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国外重大工程Project Reference

1 毛里求斯污水处理泵站管线工程Montagne Jacquot Sewerage Project / Mauritius

2 莫桑比克贝拉供水管线工程Water Supply Pipeline in in Beria, Mozambique

3 香港地铁工程Underground project in HK

4 坦桑尼亚达累斯城市污水排海管线工程Sewage Project form Tanzania. Dar es Salaam

5 阿富汗输水工程water supply pipeline in Afghanistan

6 毛里求斯城市污水排放管网项目Lot 2 Plaines Wilhems Sewerage Project in Mauritius

7 韩国水原市BTL污水排放工程SUWON BTL Project in Korea

8日本上越新干线工程采用我司生产的FWC管接头The Jyoetsu Shinkansen use FWC Coupling



本项目业主为公共事业部污水局(WMA),出资方为日本协力基金(JBIC),咨询工程公司为NJS-SERV ANSINGH JADA V PARTNERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD,主承包商为中国水利电力对外公司(CWE);工程合同额为2300余万美元,于2005年3月1号正式开工。


采用DN150 250 300 400 800 900 1000/SN10000/PN1 1503米

Montagne Jacquot Sewerage Project / Mauritius

HOBAS® CC-GRP Pipe Systems made by HOBAS China will be installed in the Montagne Jacquot Sewerage Project on Mauritius. The size range from DN300 to DN1200 with stiffness 10000 and pressure rate PN1.HOBAS China sent service engineer to construction site on Mauritius which gained good reputation from the contractor, the client and the consultant. And they are satisfied with the product performance in installation.

Montagne Jacquot Sewerage Project was financed by JBIC, with the client: WMA Consultant: NJS-SERV ANSINGH JADA V PARTNERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD and Contractors: CHINA INTERNATIONAL WATER & ELECTRIC CORP. (CWE).

Montagne Jacguot Sewage Treatment Plant

莫桑比克贝拉供水管线工程Project in Beria, Mozambique 采用DN600、900/SN5000-10000/PN6 13766米


坦桑尼亚达累斯城市污水排海管线工程Sewage Project form Tanzania. Dar es Salaam


HOBAS管 DN1000/SN15000/PN6 1023米。

阿富汗输水工程Contractor: Angelique International Limited.

2007年采用HOBAS压力管DN300 10.6公里,DN400 14.2公里,规格SN10000/PN6 预计管道施工在2009年1月份。

The project includes the delivery, to and off-loading at the CAWSS warehouses to extend the existing CAWSS Units water supply distribution networks in eight (8) initial and three (3) new provincial towns / cities. The expected overall working life time of the GRP Pipes shall be 40 years or more. Materials, fittings, spares and accessories shall be suitable for below ground level installation, without chambers and fully resistant against aggressive, salty or any other possible soil conditions.

钢制托盘包装(Stainless Steel Tray Packing)装柜图片good Packing for Container shipment)
