



1. 引言




次才是口音的地道,所以单音(segmentals)的重要地位已为超单音成分(suprasegmentals)所替代。[6]P185其三则是重视语音的语用意义和交际功能。[7]因此,国家教委在2000年修订的新《高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲》中对语音课提出的具体要求是“以学生练习为主、从听辨音、调能力的培养入手,将听力、发音与口头表达三方面的训练紧密结合起来,既强调基本功的训练,又注意活用练习。”[8]可见,语音教学的中心任务已从指导学生单纯模仿口音转变为培养学生在多变的语境中灵活运用语音知识来达到成功交际的目的。语音测试是直接考试(direct tests)。考试中,学生被要求直接运用被试的技能或能力。[9]对于语音来说,学生须在实际应用语言环境里直接运用语音知识和技能来展现其交际能力。即学生须运用语音知识和技能来判断输入的信息并做出准确的信息输出。据了解,目前许多高等师范院校在语音测试中仅采用单一朗读的口试,题型大多为传统的单词或单音


















因此,在语音教学的过程中,教师要依据《大纲》,不仅要指导学生模仿发音,还要加强听辨能力的培养,以为培养学生的交际能力打基础。在语音测试中增加听辨测试,即笔试,全面测试教学内容以提高测试的效度。此外,在教学的方式和测试题型上要注意语境化(contextualization)。当前的教学提倡“在语境中教语音”(teaching pronunciation in context)[11],那就要在语境中测语音(testing pronunciation in context),把语境化作为测试设计的首要原则[4],让语言归真,有利于培养学生的语用能力和交际能力,提高测试的效度。


[1] 汪先锋,倪建乐.英国留学生论文从信度与效度的相互关系看语音测试的取向[J].山东外语教学,2000,(3).




[5]Jenkins,J.Which Pronunciation Norms and Models forEnglish as an International Language?[J].ELTJournal,1998,(2).

[6]Mc Nernery,M.and Mendelsohn,D.Suprasegmentals inthe Pronunciation Class:Setting Priorities[A]inAvery,P.andEhrlich,S.TeachingAmericanPronunciation[M].OxfordUniver-sityP ress,1992.

[7]Clennell,C.RaisingthePedagogicStatusofDiscourseIn-tonationTeaching[J].ELTJournal,199 7,(2).

[9]Hughes,A.Testing for Language Teachers[M].UK:Cam-bridge UniversityPress,1989.


[11]Ford,B.Intonation in Cont[z].Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,1988.


实用英语口语水平测试题 听说过吗?躺在床上能和外教一对一练英语口语!!!!超牛!! 免费体验史上最牛英语口语学习,太平洋英语https://www.360docs.net/doc/6117159770.html, 通过100题测试一下你的英语水平如何? Directions: Read the following 100 sentences or dialogues carefully. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark A, B, C or D. 仔细阅读下列题目,并从A,B,C,D四个答案中选出正确的选项. 1. --Shall I make you _____to eat? --Oh, yes, please. I"ve not had _____all day. A. something; nothing B. anything; something C. something; anything D. anything; nothing 2.It"s too late _____ out now. A. go B. to go C. not to go D. not to going 3. The United States produces more apples than _____country except France. A. any B. any other C. another D. others 4. A cousin of ____doesn’t eat anything ____ steak. A. my, but B. mine, at C. my, at D. mine, but 5. Linda helps to look ____children for some families. A. after B. for C. at D. around 6. He knows that ____ is important to guard the factory at night. A. it B. this C. that D. which 7. _____ people died in the earthquake. A. Hundred of B. Five hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundreds of


高中学生英语口语等级测试训练材料 本文由成都树才学校英语组——梁老师整理编辑 朗读短文并回答问题 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文并回答问题 16 Dear Amy My computer was broken so I couldn’t read your two e-mails until today. I’m so sorry to hear about your problem, but I’m glad you’re feeling better and are recovering. I’m amazed that in China someone’s liver matched yours. This is really a touching story –a stranger who donated part of his liver to a girl he doesn’t even know. You’re right. We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight. I think you look as great as you are, and you’re a wonderful person. I know that the pressure to stay slim is a problem, especially for an actress. However, your mother knows best: nothing is more important than health. It’s the same in China-many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous. I hope they can learn from your story. Questions: (1) Why couldn’t the speaker read the e-mails until today? (2) Who donated part of his liver to Amy? (3) What is Amy? (4) How do many people stay slim? (5) Why is the speaker glad? 17 Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955. Young Gates’ grades weren’t always great. Not until in the eighth grade did he find his passion. In the 1960s, the Mothers’ Club at


一、小学语音专项练习 二、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“×”。( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. teacher D. doctor ( ) 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. away ( ) 6. A. how B. now C. mouth D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. meat ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over ( ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. yellow 二、选择与例子相同发音的单词,把编号填写在题前括号 ( ) 1. how A. brown B. yellow C. window ( ) 2. who A. why B.whose C. white ( ) 3. what A.where B. whole C.whom ( ) 4. this A. math B.thank C.clothes ( ) 5. that A. math B. water C. path ( ) 6. lake A.wash B. table C.can ( ) 7. like A. fish B. active C.kind ( ) 8. fresh A. behind B. chess C.closet ( ) 9. over A.closet B. close https://www.360docs.net/doc/6117159770.html,puter ( )10.water A away B.watch C trash 三、找出发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. doctor D. short ( ) 3. A. skirt B.dinner C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. day ( ) 6. A. how B. now C.window D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. road ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over 找出发音不同的一项 ( )1. A. work B. wall C. whose D. what ( )2. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ( )3. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ( )4. A. three B. those C. their D. these ( )5. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ()6. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. Beach ()1. A. apple B. class C. back D. dance 五、读音相同打“√”不同的打"×"。 ( )1. chair hair ( )2. room book ( )3. girl first


马上就要进行大学英语四六级口语考试了,很多同学问到该怎样备考,其实口语考试真的不难,当然要考很好的成绩(A,A-)也不是那么容易,经过一个月的有针对性的练习,是完全可以在自己已有的水平上提高一个档次的。不过需要记住的是,口语是需要进行练习的,只有通过大量的训练,才能切实提高语言水平! 现在把我以前上辅导课时准备的一些相关的材料陆续发上来,希望对将要考试的同学有帮助。 首先,掌握必要的语言功能,其中,最重要的是 1.“友好往来”中的介绍: 1) Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Tao. I'm from Hunan Medical University. My major is plastic surgery. 2) Good morning, everyone. May I take the liberty to introduce myself? I'm Fang Min. I'm an English major from Hunan University. 3) Hello, everybody. I'd like to introduce myself first. 4) Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter Johnson from the United States. 5) It's an honor to be here. Please allow me to introduce myself. 6) It’s my great honor to introduc e myself here. 7) It's indeed my pleasure to be here. I would like to introduce myself. 2.“相互交流”中的开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈: Initiating a conversation 开始交谈 1) Oh, Mr. Wang, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.


英语语音达标测试题1 Part I Part II Read the words given below: 1) complicated 2) disturbance 3) democratic 4) declaratic 5) modernization Part IV Read the sentences given below: 1) Did you see him? 2) Ted has a bad cold today ? 3) Didn’t Sally tell you anything about Larry? 4) Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot?. 5) What a beautiful sight? Part V Read the paragraphs given below: Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.Nearly everybody enters for”The Nicest Garden Competition” each year,but Joe wins every time.Bill Frith”s garden is larger than Joe’s.

Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables,but I don”t like hard work.Every year I enter for the garden competition too,and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town.


北京市英语口语等级证书考试 概??述 一、总则 英语是学习科学文化知识,获取国外信息,进行国际交流的主要工具。为了全面提高北京人英语口语水平,北京市建立了英语口语等级证书考试及培训的制度。 北京市英语口语等级证书考试及培训重点是考查考生用英语进行口头交流的能力,而不是书写能力和笔译能力。要求考生能够听得懂,说得出。主要用以测试下列人员的英语水平: 1.各行业、各部门及各企事业单位的有关专业技术人员。 2.各行各业在职职工和全市广大市民。 3.面向本市教育系统的各级各类学校,包括小学、初中、高中、职业学校、民办学校、成 人院校及普通高等学校的在校学生。 4.英语自学者。 考试不受年龄、学历的限制,考试成绩合格者将被授予合格证书或优秀证书及证章。 考试范围以本大纲所规定的内容和要求为依据。 二、考试等级 根据用人单位的不同需求和英语学习者的不同水平,北京市英语口语等级证书考试由低到高分三个等级:初级(Elementary Stage)、中级(Intermediate Stage)和高级(Advanced Stage)。 三、评价目标 北京市英语口语等级证书考试重点考查考生用英语进行口头交流的能力,要求考生能够听得懂,说得出。考试总的评价目标是:通过初级考试的人员具有简单的英语会话能力,能听、会说,能够在一般交际场合和服务场合用简单的英语与外国人进行会话;通过中级考试的人员具有一定的听、说、读、写能力,能够在各窗口行业关键岗位以及各行业部门的一般涉外

岗位等直接与外国人进行交流;通过高级考试的人员能够用英语从事一般性公务活动并能承 担一般性会谈的口头翻译工作。 为达到上述目标,考试对考生应掌握的词汇量提出如下要求:1.参加初级考试的人员应能听会说600-900个左右的单词和一定数量短语。 2.参加中级考试的人员应能听会说1500-2000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 3.参加高级考试的人员应能听会说2500个以上的单词和一定数量的短语。 四、考试形式与结构 北京市英语口语等级证书考试采用考官和考生一对一进行口头交流的方式,但每个级别的考试在考试时间和考试形式方面有所不同。初级口试基本采用考官和考生会话的方式,包括让考生看图说话,回答考官提问,考试时间5—7分钟。中级口试除会话外,还要求考生讲述事先准备好的一个话题,考生讲述完毕后,考官还要就该话题向考生进行提问,考试时间8-10分钟。除上述要求外,高级口试还要求考生现场抽取一个话题(或一幅图片)进行即席发言,发言后,考官与考生就该话题或其他问题展开讨论。考试时间12—15分钟。三个级 别的考试结构如下表所示: 初级中级高级 5—7分钟8—10分钟12—15分钟 ●考官与考生会话 ●考生看图回答考官提问 ●考官与考生就日常话题进行问答●考官与考生会话 ●考生讲述事先准备 的话题 ●考官与考生就上述 话题及其它简单问题 进行讨论 ●考官与考生会话 ●考生讲述事先准备的 话题,并回答考官提问 ●考生就未事先准备的 话题进行发言(可借助图 片) ●考官与考生就上述话 题及其它问题展开讨论 ?? 五、合格及优秀标准 北京市英语口语等级证书考试依据不同级别总的评价目标确定了不同级别的合格标准。口试


高中学生英语口语等级测试试卷 注意事项: 1.教师用卷中所提示的答案仅为参考答案。测试第二大题时,学生可根据所读 短文的内容用不同的方式回答。测试第三、第四大题时,学生可根据所给提示或内容要点用不同的方式表达。 2.第三大题情景对话由主考或副主考开始。 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(记10分) Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings and actions of y outh. Today there are about seven million Americans in the colleges and universities. Young persons under 25 make up nearly half of the American population. M any of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally, their ideas are i mportant to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to un derstand what they think and feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong. They are d eeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before. They see much that is wrong in th e old ways of their elders. So they insist on changing them. As a result, there is often trouble in American families. 二、根据所读短文内容回答下列问题。(记10分) (1) How many Americans are there in the colleges and universities? About seven million. (2) Why are young people very important in the USA today? Because many of them will soon be in charge of the country. (3) What is necessary for older people to do? It is necessary for older people to understand what young people think and fee l. (4) What strong opinions do the college students today have? They have strong opinions about right and wrong. (5) What often causes trouble in American families? The different ideas and opinions between parents and children often cause trou ble in American families. 三、根据所给提示用英语进行交谈。(记10分) 提示:假如你的朋友问你有关急救的知识,你告诉对方,如果发现某人已停止呼吸,就必须你必须立刻设法使他呼吸;如果某人在大量出血,应想法设法给他止血,要他用手帕压迫出血点并固定住它;如果某人被动物咬伤,应


一、选择题 1.which of the following words has a different stress(重音)? A.country B.famous C.outside D.repeat. 2.下列单词中元音字母a 的发音与其他三个不同的是________。 A.thanks B.jacket C.map D.name 3.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 ____。 A.a, e, o, r B.a, i, u, e C.o, u, e, n 4.Go down this street and turn ______ / left / .You will see a library in front of you. A.light B.left C.let D.lift 5.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 6.How often do you exercise? I exercise ______________/ w?ns/ a day. A.won B.once C.win D.one 7.以下字母有相同元音因素的是 A.A, H B.L, O C.E, Q D.I, X 8.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.oranges boxes families B.maps books bags C.age take made D.but sun use 9.In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A.produce B.product C.promise 10.In the following words , which underlined letter has different sound from the others? A.medium B.secret C.recall 11.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.he B.red C.she D.me 12.She didn't have a good_____/ sli:p/ last night, so she looked tired. A.sleep B.sheep C.shape D.shop 13.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.Bob B.dog C.orange D.photo 14.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.thank, bank B.monkey, costume C.great, create 15.Which of the following words is pronounced /k?ust/? A.coat B.cost C.coast D.count 16.Which of the following part has a different sound? A.those B.month C.health D.think 17.Which has the different sound of the letter group ‘igh’ from the other words? A.high B.night C.weight D.right 18.Don't miss the__________/t?a:ns/, maybe it will never come again.


大学英语四(视听说)口语测试试题+答案 Part I. Speech: Please make a speech on each topic. Time Limit: 1 minute 1.Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life 2.What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? 3.Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? 4.If an earthquake strikes, how would you feel ? What would you do or pay attention to ? 5.Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? 6.Why do some people, especially young people, constantly switch jobs? In you opinion, is this good or harmful? 7.What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 8.Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? Part II. Situational Dialogue: Please make a dialogue on each topic. Time Limit: 2 minutes 1.Jim asks why Helen looks sad. Helen says she has to repeat several courses, and Jim promises to help her. Helen then complains that she cannot find an internship, and Jim also promises to provide help. Finally Helen asks Jim to buy breakfast for her. This time, Jim refuses to help her. 2.Jim is surprised at the sight of Helen because Helen has changed beyond recognition. Jim is surprised again and again to learn that Helen has undergone a facelift and liposuction. Helen explains why she had the surgery. 3.Helen Parker is a company boss and Jim Smith is a client. Helen calls Jim and makes an appointment. Jim talks to Helen about the exact time for their meeting. Later Helen calls Jim again to change the appointment time. Jim discusses a new appointment with Helen. 4.Helen is a good employee who is quitting. Mr. Smith is the boss.


一、选择题 1.Which one is the correct phonetic symbol of the word “boring”? A.[?b?r??]B.[?b?: r?n] C.[?b?: r??]D.[?b?r?n] 2.We should stress(重读) ______ syllable when we read the word “potato”. A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the last 3.—How often do you do sports? —I do sports /twa?s/a day. A.twice B.twins C.tooth D.try 4.My______ /'fe?v?r?t/ snack is potato chips. A.favorite B.free C.foreign D.future 5.You’ll _____________ /feil/ in the final exam if you don’t work harder. A.feel B.fell C.fail D.fill 6.How often do you exercise? I exercise ______________/ w?ns/ a day. A.won B.once C.win D.one 7.根据朗读基本知识要求,以下哪个句子应该在句末读升调? A.When do you get up every day? B.Which subject do you like better, English or Chinese? C.Can I try it again? D.Here you are. 8.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.heat deal B.glove postman C.Germany national 9.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.many grammar B.coffee wheel C.youth thumb 10.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Scientists found that dinosaurs all died of disease. B.Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. C.Believe me, we come in peace. D.How is the man dealing with trouble? 11.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.harm warm B.rule truth C.south smooth 12.She didn't have a good_____/ sli:p/ last night, so she looked tired. A.sleep B.sheep C.shape D.shop 13.Which of the following ending has the same pr onunciation “started”? A.hoped B.needed C.raised D.passed 14.Which stress of the following is different from the others? A.translate B.plastic C.balloon 15.Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word "waste"?


英语口语测试方案 一、测试目的 1、了解、检查现阶段小学3-6年级学生英语学习状况 2、了解教师在使用教材, 贯彻落实小学英语课程标准的情况 3、对照小学英语课程评价要求, 促进考试改革, 确保我市从三年级起始的英语教学质量, 推进素质教育。 二、测试时间 每学期二次, 第一次一般在期中质量抽测之前, 第二次在期末质 量抽测之前。具体时间各个学校根据实际情况待定。 三、命题特点 本次测试着重考查学生对所学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握情况 以及初步的运用英语的实际能力。 四、实施要求 1、口语测试要有益于学生能力培养, 自信心的树立, 要形成学生继续学习的动力。在测试时要求教师在了解学生学习状况的基础上, 运用多种方法、手段尽可能让每一位学生心情愉快地经过测试。 2、口语测试中要求师生有一对一的对话的过程, 并尽可能采用自然对话形式完成, 同时教师要注重测试过程的自然流畅。歌曲和小诗能够让学生自选, 能够采用两人或三人组合的形式完成。

五、口语测试参考内容 1、 Free talk ( 师生共同完成。注意环境、气氛的宽松) 例: T: Good morning / afternoon. T: How are you? T: Sit down, please. T: What’s your name? T: What time is it? … 此项测试主要考查学生的情景反应能力。教师提问、学生回答均要求灵活。尽量避免与课本知识雷同, 同时要注意文明礼貌用语的使用。对话不少于5个来回。 2、 words 主要是单词和词组的认读。 此项测试主要考察学生的单词和词组的发音。教师能够抽查部分单词让学生认读。单词或词组可参考教学用书后面的词汇表中的单词。 3、 Ask and answer( 能够使用图片、实物等辅助测试) 例: What can you see …? Where is …? What is … plus …?


重庆邮电大学移通学院14-15学年第一学期 大学英语3期末口语考试命题原则 1.命题标准 大学英语(3)课程是本科非英语专业大学一年级第一学期开设的一门公共基础课程,共4学分,理论学时64学时。根据重邮移通学院应用性人才的培养目标,大学英语课程注重知识到能力的转化,强调英语综合应用能力的培养,实施过程评价与终结评价的结合。由此,本学期大学英语2课程拟在学生学期成绩评定方面尝试变革,加入口试部分。考试命题标准参照全日制普通高校同层次、同课程的本科水平,并体现三本学生培养应用型人才为主要目标的特点。在口试难度上保证中等水平的考生能够在规定的考核时间内完成全部口试任务。 2.考试依据和范围 以《大学英语课程教学要求》以及课程组制定的课程教学大纲和考试大纲为依据,题目涵盖本学期教学计划规定的课堂教学内容和学生课外自主学习内容,包括全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3的1-4单元、全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程3的1-6单元的关键话题和对话内容。 3.知识与能力的关系 大学英语(3)课程教学既要注重对词汇和语言点的理解和掌握,又要注重语言实际应用能力的培养。本次口试命题以语言实际应用为考查点,测试了学生对英语口语的掌握情况和语言的灵活运用能力,包括两个部分:小型演讲和生生 对话。每个部分具体的考查范围和分值如下: 第一部分:小型演讲(Mini-speech)(50分):测试时间2到3分钟。要求两名学生分别就以下题目进行小型演讲,每位同学演讲时间不超过1.5分钟: 1.Which do you prefer, urban life or rural life? 2.Which one you prefer, high school life or university life? 3.What do you need to prepare before a job interview? 4.Do you agree with the death penalty? Why? 5.What is the role of creativity in children’s education? 第二部分:生生对话(Conversation)(50分):两位同学共同的测试时间不超过3分钟。4个对话题目,对话可以情景式、辩论式、访谈式等类型进行。(准备题目详见附件一) 4. 考试形式 学生两人一组接受测试,如遇班级总人数为奇数时,最后一组可以为三人一组。分组由班级学生代表通过随机抽签确定,最终分组情况应在15周前交任



国际音标测试卷 姓名__________ 一、把下列单词与对应的英标连线。 sheep nine game picture room [ru:m] [gem] [‘pk t] [nan] [i:p] very doctor class watch chair [‘ver] [kla:s] [te] [wt] [‘d kt] 二、根据划线部分的读音,选择正确的音标。 () 1. pleasure A. [s] B. [z] C. [] ( ) 2. thank A. [s] B. [θ] C. [e] ( ) 3. year A. [j] B. [] C. [] ( ) 4. cards A. [ds] B. [dz] C. [ts] ( ) 5. cat A. [] B. [e] C. [] ( ) 6. home A. [u] B. [u] C. [au] ( ) 7. book A. [u] B. [u:] C. [u] ( ) 8. China A. [k] B. [t] C. [h] ( ) 9. bee A. [i:] B. [] C. [e] ( ) 10. bird A. [] B. [:] C. [] 三、写出下列每组单词中划线部分的共同音标。 1. no post home grow / / 2. bird her work girl / / 3. what when watch win / / 4. cry tie eye like / / 5. oil boy noise enjoy / / 四、选择所给单词的正确音标,将其序号写入题前括号内。 1. toilet A. /’t lt / B. /’t l t / ( ) 2. three A. /θri:/ B. / eri:/ ( ) 3. bag A. /bg / B. /beg/ ( ) 4. short A. / :t/ B. /t/ ( ) 5、 pen A /pen/ B. /pn/ ( ) 五、划分音节。 1. /’tag/ 2. /’tad/ 2. /d’semb/ 4. /p’lsmn/ 5. /’beb/ 6. /’pkt/ 六、写出下列划线字母组合的读音。 window / / house / / today / / talk / / chair / / photo / / this / / television / / father / /


2015学年上学期期末考试情况分析 结合考试情况,认真分析考得好的内容,进行经验小结。 1.口试题做得比较好的是sing a song,一年级的小朋友对英文 歌曲比较感兴趣,基本上个个都过关,而且加上老师设计的动作,拍 掌,摆手等,小朋友学英文歌学得非常开心,也就很快就朗朗上口 了。 2.口试题做得比较好的还有读单词,每个学生抽五个单词来读,每个 单元各抽一个,全对的学生占大部分。学生对单词的掌握比较好。 3.笔试题做得比较好的是第三题涂颜色,一年级的小朋友初学颜色时, 都对涂涂画画充满了极大的兴趣,学这一类单词也特别起劲,基本上 没有什么孩子会涂错颜色。 联系平时教学,对卷面考得不理想的内容,进行反思。 1.口试题做得比较不好的是读chant,单词量比较多,而且句子比较多, 起码都有五六句,学生掌握得不太牢固,有时甚至有个别同学读不流畅。 2.笔试题做得比较不好的是看图找单词,有个别同学对单词不够熟悉,导致 无法把图与相应的单词连接起来。

2015学年上学期铁四小学一年级英语口语期末水平测试题 班别姓名学号成绩 II 听力部分(70分): 一、Listen and Choose. 听一听,请√出你听到的图片。(15分) 1、 () ()()2、 ()()()3、 ( )( )()4 、 () () ( ) 5 、 ( )( )( )

二、Listen and tick.听一听,请√出每种物品的数目。(15分) 三、Listen and colour. 听句子,给图片涂颜色。(15分) 1、 ( ) () 2、 () () 3、 ( )( ) 4、 ( )() 5、 () ( ) 1、 2、


一、选择题 1.China is ________ancient country and people all over the world come to learn Chinese culture. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.下列各组字母中,不符合字母顺序的为________. A.C; D; E B.D; G; J C.L; M; N D.A; L; J 3.与“Gg”含有相同读音的字母的是________。 A.Jj B.Tt C.Kk D.Hh 4.My______ /'fe?v?r?t/ snack is potato chips. A.favorite B.free C.foreign D.future 5.Which stress is different from other three words? A.expensive B.beautiful C.potato D.tomorrow 6.You’ll _____________ /feil/ in the final exam if you don’t work harder. A.feel B.fell C.fail D.fill 7.下列单词中画线部分的读音不同的是______。 A.mother B. their C.thing D.these 8.以下字母有相同元音因素的是 A.A, H B.L, O C.E, Q D.I, X 9.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.northern B.abroad C.block D.before 10.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Who can tell me how to operate the machine? B.The lane is too narrow. C.How great Sheshan State Resort is! D.We can take the cable to the top of the mountain. 11.Which of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word “s i gn”? A.find B.pride C.think 12.I want to be a doctor, and I will do some / ?med?kl / research in the future. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 13.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.G B.A C.J D.K 14.Don’t be afraid of such / 'd?f?k?ltiz / , my class. Come on! A.differences B.difficulties C.dictionaries D.directions 15.Don't miss the__________/t?a:ns/, maybe it will never come again. A.change B.choice C.choose D.chance 16.I will__________/?'tend/a concert tomorrow. A.aloud B.attend C.ahead D.afford
