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I like the place because of I have ever seen a TV play series called——
And there is a legend about A METER SUNLIGHT
丽江古城有近千年的历史。丽江风景独特,风 情独具。它是国家级历史文化名城。包括三个 部分:大研,白沙,束河。那么,为什么它叫 作大研?因为它位于丽江盆地的中部,看起来 像一个大砚台,在中国的读音是“研”。
The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town. In the town the Yuquan river winds in many streams across the town and past all the houses. The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream. Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges across it here and there. As a saying has it : A house beside a stream with a small bridge across it makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” That’s why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”
which place do you want to go? And why? Today I will introduce you a beautiful place — —LI JIANG
Lijiang is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province. The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc..
地将万丈爱情阳光剪下最绚丽的一米藏于山洞之中,山 神醒来后很快就会发觉,所以就去追回那一米阳光,所 以这一米阳光只能在人间停留一个盹的功夫就会消失, 如果有情侣可以沐浴到这短暂而可贵的阳光,就可以得 到永久的爱情…… 据说,在丽江的玉龙雪山顶上,一米长的阳光照在上面 的场面非常宁静,非常壮美。对于一个人的一生来说, 真正灿烂、终生难忘的爱情一闪即逝,正如这“一米阳 光”般短暂!“一辈子无法成就的永恒,或许在某一点 便凝成;一辈子无法拥有的灿烂,或许只在那一米之内。 可是,错过了便是错过了,短暂的一米阳光,只会偶然 地照射在人们的身边,而不会必然地覆盖在大家的周 围。”
大研镇最著名的是中国的古 老和简单的建筑风格和高雅 艺术的布局。城内,玉泉河 蜿蜒而过,穿梭在古老的民 居间,河边的小路也是顺着 玉泉河,古老的房屋都是面 朝玉泉河的。无论你走在哪 条小道或马路上,都有蜿蜒 而过的小河,河上大多有桥。 古语云:有河有桥的房子, 是再好不过的住处了。“这 就是为什么我们称大研镇为 “东方威尼斯”的原因。
玉龙雪山终年云雾缭绕,即使在最晴朗的天气,阳光也 很难穿透云层照到山脚,传说每年秋分是日月交合同辉同映 的日子,神灵会在那天赐予人间最完美的爱情阳光。如果那 天玉龙雪山云开雾散,神奇的阳光就会铺满整个山谷,每个 被阳光抚摩到的人得最美最圣洁的爱情,但是,善妒的山神 在那天从来不开放自己的胸怀,总是有雾有雨,所以世上很 难有完美的爱情·· ·· 虽然秋分这天的阳光无法穿过云层,但是在玉龙和哈巴 雪山交界,穿孔肃立最陡峭的岩壁有一处山洞,据说山洞里 居住的是殉情而死的风之女,她痛恨山神刁难人世间的男女, 所以她会在秋分的正午时分,趁山神打盹的时候,偷偷
古镇的中心是四方街,一个 热闹的集市。自古以来,四 方街一直是游客,商人集散 的重地。集市上每天有穿着 独特服饰的少数民族人民来 这里做生意,让这里成为一 个无比热闹的地方。如果你 花一整天在这里,你可以在 这里体验诗意的变化。早上, 街道伸伸懒腰苏醒了,在中 午,就成了大忙人,当夜晚 来临,它又变成为一个盛装 的少女,深夜来临,它又静 悄悄地入睡了。
Oriental Venice”
In the center of the ancient town, here is the Sifang Street. It is a place for country fair trades. Since ancient times, Sifang Street has been a collecting and distributing center of all kinds of products with travelers and traders going and coming everywhere. On a market day people of different minorities in their unique costumes come here to do business and make the place crowed and noisy. If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here. In the morning, the street stretch its arms and woke up; in the midday, it becomes a busy man; When the night comes, the light is on, it changes into a dressed young lady; And at night it becomes quiet and fell asleep.
• Why the street has a name of “Sifang”? There are two kinds of explanation, one is that the ancient leader in Lijiang named it with a meaning of “spread his power around”, and the other is that “Sifang” in Chinese means four directions, and the street has people and goods from every area. Dayan Town is quite different from the other ancient towns in China, no town walls around it,which is mysterious. 为什么街名为“四方”?有两种解释,一种是,丽江古城的 首领把它作为“扩大势力”的根据地,另一方面则是“四方” 是指四个方向,因为这里有来自各个地方的人民。大研镇是完 全不同于中国其他古老城镇,周围没有城墙。这是他的神奇之 处!
丽江地区是云南省发展最快的旅游区。 它有美丽的自然环境,独特的民族风情, 古老的少数民族文化,旅游资源非常丰富。 该景区主要分布在丽江县和宁蒗县。丽江 被称为“两山,一镇,一湖,一河,一种 文化和一种风俗。”。
Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people’s custom, which we call the “Aixa”. What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover. So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracts more and more tourists from home and abroad. 两山是指玉龙雪山和老君山,一镇是 指大研镇,一湖指的泸沽湖,一河流 是金沙河,一种文化,是一个东巴文 化和民俗指的是摩梭人的习俗。丽江 的植物和动物资源非常丰富,自然美 景和迷人的少数民族民俗风情,吸引 了来自海内外越来越多的游客。
•Lijiang has a history of almost a thousand years. The scenes are unique and unconventional. It is one of the best-historical, cultural cities at the state level in China. It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Shuhe. So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.
何润东 饰 金正武 孙俪 饰 伊爱源&伊 川夏 刘莉莉 饰 秀丁 印小天 饰 年立伦 于娜 饰 费雅 迟帅 饰 米拉 It was many years ago that 冼色丽 饰 阿厦丽
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
I saw the TV play series.
丽江位于云南省西北部。丽江地区的人口超 过100万,有21个民族,包括纳西族,彝族, 傈僳族,普米族等。
Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province. It contains beautiful natural scense, unique minority amorous feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources. The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County. We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.