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Teaching Plan Terms (教案术语) Subject 科目

Teaching materials教材

Title of the text课文题目

Topic n. 课题、题目

A teaching plan教案

Aims (the aims of teaching)教学目的


Aims an demands 目的和要求

Teaching approaches教学途径

Main points (the key points of teaching)重点

Difficult points 难点

The main points of teaching 教学重点

Teaching focuses教学重点

Allocation of time时间分配

Teaching time课时

Step (the step of teaching )教学步骤

Organization of the lesson组织教学

The arrangement of teaching 教学安排

Consolidation(the consolidation of teaching )巩固教学

Teaching methods 教学方法

Indirect method间接法

Direct method 直接法


Experimenting method实验法

Discovery method演绎法

Talking method谈话法

Review method 复习法

Showing method 演示法

Observing method观察法

Explain 讲解

Give a lecture讲演

Describe ,recount ,relate 讲述

Practice of spoon-feeding注入法

The method of elicitation 启发式

English teaching outline英语教学提纲

The first lecture第一讲

The first period第一节

Teaching hour (teaching time )讲课时数

Checking the homework 检查家庭作业

Object lesson/ teaching实物教学

Setting the homework

Assigning the homework 布置家庭作业

Setting the assignment

Teaching the new words 词汇教学

Analysis of text课文分析

Teaching grammar语法教学

On-the-spot teaching 现场教学

Team teaching协作教学

Demonstration teaching演示教学

Teaching with electric audio-visual aids电化教学


Teaching by demonstration示范教学

The law of teaching 教学规律

The rules of teaching (teaching principles)教学规则

The end of education /the aims of education 教学目的

Learn (master) ten mew words and be able to use them in actual situations 掌握并能实际应用十个生词。Develop the students’ skill(cultivate proper habits) in reading and writing 提高和发展学生的读与写的能力。Develop the students’ ability to listen and speak提高学生的听说能力

Grasp the main ideas of the text ,and be able to answer questions on it 掌握课文要点并能回答问题

Audio –visual aids视听教具

Teaching aids (tools)教具

Mastery of SQ3R掌握SQ3R

Dictation materials听写材料

Dictation materials in teacher’s junior book 4 on page 102


Summing up / summary/summarizing 总结


1.Classroom English 课堂用语

A . Before Class Begins 上课前

1. Will the bell ring soon?铃快响了吗?

2. How many minutes are there to go ?还有多少分钟?

3. There are five minutes to go. 还有五分钟。

4. There goes the bell. 铃响了.

5. Is it time for class? 是上课时间吗?

6. Be ready for class.准备上课。

7. Are you ready ?你们准备好了吗?

