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第一单元Hello, America and American!

第一部分Warm Up






A: Hey, there’s Leo. I ⑴ w onder why he’s ⑵ walking arm in arm with that young woman.

B: ⑶ It’s as plain as the nose on your face. They’re dating each other.

A: You’re ⑷ pulling my leg! *She must be thirty years younger than Leo. Talk about ⑸ robbing the cradle! B: Well, you can bet this relationship’s going to ⑹ be a flash in the pan.

A: It ⑺ must have been love at first sight because I know he didn’t have a girlfriend last week.

B: I think you are ⑻ absolutely right. Actually, my father proposed to my mother after knowing her only two weeks. They got married a month later.


⑴ wonder:意思是“怀疑、纳闷儿”。因为对话中的女人比男人小很多

⑵ walking arm in arm:意为“walking with his arm interlocked”。

⑶ It’s as plain as the nose on your face:意思是“very obvious”。

⑷ pulling my leg:意思是“kidding”。

⑸ rob the cradle:意思是“date someone much younger than you”。

⑹ be a flash in the pan:意思是“going to be temporary”。

⑺ must have been:表推论的句型,其中MUST重读用以表明自己的态度,具有很强的征服。

⑻ absolutely right:该短语一定要充满自信地重读。


恋人之间的年龄对美国人来说永远不是问题。在美国或其他西方国家,爱情似乎只有男女之分,而没有老少之分。中国的传统文化中的Respect the authority and the old men是美国个人主义文化氛围所不能理解和接受的





下面的对话是 A 同学帮 B 同学想办法解决 B 在度假期间公寓处置的问题:

A:*You must be ⑴ pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When is it that you are leaving?

B:In just three weeks, and I am excited. But there are still ⑵ a few things I need to do before I go.

A:⑶ Like what?

B::Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket and ⑷ figuring out what to do with my apartment while I’m gone.

A:⑸ You are not going to give it up, are you?

B:⑹ No way. I’ll never find another apartment around here. But ⑺ I don’t like the idea of paying three months’ rent on an empty apartment, either.

A: I don’t blame you. *Perhaps you could ⑻ sublet it.

B:Yes, but whom to?

A:Mmm… let me think. Oh, I know just a person. An old colleague of mine, Jim Thomas, is coming here to do some research this summer, from June to August.

B:That’s exactly when I’ll be away. It sounds ideal, as long as the landlord agrees.

A:⑼ Tell you what, I’ll be calling Jim late this week anyway, so I’ll mention it to him then.

B:Well, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money will really ⑽ come in handy.


⑴ pretty:在口语中的意思是“very”相当于副词的作用。

⑵ a few:意思是“很少一些”,用来修饰可数名词。注意:如果是few,意思就是“几乎没有”。

⑶ Like what:当what 重读时,表示说话方极度不耐烦;轻读时,表示说话方想继续这个对话,并想了解更多的细节。在本段对话中要轻读。
