升至8%,此外,巴塞尔资本协议已经应用于100多个国家,远远超过最初的预期。 尽管实现其最初目标的成效很明显,很显然,对于巴塞尔我有一些意想不到的不
