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坐有次路过一平时不去的地方那条路以经营汽修气配摩托车的店铺为主,脏,乱,嘈杂,人多车多. 环境让人烦躁.一对恋人站马路边上说话,那男的应该是某店铺的工作人员,一身油渍,身材矮小其貌不扬. 我走过他们身边时,正巧一摩托车从那女的身边开过,距离很近几乎是蹭过去的.那男的一把抓住女朋友胳膊往自己身后拽,确定车没碰到她后,说了句"你看你,小心车".那语气特温柔特自然,夹杂着责怪宠溺种种感情,然后那天我心情就很好。

This reminds me of our parents, when we make mistakes, or make our parents sad thing. Parents always scold us. Although on the mouth is called us, but the curse of our mood is full of kindness and care. Our hearts are happier.


At that time, I really regret that I forgot to take the mobile phone to shoot the scene, more regret not to show some help. I feel really very complicated, complex that I have not been able to make some decisions. There are times when we have to admit that in some ways foreigners are better than us. In some ways, we still should learn foreigners to help others.


前些年我一个人出去散心的时候,遇见过一对老夫妇他们真的已经很老了他们就坐在自己家门口晒太阳,老婆婆说她口渴了,那个老公公就颤颤巍巍的站起来去给她拿水,老婆看着他的背影吃力的说: 你慢点,老公公就回头对她笑了一下就继续往屋里走去端水,当时那个老太太的表情真的很幸福,很多年了,我都没有忘记这一幕

3 years ago, when I'm on the bus, I saw a pair of middle-aged couple s, they dressed simply, sitting behind her husband, and he was the nat ural helping his wife to comb the hair, and then said:" you see, you h ave white hair." Then he pull off one handed it to his wife. Haying se eing a lot of young lovers, I think only the middle-aged couple moved me the most.


Remember when I was in high school one night, about 10 o'clock, I go home by bike. It was summer, as if no electricity, and the street lamp is not bright, I feel very afraid! Just turn into a street, came behind a car, I had thought that he would direct drive past, did not think this car will be opened slowly in my followed, with lights to illuminate my way forward, over the years, I have been very moved, would also like to thank the anonymous strangers! Late at night, he should be in a hurry to get home now, but he is willing to light up the way for a stranger.



A touching details, like the beautiful notes on my heart over lightly, like a warm hand touched. Warmth and love are all devoted to the details of life in. All breed and development must depend on the continuous rain and moderate sun, rather than the sun and rain. The details can reflect a person's love, not seek love, but make love with life.
