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-- _________
a pleasure.to meet you.don't know.a lot.
9、I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.
-- _________
too bad.'s all right.'s a pleasure.you.
22、What does Tom's wife do for a living
-- _________
is a doctor.loves his wife.has a happy life.lives far from here.答案:A23、How much is this necklace
-- _________
-- _________
, that's right.. I can't.about you's a good idea.
19、How tall is your sister
-- _________
is not very well.is 28 years old.is very nice.is as tall as I am.答案:D20、What do you think of this novel
's very nice.'s a birthday present from my parents.costs fifty pounds.'s a bargain.答案:C
24、Hello, how are you
-- _________
, how are youdo you do, thank you.'s OK.
10、Are you going on holiday for a long time
-- _________
was a long time.weeks ago.. Only a couple of days.
11、Is John there
-- _________
.'m not Mary.are youis well today.
15、I think he is a good lecturer.
-- _________
, it doesn't matter.do I.. It's a good idea.don't mind.答案:
16、What are you majoring in
-- _________
a university.hard..nine in the morning.
12、Thank you for your invitation.
-- _________long time ago.doesn't matter.'s a pleasure.'s a small thing.'llappreciate it.答案:B
13、Good morning, John. How are you doing
- _________
don't believe.don't believe it.don't thຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidunk.don't think so.答案:D
35、- I'm sorry I broke your mirror.
- _________
's OK with me.doesn't matter.are welcome.don't care.答案:B
41、- Would you come and have dinner with us
- _________
, I think I do., never mind., please.. I will.
42、- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.- _________, no. let's not.'d rather stay at home.
to have known you.
not's very nice.
time no see.
't mention it.'s fine.talking to you.back again.
30、How's your family
-- _________
all the same.for calling.too bad.'t mention it.
-- _________
'm pleased.night.so bad. And youdo you do
14、- What's wrong with you, dear
-- _________
didn't go to school.have a terrible headache.
took the kids shopping today.is a beautiful dress.
44、- _________
- Oh, well, I'll speak a little slower.
long do you speakdo you like my speech
you speak English'm sorry I can't understand you.
45、- Which would you like Tea or coffee
-- _________
've read it.'s well-written.was written by my uncle.bought ityesterday.答案:B
21、Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please
-- _________
's there's that speakingare youwants to speak to Mark答案:B
4、What's the problem with your bike
-- _________
at all., thank you.serious.
5、Would you like something to drink What about a cup of tea
-- _________
7、What a beautiful dress you have on today!
-- _________
is suitable for me., it isn't.want to have one, tooyou.答案:
8、Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.
- _________ I prefer to walk on such a lovely day.
you., thanks.are welcome., you can't.
39、- Could you please open the window
- _________
can't.ahead..'s really very kind.
, thanks., I wouldn't., I want., I like.
6、How can I get to the cinema
-- _________
's very far., there is a cinema near here.
's well known.down this street and turn left.
-- _________
mind'm glad you like it.don't say so., It's not so good.答案:B
3、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight
- _______
like it.'ll do that.'d love to.think so.
36、- May I introduce myself I'm Li Hua.
- _________
'm Todd Smith. It's nice to meet you.'m Todd Smith. How old are youyou., hereis my card. You can have a look.
31、- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive
- _________
half an hour.hour before.the next one.another one.答案:A
32、- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday
- _________
'm very busy., I don't., I do., I will.
33、- Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.
- _________
, Peter., I don't know him.me introduce Peter, too.are you答案:A34、- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend
- _________
, I would., pleasure., thank you., please.
1、- Thank you for giving me so much help.
-- _________
well.do you do'm a doctor.
28、Is that seat taken
-- _________
don't worry.don't think so.
29、Thank you for calling.
-- _________'s March.'s Monday.
37、- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith
- _________ Here he comes.
, speaking.'t go away.are youon.
38、- Let me give you a lift(搭便车).
25、Good-bye for now.
-- _________
same to you.'s OK.you.
26、What day is today
-- _________
's March 6.'s a fine day today.
27、How are you getting on today
'm sorry, but I have other plans., no. That'll be too much trouble.答案:C43、- I'm sorry I'm late.
- _________ Come earlier next time.
.are welcome.doesn't matter.don't know.
40、- Do you have any oranges and apples
- _________
, madam, on the second shelf over there.oranges are very cheap.like apples,don't youcourse, we have some fruits.
交际英语试题及答案(1)1、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!- _______ This is not the end of the world.
2、Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.
17、What's the matter, John
-- _________
failedmyFrenchtest.doesn'tmatter.'swrongwithhim.don'tthinkI can.答案:A
18、Let's go to the library this afternoon.