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Teeth that save the world
Winston Churchill’s well-known saying
• 1:Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.“ 成功不要紧,失败不致命。继续前行的勇
守党下院议员 副国务卿
• 1906…Under-Secretary of State
• 1908…President of the Board of Trade贸易大臣(贸易委员会主席) • 1910...Home Secretary 内政大臣 • 1911…First Lord of the Admiralty
• 1953, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. • 1953, Queen Elizabeth II conferred on (授予) him the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter. • 1963, President Kennedy conferred on him the honorary citizenship of the United States
Politics 2
• 1912…Royal Naval Air Service & Air Department 英国海军航空队(RNAS) • 1915…Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 兰卡斯特公爵郡大臣 • 1919...Minister of War and Air
• Churchill, a gifted amateur painter, wrote Painting as a Pastime (1948).
Churchill’s painting (1)
• His favorite work 《Morocco mountain sunset》
Churchill’s painting (2)
1965/1/24,Churchill was dead of apoplexy,age92
Thank you for your time!!!
• The World Crisis (1923-1929) • his memoirs of the Second World War (1948-1953/54) • History of the English-speaking Peoples (1956-1958)
Brief Introduction
a British Politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the WWII. He is widely regarded as one of the great wartime leaders. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and a artist. To date, he is the only British Prime Minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and the first person to be recognized as an honorary citizen of the United State
油画名: 《萨里 之温德 尔沙姆 荒野》
Churchill’s painting(3)
• According to English media reported,This work was painted in1951. It was given to Marshall。And the name is (ViewofTinherir). • Painted an oasis in a desert of Morocco Atlas small town. • Transaction price at 61.28 million pound as the highest price in his paintings .
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill 温斯顿· 伦纳 德· 斯宾塞· 丘 吉尔爵士 (1874-1965)
Churchill’s Life
Date of birth:18741965
Birthplace: Oxfordshire
Acquisition awards: In 1953 Nobel literature prize politician historian writer artist orator an officer in the British Army
At that time,Clementine was just his girlfriend.
Wedding photo
Churchill's big family
Churchuill and his wife
Politics 1
• 1900…Conservative MP (Members of Parliament) for Oldham奥尔汉姆保
• 4:“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” 态度决定一切。 • 5: "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won." 你克 服的困难就是你争来的机会。
Queen Anne, the last queen in Stuart name him as Duke of Marlborough. 。
Family---A noble one
• Farther- Lord Randolph Churchill-a great officer • Mother- Jennie Jerome- the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome- one of the shareholders of the NEW YORK TIMES. • Wife- Clementine Hozier, and they had five children.
Stalin Churchill
罗斯福 丘吉尔
Politics 4
The End of Churchill’s Political Life
He took over the
premiership again in the Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955 . He remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek reelection.
• 2: “Never, never, never give in!” 永不,永不,永不屈服。 • 3:“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.” 无限的努力是打开潜能的关
Family background
Churchill was born in a noble family. His grandfather John Churchill who supported William third in glorious revolution and as a commander in the battle of Spain & France. In 1902,
• As a small boy and a young man, he was neither happy nor successful both at home and at school. • His success was due to his comprehensive quality
• 1921…Colonial Secretary 殖民地大臣 • 1929… Churchill lost office
Politics 3
Churchill in WWII
• a national hero who led British people to achieve the great victory in the world’s antifascism war(反法西斯战争). • Churchill is one of “the three giants”(三巨头) which also include Stalin and Roosevelt. He is a great man of the time standing in the world history.(三人的私人关系)