联机 + 操作继续 + 主菜单 + 开机 EPL-N2120
联机 + 继续 + 菜单 + 电源 EPL-8600K
按On Line + Continue + Menu键开机直到“FORMAT=EPL8600K”出现 EPL-9000K
1)进入调整程序前,按换行/换页键先进一张白纸,并使页顶位置高于打印头左 侧传感器的高度2)双击K3 进入调整程序,选24 针,回车。(见下图)
北京打印机维修网 办公商城
n ォンライソ .............按此键灯亮联机打印,灯灭进入功能调整。 c コピ一 ....表示复印 坛 a. トレイ ....表示手送托纸盘 论 n タテ ......表示纸张为纵向 hi ョコ ......表示纸张为横向 术 c ジドウ ....表示打印进纸模式为自动选择 技 nt ョケシガ ッマリマシタ ...表示打印机已卡纸,请清除已卡的纸张(或定影出纸传感器没复位) 公 i キユウシミスデ ョケシガ ッマリマシタ..表示打印机进纸部位卡纸 pr トナ一カ一リッジヲ イレテクダサイ.....打印机没装硒鼓或硒鼓上的传感压条没压好鼓传感器。 办 w. フロントカバ一ガ アィティマス 表示打印机前门没关紧、前门压杆断了或压杆没压好内部的开关。 业 w サ一ピスコ一ルエラ一 ...E0003 表示定影器灯管损坏。 专 /w サ一ピスコ一ルエラ一 ....E0005 表示打印机的散热风扇有故障 / サ一ピスコ一ルエラ一 ....E0006 表示激光部分有故障 中国 p: 二: 维修经验交流 htt 针式打印机
(1) 打印机设置1) 基本设置基本设置根据用户需要修改或取消工厂设置的某些打印机功能。
设定此项设置后,就不能再通过用户设置(测试页打印) 打印测试页。
AR-C260M打印部分13 –92) 接口设置接口设置用来设置数据监视,以及控制数据到机器并行口和网络端口的输出。
I/O 超时后改变当达到I/O超时设置所设的时间( 以下所列项目) 时,端口选择变成自动选择。
b. 并行口允许设置此程序用来设置从并行口打印的允许/禁止。
c. USB端口允许设置此程序用来设置从USB端口打印的允许/禁止。
d. 网络端口允许设置此程序用来设置从网络端口打印的允许/禁止。
e. I/O 超时时间端口在打印数据接收等待状态时,经过一段时间端口没有收到打印数据后,此程序用来中断端口的连接,同时用来自动选择端口,并启动端口待机状态等待接收下次打印数据进行打印。
I/O 超时项表示打印数据接收等待状态到I/O端口超时之间的时间间隔。
3) 网络设置此设置用来将打印机设置成网络打印机。
感谢北京打印机维修网提供技术支持!一:清EEPROM及其它面板操作速查(打印机内存全清)针打LQ-300k+换行/换页+进纸/退纸+暂停+电源LX-300+换行/换页+进纸/退纸+暂停+电源LQ-580K:换行/换页+进退纸+暂停+电源.LQ-630K:清 EEPROM:换行/换页+进退纸+暂停+电源.设置:进纸/退纸 + 暂停 + 电源键盘锁定:换行/换页 + 暂停+ 5 秒以上,响二声。
解锁:进纸/退纸 + 换行/换页+ on.LQ-670K:高速+切纸+电源LQ-680K:换行/换页+进纸/退纸+暂停+电源LQ-1600K3/K3+,2600K字体+切纸+电源LQ-1600K4/K4+字体+切纸+电源LQ-2600K字体 + 切纸+ 电源DLQ-1000K:Line Feed + Form Feed + Micro Adjust↓ + 电源DLQ-3000K:清 EEPROM:Selec Type + Paper Select + Pause +电源DLQ-3500K:LF/FF + Load/Eject + Pause + 电源喷墨COLOR切换 + 字体 + 进/退纸 + 暂停+电源COLOR II切换+暂停+进纸+彩清洗+电源COLOR 300进纸+清洗+电源,再按清洗 10 秒COLOR 400/440/460进纸灯闪几秒后,按1、进/退纸清 EEPROM2、清洗 10 秒,清废墨计数器COLOR 500进纸 + 黑头清洗 + 彩头清洗 + on ,再按进纸键 3 秒COLOR 600/640/66O/670进纸+清洗+电源缺纸灯闪 5 秒后,再按1、进/退纸清 EEPROM 及 timer IC2、清洗 10 秒,清废墨计数器COLOR 800/850初始化:进纸+黑头清洗+彩头清洗+ON,松手再按彩头清洗 10 秒COLOR 1520K切换+进/退纸+换行/换页+微调↑+ 电源COLOR 3000暂停 + 换行/换页 + 微调↓ + 电源SP870/1270进/退纸 + 清洗 + on 然后按1、/退纸清 EEPROM 及 timer IC2、清洗 10 秒,清废墨计数器SP 950:Paper + Roll paper + on 1. Paper (EEPROM)SP 2100/2200Paper + Roll paper + on 1. Paper (EEPROM)MJ-510进/退纸 + 清洗 + on 松手后再按进/退纸 10 秒至进纸灯和缺墨灯闪MJ-850切换 + 暂停 + 电源, 再按进/退纸至省墨灯与暂停灯闪烁再按切换MJ-1000切换 + 省墨/压缩 + 进/退纸 + 暂停 + 电源MJ-1500K/K+切换+微调↓+暂停+换行/换页+ON激光机EPL-5600:Item+1+Continue+On Line+开机EPL-5700:按切换键+操作继续键+联机键+开机EPL-5700L:操作同 EPL-1220(参见 1220 图示)EPL-5800:按切换键+操作继续键+联机键+开机EPL-5800L:驱动 + 属性→可选设定值Alt + Ctrl + Shift + W + 鼠标左键EPL-5900&EPL-6100:按住Start/Stop + Job Cancel + Information + 电源,直到联机和错误指示灯同时亮. EPL-5900L&EPL-6100L:1、计算机中选择打印机“属性”中的“可选设定值”项;2、时按住键盘的 ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+“W”键,然后用鼠标点击屏幕中“可选设定值”项的任意空白区域,参考 EPL-1220 图示;3、屏幕出现是否进行 EEPROM 初始化的对话框,选择“YES“,操作完成。
canon 清零大全重写清零A、不安装墨盒,按RESET键通电源B、释放RESET键,5秒内重按一次C、打开前盖,安装黑色墨盒D、关上前门双击RESET键,打印机此时开始测试打印。
佳能S300维修模式1.关机.按住RESUME键,按住POWER键开机,绿灯亮.2.在按住POWER键时,松开RESUME键,然后按RESUME键2次,松开POWER键,(按住PESUME键时指示灯绿/黄闪烁)3.初始化操作时,绿灯闪烁,绿灯亮后,根据下表RESUME键.4.按POWER键,执行.按键次数指示灯维修模式功能1次黄灯亮出厂检测打印2次绿灯亮EEPROM信息打印5次黄灯亮目标设置6次绿灯亮PTH值打印目标设置:选择模式设置,按POWER键,根据下表按PESUME键,然后按POWER键:按键次数目标1次海外(S300)2次***(BJS300)佳能s300维修模式1.关机.按住resume键,按住power键开机,绿灯亮.2.在按住power键时,松开resume键,然后按resume键2次,松开power键,(按住pesume键时指示灯绿/黄闪烁)3.初始化操作时,绿灯闪烁,绿灯亮后,根据下表resume键.4.按power键,执行.按键次数指示灯维修模式功能1次黄灯亮出厂检测打印2次绿灯亮eeprom信息打印5次黄灯亮目标设置6次绿灯亮pth值打印目标设置:选择模式设置,按power键,根据下表按pesume键,然后按power键:按键次数目标1次海外(s300)2次***(bjs300)s400 (缺)canon s-600的部分维修用资料,同时可用于bjc-3000废墨清除应该是:1、按住进纸键,打开电源。
CANON打印机维修资料大全上此程序适用佳能IP系列机型:第步: 关闭打印机电源。
第二步: 按紧打印机的电源键同时插上电源线。
步:第四步: 松开电源键。
在下面的cleaning和EPROM项前打勾, 点击test 1。
1、BJC265SP、4310、4650 :上纸后按POWER键听一声,等待自检;2、BJC2000 :此机器为单键操作,上纸后接上电源状态下,按两下键等待3、BJC3000:开机后,按住进纸键,灯闪两次,然后放开进纸键;6000 :单键,上纸后按住小键听两声;4、BJC5000、5100、7100 :上纸,按POWER键听两声或等听到音乐声后放开(会打出彩色图片);5、BJC5500 :上纸后按住POWER键听两声或先按住进纸键的同时再按POWER键开机,3秒后再放开进纸键6、BJC50 :上纸,按住POWER键听两声,空走纸一遍,再进纸方可执行打印;7、BJC30、80 :方法一:打开电源,上纸后,按住MENU (菜单)键听一声后放手,再按一次。
方法二:关机状态下,按住进纸键开机,听一声后放开,等待自检佳能部分喷墨机维修模式佳能:BJC-2000EEPROM清除1拆去墨盒,按RESET,插电源线.2•松开RESET键,5秒内再按此键并松开,小车会移到中间•3. 按住RESET键多余2秒种,松开.4•根据下表,按住RESET键.5•关机.操作:设置内容:按住2秒以上EEPROM清除和目标设置(日本以外)按一次目标设置(日本)(EEPROM不清除)按住2次(2次间隔1秒种以内)目标设置(其他)(EEPROM不清除)佳能BJC2100EEPROM清除1拆去墨盒,按RESET,插电源线.2•松开RESET键,5秒内再按此键并松开,小车会移到中间•3. 按住RESET键多余2秒种,松开.4•根据下表,按住RESET键.5•关机.操作:设置内容:按住2秒以上EEPROM清除按1次目标设置(日本.BJF210)按2次目标设置(其他.BJC2100)按3次目标设置(SP:BJC2100SP)佳能BJC-80EEPROM 清除:1. 按住POWER和RESUME键,插电源线,初始化后手松开.2. 按住RESUME禾口CARTRIDGE 键,按POWER键,直至U听至U 1长1短的蜂鸣后.3•根据下表,按CARTRIDGE,设置相应的废墨量.4. 按RESUM键,设置相应的废墨量.5. 用POWER键关机(如果为25%,50%或75%,要用POWER键开机.如果为0%,要用POWER键开机,然后拔掉电源线)按CARTRIDGE次数:默认设置:7次0%16 次25%15 次50%14 次75%佳能BJC7000/7100维修模式:1•关机•按住RESUME键,字住POWER键开机.2. 组住POWER键,在初始化完成前,连续按RESUME键2次3•初始化完成后,根据下表按RESUME键,选择相应的功能.4. 按POWER键执行按RESUME键次:ERROR指示灯:功能:0次不亮退出维修模式1次亮打印最终出厂打印,关机停止2次不亮清除EEPROM数据3次亮清除EEPROM中废墨记数4次不亮打印EEPROM中数据5次亮改变国家标志6次不亮打印普通纸的耐用性图案7次亮打印光面PHOTO纸的耐用性图案8次亮打印LF检测图案9次不亮恢复正常模式佳能S300维修模式1•关机•按住RESUME键,按住POWER键开机,绿灯亮.2. 在按住POWER键时,松开RESUME键,然后按RESUME键2次,松开POWER键,(按住PESUME键时指示灯绿/黄闪烁)3•初始化操作时,绿灯闪烁,绿灯亮后,根据下表RESUME键.4. 按POWER键,执行.按键次数:指示灯:维修模式功能:1次黄灯亮出厂检测打印2次绿灯亮EEPROM信息打印5次黄灯亮目标设置6次绿灯亮PTH值打印目标设置:选择模式设置,按POWER键,根据下表按PESUME键,然后按POWER 键:按键次数:目标:1次海外(S300)2次日本(BJS300)佳能S100SP维修资料(原创中文正版)重写清零A、不安装墨盒,按RESET键通电源B、释放RESET键,5秒内重按一次C、打开前盖,安装黑色墨盒D、关上前门双击RESET键,打印机此时开始测试打印。
爱普生打印机维修资料爱普生打印机维修资料大全1httppcomncom1041979_dhtmlPROOA_OA专家网_数码影印论坛 - 『供墨系统』 - 爱普生打印机维修资料大全 Pages 2 total 王刚 2005-07-05 1558 墨机三灯闪烁处理方法在控制面板上一起按住墨水键和进纸键然后开机开机后3秒钟时就立刻把进纸键的手松开这时墨水键的手还按着大约10秒后就出现三灯再闪这时可以把手放开这样就能把ROM清好主板就OK了这一操作的作用是将废墨计数器清零此外还可以通过调整程序达到这一目的如果两年前遇到这种三灯闪故障全部都换主板到了后来就进一步修主板现在只是在控制面板按几下就OK这说明修打印机要有经验耐心才能把故障排除打印头电缆断线故障分析打印头电缆一般都采用塑料柔性带状电缆这种电缆在使用过程中容易产生折痕一种是插在打印头插座一端的电缆随着打印头的插拔次数增多在折痕处就会发生断裂修理时需将打印头拆下另一种是随着打印时间的增加打印电缆的中间部分很容易在字车移动过程中被磨损或产生折痕若将电缆上的绝缘层磨掉会使打印针驱动信号与打印机机架短路导致打印机主控电路故障若打印电缆折痕处断裂则会使打印针驱动信号开路引起对应的打印针不出针打印致使打印字符/汉字缺点少划电缆的这两种故障可以用万用表检查方法是将万用表的两根表笔分别搭在电缆两端的对应线上量其电阻是否为零必要时还要在折痕处作弯曲试验观察万用表上的阻值有无变化在确诊有断线后用相同机型的打印头电缆更换即可切记电缆的断裂处不能用焊接的方法处理因为这样会在使用过程中出现信号短路法处理严重时将导致信号对地短路引起打印机的主控电路产生故障在打印头电缆出现折痕但末折断时可采取预防措施避免信号线折断其方法是先截一段长约1.5cm的粘胶带随后将一条长约o5cm宽度与粘胶带宽度相同的薄纸片贴到胶带的中部以避免胶带中部与电缆粘在一起然后使电缆在折痕处微微向外弯曲让纸片对正折痕将胶带贴到电缆上这样胶带片产生的拉力就会始终迫使电缆在折痕处微微向外弯曲从而使电缆在折痕处产生一个向外的合适张力这样可以可靠地避免打印头在打印过程中向右运动致使电缆在折痕处产生折卷防止打印头电缆中信号线的折断打印头与打印辊的间隙偏离打印机长期使用之后由于击打振动的原因或在对打印机维修之后打印机的字车机构被拆开修理或清洗打印头与打印辊之间间隙会发生变化若间隙过小打印针冲击过大易造成打印头断针或打印太浓甚至于成墨团一般称之为"棕色带" 若间隙过大打印针从导向板伸出较长也容易造成断针同时所要打印字符/汉字的字迹太淡因此要定期检查并调整特别是在修理过字车机构之后打印头与打印辊之间的间隙打印头与打印辊的间隙是打印机的一个重要参数若有偏离轻者影响打印效果重者会造成断针用户应重视定期检查调整王刚 2005-07-05 1558 1 一种通用的"间隙"调整方法 1 将装在打印头上色带盒取下 2 打开打印机机壳并拆下字车架的固定螺丝将机架中装有打印头调节杆的一端抬起 3 松开打印头调节杆的固定螺帽调节杆用螺帽安装在带偏心的字车滑杆螺栓上有的打印机用的是螺丝将打印头调节杆拨至第二档一般是薄纸位置在打印头与打印辊之间插入4层打印纸约023-027mm厚转动字车滑杆注意保持调节杆始终在第二档使插入的4层纸能抽动但略有一点摩擦力这时分别在打印辊的左中右位置进行调整待均匀后再将调节杆的固定螺帽上紧即可 4 LQ-1600KLQ-2500和LQ-800/1000打印机"间隙"调整方法先将打印头卸下取掉色带导片后再将打印头装回字车用螺丝刀的刀口插入字车导轴的埋头孔内左右转动以调整打印头与打印辊的间隙使其满足规定值激打清零EPL-5600 Item1ContinueOn Line开机EPL-5700 按切换键操作继续键联机键开机 EPL-5700L 操作同EPL-1220参见1220图示 EPL-5800 按切换键操作继续键联机键开机 EPL-5800L 驱动属性可选设定值Alt Ctrl Shift W 鼠标左键EPL-5900EPL-6100 按住StartStop Job Cancel Information 电源直到联机和错误指示灯同时亮EPL-5900LEPL-6100L 1 计算机中选择打印机属性中的可选设定值项 2 时按住键盘的ALTCTRLSHIFTW键然后用鼠标点击屏幕中可选设定值项的任意空白区域参考EPL-1220图示 3 屏幕出现是否进行EEPROM初始化的对话框选择YES操作完成 EPL-6200L 同上 EPL-1210 联机+继续+主菜单 ON EPL-1220 1计算机中选择打印机属性中的可选设定值项 2同时按住键盘的ALTCTRLSHIFTW键然后用点击鼠标左键屏幕出现是否进行EEPROM初始的对话框选择YES操作完成EPL-1610K 联机操作继续主菜单开机 EPL-N2000K 按On Line Continue Menu键开机 EPL-N2010 联机操作继续主菜单开机 EPL-N2120 联机继续菜单电源 EPL-8600K 按On Line Continue Menu键开机直到FORMAT EPL8600K出现 EPL-9000K 按On Line Continue Menu键开机直到FORMAT EPL8600K出现 ALC2000 on line continue menu selection C8000 联机+继续+主菜单 on C8200 联机+继续+主菜单 on 喷打清零COLOR 切换字体进退纸暂停+电源 COLOR II 切换暂停进纸彩清洗+电源COLOR300 进纸清洗电源再按清洗10秒COLOR400440460进纸灯闪几秒后按 1 进退纸清EEPROM 2 清洗10秒清废墨计数器 COLOR 500 进纸黑头清洗彩头清洗 on 再按进纸键3秒 COLOR 60064066O670 进纸清洗电源缺纸灯闪5秒后再按 1进退纸清EEPROM及timer IC 2清洗10秒清废墨计数器 COLOR 800/850 初始化进纸+黑头清洗+彩头清洗+ON松手再按彩头清洗10秒 COLOR 1520K 切换+进/退纸+换行/换页+微调电源 COLOR 3000 暂停换行换页微调电源 SP8701270 进退纸清洗 on 然后按 1 退纸清EEPROM及timer IC 2 清洗10秒清废墨计数器 SP 950 Paper Roll paper on 1 Paper EEPROM SP 21002200 Paper Roll paper on 1 Paper EEPROM MJ-510 进退纸清洗 on 松手后再按进退纸10秒至进纸灯和缺墨灯闪 MJ-850 切换暂停电源再按进退纸至省墨灯与暂停灯闪烁再按切换MJ-1000 切换省墨压缩进退纸暂停电源 MJ-1500KK+切换+微调+暂停+换行/换页+ON 针打清零 LQ-300k 换行/换页+进纸退纸暂停+电源LX-300 换行/换页+进纸退纸暂停+电源 LQ-580K 换行/换页+进退纸暂停+电源 LQ-630K 清EEPROM换行/换页+进退纸暂停+电源设置进纸退纸暂停电源键盘锁定换行/换页暂停5秒以上响二声解锁进纸退纸换行/换页+ on LQ-670K 高速+切纸+电源 LQ-680K 换行/换页+进纸退纸暂停+电源 LQ-1600K3K3+2600K 字体+切纸+电源 LQ-1600K4K4 字体+切纸+电源 LQ-2600K 字体切纸电源 DLQ-1000K Line Feed Form Feed Micro Adjust 电源 DLQ-3000K 清EEPROMSelec Type Paper Select Pause +电源 DLQ-3500K LFFF LoadEject Pause 电源王刚 2005-07-05 1559 epson1600K3针的排列 1 结构LQ-1600K与LQ-1900K打印头均为双层针排列结构针分长短两种规格各l2根 2 排列打印头24根针分奇偶双列如图1所示其中长针为26101418223711l 51923短针为4812l 62024l59l3 换针方法首先用打印头故障测试程序检查出哪几号针出现故障然后取下色带盒翻开打印头锁定夹从两边捏住打印头散热片即外壳向上提起打印头可以看到连着两根柔性扁平电缆拔去电缆便可拿出打印头用酒精棉球擦洗打印头前面的墨污查看一下是否有缺针情况若是断针则需要进行换针换针时要准备好工具主要有镊子刀片金刚挫钢尺油石和打印头专用夹具一种专门用于拆卸打印头散热片的工具用专用夹具退下散热片可以看到好几层结构将头部朝下松开定位爪取下最上面的后铜盖便可以看到环形分布的12根长针从测试结果区分出断针是长针还是短针然后数出所断长针的位置用镊子取出放在一边如果还有短针断针则继续取出所有长针再用刀片沿中间的黄色铜垫片下方分开露出12根短针用同样方法取出断针继而取下一根好针取长针或短针视所换断针而定用钢尺精确测量该针的长度将新针按所量的尺寸用金钢挫磨好注意将针的头部毛刺磨去后再从原位置插入换好后用手指轻压12根针的尾部使针头从前面探出此时应看到1号针和24号针位有针露出而且各列针与针之间应间隔一孔若有位置插错必须重新调整同时当手指放开后各针都能立即收针保证各针出针畅通只有在确认短针全部到位后才可以安装长针在合上铜座之前还要使每针的定位销入槽将长针层定位孔合上检查没有缝隙便可安装长针了长针只须照着对应孔位置插下去长针自尾部到探出头要经过几道导向槽最上边的槽孔是很容易穿下去的第二道孔稍微难一些只要穿过去针就能顺势而下很容易到达所在位置用拇指压住衔铁针应露出1mm表示换上去的针是好的全部插好后压上后铜盖应无缝隙装好三脚定位爪套上散热片即可上机打印测试 2.打印针线圈故障由于打印头出针动作是依赖于打印针驱动线圈通电后产生磁场吸合或释放衔铁而控制打印针的进退若针驱动线圈烧断开路则相应的打印针就不出针因而造成打印缺点少划若针驱动线圈短路击穿有可能会使整个打印机不工作打印针驱动线圈正常与否一般用万用表的R×1挡测量其直流电阻的方法进行鉴别几种常用打印机的打印头针驱动线圈的直流电阻值参见表1下面以LQ1600K打印机为例为大家介绍一下更换线圈的方法更换线圈时应按照固定的线圈对应关系如图 4 找到坏线圈用小刀切断粘结在线圈架上的明胶再用镊子和电烙铁取出线圈拆下坏线圈时要注意不要将相邻的好线圈碰坏装线圈时应注意线圈的引脚不要和铁壳相碰最后用明胶固定好线圈打印头修好后按照拆卸时的逆顺序将打印头恢复打印针和线圈维修完后先不要急于开机如果打印头中有线圈损坏则需要检查打印机内的驱动三极管V1-V24是否正常24个驱动三极管的外围电路完全一样所以在正常情况下测每只三极管的静态在线参数是很接近的在打印机断电的情况下用万用表测量各驱动管的b-ec-e之间的电阻就能判断驱动管是否有问题如果驱动管中有损坏仍会烧坏驱动线圈 LQ-1600K 29土 2 LQ-1600K II 约42 LQ-180OK 约42 LQ-1900K 约15 DLQ-2000K 约16 LQ-800/1000 47土10%LQ-2500 24土10% LX-800 19.2土10%王刚 2005-07-05 1559 EPSON的全系列机型与墨合对照表型号颜色适用打印机型号备注 SO20047 K COLOR 200MJ510820COLOR IISCOLOR II SO20049 3C 820COLOR IISCOLOR II1500 SO20010 K COLOR SQ87011702570 SO20025 K 4008008001000MI-500V2MJ-1000V2MJ-1010V2MJ-1100 SO20034 K COLORPROPRO XLPRO XL SO20036 3C COLORPROPRO XLPRO XL SO20062 K 1500 SO20066 3C PRO XL SO20089 3C COLOR 400600800850850N850NE15201520K SO20093 K COLOR 400500600PHOTO 700710EXEX2 SO20097 3C COLOR 200500MJ510 SO20108 K COLOR800850850N850NE15201520K SO20110 5C PHOTO 700710EXEX2COLOR 670C2000C SO20118 K COLOR 3000PRO 5000 SO20122 Y COLOR 3000PRO 5000 SO20126 M COLOR 3000 SO7>20130 C COLOR 3000 SO20138 四色 COLOR 300 SO20143 M PRO 5000 SO20147 C PRO 5000 SO20187 K COLOR 440460640660670PHOTO 7207501200EX3 SO20189 K COLOR 740740I740TB7608601160SCAN20002500 SO20191 3C COLOR 440460640660670740740I740TB7608601160 SO20193 5C PHOTO 720750EX3 T001011 5C PHOTO 1200 T003011 K COLOR 900900N 005011 3C COLOR 900900N T007 K PHOTO 780790870875DC890895127012801290 带芯片T008 5C PHOTO 780790870875DC890895 带芯片 T009 5C PHOTO 127012801290 带芯片 T013 K COLOR 480580C20C40C40UXC20UX T014 3C COLOR 480580C20C40C40UXC20UX T015 K PHOTO2000P 带芯片 T016 5C PHOTO2000P 带芯片 T017 K COLOR 680685777777I 带芯片 T018 3C COLOR 680685777777I 带芯片 T019 K COLOR 880 T020 3C COLOR 880 T026 K C50PHOTO 810PM-810820 带芯片 T027 5C PHOTO 810 带芯片 T028 K C60 带芯片 T029 3C C50C60 带芯片 T8>0321 K C80 带芯片 T0322 C C80 带芯片 T0323 M C80 带芯片 T0324 Y C80 带芯片 T0331 K PHOTO 950 带芯片 T0332 C PHOTO 950 带芯片 T0333 M PHOTO 950 带芯片 T0334 Y PHOTO 950 带芯片T0335 LC PHOTO 950 带芯片 T0336 LM PHOTO 950 带芯片 T0341 K PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0342 C PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0343 M PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0344 Y PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0345 LC PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0346 LM PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0347 LK PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T0348 K PHOTO 2100 带芯片 T036 K C42 带芯片 T037 3C C42 带芯片T038 K C41 带芯片T039 3C C41 带芯片补充一下缺SP900915830925后两种用T026T027墨盒王刚 2005-07-05 1600 EPSON喷墨打印机维修谈随着电脑市场的降价电脑已成为更多人可以接受的工具很多家庭级的打印机也展现电脑爱好者面前如EPSON 的480580670PHOTO EXT系列等这里根据个人几年来对EPSON打印机的维修经验向大家介绍一些使用及维修的见解A 更换墨盒第一种墨尽灯闪烁时按下清洗键3秒打印头归位到更换墨盒位置换上新墨盒再次按下清洗键打印机随后进行新墨盒检测及清洁工作第二种墨尽灯没有闪烁但打印质量下降彩色墨盒中有一色墨尽清洁工作也无法完成时想更换墨盒时很多人可能是强行断电这样对打印机难免会造成损坏这里给大家介绍另一种方法开机后按下进纸键5秒打印头归位到更换墨盒位置随后步骤与上一样B开机后所有灯闪烁打印机由于机械故障打印头阻力过大造成打印头的运动受阻引起打印头撞击机械框架使打印头定位系统出错和卡纸使打印机无法正常复位然后所有指示灯闪烁第一种同时按下进纸清洗键开机这时进纸灯闪烁然后松手按下清洗键直到所有灯闪烁一下后熄灭这时打印机正常此种方法有99的修复率此种方法虽很简单但EPSON公司从未公开第二种以上方法不行的话问题可能出在主板上首先取下面盖取出主板从后面及旁边取出镙钉先不要拔下主板上的联线取下主板上的锂电池3V后开机问题解决因为此电池是为打印机保存BIOS打印机信息的第三种此种情况是一般不会产生的但在我维修众多EPSON打印机中还是遇到了几例情况主板上有一个串行EPROM93C46芯片中的程序乱了因为此芯片是为打印机记忆打印头信息的更换此芯片有相当大的难度首先要找一台同型号的打印机取下此芯片93C46买一颗芯片93C46大约500元用写入器将取下的芯片里的程序复制到新买的芯片中问题解决C测试打印头质量第一种联机用EPSON说明书介绍的方法软件测试第二种不联机按下进纸开机这时你会看到打印机打印出每一个喷墨孔的样式图每一根斜线代表一个喷墨孔假如有缺某一根斜线说明打印头有某一个喷墨孔堵塞按下清洗键进行清洗再看样式图直到每一喷墨孔通这样打印出的质量才会清晰 LQ-1600KⅢ开机指示灯全亮闪烁--故障主要原因王刚 2005-07-05 1600 1打印头温度及检测系统故障如头上温度电阻断路头缆断线未扦打印头等注 CPU-73脚正常电压是054V如未接打印头或相应线断时开机立即全部灯闪亮网友发言 "听说是头测不到""打印头更换线圈后焊点短路造成的""老大是打印头缆插反了" 235V电压太高太低或检测系统故障暂缺网友发言中尚未见到例子注 CPU-74脚的正常电压是394V 此电压上升达到45V时开机全部灯闪亮头不动下降达到 35V时开机全部灯亮不闪头不动还有开机打印头归位后全部灯闪亮的也可能是此电压太高引起的当此电压上升达到44V时 3打印头"初始位置"及寻找故障初始检位测系统坏字车电机性能不好等网友发言 "打印头原位传感器损坏""打印头原位传感器HOME传感器一个线断了""好像是主板上字车电机的接头松了""可能是机子里有个主轴出现问题" 4Vref电压及检测系统含CPU 故障ZD1坏CPU坏等注 CPU-78脚正常电压是477V 网友发言 "主板上的一个477V稳压管坏了很小的红色管"---ZD1---编者注"我试过一样的故障换了CPU就OK了" 5主板上局部线路被短路漏电或开路故障 IC2芯片是重点网友发言"BIOS有的脚腐蚀了接触不好引起的""主板有明显腐蚀""总之是CPU自检已通过当进一步检测其他端口时有的端口有故障故没有通过检测而出现的现象这就要仔细检查每一路重点是短路 ---漏电---编者注其次是断路机械故障也有但很少同时拌随电路故障" K3线圈量法阻值约50欧长针 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 地4对应脚8 9 10 14 地5对应脚3 7 1315 地12对应脚12611 短针 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1和10 是热敏电阻地5对应脚391215 地13对应脚24811 地14对应脚671617 王刚 2005-07-05 1601 EPSON 喷墨打印机计数器故障 epson关于计数器清零的方法使用epson的维修软件但是很难找到所以不提倡手动的方法断电情况下按住进纸键与清洗键不放手开机进纸键灯闪烁2-3下后放开手然后在按清洗键13秒左右指示灯会一起闪烁后熄灭问题解决 EPSON的C2040机器面板指示灯交替闪烁-------废墨满电源灯和维护灯同时闪烁----黑色墨水将尽电源和维护灯不同频率的闪烁----彩色墨水将尽红灯长亮电源灯灭-----字车或者传感器问题我来跟一个我说的是EPSON的一些老机型以EX3为代表电源指示灯常亮进纸黑色墨尽彩色墨尽三指示灯闪烁-------表示废墨满电源指示灯常亮进纸灯闪烁黑色墨尽彩色墨尽两灯常亮--------表示字车错误一般是字车没有回原位或进纸器没有复位电源指示灯常亮黑色或彩色墨尽灯闪烁黑墨或彩色将尽提示更换墨水电源指示灯常亮黑色或彩色墨尽灯常亮表示黑色或彩色墨用完机器被锁死必须执行更换墨水操作680777的打印机二灯齐亮1缺纸2卡纸3墨已尽4更换墨盒错误往往是更换了兼容墨盒后发生有时会锁定打印机电源灯亮维护灯闪墨盒内墨水少已近用空电源灯灭维护灯亮墨车错误墨车不能按时返回初始位置二灯齐闪发生未知错误多数是废墨计数器满有时废墨计数器满也会表现为二灯齐亮 COLOR 680 废墨满清零方法手动现象所有的灯都在闪烁 1 关闭打印机 2 按住"进纸""换墨" 打开电源 3 15秒后松开 4 再按住"换墨"键15秒 5 打印会有一些动作初始化OK 以上15秒时间只com理开机复位后两个灯交替闪烁 EPSON MJ1500k暂停和数据灯同时闪烁原因是打印头清洁刮板不能复位重新润滑后可以解决问题 790安关机键电源灯迟迟不灭主板上受潮若记数器满卡纸灯常亮电源灯慢闪大部分EPSON机型都可面板清零如890断电情况下按住退纸键与清洗键电源开关旁的两个按键并非打开罩壳的换墨盒键不放手开机灯闪烁3下后放开手然后再按清洗键13秒左右指示灯会一起闪烁后熄灭机器清零结束其它机型号 1color300 进纸键清洗键开机键松手再按进纸键清洗键10秒墨尽灯与进纸灯闪 2color800 进纸键黑清洗彩清洗开机键松手再按彩清洗3秒 3mj1500k k 切换微调暂停换行换页开机所有灯亮松手 4color1520k 切换进纸退纸换行换页微调开机所有灯亮松手 5proxl xl alt fontloadejectpause开机 6stylus1000 切换省墨压缩进纸退纸暂停开机 7mj500 进纸黑清洗彩清洗开机再按进纸键3秒 8mj510 k 进纸退纸清洗开机键松手再按进纸退纸10秒看到进纸灯和缺墨灯闪 9colorii 切换暂停进纸彩清洗开机键10color 切换字体进纸退纸暂停开机键11color3000 暂停换行换页微调开机 EPSON彩喷机需清零的机型分以下几种1480580C20C40C41系列当联机时显示未知错误服务请求或打印机开机后电源灯和进纸灯交替闪烁时可以清零联机后运行清零软件第一界面选择相应选项点击"OK"进入程序出现提示框不用理会点击"close"之后进入主界面点击左边"Maintenance 维护 "选项卡点击"protect counter check 计数器检查 "在其右侧有一选项"clear the protect counter values 清除计数器值 "选中点击下方"OK"键执行操作这时请注意下方状态栏"The protect counter has been initialzed 计数器已被初始化 "软件提示需30秒初始化打印机接下来按提示操作即可注意如果在初始化打印机过程中打印机无响应字车无动作则需重启软件 2680790830C60C808701290系列这几款机型既可用软件清零也可用打印机面板来完成面板清零参考条目3 3700710720EXEX2EX312001270系列这几款系列的三键机故障现象是电源灯和其他两灯交替闪烁且其他两灯同频率按住进纸键和清洗键个别机器是换墨键开机2秒后松开进纸键再过2秒松开清洗键再按住清洗键直到所有灯同时亮一下字车有动作松开键 41500K1500K1520K多键机系列EPSON A3有EPSON STYLUS COLOR 1500K和EPSON STYLUS COLOR 1520K这两种用1520K开机打印文稿时打印机突然发出一阵恐怖的声音随后打印机右边面板上的所有红灯全部发亮打印头无吸墨动作机器不能打印任何文字与图像整台打印机陷于瘫痪 EPSON打印机内部设有一个计数器记录墨头吸墨次数等计数器计到一定数值后就要清洗吸墨海绵及装用完墨盒然后将计数器清零即可计数器清零的方法按住Alt键换行换页键进纸退纸键字体键四键开机听到嘟一声响后机器恢复正常工作 EPSON 1520清零方法按住Alt键换行换页键进纸退纸键字体键四键开机听到嘟一声响后机器恢复正常工作 LQ-1600K打印机故障维修实例故障现象一台LQ-1600K打印机打印表格时字车电机不时发出咔咔的响声字车的起始位置逐渐右移以致造成字车碰撞右墙同时字车电机异常发烫故障维修先用万用表检测字车电机线圈绕组的电阻值未发现异常接着测量字车电机静态锁定电压发现竟高达14V比正常值5V高出许多静态锁定电压过高必然增加电机线圈绕组中流过的电流致使电机发烫而且由于工作时驱动电压与锁定电压之间的电位差减小驱动能力下降使电机失步造成字车撞墙根据LQ-1600K打印机驱动电路的工作原理可知字车电机的驱动高压与锁定低压之间的切换是由STK6722H芯片完成的为了能快速准确地判断故障部位本人借助一台能正常工作的同型号打印机对STK6722H芯片进行了对比检测有关数据见下表以10脚为参考端测量中发现正常机与故障机的5613141718脚的阻值差异较大它们都是专用门阵列E05A09BA的输出端由于字车电机的相序信号锁定信号都是来自E05A09BA 故可判断该芯片损坏更换后再次进行了测试实测数据与正常机相符打印机工作正常字车电机也不再发烫引出脚正常机故障机引出脚正常机故障机 1 430 380 2 760 770 3 2000 1800 4 780 790 5 750 6000 6 730 6100 7 780 790 8 880 910 9 140 140 10 0 0 11 1070 1150 12 780 790 13 750 6200 14 750 6200 15 780 790 16 750 770 17 750 3000 18 400 0 故障现象使用自动装退纸时压纸杆不能抬起造成卡纸故障维修LQ-1600K打印机是由CPU控制两个三极管的导通/关闭以驱动压纸杆电磁铁吸合或释放来完成该功能的参见附图经测量发现Q36烧断该管为D1981 1810 因市场难以买到同型号三极管经查阅资料后用一录像机用电源管D1275代换故障排除另外该打印针驱动三极管也是采用的D1981 1810 如损坏时也可用D1275进行代换故障现象一台LQ-1600K打印机只能打印西文字符不能打印中文字符故障维修从打印结果看西文完全正确而中文都打成了西文考虑到西文只占用了数据线的7位 D0~D6 而中文字符则要用第8位数据线D7来表示怀疑故障出在与并行口数据线D7相关的电路部分分析电路图见附图打印机并行接口由一片M54610P9 5A 完成8位数据和接口信号的输入输出用示波器测M54610P的第11和第29脚 D7的输入输出脚无脉冲信号怀疑该芯片损坏更换一片M54610P后再试故障依旧用万用表测D7对地电阻为0Ω而从电路图看D7除了与M54610P相连外还与74LS076 6B 的8脚和CPU μPD7810 7B 的18脚相连割断74LS07的8脚再测D7对地电阻发现短路依旧看来是CPU μ7810的18脚内部对地短路所故由于CPU价格昂贵且更换不便考虑到18脚是用于串行通讯在LQ-1600K中并未起作用试着割断CPU的18脚发现D7对地不再短路开机打印中文文稿正常故障排。
brother MFC7420传真设备 维修手册
传真设备维修手册型号: MFC7420DCP7010/7025h t t p ://o a h e l p .5d 6d .c o m 中国O A 技术联盟论坛-资料网© Copyright Brother 2005 版权所有.未经本出版商许可不得以任何形式或方式 复制本出版物的任何内容。
h t t p ://o a h e l p .5d 6d .c o m 中国O A 技术联盟论坛-资料网前言本出版物为兄弟(brother)供维修人员使用。
第3章 操作原理总括了扫描和打印装置以及传感器、调节器和电子装置功能等。
当因打印装置发生故障而导致用户不能打印接收数据时, 维修人员须指导用户按本章中所描述的传送步骤将接收到的数据传送到另一个机器以防数据的丢失。
第五章 拆卸/重新安装和润滑详细展示了机器拆卸和重新安装的步骤以及相关的注意点。
workspace pro WF-3720DWF 4-in-1 商务级打印机说明 说明书
WorkForce ProWF-3720DWFDATASHEET / BROCHURESpace-saving and affordable 4-in-1 for business-quality printingwith Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct and fast double-sided printingLooking for a space-saving, cost-effective, yet advanced printer? The WF-3720DWF is a great choice for home offices or small businesses. It packs in lots of features including fast double-sided printing, a high-capacity paper tray and a 6.8cm touchscreen. It’s easy to use too with NFC 1, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct and Epson’s free mobile printing apps 2.Style and substanceWith its modern design, the compact WF-3720DWF is a great fit for the home or office. Its stylish and sleek design is complemented by a 6.8cm touchscreen.Business qualityEven at high speeds, this 4-in-1 printer produces top quality, laser-like prints thanks to Epson’s most advanced printhead technology, PrecisionCore. The WF-3720DWF is designed for business with double-sided printing, a 35 page automatic document feeder and 250 sheet paper tray. It also supportsadvanced Scan-to functions including Scan-to: Email, Cloud, FTP and Network.Low running costsAchieve professional, crisp and clear business documents that are water, smudge and highlighter resistant, with Epson's DURABrite Ultra Ink. Offering great value, the inks are supplied individually, so you only ever have to replace the colour used. Plus, with XL cartridges you can print up to three times more pages 3 - that equates to 1,100 black and 950 colour pages 4.Print from anywhereFrom your home or office, there’s the option to use Wi-Fi connectivity or Wi-Fi Direct for printing from compatible wireless devices without a Wi-Fi network. You can also print via NFC with a simple tap of a compatible Android device on the printer 1. And there's Epson's free mobile printing apps and solutions including Email print, which allows you to send items to print from almost anywhere in the world 2.KEY FEATURESPrint, scan, copy and fax 4-in-1with fast duplex printing Fast business-quality printing 20ppm in black 10ppm in colour 5ConnectivityWi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC 1 and Ethernet Front paper tray 250-sheet capacityEpson's free mobile printing apps 2Freedom to print and scan anywhere2PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSTECHNOLOGYPrinting Method PrecisionCore™ Print HeadMinimum Droplet Size 3.8 pl, With Variable-Sized Droplet TechnologyInk Technology DURABrite™ UltraPRINTPrinting Speed ISO/IEC 2473420 pages/min Monochrome, 10 pages/min ColourDuplex Printing SpeedISO/IEC 2473410 A4 pages/min Monochrome, 7 A4 pages/min ColourMaximum Printing Speed33 pages/min Monochrome (plain paper), 20 pages/min Colour (plain paper)Printing Resolution4,800 x 2,400 dpiMax Duty cycle20,000 pages per monthColours Black, Cyan, Yellow, MagentaFor detailed information on printing speeds please visit http://www.epson.eu/testing.SCANScanning Resolution1,200 dpi x 2,400 dpi (Horizontal x Vertical)Scanner type Contact image sensor (CIS)FAXFax speed dials (max)100 names and numbersPage memory Up to 180 pages (ITU-T No.1 chart)Fax Functions PC Fax, Address Book, Delay Send, Broadcast FaxPAPER / MEDIA HANDLINGPaper Formats A4, A5, A6, B5, C6 (Envelope), DL (Envelope), No. 10 (Envelope), Letter, 10 x 15 cm, 13 x 18cm, 16:9, User defined, Legal, Executive, B6Automatic Document Feeder35 pagesDuplex Yes (A4, plain paper)Paper Tray Capacity250 Sheets maximumNumber of paper trays1CONNECTIVITYInterfaces Hi-Speed USB - compatible with USB 2.0 specification, Ethernet interface (100 Base-TX / 10Base-T), Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Near Field Communication (NFC), USBhostGENERALEnergy Use15 W (standalone copying, ISO/IEC 24712 pattern), 1.2 W (sleep mode), 6.4 W (Ready), 0.3 W(Power off), ENERGY STAR® qualifiedOTHERWarranty12 months Carry inOptional warranty extension availableLOGISTICS INFORMATIONSKU C11CF24401EAN code8715946628929Dimensions Single Carton475 x 435 x 315 mmCarton Weight10.62 KgCountry of Origin IndonesiaPallet Size Euro12 Units (2 x 6)Pallet Size Block24 Units (4 x 6)WorkForce Pro WF-3720DWF WHAT'S IN THE BOXDriver and utilities (CD)Individual Ink CartridgesMain unitWarranty documentPower cableSetup guideINK YIELD DATAGolf ball 34XL1,100 pages*950 pages** Approx. page yield based on ISO/IEC 24711/24712 or ISO/IEC 29102/29103. Actual yield will vary depending on imagesprinted and usage conditions. For more information visithttp://www.epson.eu/pageyield1. Requires NFC and Wi-Fi Direct enabled device withAndroid OS 4.0 or higher. Requires download of EpsoniPrint app from Google Play.2. Epson iPrint requires a wireless connection and theEpson printing app. Epson Email print, Epson Remote PrintDriver and Epson scan-to-cloud require an internetconnection. For more information, supported languages anddevices, please visit www.epsonconnect.eu3. Comparison based on ISO yield of 34 and 34XL seriesink cartridges. For more information on ISO yields visitwww.epson.eu/pageyield4. Approx. page yield based on ISO/IEC 24711/24712.Actual yield will vary depending on images printed andusage conditions. For more information visitwww.epson.eu/pageyield5. Determined in accordance with ISO/IEC 24734 showingthe average of ESAT from the Office Category Test fordefault A4 simplex. For more information, please visitwww.epson.eu/testingHomeusers************Web: For more information please contact:。
canon 清零大全重写清零A、不安装墨盒,按RESET键通电源B、释放RESET键,5秒内重按一次C、打开前盖,安装黑色墨盒D、关上前门双击RESET键,打印机此时开始测试打印。
佳能S300维修模式1.关机.按住RESUME键,按住POWER键开机,绿灯亮.2.在按住POWER键时,松开RESUME键,然后按RESUME键2次,松开POWER键,(按住PESUME键时指示灯绿/黄闪烁)3.初始化操作时,绿灯闪烁,绿灯亮后,根据下表RESUME键.4.按POWER键,执行.按键次数指示灯维修模式功能1次黄灯亮出厂检测打印2次绿灯亮EEPROM信息打印5次黄灯亮目标设置6次绿灯亮PTH值打印目标设置:选择模式设置,按POWER键,根据下表按PESUME键,然后按POWER键:按键次数目标1次海外(S300)2次***(BJS300)佳能s300维修模式1.关机.按住resume键,按住power键开机,绿灯亮.2.在按住power键时,松开resume键,然后按resume键2次,松开power键,(按住pesume键时指示灯绿/黄闪烁)3.初始化操作时,绿灯闪烁,绿灯亮后,根据下表resume键.4.按power键,执行.按键次数指示灯维修模式功能1次黄灯亮出厂检测打印2次绿灯亮eeprom信息打印5次黄灯亮目标设置6次绿灯亮pth值打印目标设置:选择模式设置,按power键,根据下表按pesume键,然后按power键:按键次数目标1次海外(s300)2次***(bjs300)s400 (缺)canon s-600的部分维修用资料,同时可用于bjc-3000废墨清除应该是:1、按住进纸键,打开电源。
联想 M7020 7030 7120 7130N M3020 3120 3220激光打印机 维修手册
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SERVICE MANUALColor Inkjet PrinterEpson WF-3720 SeriesCONFIDENTIALNotice:☐All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.☐All effort have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, SEIKO EPSON would greatly appreciate being informed of them.☐The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.☐The above not withstanding SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual or the consequences thereof.EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.Note:Other product names used herein are for identification purpose only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.Copyright 2017SEIKO EPSON CORPORATIONP・CS Quality Assurance DepartmentSafety PrecautionsAll safety procedures described here shall be strictly adhered to by all parties servicing and maintaining this product.DANGERStrictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply could result in serious bodily injury or loss of life. 1.Always disconnect the product from the power source and peripheral devices when servicing the product orperforming maintenance.2.When performing works described in this manual, do not connect to a power source until instructed to do so.Connecting to a power source causes high voltage in the power supply unit and some electronic components even if the product power switch is off. If you need to perform the work with the power cable connected to a power source, use extreme caution to avoid electrical shock.WARNINGStrictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or loss of life.1.Always wear protective goggles for disassembly and reassembly to protect your eyes from ink in working. Ifany ink gets in your eyes, wash your eyes with clean water and consult a doctor immediately.2.When using compressed air products; such as air duster, for cleaning during repair and maintenance, the useof such products containing flammable gas is prohibited.PRECAUTIONSStrictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or damage of the product.1.Repairs on Epson product should be performed only by an Epson certified repair technician.2.No work should be performed on this product by persons unfamiliar with basic safety knowledge required forelectrician.3.The power rating of this product is indicated on the serial number/rating plate. Never connect this product tothe power source whose voltages is different from the rated voltage.4.Replace malfunctioning components only with those components provided or approved by Epson;introduction of second-source ICs or other non-approved components may damage the product and void any applicable Epson warranty.5.The capacitors on the Main Board may be electrically charged right after the power turns off or after drivingmotors which generates counter electromotive force such as when rotating the PF Roller or when moving the CR Unit. There is a risk to damage the Main Board if the Head FFC is short-circuited with the capacitors on the Main Board electrically charged, therefore, after the power turns off or after motors are driven, leave the printer untouched for approximately 30 seconds to discharge the capacitors before starting disassembly/ reassembly.6.To prevent the circuit boards from short-circuiting, be careful about the following when handling FFC orcables.⏹When handling FFC, take care not to let the terminal section of FFC touch metal parts.⏹When connecting cables/FFC to the connectors on circuit boards, connect them straight to the connectors to avoidslant insertion.7.In order to protect sensitive microprocessors and circuitry, use static discharge equipment, such as anti-staticwrist straps, when accessing internal components.8.Do not tilt this product immediately after initial ink charge, especially after performing the ink charge severaltimes. Doing so may cause ink to leak from the product because it may take some time for the waste ink pads to completely absorb ink wasted due to the ink charge.9.Never touch the ink or wasted ink with bare hands. If ink comes into contact with your skin, wash it off withsoap and water immediately. If you have a skin irritation, consult a doctor immediately.10.When disassembling or assembling this product, make sure to wear gloves to avoid injuries from metal partswith sharp edges.e only recommended tools for disassembling, assembling or adjusting the printer.12.Observe the specified torque when tightening screws.13.Be extremely careful not to scratch or contaminate the following parts.⏹Nozzle plate of the printhead⏹CR Scale⏹PF Scale⏹Coated surface of the PF Roller⏹Gears⏹Rollers⏹LCD⏹Scanner Sensor⏹Exterior parts14.Never use oil or grease other than those specified in this manual. Use of different types of oil or grease maydamage the component or give bad influence on the printer function.15.Apply the specified amount of grease described in this manual.16.Make the specified adjustments when you disassemble the printer.17.When cleaning this product, follow the procedure described in this manual.18.When transporting this product after filling the ink in the printhead, pack the printer without removing theink cartridges in order to prevent the printhead from drying out.19.Make sure to install antivirus software in the computers used for the service support activities.20.Keep the virus pattern file of antivirus software up-to-date.21.When disassembling/reassembling this product, if you find adhesive power of the double-sided tape whichsecure the parts or FFC is not enough, replace the tape with new one and attach it correctly to the specified points where the parts or FFC should be secured.22.Unless otherwise specified in this manual, the labels attached on the returned product should be transferred tothe corresponding attachment positions on the new one referring to the labels on the returned product.About This ManualThis manual, consists of the following chapters, is intended for repair service personnel and includes information necessary for properly performing maintenance and servicing the product.CHAPTER 1. TROUBLESHOOTINGDescribes the step-by-step procedures for the troubleshooting.CHAPTER 2. DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLYDescribes the disassembly/reassembly procedures for main parts/units of the product, and provides the standard operation time for servicing the product.CHAPTER 3. ADJUSTMENTDescribes the required adjustments for servicing the product.CHAPTER 4. MAINTENANCEDescribes maintenance items and procedures for servicing the product.CHAPTER 5. REFURBISHMENTDescribes refurbishing work of the product and its purpose.CHAPTER 6. APPENDIXProvides the following additional information for reference:∙Connector Diagram∙Protection for TransportationSymbols Used in this ManualVarious symbols are used throughout this manual either to provide additional information on a specific topic or to warn of possible danger present during a procedure or an action. Pay attention to all symbols when they are used, and always read explanation thoroughly and follow the instructions.Indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition that, if not strictly observed,could result in serious injury or loss of life.Indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed,could result in bodily injury, damage or malfunction of equipment.May indicate an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition that is necessary toaccomplish a task efficiently. It may also provide additional information that is related to a specificsubject, or comment on the results achieved through a previous action.For Chapter 2 “Disassembly/Reassembly”, symbols other than indicated above are used to show additional information for disassembly/reassembly. For the details on those symbols, see "2.3 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures (p47)".Revision StatusRevision Date of Issue DescriptionA Mar 10, 2017First ReleaseB May 26, 2017Revised□Chapter 2 ■ Made change in "2.3 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures (p47)" ・ Made change in " Disassembly/Reassembly Flowchart (p49)" ■ Made change in "2.4 Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/Unit(p54)" ・ Made change in " Housing Upper (p54)"□Chapter 3 ■ Made change in "3.2 Adjustment Program (p64)" ・ Made change in "3.2.2 Adjustment and Inspection List (p64)"C December 15,2017Revised□ Chapter 1 ■ Made change in "1.3 Fatal Error Code List (p13)" ・ Made change in " Printer (Head/CSIC) (p21)" “HCS error” has been added.□ Chapter 2 ■ Made change in "2.1 Overview (p38)" ・ Made change in "2.1.4 Standard Operation Time for servicing the product (p42)" “Stacker Support Front Assy” has been added. ■ Made change in "2.3 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures (p47)" ・ Made change in " Disassembly/Reassembly Flowchart (p49)" “Stacker Support Front Assy” has been added. ■ Made change in "2.4 Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/Unit (p54)" ・ Made change in " SCN Hinge Assy (p54)" ・ Made change in " Printer Mechanism (p56)" ・" Stacker Support Front Assy (p57)" has been added. ■ Made change in "2.5 Routing FFCs/cables (p58)" ・ Made change in " Panel Assy (p58)" ・ Made change in " ADF/SCN Unit (p58)" ・ Made change in " Ink System (p58)" ・ Made change in " Power Supply Unit (p58)" ・ Made change in " Head FFC/CSIC FFC (p59)" ・ Made change in " Speaker Cable (p60)"□ Chapter 3 ■ Made change in "3.2 Adjustment Program (p64)" ・ Made change in "3.2.2 Adjustment and Inspection List (p64)" ・ Made change in "3.2.3 Details of the Adjustment Program (p69)"Made change in “PTS delay adjustment”. ■ Made change in "3.3 Mechanism Adjustment / Check (p76)" ・ Made change in "3.3.1 Checking the Platen Gap (p76)"□ Chapter 5 ■ Made change in "6.2 Protection for Transportation (p91)" ・"6.2.5 Preventing the shipping Liquid from leakage from Printhead (p95)" has been added.ContentsChapter 1 Troubleshooting1.1Troubleshooting (10)1.1.1Troubleshooting Workflow (10)1.2Power-On Sequence (12)1.3Fatal Error Code List (13)1.3.1Displaying the Fatal Error Code (13)1.3.2Fatal Error Code (14) (14) (CR) (17) (PF) (18) (I/S) (20) (Head/CSIC) (21) (Others) (22) Error (23)1.4Service Support Mode (24)1.4.1Status Sheet Information (27)Chapter 2 Disassembly/Reassembly2.1Overview (38)2.1.1Tools (38)2.1.2Jigs (38)2.1.3Locations of the Parts/Units (39)2.1.4Standard Operation Time for servicing the product (42)2.2Common cautions when disassembling/reassembling the Product (45)2.3Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures (47)2.3.1Functional differences between models and component parts (47)2.3.2Disassembly Flowchart (48) Flowchart (49)2.4Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/Unit (54)2.5Routing FFCs/cables (58)Chapter 3 Adjustment3.1Required Adjustments (62)3.2Adjustment Program (64)3.2.1Operating Environment (64)3.2.2Adjustment and Inspection List (64)3.2.3Details of the Adjustment Program (69)3.3Mechanism Adjustment / Check (76)3.3.1Checking the Platen Gap (76) (76) procedure (78)3.3.2MAC Address Setting (79)Chapter 4 Maintenance4.1Cleaning (81)4.1.1Cleaning the CR Unit (81)4.1.2Cleaning the Exterior Parts/inside of the printer (82)4.2Lubrication (83)4.2.1Lubrication Points and Instructions (84)Chapter 5 Refurbishment5.1Overview (88)5.1.1Ink Discharge (88)Chapter 6 Appendix6.1Connector Diagram (90)6.2Protection for Transportation (91)6.2.1Securing the CR Unit (91)6.2.2Securing the SCN/ADF Unit (92)6.2.3Securing the Panel Unit (93)6.2.4Securing the ADF Paper Support (94)6.2.5Preventing the shipping Liquid from leakage from Printhead (95)CHAPTER1TROUBLESHOOTINGEPSON WF-3720 Series Revision C1.1 TroubleshootingThis section describes the troubleshooting workflow.1.1.1 Troubleshooting WorkflowThe following page describes the troubleshooting workflow. Follow the flow when troubleshooting problems.Figure 1-1.Troubleshooting Workflow (1)⏹This flowchart is compiled based on the following contents.•Our experience regarding the quality problem•ESK’s repair data•Printer Mechanism specification for WF-3720 Series⏹If the reason for the return is evident, first check the phenomenon user claims recurs,then proceed to the troubleshooting.5What is returned reason?2Standby condition 3Is printing operationfinished without error?StartTurn on the printer 14(p 11)(p 11)(p 11)(p 11)(p 11)Copy an image*:In case of “Not Trouble Found”, check fatal error code.6(p 11)ADF/Scannerunit failurePrinter failure only Yes No YesNo Yes Yes No Yes Yes NoNo No No Yes Does printer turn on thepower?Is Power-on sequencefinished without error?Print check pattern Is printing operationfinished without trouble?Is scanning operationfinished withouttrouble?Is ADF operation finished without trouble?Copy an image by ADFADF failure?Finish *EPSON WF-3720 Series Revision CFigure 1-2.Troubleshooting Workflow (2)The power-on sequence does not start (p 10)Error is indicated during power-on sequence (p 10)Error is indicated during printing nozzle check pattern (p 10)Fatal errorPlease refer to " 1.3 Fatal Error Code List (p13)" for troubleshooting.Maintenance error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when maintenance counter inEEPROM exceeds the specified value.[Major Occurrence Timing]•Power-on timing •Print start timing •Paper eject timing •Cleaning timing•Ink cartridge replacement timing [Major Troubleshooting]•Replace Maintenance Box •Paper Guide Lower Porous Pad replacement•Maintenance counter reset (only Paper Guide Lower Porous Pad)Ink End error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when ink in Ink cartridge is empty.[Major Occurrence Timing]•Power-on timing •Print start timing •Print timing •Cleaning timing•Ink cartridge replacement timing [Major Troubleshooting]Ink cartridge replacement [NOTE]If an error occurs during printing, the page where the error occurred is skipped and the printing resumes from the next page.Ink cartridge detection error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when Inkcartridge data is incorrect or Ink cartridge is not recognized correctly.[Major Occurrence Timing]•Power-on timing •Print start timing •Cleaning timing•Ink cartridge replacement timing [Major Troubleshooting]•Remove and reinstall Ink cartridge.•Ink cartridge replacement •CSIC Terminal replacement •CR Contact Module replacement•Head FFC replacement •Main Board replacementPaper Jam errorThis error occurs when printing the nozzle check pattern. please refer to " Paper Jam error".No Power *[Presumable Cause]•Power Supply Unit damage•Main Board damage •Panel Unit damage [Major Troubleshooting]•Power Supply Unit replacement •Main Board replacement•Panel Unit replacement2* : If the printer can turn on but turns off right away, the protection circuit may cut off the power due to an error such as a circuit failure.1No Ink cartridge error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when Ink cartridge is not installed.[Major Occurrence Timing]At power-on[Major Troubleshooting]Install Ink cartridgeCR fixing material error[Occurrence Condition]When the printer moves to the 80-digit side during the power-on sequence before initial ink charge, the printer detects foreign material.[Major Occurrence Timing]Power-on timing(before initial ink charge)[Major Troubleshooting]Remove the CR fixing material, and install the ink cartridge.Paper Jam error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when top/bottom of paper is not detected by PE Sensor in the specified steps of paper feeding operation correctly.[Major Occurrence Timing]•Power-on timing •Paper loading timing •Paper eject timing •Duplex print timing[Major Troubleshooting]1Remove the jammed paper by opening Scanner Unit or Printer Cover.2Push “Start” button.3If not resolved by 2), check the following.•Foreign material, bits of paper •Part come-off •PE Sensor Lever •PE Sensor•Float of Paper Guide Front Porous Pad •Main Board •PW Sensor [NOTE]* If an error occurs during printing, the page where the error occurred is skipped and the printing resumes from the next page.* If an error occurs during duplex printing, the following are performed.•If an error occurs during the front face of duplex printing, the page where the error occurred and the next page are skipped and the printing resumes from the page after the next.•If an error occurs during the back face of duplex printing, the page where the error occurred is skipped and the printing resumes from the next page.No Paper error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when top of paper is not detected by PE Sensor in the specified steps of paper loading operation correctly.[Major Occurrence Timing]Paper loading timing[Major Troubleshooting]1Put paper in cassette and push “START” button.2If a paper stops before reaching PE Sensor, remove it and check the paper condition.3A)If no damage on the paper, set edge guide correctly after putting paper in cassette and push “PRINT” button again.B)If damage on the paper, check foreign materials / parts come- off / parts transformation in paper path.4If not resolved by 3-A) & 3-B), check the following.•Pickup Roller •Duplex Unit •PE Sensor Lever •Main Board •PF Motor •Cassette AssyDouble Feed error/Stack col-lapsed error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs on the following cases.• A paper is ejected without printing during paper loading operation.•Actual paper length is longer than theoretical one. [Major Occurrence Timing]Paper loading timing[Major Troubleshooting]•Set the paper again.•PE Sensor Lever replacement •PE Sensor replacement •PW Sensor replacement •Main Board replacement [NOTE]This error occurs only for manual duplex print.No Paper Cassette error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs if one of the cassettes is not installed.[Major Occurrence Timing]Paper loading timing (Front loading)[Major Troubleshooting]Install the Cassette Assy.3Paper Size Unmatch error[Occurrence Condition]This error occurs when actual paper size is not matched to theoretical one.[Major Occurrence Timing]•Duplex print timing •FAX data print timing [Major Troubleshooting]1Put correct sized paper in cassette, and push “START” button.2If not resolved by step 1), check the following points.•PE Sensor Lever •PE Sensor •PW Sensor •Main BoardProblems related to print result or during printing (p 10)Scanning cannot be performedsuccessfully (p 10)ADF does not operatenormally (p 10)Poor Printing[Phenomenon]•Poor printing quality •Ink stain on paper •Dot missing•Paper eject without printing [Presumable Cause]•Driver / Panel mis-setting •Contamination of CR scale •Contamination of Printhead Cover•Printhead damage•Ink clogging of Printhead •Contamination on Cap Unit / Wiper of Ink system Assy •Ink system Assy damage •Float of Paper Guide Front Porous Pad •Narrow PG•PE Lever damage •PE Sensor damage •PW Sensor damage[Major Troubleshooting]•Driver / Panel re-setting •CR Scale replacement •Printhead cover cleaning •Printhead cleaning•Ink cartridge replacement •Printhead replacement•Rubber cleaning of Cap Unit of Ink system Assy•Ink system Assy replacement •Paper Guide Front Porous Pad re-installation •PG readjustment •Printer Mechanism replacement•PE Lever replacement •PE Sensor replacement •PW Sensor replacement •Main Board replacementPoor Paper Loading[Presumable Cause]•Use of 3rd party media •Edge guide mis-setting •Foreign material •Part come-off•Contamination of paper feed roller (Duplex Unit) •Cassette Assy damage•Pickup Roller deterioration, contamination•Contamination of PF roller [Major Troubleshooting]•Recommendation of EPSON media•Edge guide re-setting •Foreign material removal •Part re-installation •PF Roller replacement •Cassette Assy replacementAbnormal Noise[Presumable Cause]•Foreign material •Insufficient grease •Gear damage[Major Troubleshooting]•Foreign material removal •Lubrication of grease •Gear replacementADF failure[Phenomenon]•No paper feed •Double feed •Paper jam •Paper skew[Presumable Cause]•Wear of Pickup Roller •Wear of ADF Pad Assy •Gear damage•Scanner Motor damage•Contamination of Scanner Glass •ADF Paper Support Assy damage•Foreign material•ADF Cover Assy damage •Wear of EJ Roller •ADF Sensors damage [Major Troubleshooting]•ADF Cover Assy replacement •ADF Pad Assy replacement •Scanner Glass cleaning •ADF Paper Support Assy replacement•Foreign material removal •Scanner Unit replacement •ADF Unit replacement45Scanner failure[Presumable Cause]•Contamination of Scanner Glass•Contamination of Document Pad•CIS Unit bonding failure •CIS Unit damage•Scanner Motor damage [Major Troubleshooting]•Scanner Glass cleaning •Document Pad cleaning •Document Pad replacement •Scanner Unit replacement61.2 Power-On SequenceThis section describes the power-on sequences for this product. The preconditions are as follows.☐Normal power-on sequence (See Table 1-1.)⏹Turning on the printer after turning it off without an error and the power was turned off normally at the previousshut down.⏹Initial ink charge has finished and every cartridge has sufficient ink.⏹No paper on the paper path.⏹The Printhead is capped by the cap of the Ink System.⏹CR Lock is engaged normally.⏹Maintenance error recovery has never been performed.Table 1-1.Power-on SequenceRed:CR lock is setWhite:CR lock is released*2:If it cannot be initialized, the fatal error occurs.*3:Executed when the detected temperature is under 5 o C (41o F) by the thermistor on the Printhead.*4:The cleaning or empty suction operation may occur depending on situations.1.3 Fatal Error Code ListThis section describes how to check the fatal error code, description, and the possible causes.1.3.1 Displaying the Fatal Error CodeThe fatal error code is stored in the EEPROM on the Main Board and can be read out using the Adjustment Program. This product displays a printer fatal error code automatically on the panel LCD when a printer fatal error occurs.Figure 1-3.Displaying the Fatal Error CodeError CodeLCD display screen image1.3.2 Fatal Error CodeThis section describes the fatal error code and the possible cause for this product.☐" ADF/Scanner (p14)"☐" Printer (CR) (p17)"☐" Printer (PF) (p18)"☐" Printer (I/S) (p20)"☐" Printer (Head/CSIC) (p21)"☐" Printer (Others) (p22)"☐" System Error (p23)" code Error name Possible cause Confirmation procedureConnectorNo.100016HP detectionfailure⏹The scanner CR could not return to its home.1.Damage or disengaging of wheel train of thedrive mechanism2.Disengaging, fraying, jumping of the timing belt⏹Failed to read the white standard/home patterns3.Disconnection, break, skew or damage of thescanner FFC4.Failure of the CIS unit5.Failure of the scanner housing6.Failure of the main board1.With the document cover opened, turn thepower on.2.Check if the CIS moves to the left to readthe white standard/home patterns.3.Check if the CIS's emission color is white(not greenish, reddish, or bluish).If the light does not look like white, checkthe scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.4.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.5.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100017Contactdetectiondistanceexceeded⏹The scanner CR cannot completely reach the home(left side)1.Damage or disengaging of wheel train of thedrive mechanism⏹Failed to read the scanner encoder2.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC3.Failure of the CIS unit4.Failure of the scanner housing5.Failure of the main board1.With the document cover opened, turn thepower on.2.Check if the CIS (CR) reaches (comes incontact with) the left side.3.Check the wheel train of the drivemechanism for damage.4.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.5.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.6.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100018Opposite sidecontactdetectiondistanceexceeded error⏹The scanner CR cannot completely reach theopposite side of the home (right side)1.Damage or disengaging of wheel train of thedrive mechanism⏹Failed to read the scanner encoder2.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC3.Failure of the CIS unit4.Failure of the scanner housing5.Failure of the main board1.With the document cover opened, turn thepower on.2.Check if the CIS (CR) reaches (comes incontact with) the right side.3.Check the wheel train of the drivemechanism for damage.4.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.5.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.6.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100020Measurementerror⏹Overload of the scanner drive mechanism⏹Failure of the scanner motor1.Check if the CIS (CR) moves or not.1)Check the timing belt for fraying orlooseness.2)Check the wheel train of the drivemechanism for damage.3.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.4.Replace the main board with a new one.---100032LED lightfailure⏹Failure of the CIS LED light (RGB)1.Disconnection, break, skew or damage of thescanner FFC2.Failure of the CIS unit3.Failure of the main board1.Check the color of the LED at power-on.2.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.3.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.4.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN801100054Paper jam error ⏹No jammed paper is remaining but the sensor doesnot turn off1.Failure of the ADF PE sensor2.Failure of the cable⏹Jammed paper is remaining⏹The paper feed rollers and paper conveying rollersslip too much☐At power-on, during paper feed, during scanning1.Open the Cover,Paper Guide,LD,ADF andcheck if paper exist or not.2.Open the Document Support ADF andcheck if paper exist or not.3.Open the ADF and check if paper exist ornot.4.Check if the paper sensor lever moves upand down.5.Replace the ADF unit with a new one.6.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.7.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN802100065FB PID excessspeed error⏹Failed to read the scanner encoder1.Contamination of the scanner encoder scale2.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC3.Failure of the scanner encoder sensor⏹Failure of the scanner motor driver4.Failure of the main board1.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.2.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.3.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100066FB PID reverseerror⏹Operation failure of the scanner motor1.The scanning operation was stopped by;•Disengaging of the scanner CR•Disengaging of the scanner motor pulley orcracking of the scanner motor gears⏹Failed to read the scanner encoder2.Contamination of the scanner encoder3.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC4.Failure of the scanner encoder sensor5.Failure of the main board1.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.2.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.3.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100067FB PID lockerror⏹The scanner motor did not run1.The scanning operation was stopped by;•Disengaging of the scanner CR•Disengaging of the scanner motor pulley orcracking of the scanner motor gears⏹Failed to read the CR motor encoder2.Contamination of the scanner encoder3.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC4.Failure of the scanner encoder sensor5.Failure of the scanner motor6.Failure of the main board1.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.2.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.3.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100068FB PIDaccelerationlock error⏹The scanner motor did not run1.The scanning operation was stopped by;•Disengaging of the scanner CR•Disengaging of the scanner motor pulley orcracking of the scanner motor gears⏹Failed to read the scanner motor encoder2.Contamination of the scanner encoder3.Damage or skew of the scanner FFC4.Failure of the scanner encoder sensor5.Failure of the scanner motor6.Failure of the main board1.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.2.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.3.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801100069FB PID excessload error⏹The scanner motor stopped running in the middle ofthe operation1.The scanning operation was stopped by;•Disengaging of the scanner CR•Disengaging of the scanner motor pulley orcracking of the scanner motor gears⏹Failed to read the scanner motor encoder2.Contamination of the scanner encoder3.Disconnection, break, skew or damage of thescanner FFC4.Failure of the scanner encoder sensor5.Failure of the scanner motor6.Failure of the main board1.Check the scanner FFC for damage,disconnection or skew.2.Replace the scanner unit with a new one.3.Replace the main board with a new one.Main boardCN804CN801。