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T he criminal speed cutting process is a new move in the field of criminal litigation in our country.It complies with the trend of the mitigation of punishment in the world and meet the requirements of China's criminal policy lenient and strict agent.Since the pilot since today, the implementation of the criminal rate of cutting process has been more than two years.The author who has doubts about the pilot effect of the fast cutting procedure in judicial practice access to various information and research part of the pilot cities, and collate, analyze the information obtained.And the author found that there are still problems such as narrow scope of application, imperfect protection of rights and interests of defendants and victims, absence of court proceedings, lack of supervision and imperfect remedy in criminal speed cutting applications.This paper This paper is trying to through my own thinking and investigation research and learn from some foreign countries criminal summary system for putting forward some suggestions and comments to build scientific and reasonable system of criminal speed cutting program and to optimize and improve the procedures of criminal rate cut.

Key word:criminal rate cut program;value;practice research;suggestions for improvement


摘要 ................................................................................................................................................... I Abstract............................................................................................................................................ II 目录 ................................................................................................................................................. III 引言 .. (1)

第一章刑事速裁程序概述 (2)

第一节试点简要回顾 (2)

第二节刑事速裁程序与刑事简易程序的关系 (2)

一、案件适用的范围不同 (3)

二、程序启动主体不同 (3)

三、不公开审理有所不同 (3)

四、审判流程不同 (3)

第三节刑事速裁程序的价值 (5)

一、优化资源配置,促进公平正义 (5)

二、及时保障当事人的权益 (5)

三、是构建我国刑事诉讼体系科学化、层次化的重要举措 (5)

第二章我国刑事速裁程序的实践考察和问题 (7)

第一节刑事速裁程序的实践考察 (7)

一、刑事速裁程序进展状况 (7)

二、广州市的实践调研情况 (9)

三、武汉市的实践调研情况 (12)

四、北京市的实践调研状况 (13)

第二节我国刑事速裁程序存在的问题 (15)

一、刑事速裁程序适用的范围较窄 (15)

二、启动方式较单一 (16)

三、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的权益保障不充分 (16)

四、刑事速裁程序公开透明度较弱 (17)

第三章刑事速裁程序的完善 (18)

第一节完善刑事速裁程序的制度建设 (18)

一、明确刑事速裁程的适用范围 (18)

二、加强对被害人权益的保障 (19)

三、完善程序的启动与转化机制 (19)

四、加强对被告人上诉权研究 (20)

五、借鉴域外国家或地区的制度 (21)

第二节加强刑事速裁程序执行力 (22)

一、提高对刑事速裁程序的思想认识 (22)

二、加大对违犯刑事速裁程序规定的惩处力度 (23)

结语 (25)

参考文献 (26)

后记 (28)
