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连词是一种虚词,不单独用作句子成分。可分为并列连词和从属连词。 、并列连词的用法

1. 表转折关系:but, yet, while 等。

注意:⑴but 的特殊含义:

① Excuse me, _but I don't think that's quite true.



② Not you but I am to blame. ③ She knows no one but you. ④ He was the last but one to arrive. ⑤ You can't help but respect them.

not …but … “不是 …而是...”

“除了,只”,多用于否定句 “倒数第二个” “不得不”


① Some one borrowed my pen, but I don't remember who. ② The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor. ③ The weather is mild today; it is neither hot nor cold. ④ Both New York and London have traffic problems. ⑤ The work is more or less finished. ⑥ Dress warmly, or else you'll catch cold. ⑦ Later, however, he changed his mind. ⑧ He eats nothing but hamburgers.

⑨ Work hard and you'll pass the exam in ati ons

⑩ People who are either under age or over age may not join the army.

(2)but 不能与although 连用,而yet 可以。

⑶but 与however 的区别。however 视为副词,位置灵活,逗号之前。

2.表因果关系:for, so 等。如:

注意:①for 的从句不能位于原因之前。

② for 不能用于回答问题。

③ for 不能位于not, but 或任何连词之后 ④ because 不能和so 连用。

3. 表并歹U 关系 :and , or , either •…or, neither •…nor, not only •…but (also), both •…and, as well as, when(=and just at this time 就在这时)等。

注意and 用法:祈使句 + and 注意or 用法:①

Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. ② He must be joking, or else he's mad. ③ He was not clever or good-looking. “否则” “要不然就”

用于否定句,代替 and

④ 习惯用语: more or less “或多或少”

one or two “一两个”等



1、表示“当…时候”:when, while, as, whenever。

注意①when和as区别:瞬间性动词:when ;延续性动词:while。


2、表示"在…之前(或之后)”:before, after。

3、表示"自从”或"直至U”:since, until, till 。


①as soon as ② the moment/ minute/ second/ instant

③once ④ immediately/ directly/ instantly (~ly)

⑤ no sooner …than, hardly/ scarcely …when 等。

5、表示"上次”、"下次”、"每次”等:every/ each time (每次),(the) next time(下次),

any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第——次)。


①We lose a few ski n cells every time we wash our han ds. (改错)

②He finished it until it was dark. (改错)

③Don't talk while you're eating. (改错)

④She's been playing tennis since she was eight.

⑤rII let you know as_soon as I hear from her.


这类连词主要有:if, uni ess, as/so long as, in case 等。


unless除非,相当于if not


主要的有:in order that, so that, in case, for fear that 等。

注意:in case可表示条件,意为"如果""万一”



主要的有:so that, so …that, such …that 等。


主要的有:because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that)等。改错:① Because I was ill for six mon ths, so I lost my job.

②The reason why rm late is because I missed the bus.

③He is here because you .


主要的有:although, though, even though/if, while, as, 特殊疑问词+ ever 等。

