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First please follow me , repert it again ! Y-a-n-g-z-h-o-n-g. It’s not Yangzhou. Do you remember it ?
扬中是一个小岛,四面 环江。我们以前出去通 过汽渡,现在有大桥。
Yangzhong is an island , surrounded by the Changjiang .In the past , we went out with the ferryboat (渡船,渡轮). Now, we can go out with the great bridge (大桥).
Puffers fish’s muscle(肌肉) as white as snow , meat fresh and delicious ,the percent o源自文库 protein(蛋白质) is very high and nutrient(营养)rich. But it’s carefully for you to taste it ,because of rank poison(剧毒). At the same time,their toxin(毒素) can also be used for medicine.
That’s over ! Thank you !
PS: 同学们,给我鼓掌,我们还是好伙伴!
The Poisonous and Delicious Food
正蒌春竹 是蒿江外 河满水桃 豚地暖花 欲芦鸭三 上芽先两 时短知枝 。 。 , ,
河豚鱼肌肉洁白如雪,肉质鲜美,蛋白质含量 高,营养丰富。但是你们品尝时要小心,因为 它们身带剧毒。同时,河豚毒素也有不错的药 理作用。
The 8th Horticultural (园艺)Exposition(博览会)of Jiangsu Province(江苏省)
园林艺术 The Garden Art
园林是依照每个地方的特 色而设计的。
The design of garden is based on each local characteristics (当地特色) .
胀腹习性: 当他们遇上危险时,气囊会迅速膨胀,成一个球,借以自卫。 When they are in danger,the gasbag(气囊)will expand quickly into a ball in order to protect themselves. 钻沙习性: 他们喜欢坐在海底将自己埋于沙子当中,只留眼睛和背部。 They like sitting at the bottom of the sea and embedding themselves in the sand except eyes and back. 闭眼习性: 鱼是没有眼脸的,但是河豚鱼因为眼部周围有很多皮皱可以慢慢眨眼。 Fish has no eyelids,but the puffer fish’s eyes are surrounded by a lot of skin fold(皮皱) ,so they can blink slowly . 咬尾习性: 他们一旦身体互相接触有疯狂撕咬的习性。 They often bit crazy each other once the body contact