
16. Training: the importance of training staff to use new technologyA: it is a very important step to train your staff in how to use the new technology. First of all most of your staff won’t be familiar with this technology since it is new and unless you train them they will spend much more time in getting used to it. Therefore your training is worthy in getting your staff to understand the new technology. Secondly you still won’t enjoy the high efficiency brought up by the new technology if you can’t achieve the perfect combination of your staff and the new technology which is only possible through training. The last but not the least you can improve your staff’s ability to harness the new technology through your training program and make them more confident in their work, which will definitely enhance the efficiency of your company.17. The importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitionsA: your aim of exhibiting your products at the trade fair is to show your customers the high quality of your products through fine demonstration and careful explanation, which will only be achieved by selecting right staff to attend the trade fair. The staff you select should at least have a good understanding of the products you display. They must know the quality function description production packing and other important fields of your products. Besides they must have strong ability of promoting and marketing. These elaborately-selected staff can answer any kind of question produced by the customers about your products and can secure contracts with them skillfully, which will make your display a complete success.18. Production management: how to organize an effective stock control systemA: there are three important steps: first step up a monitoring system in the company to watch closely the level of inventory so that the inventory can be maintained at an appropriate level. Second set up a reporting system to inform the manager of any possible changes in the level of inventory. If the level is too low try to improve it and reduce its negative effect on the production. If the level is too high try to reduce it and pay attention to the lack of capital and difficulties it will exert on the management. Third make everyone in the company clear about the importance of stock control so that every part of this system is operating effectively and altogether achieve a high proficiency of the whole.注释:stock control system 存货控制(对各种物资库存量的管理。

剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)口试真题及应考提示(2)Samples(部分口语试题参考答案)1、Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s productsAs is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upgrading.All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies.2、How to fill a key vacancyIn order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure.It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on.Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter.Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want.Background Information3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesCareer PlanningEven after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goalscan reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerIt is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don’t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staffTraining: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a companyStaff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforceMotivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction.5、Marketing ResearchManagers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations.For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities.A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research firms.。

商务英语高级试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. Which of the following is the correct way to address a client in a formal email?A. Dear Sir/MadamB. Hello thereC. HiD. Hey答案:A2. The term "B2B" stands for:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Industry答案:A3. In a negotiation, which of the following is NOT a strategy to build rapport with your counterpart?A. Finding common interestsB. Using aggressive tacticsC. Sharing personal experiencesD. Showing respect for their culture答案:B4. What does the acronym "ROI" stand for in business?A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Rate of InterestD. Revenue of Investment答案:A5. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to conclude a business proposal?A. By summarizing the main pointsB. By making a jokeC. By demanding immediate actionD. By providing a personal anecdote答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. When preparing a business presentation, it's important to keep the audience engaged by using visuals, ________, and clear language.答案:interactive elements2. The ________ of a company refers to its overall strategy and direction.答案:mission statement3. In international trade, a ________ is a legal documentthat serves as a receipt for goods and a contract between the buyer and seller.答案:bill of lading4. A ________ is a financial statement that shows a company's financial position at a specific point in time.答案:balance sheet5. In a business context, "due diligence" refers to the process of examining a company or individual's ________ before entering into a contract or agreement.答案:background三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共15分)阅读以下商务邮件,回答问题。

高级商务英语(BEC)考试历年真题BEC商务英语高级考试历年真题(1)The Negotiating TableYou can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him.The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by sayin g “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer. You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to become their best friends but being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed. Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste. However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this becomes too great , neither partymay be prepared to see the deal through . More common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal. Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details.De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation. Their goals are totally selfish. They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly. If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him. If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail. They can also be very single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing. So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children.15 Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order toA put people at easeB remain detachedC be competitiveD impress rivals16 Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning toA convince the other party of their point of viewB show they are not really interestedC indicate they wish to take the easy optionD protect their company’s situation17 Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you shouldA adapt your style to the people you are talking toB make the other side feel superior to youC dress in a way to make you feel comfortable.D try to make the other side like you18 According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you toA gain their friendshipB speed up the negotiationsC plan your next move.Dconvince them of your point of view19 Deals sometimes fail becauseA negotiations have gone on too longB the companies operate in different waysC one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly20 Dr Cohen mentions children’s negot iation techniques to show that you shouldA be prepared to try every routeB try not to make people feel guiltyC be careful not to exhaust yourselfD control the decision-making process.关于negotiating techniques的文章。

Samples(部分⼝语试题参考答案) 1、Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s products As is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers. First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upgrading. All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies. 2、How to fill a key vacancy In order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure. It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on. Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter. Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company. The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want. Background Information 3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companies Career Planning Even after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved. Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career It is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don’t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder. 4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staff Training: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a company Staff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce Motivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction. 5、Marketing Research Managers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research. We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities. A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research firms. 6、Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriately In recent times, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool. Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks-from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. For example, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller’s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a "five-second commercial." The Campbell Soup Company estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of $26 million worth of advertising. 7、Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching a new product Sales: How to sell a product effectively in international markets Product Promotion: the importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions Communication: the importance in business of maintaining contact with clients Public Relations: the importance of adequate supervision and training of staff who deal with the public 8、Management: How to run a meeting successfully Transport Management: the importance to a business of an efficient public transport system Any distribution of products from producers to wholesalers or from wholesalers to retailers requires transportation. The cost of transporting some products can exceed the cost of producing them. An efficient form of transportation can result in higher costs and lower profits for the firm. For each form of transportation, firms should estimate timing, cost, and availability. This assessment allows the firm to choose an optimal method of transportation. The most common forms of transportation used to distribute products are truck, rail, air, water, pipeline. Transport Management: the importance of using environmentally friendly means of transport whenever possible 9、Health & Safety Employee Safety: Firms ensure that the workplace is safe for employees by closely monitoring the production process. Some obvious safety precautions are to check machinery and equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or any other equipment that one can prevent injury, and emphasize any special safety precautions in training seminars. Firms that create a safe working environment prevent injuries and improve the morale of their employees. Many firms, such as Allied Signal, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Levi Strauss and Company imposes safety guidelines not only its U.S. facilities but also on Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries. 10、Life Skills: the importance of being able to cope with stress in a job Technology: the importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplace.。

《商务英语》考试试题及答案商务英语考试试题及答案商务英语考试(Business English Test,简称BET)是针对商务环境下英语语言能力的测试,涉及商务沟通、商务文化、商务礼仪等方面。
一、选择题1、在商务场合中,下列哪个词汇属于更为正式的称呼? A. guy B. sir C. mate D. boss 答案:B. sir2、在商务谈判中,下列哪个语句属于礼貌的表达方式? A. No way B.I think so C. You're wrong D. It doesn't matter 答案:B. I think so3、在商务活动中,下列哪个行为符合商务礼仪? A. 穿着休闲装参加谈判 B. 在会议上发表言论前先做笔记 C. 在商务场合频繁使用手机 D. 在商务宴请时点价格昂贵的菜品答案:B. 在会议上发表言论前先做笔记二、填空题4、在商务活动中,我们常常使用电子邮件进行沟通。
以下是一封商务邮件的示例: Dear [Name], I am writing to [purpose of email].If you have any questions or need more information, please [request]. Thank you. Best regards, [Your Name] 请问,在"[purpose of email]"处应填写什么内容?答案:填写邮件的目的,例如:"invite you to a business meeting"(邀请您参加商务会议)等。
以下是一个解决商务谈判僵局的示例: Person A: We cannot accept your price. It's too high. Person B: I understand your concern. We can offer a better discount if you purchase more items. 请问,Person B是如何解决谈判中的僵局?答案:Person B通过提供更多的优惠来打破谈判中的僵局,即提供更多的折扣给对方,以换取更多的购买量。

Reference Key for Simulated Test of Chapter 1Section ASample TalkWhen meeting old or new customers or business partners, people seldom get directly down to business after exchanging greetings because that might be thought too business like, cold and abrupt. Both parties need a bit warming-up.So they resort to small talk, talking about impersonal topics such as weather, food, local impression, etc.,among which, the safest and most popular topic is weather. People like talking about weather for it offends nobody, yet it affects everybody’s life. It is of great concern to business people who travel a lot. Whenever they come to a new place, the first thing they notice is the weather difference.Besides weather, you can talk about local food, people or places of interest. But be sure not to touch upon sensitive political or religious issues especially when your stand is at odds with your partner. If you do, amid heated discussion, you might lose your head, lose your temper and worst of all, lose the customer!Therefore, be careful with the choice of the topics for small talk. A congenial chat may pave your way to further business discussion while improper small talk may ruin your business opportunity.Section BReference Key for Sentence Interpretation from Chinese to English:1. 您一定就是我们盼望已久的客人莫卡帕先生吧。

BEC高级口语真题答案【剑桥BEC真题集第二辑】TEST 1A.客户关系:让客户感到受到重视的重要性B.公司发展:控制公司扩张的重要性C.营销:如何确保公司的代理商始终保持高效率PART 2A. Customer relations: the importance of making customers feel valued.In my opinion, maintaining good customer relations is of vital importance to a business. If not, you may have no way to sell your products or services to customers. Then, there is no chance for you to make money. In order to establish good relations with your customers, you should make customers feel valued. There are a number of ways to make them feel valued. Firstly, you should have a friendly attitude toward them and show respect for them. From time to time, ask them for their opinions and suggestions for improvement of your products or services. Secondly, provide them with good after-sale service. When they run into some problems or difficulties, offer them with help as soon as possible. When something has gone wrong with your products they have purchased, send your technicians as soon as possible.B. Company growth: the importance to a company ofcontrolling expansionAs we know, every company nowadays seeks for growth and development in order to survive in the highly competitive world. But we have to remember that expansion should be made in a controlled manner, because, if not, serious problems will be brought about, or even worse, a great threat will be caused to the survival of the company. For instance, a department store in our city used to be very prosperous before it sought for expansion. A few years ago, it began establishing branch stores in other cities throughout the province. Within a period of two years, scores of branches had been sep up in and outside the province. At first, business was okay and everything went well. Then, some problems began to occur due to lack of funds and skilled managerial staff. A couple of years later, the department store simply went bankrupt. This is a lesson for us to learn.C. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company.As we all know, signing an agency agreement with a firm is a customary practice in marketing. In order to ensure they maintains a high level of effectiveness, I think, firstly make an attractive encouragement program, that is, to set up clear target for the agent. If the agent reaches the settarget, a decent reared will be offered. If he fails to do so, he will not get the commission. Second, check and supervise the process or progress of the marketing campaign launched by your agent. If something has gone wrong, immediately correct it. If your agent runs into difficulties, you should offer a hand without any delay. In other words, let your agent know that he is trusted and he is not working alone.PART 3A.O ur company is planning to introduce a suggestion scheme so as to encourage staff members at all levels to contribute ideas and suggestions. Do you have any ideas as to the ways of setting up such a scheme so that all staff can make contributions?B. I have heard of that. I think this is quite good for thefuture development of our company. As for ways of setting up such a scheme, the first step come to my mind is to get a group of people together to organize a committee. The major task for them is to draw up some staff members.A. That’s sounds good. But who do you think should bechosen as the member of the committee? The head of each department, or some professional people from outside?B.Some department leaders can be included, but not every one of them. We may select a couple of senior consultants of our company to be put on the committee. And ordinary staff members should also be represented in the committee, so that voices from shop floors can heard.A. Yeah. I think each department may prepare a box forcollecting ideas and the box should be put at a place where all staff can have an easy access. A special column can be created on the company’s website for idea collection since internet is almost available for all staff members.B. As for the evaluation of suggestions, of course it is thecommittee that will have the final say. The committee is supposed to draw up specific standards for the sake of evaluating, quantitative and financial standards, for instance.A. You are right. And specific rewards should be also beannounced to all members of staff so as to encourage them to offer valuable suggestions….【剑桥BEC真题集第二辑】TEST 2A. 沟通技能:给录用的员工培训外语的重要性B. 广告:如何选择合适的机构处理公司公告C. 财政:如何决定公司是否上市PART 2A. Communication skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees.In my opinion, it is very important to provide selected employees with foreign language training. As we all know, globalization brings many chances of international business cooperation. Employees are likely to deal with foreign customers or clients, or travel abroad on business, so a good command of foreign languages is important. Therefore, in order to help employees to accomplish their task, foreign language training should be offered, especially to those selected ones who involve in the international market, so that they can shoulder up the responsibility soon.B. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertisingIn order to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertising, I think the following three points should be considered. First, the selected agency should have a good track record and a good reputation, which may ensure profound knowledge in designing, producing and publishing advertising. Second, the size of the agencyshould be taken into consideration. The larger the size, the more powerful it may be. Third, face-to-face communication is necessary to know whether the agency is familiar with the features of the company and its products.C. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock marketSeveral aspects should be considered before you decide whether to float a company on the stock market or not. First, the advantages brought by this should be taken into full view. Second, the policy concerning listing a company onto the stock market should be checked to see whether a company meets the requirements. Third, the responsibilities that a listing company has be bear should be fully understood, such as disclosure of director’s duty, all kinds of expenses, tax and so on.PART 3A. Our company will open a new branch in another part ofthe country. Therefore, some members of staff need to be sent there to do business. This is good news for us because it means our company is growing.B. Yes, it certainly is. But it is a problem to makerelocation attractive for staff, since it is far from here and not many people want to work there. Away fromtheir families and old co-workers, they may feel lonely and less-motivated.A. That’s a problem. But I think the company can offersome financial incentives to those who are to be assigned there, for example, relocation allowance.B. Good idea. Besides, the company can address the staff’shousing need by relocating or establishing temporary permanent housing arrangement for them.A. I agree. The company should provide staff with sufficient information about the new location.B. Yes, the information about the local people can cultureis very useful and important. That can help them get prepared before they are sent there.A. And so is the information about the surroundingenvironment, including climate, local customs, people’s living habits, etc.B. I couldn’t agree with you any more. All the informationyou mentioned will make them adjust to the new work place.【剑桥BEC真题集第二辑】TEST 3PART 2A. Personnel management: the importance to a company of having well-motivated staffFirst of all, having well-motivated staff ensures better productivity. When an employee is highly motivated, there should be nothing to prevent him from devoting himself to the job. He will be very proactive to his responsibilities. This will significantly reduce wasted time and effort, which in turn can enhance productivity and overall performance. Second, I think a well-motivated staff will show greater loyalty and commitment to the company since a high level of motivation usually is a result of satisfaction with the job and the firm. Company loyalty in turn will greatly reduce turnover level and help retain the best brain needed by the firm. Finally, if everyone is very motivated at work, staff morale in the firm will also be boosted. Just imagine if everyone around you is so driven and enthusiastic, how can you possibly be immune to that atmosphere? We are most likely to make the most of our talents and achieve our personal best in such an environment. That’s all. Thank you.B. Strategic planning: how to decide whether to purchaseor rent company premisesFirst of all, we should make sure that we check the financial situation of our company before we decide whether to purchase or to rent company remises. As we all know we will have to spend much more money in purchasing premises than renting them. Therefore, we should check our company’s financial situation to see whether we now have enough money to purchase premises. Any ignorance of current financial situation will break company’s cash flow or even undermine the company’s normal production. Secondly, we should ask ourselves the aim that makes us purchase or rent premises. Do we want to set up our headquarters for a long-term investigation which will definitely need us to purchase buildings or just build a branch for a short-term project which requires only some rented houses? After all these careful studies we can finally make our decision.C. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriatelyFirst, we should consider the cost of our new products before we put them into the market. The price level we should set at least includes all the cost and investment and makes us gain some margins. Second, we should carry out an investigation or market research in the target market tosee what price level can be accepted by our potential customers. We will also have to study the consumers’habits and the popularity of our new products in the target market. Only through these comprehensive investigations can we ensure the appropriate price levels of our new products.PART 3A. You know, our company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. What benefits do you think the fitness centre can bring for our company?B. The fitness centre can provide facilities for the staff to exercise. We all know that proper physical exercise is good for health. It helps burn calories and discharge acidic wastes. It also tones muscles and helps build a lean and muscular body. Through exercise, many people lose weight and improve their health. Also, through exercises, we are feeling strong and well. We feel happy and ready for anything. We may enjoy our work and life.A. Yes, I totally agree with you. Through exercises the staff can keep healthy and relax from the tension of work. In this way, they can improve the working efficiency and do more work for our company. Therefore, the company will gain more profits.B. Tha t’s true. And I also believe that the fitness centre will simulate the staff’s enthusiasm for both work and life. The staff will become more faithful to the company since they will be aware that the company has been treating them well.A. Exactly. Then how to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff?B. In my opinion, in order to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff, lectures should be given by some experts invited to make the staff conscious of the importance of the exercises to health, and the importance of health to life and work. The experts’talk must be convincing enough to make it possible for the staff to accept the idea of exercises.A. Yes, this idea sounds effective. Moreover, I think our company had better invite some professional coaches to guide the staff in a proper way of exercising and building or shapes. After all, professional coaches know very well how to help people develop interests in exercise. And the proper ways of exercising seem to be effective to improve the health of the staff.【剑桥BEC真题集第二辑】TEST 4A. 市场调查:调查了解顾客习惯和态度的重要性B. 财务管理:怎样为公司找到消减成本的方法C. 交流沟通:怎样在公司内部不同部门之间建立有效的工作关系PART 2A. Market research: the importance of finding out about customers’ habits and attitudes.As we all know, your customer’s habits and attitudes will exert a great influence on the production and sales of your products, or services. Customer’s habits, especially their consuming habits, will decide to what extent they can accept the price of your products, which will directly affect the pricing of your products. Customer’s attitudes towards your products or service reflect the quality of your products or services and will decide whether your products or services can remain popular in the market. So if you carry out research to find out about their habits and attitudes, you can gear the production and sales of your products towards a right direction.B. Financial management: how to identify ways of reducing costs in a companyThe general purpose of a company is to make profits, and reducing costs, which in turn will benefit the customers. One way to reduce costs is to set up a system in which staff members could work effectively. In other words, give fullplay to people. Let every one in the company make best use of their talents and skills, and thus will reduce the labor cost. Another way is prevent any waste of materials in production, by updating equipment and technology, for instance. Improving management efficiency is also an approach to reduce the overheads of a company, say, by simplifying some procedures of doing business.munication: how to achieve an effective working relationship between different departments within a company?First, we should try our best to create a team spirit within the company and between different departments so members from different departments can know the importance of team work. They will realize that what they are doing now is not just for their own departments, but for the well-being of the whole company. In this way there will be a sound environment of mutual help and mutual trust between different departments, which can help all members to work effectively. Second, company should do something to help people from different departments to understand and communicate with each other. For example, we can hold regular gatherings in which everyone can have the chance to know each other, speak to each other and share their experiences in work so thatthey will work in a spirit of sharing differences while retaining common ground.PART 3A. Incentive schemes have become a very popular form of employee benefits as they work as a reward scheme for the most productive people in the company. What benefits do you think an incentive scheme for staff would bring to the company?B. By linking benefits to targets means that employees are encouraged to work hard and are rewarded when they reach the targets. As for the benefits brought by an incentive scheme to the company, the most obvious one is the improvement of productivity and effectiveness of staff.A. I totally agree with you. Good incentive schemes will help to improve the business of a company with its staff’s enthusiasm in hard work, and attract more excellent talents to join it. Then, in your opinion, what incentive schemes should be arranged to encourage the employees?B.I think a company should offer the health and well-being insurance, allowance for transport and travel, proper and timely bonuses for additional job, etc. Also, a system of honoring and rewarding those employees who have made more contributions should be set up to stimulate the staff’s working enthusiasm.A.Yes, performance-related pay is perhaps the best way of an incentives scheme. In addition, in the case of bonus, which is also a type of employee incentive scheme, the employee may not know whether or not they will qualify for a bonus, and of what size it will be, until it is actually paid. Incentives do not necessarily have to be financial. Other popular employee incentives include extra holiday time offered to those who meet or exceed targets.B.I agree with you. Also, probably flexible time of working is another good incentive scheme, especially for women workers who have children, because the staff can arrange and balance their work and family.【剑桥BEC真题集第三辑】TEST 1A.与客户关系:忠实顾客关于产品的意见对公司的重要性B.员工的发展:为员工设计有效的职业规划对公司发展的重要性C.企业发展策略:怎样保持公司股东的信心PART 2A. Customer relations: the importance to a company of reliable customer of opinions of productsThe reliable customers’opinions play an important role when a company wants to stay ahead in the fiercecompetition as well as in the market. So the evaluation and judgment of reliable customers will serve as valuable clues for a company to improve its products. The company can take the feedback into consideration when it tries to upgrade its products or develop new ones.B. Development: the importance to a company of developing effective career plans for staffA successful company should have effective career plans for its staff. It is not only beneficial to staff members, but also to the company itself.With admirable career plans, a company will become very attractive to talented personnel, so it will be easier for the company to recruit new staff of high quality and that will enhance the company’s competitive strength.On the other hand, effective career plans will also help staff improve themselves. They will become more creative in research and development, devoted themselves to their jobs, and become much more loyal to the company. Therefore, a good career plan will benefit both the company and its staff.C. Business strategy: how to maintain the confidence of company share holders.Shareholders’confidence is very crucial for every company. In order to maintain the shareholders’confidence, Firstly, the company need to explain to them certain things about stock market dynamics and fluctuations. In addition, companies should try their best to improve the business and increase the sales income, so that the shareholders can get more profits from their investment. Also, a company had better offer regular information about the business to let the shareholders know the company is in good conditions. In that case they can be more confident about the company. (shareholder are very important to a company, because they buy the stocks of the company and therefore, provide capital for the company, so the company can keep sufficient financial resources to operate and develop.) PART 3A. Our company is located in the busy city center and a lot of staff complain that it takes them too much time on the way to work. We have to take some measure. Can you offer some suggestions to help solve this problem?B. Yes, the traffic is heavy in rush hours and the traffic jam takes us too much time. I think the government should encourage people to use more public transport means instead of driving private cares. Therefore, the traffic jam will be reduced, and the buses or cars can run faster. It is also beneficial to our environment.A. Yes, it makes sense. But public transport is not as convenient as private cars. You have to wait for the bus, and set out earlier. Also it usually very crowded on the bus. However, if you have your own care, you yourself may have control over the time, and you can enjoy the ease of traveling to and from walk.B. But taking buses is cheap and you don’t need to worry about the troubles related to your own care, while owning a car will cost more money and bring more trouble such maintenance, and parking, etc.A. So it seems that we two can hardly agree with each other. Since we have analysed the advantages and disadvantages of public transport and private transport, our staff can make their own choices. Now let’s move to the second topic: what the effects might be of allowing staff to work flexible hours?B. Flexible work alternatives may be the single most important factor in allowing us to create the lives we want for ourselves and our families. Some flexible work optioins serve to spread existing jobs further, creating a model for a saner, more humane work system.A. Yes, I agree with you. Flexible work can help the staff fit together the sometimes irregular pieces of a modem lifestyle: family demands, professional requirements,personal needs for variety. Flexible work is also practical and worthwhile for companies. Many a company has adopted this practice and benefited from doing so.B. you can say that again. Besides, adopting flexible work system can improve employees’morale, and meet the needs of employees with children and other outside demands.【剑桥BEC真题集第三辑】TEST 2A.质量监控:公司对自己的产品和服务实行质量监控的重要性B.信心管理:怎样保证信息在公司内部受到有效的管理\C.财务规划:影响合理定价策略的因素PART 2A. Quality control: the importance to a company of monitoring the quality of its goods and servicesThere are so many similar products in the market and customer will decide from which producer they should purchase goods or services. In almost cases, they will first consider the quality and reputation of the company. If that supplier has a good record of consistent quality and service, a potential customer is more likely to purchase their products. Also, only with high quality standard can a company maintain its customer loyalty and attract morenew customers.B. Information management: how to ensure that information is managed effectively within a company Information management within a company is of great significance to a company. To some extent, it means life and death to a company. A common way to manage information is to set up a system and assign certain people to take charge of the work. On one hand, confidential information will be kept secret and safe, so as to have the rights and benefits of the company protected; on the other hand, other information should be circulated in time within the company so that understanding will be deepened among departments and staff members, which will be of great value to growth of the company.C. Financial planning: the factors involved in deciding on appropriate pricing strategies.Selecting a pricing strategy for your product is critical, because price is the most highly visible element of all marketing efforts. Firstly, the main factor is the product itself: the cost of producing plus your expecting profit. Secondly, similar products of the rival firms: What are their prices? What are your product’s competitive advantages? In what aspect does your product superior to others? This can add extra value to your product. Last butnot least, you target customer: Whether they are wealthy or not? Can they afford the price?PART 3A.O ur company is going to take over another company. In order to encourage staff from both companies to work together effectively, we should take some measures. In your opinion, what kinds of work projects and leisure activities would be suitable to encourage teamwork?B.I think active leisure activities should be considered, including energetic activities that also require one to use mental power. We can go hiking, camping, fishing. I think these activities can enhance staff’s cooperative spirits.A. Yes, such activities are very relaxing, especially hikingand camping, which are wonderful experience that will help us forget our stress. Besides, playing basketball or volleyball can also help a lot to promote the spirit of cooperation and friendship.B. Right. Through these activities, people from differencecompanies will become more familiar to each other, and know each other better, which makes it easier for them to communicate with each other in their work.And by the way, what’s the importance of teamwork for the staff in your opinion?A. Encouraging teamwork and keeping schedule are important to managing a project. First, if you work in a team, you can easily come up with creative ideas and share your ideas. You know, two heads are better than one, as the saying goes. If you get into trouble, others will help you.B. I quite agree with you. In my view teamwork is a key element for success in today’s world. It facilitates interaction between staff and helps absorb information and retain knowledge. By using teamwork we can make this complicated work become simple and easy, and we can create a sound and effective communication with the project and monitor the communication between members as well as the communication between the boss and subordinates. In addition, in a team everyone tries to help others in their work and a lot of problems can be solved quickly after they occur.A. Yes, the managers can thus save the energy and time for trouble-shooting. In this way our company can become a united one. Research and common sense also tell us that having teams that work well together usually results in several important business benefits: improved performance, increased productivity, increased creativity, increased sense of employee motivation andbelonging. Effective teamwork also improves individual and overall performance. As a result, our new company is able to bloom in the business.【剑桥BEC真题集第三辑】TEST 3A.员工关系:公司给所有员工提供一定便利的重要性B.技术:公司定期更新技术设备的必要性C.战略规划:在机构内部有效完成变革所涉及的因素Part 2A. Staff relations: the importance of a company providing a range of facilities for all staff.In my opinion, staff relations play an important role in the development of a company. Thus, it is significant for the company to provide a range of facilities for all staff to establish good staff relations.Firstly, in this way staff will feel they are valued and their contribution is recognized by the company. (staff morale) Secondly, the facilities make it easier for the staff to carry out their tasks. As a result, staff can devote more time to their work and serve the company more efficiently and faithfully. Then the company tends to run smoothly and become successful. (improve the working environment, makes it more attractive to clients )B. Technology: the importance to a company if regularlyupgrading its technological equipmentNowadays, with the quick development of science and technology, it is very necessary for a company to regularly upgrade its technological equipment.First, this can help to improve the work efficiency. Second, new technological equipment can help set up a good image for a company, thus leaving a good impression on clients. Third, this can help to broaden staff’s horizon. They will be informed of the latest development in the world, particularly in their own field. Therefore, regularly upgrading the technological equipment can benefit a company a lot.C. Strategic planning: the factors involved in managing change effectively within an organizationIn order to manage change effectively within an organization, we have to take some factors into consideration.First, it is very important to find a proper way to introduce change to staff, for this will decide their response to change to some degree. Second, the new opportunities brought by the change should be emphasized, which can help to shift staff’s focus on possible parts they don’t like. Third, staff should be encouraged to give their feedback ,and accordingly, somerevision can be made in order to show that staff’s opinions are valued.PART 3A.Y ou know, our company is considering funding a regional educational project for 16 to 18-year-old students who are interested in a business course. I think it is good news for those students and also a good chance to promote the name of our company.B.I agree with you. Students can benefit from this project and learn something about business. And we can take this opportunity to launch and advertising campaign via all kinds of media, such as TV, radio, and major newspapers.A. Yes, but we should not forget the Internet. As youknow, many people surf on the Internet regularly to get necessary information. Besides, it is quite cheap to advertise on the internet, much cheaper than that on TV or radio.B. You got it. But there is something we should payattention to. That is, how should the progress and outcomes of the project be monitored?A. Well, how about setting up a foundation, which candecide the amount granted to each student according。

2007年11月商务英语BEC考试高级口试真题Speaking Test Part II1. Customer Relations: the importance of making customers feel valued2. Company growth: the importance to a company of controlling expansion3. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company4. Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively5. Project Development: how to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects6. Purchasing: how to evaluate and select new products7. Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well motivatedstaff8. Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises9. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately10. Communication Skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees11. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company's advertising12. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock-market13. Marketing: the importance to a company of offering its products on the world-wide web14. Staff Training: how to evaluate the effectiveness of company training programmes15. Company Growth: how to decide when it is the right time for a business to expand16. Public Relations: the importance to a company of sponsoring well-known personalities from the arts and popular culture17. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected18. Information Management: how to analyse and make effective use of information19. Sales: the importance of brand image in ensuring that products or services sell well20. Technology: the importance to a company of keeping up-to-date with internet developments21. Quality Control: how to ensure that a company consistently maintains quality control standards22. Product Promotion: how to make effective use of the media when promoting anew product or service23. Product Management: the importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects24. Health and Safety: how to develop a responsible attitude among staff to the health and safety requirements of accompany25. Technology: the importance of computer skills for the workplace of the future26. Communications: how to ensure that e-mail is used appropriately by staff for internal and external communications27. Staff Development: how to administer a staff budget effectively28. Market Research: the importance of finding out about customers' habits and attitudes29. Financial Management: how to identify ways of reducing costs in a company30. Communication: how to achieve an effective working relationship between different departments within a company31. Communication skills: the importance of understanding cultural differences when working in an international environment32. Personnel Management: the importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions33. Company Growth: how to ensure that company growth proceeds at the optimum rate34. Time Management: how to manage a heavy workload effectively35. Health and Safety: the importance to a company of having a Health and Safety policy36. Human Resources: how to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performanceSamples(部分口语试题参考答案)1、Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company's productsAs is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upgrading.All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies.2、How to fill a key vacancyIn order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure.It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on.Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter.Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company's recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want.Background Information3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesCareer PlanningEven after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerIt is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don't and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way upto the top of the corporate ladder.4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staffTraining: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a companyStaff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforceMotivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction.5、Marketing ResearchManagers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people orcompanies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities.A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research firms.6、Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriatelyIn recent times, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool. Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks-from attracting attention, to describing the product,to making the sale. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. For example, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller's last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a "five-second commercial." The Campbell Soup Company estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of $26 million worth of advertising.7、Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching a new productSales: How to sell a product effectively in international marketsProduct Promotion: the importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitionsCommunication: the importance in business of maintaining contact with clientsPublic Relations: the importance of adequate supervision and training of staff who deal with the public8、Management: How to run a meeting successfullyTransport Management: the importance to a business of an efficient public transport systemAny distribution of products from producers to wholesalers or from wholesalers to retailers requires transportation. The cost of transporting some products can exceed the cost of producing them. An efficient form of transportation can result in higher costs and lower profits for the firm. For each form of transportation, firms should estimate timing, cost, and availability. This assessment allows the firm to choose an optimal method of transportation. The most common forms of transportation used to distribute products are truck, rail, air, water, pipeline.Transport Management: the importance of using environmentally friendly means of transport whenever possible9、Health & SafetyEmployee Safety: Firms ensure that the workplace is safe for employees by closely monitoring the production process. Some obvious safety precautions are to check machinery and equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or any other equipment that one can prevent injury, and emphasize any special safety precautions in training seminars.Firms that create a safe working environment prevent injuries and improve the morale of their employees. Many firms, such as Allied Signal, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Levi Strauss and Company imposes safety guidelines not only its U.S. facilities but also on Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries.10、Life Skills: the importance of being able to cope with stress in a jobTechnology: the importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplace.精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。

IC:Supply exceeds demands?A practical problem of college graduate in job-hunting.
Passage 1:运动主要分为两⼤类——团体运动和个⼈运动。
Passage 2:很⾼兴参加这次峰会的第⼆次会议,欢迎国内外的贵宾。
Passage 1:⼈类⽣活离不开物质。
Passage 2:很多外国朋友发现他们看到的中国和听到的中国不同,这是因为⼀些西⽅媒体对中国的不实报道。

首先,让我们来看一个常见的BEC口语题目:“Describe a successful business you know.”(描述一个你熟悉的成功商业)。
以下是一个可能的参考答案:"I would like to talk about Apple Inc., a highly successful business that I am familiar with. Apple is a multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.I believe Apple is successful for several reasons. Firstly, their innovative products have revolutionized the technology industry. The introduction of the iPhone, for example, changed the way we communicate and access information. Secondly, Apple has created a strong brand image and a loyal customer base. Their products are known for their sleek design and high quality, which has helped them build a strong reputation. Finally, Apple has a strong marketing strategy. Their advertisements are creative and appealing, and they have successfully created a sense of desire and exclusivity around their products. Overall, I believe Apple's success can be attributed to their innovation, brand image, andmarketing strategy."接下来,让我们来看一个与商务沟通有关的题目:“Describe a time when you had to negotiate with someone.”(描述你与某人进行谈判的经历)。

商务英语口语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 会议将在下午2点开始。
B. 会议被推迟到明天。
C. 会议将在上午11点开始。
听录音:[录音内容]答案:A2. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 客户对产品不满意。
B. 客户要求退货。
C. 客户要求换货。
听录音:[录音内容]答案:B二、口语表达(共30分)1. 请用英语描述一次商务会议的流程。
参考答案:In a typical business meeting, there is an agenda that outlines the topics to be discussed. The meeting starts with a greeting, followed by an introduction of attendees. Then, the chairperson leads the discussion according to the agenda. After each topic is discussed, a conclusion or decision is made. The meeting concludes with asummary of the decisions and next steps.2. 请用英语表达你对远程工作的看法。
参考答案:Remote work offers flexibility and can increase productivity for some employees. However, it may also lead to communication challenges and a lack of team cohesion. Companies need to establish clear guidelines and use technology to facilitate effective communication.三、情景对话(共30分)1. 假设你是一家公司的销售人员,客户询问产品价格,请你用英语回答。

bec高级试题及答案BEC高级试题及答案一、听力部分1. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题:(A) What is the main topic of the conversation?(B) What does the woman suggest they do next?(C) Why does the man agree with her suggestion?答案:(A) The main topic of the conversation is about organizing a team-building event.(B) The woman suggests they should invite an external trainer for the event.(C) The man agrees because he believes an external trainer can provide a fresh perspective.2. 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题:(A) What is the speaker's opinion on remote working?(B) What is the potential issue with remote working according to the speaker?(C) What solution does the speaker propose?答案:(A) The speaker believes that remote working can increase productivity.(B) The potential issue is the lack of face-to-face interaction which can lead to communication problems.(C) The speaker proposes regular video conferences to maintain team cohesion.二、阅读部分1. Read the following passage and answer the questions:(A) What is the primary purpose of the article?(B) According to the article, what are the benefits of using renewable energy?(C) What challenges does the author mention regarding renewable energy?答案:(A) The primary purpose of the article is to discuss the advantages and challenges of renewable energy.(B) The benefits include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy independence.(C) Challenges include the high initial cost of renewable energy technologies and the intermittent nature of some renewable energy sources.2. Read the following business report and answer the questions:(A) What was the main reason for the company's decline in profits?(B) What measures did the company take to address the issue?(C) What was the outcome of these measures?答案:(A) The main reason for the company's decline in profits was increased competition in the market.(B) The company took measures such as reducing costs and investing in new marketing strategies.(C) The outcome was a gradual recovery in profits over the next year.三、写作部分1. Write an email to a potential client introducing your company's new product. Include the following points:- Briefly describe the product.- Explain the benefits of using the product.- Suggest a meeting to discuss further details.答案:Dear [Client's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce our latest product, the [Product Name], which we believe could be of great interest to your company.The [Product Name] is designed to [brief description of the product]. It offers several benefits, including [list of benefits], which we believe could significantly enhance your operations.We would be delighted to arrange a meeting to discuss how the [Product Name] could meet your specific needs. Please let us know a convenient time for you.Looking forward to your response.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company]2. Write a report summarizing the key findings of a recent market research study on consumer behavior. Include the following:- The main objective of the study.- The methodology used.- The key findings and their implications for businesses.答案:The main objective of the study was to understand the changing consumer behavior in the digital age. The methodology involved conducting surveys and analyzing data from online transactions.The key findings revealed that consumers are increasingly preferring online shopping due to convenience and better deals. They also value personalized experiences and are more likely to engage with brands that offer them.These findings imply that businesses should focus on enhancing their online presence, offering personalized services, and providing competitive pricing to stay ahead in the market.四、口语部分1. Describe a situation where you had to solve a problem at work. Explain the steps you took to resolve it.答案:In a situation where I had to solve a problem at work, I first identified the root cause of the issue. Then, I gathered all relevant information and consulted with my team members. After discussing potential solutions, we decided on the most feasible one and implemented it. Finally, we monitored the results to ensure the problem was resolved.2. Discuss the importance of effective communication in a business environment.答案:Effective communication is crucial in a business environment as it ensures that all team members are on the same page. It helps in avoiding misunderstandings, promotes collaboration, and leads to better decision-making. Clear communication also contributes to a positive work culture and enhances productivity.。

以下是一封询问信的参考答案:Dear Mr. Smith,I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of establishing a business partnership between our companies.Having conducted thorough research on your company, I am impressed with your commitment to quality and innovation. We believe that our companies share similar values and could benefit from a collaborative relationship.We are particularly interested in your latest product line and would like to discuss the potential for distribution in our market. We have a strong network of retailers and believe that your products would be well received by our customers. Furthermore, we would be interested in exploring opportunities for joint marketing campaigns and promotional activities. We believe that by combining our resources, we can create a strong brand presence in the market.I would be grateful if you could provide us with more information about your products, pricing, and any potential requirements for becoming a distributor.Additionally, it would be helpful to know if you have any existing partnerships in our region.Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the potential for collaboration.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]二、商务会议讨论商务会议讨论是BEC口试中另一个重要的部分。

bec商务英语试题及答案BEC商务英语试题及答案一、听力理解部分(共20分)1. What is the main topic of the meeting?A. Product developmentB. Marketing strategyC. Financial reportD. Staff trainingAnswer: B2. What is the reason for the delay in the project?A. Lack of resourcesB. Technical difficultiesC. Poor communicationD. Unforeseen circumstancesAnswer: D3. What is the woman's role in the company?A. Sales managerB. HR managerC. Finance directorD. Operations managerAnswer: A4. What is the man's opinion about the new marketing campaign?A. He thinks it's too expensive.B. He thinks it's too risky.C. He thinks it's too conservative.D. He thinks it's too innovative.Answer: C5. What is the woman's suggestion for improving customer satisfaction?A. Reducing pricesB. Offering discountsC. Enhancing product qualityD. Improving customer serviceAnswer: D二、阅读理解部分(共30分)Passage 16. According to the article, which of the following is a key factor in business success?A. LocationB. CapitalC. ManagementD. Market demandAnswer: C7. What is the author's view on the importance of a business plan?A. It is essential for every business.B. It is only necessary for large businesses.C. It is not important for small businesses.D. It is only necessary for new businesses.Answer: A8. What does the author suggest as a way to reduce business risks?A. Diversifying productsB. Expanding marketsC. Investing in technologyD. Collaborating with partnersAnswer: DPassage 29. What is the main purpose of the seminar?A. To promote a new productB. To discuss industry trendsC. To provide training on leadershipD. To introduce a new management systemAnswer: B10. Who is the target audience for the seminar?A. Business ownersB. ManagersC. EmployeesD. StudentsAnswer: A11. What is the registration fee for the seminar?A. $100B. $150C. $200D. $250Answer: B12. What is included in the seminar package?A. Lunch and refreshmentsB. AccommodationC. TransportationD. All of the aboveAnswer: A三、语法与词汇部分(共20分)13. The company has announced that it will ________ a new product next month.A. launchB. landC. dropD. releaseAnswer: A14. Despite the economic downturn, our sales ________ by 15% this year.A. have increasedB. have decreasedC. have remainedD. have fluctuatedAnswer: A15. The manager asked her team to ________ the project report before the meeting.A. finalizeB. summarizeC. reviewD. reviseAnswer: A16. The new policy will come into ________ on January 1st.A. effectB. useC. practiceD. operationAnswer: A17. The company's profits have ________ significantly due to the successful marketing campaign.A. soaredB. plummetedC. stabilizedD. fluctuatedAnswer: A四、写作部分(共30分)Task 1: Write an email to a potential client introducing your company and its services. (10 points)Dear [Client's Name],Subject: Introduction to [Your Company Name] and Our ServicesI hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company Name]. I am writing to introduce our company and the services we offer, which I believe could be of great benefit to your business.[Your Company Name] is a leading provider of [industry or service type], with a strong focus on [specific area or service]. We have been in operation for [number of years] and have built a reputation for [key strengths, such as quality, innovation, customer service, etc.]. Our team consists of [number of employees] dedicated professionals who are experts in their respective fields.We offer a range of services, including [list key services], and we pride ourselves on our ability to tailor our solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. Some of our recent successes include [briefly mention any notable projects or clients].I would be delighted to discuss how [Your Company Name] can assist your company in achieving its goals. Please let me know if you would be interested in setting up a meeting or a call to explore our services further.Thank you for considering [Your Company Name]. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Contact Information]Task 2: Write a report on the recent company retreat and its impact on team morale and productivity. (20 points)[Your Company Name][Date]Report on Recent Company RetreatIntroduction:The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the recent company retreat and to analyze its impact on team morale and productivity. The retreat was held on [date] at [location] and was attended by [number of participants].Objectives of the Retreat:The main objectives of the retreat were to [list objectives, such as team building, strategy planning, etc.]. The retreat was designed to [describe how the retreat was structured to meet these objectives].Activities and Events:During the retreat, a variety of activities and events were organized to [describe activities and their purposes]. These included [list specific activities], which aimed to [explain how these activities contributed to the objectives].Feedback and Evaluation:Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing that the retreat was a valuable experience. [Include any specific quotes or feedback]. A post-retreat survey was conducted to measure the impact on team morale and productivity. The results showed that [describe the results, including any improvements or changes observed].Conclusion:The retreat was a success in achieving its objectives and had a positive impact on team morale and productivity. It is recommended that similar retreats be organized in the future to continue fostering a positive work environment and enhancing team collaboration.[Your Name][Your Position]请注意,以上试题及答案仅供参考,实际BEC考试内容和格式可能有所不同。

BEC高级口试历年真题Part OneAbout yourself(1) What’s your name?(2) How do you spell your name?(3) How do you spell your family name/ surname/ last name?(4) Where are you from?(5) Would you say it's a good place to live in? (Why?)(6) Do you like living in... ? (Why?)(7) Where would you rather live,... or... ? (Why?)(8) Do you think it would be better to live in...or ... ? (Why?)(9) Do you come from a large family or a small family?(10) Can you tell me a bit about... in your family?(11) Do you work or are you a student in... ?(12) What do you do?(13) What do you study?(14) What's your major?(15) What do you like most about your job? (Why?)(16) What do you like most about your studies? (Why?) Free Time(17) Do you have much free time?(18) Do you have much free time?(19) Do you find you have much free time?(20) How do you spend your free time?(21) What do you do in your free time?(22) What's your hobby?(23) Why do you like... ?(24) Is there any particular reason why you enjoy... ?(25) When did you first take up/ start... ? (Why did you start then?) Transport(26) How did you come here today?(27) How did you travel to the test?(28) Did you come here by bus?(29) If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?)(30) Which form of transport would you like to travel by?(31) How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years' time?(32) How do you think you will travel to work 15 years from now?Hotels(33) What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on holiday?(34) Do you stay in a hotel or an apartment You are on holiday?(35) What kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?)(36) Do you think companies should pay For their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? /Why not?)(37) Should people stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)Job(38) What kind of job would you like to do most? (Why?)(39) What would your ideal job be?(40) What kind of job do you like?(41) Should companies offer training to staff? (Why? / Why not?)(42) Do you think companies should provide training for staff?(43) Would you like to work abroad? (Why? / Why not?)(44) Is the opportunity to work in another country important to you?Training Course(45) What kind of training course have you ever taken?(46) Have you ever taken any training course?(47) What do you think is most important when you choose a training course? (Why?)(48) What do you usually expect from a training course?Future Plan(49) What would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?)(50) What's your future plan?(51) What are you doing now for the preparation ion of your future plan?(52) What if you failed to find a job as a. . . ?(53) What would you do if you couldn' t find a job as a. . . ?Teamwork(54) What kind of people do you most like working/ studying with? (Why?)(55) What do you think makes a good team?(56) What is a good team?(57) Do you think you work in a good team? (Why? / Why not?)。

bec高级试题及答案BEC高级试题及答案1. 阅读以下商务邮件并回答以下问题:Dear Mr. Smith,We are pleased to inform you that your application for the position of Marketing Manager has been successful. We would like to invite you to our office for a final interview on the 15th of March at 10:00 AM. Please confirm your availability at your earliest convenience.Best regards,Jane DoeHR Manager问题:(a) 邮件中提到的面试日期是什么时候?(b) 面试的时间是几点?(c) 谁发的邮件?答案:(a) 面试日期是3月15日。
(b) 面试的时间是上午10:00。
(c) Jane Doe发的邮件。
2. 根据以下信息,完成句子:A: We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning at9:00 AM.B: I'm afraid I can't make it. I have a prior engagement.(a) A说他们有一个会议安排在什么时候?(b) B说他不能参加会议的原因是什么?答案:(a) A说他们有一个会议安排在明天上午9:00。
(b) B说他不能参加会议的原因是因为他有一个先前的约定。
3. 阅读以下对话并回答问题:A: What's the deadline for submitting the project proposal? B: It's due next Friday.问题:(a) 项目提案的截止日期是什么时候?(b) 提交项目提案的时间是什么时候?答案:(a) 项目提案的截止日期是下周五。

商务英语BEC高级考试试题及答案一、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)Part 1: 人力资源策略1. What is the main challenge faced Company X's human resources department?A. Attracting skilled workersB. Managing employee performanceC. Implementing new training programsD. Restructuring the department答案:APart 2: 市场营销策略6. What is the primary goal of Company Y's new marketing strategy?A. To increase brand awarenessB. To target an older demographicC. To reduce marketing costsD. To expand into new markets答案:A二、写作(共20分)Part 1: 商务报告Part 2: 商务邮件三、听力理解(每题2分,共20分)Section A: 短对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer:M: I think we should invest in new software to streamline our operations.W: ________. Let's discuss it at the next board meeting.B. That's a great ideaC. We don't need any changesD. I'm not sure about that答案:BSection B: 长对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and answer the question:What is the main topic of the conversation between the two speakers?A. Company restructuringB. Employee benefitsC. Marketing strategiesD. Product development答案:A四、口语表达(共20分)Part 1: 角色扮演场景:你是一家咨询公司的项目经理,你的同事John因为个人原因无法参加即将到来的客户会议。

bec商务英语高级真题答案解析Title: An In-depth Analysis of BEC Higher Past Exam Questions and AnswersIntroduction:BEC (Business English Certificate) Higher is an internationally recognized qualification that demonstrates proficiency in English in a business context. In this article, we will delve into the answers and analysis of various BEC Higher past exam questions. Please note that this articledoes not provide direct access to BEC Higher exams or promote cheating.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionIn the Reading Comprehension section of the BEC Higher exam, candidates are required to read and understandauthentic business texts. A common question type asks candidates to identify the main idea or purpose of the text. To answer this type of question, it is essential to carefully read the entire text, paying attention to the central theme and any supporting details.Answering listening comprehension questions entails understanding spoken information in business-related contexts. Common question types include completing sentences, matching information, or multiple-choice questions. To improvelistening comprehension, candidates may benefit from regular exposure to English audio material and practicing active listening techniques.Section 2: Writing SkillsThe Writing Skills section of the BEC Higher exam evaluates candidates' ability to produce written reports, formal emails, and business correspondence. A commonly tested aspect is writing a letter of recommendation. To excel inthis task, candidates should focus on highlighting the candidate's skills, achievements, and potential,substantiating statements with concrete examples, and usingan appropriate tone and vocabulary.Writing a formal report is another vital skill tested in this section. To produce a successful report, candidates should ensure clarity of language, logical organization of ideas, appropriate use of headings and subheadings, and accurate data presentation. Additionally, candidates should pay attention to the word count and adhere to the specified format.Section 3: Speaking SkillsThe Speaking Skills section evaluates candidates'ability to communicate effectively in business situations. Candidates are typically assessed based on their ability to express ideas clearly, engage in discussions, and present arguments persuasively. It is crucial to practice using appropriate business vocabulary, maintaining good eye contact,and demonstrating confidence during the speaking test.Question Example: "Describe a situation when you worked in a team and faced challenges. How did you overcome them?"Analyzing: In this question, the candidate is expected to recount a specific incident where they encountered difficulties while working in a team. The response should highlight the candidate's problem-solving skills, ability to collaborate, and adaptability. It is advisable to structure the answer by briefly explaining the context, identifying the challenge, elaborating on the actions taken to overcome the obstacle, and reflecting on the outcome and lessons learned.Conclusion:The BEC Higher exam assesses a broad range of skills necessary for effective communication in a business environment. This article provided an in-depth analysis and answer strategies for various sections of the exam, including Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills, and Speaking Skills. To succeed in the BEC Higher exam, consistent practice, exposure to authentic business texts, and active vocabulary enhancement are vital. Ultimately, with adequate preparation and dedication, candidates can confidently approach the exam and demonstrate their proficiency in Business English.。
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()2007年11月商务英语BEC考试高级口试真题(附参考答案)1. Customer Relations: the importance of making customers feel valued2. Company growth: the importance to a company of controlling expansion3. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company4. Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively5. Project Development: how to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects6. Purchasing: how to evaluate and select new products7. Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well motivated staff8. Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises9. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately10. Communication Skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees11. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertising12. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock-market13. Marketing: the importance to a company of offering its products on the world-wide web14. Staff Training: how to evaluate the effectiveness of company training programmes15. Company Growth: how to decide when it is the right time for a business to expand16. Public Relations: the importance to a company of sponsoring well-known personalities from the arts and popular culture17. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected18. Information Management: how to analyse and make effective use of information19. Sales: the importance of brand image in ensuring that products or services sell well20. Technology: the importance to a company of keeping up-to-date with internet developments21. Quality Control: how to ensure that a company consistently maintains quality control standards22. Product Promotion: how to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or service23. Product Management: the importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects24. Health and Safety: how to develop a responsible attitude among staff to the health and safety requirements of accompany25. Technology: the importance of computer skills for the workplace of the future26. Communications: how to ensure that e-mail is used appropriately by staff for internal and external communications27. Staff Development: how to administer a staff budget effectively28. Market Research: the importance of finding out about customers’ habits and attitudes29. Financial Management: how to identify ways of reducing costs in a company30. Communication: how to achieve an effective working relationship between different departments within a company31. Communication skills: the importance of understanding cultural differences when()working in an international environment32. Personnel Management: the importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions33. Company Growth: how to ensure that company growth proceeds at the optimum rate34. Time Management: how to manage a heavy workload effectively35. Health and Safety: the importance to a company of having a Health and Safety policy36. Human Resources: how to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performanceSamples(部分口语试题参考答案)1、Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s productsAs is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upgrading.All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies.2、How to fill a key vacancyIn order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure.It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on.Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter.Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want.Background Information3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesCareer PlanningEven after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job()experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career It is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don’t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staffTraining: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a companyStaff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforceMotivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction.5、Marketing ResearchManagers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities.A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research firms.6、Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriatelyIn recent times, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool.()Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks-from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. For example, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competit ive environment, the package may be the seller’s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a "five-second commercial." The Campbell Soup Company estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of $26 million worth of advertising.7、Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching a new productSales: How to sell a product effectively in international marketsProduct Promotion: the importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitionsCommunication: the importance in business of maintaining contact with clientsPublic Relations: the importance of adequate supervision and training of staff who deal with the public8、Management: How to run a meeting successfullyTransport Management: the importance to a business of an efficient public transport system Any distribution of products from producers to wholesalers or from wholesalers to retailers requires transportation. The cost of transporting some products can exceed the cost of producing them. An efficient form of transportation can result in higher costs and lower profits for the firm. For each form of transportation, firms should estimate timing, cost, and availability. This assessment allows the firm to choose an optimal method of transportation. The most common forms of transportation used to distribute products are truck, rail, air, water, pipeline.Transport Management: the importance of using environmentally friendly means of transport whenever possible9、Health & SafetyEmployee Safety: Firms ensure that the workplace is safe for employees by closely monitoring the production process. Some obvious safety precautions are to check machinery and equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or any other equipment that one can prevent injury, and emphasize any special safety precautions in training seminars.Firms that create a safe working environment prevent injuries and improve the morale of their employees. Many firms, such as Allied Signal, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Levi Strauss and Company imposes safety guidelines not only its U.S. facilities but also on Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries.10、Life Skills: the importance of being able to cope with stress in a jobTechnology: the importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplace.()商务英语(初级)2010年剑桥初级商务英语写作训练(1)/exam/4969.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语写作训练(2)/exam/3126.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语写作训练(3)/exam/2932.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语阅读训练(1)/exam/4808.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语阅读训练(2)/exam/3153.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语阅读训练(3)/exam/3155.html2010年剑桥初级商务英语口语训练(1)/exam/3583.html2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(初级)预测试卷(1)/exam/1834.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(初级)预测试卷(2)/exam/1835.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(初级)预测试卷(3)/exam/1836.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(初级)预测试卷(4)/exam/1838.html商务英语(中级)2010年剑桥中级商务英语口语特训(1)/exam/4590.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语口语特训(2)/exam/4589.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语口语特训(3)/exam/4588.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语口语特训(4)/exam/4587.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语阅读特训(1)/exam/4586.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语阅读特训(2)/exam/4585.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语阅读特训(3)/exam/4584.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语阅读特训(4)/exam/4583.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语写作特训(1)/exam/4058.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语写作特训(2)/exam/4059.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语写作特训(3)/exam/4060.html2010年剑桥中级商务英语写作特训(4)/exam/4062.html2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(中级)预测试卷1/exam/1841.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(中级)预测试卷2/exam/1843.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(中级)预测试卷3/exam/1844.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(中级)预测试卷4/exam/1845.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(中级)预测试卷5/exam/1846.html商务英语(高级)2010年剑桥高级商务英语写作训练(1)/exam/3170.html2010年剑桥高级商务英语写作训练(2)/exam/3171.html2010年剑桥高级商务英语写作训练(3)/exam/3297.html2009年11月剑桥BEC全真模拟试题(1)/exam/4943.html2009年11月剑桥BEC全真模拟试题(2)/exam/2937.html2010年剑桥高级商务英语写作训练(3)/exam/3297.html2010年剑桥高级商务英语阅读训练(1)/exam/3653.html更多商务英语考试试题:/exam/1857.html()2010年剑桥高级商务英语阅读训练(2)/exam/3957.html2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)预测试卷(1)/exam/1851.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)预测试卷(2)/exam/1853.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)预测试卷(3)/exam/1854.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)预测试卷(4)/exam/1855.html 2010年剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)预测试卷(5)/exam/1857.html。