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A. sentence fragments (片段句)

B. run-on sentences (不间断句)

C. faulty parallelism (误用平行句法)

D. dangling modifiers (垂悬修饰语)

E. split infinitives (分裂不定式)

F. unncessary shifts of point of view (非必要性角度转换)

G..there be 句型错误

1. The basketball game was canceled. Because half of the players were in bed with the flu.

2. These snakes are dangerous, however, most snakes are quite harmless.

3. People use facial expressions to easily reveal their moods.

4. With the knowledge that, although the documents have been stolen, they have not yet been seen by the enemy.

5. Last year, after graduating from high school, my father put me to work in his office.

6. To apprieciate the poem, it must be read aloud.

7. I helped my mother wash clothes last Sunday, thus causing me to miss the film.

8. Driving across the state, many beautiful lakes were seen.

9. Unselfish people not only are happier but also they are more successful.

10. I finally realized that my daydreaming was not making mebeautiful, slender, or friends.

11. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.

12. I am interested in electronics, because it is a new field and which offers interesting opportunities to one who

knows science.

13. We swept the room carefully, and the furniture and the shelves were dusted.

14. If one’s mouth is dry, eat a lump of sugar.

15. You must make yourself interesting to the group that listens to you and are trying to detect your mistakes.

16. If people want to get good communication, body language should be uese correctly.

17. There is a song say “your lips tell me no,no, but there is yes, yes in your eyes. ”

18. Read one’s face become one of the means to communicate with others.

19. To improve his results, the experiment was done again.

20. Health is far more important than being wealthy.

21. They work together to succecssfully finish the task.

22. There are lots of plants and animals transfer to other countries.

23. Even though I don't have classes in the morning.

24. I may also make the mistakes that I will be discussing in this series, indeed, I make many of them frequently,

the only one I don't make much is the "-ing" error.

25. At the age of ten, my grandfather died.
