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这些鱼的价格从3镑到5镑不等。 The price of these fish vary from £3 to £5.
You need a lot of variety in your diet. variety (质量,种类或特征的)变化
The plants of Asia show a great diversity of form. diversity n. 变化多样,多样性
(7) My work is teaching English.
( 表语 )
◆动词-ing是___动__词_非__谓__语__形__式______中的一种, 单独使用时,能在句中做除_____谓_语之外的任 何其他句子成分。如:主语、宾语、表语、定 语、状语、宾补等。
◆在语态上,动词-ing表示_主__动__(主动/被动的 动作。在时间上,动词-ing一般表示_正__在_进__行 (正在进行/已经完成)的动作。
Reading Comprehension:
1.Changbaishan is the second largest
nature reserve in China. ( F )
2.The peak of Changbaishan can reach as
high as 2,000 meters.
• (6) After I got the news about the terrible typhoon, I called my father to see if everyone was OK.
Having got the news about the terrible typhoon, I called my father to see if everyone was OK.
课堂练习: 将每组中的两个句子组合成一个拥有动词-ing形 式的句子。
• (1) Alice saw a volcano erupting in the morning.
• She felt excited and couldn’t fall asleep at night.
Having seen a volcano eruption in the morning, Alice felt excited and couldn’t fall asleep at night.
There are some tourist attractions in China.
Mount Tai
Mount Hua
Jiu Zhai Gou
Giant panda Research Center
Hot spring
The Lake of Heaven
(T )
2. 再次阅读课文,思考课本P.39页 Ex.1.
1. In what province is Changbaishan? In Jilin Province
2.What is a nature reserve? Why is Changbaishan a famous nature reserve?
Revision of V–ing form
• 重点: ①动词-ing形式的作用 ②动词-ing形式在做状语时的作用 • 难点: 动词-ing形式的一般式与完成式的区别
说出下列动词的现在分词形式: • work______ sleep_____ study_____ • take______ make_____ dance_____ • cut ______ put _______ begin______ • lie _______ tie ______ die _______
4.What does Tianchi mean? How is Tianchi formed?
The Lake of Heaven. By volcano eruption.
Language Points:
1.The height of the land varies from 700
metres above sea level to over 2,000 meters and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals. • vary v. 呈现不同 ;改变,变化 • vary from…to… 由…到…不等;
(4) Being tired, I stopped to take a rest.表( 原因)
(5) Walking along the street, I met Mary表.( 时间)
(二)观察下列2个句子, 体会having done 与doing的不同的用法
(1) Having written the letter, John went to the post office.
• 1)__H_a_v_i_n_g_t_o_ld____him the answer several timeS, I did’t know whether he could understand.
• 2)_H_a_v_i_n_g_b_e_e_n__t_o_ld_the answer several times , he still couldn’t sovle the question.
• (3) The new book of the famous novelist was very boring.
• It didn’t become popular among young people.
Being very boring, the new book of the famous novelist didn’t become popular among young people.
A place kept in its natural state for people to enjoy. The largest one in China.
3.What is the most popular tourist attraction in the reserve? Tianchi, or Lake of Heaven.
(1) This is an interesting book. ( 定语 )
(2) The man sitting by the window is our maths teacher. ( 定语 )
(3) Seeing the teacher entering the room, the
2. It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people.
举一反三 : 主动
①一般式 doing
being done
②完成式having done having been done Exercise2: 1).她被蛇咬了三次后,她看见蛇后就害怕。
students stood up. ( 状语
(4) I saw the boy walking on the stree
yesterday. ( 宾补 ) (5) Playing football is his favotire sport. (主语)
(6) I didn’t stop working last night. ( 宾语 )
3. You can see a lot of black bears,leopards
or cranes in Changbaishan. ( F )
4. Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct
(T )
5. The ancestor of the Manchu people were believed to be good at language and persuasion.
主动 被动
主句主语为动作的发出者。 主句主语为动作的承受者。
• 1.(2005全国I) The storm left,_______ a lot of damage to this area.
A. caused
B. to have caused
C. to cause
D. having caused
• 2.(2004广东) _____ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.
A. Not completing
B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed
• (2) I knew the sight is impressive on the top of the mountain.
• I made an effort to climb onto it.
Knowing the sight was impressive on the top of the mountain, I made an effort to climb onto it.
correct the students’ homework.
A. Sending
B. Being sent
C. Sent
D. Having sent
2). Be careful when / while _c_ro_s_s_in_g__ (cross)the street.
3). H_e_a_r_in_g__th_e__n_ew__s ( 听到这个消息) , we got excited.
(2) Seeing the beautiful sight, the children felt excited.
• 总结:
① 完成式 having done 表动作有先有后
② 一般式 doing
1). __ the child to bed, she began to
• (4) Jim knew he had HIV. • He was absolutely anxious and
frightened about it.
Knowing he had HIV, Jim was absolutely anxious and frightened about it.
3. பைடு நூலகம்词-ing形式,在做状语时的作用:
(1) I stood there, taking a book in hand . ( 表伴随)
(2) Knowing where I live, he never comes to see me. (表让步 ) (3) Turning to the left, you will find the school. (表条件 )
• (5) He glanced through the window. • He saw a swallow trembling on the
ground with a broken leg.
Glancing through the window, he saw a swallow trembling on the ground with a broken leg.
she feels frightened when seeing the snake.
2).正在进行的那个会议非常重要。 T_h_e_m_e_e_t_in_g__b_ei_n_g_h_e_ld__n_o_w_i_s_o_f_g_r_e_at_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_ce.
Exercise3: 用having been told \ having told填空: