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lesson 75 SOS 呼救信号

New words and expressions

thick adj.

①厚的(反义词thin 薄的)

eg. This board is the thickest of all. 这木板是最厚的。

a thick book 一本厚书;thick walls 厚墙壁; ice ten centimeters thick 十厘米厚的冰

②粗的,粗大的(反义词thin 纤细的)

a thick line 粗线;thick fingers 粗大的手指

③(液体,气体) 浓的,浓厚的(反义词thin 稀薄的)

eg. This source is too thick. 这调味汁太浓了。

thick soup 浓汤; a thick fog 浓雾,大雾

④(树林,树叶,毛发等)密的,浓密的(反义词thin 稀疏的)

a thick forest 茂密的森林; thick hair 浓密的头发

thick adj.相关短语:

give a person a thick ear (英口语)把(某人)耳朵打肿

through thick and thin 经历过艰难困苦,无论什么状况

thicken v.使…变厚(粗,浓)

thickness n.

thickhearded adj. 笨头笨脑的,傻里傻气的


①n. 信号,暗号

a distress signal 遇难信号; a danger signal 危险信号

eg . She gave the signal of emergency. 她发出紧急情况的暗号。

③n. 信号器,交通信号


eg. The traffic signal wasn’t working..

④v. 发信号,以信号通知

signal + n.

eg. How can we signal that row-boat.? 我们怎样才能发信号通知那条划艇呢?

signal orders 以信号下达命令;signal a message 用信号发送消息

signal to + sb + to do(向…)发信号示意要…

eg. He signal to the band to start playing.他向乐队做出手势开始演奏。

③v. 发信号,以信号通知

signal to + sb + that (向…)发送信号称…,发信号说

eg. She signaled to the other girls that everything was all right.



①v. 跺(脚,地板等),跺脚

eg. He stamped his feet in anger. / He stamped his feet with anger. 他气得直跺脚。eg. He stamped about the room impatiently. 他很不耐烦,在房间里踱着足来回走动。eg. She stamped upstairs. 她踏着重重的步子走上楼梯。

②v. 用力踩住,踩坏

eg. Don't stamp on insects. 不要踩死昆虫。

eg. The naughty boys stamped the grass flat. 那些顽皮的男孩踩坏了草坪。

③n. 邮票

eg. My hobby is collecting stamps. 我的嗜好是收集邮票。

④n. 印章,戳记

a rubber stamp 橡皮章 a date stamp 日期印


eg. A helicopter was flying above the school. 一架直升飞机在学校上空飞着。

scene n.


eg. They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident. 他们冲到交通事故现场。

②[C] 光景,景色,风景

a beautiful scene from the top of the mountain 从山顶看到的美丽景色

eg. The night scene in Honolulu was quite fantastic. 檀香山的夜景绝佳。


eg. The last scene of the play was very impressive. 这部戏的最后一个场面令人印象深刻。

那部戏的背景设在二十世纪二十年代eg. The scene of that movie is set in Paris in the 1920’s.

scene n. 相关短语:

behind the scenes 在幕后地,秘密地 come on the scene (口) 出现,登场

make a scene 大吵大闹 on the scene (口)在现场,当场

scenery n. [U] 风景(某地区的) the scenery of the Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉的风景eg. The scenery is beautiful around here. 这里的景色很美。

scenic adj. 风景如画的 a scenic spot 风景胜地

survivor n. 生存者,幸存者

survive v. 经历(灾难等)之后还活着,由…中生还

eg. Only one baby survived the terrible car crash.


eg. Few houses in this district have survived after the storm.


survival n. [U] 幸存,存活

Key Structures

