在哈佛学习的一个北大女孩说,哈佛的本科生,每学期至少要 选修4门课,一年是8门课,4年之内修满32门课并通过考试才可以 毕业。一般而言,学校都要求本科生在入校后的头两年内完成核心 课程的学习,第三年开始进入主修专业课程的学习。只有最聪明的 天才学生可以在两三年内读完这32门课,一般的学生光应付4门课 就已经忙得头晕脑涨了,因为在课堂上教授们讲的飞快,不管你听 得懂听不懂,课下又留下一大堆阅读材料,读不完你根本就完成不 了作业。 那个北大女孩说,我在这里一个星期的阅读量是我在北大一年 的阅读量,而且,在哈佛的作业量要求很大,她说,我们课后要花 很多时间看书,预习案例。每堂课都需要提前做大量的准备,课前 准备充分了,上课时才能在课堂上和别人交流,贡献您的个人思想, 才能和大家一起学习,否则,你是无法融入到课堂的教学中的,当 每个学生都投入了时间认真准备了,才可以快速推进课堂讨论的进 程,而之前如果不读那么多的书,你就无法参加到课堂讨论之中。
哈佛学生的学习压力也来自学校的淘汰机制。哈佛平均每年有 大约20%的学生会因为考试不及格或者修不满学分而休学或退学, 而且淘汰的20%的学生的考评并不是学期末才完成,每堂课都要记 录发言成绩,平均占到总成绩的50%,这就要求学生均匀用力、不 能放松。 在哈佛不仅学生有压力,老师一样有压力。在哈佛的课堂,要 求老师讲的东西都是新的。老师每年讲课的内容都要跟住前沿科学 的发展变化。因此,哈佛的老师必须处在最前沿科学的研究阵地。 哈佛认为,教授首先应当是个学者,能够享受挑战和创新的乐趣, 而且能与他人进行有说服力的交流。
美国的大学生课余时间多数是从事社会实践。 最有 美国特色的学生课余内容就是参加社区活动。社区一周 的活动项目非常丰富,包括参观银行和警察局、学做面 包、到医院去照料病人、到湖边去清理垃圾且自己承包 一段湖堤等。做义工是美国社会的良好传统风气,几乎 所有的中学生都到社会上各种义工组织服务,像医院、 图书馆、童子军、红十字会以及许多公司都积极组织和 提供各种义工机会。
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美国衣食住行 美国高校生活实录
比如拉文大学Founder Hall 前面草坪的那块大石头。
资料汇总 美国大学校园生活手册
二、住宿1. 宿舍类型:美国大学宿舍通常分为单人、双人和多人间,根据个人偏好和经济实力可自行选择。
2. 宿舍设施:宿舍内通常配备床、书桌、椅子、衣柜等基本设施,学生可根据个人需求自行装饰。
3. 室友关系:与室友的相处是美国大学生活中的一大特色,要尊重彼此的隐私和个人空间,保持良好的沟通和合作关系。
三、饮食1. 餐厅选择:美国大学提供各类餐厅供学生选择,如食堂、快餐店、咖啡馆等,学生可根据个人口味和需求选择用餐地点。
2. 经济实惠:食堂通常提供多种饭菜套餐,价格较为经济实惠,同时还可借助打折优惠券等方式节约开支。
3. 饮食习惯:美国饮食多样,学生可尝试当地特色美食,同时也可选择健康饮食,保持良好的生活习惯。
四、学习1. 选课系统:美国大学采用选课系统,学生可根据个人兴趣和学业规划进行课程选择,建议提前规划好自己的学习计划。
2. 学术支持:学校通常提供学术支持服务,如图书馆、写作中心等,学生可寻求相关帮助提升学业水平。
3. 学术诚信:在美国大学,学生应坚守学术诚信,遵守学校的学术规定,不抄袭、不作弊,保持学业的正当性和公平性。
五、社交与活动1. 学生组织:美国大学有众多学生组织,如社团、俱乐部等,学生可通过参加这些组织拓展社交圈并发展个人兴趣爱好。
2. 校园活动:学校经常会组织各类校园活动,如文化节、运动会等,学生可以参与其中,感受学校的活力和多样性。
3. 社交礼仪:美国文化较为注重礼仪,学生在社交场合应注意尊重他人,遵守礼仪规范,保持良好的人际关系。
六、安全与健康1. 校园安全:学生在校园内要注意个人和财产的安全,遵守学校的安全规定,学校也会提供相应的安全服务和紧急救援措施。
2. 健康保健:学生应定期接种疫苗,购买医疗保险,如有健康问题可就医校内医疗中心,保持良好的身体健康。
• That's ture? ? ? • We really do that ? ? ?
----Think of the time in class. Most of the time we was sleeping or absorbed in cellphone.
•We would rather spent more time to sleep in dormitory than go to class.
---Before the exam , we maybe try our best to review.
But,we never study hard at ordinary times.
-- where is the direction of life ? ----we may feel confused. ----It needs us to think.
some part-time jobs
It can accumulate work experience. It can makes you know how hard your parents work. Earn your own incom,reduce the
pressure for your parents.
Байду номын сангаас
we spend most of our spare time online chatting with friends or playing computer games .
Boys and girls spend a lot of time and money to fall in love
Come to the University
美国大学生的生活方式1. 引言美国是世界上许多学生梦寐以求的留学目的地,其文化和教育体制吸引了许多国际学生。
2. 学术压力美国大学的学术要求相对较高,学生面临着较大的学术压力。
3. 社交活动在美国大学校园内,社交活动是大学生生活的重要组成部分。
4. 饮食习惯美国大学校园提供各种各样的餐饮选择,满足学生们的不同口味和饮食需求。
5. 体育运动体育运动在美国大学校园内扮演着重要的角色。
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• 行政管理
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3.硕士学位申请者需提供大学成绩单(英文版) 和毕业证书及学位证书
Undergraduate 学士班
Graduate 硕士班
Silicon Valley University 硅谷大学
$295/unit 学分 $1180/course 课
$395/unit 学分 $1185/course课
加州州立大学 $400/unit 学分 $500/unit 学分 $1600/course课 $1500/course课
命名为“硅谷”。它是美国最大 的高科技工业中心。
Intel公司 AMD公司
在旧金山南面,有一片环境优美、 气候宜人的狭长谷地,自20世纪 50年代起,逐步形成以半导体工 业为主的高科技工业区。因为半
命名为“硅谷”。它是美国最大 的高科技工业中心。
1.人口:超过3.1亿,世界第三。是西半球人 口最多的国家。是世界人口博物馆
纽约是美国金融、商业、 新闻、外贸和艺术中心, 也是美国人口最多的城 市。
美国首都 ——华盛顿
在旧金山南面,有一片环境优美、 气候宜人的狭长谷地,自20世纪 50年代起,逐步形成以半导体工 业为主的高科技工业区。因为半
夏威夷、檀香 山市及县等
电话区号 001808 邮政区码 999203
夏威夷群岛( 132个岛)
1.67万平方千 米
121.1537万 人
波里尼西亚文 化中心
檀香山国际机 场
尼尔·艾伯克 伦比
8所常春藤大学入学标 准都十分严格,基本上 能进常春藤大学的学生 都是品学兼优的好学生, 而且学校十分善于提前 去各所高中挑选优秀的 人才。值得注意的是学 生的学习成绩并第不27页/共是52页常 春藤盟校录取的唯一标
• 成立于1769年的达特茅斯学院是美国第九所历史最悠久的学院, 也是闻名遐迩的常春藤学院之一,坐落于新罕布什尔州的汉诺威 小镇。
• 最初的二百年中只收男生,直到一九七二年才改为男女合校,是 常青藤学院中最晚接纳女生的一个。尽管如此,该学院却是男孩 教育最成功的学院之一。
• 这所学院对全世界学生实行“穷富不论,一视同仁”的录取政策 。只要学生符合录取标准,学院会给学生提供奖学金
diligently. • 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝
到成功的滋味。 • Only has compared to the others early,diligently
diligently,canfeel the successful taste • 没有艰辛,便无所获。 • Has not been difficult, then does not have attains
终生的。 • Time the study pain is temporary,has not learned
the pain islife-long. • 学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努
力。 • Studies this matter, lacks the time,but is lacks
常春藤联盟(The Ivy League) 也被称为“常青藤盟校”, 一般 隐喻着和高等学校有关,但只有一 些学校被公认为“常春藤联盟”。
常春藤联盟由美国东北部之八所 学校组合而成:布朗大学、哥伦比 亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学 院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、 普林斯顿大学、及耶鲁大学。
• 该校最强的学科是社会科学、人文学以及生命科学。
美国大学生的生活(Life of American College Students)Life of American College StudentsIn addition to the progress of learning, the university environment has a great influence on students' attitudes, beliefs, self-confidence, behavior and future achievements. Universities in the United States generally allow students greater freedom to shape their campus life.Students' participation in school affairsA clear trend since 1960s is that students are demanding and getting more power in school decision-making. Many colleges and universities such as University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University and the Harvard University student protest reflects the students on what they think is the imperious and outdated rules of discontent, reforms and the demands of students is also involved in the curriculum and teaching plan. Although the media hype and actively participate in campus protests of students accounts for a very small proportion of all college students, but many school authorities should change policy, such as universal relaxation of the management of student hostels, more let students act, so that the traditional role of the school instead of away from parents, students have more courses freedom is allowed in the course. But the school authorities do not say that students have a say in hiring teachers and see it as a threat to academic freedom.For a long time, there has been an autonomous body of students at universities in the United States, with the primary aim of helping schools maintain effective collaboration with allstudents and provide students with direct experience inself-management. Student leaders are elected by the student autonomy council. The authority and function of students' autonomous organizations vary from school to school, while others participate in the organization of certain student activities, while others play a major role in the formulation of school rules and the disciplining of students. In late 60s the campus after the turmoil, some university students have increased their in the formulation and implementation of rules and regulations on power, some college students also increased patch members in the Council. An important factor is the students to participate in the voting rights amendment to the Constitution by 1970, the minimum age of the youth vote in national elections from 21 years to 18 years by many states, the legal age to 18 years from the age of 21.Recreational activitiesThe student's extracurricular activities are rich and varied university tradition, and is regarded as a valuable part of College education. But most students have a heavy burden of specialized courses and only participate in 2-3 organized extracurricular activities. Select the range of extracurricular activities is very wide, usually a drama, choir, debate club, film society, French club etc..Many colleges have recognized the first-class drama, and almost all are campus drama. Stage performance is usually associated with public speaking, English literature, and the training and creative activities of foreign languages and literature. Students' performances of drama, musicals and light dancingsongs often attract large audiences, such as students and local residents, in major occasions such as school celebrations;School radio stations are often presided over by students. Some radio stations have received national attention for their excellent coverage of local news events. The vast majority of colleges and universities to encourage students to publish various publications, such as daily or weekly, annual, literary journals or humor magazine, the journal editor and publishing manager have great responsibilities, are widely respected, so these positions become the goal of many students. Is the news department of the University, usually by the journalism school publication, but many famous universities such as Yale University magazine, the "Daily News" and "Daily News" of the University of Wisconsin, is the non professional undergraduate responsible for publishing the news. Various student publications emerge in an endless stream, they created countless emerge of itself and perish of itself, the writer and journalist. Norman Mailer, John Ashbery, John Updike is at the Harvard University magazine "crimson", and began writing career.Sports activitiesThe intercollegiate games in many institutions are sponsored by the efficient sports department, which is heavily supported by the school's finances. Some sports, especially rugby and basketball, are usually commercial,Large stadiums often All seats are occupied. At present, more and more institutions are beginning to reduce their emphasison sports competitions where only a small number of students can participate. Instead, they will concentrate on promoting a wide range of sports activities.Student unionThe first student union in the United States was founded in 1896 in, but it was not developed until 1930. As a community centre on campus, student associations offer social and recreational opportunities not only for students, but also for faculty, alumni and visitors. A typical student union building usually has an auditorium, a dining room, a snack bar, and some recreation rooms for dancing, exhibitions, music and video games.religious activitiesReligious activities on campus also vary from school to school, requiring students to go to school, church and church each day to allow students to participate in religious activities in a free and varied manner. Because of the separation of church and state in America, the classroom facilities in public schools can not be used for propaganda and education, but there is no limit to students' Extracurricular religious activities. In most non missionary colleges, many different church groups collectively appoint a school shepherd to deal with religious affairs in schools, and work with the school and the students who live outside the church. As American colleges and universities have mostly religious backgrounds, churches of various architectural styles have become a scene of the campus.Student dormitoryIf schools offer dormitories, the vast majority of American college students prefer to live on campus because it not only increases social and educational opportunities, but also costs less than renting private homes. Many colleges have regulations for students living on campus unless their homes are near the school. There are large hotel buildings, such as the Columbia University, while others are small peasant houses, such as Northwestern University. Accommodation conditions are very large, and some institutions have dormitories and bedrooms, but usually only bedrooms, with public reception rooms, study rooms, Kangle rooms, kitchens and laundry facilities. Some schools, such as University of Chicago, arrange undergraduate students, graduate students, students, medical students and law students to live on the first floor to promote contact and communication. Schools usually employ graduate or senior undergraduates as dormitory consultants who are responsible for managing the dormitory and mentoring academic and personal issues. Many colleges rely on male and female students' associations to solve most of the student accommodation problems.SororityThis campus named after 2 or 3 Greek letter fraternity from various literary societies in eighteenth Century and early nineteenth Century or reading development to start, often have secret nature, people will be mutual and keep a secret now, the sorority usually focused only on social and common interests. Men and women of various fraternity sizes, some association with branches in the hundreds of schools throughout the country,some clubs and some only very few, the male college students nationwide association has about 150 female students, the association also has about 65. There are countless local associations.After the civil war, American men and women fraternity began building housing for their members live, later also to non members to provide shelter. For their members, these campus buildings are the most important social centers. In recent years, the overwhelming majority of college students have given up discriminatory provisions when they recruit new members. Under the pressure of some social organizations, some institutions prohibit all fraternity organizations or only allow a small number of local friendship activities.Honorary societyIn many institutions, the highest honor for students is the Phi Beta Kappa, a social group founded in 1776, which later became a purely student honor organization and had chapters in more than 200 institutions. The main criteria for member selection are academic performance, although other conditions are considered. Almost all the subjects have the honor society, excellent students can join the selection, such as scientific research personnel Sigma Xi specially selected outstanding members, while Phi Delta Kappa is composed by the education luminaries.Association of alumni and alumni associationsAs early as in 1792, Yale University had the same grade meetingand no secretary. The first Alumni Association was founded at the Williams Institute in 1821, and since then, schools have followed suit. Almost all institutions now have their own alumni associations. The American Alumni Association, which is composed of alumni associations, aims to promote alumni activities and promote higher education. The annual homecoming of alumni is a major social custom in the United states. Institutions of higher learning have actively launchedfund-raising activities among alumni, and alumni donations have accounted for a large proportion of voluntary contributions to higher education.。
110-meter hurdles
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2013 Happy 226th
Pitt celebrates 226
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Brief introduction Safe/Effective/Cheap Pitt celebrates 226 years of building better lives. The city is our campus! Brief introduction Church basement Pitt celebrates 226 years of building better lives. The University moved into a three-story building. Olympic Games We all like this place! Cathedral of Learning University of Pittsburgh (匹兹堡大学) The city is our campus!
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二年 级是高 中(e irhg c o1阶段 。 国各 sno i sh o) h 美 州有 各州 的教育制 度及法 律 ,但 各州 义务教 育
的基本 原则却 完全相 同。
3I初 全 导 目 目 Aabosen kgut 不 下 才 有 问 6 中 利 学 圈 nem aebai e1s 耻 问 能 学 。 m celrdysnqs0_ n
他们 认 为 比较 酷 的 餐馆 (etua t聚餐 , 去 rs rn) a 或
朋友 家里玩 儿 。大部 分 的美 国学 生星 期天会 去 教堂 (h rh 。 cuc )跟教 堂的青少 年 团体 一起参 加社 会 慈 善 活 动 (o u i v n)然 后 回家 完 成 c mm nt ee t , y 作业 , 跟家人 团聚 。 最受 中学生欢 迎 的是 大家一
至六年级 是 小学 (r r c o1阶段 , 、 pi y sh o) ma 七 八
e ) 例如 烹饪俱乐 部 (o kn lb 可以做一些 y。 co igcu )
年级 是初 中 ( no d l sh o) j irmide c o1阶段 , 至十 u 九
甜 点 (oke ) 给 其他 同学 , co is卖 音乐 俱 乐 部 可 以 在周 六去学 校 的停车场 洗车 。很多学 生 的家长 会把 他们 的车开 到学校 。让俱乐 部 的成员 帮忙 洗 车( ah cr)并付给 学生费用 。 w s as ,
i h ie tts t d n s ae e c u a e o n te Untd Sae,su e t g n o r g d t
ji a c b T ee go p eeal meta h on l . h s ru sgn rl e tt o a e t n ft e s h o a .Su e t o n th v o
1.以学生宿舍为管理平台促进学生发展 哈佛、耶鲁等美国高校非常重视学生住宿生活的学生发展 功能,认为住宿生活服务项目是学校教育性计划和对学术提 供支持服务的不可或缺的组成部分。一战以后,在哈佛大学 和耶鲁大学影响下,美国高校普遍地开展了兴建学生宿舍的 运动。哈佛大学的学舍使“学生们从相互间学到的东西比 从教师那里学到的东西还要多……作为一个群体,给每个成 员的成长提供了无与伦比的机会。”学生事务专家米勒 (Mueller)对学生住宿提出了三个目标第一为学生提供身体 休息的地方,即一个比教室和图书馆更加舒适的地方,以供 学生吃饭、睡觉。第二,为学生提供学术交流的场所。第三 ,通过宿舍管理人员帮助学生纠正行为,提高学生个人修养 。另外,她认为住宿可以提高学生公共交往的能力。
问卷的问题就是你是 否在11点前睡觉, 你的访客多吗?你吸 烟吗?你多久打扫一 次房间之类的问题 学校要求学生完成问 卷的目的就是要把匹 配的学生放在一个房 间里面。
宿舍的注册是在学校的网站 是注册. 注册学校宿舍的程序就是, 在网上填一个宿舍注册问卷.
1、标准学生住宿:美国无论是本科生还是硕士,均为2人一 个房间;2个房间(4个人)共用一个洗澡间。通常一层楼 会有一个大的sitting room,供看电视、小型聚会、休息 、交谈之用,而一栋楼又会在底楼设置一个更大的sitting room,里面有厨房、洗衣间、电视房等。厨房是可以做 饭的,但因为房费中包含了食品费用,不吃白不吃,因此 很多学生都不选择做饭。房费中同时也含了洗衣费,因此 洗衣是不用另外付费的。象这样的住宿条件,食宿标准费 用平均在1000美元/月,交了这笔钱,学生的基本生活就 不需再付任何其它费用了。而英国大学的标准住宿为一人 一间,并且有各自独立的洗澡间,通常6个人共用一个厨 房和sitting room。
In the classroom, the students had some music theory and basic art composition. After class, the students through the extracurricular option in the drama, dance, studio art, private lessons in instrument or voice, and various art club to achieve practical effect.
• The general holiday time is Christmas and 1 week in February,the two time is Britain's traditional national holiday, everybody in celebrate the New Year. In the winter vacation, students are generally attend family reunion, go play.
• 课程类假期补习班在英国不是特别普遍,家长 一般不会强迫学生去上补习班,因为请家教价 格昂贵。而富有的家庭给孩子请的家教,多是 音乐、美术等艺术类课程。只有一些课业特别 困难、赶不上学校进度的学生,才会在寒假上 补习班。
According to their hobby,they can choose to learn something in vacation.
• 放假时间一般就是圣诞节的1周,以及2月份的1周假期,这两段时 间都是英国人的传统国家节日,大家在一起庆祝新年。在寒假,学 生们一般就是参加家庭聚会,出去游玩。
美国著名大学ppt演示文稿 PPT
哈佛大学校徽为传统盾形, 寓意坚守、捍卫;底色为哈 佛标准色“绯红”。
主体部分以三本书为背景, 两本面向上,一本面向下, 象征着理性与启示之间的动 力关系。上面的两本书上, 分别刻有“VE”和“RI”两组字
母,与下面一本书共同构成 校训中的“VERITAS”, “VERITAS”在拉丁文中即“真 理”。
*普林斯顿大学的正式校训是拉丁语Dei sub
numine viget,迄今,这个校训以古体大写拉丁 文写在校徽橙黑色盾牌下面的纸带上。其英译是 Under God's power she flourishes(“因为上帝 的力量,学校欣欣向荣”)。在拿骚堂前面树木下 面这片草地的中央,有一条后来增添的非正式校 训,铜牌上铭刻着In the Nation's Service,In the Service of All Nations(“为国家服务,为所 有国家服务”)。
(MIT),坐落于 美国马萨诸塞 州剑桥市(大波 士顿地区) ,是 世界著名私立 研究型大学、 被誉为"世界理 工大学之最"。
*Mens et Manus (Mind and
Hand) 意为"心和手",动脑也动手,用脑 也用手注:“Mens et Manus”为 拉丁语 英语为“Mind and Hand”
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have common hobbies
same religious belief or political
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
Easy to come in and difficult to graduate!
Other Things Except Studying 1.Accommodation
freshman sophomore
renting a house is more cheaper than living in dormitories
sophomore year
declare a major
free to change majoy
Something About Studying
number of students: 20-30
shape of desks: semi-circle
content: practical
Associate in Arts (A.A.) Associate in Science(A.S.) two year
Something About Studying
1.Academic Year
Length: 9 months System: “semester” system recruit students:
atmosphere: students are very activeSomething About Studying
monthly examination
mid-term examination
final examination
Other Things Except Studying 2.Clubs and Associations
Townsmen Association (同乡会)
Clubs for interests
Religious or Political Association
mainly for foreign students
junior senior
Other Things Except Studying 2.Clubs and Associations
and Sorority
2 Townsmen Association
Religious or 4
Clubs for
the four-year undergraduate college
the two-year community college
the training institution
Bacherlor of Arts(B.A.) Bacherlor of Science(B.S.) four years
Other Things Except Studying
2.Clubs and Associations
Fraternity and Sorority(兄弟会和姐妹会) disadvantage:lots of tests to join the association advantage:extend interpersonal relationship network be valid for whole life “national chain”
two intakes a year Fall semester(August) Spring semester(January) Credits: 120-130
Something About Studying
feshman sophomore
core classes
at the end of interest
American Universities and colleges
Higher Education Something About Studying Other Things Except Studying
Higher Education
Higher Education
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
Learning Is Not Over. I Hope You Will Continue To Work Hard
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日